Page 1: 2011 2012 CJC WRITE ANGLE from · Write, Quiz, Poetry Writing and Potpourri. All budding Shakespeares,

Write AngleWrite Angle



A whole new dimension encompassed with adrenalin,

rushing events that break away from the sheer

monotony of the gruelling hours of classes, mind-

numbing number of rules, the advent of exams, as well

as the anxiety of results. This edition covers all the

happenings and more, written for the Christites by the


The talent expo X!TE made its mark on all the first

years with a wide spectrum of talent being portrayed in

various arenas. This event in its various genres took our

breath away bringing about a whole new perspective on

all the events from our editors to you. Field trips,

workshops, and lots more along with your very own

contributions are enclosed.

The whole team worked until we dropped with an

extensive number of articles, exclusive interviews with

X!TE winners and much more.

So start flipping…

Nikhil Simmon

Issue 2 : Vol. 11, August 2011

Page 2: 2011 2012 CJC WRITE ANGLE from · Write, Quiz, Poetry Writing and Potpourri. All budding Shakespeares,




WRITECJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011


“A work of art is the unique result of a unique

temperament.” -Oscar Wilde

It was a celebration of colours in the otherwise science-

filled Biology Lab, with people experiencing and

portraying art in all its forms and styles. Be it the

collage, with students tearing and pasting their way

through a diverse array of topics, or the pot painting

where creativity was at its best. Even the painting

event where vibrant colors were splashed to their

heart's content. Equally entertaining was the vegetable

carving and the flower arrangements which were truly


Even though we are a college filled with diverse

cultures and traditions, we are all brand Christites, and

these events revealed that we Christites are filled to the

brim with art. The Art events were truly a talent

packed arena, with every individual living and

breathing art.

Parnika Pavanram



(To be read in the British accent…)

As X!TE, our intra-college cultural fest

commenced, the bandwagon of literary events

wasn't far behind. This segment of events was

exclusively tailored for those Christites with an

intellectual bent of mind. The selection of fine

events for our intellectual connoisseurs included:

What's the Good Word, Infamous Pairs, Play

Write, Quiz, Poetry Writing and Potpourri.

All budding Shakespeares, convincing debaters,

brilliant quizzers, and not to forget our Literati

came forth with unparalleled enthusiasm for the

ULTIMATE showdown of talents. Obviously,

this instilled a high sense of competition amongst

those jousting for the prize, thus successfully

bringing the cream of the crop to represent us in

similar events on alien territories (other college

fests) throughout the year.

This being said, it must be admitted that Potpourri

was the event of all events, and those who emerged

victorious have much to their names. Potpourri

was a mixture of a mélange of events, which

included: Clue-Do, Dumb Charades, Pictionary,

20 Questions, and Taboo… Succeeding was no easy


However, it must be noted that just because one

came first, they weren't the only champions… we

had two other places to fill after all! Champions

who finished second or third are no less than those

who finished first especially since, winning

margins were usually quite close. It can most

definitely be said, that those who emerged on top

in any of these events are practically on top of the

college. After all, we are all prodigies!

Saba Firdaus and Amrutha Prasad

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Lights, Camera, Action! This section is for those of

you who believe in “have feet, will dance” concept.

Every year, the moment we students hear about the

X!TE stage events, the dancers amongst us couldn't

wait to gear ourselves up, form teams and start

practicing. Being a participant myself, I have witnessed

the level of creativity and hard work that students have

put in just to make sure that they were able to make the

entire CJC groove with them.

Both Theme and Non Theme dances were a treat for

the eyes! I am sure people like me who love the jazz

hand and the baby freezes would have stayed back till

the very end to encourage fellow dancers and sway to

the rhythm along with our buddies.

For those of you who couldn't showoff your talent

this year, don't worry, now that you have an idea of

what happens on stage, form a crew, put those

ghungroos on and shake a leg! Who knows, you might

end up winning. But remember people, it's not about

winning; it's about having fun and dancing your hearts


Jueeli N. More


thIt was late evening on 28 June 2011, when the dance events for X!TE 2011 ended, leaving the stage to the musicians. We took our place among the audience, hoping to witness a performance of considerable worth. We were not disappointed.

First up were the Indian bands. Winding their way through our vast and varying culture, they left us wanting more. Indian music is not easy to pull off, but the band performances were exemplary.

Next up were the western acoustic groups. All voice, with a guitar here or a piano there, they churned out some amazing harmonies. We got a look at real passion for music that evening, beat boxing and singing with all their hearts and souls. The western acoustic groups were not to be missed.

Finally, a much anticipated event, the western electric band. Plugging in their electric guitars and getting ready to drum (or strum) their hearts out, these bands were brilliant. They showcased not only pure, raw talent with their covers of some legendary rock numbers, but also their aptitude and creativity in music with their own compositions.

Prior to these, were the solo events. Now, nobody can really appreciate the gravity and courage required to sing in public all alone. But most of the participants aced it! We had Indian classical music solos where participants reverted to the beauty of our culture. There were western instrumental solos where participants wound their way through classical and new age.

Finally, the musical events came to a close blowing out the fiery candle called X!TE. We have great hopes for our college students. Their exemplary performances made it clear that at least a few of them will make it to the list of greats in the future. With this the musical events ended, along with X!TE, on a high note.

ParomitaI PCMB - D



WRITECJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011

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Appreciation is never over rated and no matter how

much we get, we always want more so here are the

exclusive interviews with Almost Octet and Qrackpots.

Speaking to Elizabeth Riya Roy, one of the members of

this 7 member group whose love and passion for music

and the earnest desire to prove to everyone that they

have the capacity to be the A Team for CJC. “The

practice sessions were more or less filled by goofing

around with the exception of the last 10 minutes. But

with the help of everyone's constant support and

cheering, we claimed the title” said Elizabeth modestly.

Also with the member of the Qrackpots Krishna

Kumar, who along with his team bagged the first place,

securing the position of A Team in both Quiz and

Potpourri. The understanding between each of the

members and playing off of each other's strengths lead

them to victory. Since they were last year's B team, it

provided an extra desire towards winning the

competitions. “The confidence from our role models

and seniors – Ameya Talanki and Nitin Yashas- also

helped us to achieve this” said Krishna proudly.

Hearty congratulations to both winners amongst all the


You make us proud !

Nikhil Simon

CJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011

IF… If only I had known before

That I was stepping an unexitable door,

Would I have resisted to that man

Who placed me where, now I stand.

If my helpless mother had another choice

could she stand by and raise her voice,

now reached the undestined and it's too late,

This is my life, this is my fate.

I wish I could have a life of mine,

with a fruitful job to do with time.

Christened with a name which I could

take with pride.

Not corner myself, coy or hide.

I wish the world could feel my sorrow,

that my life is in misery of a dark hollow.

Only if I had a supportive mate

who could help my confidence elevate.

Yes, I sell my body to earn,

only to have my family learn

that what they did was a big mistake

To sell their daughter at stake.

If God heard me, I would pray…

Never shall another girl fall in their prey;

I wish every woman hears my call,

they need to rise from their fall.

Trysha Bhattacharya - II PPES O

Winner of Poetry Writing Competition- Pierian Spring


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Five Pointer



WRITECJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011


Happiness reloaded…

The feeling of happiness from within is the feeling of

“YES, I have done it.” Feeling happy is just momentary,

which means you are always in search of happiness. The

way in which every drop of water makes a mighty ocean,

the same way every step to achieve your AIM (ambition

in mind) paves the way towards the journey of success.

Realizing what we desire and the drive to achieve it is

what will make the real difference. Thinking beyond the

possibilities is what that matters.

The hunger for happiness is truly something really

magical and special. The quote “STAY HUNGRY

STAY FOOLISH” by the Apple C.E.O., Steve Jobs,

truly who has been the most inspiring entrepreneur in

the world has shown us how to beat the best. Living in the

dogma that “NO, It's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve what I

want”, “I am not capable”, is meaningless. In fact the

word IMPOSSIBLE itself says I' M POSSIBLE. There is

no magic wand for success... in the real world success

comes to doers and not observers.

Sharing an inspirational life history with you:

There was a man who failed in business at the age of 21,

was defeated in the legislative race at the age of 22, failed

again in business at age 24, overcame the death of his

sweetheart at age 26, had a nervous breakdown at age 27,

lost a congressional race at age 34, lost a senatorial race at

age 45, failed in an effort to become the vice president at

age 47, lost a senatorial race at age 49 and yet was elected as


52... the man was Abraham Lincoln.

rdLife is just like Newton's 3 Law- you give the best and

the best comes back to you.



V. Ajay Jain



The International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC2011)

is a world- wide celebration of the achievements of

Chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of

human kind. Under the unifying theme, “Chemistry-

our life, our future.” IYC2011 will offer a range of

interactive entertaining and educational activities for

all ages. The year of Chemistry is intended to reach

across the globe with opportunities for public

participation at the local, regional and national level.

Why is it so special? The IYC will coincide with the th100 anniversary of the Noble Prize awarded to

Madame Marie Curie – an opportunity to celebrate

the contributions of women to science . It is also the th100 year of the founding of the International

Association of Chemical Societies, providing a chance

to highlight the benefits of the International Scientific


These events will emphasize that Chemistry is a

creative science essential for sustainability and

improvement to our way of life.

Subhay Baberwal


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Super 'Six'er!



WRITECJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011


Nature is such a beautiful thing

The fish that swim and the birds that sing

The trees that shelter us at all times

The wind that creates the music of chimes.

The hills and the oceans with their waves

The animals living in the caves

The breeze that blows for miles

The rivers that flow- the Ganga or the Nile.

The colourful plants and the flowers

The waterfalls are stunning showers

Now we hardly get to touch or see

Thick, massive, old trees.

Because of machines that ruin our lives

Fast disappearing are birds and animals of all types

This verse of mine is a humble attempt

To wake up everyone and get them to protect Mother Nature.

Yashaswini S



Celebrating the International year of chemistry

this year, we had a fascinating array of events

termed “FUN WITH CHEMISTRY”, held for

general education and entertainment of the

populace, here at CJC.

Organized by the department of chemistry, the

aim of the event was to pull out all preconceived

notions of the subject and put forward a whole

new interesting side of chemistry, it's purely fun


Our budding scientists, charmingly attired in

spotless white coats, presented several extremely

absorbing experiments to an appreciative

audience that included students of all streams.

Astonishingly, almost all experiments required

quite commonplace ingredients, but beautifully

explained many principles of chemistry.

These wonderful exhibitions included the smoke

bomb, artificial blood and lighting a candle

without fire.

For those unfortunate souls who missed all the

fun, fret not because more events of a similar

nature are coming up. So brace yourselves for a

heady mixture of fun and learning.

Liza Tom

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Lucky Seven



WRITECJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011


We all know the textual definition of an industry, a manufacturing unit converting raw materials to finished goods, but how many of us get to know the real industry?

In the month of August, the commerce students visited a plastic manufacturing unit 'Manjushree Advanced Packing Technology' at Bommasandra, Bangalore. The industry is specialized in producing bottles of different shapes, sizes, designs etc., according to the given specifications. Manjushree is the nation's biggest plastic bottle manufacturing industry. The industry receives huge orders from Nestle, Cadbury's, Unilever, Kellogg's, PepsiCo, Coca cola and Tupperware. The colourfully designed covers are obtained from the customers (as per the requirements). The industry in Bommasandra has employed nearly 600 people.

It is well equipped with two manufacturing units, advanced machines bought from Germany, Korea and many foreign countries that cost up to ̀ 20 crores. They also give special supply of bottles for preserving products like jam. It was definitely a wonderful experience in which the students got an opportunity to view everyday happenings in the real technical sense.

The Class of (II CAMS - J)


Have you ever watched geese fly in formation? It may

appear commonplace, but it's one of nature's small

wonders and an incredible exercise in cooperation.

The “V” itself is aerodynamically phenomenal – as the

lead goose works its wings, air pockets are created that

allow each goose that follows in formation less wind

resistance saving each goose precious energy. Geese

have a much greater range when they fly together.

When the lead goose tires, it eases to the back of the

formation and another goose takes over the lead.

Those in the rear of the formation honk to encourage

those up front to keep up their speed.If a goose gets sick

or injured, two geese fly down to stay with it until it

dies or recovers; they then launch out with another

formation until they can rejoin their own flock.

Maybe we could all learn something from geese. After

all they share a common goal, utilize each other's

strengths, thrive on interdependence and a willingness to

help others, employ the power of encouragement, and

stand by each other in times of need. We need to

cultivate the same qualities while learning.

A relatively new pedagogy called Cooperative Learning

does exactly that. Simply put it's a teaching method that

allows students to learn to together while at the same

time learning to live together. It calls for learning

through experience, and uses hands-on (and hands-held)

involvement in lessons and via projects requiring

problem-solving techniques that enlist skills in

teamwork, communication, and leadership, as well as

content specific skills such as verbal/linguistic,

mathematical/logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,

kinesthetic, musical, and spatial intelligence. It stresses

cooperation rather than competition and is

complemented by individual as well as group

assessments. Of course, it can be noisy and a bit chaotic,

but at times learning requires both. As your teachers at

Christ Junior College employ this technique, you should

learn to cooperate with your fellow students, while

teaching each other and learning from each other. No

one will ask you to act like a goose, but you better

cooperate. Have fun learning.

Dr. Peter Schneller

Professor of Education, Department Chair

University of Mount Union, OH, USA

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Pieces of 8

For Private Circulation Only

CJC Newsletter | Date: August 2011


The sun was shining down warmly upon all the students who

snaked their way past the zooming vehicles. The birds

seemed to be chirping a lot more cheerfully than usual. The

cool breeze was only too welcoming to go unrecognized…

but not for the first years, some of whom were looking at the

campus in its entirety for the very first time. It might have

been because it all seemed too good to be true or too sudden

to adapt and be welcomed by the serene campus.

A whole new place, where it was almost impossible not to get

lost. A new way of socializing with a completely new group

of people with whom we would be spending the greater part

of two years... Gosh, that seemed scary, not just for me but

for almost all the first years entering with me.

Everyone who welcomed us at CJC, be it the amazing

teachers, or the wonderful campus and not to forget the

enthusiastic seniors, left us no time to open our satchels of

fears. The class culturals, the fun-filled interactions with our

seniors in Comex classes (for commerce students) , all the

clubs and associations kept us all too busy to worry much

about being new to the place.

The real treat is the fact that each one of us have met hundreds

of other new students and made many new friends. After

spending an entire decade with a group of friends and

teachers, I really couldn't imagine myself surviving in a

completely different place, with none of my old friends to

put me at ease. But Christ College and its people have made

me feel that I belong here. It's an inexplicable feeling, a weird

combination of excitement, anxiety and insatiable curiosity.

Though I am just a few months old at CJC, I am pretty sure

that in the string of memories tied along with the kite flying

high in the sky of my life, these two years are going to

definitely be unforgettable…

All's well that begins well,

It's time to bid the past days a sweet farewell;

Our dreams and aspirations have found a new place to dwell,

A positive change can make them all come true and let us


As we begin this new journey, with eyes filled with hope and

hearts filled with energy, it's only right to accept the changes life has to offer to us and enjoy the new experiences. After all, “Change IS the only constant”.

Parnika PavanramI PU, CAMS – J


Nikhil M SimonSuhas MotwaniSaba FirdausAmrutha K. PrasadJueeli N MoreMarquiz MiltonLiza TomSubhay BaberwalWith the guidance of Mrs. Julie John

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