Download - 2012-10 Beacon

Page 1: 2012-10 Beacon

1Thursday, November 1, 2012

Although the school year has just begun, it is needless to say that “Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. Oppa Gangnam Style!” will be the most renowned lyrics of 2012. Following closely, the outrageous and comical horse-riding dance has already made its presence known. “Gangnam Style,” by South Korean artist PSY, went viral almost immediately after the music video’s release on YouTube. As I write this article, it stands as the site’s 8th most watched video to date with over 598 million views.

Beyond the chorus of the song, many don’t know what PSY is saying, but some pretend they do. Unless one is familiar with Korean or have searched the meaning of the song, the remainder of PSY’s verses will remain a mystery.


Gangnam Style Uprising

Whatever Happened to the Autumnal Spirit?MArIEl lEPrA

Continued on P. 7

Continued on P. 4


There’s a chill in the air and the unmistakable aroma of freshly-baked pumpkin pies wafting down the streets. Cafés, filled to the brim with the splendors of the fall harvest; apple-centered baked goods, warm squash soups, and the ubiquitous pumpkin-spiced latte, beckon cold customers to come in from their autumn shopping and refuel with a warm drink. Turn right off of a main city boulevard and into the suburban side streets, and every house you lay your eyes upon has a pumpkin on its doorstep and décor ablaze in the hearty colours of fall. The same brilliant ochres, dazzling golden hues, hazels, ambers, citrons, sanguine, and even pansy purples light the deciduous trees and bring them to life for awhile, before their foliage is lost. Or at least, that’s how one pictures the month of October in all its glory.

The reality of the season is a different story altogether. with every year that passes, fewer and fewer houses are decorated. Cafés are still adorned for the harvest time, but the warm, earthy feel of the occasion is all but lost amid the hustle and bustle of daily life in metropolitan Toronto and the surrounding suburbs. The anticipation for Halloween, which made many children impatient and excitable, just isn’t the same.

In fact, on the topic of Halloween, it would seem that the festive spirit that the holiday is associated with has been snuffed out.

In the past, nothing made a pint-sized trick-or-treater more ecstatic than being handed a jumbo chocolate bar after a tough trek down a particularly spooky driveway. In comparison, “Fun-sized” candy bars given out now are miniscule, filling eager children’s jack-o-lantern shaped baskets with mismatched bits and bites, disappointing meager mouthfuls. Some houses hand out candy but do not decorate. Some houses decorate, but don’t hand out candy (although in the latter case, the entire point of Halloween is lost). Other people

who previously celebrated the holiday now exhibit stark, pitch-black houses without an

ounce of cheer during the season. One can’t drive down a suburb street

without seeing this and feeling deflated and at least a little bit let-down.


Photo by Mukul Kapadia

Dear inventors and other smartypants worldwide,

Many would call the two thousands an era fraught with new inventions and consequently, all the great ideas have already been mined. However, I am here to tell you that this is simply not true. There is still work to be done and money to be made. Here are some revolutionary ideas that could make you rich

Letter to Inventors and Developers Worldwide

See more at


Continued on P. 4

Page 2: 2012-10 Beacon

2 The Martingrove Beacon

Editors’ Notes The Second Coming of TrudeauStaff adviSorS


ManageMent editorS


editorS of LayoutDrInI CAMIJOAnnA lIU

editorS of CopyzAHrA’A JAFFAr


Head of SportSGEOFFrEY lYAll


Head of produCtion


HeadS of pubLiCity/

fundraiSingKATIE CHEn


SeCretaryGInA KwOn

treaSurerSEnUrI APOnSO





Confirming one of the most anticipated and worst-kept secrets, the liberal Party now has a “star” candidate in Justin Trudeau, the son of former liberal Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau.

Since the end of Paul Martin’s time in power after his defeat by Stephen Harper in 2006, the liberal Party has fallen to third place in the election last year under the leadership of Michael Ignatieff. with declining membership, funds and support, the liberals have planned to renew national interest in the party.

with Justin Trudeau, the liberals have already renewed interest in the somewhat lackluster leadership race, set to finish in 2013. Currently, he is the unquestionable favourite to win the race on the strength of his last name alone.

The only other possible contender who could give Trudeau a run for his money, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, hasn’t publicly expressed interest in the position, but behind closed doors, hasn’t definitively rejected a run for the position.

However, what does Trudeau bring other than his famous last name? It is often said that Trudeau is a charismatic, gifted speaker with a knack for drawing attention, demonstrated by his charity boxing match with Conservative Senator Brazeau.

There is, however, the fact that Trudeau significantly lacks experience in the key positions of government. In the past few terms, he was given “junior” portfolios, such as Critic for Youth, by his previous party leaders.

It is quite evident that the liberals need votes in Quebec and western Canada. The party needs to make inroads in suburban areas in order to move up from the current disappointing third-place position. It remains a question if those in Quebec and the Prairies will judge him for his father’s controversial legislations.

There is no doubt that his decision to run has energized younger voters, who see him as “one of them”, demonstrated by his followers on Twitter. On the other hand, their reliability to vote for him in a real national election in the distant future if he wins the leadership campaign is uncertain at best.

Also, if Trudeau is elected leader, the liberal Party is taking a giant risk with him. As of yet,

he has mainly been of an unknown quality, masked by his famous last name. There is the likelihood of him being their long-awaited saviour to lead them back to their “natural” position as Canada’s governing party, but there is also the possibility that the pressure and expectations end up becoming too much and he goes down as one of the many “what ifs” of the liberal Party.



Dear reader,

My name is Zahra’a Jaffar and I am your other Co-Editor for the 2012/2013 school year. It gives me a ridiculous amount of pleasure to have had a role in putting this issue of the Beacon in your hands. To add onto Jessica’s list of thank you’s, I’d also like to shine some light on our management, photography and layout councils, in addition to our wonderful writers and columnists, without whom there would be no need for the rest of us. Perhaps unnecessarily, I’d like to point out the staggering volume of school work that has accumulated over the last few weeks. As stressed out as most of us already are, it’s these few years of late nights and substantial growth to our pool of ‘colorful’ language that will get us where we want to be. So, the next time you find yourself begging for the abolition of – in my case – Math, Science, English, law, whatever it may be, keep in mind that these 4 years can give you decades of choice. Finally, in case those decades of choice don’t work out (and for your sanity), make sure to have some fun.

Zahra’a Jaffar

Dear reader,

Congratulations! After a dramatic struggle to the death, you finally hold in your trembling hands the very first issue of the Beacon for this school year. Your rival, without a doubt, is sniveling on the floor with a mere crumpled scrap of the “Horoscope” section. But before you shriek in victory and charge through the hallways to find an isolated nook where you can devour the goodness these eight pages contain, I must say a few words – I entreat you to remain calm.

Hello, my name is Jessica Kim, and I am the Co-Editor of the Beacon for 2012/2013. It’s delightful to see that the hard work by all of our contributors – including heads of layout, management, and photography, as well as columnists – has finally borne fruit. I hope you enjoy the diverse collection of articles our writers have thoughtfully put together, and consider joining our team now that you’re about to examine the final product.

Jessica Kim

Trudeau (Finally) Joins Liberals’ Leadership Race

Page 3: 2012-10 Beacon

3Thursday, November 1, 2012

MCI NEWSLeadership Love

Club Focus

On September 22nd, hoards of cranky sleep-fatigued grade 10’s as well as 11 and 12’s dragged themselves out of their warm comfy beds at 6:00 A.M. Yawning, they gathered at the familiar address of 50 winterton Drive to board a group of coach buses for a grueling 2 ½ hour trip up to Parry Sound, Ontario. why? Martingrove leadership Camp, of course!

For four years now, MCI leadership has been having its Grade 10 leadership Camp at Camp Manitou. Until I went and ate for myself, I didn’t believe it when people told me that Camp M’s great food was one of the reasons why they took part. I won’t deny it: the camp has a lot of variety when it comes to food. However, after being a camper, I see that there is actually a huge conspiracy surrounding the real reason why we always opt for Manitou: The lack of heating.

That’s right. If there’s anything I learned at camp, it’s that there’s something about freezing

our butts off as a collective group that brings people together. For one, it

seemed that the cold brought out everyone’s maternal instincts. During campfire, I was so touched when councilors, as

well as other campers, started heaping jackets, scarves, sweaters and even snuggies on me in a successful attempt to keep me warm. It was as if we were all part of one huge family and I was that annoying high-maintenance

kid that everyone put up with because despite of everything, they cared about me. After a

day’s activities with our groups, whether it was rocks and ropes (challenging but fun), field games (always a blast), or canoeing (gorgeous), we campers always went back to the cabins content, our minds already

set on keeping everyone toasty warm during the night. At breakfast, we shuffled happily (albeit groggily and tirelessly complaining about how cold it was) to the dining hall, eager to hear what our activities were for the day. The cold served as a gloriously simple way to bring everyone together, a common ice-breaker and ubiquitous subject, sort of like spiritual super-glue.

From all the memories that I have of camp, it’s these seemingly insignificant moments that stand out. Colour groups chanting their anthems mercilessly as I forked

oatmeal into my mouth. working up a major sweat at the dance, despite the fact that it was no more than seven degrees in the room. waddling like a penguin if front of everyone at Gym riot. Almost dying of

laughter at Spoken word. Ivo’s genius stand-up routine at the Talent Show. During these moments, above all the hub-bub and activities at Manitou, it felt as if everyone from school was a massive extended family. The gist of camp, from what I concluded, is pretty, mushy, heartfelt stuff, like fluffy teddy bears and rainbows and sunshine. That’s leadership camp.

If you are reading this and have the chance to go to leadership Camp, whether as a camper or a councilor, I advise you to jump-kick that opportunity and tackle it to the ground. You won’t regret it, and neither will all the new friends you make while you’re there. The only complaint I have about leadership Camp is that all the caring and bonding made me overly sentimental and gushy for a couple of days afterwards. A necessary side-effect, I suppose.



How the Cold Can Actually Thaw Your Heart

Reach for the Top

SpotlightGrade 9sKATIE CHEn

Are you the kind of person who can destroy your opponents in a game of Trivial Pursuit without even trying? Do you ever find yourself silently wishing that the next taxi you take is actually the Cash Cab? Or maybe you’re constantly being bothered by your parents to try out for Jeopardy! If this is the case, Martingrove has the perfect club for you.

reach for the Top is a club for trivia geniuses and novice fact-knowers alike. Teams consist of four players and matches take place between two teams. Questions are read out, and it’s up to you and your team to press the buzzer before your opponents have a chance to answer. If the thought of going up against older and more knowledgeable students intimidates you, you don’t need to worry. There are two separate

loops, one for grades nine and ten, and the other for grades eleven and twelve.

Once you become well-versed in the ways of one of Martingrove’s most brilliant and exciting intramural activity, you can even try out for the official Reach for the Top team. This team travels to competitions within the community to test their wits against teams from other schools. There is even the chance to participate in the Ontario Provincial Finals.

reach for the Top is a fun way to get involved in the school. So grab three of your smartest friends, come up with an ironic team name, and give it a try. Even if you

don’t know much about anything, there are still ways to enjoy being

a member of reach for the Top. You can name your team something hilarious just for the laughs you’ll get whenever one of your matches is announced.

You can even use the buzzer as a way to test your reflexes. And who

knows, maybe the obscure facts that you pick up from playing will help you on the next pop quiz that you have to write.

An interview with Masha Dejanovic, a proud new cub at MCI.What do you think of Martingrove?

The people at MCI are very welcoming, that was my first impression, and I’m glad I’m here.

favourite celeb?Audrey Hepburn. She’s beautiful and I remember watching Sabrina, the first movie I saw with her acting in it…she was wonderful! She wasn’t a typical celebrity; she wasn’t snobby but saw herself as a regular person. And she was intelligent and fashionable!

favourite tv show?Oh god…people are going to laugh but I love The Mentalist.

name one weird fact about yourself.I was actually thinking about that this morning! I think Britney Spears is amazing, and sometimes I dream I was performing, pretending like I’m a brunette Britney Spears…who hasn’t shaved her head. Is that weird enough?

Page 4: 2012-10 Beacon

4 The Martingrove Beacon

FEATURESwith the lack of enthusiasm towards the month of October showcased by the general public, it’s almost too easy to fall into the same state of tedium and monotonous indifference. However, there are ways to re-kindle the love and feeling of homely nostalgia brought on by the loveliest of all the seasons. Cook something with all those goods recently harvested from Canadian farmers’ fields. Nothing says “autumn” like the aroma of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and brown sugar. Bake a pumpkin pie, apple crumble, cinnamon-kissed fruit crisp, or honeyed oatmeal cookies. Try savoury options for hearty and comforting weeknight dinners: lentil stews, squash soups, warm salads with wilted greens or cabbage, and a myriad of casseroles, lasagnas, pastas, and gratins. Your house will be deliciously perfumed by your culinary creations, and your family will appreciate the home-cooked meals.

Take a drive, bike or stroll through trails in the greenbelt and forests that surround Toronto. This serves as a way to reconnect with nature after being confined to the concrete jungle that Toronto can feel like at times, and it also gives you a chance to see the gorgeous colours of autumn that one can overlook so easily nowadays. Many small towns surrounding the

GTA have craft fairs, farmers markets, Halloween & Harvest celebrations up-and-running during the month of October, so be sure to check these out as well. You can find the neatest organic foods, knick-knacks and oddities at these events.

lastly, don’t forget about Halloween. If you celebrate All Hollow’s Eve (as the holiday was previously referred to) go that extra mile and actually dress up this year. Carve a pumpkin, decorate your house, attend parties, and enjoy catering to the parade of elated, teeny-tiny animals, ghouls, witches and zombies that line up in front of your residence on the 31st of October demanding candies and sweets.

Despite the overwhelming amount of work (whether it be school, paid jobs or careers, or just plain housework) that everyone is constantly rushing to complete, it is still important that you take time to appreciate the wonder that is the brief season of autumn. It whizzes by in a flash, and once it’s gone you’ll have to wait another year to see the trees change colour again. next time you look out your bedroom window, use that brilliant crimson canopy as a mnemonic to get you outside in the crisp fall air. who knows? You might even catch a whiff of hot pumpkin pie with the breeze.

when people talk about wE Day they describe it as inspiring. Attending it on September 28, I found out for myself that wE Day was much more than just inspiring. It was empowering, educational and engaging. But what, you ask, made this day life-changing? was it performances by Hedley and Shawn Desmond? The duet sung by nelly Furtado and K’naan? Or moving speeches by Spencer west and Al Gore? was it learning a dance that brought us together, or singing along with Jennifer Hudson?

wE Day was much more than all of these experiences. Even though I had gone to wE Day anticipating the performances, I found myself appreciating the audience by the end. True stories about high-school and elementary students in Toronto making a difference did more than amaze me - it made me realize our own capabilities as a school club to do more for Free the Children. The organization promotes wE Day to inspire students to create change; Free the Children itself was founded by a group of students in Grade 7. Today it is an international organization with more than 1.7 million youth involved. Free the Children hosts events that our school has seen before, including Vow of Silence, but this school year several new fundraisers have been introduced, including we Create Change, a Canada-wide penny drive, and we Are love, a Valentine’s Day button sale to show that love is a cure.

I cannot fit all of my experiences at WE Day into this article, for I will not have enough space to describe it. This is one of those events that you have to go to yourself to really understand its impact. If this article inspired any of you to help make change, I encourage you to attend wE Day next September.

But there’s a catch. wE Day is different from other events. You cannot buy a ticket to wE Day. You must earn it. Join Martingrove’s Amnesty Club and help us fundraise for Clean water and Sanitation programs in Ghana. Come to our next meeting: Tuesday at lunch in room 266. wE Day can be your incentive to start, for those involved in the club this year will earn the opportunity to attend wE Day next September. But once you begin you’ll realize that the rewards of fundraising are far greater than a ticket to any event (well, maybe wE Day is an exception).


Continued from P. 1

Continued from P. 1Here are some revolutionary ideas that could make you

rich and youngsters and students like us breathe easier, in order of increasing importance:

thinking Caps: Ever wondered why kindergarten teachers told you to put these mythical, intelligence-boosting hats on when faced with particularly difficult problems? Turns out they were prophets that foretold the invention of these sick lids that gave you access to every piece of knowledge recorded thus far. Also comes in a wig.

Shrinke-books: what do you get a student who likes the feel of a nice textbook but hates the weight? A textbook that shrinks to the size of a penny, of course! no more back problems for high schoolers! (sorry chiropractors; go back to med school)

auto-organize binder: no longer will you have to organize all your handouts during the last few seconds of class! Just stuff your sheets in the AOB and its text recognition technology will instantly put them in the proper subject folder. Even better, when you want to view your work and notes, just describe the sheet you want and the AOB will shoot the papers back out. This feature also repels bullies by giving them massive boo-boos and paper cuts.

Finally, we’d like to extend a Martingrove thank you for considering this letter in your quest to better humanity with your creative genius. now stop looking at cat photos and get back to work. we’re counting on you.

Page 5: 2012-10 Beacon

5Thursday, November 1, 2012

3. well, I’m glad you aren’t my boss!Despite the quote being taken out of context by Obama supporters, the fact still remains that romney

said, “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” Even though considering the situation gives some justification for this phrase, its wording was simply too silly to let slide.

2. You didn’t build that.Creating a business is one of the most difficult things to do in life; a successful attempt truly marks those

who are meant to rise above the rest. However, according to Barack Obama, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made it happen.” Similarly to romney’s gaffe above, it is more reasonable in context. Still, as a candidate for the most prestigious position in the world’s largest country, one should not be so condescending to entrepreneurs.

1. The Big OneAt a private campaign dinner, Mr. romney delivered a most outrageous speech. He stated that 47% of

Americans will vote in the presidential election no matter what, because they are dependent on government support that they believe they deserve but couldn’t pay for otherwise, and because they “Don’t pay income tax, so our motto of low taxes doesn’t appeal to them.”

when these quotes were published, Mr. romney’s pathetic defense was that he wasn’t aware he was being recorded. However, that defense has almost lost its meaning in this current environment. what’s more, alienating half the country while running for president is just not a smart move to make.

FEATURESAnd You Said It Couldn’t Get WorseArOSHI AMArASInGHE

This is the moment you’ve been preparing weeks for. Your bloodshot eyes have roamed for hours gathering snippets of information from the blinding computer screen. Your fingers feel like they’ve contracted arthritis from clicking and typing for days on end. You’ve recited the company’s banal values and cheesy

beliefs in front of the mirror, and even mastered that plastic smile – anything to land the job you applied for last month. It all comes down to this moment.

You remember to maintain eye contact as you firmly shake your interviewer’s hand. She is a pleasant middle-aged woman with a chubby face and bulging stomach. The interview goes smoothly; you held your composure, answered every question thoughtfully and confidently, and even made her laugh with your wit and charm. nailed it! As you shake her hand one last time and turn to leave, you decide to throw a final winning comment her way: “Congratulations on your baby!” When the lady’s smile is replaced by a frosty, hostile glare, you realize you made a huge mistake.

Before you can make things worse, you run out of the room as quickly as possible. Covering your hot face with your hands, you weep in despair as the fact that you blew it sinks in.

Have you ever made a huge blunder and felt like your life was crumbling down before your eyes? well, believe me when I say that it is not the end of the world! Throughout your life, you will say and do countless stupid things that you will come to sorely regret. It might feel like they’ve all accumulated inside your brain to make you spew an offensive comment every time you open your mouth, soiling society’s impression of you forever. But the reality is, you’re only 16 ! (Or 14, 15, 17?) You have, hopefully, at least half a century ahead of you, during which you will learn, experience, and live. You’ll realize that all the gaffes and embarrassing incidents will fade with time, more quickly than you might expect. what seems to be the most mortifying moment of your life will amount to nothing as you make another dumb mistake. Pessimistic as it sounds, you’ll be able to move on once you realize that things will only get worse from here.

A Selection of the Greatest Blunders of Romney and ObamaISAAC THIESSEn

You’d have to be living under a rock to not know about the American presidential campaign going on right now. Even in Canada, it is infiltrating our social media, magazines, radio, and television. Heck, on occasion it even manages to steal the front page of the newspaper from Justin Trudeau. The race to be the most powerful man in America has global implications. Of course, the distortions caused by biased supporters and opponents around the world makes distinguishing facts from myths a difficult feat. Strangely enough, despite the significance of the position at stake, sometimes the two candidates utter such incredibly ignorant phrases that make us wonder how they’re the American presidential nominees. Thankfully, these gaffes are a lot more interesting and less worrisome to us non-Americans; so why don’t we just sit back, procrastinate on our science projects, and enjoy a thoughtfully chosen selection of the greatest blunders of Mr. romney and Mr. Obama.

5. Oh, the IronyAlthough this slip occurred before the current presidential

campaign, it’s too good to keep to myself. In July of 2011, romney was addressing a group of unemployed citizens of Tampa Bay, and he opens with this line: “I should tell my story. I’m also unemployed.” Guess what romney? You don’t really have to work when your net worth is over 200 million dollars.

4. 3 proud words…..NOT!During a Florida campaign speech in September, Barack

Obama delivered a passionate appeal to potential voters. He explained how his government will discourage corporations who provide jobs overseas and support companies that make jobs in America instead. He finished his speech with the following quote: “Corporations making products that we sell around the world, stamped with 3 proud words: Made in the USA!” Obama’s “three proud words” are actually four, not-so-proud words.

Page 6: 2012-10 Beacon

6 The Martingrove Beacon



The 2012-13 season couldn’t have started off any better for Martingrove, as we continue to show the TDSB our great school sports teams. Many of our students have been participating in various sports already, proving the commitment and school pride of the Martingrove Bears.

The Cross Country team might have only participated in “mini-meets” so far, but already, robbie Kanko has placed second in the Senior Boys Division, while Claire Thompson placed in the Top 10 in the Midget Girls division.

Meanwhile, the Tennis team was facing off against many schools in a round robin championship. The Girls’ team placed 2nd and the Boys’ team placed third, as both teams eventually lost to the regional champions. As Mr. zappitelli put it, “If you’re going to lose to one team, it might as well be the best.” Despite this, the Bears had a few stars on the team like Kavinda Kumbukgahawatta and Peter Basta, who went undefeated in their matches.

The Football team, led by Mr. Sailor, Mr. Mulford and former offensive lineman

for the Bears, Coach Arnold, beat Westview 35-6 before facing a tough loss against Thistletown 18-13. Despite this, runningback Ryan Chu managed to get three touchdowns against westview and two more against Thistletown.

last but not least, there is the Senior Girls Basketball team, who are aiming for postseason glory under the leadership of Jovana Momic. The Junior Girls Basketball Team, according to Mr. Youssef, has a very good chance of winning the regular season title. with an amazing line up that includes fresh-faced Gr.9 Maya Soicher powering the team, it is quite hard to think that the team can’t go all the way.

If you think that the Bears are going to stop there, then you are mistaken. There are many other sports coming up in the near future that we can all look forward to such as Boys Basketball, Hockey, and Girls Volleyball. whether or not you make the headlines, always remember that it’s always team effort that wins games. After all, teamwork isn’t spelled with an “I.”

HOROSCOPESaries: March 21-april 19Beware the water fountains on the second floor.

One day, you will lean in for a drink and someone will accidentally push you, banging your head into the hard, hard metal. That being said, you will otherwise lead a rather uneventful month.

taurus: april 20- May 20You have been too stressed lately. not getting

enough sleep and showing up to school looking like a half-dead zombie right out of the apocalypse has defined you for the past month. November is your time to relax and adopt a new outlook on life. As you become more serene and grounded, so will your peers and family, ultimately improving your relationships.

gemini: May 21-June 20You are a catepillar, ready for metamorphosis.

Have you been too shy to approach that one person you have a crush on, or to start a conversation with them? november is the month to break out of your shell! Don’t worry, there will be no awkward conversations, but you will have a serious debate about Diamond Shreddies versus regular Shreddies.

Cancer: June 21-July 22You will spend excessively in the next month. You

will believe that it’s okay to buy everything you want and who are you to deny yourself ? Unfortunately, it will result in an rapidly emptied wallet. Stay away from people wearing yellow clothing, as they will bring you negative energy.

Leo: July 23-august 22Someone in your family, perhaps a sibling or

guardian, will suddenly be inspired to raise a pet walrus. You must use your stubborn personality to persuade them otherwise.

virgo: august 23-September 22november is a month of thirst for you. It is

strongly recommended that you invest in a solid, durable water bottle, and ignore the strange looks given to you by your peers and teachers as they question your constant requests to get a drink.

Libra: September 23- october 22Two of your very good friends will get into a

serious argument this month so don’t be surprised if you find yourself trying to mend their relationship. After all, libras are known to be the peacemakers. Your friends may still remain angry at each other, despite your efforts, so just try, try again.

Scorpio: october 23- november 21Congratulations! november will be one of the

best months you’ve ever experienced. You will ace all your tests, miss the long lineups at Tim Horton’s, and develop a fantastic friendship with someone new. Put on your best smile wherever you go, as you will have the world at your feet.

Sagittarius: november 22-december 21This month, you will rekindle your fiery love with

someone once more. If you play your cards right, happy days are in store for you. You will also receive an extremely mild case of food poisoning from eating a Greek salad.

Capricorn: december 22- January 19You will be paired off with a leo to work with on

a major project, and have bitter disputes every step of the way. You will use your charisma and patience to work through this dilemma, and as a result, you will end up with the higher mark.

aquarius: January 20- february 18You will have a brilliant idea this month, but the

timing is not right. Store the idea for later use. You will also push almost every door that says pull and vice versa, developing a deep frustration towards doors.

pisces: february 19-March 20november will be a very moody month for you.

Your friends and teachers will become irritated with you being so blue, but you will discover happiness in eating large amounts of lemon meringue pie. You will pull through though, so just keep holding on and try to maintain a positive attitude.


Page 7: 2012-10 Beacon

7Thursday, November 1, 2012

CULTUREAlbum Review Mumford & Sons: Babel

After three years, Mumford & Sons have finally released their sophomore effort, Babel. This time, the British acoustic folk band have pooled together 12 new tracks that showcase their gritty, energetic and uplifting sound.

Babel is pretty much what fans would expect – catchy folk music with strong vocals by Marcus Mumford and twangy banjo solos that are synonymous with Mumford & Sons.

The strange thing about Mumford & Sons is how American their music sounds coming from a British band who has a characteristically bluegrass sound. wearing their dark blue jeans and prospector boots, the group almost seems like a gang straight out of the 19th Century United States, but their music transcends time. Their foot-stomping tunes have successfully integrated the roots of folk into today’s pop music.

Their debut album, Sigh no More, was a huge success, and Babel upgrades Mumford & Sons’ distinct, powerful sound. “Hopeless wanderer,” “lover of the light,” “Babel,” “whispers in the Dark,” “Ghost That we Knew” and “Broken Crown” are great additions to their repertoire and there isn’t a weak track on the album. The passionately sung “raise my hands, Paint my spirit gold, Bow my head, Feel my heart slow,” from the single “I will wait” is a particularly powerful moment, but the band’s constant reminders of past heartache and pain on other tracks can get old.

Unfortunately, Mumford & Sons have relied on their established musical style and haven’t experimented very much on this album. Included on the deluxe version of Babel is a cover of Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Boxer,” which is a phenomenal song and hopefully gives us a taste of the direction Mumford & Sons will pursue in the future.

Mumford & Sons have a fresh, new take on folk music and Babel is a quality album (that should be played on Bear Air!).


“Gangnam Style” refers to the lavish lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea, where people are pompous, wealthy, and trendy. PSY said in an interview that he intended a twisted sense of humour by claiming himself to be “Gangnam Style” when everything about the song, dance and music video is distinctly far from being high class. “Oppa” is a Korean word that refers to an older male friend or older brother. PSY once stated, “People who are from Gangnam never proclaim that they are- it’s only the posers and wannabes that put on these airs and say that they are Gangnam Style.” PSY further pokes fun at these individuals by wearing suits and darkly-tinted sunglasses for the entirety of the video.

The song is mainly about the perfect girlfriend who knows when to be refined and when to “get wild”. The oppa is trying to show him off to these girls, and persuade them to think that he is genuinely Gangnam Style.

The song has been getting mixed reviews in the music industry internationally. Digital Spy, a British entertainment and media news website, commented that “you

could slap an lMFAO tag on the cover and few would know the difference.” Although, many would know that lMFAO is neither Korean nor familiar with the Gangnam district. had a positive critical reception, and praised the song for “spreading smiles and pure fun around the world in record time.”

Many parodies have been made in response to the music video: north Korean Style, China Style, and United States naval Academy Style. “Gangnam Style” has been shared on the internet by celebrities like Britney Spears, Katy Perry, and Maroon 5. It has also been featured by The wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business review. The song does unite the world in humorous and simple ways and the fact that most people don’t know all the lyrics leaves the song up to anyone’s interpretation, making it accessible to just about everyone.

Continued from P. 1

Has it ever occurred to you that the time of free candy in your life is pretty much over? The last time I trekked across countless blocks with a pillow case half-full of little bonbons was back in middle school. And even then, there was the occasional prudish homeowner that looked me up and down, estimated my age, and frowned. “Aren’t you a little too old to be trick or treating?” Excuse me? How can you be too old for free candy? Are you too old for free samples at the supermarket? I wasn’t aware that freebies had an age limit.

My parents don’t buy or make my costume anymore. I put together my own costume and then I’m supposed to get rewarded with candy and appreciation, thanks. If we’re looking at this from a purely financial point of view, my costume probably costs at least twice as much as a little girl’s princess dress or a little boy’s superhero ensemble, in either dollars or creativity (or in some cases, both). So shouldn’t that warrant two handfuls of candy, as opposed to none?

"You Are Too Old For Candies. Stop It."

But now we’re in high school, and even some of our peers are saying, “Hey, you can’t possibly be going trick or treating, you’re too old.” Are we too old? we’re not legally adults yet. I haven’t bought my own house that I can deck out in creepy crawlies, and then pass out candies to little ghosts and ghouls. And now I’m apparently too old to be a trick or treater. So how exactly am I supposed to get into that Hallowe’en spirit? Attend a Hallowe’en party? no thank you, I’ll pass. And I can sit at home and watch scary movies with a bowl of snacks at any time of the year. Do you know what sounds better? Sitting at home and watching scary movies with a bowl of free snacks that I got from trick or treating just a few hours prior. That sounds like a marvellous idea.

They say that kids grow up too fast these days. They complain about how kids and teenagers take on bad habits and lose their innocence earlier and earlier. But at the end of the day, all the fun things that are meant for kids are stripped away from us and suddenly we are “too old for trick-or-treating”.

what do we have to look forward to from Hallowe’en anymore? The next time I’m going to get some candy out of Hallowe’en is when I’m 30 years old and it’s past midnight, when all the little trick or treater’s have gone home to count how many Kit Kats they have. That’s when I’ll get to enjoy the leftover candies that no one took. And by then, those candies won’t be free.


Page 8: 2012-10 Beacon

8 The Martingrove Beacon




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