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... through Bertha Dudde


Spiritual marriage to God....

The spirit's union with the FatherSpirit is the most sa!red a!t aperson's li"e on earth !an result in# "or nothing more $eauti"ul !anhappen to him. %owe&er# onl a "ew people will attain per"e!tion onearth# whi!h is the prere(uisite "or marriage to the )ord.

%en!e a person must ha&e $e!ome pure lo&e and denoun!e allearthl pleasures# then di&ine )o&e *tsel" will "ul"il his earning#whi!h !annot $e !ompared to earthl happiness nor !an it $e

phsi!all "elt to the same e+tent as spirituall.

,n earthl en&ironment also re(uires earthl "eelings.... -arriage toGod# howe&er# is a spiritual pro!ess whi!h !an onl $e "elt

spirituall# it onl mani"ests itsel" in an earthl wa su!h that thehuman $eing is no longer (uite as suita$le "or earthl li"e and!onstantl dwells in higher spheres.

onse(uentl# this spiritual marriage will rarel ta/e pla!e as longas the human $eing still has to "ul"il his earthl tas/# $e!ause thispre&ents the merger "or o$&ious reasons. *t /eeps the person onearth and !onstantl draws the spirit $a!/ to earth and its duties.

On the other hand# howe&er# the person's will is the de!isi&e "a!tor#and thus someone "irml determined to attain God !an rea!h hisgoal as well and still do usti!e to his earthl tas/# pro&iding he

re(uests the spiritual strength he is entitled to and uses it to dealwith the earthl wor/#

thus pro&iding the earthl !hild with time and pea!e to send the

spirit entirel unimpeded into higher spheres where it !an unitewith the di&ine FatherSpirit.

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The pro!ess o" uni"i!ation ma demonstrate itsel" in &arious was#$e!ause e&er person "eels di""erentl# there"ore that whi!h is gi&en

to a human $eing as supreme happiness must also $e per!epti$le indi""erent was.

Spiritual marriage !an gain the person the audi$le Word# that is#

the moment when the &oi!e within the heart sounds as !learl andas audi$l as a small $ell is the moment o" spiritual union with God.

,nd this &oi!e triggers an ine+pressi$l $liss"ul sensation# "or God'slo&e will ha&e ta/en !omplete hold o" the earthl !hild and will draw

it to %imsel".

But the union ma also ta/e pla!e without an &isi$le e&iden! that the li&ing !reation# $eing aglow with lo&e "or the )ord# will

"eel seied $ di&ine Fatherl lo&e and $e $liss"ull happ# et this isphsi!all not per!epti$le# instead# it merel e+presses itsel" in thea$ilit o" spiritual &ision.

This is a &er happ state "or the earthl !hild $ut o"ten ma/es itin!apa$le o" !ompling with earthl re(uirements whi!h# howe&er#lea&es it una""e!ted# sin!e it "eels that its phsi!al end is !lose.

Spiritual marriage to God is almost alwas the sign o" an imminentpassing awa "rom the world# $ut it will onl $e understanda$le tothose who are also spirituall stri&ing# whereas a purel earthlin!lined person will merel pass an in!redulous and un"riendl

 udgment# $e!ause his intelle!t is in!apa$le o" grasping a purelspiritual pro!ess....


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