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Machine Learning-Based Classification of Patterns of EEG Synchronization for Seizure Prediction

Piotr Mirowski,Deepak Madhavan MD,Yann LeCun PhD,Ruben Kuzniecky MD

Courant Institute ofMathematical Sciences

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[Litt and Echauz, 2002; Schulze-Bonhage et al, 2006] 2

The seizure prediction problem

Review of literature: most methods implement

1D decision boundary machine learning used

only for feature selection

Trade-off between: sensitivity

(being able to predict seizures)

specificity (avoiding false positives)

Benchmark data:21-patient Freiburg EEG dataset;current best results are: 42 % sensitivity 3 false positives per day

(0.25 fp/hour)

Seizure onsetObservationwindow



Extraction of featuresfrom EEG,

pattern recognition




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patterns of brainwave synchronization: could differentiate preictal from interictal stages would be unique for each epileptic patient

definition of a “pattern” of brainwave synchronization: collection of bivariate “features” derived from EEG, on all pairs of EEG channels (focal and extrafocal) taken at consecutive time-points capture transient changes

a bivariate “feature”: captures a relationship: over a short time window

goal: patient-specific automatic learning to differentiate preictal and interictal patterns of brainwave synchronization features

[Le Van Quyen et al, 2003; Mirowski et al, 2009]

interictal preictal ictal

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Patterns of bivariate features

Non-frequential features: Max cross-correlation

[Mormann et al, 2005] Nonlinear

interdependence [Arhnold et al, 1999]

Dynamical entrainment [Iasemidis et al, 2005]

Frequency-specific features: [Le Van Quyen et al, 2005]

Phase locking synchrony Entropy of phase

difference Wavelet coherence

Varying synchronizationof EEG channels

[Le Van Quyen et al, 2003; Mirowski et al, 2009]

1min of interictal EEG 1min of preictal EEG

1min interictal pattern 1min preictal pattern

Examples of patterns of cross-correlation

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[Mirowski et al, 2009] 5

Separating patterns of features

a) 1-framepatterns (5s)

b) 12-framepatterns (1min)

c) 60-framepatterns (5min)

d) Legend

2D projections (PCA) of wavelet synchrony SPLV features, patient 1

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[Mirowski et al, 2009] 6

Patterns of bivariate features

Features computed on 5s windows (N=1280 samples)

6x5/2=15 bivariate features on 6 EEG channels(Freiburg dataset)

Wavelet analysis-based synchrony values grouped in7 electrophysiological frequency bands:δ [0.5Hz-4Hz], θ [4Hz-7Hz], α [7Hz-13Hz], low β [13Hz-15Hz], high β [15Hz-30Hz], low γ [30Hz-45Hz], high γ [55Hz-120Hz]

Features are aggregated into temporal patterns yt:12 frames (1min) or 60 frames (5min) 12157=63006015=9005min


SPLV, H, CohC, S, DSTL# feat

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[LeCun et al, 1998; Mirowski et al, AAAI 2007, 2009] 7

Machine Learning ClassifiersInput

pattern of features:


Layer 15@px48

Layer 25@px24

Layer 35@1x16

Layer 45@1x8

Layer 53

1x13convolution(across time)

px9convolution(across timeand space/freq)

1x8convolution(across time)





L1-regularized convolutional networks (LeNet5, above)

L1-regularized logistic regressionSupport vector machines

(Gaussian kernels)L1-regularization highlights pairs of

channels and frequency bands discriminative for seizure prediction

Input sensitivity

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21-patient Freiburg EEG dataset

[Aschenbrenner-Scheibe et al, 2003; Schelter et al, 2006a, 2006b; Maiwald, 2004; Winterhalder et al, 2003]

medically intractable

> 24h interictal2 to 6 seizures

Train + x-val on66% data(57 earlier seizures)

PATIENT SPECIFICTest on 33% data

(31 later seizures)

Previousbest results:42% sensitivity, 0.25 fpr/h

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[Mirowski et al, 2009] 9

Results on 21 patients (Freiburg)

<0.25 fp/hour, log-reg conv-net (LeNet5)


100% sensitivity

15/21 20/21 17/21wavelet-based

< 0.25 fp/hour,


nonlinear interdep.

diff. Lyapunov

phase locking

phase entropy


100% sensitivity

12/21 17/21 2/21 16/21

14/21 18/21

For each patient, at least 1 method predicts 100% of seizures, on average 60 minutes before the onset, with no false alarm.But not always the same method…

16 combinations (feature, classifier): how to choose a good one?



Wavelet coherence + conv-net: 15/21 patients (0 fp/hour)Wavelet SPLV + conv-net: 13/21 patients (0 fp/hour)Wavelet coherence + SVM: 14/21 patients (<0.25 fp/hour)Nonlinear interdependence + SVM: 13/21 patients (<0.25 fp/hour)

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[Mirowski et al, 2009] 10

Example of seizure prediction

Wavelet coherence + convolutional network, patient 8

True negatives False

negatives False



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[Mirowski et al, 2009] 11

Feature sensitivity (and selection)

Analysis of input sensitivity:a) Logistic

regression: look at weights

b) Conv nets: gradient on inputs

L1 regularization → sparse weights

High γ frequencies

could be discriminativefor seizure prediction classification?

Time (frames)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60




[TBB6] [HR_7][TBA4] [HR_7][TBA4] [TBB6]





Patient 12, nonlinear interdependence

δ (< 4Hz)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60






θ (4Hz – 7Hz)

α (7Hz – 13Hz)

Low β (13Hz – 15Hz)

High β (14Hz – 30Hz)

Low γ (31-45Hz)

High γ (55-100Hz)

Time (frames)

Patient 8, wavelet coherence

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Thank You Litt B., Echauz J., Prediction of epileptic seizures, The Lancet Neurology 2002 EEG Database at the Epilepsy Center of the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany, available: Le Van Quyen M., Soss J., Navarro V., et al, Preictal state identification by synchronization changes in long-

term intracranial recordings, Clinical Neurophysiology 2005 Mormann F., Kreuz T., Rieke C., et al, On the predictability of epileptic seizures, Clinical Neurophysiology

2005 Mormann F., Elger C.E., Lehnertz K., Seizure anticipation: from algorithms to clinical practice, Current Opinion

in Neurology 2006 Iasemidis L.D., Shiau D.S., Pardalos P.M., et al, Long-term prospective online real-time seizure prediction,

Clinical Neurophysiology 2005 B. Schelter, M. Winterhalder, T. Maiwald, et al, Do False Predictions of Seizures Depend on the State of

Vigilance? A Report from Two Seizure-Prediction Methods and Proposed Remedies, Epilepsia, 2006 B. Schelter, M. Winterhalder, T. Maiwald, et al, Testing statistical significance of multivariate time series

analysis techniques for epileptic seizure prediction”, Chaos, 2006 T. Maiwald, M. Winterhalder, R. Aschenbrenner-Scheibe, et al, Comparison of three nonlinear seizure

prediction methods by means of the seizure prediction characteristic, Physica D, 2004 R. Aschenbrenner-Scheibe, T. Maiwald, M. Winterhalder, et al, How well can epileptic seizures be predicted?

An evaluation of a nonlinear method, Brain, 2003 M. Winterhalder, T. Maiwald, H. U. Voss, et al, The seizure prediction characteristic: a general framework to

assess and compare seizure prediction methods, Epilepsy Behavior, 2003 J. Arnhold, P. Grassberger, K. Lehnertz, C. E. Elger, A robust method for detecting interdependence:

applications to intracranially recorded EEG, Physica D, 1999 LeCun Y., Bottou L., et al, Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition, Proc IEEE, 86(11), 1998 Mirowski P., Madhavan D., et al, TDNN and ICA for EEG-Based Prediction of Epileptic Seizures Propagation,

22nd AAAI Conference 2007 Mirowski P., et al, Classification of Patterns of EEG Synchronization for Seizure Prediction, Clinical

Neurophysiology, under revision Mirowski P., et al, System and Method for Ictal Classification, US Patent Application, 2009

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Detailed results

pat 1 pat 2 pat 3 pat 4 pat 5 pat 6 pat 7 pat 8 pat 9 pat 10 pat 11feature classifier fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1C log reg x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 46 x x x x x 0 79 73 x x

conv net 0 68 0 40 x x x 0 54 61 0 25 52 x x 0 56 x x x x x x x x x xsvm 0.23 68 0 40 x x x x x x x x x 0.12 66 0 36 x x x x x 0.12 79 73 x x

S log reg x x x x 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x x x 0 56 x x x x x x x x x xconv net 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x x x 0 56 x x 0 51 78 x x x 0 67

svm 0.23 68 0 40 x x x 0.13 39 61 0 45 52 0.12 16 0 56 0 9 0.13 51 43 0.12 79 73 0.25 67DSTL svm x x x x x x x 0 39 51 x x x x x x x x x x x x 0.24 9 3 x xSPLVlog reg 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x 0 66 0 56 x x 0 51 78 x x x 0 57

conv net 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x x x 0 56 0 39 0 51 78 0 79 73 0 67svm 0.12 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 41 x x x 0.12 66 0 56 x x 0 51 78 0.24 79 73 0 27

H log reg x x 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x x x 0 56 x x 0 51 78 x x x 0 67conv net 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x x x 0 56 x x 0 51 78 x x x 0 67

svm 0.23 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x 0.12 66 0 56 x x 0 51 78 0.24 79 73 0 27Coh log reg 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 x x x 0 66 0 56 x x 0 51 78 x x x 0 37

conv net 0 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 0 45 52 0 71 0 56 0 44 0 51 78 0 79 73 0 67svm 0.12 68 0 40 0 48 3 0 54 61 0.12 66 0 56 x x 0 51 78 0.24 79 73 0 32

pat 12 pat 13 pat 14 pat 15 pat 16 pat 17 pat 18 pat 19 pat 20 pat 21feature classifier fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 fpr ts1 ts2 fpr ts1 ts2C log reg 0 25 0 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

conv net 0 25 0 7 x x x x 0 65 25 x x x x x x x x 0 91 96 x x xsvm 0 25 x x x x x x 0 60 20 x x x x x x x x x x x 0.12 99 70

S log reg 0 25 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xconv net 0 25 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 28 0 91 96 x x x

svm x x 0.13 33 0.12 90 0 55 55 x x x x x x x x x x x x x xDSTL svm x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xSPLVlog reg 0 25 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 99 75

conv net 0 25 x x x x 0 90 x x x x x x 0 20 70 0 28 x x x x x xsvm x x 0.26 33 0 80 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0.12 99 80

H log reg 0 25 x x 0 33 0 70 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xconv net 0 25 x x 0 33 0 90 x x x 0 78 113 x x x x x x x x x x x

svm x x 0.13 33 0 85 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0.12 14 75Coh log reg 0 25 x x x x 0 45 0 60 10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

conv net 0 25 x x x x 0 90 x x x x x x 0 25 90 x x 0 99 20 x x xsvm x x 0.26 28 0 85 0 60 5 x x x 0.23 15 90 x x x x x 0.12 99 75

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16[Mormann et al, 2005] 16

Maximum cross-correlation

Cross-correlation between channelsFor each channel, choice of delay

giving best cross-correlation

00max ,

















Cross-correlation between EEG channels xa and xb:

Maximum cross-correlationfor delays |τ|<0.5s:

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Time-delay embedding

xa(t) and xb(t) are time-delayembeddings of d EEG samplesfrom channels xa and xb around time t.

1 second


c a


c b

[Iasemidis et al, 2005], [Mormann et al, 2005]

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Nonlinear interdependence


t ba

aba xxtR



1 ,




akaaa tt





1, xx



bkaaba tt





1, xx

iKii ttt ,,, 21

Measure Euclidian distances,in state-space, betweentrajectories of xa(t) and xb(t).

jKjj ttt ,,, 21

K nearest neighbors of xa(t):

K nearest neighbors of xb(t):

Distance of neighbors of xa(t) to xa(t):

Distance of neighbors of xb(t) to xa(t):

Similarity of trajectory of xa(t)to the trajectory of xb(t):




Symmetric measure ofsimilarity of trajectories:

[Arnhold et al, 1999] [Mormann et al, 2005]

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19[Iasemidis et al, 2005] 19



Difference of Lyapunov exponents

1 hour



Short-term Lyapunov exponent (computed over 10sec)decreases (i.e. stability of EEG trajectory increases)before seizure




t a

aa t








Estimate of the largest Lyapunov exponent of xa(t),i.e. exponential rate of growth of a perturbation in xa(t):

Measure of convergence of chaotic behaviorof EEG channels xa and xb:

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20[Le Van Quyen et al, 2005], [Mormann et al, 2005] 20

Phase locking, synchrony

Phase locking= phase

synchrony(Wavelet or

Hilbert transforms)


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Phase locking statistics

[Le Van Quyen et al, 2005], [Mormann et al, 2005]







φa,f(t) and φb,f(t) are phases of Morlett wavelet coefficients from EEG channels xa and xb, at frequency f, time t

Phase-locking value at frequency f:




m mmba ln



mfafam ttp ,,Pr

Shannon entropy of phase difference at frequency f using M bins Φm:

Related measure: wavelet coherence Coha,b(f)

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