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AULA 15 Text 1: A Tour of Rio de Janeiro

Well, you have made up your mind to put Brazil on your visiting list. Like thousands of other tourists you will make a beeline for Rio de Janeiro – the country’s gateway for the world’s travelers. Rio de Janeiro’s breathtaking natural beauty, its sun–drenched beaches teeming with charming women, the intoxicating rhythm of the samba, the beat of the 5 drums during the Carnival will all make an ever-lasting impression on you. Over 7 million ‘cariocas’, native or adopted inhabitants of The Marvelous City – as Rio is known – will do their best to prove that it merits this title more than any other metropolis. I know no better words to describe Rio de Janeiro than those of 10 Lawrence Durrel, the English writer: “ dear Anne, I have seen nothing like Rio since I was 12. For miles you follow a rugged coast. Then you turn and enter a bay full of coral islands with thick tropical vegetation coming down to the water ...Rising like a dream, a mass of aerial skyscrapers against a chain of stupendous mountains on whose very top 15 stands a great barbaric stone cross with a stone Christ on it, half-hidden in cloud. The whole picture is as of a gigantic organ, the hills the fluted pipes, the town the white keyboard. Laid in a glittering crescent round a marvelous bay, the skyscrapers are punctuated by cones of granite which rise clear out of the ground beside the buildings. A spider web of railway 20 takes you up to a most majestic mountain. But the streets are connected by huge tunnels lit by arc lamps and lined with marble, so that to go from one end of the town to the other is like going through a series of mad-looking glasses and finding more skyscrapers built round more and more dazzling bays. For sheer magnitude and overpowering frenzied weight of 25 scenery there is nothing like it ... The mountains keep appearing and disappearing in clouds so you can never count them ... The journey was worth it if only to see this hallucinating spectacle: Rio de Janeiro!” The statue of Christ the Redeemer on top of Corcovado will remain Rio’s perennial landmark, the Samba Schools on parade during the Carnival 30 offer a unique spectacle, sun-tanned women basking in the sun are a sight for sore eyes. Yet, there is much more to this former capital of Brazil than sandy beaches, pretty girls and the samba. Settled under the benediction of Christ lies a huge metropolis immensely proud of its past, where aspects of the blending of Indian, European and African cultures 35 are vividly present in century-old palaces, churches, museums, monuments and other relics zealously kept. The food, the beverages and the customs all reveal traces of this multi-cultural heritage. No visitor should ever leave Rio without tasting our feijoada, our caipirinha...


Whether you’re coming to spend a vacation or just traveling on business, whether you’re coming to study or to take part in any sports event - beach soccer, volley-ball, tennis, hang gliding, surfing ... , you name it; whatever your cultural preferences, cariocas will say: be welcome to Rio! And those words will be coming from the bottom of their hearts, you can bet on it! Vocabulary Pre-Test: Choose the best completion or substitution: 1. Our boat went along a rugged coast. a) rough b) flat c) hilly d) solid 2. “Skyscrapers lay in a glittering crescent round the bay.” a) luxurious b) half-hidden c) clear d) shining 3. “For sheer magnitude and weight of scenery there is nothing like it.” a) hallucinating b) absolute c) mere d) huge 4. The Corcovado Mountain has long been considered Rio de Janeiro’s best known ........................... . a) label b) laurel c) landslide d) landmark 5. Beautiful, sun-tanned women lying in the sun, what a sight for sore eyes! a) blowing b) basking c) baking d) steaming 6. Don’t you know that you can’t .................... oil and water? a) blend b) fuse c) turn d) match 7. The Samba Schools on parade offer a unique spectacle during the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. a) a weird b) a booming c) an incomparable d) an aristocratic 8. Churches, monuments and other .................... are zealously kept. a) dwellings b) relics c) royalties d) crowns 9. “Then you enter a bay full of coral islands with dense tropical vegetation.” a) sparse b) hanging c) thick d) varied 10. In ...................... excitement the Rock Star fans welcomed him. a) frenzied b) drunk c) scattered d) stilted


Reading Comprehension Questions Choose the correct option: 1. One can affirm that Lawrence Durrel ... a) saw no city more beautiful than Rio during his journey. b) went to the Sugar Loaf Mountain by taking a street-car. c) was mainly impressed by the mass of aerial skyscrapers he saw. d) gave up counting the mountains that appeared and disappeared. 2. After reading the text you would risk saying that ... a) were it not for its violence, Rio would be an ideal place to live in. b) Rio’s overpopulated areas make life hazardous and unpleasant. c) housing and traffic jams will torment cariocas even more in the future. d) Rio’s diversity and beauty tend to attract growing numbers of tourists. from all over the world. 3. To be known all over the world as The Marvelous City, Rio relies on all of the following, except: a) sunny beaches. b) hospitable cariocas. c) natural beauty. d) towering skyscrapers. 4. It can be inferred that .... a) Rio de Janeiro’s economy relies heavily on international tourism. b) a number of tourists visit Rio de Janeiro attracted mainly by its cultural richness. c) Lawrence Durrel must have returned to Rio with Anne. d) Hotels in Rio will have to improve the standard of their services. 5. It is clearly stated in the passage that ... a) Rio de Janeiro has been the formal capital of Brazil. b) All Brazilians dance the samba enthusiastically. c) The Corcovado mountain, with the statue of Christ on it, will be Rio’s eternal landmark. d) Tourists arrive at Rio de Janeiro’s International airport like bees looking for honey.


WORD FORMS A. Choose the better alternative in parentheses. Follow the model: Rio’s (sandy / sands) beaches attract tourists. Answer: sandy 1. Romantic girls wait for their prince (charming / charmant) all their lives. 2. Prof. Winkler’s performance as head of the research department earned him a (meriting / meritorious) promotion. 3. Cecilia wanted to know what my (rose / rising) sign was. You know how keen on astrology she is. 4. A (dreamy / dreamed) mass of aerial skyscrapers suddenly appears. 5. We were attracted by the (rhythmic / rhythm) beat of the drums. 6. Pop stars should get accustomed to being received (frenzied / frenziedly) wherever they go. 7. Vanessa has been putting a lot of (weight / weigh) lately. She should go on a diet. 8. In Lawrence Durrel’s opinion the visit to Rio de Janeiro was (worth / worthy) of praise. 9. Being a renowned collector himself, Raymond tried to point out the (uniqueness / unique) of that specific stamp. 10. We were shocked by the scene in which a pretty blond girl served as the (offering / offered) to the natives’ god. 11. Mom says she needs a new (blending / blender) in the kitchen. 12. A few (uncultured / sub culture) tribes can still be found in the Amazon region. 13. In Rio de Janeiro it is (custom / customary) to eat a ‘feijoada’ - a stew made with pork and black beans - on Saturdays. 14. Some cariocas are always on the go. They seem so (energy / energetic). 15. One photograph tourists will never take in Rio de Janeiro is that of a snow- (topping / topped) Corcovado Mountain. 16. I’m keeping only these crayons, you can keep all the (remainder / remaining) ones. 17. No one could account for the (disappearance / disappearing) of the necklace . 18. Do you agree with Durrel’s (describing / description) of Rio? 19. On the beach I had to wear sun glasses because my eyes were (dazzling / dazzled) by the bright sun. 20. I regret to say you are not (titled / entitled) to sit for this exam.


KEY WORD: HEART (S) From text 1: And those words will be coming from the bottom of their hearts, you can bet on it! (L-44/45) E essas palavras estarão vindo do fundo de seus corações. Você pode apostar nisso. Há um sem número de expressões e collocations com a palavra heart. A forma ‘hearts’ por exemplo, pode ser tanto o plural de coração quanto o naipe copas em card games. O que você notará é que há diversas expressões com heart que tem um correspondente perfeito ou quase perfeito em português. Estude as seguintes. a) Heart as a noun My granddaughter gave me a smile that warmed my heart. Minha neta deu um sorriso para mim que aqueceu meu coração. Now we’ve come to the heart of the problem. Agora chegamos ao cerne do problema. b) in compounds People who’ve had heart attacks should take additional precautions. As pessoas que tiveram ataque cardíaco devem tomar precauções adicionais. c) hearty (adj) a hearty meal (= uma refeição completa) my heartiest congratulations (= meus sinceros parabéns) Study these expressions: Mrs. Elkins, who is 85 years old, still goes to dances with her friends. She is young at heart. A Sra. Elkins, que tem 85 anos, ainda vai a bailes com as amigas. Ela é jovem de coração. It breaks my heart (or It’s heart-breaking) to see poor beggars on the streets trying to find something to eat in garbage cans. É de partir o coração ver pobres mendigos na rua procurando alguma coisa para comer em latões de lixo.


I always tell my students to keep studying vocabulary no matter how hard it may be. I tell them never to lose heart! Sempre digo a meus alunos para continuarem a estudar vocabulário não importa quão difícil seja. Digo para eles nunca desanimarem. Louise is determined to pass her exam. She has set her heart on that. Luisa esta decidida a passar na prova. Ela está determinada a fazê-lo. I was afraid too. My heart was in my mouth when I got to the place. Eu também estava com medo. Meu coração veio na boca quando cheguei ao local. There will always be hard-hearted and soft-hearted teachers. Haverá sempre professores severos e outros mais indulgentes. Sid’s father said he wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. O pai do Sid disse que queria ter uma conversa franca com ele. I do not trust her. I know she’s capable of the most heartless tricks. Não confio nela. Sei que ela capaz dos atos mais cruéis. I feel deep in my heart that Aline loves me. Sinto no fundo do meu coração que a Aline me ama. You should learn the irregular verb forms by heart. Você devia saber as formas dos verbos irregulares de cor. Laura is playing with Tom’s heart and he just does not notice it. Laura está brincando com os sentimentos do Tome e ele não vê isso. People say Julian is mean but I know he has a heart of gold. As pessoas dizem que o Julian é mesquinho mas eu sei que ele tem um coração de ouro. Larry gave her his heart and she cheated on me. Larry entregou-lhe seu coração e ela simplesmente o traiu. Watching the rock group perform live made Ben have a change of heart. Assistir à banda de rock tocar ao vivo fez com que Bem mudasse sua opinião.


GRAMMAR TIPS: VERBALS From the Unit Text: Charming women will make an ever-lasting impression on you. (L -4) Mulheres charmosas deixarão uma impressão marcante em você. Adopted inhabitants of The Marvelous City will do their best to prove (L-6/7) Cidadãos adotivos da Cidade Maravilhosa farão o melhor que puderem para provar... Charming and adopted, although they end in ...-ing and ...ed, are not verbs but verbals. As palavras charming & adopted embora terminem em …ing & –ed não são verbos mas sim ‘verbals’. Try to answer this error recognition problem: Admiring throughout the world, Pelé - the best soccer player ever - still A B C takes part in demonstration matches. D (A) is incorrect: It should be Admired. Surfing is highly popular in Rio’s beaches. O surfe é muito popular nas praias do Rio. Here, ‘surfing’ functions as a verbal noun. Glenda is surfing right now. A Glenda está surfando agora. Here, ‘surfing’ functions as a present participle. Charming women were basking in the sun. Mulheres charmosas estavam se bronzeando ao sol. Here, ‘charming’ functions as a verbal adjective. Faça o exercício sobre ‘verbals’ no final desta aula.


CONFUSABLE WORDS I. Travel / Travels From the Unit Text: Rio de Janeiro, the country’s gateway for the world’s travelers. (L-2/3) O Rio de Janeiro é o portão de entrada dos viajantes internacionais. Watch out for the word ‘travel’ in the plural: Incorrect: During my travels to the south of Brazil last summer ... ” Correct : During my trip to the south of Brazil last summer ... ” Although the noun travel may be used in the plural as in Jonathan Swift’s book “Gulliver’s Travels”, special attention must be paid to its usage. The Brazilian President’s two-week travel to China proved successful. (in this case a long-lasting travel to a distant land ) A visita de duas semanas do presidente à China provou ser bem sucedida. For traveling by bus, by car or by train you should use trip or journey. Voyage and cruise are the common words when referring to traveling by ship and flight, naturally, when traveling by plane. My wife and I took turns driving our station wagon on our trip to Brasilia Minha mulher e eu nos revezamos na direção da caminhonete durante nossa viagem para Brasília. I used to watch Voyage to the Bottom of The Sea every week. Costuma assistir ao seriado Viagem ao Fundo do Mar toda semana. Something was wrong on flight 309. The flight attendant told the passengers to buckle up their seat belts. Algo estava errado no vôo 309. A aeromoça mandou os passageiros afivelarem seus cintos. When I set out on my journey to explore the cave I remembered I had run out of drinking water. Quando iniciei minha jornada para explorar a caverna a água potável tinha acabado.


II. The Former / The Latter From text 1: “Yet, there is much more to this former capital of Brazil...”(L-30 ) Contudo há muito mais sobre esta antiga capital do Brasil … Former means at an earlier time. It is a formal word commonly used in Standard English. Former significa num período anterior. É uma palavra formal comumente usada no inglês padrão. Jimmy Carter, the former U.S President, has been acting as a diplomatic mediator in conflict areas. (that is, Jimmy Carter, who was President of the U.S. at an earlier time, ... ) Remember: The former (= the first of two) The latter (= the second of two) John Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, were both politicians. The former (that is, John Kennedy) reached the presidency, while the latter (Bob Kennedy) was assassinated before he could run for the Presidential office. Note this: Pelé scored thousands of goals all along his successful career. The first, he declared he will never forget. Pelé marcou milhares de gols ao longo de sua carreira vitoriosa. O primeiro, ele declarou que jamais esquecerá. When three or more people or things are mentioned ‘The first’ and ‘The last’ are used. I have been to Rome a few times. The last time I was there I ran into an old friend of mine. Já estive em Roma algumas vezes. A última vez em que estive lá encontrei um velho amigo meu.


III. Rise / Raise From the Unit Texts: “Rising like a dream, a mass of aerial skyscrapers ...” ( L - 12) Surgindo feito um sonho, uma porção de arranha-céus III. a) Rise (rose, risen) - intransitive No object follows and it can’t be used in the passive voice. Não é seguido de objeto e não pode ser usado na voz passiva. With the cost of living rising at such a rate, it is hard to make ends meet nowadays. Com o custo de vida subindo em tal índice fica difícil pagar as contas hoje em dia. All rise, the court is now in session. Todos de pé. A corte está em sessão. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise!”, that’s what grandma used to say. Cedo pra cama, cedo para levantar faz um homem saudável e sábio, é o que minha avó costumava dizer. III. b) Raise (r. v. ) – transitive It may be followed by an object and may be used in the passive voice Pode vir seguido de complemento verbal e ser usado na passive. Jennifer has raised five kids all by herself. A Jennifer criou cinco filhos sozinha. “Raise their salaries? Never!” yelled the boss. - Aumentar os salários deles? Nunca! – bradou o chefe. It was Senator Humphrey who raised the motion. Foi o Senador Humphrey que propôs a moção.


IV. Lay / Lie From text 1: “Laid in a glittering crescent round a marvelous bay...” (L-16) Situada num crescente brilhante em tono de uma maravilhosa baía. “Settled under the benediction of Christ, lies a huge metropolis. (L-31) Assentada sob a benção do Cristo encontra-se uma enorme metrópole. Você já viu estes verbos antes, mas como são easily confusable, let’s study them in detail: IV. 1) Lay (laid, laid) - transitive It may be followed by an object and may be used in the passive voice. Pode vir seguido de complemento verbal e ser usado na passive. Don’t you lay your hands on the child! Não se atreva a pôr as mãos na criança! The flowers were laid on the soldier’s grave. As flores foram colocadas no túmulo do soldado. IV. 2) Lie (lay, lain) - intransitive verb No object follows and it can’t be used in the passive voice. Não é seguido de objeto e não pode ser usado na voz passiva. Rose did not feel well so she lay in bed all day. Rosa não se sentia bem; assim ficou na cama o dia todo. A few notes were lying under the chest of drawers. Algumas anotações se encontravam debaixo da cômoda. The vase broke off to pieces. No one swept them away, so they lay there in the corner of the living room. O vaso quebrou em pedacinhos. Ninguém os varreu dali, portanto ali ficaram num canto da sala de estar. NB: Remember that you also have the verb to lie (r. v.) [= not to tell the truth] Did you go or did you not go to school this morning? Come on. Don’t lie to me. I’m your father! Você foi ou não foi à escola esta manhã? Vamos lá, não minta para mim. Sou seu pai.


Text 2: Mending the city of dreams In May, 2005 the magazine Brazzil reported that the violence in Rio de Janeiro was the worst it had been since pirates invade in the 18th century, as murder rates were reaching new highs and drug gangs 5 effectively controlled the city. Residents were imposing a curfew on themselves, afraid to walk the streets of one of the world's most beautiful cities. "I think murder rates have never been higher in Rio 10 and it seems the numbers are only growing," said Professor Ignacio Cano, a crime expert at Rio de Janeiro State University at the time. Since then things have been improving. The city has not become the safest place on the planet by far and this should be seen within the 15 context of Brazil's violent history and reality. Recent statistics prepared by the Merlin Risk Consultancy company show that there are an average of 33,000 homicides involving firearms each year in Brazil compared to 156 in the whole of the UK. However, certain moves by the security authorities have started to set tourists' minds at ease and start the long 20 road towards the regeneration of the city's image and principal livelihood. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.8, 4th quarter 2005)

VOCABULARY PRE-TEST Sem consultar nenhum dicionário procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

A B 1. imposing a curfew on a. ( ) índices de homicídios mais altos 2.higher murder rates b. ( ) impondo um toque de retirada a 3. things have been improving c. ( ) lugar mais seguro do planeta 4. safest place on the planet d. ( ) as coisa estão melhorando 5. homicides involving firearms e. ( ) acalmar as mentes dos turistas 6. set tourists' minds at ease f. ( ) homicídios com armas de fogo


DISCOURSE MARKERS (IV) From text 2: Since then things have been improving…” (L-14) Desde então as coisas vem melhorando ... In May, 2005 the magazine Brazzil reported that the violence in Rio de Janeiro Em maio de 2005 a revista Brazzil relatou que a violência no Rio No caso do segundo exemplo temos uma resposta à pergunta com ‘when’ em inglês. Porém o escritor para levar suas idéias de uma frase para outra ou de um parágrafo para outro, ou seja, para fazer a transição, pode se valer de outras conjunções e discourse markers indicativos do decorrer do tempo. Since then (= Desde então) no primeiro exemplo acima é um exemplo. Vamos estudar mais alguns: Indicando passagem do tempo

SINCE THEN, after a short (long) time, lately, temporarily, after a while, presently, afterward, recently, thereafter, then, at last, eventually.

Lately, Jill has been working harder than ever. Ultimamente a Jill vem trabalhando como nunca. After a short time working for the company Edgar got his first promotion. Em pouco tempo trabalhando para a empresa Edgar ganhou sua 1a promoção. Eliza started learning how to skate. In the beginning she was enthusiastic about it, after a while she gave it up. Eliza começou a aprender a patinar. No início estava entusiasmada; logo depois abandonou tudo. He started the car, drove ahead, then he turned right. Ele deu a partida no carro, seguiu em frente e, então, virou à direita. Marion tried to pass the test three times. Eventually, she succeeded. Marion tentou passar na prova três vezes. No final ela obteve sucesso.


PHRASAL VERBS From text 2: "I think murder rates have never been higher in Rio and it seems the numbers are only growing," ... Penso que os índices de homicídios nunca foram tão altos no Rio e parece que os números estão só crescendo. No exemplo acima extraído do texto 2 temos o verbo irregular grow (grew, grown) usado na sua acepção mais comum de ‘crescer’. Continuemos a estudar os phrasal verbs, aqueles que vinculados a partículas adverbiais (up, away, about, for, etc) assumem um significado diverso da acepção básica. Eis alguns phrasal verbs com grow: Let me show you my uncle’s farm on which I grew up. Deixe-me mostrar-lhe a fazenda do meu tio onde eu cresci. She grew away from us when she went to live abroad. Ela se afastou de nós quando foi morar no exterior. Ron grew into a very tall man. Ron se transformou num homem muito alto. When he was a little kid, Joe used to suck his thumb, but he has grown out of it. Quando era um guri o Joe costumava chupar o dedo, mas já abandonou o hábito. Last month we cut off the grass but it has grown back again. Mês passado nós aparamos a grama, mas ela cresceu de novo.


Text 3: A Lot on Offer Rio de Janeiro, the almost 500 year old city, has many historical and cultural treasures. Its architecture tells the history of the country; whilst its museums and art galleries hold coveted collections, and are included in the worldwide circuit for major international exhibitions. Its theatres and concert halls welcome world renowned orchestras and ballet companies. 5 Rio is a green city that has learned how to preserve nature, boasting seemingly endless beaches and the largest urban forest in the world, integrating urban development and the environment in a manner without parallel anywhere else in the world. There is a wide variety of options when it comes to sightseeing or tour 10 planning. Within the city itself, apart from the well known attractions such as the Corcovado and the Sugar Loaf, one can go on theme tours focussing on nature, religion, history and culture. Outside the city the choice ranges from boat trips to the tropical islands, to a mountain adventure including visits to Imperial Palaces. 15 The challenge this city; which has been so blessed by nature, is facing up to now is to establish order, first world standards and recognition from the world's tourists that they won't be swallowed by a snake near the Sugarloaf Mountain like Bart Simpson was! (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.9, 4th quarter 2005) 20 NB: Spelling differences Focussing (UK) // focusing (US) Theatres (UK) // theaters (US)

VOCABULARY PRE-TEST Sem consultar nenhum dicionário procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

A B 1. hold coveted collections a. ( ) padrões de 1º mundo 2. world renowned orchestras b. ( ser engolido por uma cobra 3. boasting endless beaches c. ( ) mantêm coleções cobiçadas 4. when it comes to sightseeing d. ( ) orquestras de fama mundial 5. first world standards e. ( ) quando se fala em pts turísticos 6. be swallowed by a snake f. ( ) gabando-se de infinitas praias


ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT 1. Busque no texto dois itens dos quais, segundo o autor, o Rio de Janeiro pode se gabar: ______________________________________________________ 2. Em se tratando de ‘sightseeing’ o que se encontra à disposição do turista no Rio de Janeiro? ______________________________________________________ 3. O que diz o autor no tocante ao desafio que o Rio tem que enfrentar ______________________________________________________ 4. O que a palavra ‘whilst’ (L-3), como marcadora do discurso, está indicando no texto? ______________________________________________________ 5. Depois de fazer sua leitura do texto você é capaz de traduzir o título? ______________________________________________________

WORD FORMS Complete with a Word deriving from the one in bold: 1. historical (L-2) In 2009 it will have been 40 years since man’s ____________ arrival on the moon. 2. endless (L-7) Sharon did not want to visit her old aunt and listen to her talk _________ about her relatives. 3. attractions (L-11) I’ve already suggested taking various ____________ tours but you seem to be interested in none of them. 4. ranges (L-14) At that department store you can find all sorts of goods __________ from the essential to the superfluous. 5. challenge (L-16) Sarah said she liked radical sports because they were definitely more ____________.


COLLOCATION STUDY - COLORFUL CITY From text 3: “Rio is a green city that has learned how to preserve nature.” (L-6) O Rio é uma cidade verde que aprendeu a preservar a natureza. Colors appear in many expressions. Complete the sentences with one of the colors in the box. Some may be used more than once.

yellow gray pink green blue red brown black white purple

1. Why go see a doctor? I’m feeling in the ........... . ________________________________________________________ 2. Just out of the ............ she came up with a comment that changed the course of my life. ________________________________________________________ 3. The burglar was caught ........ handed, trying to hide the stolen jewels. ________________________________________________________ 4. Ben’s mother is middle-aged, ......... - haired, and not very tall. ________________________________________________________ 5.‘Who gave you that .............. eye?’ Tim’s angry father asked him. ________________________________________________________ 6. When Brenda saw my brand-new car, she grew .............. with envy. ________________________________________________________ 7. Barry couldn’t stand being called ............ . He always started a fight. ________________________________________________________ 8. There’s a lot of .......... tape in trying to obtain a government contract. ________________________________________________________ 9. Anita became ............ with rage when her flower were destroyed. ________________________________________________________ 10. Why jump down the boy’s throat just because he told a ........... lie. ________________________________________________________ 11. Lena has a ........... finger. Look at the way she keeps her plants. ________________________________________________________ 12. They prefer to have .......... sugar in their coffee. ________________________________________________________ 13. After 3 years in a row in the ............ the company went bankrupt. ________________________________________________________ 14/15.There will always be .......... - collar workers in offices and ........... - collar workers in factories fighting for pay raises. ________________________________________________________


VOCABULARY BUILD UP Mini-Text 1: How Art Has Changed Some Brazil Favelats Kids

celebrating surrounding dramatize toy means Improvising, a boy gathered bits of building blocks, cement and paint to build a _________ (1): a mock up model of the Favela (shantytown). Soon the children's game became a serious business, found collaborators and started attracting attention. Many chances later, the pioneers in the Morrinho Project were __________ (2) their participation in the World Urban Forum, in an exhibition at the Barcelona Convention Center. The project's name, 'Morrinho' - which __________ (3) ‘little hill’ in Portuguese - is in reference to the shantytowns in Rio de Janeiro, since most of them are on the hills ____________ (4) the city. Many shantytowns in Rio are represented in the mock up and each child in the project 'dominates' a community. In this way, they __________ (5) the fights for area control and the different steps in the urbanization process. (From ANBA – Brazil Arab News Agency, by Dayanne Mikevis) Mini-Text 2: South America’s business centre

trade facilities catering hub boasts São Paulo may be the business ____________ (1) of Brazil and indeed South America, but when an overseas businessman visits the country on business, there is no doubt that he'd prefer a conference or ____________ (2) fair in the beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro. It therefore follows that the largest convention centre in Latin America should be located in Rio, a city ____________ (3) to an ever growing number of events. Rio Convention & Exhibition Centre or 'Riocentro' as it is affectionately known, ____________ (4) a total area of 571,000 square meters spread over 5 pavilions and open space, with an infrastructure capable of hosting a number of separate and distinct events simultaneously. The vast complex is virtually a self-contained mini-city with medical centres, restaurants, parking ____________ (5) for 7,000 vehicles, a helipad and a park area with gardens and a natural lake. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.9, 4th quarter 2005)


Mini-Text 3: Growth

staged paved demand kind equipped When it was inaugurated in 1977, Riocentre was one of the most modern and indeed futuristic facilities of its ___________ (1). The horizontally planned complex of three pavilions ensured low costs and ___________ (2) the way for the Rio business community's plans to attract trade and investment. With the construction of other similar facilities in the city during the 1980s and the growing ___________ (3) for space, two more pavilions were added in the 1990s in addition to the modernization of the energy, water, plumbing and telephone systems. In short, Riocentro is not only the largest convention centre in the region but is certainly also one of the most modern and best ___________ (4). Indeed, so in demand have the facilities been, that 1,500 events have been ___________ (5) there since the doors opened in the late 1970s. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.9, 4th quarter 2005) Mini-Text 4: Prestigious awards

host highly leisure further healthy This year, Riocentro was recently awarded first prize in the category of 'South American Convention Centre' at the ___________ (1) prestigious World Travel Awards'. This is the second year running that Riocentro has won the category at the travel industry’s ‘Oscar’ ceremony and was accompanied by Rio de Janeiro taking the honour of 'South America's Leading Destination' and Varig as 'South America's Leading Airline'. The world’s increasing recognition of Rio as a leading centre for both business and ___________ (2) tourism means the future is looking very ___________ (3) for the city as a whole. The recognition of Riocentro by the travel industry as the region's premier location or its kind was ___________ (4) confirmed when Abav (Feira das Americas'), the industry's leading trade fair for South America, chose the convention centre to ___________ (5) the event for the second year running. Indeed, according to João Martins Neto, President of Abav Nacional, due to its infrastructure and the continuing stability of the social situation in the city, the centre has been chosen to consistently host the event from now on. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.10, 4th quarter 2005)



A HOTEL STAY There are words and phrases you’re likely to hear when you think of a good hotel to stay at. Complete the dialogs with one word from the box:

rates drinks booked towers canceled held double counter paged stew view lock dishes caters cuisine look reservations reception

I. Guest: “But we did make ..................... (1). How come you’re telling me you’re all ................... (2) up!” Bell Capt: “I’m afraid they’ve been ................ (3), sir. You should have requested that the rooms be ..................... (4) before 6 p.m. ” II. Guest 1: “All she can offer us is a .................. (5) room for just one night.” Guest 2: “Naturally the .............. (6) on this room will be much higher.” III. Guest: “Isn’t this the hotel where Marjorie is staying at? Let’s pick up that phone on that ................. (7) over there and give her a call.” Bell boy: “We can have her .............. (8) in the lobby if you wish, sir.” IV. Wife: “What a lovely, spacious room, darling! Wow, and the ................... (9) is wonderful !” Husband: “Yeah, since the hotel ............... (10) over the buildings around here, all the rooms on this side .............. (11) out on the bay.” V. Porter: “Better double ............. (12) the room before leaving at night, sir.” Guest: “Thanks. Do I leave the key at the ........... (13) or can I keep it ? VI. Bell Boy: “Our choice of ....................... (14) should please even the most demanding gourmets.” Guest: “I’ve heard your hotel ................... (15) to all the tastes.” 7. Guest: “I’ve noticed you serve a rich and varied choice of regional ................ (16) and .................... (17). Bell Boy: “I do recommend a ........... (18) called ‘Feijoada’ on Saturdays.”


SOUND TRACKING Anyone visiting downtown Rio will be amazed at the sounds he may hear – the hundreds of buses and cars honking their horns (= carros buzinando), the tires screeching (= freada dos pneus), the whistling of policemen (= policiais apitando) trying to direct (!?!?) Rio’s chaotic traffic, the banging of doors (= o bater das portas) as passengers hurriedly leave their cars, the babbling of hundreds of pedestrians’ voices (= a voz confusa das centenas de pedestres) and lots of other sounds, characteristic of the hustle and bustle of a big metropolis (= o alvoroço de uma grande metrópole). Complete the sentences with each of the “sound verbs” in the box.

clatter whistle grate sizzle crash slam rattle swish peal drip tramp rumble

1. Elegant ladies in their .............. silk dresses came into the ballroom. __________________________________________________ 2. Most of the city dwellers had gotten used to the ..................... of machine guns and cannons fired in the distance. __________________________________________________ 3. Nobody got frightened by the ............ of the invaders on the streets. __________________________________________________ 4. The referee ..................... the end of the soccer game. __________________________________________________ 5. Dishes and pans ................. noisily in the kitchen, making it impossible for anybody to take a nap after lunch. __________________________________________________ 6. Bells were ................... to announce the end of the ceremonial rites. __________________________________________________ 7. A snake ........................nearby, putting the campers on the alert. __________________________________________________ 8. .................... the cab door, the furious passenger got out. __________________________________________________ 9. More than annoying, I believe the sound of taps ........... is torturing. __________________________________________________ 10. Not a single passenger survived the airplane .................. __________________________________________________ 11. The ................ noise made by my sister’s scratching her nail files almost drove me mad. __________________________________________________ 12. During the summer Rio’s streets get ...................... hot. __________________________________________________



I wish I knew what that guy has in [a) mind / b) head].

USEFUL TIPS Aula 15, já. Mais nove aulas e estarei falando em preparação para um teste final ou coisa semelhante. Quando pesquisava os exemplos de collocations com a palavra heart para esta aula fiquei pensando no grande número de outras palavras–chave que se prestam a esse tipo de estudo. Teremos oportunidade de falar de mais algumas, e só. Portanto, qual o raciocínio que se impõe: você terá que trabalhar on your own em busca de outros vocabulary items realmente preciosos. I suggest you do it, pois se não o fizer esteja certo de que outros o farão!


EXERCISES I. Complete the sentences with each of the verbals in the box:

working melting boiling running shooting dialing waking burning sleeping washing

1. To make a phone call, pick up the receiver, insert a coin in the slot and listen for the ................ tone. __________________________________________________ 2. Now the .............. issue in the Brazilian economy is the maxi devaluation of the R$. __________________________________________________ 3. For God’s sake! You can’t spend all your ............... hours playing pool. __________________________________________________ 4. In the Northeast of the country we visited a district where there was no .................... water. __________________________________________________ 5. Modern housewives simply can’t do without ..................... machines. __________________________________________________ 6. Teddy left his ..................... bag in the garage before going camping. __________________________________________________ 7. The ....................... point of water is 100° C . __________________________________________________ 8. When we were young, we used to sit on the edge of the roof porch and look for a ......................... star in the sky. __________________________________________________ 9. The USA has long being considered a .......................... pot. __________________________________________________ 10. People who do the hard jobs are members of the .................... class. __________________________________________________ II. Make use of the right form of the verbs LAY or LIE: 1. I know the decision .............. with Mr. Howard but talk to him about my case, will you? __________________________________________________ 2. My wife has been thinking of ............ a new carpet on the living room. __________________________________________________ 3. The doctor told me to ......... down on the couch as I entered his office. __________________________________________________


4. Jerry .................... in jail for seven years due to a legal mistake. __________________________________________________ 5. No charges had been .................... upon him yet. __________________________________________________ 6. .................... your coat on the bed. Ben will put it away. __________________________________________________ 7. One could read the inscription on his grave stone “Here .................... a man who fought for the freedom of his country.” __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 8. The factory .......... off several employees because of the depression. __________________________________________________ 9. Little Jane was .................... down on the floor playing with her cat. __________________________________________________ 10. ........ your head on my shoulder and cry if it makes you feel better. __________________________________________________ III. Complete with the right form of the verbs RAISE OR RISE: 1. In these times of crisis how can you talk about .................. the rent? __________________________________________________ 2. A lot of smoke .................... from the burning building. __________________________________________________ 3. A committee was appointed by the president in order to .................... funds for the restoration work. __________________________________________________ 4. Mr. Shovel began as a file clerk, but .................... to a directing position at the company. __________________________________________________ 5. Sandra was born in Bahia but she was .................... in Rio de Janeiro. __________________________________________________ 6. Have you ever read “The .................. and Fall of the Roman Empire”? __________________________________________________ 7. “................... your hand if you have any questions ”, the lecturer said. __________________________________________________ 8. When we went to visit them, Alfred was reading the paper in the living room, but he didn’t even .................... to greet us. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 9. The dance instructor had a loud voice. It .......... above the loud music. __________________________________________________ 10. If you don’t agree to our plan, now is the right time to .................... any objections. __________________________________________________


IV – Sports in Rio – Surfing is a highly popular sport in Rio’s beaches - carioca surfers rank with the best in the world. So, let me test your knowledge of terms related to surfing and to a few other sports: Try to spot the odd man out (= o estranho no ninho) in each group. Soccer Tennis Surfing Volleyball a) goal posts a) forehand a) floaters a) setter b) shot b) drop shot b) cut-outs b) killer c) umpire c) service c) drops c) net d) saves d) backhand d) crests d) serve e) throw-in e) smash e) boards e) passing shot f) wing f) set ball f) tubes f) block g) header g) tie break g) waves g) pass h) sweeper h) referee h) foam h) touch V. Word Formation Cloze - Three events in Rio In Rio de Janeiro, New Year's Eve [1. a) celebrations / b) celebrated / c) celebrating] involve absolutely everyone. Local [2. a) inhabiting / b) inhabitants / c) inhabited] and visitors join together in one of the most famous parties in the world. The core of the celebrations is found on the famous Copacabana beach, with [3. a) literal / b) literally / c) illiteracy] millions of people coming to enjoy the music and [4. a) unbelievable / b) unbelievably / c) disbelief] fireworks display. This year Carnival will be on and around the week of 28 March. The Rio Carnival is an enormous party where colours, sounds and fantasy blend into the greatest street party in the world. A unique [5. a) experience / b) experienced / c) experiencing] of the rich cultural [6. a) melted / b) melts / c) melting] pot that Rio represents for Brazil. In 2007, Rio de Janeiro will host the Pan-American Games. Rio's [7. a) successful / b) successfully / c) success] bid to become the host city was celebrated not only for what it 8. a) means / b) meaning / c) meant] for Brazilian sports, but also by the city's government tourism bureaus, which [9. a) expectancy / b) expect / c) expecting] thousands of new tourists and [10. a) visitors / b) visited / c) visiting] to the city during the event. (From Britain Brasil magazine, p.9, 4th quarter 2005)


VI. Word Forms Cloze - Complete the sentences below with the best words in parentheses. Let’s say you’re coming to Rio de Janeiro by plane. Before [1. a) getting b) to get / c) gets] on the plane, though, there are some steps you need [2. a) taking / b) taken / c) to take]. At a travel agency or even by phone, you’ll need to have a flight [3. a) booked / b) booking / c) book] for you. Would you rather have a non - stop flight or you don’t mind taking a [4. a) connection / b) connecting / c) connected] flight? Can you afford to fly first class or will it have to be economy class this time? How about seat [5. a) assignment / b) assigned / c) assigns], do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? On the day of your flight, make sure you have your baggage and your ticket with you. It’s [6. a) advisable / b)advising / c) advised] to get to the airport about one hour before the departure of your flight. After all, you don’t want to run the risk of missing your flight. As soon as you arrive there, go to the airline counter for the security [7. a) cleared / b) clear / c) clearance] procedures. Get your baggage claim check and your [8. a) board / b) boarding / c) boarded] pass. Provided your flight has not been [9. a) delaying / b) delay / c) delayed], you can go through the gate indicated to you. After you give your pass to the airline agent, get on the plane, find your seat, and wait for the flight [10. a) attending / b) attendants / c) attendees] to serve you some appetizers and drinks. A couple of drinks are O.K. to relax and blow the [11 a) tense b) tenses / c) tension] off after the take-off. Be careful not to drink in excess, or else you may miss a most breathtaking spectacle before the landing: the huge statue of Christ on top of the Corcovado Mountain, Rio’s eternal landmark. Upon [12. a) to arrive / b) arrived / c) arrival], all you have to do is head to the baggage claim area, pick up all your suitcases, hail a cab and start enjoying your tour of Rio.


VII. Complete com as palavras do quadro abaixo de modo a formar um phrasal verb com GROW. Um significado equivalente é dado entre parênteses:

BACK UP INTO OUT AWAY 1. That little boy you knew grew _________ a ruthless drug trafficker.

(= turned) T: _________________________________________________ 2. I used to have that bad habit too, but I’ve grown _______ of it. (=

quit) T: _________________________________________________ 3. Now that you’re moving to the suburbs I know you will grow ________

from us. (= lose touch) T: _________________________________________________ 4. I was born in the north of Brazil but it in Rio that I grew _________.

(= became an adult) T: _________________________________________________ 5. No matter how many times we cut off the grass in the yard it grows

________ again pretty fast. T: _________________________________________________


ANSWERS Text 1: Vocabulary Pre-Test 1. (c) Nosso barco seguia pela costa montanhosa, escarpada. 2. (d) Os arranha-céus apareciam num crescente brilhante em torno da baía. 3. (b) Quanto à magnitude absoluta e ao esplendor da paisagem não há nada igual. 4. (d) O Corcovado há muito é considerado o marco do RJ por excelência. 5. (b) Belas e bronzeadas mulheres, deitadas ao sol, que visão- um colírio para os olhos! 6. (a) Você não sabe que não dá para misturar água com óleo? 7. (c) As Escolas de Samba ao desfilar oferecem um espetáculo sem igual durante o carnaval do RJ. 8. (b) Igrejas, monumentos e outras moradas são cuidadosamente mantidas. 9. (c) Aí você entra numa baía repleta de ilhas de corais com densa vegetação tropical. 10. (a) Numa frenética empolgação os fãs do astro do Rock o recepcionaram. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. (a) Pode-se afirmar que Lawrence Durrel não viu durante essa viagem nenhuma cidade mais bonita que o Rio. Em (b), está dito que Durrel foi ao Pão de Açúcar de bonde; em (c), que ele ficou principalmente impressionado pelo monte de arranha-céus que ele viu; em (d), desistiu de contar as montanhas que apareciam e desapareciam. 2. (d) Após a leitura do texto você se arriscaria a dizer que a diversidade e a beleza do RJ tendem a atrair um número crescente de turistas de todas as partes do mundo.Em (a), não fosse pela violência o Rio seria um lugar ideal par se viver; em (b), as áreas superpovoadas do Rio fazem a vida perigosa e desagradável; em (c) habitação e congestionamentos de tráfego atormentarão ainda mais os cariocas no futuro. 3. (d) De acordo com o texto o RJ não precisa dos altos arranha-céus para ser conhecida como a Cidade Maravilhosa em todo o mundo. Na opção (a) fala-se em praias ensolaradas; em (b), nos cariocas hospitaleiros; em (c) nas belezas naturais.


4. (b) Após ler o texto é possível concluir que numerosos turistas visitarão o Rio atraídos principalmente por sua riqueza cultural. De resto não dá para inferir que; a economia do RJ depende fundamentalmente do turismo internacional (a); ou que Lawrence Durrel deve ter retornado ao Rio com a Anne (c); nem que os hotéis no Rio terão que melhorar a excelência dos seus serviços (d). 5. (c) Está claramente expresso no texto que o Corcovado com a estátua do Cristo será um marco eterno do Rio de Janeiro. Em (a) que o Rio tem sido a capital formal do país; em (b), todos os brasileiros dançam o samba com entusiasmo; em (d), que os turistas chegam ao aeroporto internacional do Rio de Janeiro como abelhas a procura do mel. Word Forms M: (sandy) As praias arenosas do Rio atraem os turistas. Rio’s 1. (charming) Garotas românticas esperam por seus príncipes encantados a vida toda. 2. (meritorious) A atuação do Prof. Winkler como chefe do departamento de pesquisa lhe rendeu uma promoção meritória. 3. (rising) Cecília queria saber qual o meu signo ascendente. Você sabe como ela é ligada em astrologia. 4. (dreamy) Um monte de arranha-céus de sonhos repentinamente aparece. 5. (rhythmic) Fomos atraídos pela batida ritmada dos tambores. 6. (frenziedly) As estrelas pop devem se acostumar com recepções frenéticas onde quer que vão. 7. (weight) Vanessa tem engordado muito ultimamente. Ela devia fazer uma dieta. 8. (worthy) Na opinião de Lawrence Durrel a visita ao Rio de Janeiro foi digna de elogios. 9. (uniqueness) Por ser ele mesmo um colecionador Raymond tentava ressaltar a singularidade daquele selo em especial. 10. (offering) Ficamos chocados com a cena em que a linda menina loura era dada em oferenda ao deus dos nativos. 11. (blender) Mamãe diz que precisa de um novo liquidificador na cozinha. 12. (uncultured) Algumas tribos não aculturadas ainda podem ser encontradas na Amazônia. 13. (customary) No Rio de Janeiro é costume se comer aos sábados uma ‘feijoada – um prato feito com feijão cozido e carne de porco.


14. (energetic) Alguns cariocas estão sempre em movimento. Parecem tão dinâmicos. 15. (topped) Uma fotografia que os turistas jamais tirarão no Rio é a da Montanha do Corcovado coberta de neve. 16. (remainder) Só vou ficar com estes lápis de cor, o restante pode ficar com você. 17. (disappearance) Ninguém conseguia dar conta do desaparecimento do colar. 18. (description) Você concorda com a descrição do Rio de Janeiro feita por Durrel? 19. (dazzled) Na praia tive que óculo de sol porque meus olhos ficaram ofuscados pelo sol forte. 20. (entitled) Lamento dizer mas você não está apto a prestar este exame. Text 2: Vocabulary Pre-Test Sem consultar nenhum dicionário procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

A B 1. imposing a curfew on a. ( ) índices de homicídios mais altos 2.higher murder rates b. ( ) impondo um toque de recolher a 3. things have been improving c. ( ) lugar mais seguro do planeta 4. safest place on the planet d. ( ) as coisas estão melhorando 5. homicides involving firearms e. ( ) acalmar as mentes dos turistas 6. set tourists' minds at ease f. ( ) homicídios com armas de fogo

Text 3: Vocabulary Pre-Test

A B 1. hold coveted collections a. (5) padrões de 1º mundo 2. world renowned orchestras b. (6) ser engolido por uma cobra 3. boasting endless beaches c. (1) mantêm coleções cobiçadas 4. when it comes to sightseeing d. (2) orquestras de renome mundial 5. first world standards e. (4) quando se fala em pts turísticos 6. be swallowed by a snake f. (3) gabando-se de inúmeras praias


Analysis of text 3 1. Segundo o autor, o Rio de Janeiro pode se gabar de: praias aparentemente sem fim e da maior floresta urbana do mundo. 2. Em se tratando de ‘sightseeing’ o turista no Rio de Janeiro tem a sua disposição: além dos pontos tradicionais como Corcovado e Pão de Açúcar ao turista são oferecidos tours temáticos, passeios de barcos a diversas ilhas, aventura nas montanhas, visitas a palácios imperiais. 3. No tocante ao desafio que o Rio tem que enfrentar: estabelecimento da ordem e dos padrões de 1º mundo, e obter dos estrangeiros o reconhecimento de que o Rio oferece segurança. 4. A palavra ‘whilst’ (L-3), como marcadora do discurso, expressa a idéia de contraste, oposição. 5. Tradução do título: Muito a ofertar / Muito em oferta Word Forms 1. (historic) Em 2009 terão se passado 40 anos da chegada histórica do homem à Lua. 2. (endlessly) Sharon não queria visitar sua velha tia e ouvi-la falar incessantemente sobre seus parentes. 3. (attractive) Já sugeri uma série de passeios atraentes mas você parece não se interessar por nenhum deles. 4. (ranging) Naquela loja de departamentos você pode encontrar todo tipo de mercadorias que vão desde o essencial ao supérfluo. 5. (challenging) Sarah disse que se ligava nos esportes radicais porque eram mais desafiadores.


Collocation Study - Colorful City 1. (pink) Por que ir consultar um médico? Estou me sentindo ótimo. 2. (blue) Assim, do nada, ela fez um comentário que mudou o curso de minha vida. 3. (red) O arrombador foi apanhado em flagrante quando tentava esconder as jóias roubadas. 4. (gray) A mãe do Ben é de meia idade, tem cabelos grisalhos, e não é muito alta. 5. (black) - Quem deixou você com esse olho roxo? – perguntou furioso o pai do TIM. 6. (green) Quando a Brenda viu meu carro zerinho ela ficou roxa de inveja. 7. (yellow) Barry não aceitava ser chamado de covarde. Sempre começava uma briga. 8. (red) Há muita papelada (muita burocracia) para se obter um contrato com o governo. 9. (purple) Anita ficou rubra de raiva quando seus canteiros de flores foram destruídos. 10. (white) Por que pular no pescoço do garoto só porque ele contou uma mentirinha branca? 11. (green) Lena tem jeito para jardinagem. Veja como ele cuida de suas plantas. 12. (brown) Eles preferem açúcar mascavo no seu café. 13. (red) Após três anos no vermelho a empresa foi a falência. 14/15. (white/ blue) Haverá sempre trabalhadores do colarinho branco nos escritórios e trabalhadores do colarinho azul nas fábricas. Vocabulary Build Up Mini-Text 1 1. toy / 2. celebrating / 3. means / 4. surrounding / 5. dramatize Mini-Text 2 1. hub / 2. trade / 3. catering / 4. boasts / 5. facilities Mini-Text 3 1. kind / 2. paved / 3. demand / 4. equipped / 5. staged Mini-Text 5 1. highly / 2. leisure / 3. healthy / 4. further / 5. host


A Hotel Stay 1. reservations / 2. booked / 3. canceled / 4. held / 5. double / 6. rates / 7. counter / 8. paged / 9. view / 10. towers / 11. look / 12. lock / 13. reception / 14. dishes / 15. caters / 16. cuisine / 17. drinks / 18. stew Sound Tracking 1. (swishing) Senhoras elegantes em seus vestidos de seda farfalhantes chegavam ao salão do baile. 2. (rumble) A maioria dos moradores da cidade haviam se acostumado com o ribombar dos canhões e com o som das metralhadoras disparados à distancia. 3. (tramp) Ninguém se assustava mais com os passos da marcha dos invasores na rua. 4. (whistle) O juiz apitou o final da partida de futebol. 5. (clatter) As panelas e os pratos batiam ruidosamente na cozinha tornando impossível tirar uma soneca após o almoço. 6. (pealing) Sinos tocavam anunciando o fim dos ritos da cerimônia. 7. (rattle) O chocalhar de uma cobra ali perto fez com que os que acampavam ficassem em alerta. 8. (slamming) Batendo a porta do táxi o passageiro enfurecido saiu. 9. (dripping) Mais do que irritante, eu creio, o som de torneiras pingando é torturante. 10. (crash) Nem um único passageiro sobreviveu ao desastre de avião. 11. (grating) O som das lixas da sua irmã a raspar suas unhas quase me deixava maluco. 12. (sizzling) Durante o verão as ruas do Rio se tornam escaldantes. PICTURE TEST 15 (a) I wish I knew what that guy has in mind. Quem me dera soubesse o que se passa na cabeça desse cara!


EXERCISES I. Complete the with the verbals: 1. (dialing) Para fazer uma ligação, pegue o telephone, insira uma moeda no local apropriado, e ouça o barulho de discar. 2. (burning) No momento o assunto palpitante na economia brasileira é a maxi-desvalorização do $ R. 3. (waking) Por Deus do Céu! Você não pode passar todas as horas do seu dia jogando sinuca. 4. (running) No nordeste do país visitamos um bairro de uma cidadezinha onde não havia água corrente. 5. (washing) Modernas donas de casa não podem passar sem máquinas de lavar roupa. 6. (sleeping) Teddy deixou seu saco de dormir na garagem antes de ir acampar. 7. (boiling) O ponto de ebulição da água é 100° C. 8. (shooting) Quando éramos jovens costumávamos sentar na beira do telhado da varanda e procurar uma estrela cadente no céu. 9. (melting) Os EUA há muito tempo são conhecidos como um caldeirão de raças. 10. (working) As pessoas que realizam as tarefas pesadas são membros da classe trabalhadora. II. Lay or Lie? 1. (lies) Sei que a decisão está com o Sr. Howard, porém fale com ele sobre o meu caso, OK? 2. (laying) Minha mulher está pensando em colocar um carpete novo na sala de estar. 3. (lie) O médico me disse para deitar no divã quando eu entrei no seu consultório. 4. (lay) Jerry ficou na cadeia por 7 anos devido a um erro judicial. 5. (laid) Nenhuma acusação tinha sido imputada a ele até então. 6. (lay) Coloque seu casaco sobre a cama; o Ben o guardará. 7. (lies) Podia-se ler a inscrição sobre a lápide do seu túmulo: ‘Aqui jaz um homem que lutou pela liberdade de seu país. 8. (laid) A fábrica demitiu vários empregados por causa da depressão econômica. 9. (lying) A pequena Jane estava deitada no chão brincando com seu gato. 10. (lay) Recoste sua cabeça sobre meu ombro e chore se isto te fizer se sentir melhor.


Iii. Raise or Rise? 1. [raising] Nestes tempos de crise como você pode falar em aumentar o aluguel? 2. [rose] Muita fumaça subia do prédio em chamas. 3. [raise] Uma comissão foi nomeada pelo presidente a fim de levantar fundos para o trabalho de restauração. 4. [rose] Mr. Shovel começou como arquivista porém galgou até um cargo de direção na companhia. 5. [raised] Sandra nasceu na Bahia, mas foi criada no Rio de Janeiro. 6. [rise] Você já leu ‘A Ascensão e Queda do Império Romano? 7. [raise] - Levante a mão aquele que tiver qualquer dúvida – disse o palestrante. 8. [rise] Quando fomos visitá-los, Alfredo estava lendo o jornal na sala de estar e nem se levantou para nos cumprimentar. 9. [rose] O instrutor de dança tinha uma voz forte. Sobressaía à música que estava num volume alto. 10. [raise] If Se não concorda com nosso plano, agora é o momento oportuno de levantar quaisquer objeções. IV. Sports in Rio Soccer: goal posts (= traves) // shot (= chute, tiro ao gol) // umpire (OMO) é árbitro, mas não de futebol // saves (= defesas) // throw-in (= cobrança do lateral) // wing (= ala) // header (= cabeçada) // sweeper (= líbero) Tennis: forehand (= golpe de direita) // drop shot (= deixadinha) // service (=saque ) // backhand = revés) // smash ( golpe forte de cima para baixo) // set ball ( bola do set’) // tie breaker (= desempate) // referree ( = juiz, mas de futebol) Surfing : floaters (= manobras s/ a prancha) // cut-outs (OMO) são recortes // drops (= queda) // crests (= crista da onda) // boards (= pranchas) // tubes (= tubos) // waves (= ondas) // foam (= espuma) Volleyball: setter (= levantador // killer (= cortador) // net (= rede) // serve (= sacar) // passing shot (OMO) (= passada na rede em jogos de tênis) // block (= bloqueio) // pass (= passe) // touch (= toque)


V. Word Formation Cloze - Three events in Rio 1. a) celebrations // 2. b) inhabitants // 3. b) literally // 4. a) unbelievable // 5. a) experience // 6. c) melting // 7. a) successful // 8. a) means // 9. b) expect // 10. a) visitors VI. Word Forms Cloze 1. a) getting // 2. c) to take // 3. a) booked // 4. b) connecting // 5. a) assignment // 6. a) advisable // 7. c) clearance // 8. b) boarding // 9. c) delayed // 10. b) attendants // 11 c) tension // 12. c) arrival VII. Phrasal verbs with GROW. 1. [INTO] Aquele menininho que você conheceu virou um cruel traficante

de drogas. 2. [OUT] Eu costumava ter esse mau hábito também, mas consegui

superá-lo. 3. [AWAY] Agora que você está se mudando pro subúrbio eu sei que vai

se afastar de nós. 4. [UP] Nasci no norte do Brasil mas cresci no Rio de Janeiro. 5. [BACK] Não importa quantas vezes cortemos a grama no quintal ela

cresce de novo rapidamente.


Avalie se os seguintes objetivos da AULA 15 foram alcançados.

OBJECTIVES (OBJETIVOS) Draw your attention to the following essential points: Chamar sua atenção para os seguintes pontos essenciais: I. Analysis of text 1: ‘A Tour of Rio de Janeiro Análise do texto ‘Um giro turístico pelo RJ’ II. Word Forms: Double-option exercises Formação de Palavras: exercício c/ dupla opção III. Key Words: HEART Palavras-chave: HEART IV. Grammar Tips: Verbals Dicas de Gramática: Verbals V. Confusable words: travel & travels / former &latter / rise & raise / lay & lie Palavras que confundem: travel & travels / former &latter / rise & raise / lay & lie VI. Analysis of text 2: ‘Mending the City of Dreams’ Análise do texto ‘Consertando a Cidade dos Sonhos’’ VII. Discourse Markers (IV) – Time elapsed Marcadores do Discurso – Passagem de Tempo VIII. Phrasal Verbs: GROW Phrasal Verbs: Grow IX. Analysis of text 3: ‘A Lot on Offer’ Análise do texto ‘Muito a oferecer’’ X. Word Forms: Deriving words Formação de Palavras: palavras em ‘família’ XI. Collocation Study - ‘Colorful City’ Estudo de Collocation – ‘Uma cidade colorida’


XII. Vocabulary Build Up – Mini texts 1 thru 4 Construção de vocabulário –mini-textos 1 a 4 XIII. Vocabulary Build Up – Hotel Stay Construção de vocabulário –Estada no Hotel XIV. Vocabulary Build Up – Sound Tracking Construção de vocabulário –Na trilha do som XV. Picture Test 15 Teste com gravuras 15 XVI. Exercise Section Seção de Exercícios


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