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Higginsville, Missouri

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We are a gathering church sent out

by God to bring the good news of

God’s grace, justice, peace, and

love to the world

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December 27, 2020 10:00 a.m. FIRST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS



WELCOME: No matter who you are or where you are in your life’s journey, you are welcome here. Today we continue to celebrate Christmas – and God’s lavish gift of love, Jesus. Welcome!




Piano Prelude “Joy to the World” Handel/ arr. Lindberg CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise the Lord in the heights! People: Praise God, all you angels; praise God, all God’s host! Leader: Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars! Praise: Praise God, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Leader: Young men and women alike, old and young together! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for God’s name alone is exalted; God’s glory is above earth and heaven. People: God has raised up a horn for God’s people, praise for all the faithful, for the people of God who are close to

God. Praise the Lord!

HYMN “O Come, All Ye Faithful” No. 145 (Please refrain from singing aloud. You may hum along and read the lyrics.)


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INVOCATION (Unison) Reigning God, whose rule extends to the farthest stars, come to rule within us on this glorious day when the Word becomes flesh once more to dwell among us. We open ourselves to the light and long to offer our lives as a dwelling place for your truth. Speak to us again through the Child of Bethlehem. Reach out to the child in each of us, and hold us in the warmth of love’s embrace. For we pray in his name. Amen.


MESSAGE FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES June (Children will please remain in the seats with their families.)

JOYS AND CONCERNS Preparation for prayer

PASTORAL PRAYER, THE LORD’S PRAYER (“debts” and “debtors” words in hymn No. 426)


SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 148 (O.T. p. 550)

SERMON “Praise from the Heavens and the Earth” Tommy


HYMN “Angels We Have Heard on High” No. 132 (Please refrain from singing aloud. You may hum along and read the lyrics.)


POSTLUDE “Go Tell It On the Mountain” African-American Spiritual/ arr. Lindberg

(The ushers will dismiss you by rows. Please follow their directions.)

Offering plates are at the exits from the sanctuary. 2

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The Worship Service is over and our Service begins. *Indicates please stand if you are able to do so


Leading Worship Today: Rev. Dr. Tommy L. Faris – Pastor

June Howell – Christian Education Coordinator/Liturgist Jamie Smith – Music Director

IN OUR PRAYERS: Juanita Homfeld, is hospitalized at Western Missouri Medical Center with Covid-19 and pneumonia. She is in ICU and on oxygen, she will be hospitalized for at least another week. Clayton Lettau, is receiving cancer treatment. Brenda Homfeld, please keep her in prayer as she will need a complete liver transplant. Prayers, for anyone with a health issue, anyone grieving, and anyone that has a heavy burden on their heart, mind, and soul. Prayers, for our world and nation.

WE EXTEND OUR SYMPATHY TO: The family of Roberta Summers. Roberta passed away Friday, December 18, 2020. A memorial service will be held at Salem tomorrow, Monday, December 28, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. with a visitation prior at 10:30 a.m. Inurnment will follow the memorial service at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery.

Best Wishes for December Birthdays this week... Mike Siegfried, December 27 Maria LaRue, December 27 Bryce Pessetto, December 28 Dennis Knipmeyer, December 28 Paul Heimsoth, December 28 Andrew Nevels, December 28 Denise Schowengerdt, December 29 Kenzie Rinne, December 29 Hugo Soendker, December 30 Jennifer Cole, December 31 Chance Alberswerth, December 31


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POINSETTIAS: The Flower Committee would like to thank everyone who placed a poinsettia this Christmas Season. Please feel free to pick up your poinsettia after the service. CHURCH OFFICE will be closed Friday, January 1, in observance of New Year’s Day. YEAR END CHURCH BUSINESS: Please have all church financial contributions and business transactions to the church office by 10:00 a.m., Thursday, December 31, 2020. Thank you for your consideration. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT: In-Person Sunday School Pre-K through- 12th grade will be starting January 10th at 9:00a.m. Please register if you plan to have your child attend in January. This is to ensure there are enough teachers and helpers for Sunday School. The Guidelines for Sunday School are posted on the Church Website under “Christian Education” Contact June at 660-441-8568 via text or phone call. Or you can contact the Church office to register for Sunday School. Virtual “Zoom Sunday School” will still continue every Sunday at 11a.m. In-Person Sunday School will depend on the opening and closing of Lafayette Co. C-1 School district due to COVID-19. INCLEMENT WEATHER CANCELLATIONS: If the church council makes the decision to close church because of inclement weather, these are the stations that will have the cancelation notices: KMBC 9, KCWE 29, Fox 4, KCTV 5, 41 Action News, KMMO, KMZU, KOKO. To be added to the church closing text list, send a text message to 81010 with the message @h8k8f7, when you do this you will get a text message telling you the church will be closed if there is inclement weather. Thank you to June Howell for coordinating this! 2021 ENVELOPES are available in the Fellowship Hall.


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ZOOM SUNDAY SCHOOL: June is having children's Sunday School by Zoom on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. For more information on how to join Sunday School on Zoom contact June 660-441-8568 or call the church office 660-584-3603.

OPTIONS FOR THE CHURCH BULLETIN: You have a couple options for the church bulletin. Paper copies of the bulletin are available or you can view the church bulletin on the church website. Please feel free to use your phone or tablet during worship to view the bulletin. Salem website:

MASKS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: The Church Council and Board of Elders strongly encourage wearing masks during worship at church. Please consider making a reusable mask or purchasing a mask for everyone in your family. A limited number of disposable masks are available at church, but providing your own would be appreciated.

GROWING HOPE GLOBALLY This year also marks the 21st anniversary of Growing Hope Globally (formerly Foods Resource Bank). This will be Salem’s 20th year of involvement with this organization. There is a video of the harvest of our first crop on You Tube at I would encourage everyone to view it. Growing Hope Globally programs address food shortages, poverty, and health challenges that lead to hunger. The goal of each program is to help families have enough to eat throughout the entire year and to produce a surplus they can sell to pay for school supplies, medical care, and modest home improvements. In the past, our donations have gone to projects in Uganda, Nicaragua, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you care to join the Men’s Fellowship in this mission, please drop your donation by the church office no later than December 31st. Thank you, Dennis Knipmeyer


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COMMUNITY NEWS: JOHN KNOX VILLAGE AND MEYER CARE CENTER BIBLE STUDY: Bible Study has been cancelled until further notice.

UP COMING DATES: January 1 – New Year’s Day (Church Office Closed) January 6 – Annual Reports due in the church office January 18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Church Office Closed) January 25 – Souper Supper at Salem

PRAYERS AND CONCERNS: Anyone who is in need of prayers, please call the church office, (660) 584-3603.

CHURCH INFORMATION: Tommy’s email: [email protected] Tommy’s cell phone: 816-352-2052 Church Telephone: 660-584-3603 Church Email: [email protected] Church Website: Fax number: 660-584-5666 Wi-Fi Network Name: Salem UCC Wi-Fi Password: Resurrection!1870


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THIS WEEK’S EVENTS AT SALEM December 27, 2020 thru January 3, 2021

Sunday - First Sunday after Christmas 10:00 a.m. Worship with Live-Stream Worship on Facebook 11:00 a.m. Zoom Sunday School

Monday - January Lamplighter Articles Due 10:30 a.m. Visitation for Roberta Summers 11:00 a.m. Memorial Service for Roberta Summers Tuesday - Food Pantry 7:00 p.m. Nominating Committee Meeting

Wednesday – 10:30 a.m. Lafayette Area Pastors Meeting 7:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous

7:00 p.m. Al-Anon Thursday - New Year’s Eve Friday - New Year’s Day! Church Office Closed 7:00 p.m. A. A.

Saturday - 9:30 a.m. A. A. Sunday- 10:00 a.m. Worship with Live-Stream Worship

on Facebook 11:00 a.m. Zoom Sunday School 11:30 a.m. Confirmation


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POINSETTIAS placed this Christmas Season are in loving memory of:

In memory of our loved ones; Dalton Wilkinson and Don Schuette. Shawn, Julie, Wyatt and Bailey.

In loving memory of Herb Fleischmann, Wesley & Ruby

Fleischmann, and Marvin and Verna Aversman by Jeanne Fleischmann, Delbert & Amy Goetz and family, and Aron & Shelly Fleischmann and family.

In loving memory of Doris Jane and James H. Stoner, Albert N. Smith, and other loved ones by the Smith, Stoner, Button, and Robinson families In honor of Dalton Wilkinson, my lung donor, who gave the gift of life restored by Kirk, Jamie, Kristen, and Jordan Smith

In memory of Grace Schemmer and other loves ones by the Kenneth Schemmer family.

In memory of Glenn and Shirley Nowack and Julie Heimsoth by their family. In loving memory of Palmer, Elizabeth, Max, and Alan

Schloman and other loved ones by Maxine Schloman and family. Ervin and Lillian Telgemeier, Harold and Wilma Heil by Ken and Sharon Telgemeier.

Loved ones by Ed and Alice Davis, Greg Berry, Kevin, Angie, Chase and Clayton Berry, Mark and Sarah Berry, Scott and Cindy Sommerville and family.

Deloras Hook, family members, and other loved ones by C.W. Hook and family.


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In loving memory of Jerry Niemeier and other loved ones by Wanda Niemeier and family. In loving memory of loved ones by Vida Mehrhoff.

Robert Sander and other loved ones by Evelyn, Paula, Bill, Abby, Cole, and Scott.

In loving memory of Ann Nuelle, Mary Morgan, Bret and Carol Tankesley, by Cindy, Blake, Camille, and Austin. Paul, Ginny, and Mark Arndt, Grandpa Jay, Leanna Berry, and other loved ones by the Green, Berry, and Catts families.

Bob Pragman and other family members by Peggy Pragman and Jerry and Sue Garrett and Family. A. W. “Bud” Green and other loved ones by Ken and Angie Green.

In loving memory of Arvil and Alice June Homfeld, Bill and Muriel McMartin, Jill Jirak and Kane, Cory Achenbaugh, and other loved ones by Lester and Mary Homfeld. In memory of Kenneth and Helen Diestelkamp, Kenneth White, W. W. Kirchhoff and other loved ones, by Eric and Gail, Jeremy, Heather, Jocelyn and Brynlee, Caleb, Dani, Laith, Layden, and Lawson. For loved ones by Tommy and Crystal Faris. Sadly missed along life's way, quietly remembered every day... No longer in our life to share, but in our hearts, you're always there by Paul & Barb Nolte.


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For the new year H old fast to your faith (Hebrews 4:14) A ssemble with the saints (Hebrews 10:25) P ray earnestly every day (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18) P ray for great blessings (Malachi 3:10) Y ield not to temptation (1 Thessalonians 5:22) N eglect not your talents and opportunities (Galatians 6:10) E xamine yourself daily (2 Corinthians 13:5) Work diligently for the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58) Y ield your members to righteousness (Romans 6:11, 16) E xercise yourself in godliness (1 Timothy 4:7) A im for a perfect, mature faith (Hebrews 6:1) R edeem the time (Ephesians 5:15-16) —Gus Nichols


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The ultimate resolution Resolutions are easy to make but oh so hard to keep. In fact, many people refuse to make them for that very reason. After all, by February, most people have broken them, and by March they don’t even remember what they were. It’s just too hard to change, so why try? Yet Scripture exhorts us to be more like Christ, to forgive our enemies, to tithe and to be thankful in all situations. Shouldn’t we resolve to put some of these into practice, even if ever so imperfectly? Peter admonishes us to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). That’s the ultimate New Year’s resolution — all but certain to be broken repeatedly before the sun sets on the first day. Yet though we fail, are we not better for trying?

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