Page 1: 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (year B) - 2nd reading

Show unto us Lord,

Your loving

kindness. Grant us

Your Salvation!

Show unto us Lord,

Your loving

kindness. Grant us

Your Salvation!

Page 2: 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (year B) - 2nd reading

The 2nd Reading:

from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

(Chapter 1 verses 3-14)

The 2nd Reading:

from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

(Chapter 1 verses 3-14)

Page 3: 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - (year B) - 2nd reading

Blessed be God and Father of Christ Jesus our Lord, who has blessed us in Christ with every

spiritual blessing in the heavens!

Blessed be God and Father of Christ Jesus our Lord, who has blessed us in Christ with every

spiritual blessing in the heavens!

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God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish,

in His Presence.

God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish,

in His Presence.

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From eternity He has destined us in love to be His adopted sons and daughters through Christ Jesus,

From eternity He has destined us in love to be His adopted sons and daughters through Christ Jesus,

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in accord with the favor of

His will, for the praise of the

glory of His Grace,

with which he has filled us in The Beloved.

in accord with the favor of

His will, for the praise of the

glory of His Grace,

with which he has filled us in The Beloved.

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In Christ, through His Blood, we gain freedom and the the forgiveness

of our sins,in accord with the

riches of His Grace which He

lavished upon us.

In Christ, through His Blood, we gain freedom and the the forgiveness

of our sins,in accord with the

riches of His Grace which He

lavished upon us.

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In all wisdom and understanding, God has made known to us the mystery of His will in accord

with His loving kindness.

In all wisdom and understanding, God has made known to us the mystery of His will in accord

with His loving kindness.

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The plan which He designed in Christ from the

beginning for the

fullness of times,

The plan which He designed in Christ from the

beginning for the

fullness of times,

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when He would bring everything in the heavens

and on earth together

under Christ, as head.

when He would bring everything in the heavens

and on earth together

under Christ, as head.

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In Him we have been

chosen, destined from the beginning

in accord with the plan of

In Him we have been

chosen, destined from the beginning

in accord with the plan of

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the One who guides all things according to the intention of His will, so that we who first hoped in Christ might

live for the praise of His glory.

the One who guides all things according to the intention of His will, so that we who first hoped in Christ might

live for the praise of His glory.




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In Him you have heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your

salvation and have believed It.

In Him you have heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your

salvation and have believed It.

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As promised, you have been sealed with the

Holy Spirit

As promised, you have been sealed with the

Holy Spirit

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who is the first pledge of our inheritance

as we walk toward our redemption as the people which God has claimed

as His own, for the praise of His glory.

who is the first pledge of our inheritance

as we walk toward our redemption as the people which God has claimed

as His own, for the praise of His glory.

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Pictures from the internet.

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May the God of Christ

Jesus enlighten our vision

that we may see the

things we hope for, as

we are called by

God!Eph 3:17,18

(yet NOT a precise quote...)

May the God of Christ

Jesus enlighten our vision

that we may see the

things we hope for, as

we are called by

God!Eph 3:17,18

(yet NOT a precise quote...)

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