Page 1: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

1. 66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world

2. Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional army (Brits) vs. 60,000 guerrilla fighters (Dutch).

British create concentration camps for Boer women & children – 26,000 die.

Lots of UK soldiers weak/small/malnourished – can Britain survive the new century?

3. Eugenics = applying animal breeding theories to humans… encourage strong and “desirable” to mate; stop weak/diseased/undesirable from mating

Theory spread quickly across Europe… including to Germany…

4. Rowntree = author of study called “Poverty” – argued for need for welfare reform to protect/help weak and poor in society…

Page 2: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

5. No TVs back then! Music Halls = entertainment for working classes (initially) + way of getting news + a way to discuss politics.

6. A v. good life if you had money!

Ed VI – huge meals every day!

1902 Arthur Balfour made PM by outgoing PM, his Uncle, Lord Robert Salisbury…

7. Strike in S. Wales against rail company… no rail = no coal transported, so thousands of miners lose jobs…

wage agreement reached but then Trade Union taken to court and fined huge sum… CONCLUSION = working classes need their own reps in Parl’t.

8. Tariff = a tax on overseas products… US & Germany use tariffs vs. UK goods

Joe Chamberlain (Tory) wanted a tariff wall around Brit. Empire in response

Tories eventually lose fight… Liberals wanted more tax on rich to pay for PENSIONS and GUNS…

Page 3: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

9. Tabloids, like the Daily Mail, were popular b/c included “news” people wanted to read (health; sex; and money)

Important because had so many readers... so a good way to influence voters

10. Aim = to win vote for women…

1905 – Christabel Pankhurst successfully gets arrested and goes to prison to get publicity for cause… starts of a LOT of violence over the coming years

11. 1905 election – Tories thought they’d win but badly damaged by Chamberlain’s “tariff reform” crusade…

Liberals voted in… Henry Campbell-Bannerman becomes PM

Page 4: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional




Page 5: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional





In 1905…

Trad. leaders (upper and middle classes) have made Britain

great. They know best and should keep power.

In 1905…

Labour party = v. small and new: only 2

MPs in Parliament. Labour = new party of the working classes; aim = improve life of

poor and promote equality.

In 1905…

Too much inequality in Britain.

Government should support and help the

poor.Upper/middle class leaders, looking for support across all


Page 6: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

David Lloyd-George


Chancellor 1908-1915PM 1916-



Page 7: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

BBC Bitesize Liberal Reforms Activity


PM 1916-22


n PM 1905-1908

Asquith PM


Take notes as

you watch… this will

make the next task


Page 8: 1.66% of men allowed to vote (no women) Britain ruled 25% of the world 2.Boer War 1899-1902: British army v. Dutch farmers in South Africa; 250,000 traditional

Focus Task page 51.

C/B – complete task 2

B/A – complete 2 & 3

A/A* - complete 2-4 (and 5 if you have



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