Page 1: 2 critical approches

Critical approaches 2

Beth Geldard

Page 2: 2 critical approches

The front cover of vogue has been shot in a studio and they have also used artificial lighting which is creating a professional look to the magazine. It also displays that it is a wealthy business as they have the money to rent a studio out. This links back to the audience which expands that they like to get what they are paid within the quality of the magazine and the type of information that they are being provided with. The type of camera shot they have used is a medium shot. You're able to see their body language facial expression and clothing. This allows you to get to know the model more and who she is. She looks relaxed and calm creating a sophisticate look showing hardly any skin, only showing her face shoulder and leg. Makes it look like she is teasing you because she is hiding behind this big coat; Links within the audience showing that the buyers are classy The photo is eye level, which allows the reader have eye contact with her. Doing this makes it more intermit with this model. The image I would say has a soft focus not to harsh to resemble the muted colours. The colours being shown and warm tones, using pinks to indicate that it’s a girls magazine. The shade of pink creates a stylish and fresh looks, bouncing of her skin making the model look angelic. By using these colour this can resemble on the audience showing how they may be quite girly and in to fashion. Her skin has a glow to it which could suggest that she innocent and because she has got a tan suggest that is could be a natural glow. Showing little makeup keeping the colours quite natural and natural this could resemble her personality on how she is confident in her own skin. This maybe another reason why girls by this magazine because they might want to be

allows people to express them selves and experiment. For self actualization it coming under creativity, its supplying you with tips to how you can look like this. So in away its saying if you wear and look like this you'll suit this magazine and its all about changing your self.The masterhead being placed at the top behind her head shows that vogue is a popular magazine, the audience will know what magazine it it with it being covered up. Making it Barbie pink makes it look bright and vibrant standing out from the other shades of pink and showing contrast against the back ground.

comfortable in their own skin and Iit may provide products to use to get the perfect skin. Also making the back ground grey shows that she wants to stand out from the crowd.For the target audience I would say vogue is aiming for girls medium to high class, as it provided the reader with high end trends and designers. Vogue aims to suit a wide target audience I feel choosing a young to old audience which creates a wide circulation and vogue are able to expand.The page layout has a clear structure, having columns reading from one side to another. They chose to put most of the text on the left hand side it shows that they know how their audience like to read it as everyone reads from the left to right indicates that they have thought about the readers needs. Placing it in columns to place around the photo, suggest that something is in common with the model. For the written language that has been provided they have made it short and sweet getting straight to the point so the readers know what the magazine is providing them. I would say they have used informal and formal language. Choosing different typography allowing other text to stand out more then other suggest that its more important. For instance ‘Free spirit’ I like how they have done this in large text because they are actually not giving you a free gift; as soon as people see this everyone loves to get something free so I would say this is their unique selling point of this magazine as they are enticing people to come and pick it up.In the hierarchy of needs this magazine comes under esteem and self- actualization. For esteem the magazine resembles creativity and self confidence because it says ‘ Fashions new expression: wild, raw and gorgeous’ shows that on the this page in side the magazine this is what you will be expecting the clothing to look like. It also wanting going to want people to say that about their clothing which will

The front cover has been written in first person as you're being able to read it thought the eyes of someone else. I wouldn't’t say there is a lot of white space as most of it is being taken up by the model and the text which I think it good because your main focus is going to be on her and the information along side her.

Page 3: 2 critical approches

The layout of the magazine is giving you a clear indication of who you are going to be reading about. Displaying a large image of Kate moss all so having a large ‘K’ taking up most of the page. Because the K is large which could suggest that is big in the celebrity world and maybe shows it shows how she likes to be Centre of attention. By doing this suggest that the readers maybe big fans off Kate moss because she has been successful within the fashion industry, and its giving the readers what they want. This does reflects on Kate Moss’s job role as she is a model, so she is always in the spot light.Another thing is the written language above the ‘K’ only displaying a small amount shows that there is may be more pages to read about her and also it can make the audience think that they are not reading a lot and this may just be the start this will them be intriguing the audience to read on more. Kate Moss is not a young model, so her her target audience she may be influencing older people that want to read about her. Furth more this Shows that vogue is creating a bigger circulation for female audience to read their magazine. The double page does not display a lot of colour, creating contrast between the black and white showing simplicity but stylish. There are a range of different tones within the photo. Black can suggest mystery and I feel this shows this within the page because what the text may say, you might want to read on to find out more.The white connotes passivity and perfection; it may show how Kate moss is a perfectionist and how she likes to be the best, making the viewer pleased with what they see.

The large photo of Kate has been staged as she is eye level with the camera. It has been taken in a medium shot so you are about to see the structure of her body and you can see this isn't how most people would pose for a photo, so she has been told to position her self in this way. You’re able to see her body structure which I would say is in a unusual position. Half of her hand has been cut off making you think where is she pointing to? But also she is wearing a wig and the way that her body position is covering her body making you think what is she trying to hide? This would link to how she lives a life of a model to her everyday life. What I think Kate Moss is portraying a sexy look, wearing all leather but it can also represent that maybe she is quite a tough person because she is in the spot light she always going to have something said about her positive or negative. This can relate back to her audience; as maybe she wants to come across as a strong and independent women and people maybe influenced by her.The sharpness of the photo is very clear, you're able to see the detail from her check bones, to the curls in her hair creating a perfect cut. You can see the different shade in the photo showing where the light has not reached which adds to her facial features creating more definition and sharpness.From other magazine I would suggest that the article will be formal, keeping a professional look on the magazine but because the magazine is writing about Kate Moss there may be quotes from Kate that are informal which will link to everyday life to show she is like everyone else and this would link back to her audience on how she is like everyone else but she may have to portray her self in a different way when t comes to modeling.

Page 4: 2 critical approches

The master head has been placed at the top of the magazine because this is the first place where someone would look. As you can see the font is close together which could suggest how the magazine is packed pull with new trends which how's that the money you are spending is worth it. Another thing about the master head its bold standing out from any other text, shows that it’s the most important part. The magazine designer may have done this; it’s a way how people may remember the magazine which will link to the colour as it’s a dark pink showing contrasting against the background. By the master head being pink this could link to their primary audience how they are aiming for women I would say from the age 20-55. aiming for such a wide audience could connote how they may do a different range of styles to suit everyone. The secondary target audience is men ages from 25-40. Aiming for a smaller audience as it may come across to feminism. But the reason why I think they aim for men as well is because the are using the colours, blue, grey and green. The blue can suggest Pease and harmony which would show when finished decorating your work is satisfying to look at. The green can show growth within your production. By adding the colour grey to the image quite a basic colour and compromises with other colour. but it’s telling the audience that you need a basic colour to then contrast it with a more vibrant

colour for it to bounce off. What I like about this image is how they've set the mood, they are trying portray a cosy home by having the fire going. Blanket and pillow on the sofa which will symbolize what month it is as this magazine is from February. Show that its still cold but you can bring in some colours to get ready for the summer term. this can link back to the audience because this is how they may want their home to look like creating a fresh new taste which what this magazine may provide. The typography being used is all in different sizes from small to large representing the most important. I like how they have wrote ‘968 brilliant ideas for your new home’ I like how they haven't put 970 to show that maybe there will be more to come when you pick up you next magazine. The font being used is simplistic its easy to read and understand but as well because it is so thin it blends in with the background. The image has been staged and taken in a studio. Everything has been spaced in a certain area so it is easy to visualize. Its all neat as and set up and this can reflect back on the audience because some homes may not be like this so it is portraying maybe of a dream of what someone wants. They have made a banner at the bottom and on it , it say ‘two magazines for the price of one’ telling the audience that you are saving money. the type of language being used informal and formal as they used the word you'll instead of you will they

have broken it down to suit their audience They have placed the date at the top to make sure you are buying something that is in trend now. This is relevant to the buyer, so it basic place where they put it instead of them having to find it They have self promoted themselves by displaying their webpage at the top this will show that there is other ways of finding information about designing your home.

Page 5: 2 critical approches

What I like about this double page cover is how the page is getting over taken by colour, which could illustrate that colour does a lot to improve your home. As before from what you can see it was all plain white against a drowsy kitchen top and by bringing colour in its made it look bold. By adding colour shows that this decorator wants to show the readers how colour it important to a home if you want to stand out from the rest, so he’s telling the readers to be more confident with trying new things which they may not have wanted to do before. Using the colour yellow could represent how this decorator has sparked up a bright idea on what you want to do. It also connotes happiness, so when decorating you don't want it to be a stressful time, you want to enjoy it. Another thing is shows it energy, as you are going to be busy.Furthermore, this page uses typography and I like how it is structured using columns creating a neat outlook. This may represent that when you have finished the room will look neat and tidy, by having a neat layout this my push the readers to not just decorate there room but to make it neater as well to create a professional look. I like how parts of the text are highlighted making it different from any other double page, shows that its started a new subject or they used a full out quote to intrigue the readers. They put a small part in bold writing suggest that you need to read this so you understand what the rest of the article is saying. The masterhead placed in the middle of the page, in black bold font. Placing it in black so it contrast with the white background. May the artist is back and white two sides you can either get one which which is basic or the other which is creative. By using the word ‘reluctant’ showing that this decorator unsure with his/her ideas which shows that they’re spontaneous. Its like he/she like to experiment and explore you trends or start them. Illiterates that the decorator hopes for the best outcome which most reader like the way this decorator work or they maybe like that at home. This maybe a unique selling point to this magazine because the readers may have ideas, but they don't know whether they are to daring to try it out and be different and this is what makes this artist different from any other. People are look to have something unique from anyone else so try it, which may then influence the readers. I would presume that the text within the magazine will be formal, keeping a professional standard as older people will be readying this magazine. This photo has been staged as the scene has been set up. With out all the text it will have just been white space. Shows that they have structured already where they want to put the text so it stand out.

The first thing I see on this page is all the images it provides, taking up most of the page making the reader think that you wont be reading a lot . What I think is good about providing images is the readers have something to fall back on, they're are giving you a clear display on what is the intend and how glass brightens up the room bringing in natural lighting. The types of shots being used are medium to long providing the reader with a clear view. By using theses types of shots they are bring in cool colours through out the images, using blue, purple and grey using uni sex colours so it will attract both genders. Illustrating they are wanting to bring in natural sources which links back to the masterhead (A Glass Act)Theses photos have been staged, they have been set up representing what most homes should look like. This will think to the audience to show that this magazine is aiming for high class audience female who are able to spend there money on these products. The type of font that has been used for the little is posh and pointy, which could connotation show interior designers like things Cristal clean cut. Making everything pristine. Shows that the people who buy this magazine could have cleaners to keep their home perfect condition. I would say the masterhead is in-between thick and thin font which could illustrate how maybe they vary on different product, so the prices are not all the same maybe go for cheaper items to great a bigger circulation for the audience. The text has been placed in columns and around the the images shows that all theses images are relevant to the text. It also has been written in formal text showing that this magazine is aiming for an older audience primary audience women and secondary audience men; women are more in to designing their home keeping their homes simplistic yet fashionable.

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