  • 8/11/2019 14231o_38_safety_harness_inspections_74608.doc


    Inspections of Safety Harnesses/LanyardsInspections of Safety Harnesses/Lanyards

    Pre-Use Checks

    These checks are essential and shall be carried out by the wearer before each use.

    Pre-use checks are tactile and visual covering the webbing, stitching and hardware.The whole harness and lanyard must be checked, by passing it slowly through thehands (eg to detect small cuts of 1 mm in the edges, softening or hardening of bres,ingress of contaminants. ! visual check must be undertaken in good light and willnormally only take a few minutes.

    !ny defects to be reported to the designated person and the e"uipment withdrawnfrom use.

    Detailed Inspections (Every 6 onths!

    These formal, in-depth inspections shall be carried out by a designated person every #months and recorded on the attached sheet.

    $n addition to the pre-use checks above the following defects must be looked for%

    cuts of 1 mm or more at the edges of webbing lanyards (eg where the lanyardmay have been choke-hitched around steelwork&

    surface abrasion across the face of the webbing and at the webbing loops,

    particularly if localised& abrasion at the edges, particularly if localised&

    damage to stitching (eg cuts or abrasion&

    a knot in the lanyard, other than those intended by the manufacturer&

    chemical attack which can result in local weakening and softening - often

    indicated by 'aking of the surface. There may also be a change to the colour ofthe bres&

    heat or friction damage indicated by bres with a glaed appearance which mayfeel harder than surrounding bres&

    )*-degradation which is di+cult to identify, particularly visually, but there may

    be some loss of colour (if dyed and a powdery surface&

    partially deployed energy absorber (eg short pull-out of tear webbing&

    contamination (eg with dirt, grit, sand etc which may result in internal or

    eternal abrasion&

    damaged or deformed ttings (eg karabiners, screwlink connectors, scaoldhooks&

    damage to the sheath and core of a kernmantel rope (eg rucking of the core

    detected during tactile inspection&

    internal damage to a cable-laid rope.

    "uipment with defects must be withdrawn from use and replaced.

    (/or further details see 0 lea'et $nspecting /all !rrest "uipment made /rom2ebbing or 3ope $456 7#8, available on the 0

    $/: 0 ; 7< 3eviewed =1-=>-?=1= !PP3@*5 :95

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  • 8/11/2019 14231o_38_safety_harness_inspections_74608.doc


    "ecord of Safety Harnesses/Lanyards Detailed Inspections"ecord of Safety Harnesses/Lanyards Detailed Inspections

    Site ########################Site ########################

    List of Safety Harnesses/Lanyards on the site



    "ecord of 6 %onthly Detailed Inspections

    Date Coents Carried o&t 'y

    $/: 0 ; 7< 3eviewed =1-=>-?=1= !PP3@*5 :95

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