  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Borrowing Against Property


    Pledge and Hypothecation


  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property



    Hypothecation is not statutory creation but is product ortrade usage.

    It is kind of pledge where the pledged goods remain in

    the possession of pledger for his use.

    Exp : Auto loan and car loans

    Hypothecator holds goods as agent and not as owner

    Goods are liable to be returned to Hypothecatee under

    the circumstance stated in contract If hypothecator refuse other person can seek court help

    in getting back the same

    Hypothecatee grants right to use goods to Hypothecator

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    Where the charge is by way of Hypothecation

    creditor cannot directly seize the goods by

    entering premises.

    He has to do so either with the consent of the

    borrower or through a court order.

    The creditor does not have right to enter the

    premises and lock and seal the same.

    A hypothecatee is not in actual possession of

    goods. He grants right to use to the borrower.

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    Pledge and Hypothecation Pledge

    Pledged goods are stored in godown under the lock

    and under bank supervision

    - Exp Gold loan, Loan against FD shares NSC

    No withdrawal or addition is possible without bankpermission

    - Some times bank takes constructive possession and

    they are allowed to be kept without lock at the

    premises of the borrower.

    - Borrower is bound to submit regular returns to bank

    indicating increase or decrease

    - ExpLoan against stock or book debts

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    Mortgage of Immovable property


    Transfer of an interest by pledging a property as

    security against an advance as loan

    It is transfer of limited interest of an immovableproperty as security against a loan



    Mortgage deedBy which transfer effected

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  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Transfer of interest

    Mortgagor transfer only interest in property not


    Mortgage is only to secure the due payment of debt

    In sale there is transfer of all rights attached toproperty

    But in mortgage Mortgagor has several rights to

    property such as possession, right to sell , right toenjoy.

    Mortgagor transfer any one of right to mortgagee

  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Kinds of Mortgages

    Sec 58 of Transfer of Property Act 1882

    recognizes following 5 mortgages.

    1. Simple Mortgage

    2. Usufructuary Mortgage

    3. Mortgage by condition sale

    4. English Mortgage5. Mortgage by deposit of title deeds

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    Documents for Company Applying for


    Copy of board resolution

    AOABoard resolution subject to AOA Limits

    Personal Guarantee of director

    Board resolution for Acknowledgement of Debt

    Borrowing LimitDirectors of Public company

    cannot borrow in excess of paid up capital and free

    reserves MOA and AOATo be examined by bank

    Registration of charges ( Sec 125 of companies Act )

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    Registration of charges

    In case of all the companies some charges on their

    assets have compulsorily to be registered with ROC

    under section 125 of the Companies Act 1956

    Some charges to be registered are- Charge on immovable property

    - Charge on book debts

    - Charge on movable property- Floating charge on undertaking and stock

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    Effects of non registration of charge

    Particulars of charge with copies of documents have

    to be filed for registration within 30 days from the

    date of creation of charge

    Failure to register the chargescharge will be voidagainst liquidator any creditor of the company

    In such case debt becomes unsecured and payable


    Form 8, Form 10 and Form 17

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    Hire Purchase Agreements

    It is contractual agreement under which the owner lets

    his goods on hire to the hirer and offers an option to

    purchase the goods in accordance with terms of contract.

    The goods are delivered by the owner to a person on acondition that the person receiving such goods should

    pay the agreed amount in some timely installment

    Property in goods transferred on payment of last

    installment The person has right to terminate the agreement before

    property passes on

  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Elements of HP agreement

    HirerPerson who acquire possession of


    OwnerA person who delivers possession of

    goods under hire purchase agreement

    HireSum payable periodically by hirer as per

    HP agreement

    Hire purchase priceTotal Sum payable by

    Hirer under HP agreement

  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Lease of Property

    Lease of immovable property is a transfer of right of a right toenjoy the possession for a limited period of time

    It can be oral or perpetuity

    Right of possession is essential part of lease.

    Sec 105 to 117 Transfer of Property Act 1882 deals with leaseof immovable property

    Sec 105 A lease of an immovable property is a transfer of aright to enjoy such property made for certain time, express orimplied , or in perpetuity in consideration of a price paid or

    promised or of money a share of crops, services of any otherthing of value to be rendered periodically or on specifiedoccasions to the transferor by transferee, who acceptstransfer of such terms.

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    Elements of lease agreement

    Parties - To be competent to enter into contract. A

    person can not grant lease to himself

    Subject Matter - Subject matter is Immovable

    property governed by TP Act . Term Period - Date of commencement and

    termination to be mentioned

    Consideration or rent Procedure for lease - A lease of immovable property

    more than 1 year to be registered

  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Exchange / Gift

    Sec 118 to 120 of TP Act deals with concept of


    Exchange means the transfer of a thing for another

    thing Exchange of one property for another

    Property may be movable or immovable

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    Sec 118

    When 2 person mutually transfer the

    ownership of one thing for ownership of

    another neither thing nor both the things

    being money only, the transaction is called


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    Gift A gift is the transfer of ownership of an existing movable

    or immovable property voluntarily and gratuitously I e

    without any consideration by the donor to the donee

    To be valid gift donee acceptance of donee is essential


    The acceptance to be given during the life time of donor

    Act recognizes gift between living person

    Gift by will comes under Succession Act not TP Act

    Gift of immovable property has to be through registered

    deed signed by Donor and attested by 2 witnesses.

    Sec 122 to 129 TP Act deals with Gift

  • 8/12/2019 2 Boroowing Against Property


    Sec 122 Defines Gift As follows

    Transfer of certain existing movable or immovableproperty made voluntarily and without

    consideration, by one person , called donor , toanother called donee and accepted by or behalf ofdonee.

    Such acceptance must be made during the lifetime

    of the donor. If donee dies before acceptance, thegift is void.

    Minor cannot be the donor, but can be donee.

    Property gifted must be in existence it cannot be forfuture property.

    Gift should be made to ascertainable person not togeneral public.

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    Elements of Gift

    Two parties - Donor and donee. Donor should becompetent party

    Intention to Donate

    Tangible subject matter. TP Act does not deal withintangibles

    No considerationIt should be without consideration

    Free consentIt should not obtained from coercion,undue influence , fraud and misrepresentation

    Acceptance by donee unconditionally

    Delivery of gift property

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