Page 1: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili

( PREMIERS 1940-41

_4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui

18th Annual Report and

Financial Statement SEASON 1940-41

proscntal to vfL'11h'i.s ot tIlL' A.1171 11411 CenroI

\1tng Il/Ll in the (Inh I luuc on SIIflLICI\',

Octol'el'5th ' 141

Page 2: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial



l•. A. ])iiIi'. lci.


T _\I ol cit:iy. I - s(i.

Senior Vice-President:

I. lt'il :1 iii.


fl. I- slinitgi. tLai.: \V.

A. (iirIer, Isq.; W. P. (alter. Esil.: J. ltari.

:.\. }eTiflelIJ1l. lLj. : It. .\iiiI:ea'. Iii. : 'iV. II. J_ueke Esi:i.

\\. _-\. Hudson. 15cI. I. \Ii\Villiaiiis. Isq.: (I. .liilinsoii. Isq.:

1' ishie. li.: it. ('tiLls, lsq.: U. I'. FulUl)flaiIl. Esq.: J. Ft. MaL.eaii.

1 I intL-i 4 oll . 1sq. : I. lu ilsOti. liq. (has. ituihulliL.

.1 :iirI. 1sq. '.l\V l:ilti'rsi>ii, lsq.: (hins. L'ihlei. Isq.:

I.. -P\ ell si)11. 1 L- I I . 1, ilirI'rs. l'sij.: Ii. ]Ioittr-t'. Esq.

Captain: Selection Committee:

Ii. I (lii''. It. I (Iri. 1. ('ollits. 1..

streIiln'nsnn. A. I'.. Iligga .,T. I ireus. Vice - Captain:

1':i ri pr.

Medical Officers:

lIl:rik. .\1:itlliies. Itogii's. Hon. Secretary:

A. IIrcit I I. Hon. Registrar: J. t a ens.

Hon. Treasurer: Hon. Architects:

I. \liliiiry. Ii. k' - Boat Captain:

N \ViIistt-r. Delegates to the S.L.S.A.:

flrnwn. It. H. Mills'.

Chief Instructor: An,iuulance Officers:

I. I.i' Clorl.. -, F. ( lat'Iti'. L. Davie-

Publicity Officer: Hon. Legal Adviser:

Purr- T. Pit'snnage,

Hon. Handicapper: Hon. Auditors: W. Fa:i lee. W. Filsltie.

Life Members:

It, IL Miller, T. Le CIet'e, i -tanver, E. II.

Page 3: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

South Narraheen Surf Life Saving Club ANNUAL REPORT, 1940-41.

lilii' \leliiI lac. tit i \ r;1l'ii

e:u leilieli,

Y- ( ' i iI lii ee iilil tii' I ie ii i'e Ill 11 '11111 lii i lie' 1S[lI .\111 ii:i1 Fe1 '. ' .&' rHLr [lie pc I%Ak ins Iii.' Huh lur- inhie 1)404I sea. 1.

)eite 'vi'iel\ Iverse j'ii'eil:iliees \\ ii' 1 t'liII

ilielitS he7illnrs eriir ill e Liiijnre li'ce. [lie je:ii - luis leen a uttjinlin He. 1iIl'Ci5 have

ii r' lieieiel vi' ii ill i'eat Ii In ill I',


ui' ( ' i mliii t ee a iir;il a ha ft's I lie'

\iiarls in

Ins[imur' (,'cr[iiie;ite .\. Filler. h.[rnnze i[i.'dalJiji.:. \. 'Hvaiiie', I. l'iavis, I. lhn."ehl,

ilie t'liil ciHr:liIlatL's ,\Ieiilhr':' lie \,S.\\, li'eniier shi1

I\, & F. 'lean: . I)alI, F. Lu tHere, .\, ]"jlhr, .\, (,ir

zerjiJd, I", ('dliii. ,\b, \\ Intelinad. F. Feei .


\ r ur tiiiillitli',' is ;iaiii jul ti re] ii': I1:i'.

lileiiiihied reei"l Liahi l'eCne \i'ei•e li''ri:1ul ln:'nia' I lie e;I

Ii Ins nilnile:' is i'nll:Lr:l[i\ eR sni;ili, it inlii':i:e., I lk.

aI'Iieic:iev 1 die small atl'ifs ivhi I j eiiist;tiitl \\:irin'I

Intl lie i IC WCC ii 11a , a iii .i keel eh':ii' I d die In ge i'

cnrreli:s :'.I i channeL h:;i exIsI Un die le;;ehi i":ii'i inie a.' 1 i 'lie.

ar ( ' iiii'i Ill ilte,' r, ...... I rejn't ;i He l:ixiIi i it - [en LIt 'ce :11 al i' il , Th ' u' in iii ('ilain ii lie \ ni] i j ' a.;!' visel 1 illit Irii iuie:isnre I enlii'e lint a hi:(l 1.1 rent.

en';l.,ii:e:ii leiti'uuTs


eases 1 \il ivt'I'e r'rr]'l lnii'in

inr .\in]ul:ince ( )lieei's are I lie ill ii'liji'li thir'\ 'IiI'i'iC1l liii [lien' dlillcN.

'Idle eatiait: i'm h,1 heen lute1 ui iii:l' 'ill l"ii't .\il 1ihi;nee \vllieh are nei'es:iri I'm' [:11: t:':';ttnienl 'i' '.::iinil

Page 4: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

ii kit o c I I It I,

I I k N LII .1 i.0 II I IlL cii


hI \Ic:Ilhi rliii L i Lliili Is

• Ic .\ I ciii lie

c \ Liii rs . 21 ,

cc ke:-eri e • /

'C lIe I ciii lie r .

1 a I I 11:1 [1 .\l eie ier. 1

lie (ii: ilittee cS a I: .\Ieiilers Iii IhiLi\v lheii \\IiliI

iiiii I lie iii i:he:i I Ci IlL ii. nil ik Ce. L1ic-1 ti in

:ilI •\leiiIlicr I l< c e\eI 1 1 1 1 1 1 C;IiIIIn':c

ilici ;ii . c nrLciii.l celled. liiiii.c ic Iic

I c •1 tilt file.


VI I r N.vii II ill •i - iil liii tlil.. n in

•IiI I.\I:elIiIii CL cHili. rI cal lc:_.I:citilli (lii[iitici:

iIie ..... *.\. ilciel seceilil lIiiinill'lfihi'I 1hiiiIi .\iic

litIlilIcI Ii.

• [Ill Ill icIl Ii III Ii Ic 1 . icli icl nIL-I ii ci I i\ the U a]

thri:: .L. 111k. as(111, Iia \ cii :i i]eiiLleiI fl ilisil i i tha ,

II I 'i iii iii I ill I]ii -Cl :is cii.] I ci. C

Ili; L ] Ieinler. irc:Lrr\ IlL Cit the lilIlililL :nid

nc tin . i . 1 can I hii lai e taken ii ncli ;. line ii lit.

IIiiiei ci. -,1 11 , (.. inni::Iec i Il•\ I'' rel:..rt ILII llLc

He\v..r1s IillVc ccc a I]iile 1 :1 du riii g tue Ii;.I

It i- ic:iiIi ii. ii.te t]i:iI se.ei:iI iiiiii,ii i1Iil\IlliLiI.

t 1 I iii. \icne c:tcic I iii iiH Ic •i clii.


liii an icceiitkc Iii thy

I' ii lee: me ii licki ii ill • inn iii nh n:I 1 ii tel i ic

ciI iiccs ic i.i.Iec Iii Cliii nil t1 Inth-.

.\li ile1cr Ii.iilI lee] ie. cil] 'i tile i'iIiIl

i..rnLiil In c.IiLIlctIl.n lit liter-dun i;irIIi\ltk hell IuiiilC lllI

I' l.t lliIIIIIc '.\ll lhIc lilnn111:illie il Iii I ,iIe

IccCiiLLti iC lelilfi aili tile I 'c:iiIi I'lall 16 klt cain.

The I. & k. learn eClil ihirilILil he selliiI li'lcle;lieI

. c i. i •iil i_Il liii liii I lit ,

IiiLIL IlliL l\elC\ IeLic \\clit iii Ci2Ii the Scllii

IcIclLc 1.

•..........riii I -tate that liii-

c her (1 11 1 iii .\iNli:ihi:i HliI-.

Page 5: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial


ear, iii ic H list ii sac n liri, it lI'jl C

Iii I I II iC it IIV Civil id 'a: est \ViiIe are ixiritirl ii \riji \;IrIrIi.'e('lI Sir 1115111 I L I t I I F k I I !'tiIic

tlCI tIi.


:ii tiiiiiaiitie 'lii1ttiIiLt( 1111 IilIivjit .\ltiiilers, Il Ii' \V11.' Cia'SIIIl iii (ii (

it 111 ii.liii :iiil I ha H' T I_Vl_i1 I

(lI 7 1 11 i

Heit (ii;iiii1isl51 \. Vidlir. 'LI I ar I 'las api a slii a. I I 1

\\ lea. V. tlliiis

Hurt Ii :iiii i a ii ii), I. 'I' r;l k' F,; .1 ic1 lii' I ill

Hi'ii'ii aS tl;lliililI11' V.

I 'idiit He it.

\\liiteIi ,'il I luke ItIii. icilcil \. lrii I liklijc cull). \l-Iiinl, I. \\liitelie ;id ('hi. HIlvi - ( iii.


Hie lIreeI]l;iiil I l/( held Ii CIiiIJIIIICII'iii 111111 5

tie i' lii' LIsI Jae. 11115 Ii nteiv iiliv ueCe. lii' ri1v Ha:h \';iiraeeu s1irh irt'vilei. ;a:l lie i it1irial \iera cal ii iet'v urh I: II I rI L I 1 exaelli.'ui tIiiliie I'ti' II list

I' ('lii at il is I ii iii I 'I lit Ill ii InsIli I ,reat.dt'iitc I liHl,r\. It 1111l\ Ic truk ivl tHat the I I ;Ht ne IvaS 'ar Iii 't

CL I tIll 'It' sen H : I cii Ijiel 1 t ill 1 n pt lie a aunt 'er 1 4 s '1' ties.

The iii-. r'p:t.'eiiiel Ii' wile ;t I lull] - I ci' 1 it'd' hit :ij iles, l . \. I> , le, C, .\l Ii r. I. (;i tiC]" 'Ii, tail their eiihIeiitte eHa1'i' hi ;iIteiiliii ar lilIc Niii''ti''n

'lIe \IiiIiIILl lisI. 1ilil it t HtSle IHuh ''Sl',iIH Iii 111- .litII'i1Il5 -SI.'i'C 1 1 III IIl:jIII.Is ' a the lle1llle-, :'' it


Ca: ri: iii IC I'..

ieul iidh :'I<eil 1 tile 11 11 e-'t'eIii :11 I lie l'Iee1ltii-

'ill P111CC. ill tile ilI II Ii CtltlILH5 ,'cyl iiil ;i tiaiint'rl

III 1 i';t:d il I lii' hal ii. \lel't: 1\ C'!] ii' 'ii: iieiileut and lit eeh

1:1 Ii ,tli tilL' ('lilLilil -ii it H, N. ;niil I he:ci: J"lai Nr-Iit

Page 6: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

iii were tii' iu1(:iseI I' lie h 11 H the ( lu1

I Iue, ieiItCi llCh liii: iaiIn 1 cs.


rI:tiI tie iicei - eii exteiic1rl tii the diiucr ii iiIiii1e-

Ike i1' (Ink tki ear iitve'I tiieii l\

;icttkie letilsite he a ilailtitiul 1, if li -el ever ii)l

izeil (itliiiiiliiiii ki'l. 'iheir khiil c tile H 'eiitiiiiclv

'feC itt el.

Tita iths t I c I Vu i i - i cv j it aid ii1'. ii ir heir ii I

iii tin I retileeishi net H ti air all t ii L, c c t l eilic;i I 1< i

the eCl'ettj1jeS ,ie srs. \\' 11 itehetil and Viiiwii.

lie illteret all litari irk iiveii lii cause. lath tip (lie

ii hiei I )Iiiciuls.

\\'ci& -die lii tliitilk the \\; i icalt -ti ure utilleil 1 tt1 ia

\1iii ii Hf tltei \tiiLllihle lissilaitce ill tacit

ii f E Ii

We tHink ur1 I 7 , \ nstiuthi;i fir their IuliIiitu', tutu the

v titer 1 an: ;itti:Ies. Hiusit. f , )r 1 luriIillL:it iieuvs.


'I'll,: It\eenhlve nun OIt:Ceru- nil hut, t luin take the liurtul -

liItV ml Cu Ill 'et IIt I heir si eitiit.itk Li) \\. Ltitiae teiiiell - Sill) iii' uN Utiljriilk ulid uiiiseilisii elicits •:1111 - iii' tile ]n;iL

t\Nm settsmmuu. ut']ueh were resim:isiliic lm,r itiiutji this (huh

ha the tni 1 lhv lit-C in the Huni hi.teiiieuit. \ mist mitilmhe

(n a a spark link 1 mer. mmiii H wk use knu when l'e ill uim

lace have liecit i l:slrutneutt;Li ill 'iii iiit;1ihiin sutn'h 1 dcii tin un ii w


\\ ' e :imii'rtiiiiitut.c 'lii' inn. 1 1 liupecinnr uluek lle), I l : t. ju,hcal per I I bil 1hi ca a nil hiun;It (a1 till

X , )(I \\'eiislei-;u. ann! their Ch1flliiiui' v, iuc- it - luu:l -l1;ke.


Iii ne elew iiiç tile tucia'ilie.- m1 the (huh) thi 1411-41 eau ui W!1iC 11 ill tii ' eti I I ia LI ii. is t he ci i.t it' nil he ill the

(huiIn hlilnina I a sin tin take his uilmtcii'thlnit\ nil

till ihe lien inle tuiunh ietnhers whi, have mIlile this eiIn'nrl uIe

,\hl C nil thu ('i,uiiliiirteiN nice etittied hut

thu-in nIinie in the iuterest if tile t:ut:u t]:rinliVhutl -, due near. zlml titer ehlnnrts ILFe hiti1t ealiullleuniti]nIe.


Page 7: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial



1IIivIs. IiiI1I\II.\IS.

To ('a1i I11111c. kt S;t.inbi. , 11 , H I 1'iiy ............................I ('aITItv;L] 1' join 11nih ..........3 I HrnaI ] . :: I; ] , I 12 cjijtI ApIIvitif .................39 I ..................................... I

iIIjs&'ijpijuns ............1 H3II]IIIIiII .\IIIiII(IijLi1( ..........3 3 1' ('mb I(uI1LIioii5 ..................Is ii ( iu'iiI ..\(ivi(i' ................. mm :1

I Ii' II ., I'ieotiIIioii ....................31 II IjIJuub 4uIs .................. 0 2 .. E"Icclric !.istii ..................3 Uii(h\ Rtipt ................13 3 3 11anI ('Iijiigos .................. 0 13

IinIIyIiu'Ijt uI I.00n fiow I3'esib'jit ii Ii iiri!iy l\Io'iitn'o ................2(

TIaloi' i I .. .....................II 17 1

C 3'IIi; I lii 13 206 1 X Ill

I Iu•iIiv it Iv (hat I Im%i , .' ]11 1iuuIi ......... 'lilt iiiil \'r>oI,.t: ol ((j 1 -' iiitIt NaiiiI ii.: Ii tiii I.iIi (Ii, iIii t''. I;iI-ii,iiila I 'i'a. ii lii iisi(icij ii tlii ('Itili's a IiiiIs 01 (Ii :titIt h'lI'1ILbo. 1911.

](. I'i 11, 1 11 . I (oil ..\ii 3 ui.

Page 8: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial


I he Fr11c.\viIg Liiibi- jI IL I.r:'!

. iid li1( ('mb i1ii-. t1n r)1sIii'd a n j irtlIii: - -


1I..\. l. i.

flII \VN. A. T..\\.F.i.

jmII1z'.\1..\ LA. I'. I I(..\.f. I.


N. .\.IJ.i.

('f1i_1IN-, i lAm:

1)_\VIS. R. A.1.T..'.

im ('LI•:F{'.. .\

ALP. 1.

'-W\I"PI IT, A,F I.


III iii(.-1 lV 1iIirI \ \\ ikilIli'. Il 1'(I. 'ydiiy.

Page 9: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

The Following _IJlLbi or tlu t!u I ciw. I he nII rnl, and the Club \Vi1t 11trn Goihjieed ulill Sal

AIR. F. I A.1.F.i. E3EAT7 1. J. JI.A.A.F.I. HRO\VN, A. 1311ZZAI\ RA. I. (RAE.. CI-iRIS1'lNST.N Y. (A.l.F.). I'OJ LENS. F, IIT.A.E.). PAVfl-, H. tA.T.F'.I. l)ELflVKJ, P. (.•\.l.E.).

i.E C1.1TltC. .\. E.A.E.i.

Pon'rER. 'r, i VAlNE..l.

FfJflh'r H.

4 WILLIAMS, 'IL (A.lJ). OFFICIALS, 1940.41.


. P. A. Duff, Esq. President:

E. Molon'y. E9 c1. Senior Vice-President:

F. Bc1'tam. Esq. Vice-Presidents:

T. Pavsounge. F.sq. \VA. cin, Eq.: W. F. Carter.

Fsq. -A. Keruerson. Req.: B. Andre's. Hen.; W. IT. I 'I.

W. A. Ijuilson, Req.: K.'NI r Willi iima, Esci.; C. ,Iohnrcn, F ailshh, Req.; G. Childs, Esq.; I'. P. Taubnian, Lena 3.. IT. II:tcI- :Esq. : \V, Henderson, 1:eq. : ri. Jackson. Esq. Clias. 1,1111.6 1,11, i J. Wooilwai'd. Req.; J. \'. Pt ti:rsnn, Esq. (has. Fidha.. I

L. St..visuson, Esq. Ii. Sigers. E1l . ; II. J-loniel Req. Captain:

R. Ta- CIere, Vice-Captain:

.\ ('nriiei. • Hon. Secretary:

A. 13i'u ii Hon. Treasurer:

J. Lee. Boat Captain:

• N. Webster- Chief Instructor:

B. Lu Clere. Publicity Officer:

• S. fluff. Hon. Handicapper:

A. E. Biege. Selection Committee:

TI. I. Cleic, F. Co11iu. 1.

St@pti(iOhi, A. E. .Biggs, .T. Owens, Medical Officers:

Drs. IIE.let' Mall bwe. logers. 14 n., Recii ......

Page 10: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

- ANNUAL 'REPORT, 1940-4. • TO the Members, South Narrabecn

Veur ( ' l>rnhTli [tee la much j'lcaairC in suhin ttin iliC .1thi _\nnual Rc-1i111. cvi the ''l ati'nis of the Chuh dur,

• in ­ the 1040--11 eas' iii. esl(ik 'verel ailv erse circumstances owing to ciiliist-

titelils of llCl)eU5serving in lie i.nlpire Forces, the Iasi. .Car lis hecti a ili.t ttaiilii 'iie. \]cinhei 1s have tictjulttei i]ietimselves with reat h:'mipiii.

SURF LIFE SA\.tING ASSOCIATION. 'iIUI' Umtnitiec cag rat lilatet tile I(,Ih\vimii. demnliers.

\ lvi were sticce'fu1 in gaining \ si>ciatii iii .\ \var]s (itlini .. [lie 'ett-cm i: ---

lnrttctor's Certiiictitc:\. l'iller. hronze Melalhimis : A. Swttine, 1'. 'ln,v is. I. Rti,sell,

0. Eloustimi. ft larraskihl, I. '[lie (luh ctin'rtititlates .\lemmiIer.- i' the Y.*\\ . l'remitier-

shm1> k. & k. '[earn: S. Dufl. I. I.e Cern, A. [idler. A. (i-ncr. A. Httgerall, V. Collins, M. \\liitel.eal , Iecr.

lte;tcli kcl:ie ( hani1ins (ltimms. .\. 11u\rii.

R. (_oggin. A. Vei.ti ii. SURF LIFE SAVING.

\uiIr ('unmmiittee is tigairi potl1 t rel:rt that nc iii- llemmii,lied record of "No WCh:i. leen min,iitt:iiimeu.

[ight recues were 1rII1ltle(] lurin the Seisolt ilnugli this nunihem k :iiarati\eiv small, it indicates 10 clliciencv of the small 1ttiI ivh° t..imia11tl vttrn€d 11C01)lC

j(} l)ttl lie he iveemi tlan s. and s. keel' cI e;i r of ihe (laligerrils currents and channels tltei e>ii;t en the lieach from time ti I till C.

Your Committee regrets to rehint ii the hitNity ot at -tendance at patroL. The i citniii ('onimilLeC ivotihl le ad-vised ti adult siring measures to ensure dat a lCd per cent. ttttemnl;titcc iii patrols take 111:1cc hi the commh SetSoli.

FIRST-AID. 'Iwent v-tine c:ise. of I irst-.\id were nc Rich during the

etti. Your .\niliul;iiiee ( )Ccers are to he coir:ttu]atml iti the

ni:imuler ill which the carried out their diltics. 'l'lie Castlalp. room has heci litted out with all lhrst-'\ii

.IiPhiimiCe5 whicil tire nece-sai'\ f [lie Lreatiiteni of casual-

ties. Vn ouriIeiical Kit we intmst thank 'ili', Vi. ltllrlev. .i lh,' \,rr:Il1L'4i I liaimaci

Page 11: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

-MEMBERSHIP. The t viiir (iuj is as fHllu\v:-: -

• . I ile 1 (mher . .\ctivc \Inihers 20 :\ctiee Nesci -ve .......... 7

• . \ociate I Cifll)el - 5 ......... Ij-iltjnijrt tenhIieis . . . . 14

50 The (inl1iittc tIIcs allMeintici -sti thr'w their veighit

behind the Club ill the niitt 'Cason. iucl also 1 - er1ucsls that all i'tienibi-s take every 9)]ntl1nht\ If aiuuui new lilnior ltleriii.>crs, as they are i - i_mt k ticeded. uiflu(Jrs are the La-is (If the Cl tilis mInce.

GEAR, All 1 _ite L1 Yii1i', nateilal ill tile (titus C_) 5- 0551Ofl is lii

au excellent citu'.Iitiin. The (.m1r I nsj>cci liii (h?nhinittec :1 the ot/cred 'Cfl1((ii WhtCIi were attended tin.

I']le f1utck aunt \\tltc I'eci. ucIui 1 i tV;I liv the Chili uIiiriutt the scasnil, ld,5 pci tet it (lelitIcil iiCimisitiin td> the ( hUllS iCdi_

The "\\iItv Iriiiidli>ai 5 in ti i-il;i-,s çtjnditi'iii, \'ie

ihiaiik .\lenul.ierz tur carrying i)iit thiC I.iaiflt11tr and \aruuisluilin

ihl for tlic L, ..iiil Cure tht\ hi;i e iakea l .-a_icli a lint lit 'at. Il.neyer. iii (i Ill nlltlec i 5 aiuiv ti report I hat the

(_iedr Stewartls have I wull a little 1;u\ during the juasi. 'casiiui. It i. ilca:dni t' ) lit )t(' thai -evcu;il ni ill, ir imlutili ciiients it)

the CI I louse tei_-re curriecI tit uluirmg the i_-ai. INTER-CLUB CARNIVALS.

] nter-clut carnivaL- tuitide an luiteultive lar the Mein- b(t' Iu.I I )CCC IIIIC Ft 'hi(di it fl. 1AIr iyitiL aIit 1(1 kee1 in a t'tll -

nil hun of 7)llVSTCal itnesS in rder Ia' Caut\ 'lit their thiitn.'s.

All NNibers shmdd HI Vc1\ jirituid i the etfa_is 11111

fun-natul lii' canjetikirS itt Iltur-cIui) c;uuututals lielul uluiriii_ the

Seasun. t1 est nutahle mms Hic perfw - mance uI the Nescue & .Neueita1iüui learn and the lh' aeli 1-hag P.(-lay Team.

The N iv N. [Caiul neat thuruiii the seasun undefeated

ill CVCVY euuln]ietitiuufl Liii flue. The lkach Flag NeTiv I't-;tiui \Vnuui. I hurtngil 11W sea-un

undeteated. e au-c null Iii state tiul this truulvugic;ut record

winch 1111, (ithCï (1tL lit ;\uit;aliii


I'llis. year. mime S th;tii lii iIuI\ tla_i, a Sit ''I i_iiiiita&lt

Ship prevailed in this mist unity event, and our lest wishes

are extended i_u \uu \rrai;ccl' fir uuu:uuu\ itulure iuueeting-

Page 12: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

CLUB COMPETITIONS. 'l1.411 - &LJllltllttt('C e.>iigi:itnlul CS hit.' u)ll(\vIi -it. \lt'iii1ici.

vIio were succcssful in (_'ltih (. 11 niiiuishins and liti-'eye

(till, (liallilti nliij Belt l'_c ( !ltlIfll)0iCliil. A. 1 ~ idlc v.

ien Surf ltamp:iishil. A. 1'jd uri lea iil- h.Iirni)1iilii, (3. Fl u -..v>ii, I. Swain', \l

ii cheat I, F. t. 11 ins. hour Sun ('ha Ill 1i,n.-.li1,, F. Tracers (f;t:k \!LC I .a.0

'I. i ie:tcIi '!tlit1t h. Itautipit ish1, F. (_llit-,

I jilt 5.- nc.

Water [vcnl. \I. Whitehead I 1111 ' 1- 4 )71 ('up). each I':vcitt .\. lr\Vii I !:I s f ue (tip.

\ll-Isuiulcr, \I. \\ hi lchead (Cha s . Fidler Cup ).

SOCIAL. 'i'lie pies uutatoli l,C hell ill Ciiijtiiicti.ii wilt a

(lZlIiC(' ill t ile (Itili I louse. oas a niteottilty -tlCCeSS. The

1 rue 'nutlt \arraleen spirit prevailed. and the ( )liieials vein.


to be'-.t(\V ,ttli a ll ilil Of eXCClleuil itupliie- f o r ;1 Int

1 ( 11111 and \sociation (harnlionsliips iii1tet'etltiitt'l in ui'

lii101\ . It iii,v he truly sitt that the liitSi lie \Vts OUr

creditable SCttSoli ill eoullpchl.iii ill (31tiLe a titiuitlur ()I stirhiui spheres.

'I'hc SE......\s.ocial 'ii va repres('.iuted 1 1 q uite a 1111111-

1)Cr of their nItaldes. i\Eesi .. \. 1 )(,\ Ic. ( i. _\lillau-. 1 . ('rncrui, and their t.'ii.itleiite $,ei-lUVC in a tt e nding wr little function Was In uch appreciated.

The _iuivaI lalI hell I tile "hate ItllrtOiIl wi- an iii-

standing succem an! our tliaiiis i the ,\leiuter-. sible for it or6aiii7zti ti,

PRESENTATIONS. Our rcnviiel l. : l. (at.i . !,:'.trie Siepintntn, \vie.

Pt'Ce11tehh xvhh a laleii of the (.luI's e-teCill at ilic I 'FesCiltil-

tiun Dance, in Pie 14rni uf a Cut-gla--- it:.o I am! a Cr;,iii&-1 phot;graI>h of t ile learn.

Iliotis ver'th 'e:i ii cur hme.ddeni .iiitl in c;tt'li

Nenul,er of liotli the ( Ilitiiiini 1F & R. nild Ieieli Flit iel;

icarns. Welt' its'' 1 la lie hiuni in the Chum!

Page 13: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial

1 HAN KS. Tiiau1c are siticeicie extenItd Li the (loiors of ir'phiRs The [)lpclU5 (;iris' (luL this car showed teir irv

acceptable genurnsit, lie a <1ii;ltiul Q a 1 MVVr Air

iirizc.l ( lianipi ui ii Reel. Their laid ee.0 e cI1il!ilcl'.

a p ice ia ted. Thanks to \1essr. iiiirlev, Jnr. and Stir_ liar their addi-

tion"; and replenishnients to our most Mcdhc4l Kit.

the ecretaih, i1eirs, \Vhitchead and Drown, toe

the c.ttterest and hard work iven to our tt1 other Officials.

We desire to thank the \\ Irri1ilLl1 Shire Council and the S.L.S.Association for thcir valtial'le o-'-laI1ce iii

directions. We thank 'Surf In .\uirali;t'' air heir puhiieTt\, and the

writer of our articles, 'Shiushi,'' for his un]1 iitii t news. AN APPRECIATION.

'i'i'e Executive and ()Iiicers of this (liii' inh(' lie (.uh)i(mnti

iiity 01 COIIVCyillg their sincere thank5 to W. "laurie' Siehen-

son for hisuntiring and unselhsli eltorts during the past two seasons, \VhilCli were responsible ton Lunging this Chith to the top or the tree in tIle Surf \li t'nleli.. .\ mist caliaiie Coach, a sparking personahty, w!iiisc kiioulede;uid guid-

ance have been insti -utnental in our att;liiijtt such it high

standard of work. CONGRATULATIONS.

We congratulate un lion. 1 cac Ii 1 ns iccI ir I Jack Swaine), lion. Flandicapijer ( [liii hiiisi. and Ihiat (.'apuiuin

( 'Noel Web-;ter). and their charming, Wi ve. ''n their m;urriaee. PRESIDENT'S ADDENDUM.

In reviewing theactivities of tie Clul over the 194C-41

season which, in IIi\ est ilnatiull. is the most tiotlilile in I he -Club's liI5'LOIV, I \i ishi to take this oppiii'lunitv of timnkiiig all the people and theniliers who have made this elton

juissihie. All the Members of the Loninullees have carried out

i.licir duties in the interests of the Club thirot19noUt the year, and their etlonts ar e hiL'jil\ iolllllii'fl(l,,L.

Page 14: 18th Annual Report - South Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club · South iarra been Surf ) Life Saviui Chili ( PREMIERS 1940-41 _4 u Ii h Sui ( I li in ui 18th Annual Report and Financial




To Cash at Hank. 1st September. 19 10 ......6 19 1 Carnival Fees trout Meni hers ............iii 6 Social Activities ................159 19 1 Members Subseri it ions ............1 7 6 Club I)orintious .................. iS 0 41

Badge Sales ....................1 114 44

Hankhouk Sales .....................() Sundry Receipts ................12 5

£201; t3 10


By Petty Cash ....................2 I Carnival Entries ................12 II 6

Transport ......................1 I 2 Equipment M 8111 tc'iIu tIC...............2 2 1' Social Art!vttles ................iii :i Pj'sntatioiis ....................21 Ii 0 Electric Light ..................: S

,. Bank Charges .................. II 1

Rep:iyineill ci Loan front President I 4 II II

Sundry ExpenlitUre ................24 P, 1 Ilala tic c it Bank ................1117 10

£206 l: io

ff hereby certify that I have exitmint'd the riol,_\rco1in ts and Vouchers ol Ihi South Narraheen Stir!'c 5;ivmii Club, and Lwj that the aboNo, stateiutrnts rnpre.eiil ihe

•itio C-1 t4e C1ub affairs at the 301b S.upteniber, 191L

DLTII1, Hen, Auditor.

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