  • 8/13/2019 2002 June Module 1 MS



    Statement Sucrose Maltose

    Contains glucose

    Is a reducing sugar

    Contains glycosidic bonds

    Is transported in the

    phloem of flowering plants

    Encircle CORRECT answers

    Any TWO correct responses ! mar"

    #lan"s and ambiguous tic"s are incorrect

    $ut correct numbers of tic"s to correspond with total mar"


    2. %&O '

    (di)polar '

    %ydrogen * % '

    Sol+ent '

    (specific) heat capacity '

    [not latent heat capacity]


    3. (a) A flagellum '

    # ,-A * (bacterial) chromosome 'C cell wall ' .




    $ro"aryotic cell Eu"aryotic cell

    ! Smaller /arger '

    & ,o not ha+e a nucleus *

    nucleolus * ha+e a nucleoid

    %a+e a nucleus * nuclear en+elope *

    nucleolus (allow description) * no

    nucleoid '

    . ,o not ha+e membrane0boundorganelles * absence of named


    %a+e membrane0bound organelles *presence of named membrane0bound

    organelle '

    01 Smaller * 23S ribosomes /arger * 43S ribosomes '

    5 Mesosomes * description of


    -o mesosomes '

    6 Circular ,-A /inear ,-A '

    02 -o histones * chromosomes %istones * chromosomes '

    4 Murein * mucopeptide *

    peptidoglycan cell walls * nocellulose

    Cellulose cell walls (if present) '

    7 8lagellum with no microtubules * 8lagellum with microtubules * 79&


  • 8/13/2019 2002 June Module 1 MS


  • 8/13/2019 2002 June Module 1 MS


    (b) 8olding of secondary structure * e: '

    To form irregular * ., * globular shape '

    Maintained by; hydrogen * ionic * disulphide bonds * e: '

    #onding determined by R0groups '

    Shape is important for function ' ma< .[6]

    5. (a) !1 mm (allow !& 0 !5 mm) '

    = 433 '

    !2>5 * !4>3 ' .

    [allow consequential error]

    (b) Only & cells drawn (,)'

    #oth cells with correct magnification (M) '

    -ucleus of A has correct shape (-) '

    ,rawn with single line and no additional details * structures (/) ' 1[7]

    6. (a) Reference to named stain (acetic orcein * acetocarmine * 8eulgens * Schiffs) '

    Warm * heat '

    #rea" open tip with (mounted) needle *e: '

    Mount in stain * acid * water '

    (gently) s:uash under co+erslip * e: ' ma< 1

    (b) (i) A ' !

    (ii) C ' !

    (c) Synthesis * di+ision * multiplication of organelles (or named organelle) '

    ?rowth '

    Replication of ,-A* chromosomes '

    $rotein synthesis * name of specific protein being synthesised '

    Any normal cell acti+ities; named eg> respiration) ' ma< &[8]

    7. (a) (i) Mo+ement down concentration gradient * e: '

    In+ol+es protein in membrane ' &

    (ii) (Acti+e transport) re:uires; AT$* energy '

    (Acti+e transport) occurs against*up the concentration gradient ' &

    (b) (i) (3>35 mol dm0. ) 73@ and (3>32 mol dm0. ) !5@ '

    ,ifference (730!5) 25@ '

    allow !1@ reading; no conse:uential errorB &

    (ii) Water potential of solution is more than that of red blood cells *

    allow con+erse '

    Water enters the cells '

    #y osmosis * down water potential gradient '


  • 8/13/2019 2002 June Module 1 MS


    (c) Cell wall '

    Resists e Same * stated mass * +olume of pulp '

    .> Range of temperatures * at least three stated temperatures '

    1> Same * stated +olume * concentration of enDyme * pectinase '

    5> Same time * stated time period '

    6> Measure +olume of uice e

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