Page 1: 1st June 2016 - · the Melville Times about this exciting project. Don‟t forget interschool sport is still on this term. Parents are more than welcome to come

number of children at

school and after school

in the Willagee Library.

Her work, in

conjunction with the

librarians, has seen our

children take the lead

in using the library

resources for

homework and their

school attendance and

school results are

improving as a result.

The City of Melville

have agreed to a

partnership that will

allow Mel to work

another day in the

school to help support

the two homework

sessions she supervises

in the Willagee Library.

I would like to thank

Councillor Lisa

O‟Malley for her

support, and keep an

eye out for a story in

the Melville Times

about this exciting


Don‟t forget

interschool sport is

still on this term.

Parents are more than

welcome to come and

support our teams.

Check notes home for

details if your child is


Jason Shapcott


Hello again. The first

important news is there



JUNE. This gives our

teachers the

opportunity to share

ideas and best practice

with other teachers

from schools in the

Riverside Network. In

the afternoon, our

teachers will be

investigating interesting

ways of teaching the

new Geography

curriculum using

resources available

from the WA Museum.

There is also a new

Digital Technology

curriculum being

introduced and I

accompanied Year 5

teacher, Ms Wain, to

learn how to use the

new digital resources

we will receive soon

under the Science,

Technology, Engineering

& Maths (STEM)

initiative. We look

forward to D1 students

showing our teachers

how to use these new

resources to support

learning in the

classroom using


The C1 assembly about

random acts of kindness

is a timely reminder for

all of our students to

remember the virtue

of kindness. We have

had a long standing

saying „Click off, walk off

& find a teacher‟ if

children find themselves

in situations they don‟t

feel comfortable with in

the playground or

around the school. Our

new buddy bench is a

fantastic way children

can demonstrate

kindness by asking

children to play with

them if they find

someone sitting alone

on the bench.

I would like to take this

opportunity to recognise

the efforts of one our

school officers, Mrs

Emma Charlton, for her

wonderful efforts in

raising money for

cancer research.

Emma has co-ordinated

morning teas across

many schools in the City

of Melville City, including

Caralee, and I know the

Mayor has recognised

her efforts. This year the

morning teas have raised

over $9,000 and we

appreciate the work

Emma has put into this

annual event.

Still with the City of

Melville, Councillors

recently recognised the

efforts of our Education

Officer, Ms Mel Brown,

who has worked with a


1st June 2016

Newsletter 7

Our website:

SMS Attendance:

0409 883 536

Our email address:

[email protected]

Allergy friendly school:

Please remember NO

NUTS or nut products.

Fri, 3rd June

Pupil Free Day

Mon, 7th June

Public Holiday

(WA Day)

Fri, 10th June

Eagles Cup

Wed, 15th June

Assembly B3

Thu, 23rd June

Winter Carnival

Tue, 21 -24 Jun

Book Fair

Inside this issue:

Pupil Free Day

Virtue of Kindness

Homework Sessions

Kindy Enrolments

Enrolment Packs are now

available at the Front Office

REMINDER: Children are not

permitted to play on playground

equipment before/after school as

there will be no duty staff.

Page 2: 1st June 2016 - · the Melville Times about this exciting project. Don‟t forget interschool sport is still on this term. Parents are more than welcome to come

Newsletter 7

School Notices


Our next P&C Meeting will be held

Tuesday 14th June @ 7.00pm

in the Staffroom.

We welcome current and new members.

Year 6 Fundraising

Well done to all of the Year 6‟s who have

been earning some money to go towards

the end of Year 6 celebrations.

The Student Leadership Group decid-

ed to offer their services to staff and par-

ents, and made their cars shiny and clean. The „clean team‟ washed about 20 cars,

did a great job and raised over $200 — so it was well worth the effort!

To order securely online visit:



Alternatively, please pop into the

school office to pick up an order

form, or

email your order to Sam Gleed:

[email protected]




The Caralee Ideaz Hunterz were asked the

question, “What would make school cool?”

They came up with a variety of suggestions

and then voted. The most popular choice was

some new soccer goals and heaps of new

sports equipment for the Caralee kids to use!

Great choice guys!

Page 3: 1st June 2016 - · the Melville Times about this exciting project. Don‟t forget interschool sport is still on this term. Parents are more than welcome to come

Newsletter 7


2016 Burley Sekem Design a Jumper Competition

Each year the WAFC, in conjunction with Burley Sekem, run a ‘Design a Jumper’ competition for primary schools across WA. The jumpers are displayed at Domain Stadium and voted on by WAFC staff and stakeholders. Jacie and Callan Albrecht had their designs entered. Unfortunately their designs were unsuccessful, however WAFC and Burley Sekem appreciated their designs and efforts and have awarded the school a Jumpers Grant to the value of $500 to put towards new jumpers for our school. Well done Jacie and Callan!

We will be holding a voting process in the art room for the best design to be printed and made into jumpers. On Friday, 27th May 2016 we had our first Interschool game at Caralee against Riverton. An appreciation goes to all teachers and students who participated in the inter school preparation. Thank you to Shannon Baskerville for umpiring the Hockey, Daren Bell from the East Fremantle Football Club umpiring the Football, Alee Garrett and Anya Demegillo from MSHS umpiring the Netball, and Phil Sumaili umpiring the Soccer. Congratulations to the AFL and Soccer teams for winning their games, and a draw to the Hockey team! On Thursday, 16th June, Caralee Years 4-5 Girls will be playing in an afternoon Netball Carnival at Meville Senior High School. Our prac student Emma Bryant will be conducting netball try outs for the girls this Wednesday, 1st June 2016. 8 lucky girls will be representing Caralee in the A Grade carnival - Good luck to all who try out .

Miss Aleisha Cotton, Sports Teacher


Music & Drama

As we are coming to the end of our rhythm units, the students have been completing written and performance assessments to show what they have learnt. Our performance assessment included an improvisation activity on the African drums. The children enjoyed participating in rhythmic games like ‘Let’s All Play Our Drum’ & ‘Don’t Clap This One Back’ before demonstrating their improvisation skills with the rhythms they have learnt.


Well done to the choir for a successful performance at this year’s ‘Singfest’. I was so proud to see the students get up there and perform ‘Feels Like Going Back Home’ for the audience & I can’t wait to start pre-

paring for our next performance.

Miss Rhiannan Longley, Music Specialist


The art room is looking spectacular this term with all the children's space designs. Students have been using different medias and techniques such as edicol dyes, clay, splatter painting, collages, 3D and 2D

designs, line drawings etc. Please come in and have a look at the children's work.

Years 4-6 students have their last art assignment for the term; they have a free choice artist. This term they were given either Salvador Dali or Pablo Picasso. Once again, I have been receiving some breath taking pieces and am currently still in the process of marking and returning their grades. Just a reminder to students to make sure that they take their time with their assignments as it goes towards their overall assess-ment grades and also towards a mini excursion in Term 4. Students have three weeks to complete an assign-ment and they can come see myself or Sam Atkins for assistance or materials.

Miss Aleisha Cotton, Arts Teacher

Page 4: 1st June 2016 - · the Melville Times about this exciting project. Don‟t forget interschool sport is still on this term. Parents are more than welcome to come


We would like to offer all children in your school a complimentary assessment and lesson voucher.*

There is no obligation to book in for

lessons afterwards. To book please contact us on 9339 4520 or

[email protected]

and Quote reference: CARALEE.

*valid for new customers at State Swim East Fremantle.

Join us for FUN AT THE FAIR with the

BOOK FAIR being run from Tuesday, 21

to Friday, 24 June in the School Library.

Volunteers Needed ! Please call Natalie on

M: 0429 100 096 to be part of the team :)

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