Page 1: 18 Week Intermediate General Strength Program

© Beyond Grappling 2012 Page 1

18 Week General Strength program Intermediate

Page 2: 18 Week Intermediate General Strength Program

© Beyond Grappling 2012 Page 2

Disclaimer & Waiver

The exercises and information contained within this book may be too difficult or dangerous for some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in them. The author and publisher of this book are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury which may occur through reading and following the instructions herein. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. I am aware that Matthew D’Aquino, is not a medical doctor and does not qualify to determine a participant’s physical capability to engage in strenuous exercise. 2. Medical clearance from my physician may be required prior to participation in any exercise program and/or engaging in any of the exercises contained within this manual. WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: (Read carefully before performing any exercises in this manual) I understand and acknowledge that there are risks involved in participating in any exercise program and/or any exercises contained within this manual. In consideration for being allowed to utilize the information within this manual, I agree that I will assume the risk and full responsibility for determining the need for medical clearance from a physician and obtaining such clearance, the safety and/or efficacy of any exercise program recommended to me, and any and all injuries, losses, or damages, which might occur to me and/or to my family while utilizing the information in this manual and to the maximum extent allowed by law I agree to waive and release any and all claims, suits, or related causes of action against Matthew D’Aquino or their employees, or affiliates for injury, loss, death, costs or other damages to me, my family or assigns, while utilizing all information or partaking in the exercises contained within this manual. I further agree to release, indemnify Matthew D’Aquino from any liability whatsoever for future claims presented by my children for any injuries, losses or damages.

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© Beyond Grappling 2012 Page 3


A Matt D’Aquino Book/Manual 2012 All rights reserved. Copyright © March 1st 2012 by Matthew D’Aquino No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic. This includes recording, photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Before you get started:

WARNING: The Workouts contained in this manual are very very difficult. To make sure you are physically fit enough to handle these exercises and workouts. These workouts will push you harder than ever before and it is important that you are physically prepared for the intensity of these workouts. 1- Before you get started on these workouts I recommend purchasing a small whiteboard or notepad that you can write the workout down on. Many of the workouts contained in this manual have varying repetition ranges and you don’t want to have to continually stop and check whether you are completing the correct repetition range etc. 2- Make sure you warm up properly. Follow the warm up routine at the beginning of this manual. Never start an exercise program when you are cold as this can lead to injury. 3- Take note of how you are feeling. If you are feeling dizzy, light headed or faint stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention.

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© Beyond Grappling 2012 Page 4

Phase 1: Weeks 1-6

2- 3 days a week – full body program. 45-60 minute sessions

Warm up: 5 – 10 minutes on a rowing machine, stretch between each set and

have 1 week off every 6 weeks,

Exercise: Sets Reps Rest

DB Bench Press 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Lat Pulldown 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Half Squats 4 15,12,10 45 secs

DB Front raises 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Chin ups 3 Maximum 60 secs

Plank 3 Maximum 60 secs

Back extensions 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Cool down and 10 minutes of stretching

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© Beyond Grappling 2012 Page 5

Phase 2: Weeks 6-12

2- 3 days a week – full body program. 45-60 minute sessions

Warm up: 5 – 10 minutes on a rowing machine, stretch between each set and

have 1 week off every 6 weeks,

Exercise: Sets Reps Rest

BB Bench Press 3 12,10,8 45 secs

Underhand chin ups 3 Maximum 60 secs

Back squats 4 15,12,10 60 secs

Standing DB shoulder press 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Suitcase Deadlifts 3 15,12,10 60 secs

Spartan bench press 3 12 each side 60 secs

Back extensions 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Cool down and 10 minutes of stretching

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Phase 3: Weeks 12-18

2- 3 days a week – full body program. 45-60 minute sessions

Warm up: 5 – 10 minutes on a rowing machine, stretch between each set and

have 1 week off every 6 weeks,

Exercise: Sets Reps Rest

SA DB Incline Bench press 3 12,10,8 45 secs

Pendlay Row 4 12,10,8 60 secs

DB Lunges 4 15,12,10 60 secs

Plate raise/push 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Chin ups 4 Maximum 60 secs

SB Crunches 3 15 45 secs

Back extensions 3 15,12,10 45 secs

Cool down and 10 minutes of stretching

Congratulations, have 1 week off and then get started on the 18 Week

Advanced General Strength program.

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