Download - 2013 Jan English

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Instant Surprises 3 Field’s debate 19

Who won? 2 Give to the one who gave ....................................10 Help got revived 26

New in the new year 12 Enter the New Year 32

Feared but fled 28 Delayed but sustained 29 Hard but got it 30 Mourning turned to joy 31

Field Special 15

Prayer For Dear Students

This is a prayer exclusively for

the sanctity, study &safety of

your kids who study in school!

Blessed are your kids, if they

are surrounded by prayer

‘Prayer For Suitable Partners’

is specially offered for the

sake of young adults who are

not yet married, so that they

will find the assigned spouse,

steady joy and fullness of

blessings! Join together for

prayer and become a joy to many!

‘Model Couple Prayer’ is for

your family to be filled

with Godliness, Godly

Peace, Godly Fear and

Blessings of God!

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Today was the sixteenth wedding day for the couple Gibson and Christi. Fifteen long years have elapsed in a twinkling. Yet there were frictions in the

relationship. One day Gibson returned home weary and worn after

a hard day’s work. Christi did not notice his coming and came a little late from the kitchen. Gibson was a little upset and told her, “I have returned from my work after a hard day’s work. Don’t you realize that you should bring a cup of coffee to me at once? Christi replied sharply, “I am not sitting idly in the house.” They spent rest of the day tongue-tied. They were in utter confusion, not knowing how to solve the problems. Christi got an idea and shared with her husband. Gibson accepted his wife’s idea. They should write their grievances in a white paper and put it in their respective complaint boxes. After a month they can take them out and decide to correct themselves. Christi had lot of complaints. She wrote the complaints and put them in the box every day. She wrote something like this. “You left the wet towel in the bath room. “ “You left the dirty vest and shirt in the cot.” “You left the sugar box open after you complained there was less sugar in the coffee so ants have invaded the box. “ The complaints box was overflowing. Gibson also wrote something and put it in his box every day. The husband and wife brought their complaint boxes after a month and put it on a table. Christi opened her complaint box and read her complaints to Gibson one by one. Gibson heard them patiently. Then Gibson opened his complaint box and read what he had written aloud. In every page it was written, “I love you”. Christi was full of tears. With tears flowing down her cheeks ashamed to look straight at Gibson,

she said sobbingly, ‘Forgive me. You have won with your love’

“Love bears all things, endures all things” (ICor.13: 4-7)

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If I’m gonna happily, gladly, ecstatically enjoy life with a cheerful face in 2013, it is not just teeny weeny changes but instant mega changes are need-ed. The superficially-occurring extremely ordinary good things that happen in my life aren’t enough for the present state of my life; Very big changes that astonish the onlookers and bystanders are needed.” Aren’t you saying like this? The promise that the Lord bestows in answer to the fears, questions and confu-sions that lie in your heart is

‘It was turned to the contrary’(Es.9:1) You anticipate that a good thing will bloom. Your primary anxi-ety is that there ought to be no loopholes in it. The prevention of loop-holes in it is just a turn. Sometimes people’s intervention can make it happen. But the mega change of turning over things upside down - only God can make it happen! Turning over the adversity that you’ve seen into favorability - It is the unique specialty of the marvelous Lord. Shall we turn to the book of Esther to have an overview of the transformed matters with which the Lord will meet us in 2013?

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Joy due to change

Queen Esther says: In that era it was impossible to see the king

without an invitation!

“If anyone goes without an invitation, their salvation is ensured

only if the king stretches out his golden sceptre, or else they

would be killed” – it was the rule practised!

For thirty days even I the queen wasn’t invited by the king!

Even though I was the queen the rule applied to me as well;

Only those who risk death can go to the king!

In such a situation I dared go to the king

with the strength that came from praying!

I wasn’t slaughtered because the king stretched forth

his golden sceptre for me!

It was turned to the contrary! The matter is not just that I received a renewed life!

I was surprised when the king himself asked “what is your

request?” even before I opened my mouth - it was an opposite occurrence!

I was surprised when the king himself affectionately proposed to give a share

of his authority and kingdom - it was a continuation

of the opposite occurrence!

I was surprised when the king nodded in agreement to all the petitions that I

placed before him one after the other - - it was the end result

of the opposite occurrence!

The city of Susan was perplexed on hearing that the decision to destroy the Jews had been signed by the king. In that frightening circumstance, an urgent emergency meet-ing was organized; not to plan how to lift up a banner opposing the royal edict; not to discuss how to protest silently; the Jews united only to lift up a continual prayer for 3 days without eating or drinking; for the maids fasting prayer meeting was held within the pal-ace! For others fasting prayer meeting was held outside the palace! They did not attempt to jump into humanly activities to oppose the king’s frightening command! They jumped into the correct activity of meeting the heavenly King with fasting and prayer! The prayer missile was thrown against the enemy in secret! The arrows of prayer continually bombarded the enemy’s plans and decisions. Just as Jeremiah 50:7 says they all

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took their positions around and shot arrows (prayers) at the enemy. It is also mentioned in the verse not to take into account the expense for the arrows. Yes. Without thinking about the time, food, sleep, energy, strength, money that needs to be sacrificed, ignoring the cost of the arrows, they prayed in anguish. The Jews jumped into fervently spending their efforts in prayer. What happens when you continually stand in God’s presence with such prayer? Just as Jeremiah 50:5 says foundations fall, the walls are thrown down. Yes! Then and now, whenever we pray, what you don’t know happens in secret, then and there. The foundations of the enemy shake and crumble into the ground. The strong fortresses of the enemy are at-tacked, wrecked and damaged. You’re unable to see immediately what the power of prayer does in secret and you can’t instantly feel it. That is why you calculate the cost of the arrows and stop shooting continual prayer arrows. In any struggle that we encounter in life it is best to meet it head on with prayer. Let the prayer that is done in secret - alone, as a group or as a family multiply sev-eral times more in this New Year than what it was till now! In very hard struggles and prob-lems, regardless of the expenditure for the arrows, shoot the prayer-arrows continually to defeat the enemy who is working in the background. Didn’t we see right in the beginning the list of transformed events that happened publically which Esther narrated that were the proofs that the foundations of the enemy were shaken by the two continual fasting prayers that went on day and night? The turn of events was not just that Esther got her life back, but she got the king’s favour as a bonus. Such a total upside down turn of events happened entirely because of the favour of the King of kings and power of the prayer-weapon. In all your affairs instead of being cheated by human strength, wisdom, oratory skills, advices, use the prayer-weapon right in the beginning. In your areas of concern, God is ready, waiting for you with good plans to make not just the single turn that you expect but many totally unexpected upside down turns. But to execute those plans your continual prayer has to match with it. As an indication that a change is going to be created in your areas of concern God will transform your prayer life first. If a watchful persistent prayer life begins for hours together it will continue as a sur-prising change in your matters. Just as every event that ended up in a change immersed Esther in a joy-

ous sea, the incredible, unexpected changes will immerse you also in joyous

torrent in 2013.

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Honor due to changes

Mordecai says:

A 50-feet high gallows was ready!

I was selected as the person to be hanged!

The date for hanging was planned! The final day drew near so

that even the enemy could conclude that things are gonna

turn out just as he thought the very next day!

But Mordecai says,

It was turned to the contrary My life was saved the next day!

It is not just that I was saved without being destroyed!

Beyond my imagination, I was honoured with a procession by the same enemy

who was passionate to destroy me – it was an opposite occurrence!

The verdict went in a different direction and the same enemy who made a

gallows for me hung upon it – it was a continuation of the opposite occurrence!

I received the enemy’s position of authority and the status ring on his finger -

it was the end result of the opposite occurrence!

Filled with rage and agitated over Mordecai, Haman moved the coin behind closed doors and was ready with a clear plan to destroy him. He was looking forward to the day when his plans will come to pass perfectly. The Lord too permitted the enemies’ plans to prosper till a specific limit, though Mordecai was ignorant of it. After that the enemy’s plans had an about turn. The superb plans that the Lord made on behalf of Mordecai came to pass victoriously in succession. The enemy who thought of wiping out Mordecai as a whole was himself wiped out. The Lord changed the time when the enemy wanted to talk to the king about hanging Mordecai in the gallows, into a time when the king talked to the enemy about honoring Mordecai. Even if Mordecai had been honoured in the presence of his enemies, we can say it was the consequence of the change. Yet Mordecai was honoured by the very hands of the enemy; it was the result of an upside down change! It was not that the enemy was annihi-lated somehow, but he hung in the gallows prepared for Mordecai. It was not that someone took over the honored position of the enemy, but the seat and the ring of authority moved to the hands of Mordecai. These were surely the instant incredible turns performed by the Lord.

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The Lord Who didn’t give Mordecai into the hands of the enemy will never give you up either. The ultimate end will not be what the seemly predictable overpowering oppo-sitions of the enemy. The Lord knows until what state the deceitful plans of the enemy should be allowed and when to bring it to a halt. Have you heard that the animals are slaughtered after being fattened? God does not allow the enemy’s actions for a while and be a spectator to it. God’s plan is to fatten him and flatten him. He lets the enemy loose till a certain limit to turn the enemy’s plan into His favorability. Isn’t God’s plan more unsearchable than the enemy’s plans? God is an experi-enced expert in taking the enemy’s worst plans into His hands and according to His sover-eign wisdom transforms them into best plans and embarrasses the enemy. Nobody equals Him in defeating the enemy with his own plans. You’re safe under the supervision of the good Lord Who does not move away and be a spectator after leaving you in the enemy’s hands. The enemy named Haman was making the gallows ready for hanging Mordecai. At the same time, God did not let the king sleep all night until the plan for honouring Mor-decai was created. All this is about Mordecai; but he was ignorant of this and slept soundly all night. Though you may not be aware of the devil’s strategy in detail, God knows it. On behalf of you He will beautifully perform what needs to be done at the right time. It is un-necessary for you to panic and be frightened wondering how things are gonna turn out. Psalm 84:5 identifies the marks of a man who is strengthened by the Lord. He is not a man who has the support of wealthy people, huge amount of money, physical strength in the background. All these are not powerful enough to knock out the enemy’s deceptions. The Lord and His army are on my side. God is there to give a helping hand in any kind of adver-sity. Nothing and nobody can harm me without His knowledge. The one who has such an unshakable wisdom is the blessed one who derives his strength from the Lord. Let the prayer-strength, Word-strength and faith-strength multiply within you. This is the way to defeat the enemy, unafraid of him and to be filled with adequate faith! Don’t be panicked and troubled by the enemy’s plots but be restful and have a strong heart like Mordecai. It was not just that Mordecai couldn’t be annihilated by the enemy. The trans-formed event was that none could hinder Mordecai being honored. In this year likewise not one of the enemy’s plots will shake you. Along with that what had already begun in your life with the evil intentions of the enemy will be handled by the Lord’s good intentions. You’ll only be lifted you up with honors in the opposite occurred before the eyes of everyone in the kingdom, you’ll also be planted as an honored person by the incredible, unexpected changes that you’re to see in your situations.

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Glories due to changes:

People of God says:

Jews who are the people of God utter these words,

“Date is fixed …..13th of the 12th month.

The old, the young and women among people of God

should be destroyed.

Order issued from the throne at Susan and sealed

by the signet ring of the king.

It was the order to kill and plunder the people of God

living in 127 countries.

It was the order that caused weeping and wailing and great sorrow,

great sorrow and bewilderment in the city of Susan.

It was turned to the contrary

We escaped the destruction. Not only were the lives saved but beyond all our

knowledge new orders were issued to kill destroy and plunder the enemies of the

people of God on the same 13th day of the 12th month.

Tables were completely turned.

That day was designated as day of celebration and joy.

Everything changed continually.

It was the time of happiness and joy gladness and

honor for the people of God scattered in 127 countries.

It was the result of the

tremendous change that God brought about.

God didn’t save them only from destruction but converted that date that terrified Gods people in to the day of bewilderment for the enemies. God changed the orders; the day of destruction became the day of jubilation. Who can turn the tables like this except God?” God who turned the bewilderment in the city of Susan into joy will arise in India and Tamil nadu for the people of God. He will arise to scatter the enemy and his power. He will might-ily act and seeds of the good news sown will bear fruit and bring joy and gladness. Those who oppose the good news will become the supporters. Everywhere God will be glorified with all liberty. God will cause orders to be issued in favour of God’s people. Orders will be

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amended to cause increase of God’s people. God who is in heaven and His heavenly government are in favour of God’s people. So His hand will be stretched up for you, Many favours will occur, not heard before at all. In the places where God’s people were hurt and humiliated, great revival will occur and many will turn to the Lord. They will become great days of blessing; God will intervene in a mighty way so that the people of God need hang their heads in shame, but lift their heads up and move in society in honour enjoying all the privileges of the God has assigned these years to sow the word of God. Do not sit carelessly saying let somebody do the job. Do not lose the opportunities God has provided to announce the good news, and fail to do your part. Do not postpone and fulfil your responsibility. Only if you fulfil your part assigned by God can you enjoy gladness, joy and honour that God will bring about these days. God will do what he wanted to do and bring revival in India through you who have travailed in prayer continually out of burden for India. Things changed for the better. The people of God were glorified in the midst of their enemies. Likewise you too can things to glorify. God knows whatever is going to happen in your life till December 2013. You have stepped in to the New Year on January 1st holding His hand. God will bring lot of changes from today. Things turned upside down all of a sud-den. Your prayer life is on the upward swing and you will surely enjoy joy and gladness as in the life of Esther.

Instantly things turned upside down,

Just as it brought Joy in EsthEr’s lifE will bring Joy into

your life as you increase the momentum of prayer.

Just as it brought honour in MordEcai’s lifE will uplift

you as you overcome the power of the enemy.

Just as it brought glory into thE livEs of god’s pEoplE,

it will bring god’s glory as you proclaiM thE lovEr.

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It was Sunday! The church service would start exactly at 8AM. It was already 7 AM before David could get up from bed. He got ready in a hurry. He quickly ran and walked and by the time he reached church it was about 5 minutes before 8AM . There was one chair empty in the first row and he took his place there with a sigh releived to have got a place.

The time of singing and worship was over and it was time for the offertory. David took out the wallet from his pocket. As he placed his offering in the bag, he prayed within himself, “Lord, I have only enough money to take care of my family this month. If my income increases, I will give you more.”

The time of the message drew near. An announcement was made then asking for volunteers who are good in speaking/singing to join the Pastor at 2PM as he was to leave for village ministry. He asked for volunteers to enlist themselves so that they could be sent out as teams to minister at the village to be covered to-day. David said within him, “Lord, I am interested in ministry. But I am neither talented in speaking, nor singing, nor any other suitable talent for this ministry such as leading a team, or execution of plan or quick decision-making. If you give me these, I will use it for You.”

The message was over. The church elder came forward to announce the evening meetings of that week - “On Monday – Hospital Ministry, on Tuesday – Jail Ministry, on Wednesday – Tract ministry….” After announcing all meetings, he asked for all those who were interested to do something for the Lord to fill in their choice of date and ministry in a piece of paper. He said that the prayer team would continue to pray for all who give their choice of ministry and the ministry that they plan to do for God.

Immediately David prayed, “Lord the job that I am doing is tough. The workload is too high. I do not have the time to join any ministry. If you can give me some extra time to rest, I will use that time to do Ministry for You.” The Lord was touched by the sincere prayer of David and granted all his requests.

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Months rolled by. David failed to give back to God all that he had asked and obtained viz. material increase, time, talents, capabilities and spare time. The Lord was patient that David would fulfil his promise to Him and was waiting daily. At many times, he reminded him again and again. However David ignored that God had given him promotions, in-crease in salary, less load at work, spare time/leave, capabilities just as he had asked, for His Ministry only. David forgot to use all these benefits for the glory of God - that which he had happily received from God.

The Lord who waited patiently for David and was cheated by him, took back all the blessings that He had bestowed. David did not anticipate this and was shaken at this. Immediately he cried out to God on his knees, “Lord, give me back a little of the material blessings that you took away and I will give it to You. If you give me a little of the time, talents and treasure that you gave and took away, I will spend it for You!”

We may have, like David,

erred in not using the blessings that the

Lord gave last year.

Or we may have forgotten with the passage of time

the promise we made to give back to God when we ob-

tained a specific blessing from the Lord.

Whatever be the case, when we pray with repentance

and confess, we will get back the opportunities and

blessings in the New Year from the Lord.

Let us at least in the New Year,

fulfill our promises to God.

Let us be careful to hold back all that

we receive from the Lord!

‘…and trustworthy in everything’ (I Timothy 3:11)

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We are expecting new blessings in this New Year 2013 from the Lord. There is nothing wrong in this as it is the Lord’s desire to bless us more than we can ask or imagine. At the same time, we should make and follow new decisions that it would cause God to rejoice as He has already decided to gladden us. Hence, we write a few decisions that would renew you. Connection

Only if we have the electric plug connected to the correct socket can we expect to harness electric power and utilize it for our devices. When the connection between us and God is broken for any reason, we are weak and discouraged. In the New Year let us

decide to give importance to the Godly connection

in our lives! Do you know what is to be done to strengthen this divine relationship…? It is to be connected with God. Do not allow your mind to wander at prayer times. Realize that you are talking to a God who is alive and has feelings and pray pouring out your soul with full concentration in worship! Not only this, but ask God daily for a fresh anointing with a thirst. The time of receiving God’s touch is the time of anointing!

Have you heard what is said when separated from a loved one? “Only my body is here, my life is there.” Though we are living here on earth, we need to say to our Heavenly Father, “Though I am living here on earth… my life and feelings are all with You only.” Not only were the 12 disciples of Jesus called to be with Jesus (Mk. 3:14), but us also! When we are with God, He is with us! (II Chron. 15:2). In 2013, let us decide to stay away from all that may cause us

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to lose our connection with God and abide it in. Paul and Silas did not con-sider the persecution that rose in their ministry and worshipped God at mid-night. Does not this indicate their strong connection with God? Pay atten-tion to deep relationship that you should have with God this year.Collection

Generally, men are fed up of constantly giving something to some-one! But God is eager to bestow upon all His children who come with ex-pectation to receive. In the year 2013, let us decide to ask that

which He will give and more. Ask, “Lord, in this New Year, grant me the desire to seek You, Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness as a gift!” When you and your family desire to seek the Lord, and do His Kingdom’s ministry, more enthusiastically, all other blessings will be given. (Matt. 6:33). Not only this, let us like King Solomon, ask daily “Lord, grant me wis-dom.” As asking God wisdom pleases Him, (I Kings 3:9,10), the Lord pours out His blessing to those who ask for wisdom. Ask the Lord to teach you to live a life pleasing to Him. The blessing that He has in store for those who live a life pleasing to Him will now be your right on its own.Correction

When we move out of the house for any work, don’t we have the habit of looking into the mirror to correct our appearance? The mirror that we have to look at daily is God’s Word! Decide to correct yourself

in the light of God’s Word daily! You may have read the scriptures out of a sense of duty so far. But in this New Year, decide to read it carefully and deeply to find out your faults as the Holy Spirit shows through the light of the scriptures and to get divine guidance. Those who know English may obtain reference Bibles to learn deeper truths. Have a daily checklist - “To be corrected” in your diary! As you meditate daily on the scriptures some

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corrections would enter your mind and be written in your diary and cause changes in your life, it is definite that you will become pleas-ing to God. The clay in the hands of the potter, after it is shaped in a way as per the wants of the potter, will become a useful vessel to many. In the year 2013, if we have to shine brighter than before, we need corrections! We need to focus on correcting ourselves than our children so that on seeing the positive changes in us, they will auto-matically follow. Not just saying, “Do as I say”, but reaching a stage when we can say “Do as I do” so that after being corrected by the Word we can shine with good character. Communication

Esther and Mordecai were concerned on the kingdom and had faith in prayer and were abreast on the happenings around them. Not just that, they knew their responsibility as God’s people. They knew the consequences of being irresponsible. Even though they could not communicate face to face, Mordecai communicated his thoughts to Esther very well. She also understood it perfectly and acted upon it. It was because of the communication between them that they were able to mobilize the Jews to fast, Esther could obtain grace in the eyes of the king and the whole Jewish community es-caped destruction. In the year 2013, may your communication with others bring good to the Kingdom of God. Only if you are careful to avoid vain conversation which spoils discipline, multitude of words which lead to sin stains….. will your communication be useful.

In order to imprint these decisions in your mind, re-

member the following words which begin with C!



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And the LORD did what Moses asked. The frogs died in the houses, in the courtyards and in the fields.(Exo.8:13) Plague that was stopped

by the word!

Moreover, you haven’t brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Do you want to treat these men like slaves? No, we will not come! …. the earth opened its mouth

and swallowed them and their households… and all .. together with their possessions. (Num. 16:14,32) The negative impact on those who spoke against!

the country of Judah.... the fields and villages around the city they had given to Caleb son of Jephunneh as his possession. (Joshua 21:11,12) Inher-

itance through faith!

One day when she came to Othniel, she urged him to ask her father for a field. When she got off her donkey, Caleb asked her, “What can I do for you?” She replied, “Do me a special favour. Since you have given me land in

the Negev, give me also springs of water.” So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs. (Judges 1:14,15) Inheritance after asking!

The angel of God came again to the woman while she was out in the field. (Jud 13:9) The place does not matter to meet God!

And Ruth… said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favour.” Naomi said to her, “Go

ahead my daughter.” (Ruth 2:2) Become a daughter to your moth-

er-in-law. Surely you will find favour with all! So she went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters. As it

turned out, she was working in a field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelech. (Ruth 2:3) God’s hidden agenda behind co-


He said to the guardian-redeemer, “Naomi, who has come back from Moab, is selling the.. land that belonged to her relative Elimelech..if you will redeem

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it, do so.. if you will not, tell me so I will know. (Ruth 4:3,4) Not in haste but as

per procedure!

Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. He said, “The king… will take the best of your fields.. Vine-yards.. olive groves and give them to his attendants.” (I Sam. 8:10,11,14)

warning about the wrong choice! long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success. He also built towers in the wilderness and dug many cisterns, because he had much livestock in the foothills and in the plain. He had people working his

fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile lands…. (II Chro. 26:5,10) If you seek the Lord, he will give success!

Till the spirit is poured on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field…. (Isaiah 32:15) Life of wilderness shall flourish by

the Spirit of God!

They make many promises, take false oaths and make agreements; therefore lawsuits spring up like poisonous weeds in a plowed field. (Hosea 10:4) False witnesses cannot escape judgment!

I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up. (Amos 4:7) He is the one

who gives and withholds!

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines….and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle

in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my sav-iour. (Hab. 3:17, 18) Joy is not based on growth!

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone. (Zech. 10:1) Com-

mand springs out of request!

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the

glory of the Lord shone around them, ... (Luke2: 8,9) Glory that cov-

ered the faithful at work!

So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. (Luke 15:15) One who has to live as the owner be-

came a pageboy!

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Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. (John

4:35) Now is the harvest, not later!

Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have

reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. (James 5:4) The wages that is

due is definitely known to the Lord!

While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. The LORD said, “..Listen! Your brothers blood cries out to me

from the ground….”(Gen.4:8,10) The Lord knows what is done in secret!

Locusts invaded all Egypt and settled down in every area of the country in great numbers.. they covered all the ground until it was black. They devoured all that was left after the hail – everything growing in the fields and the fruit on the trees. Nothing green remained on tree or plant in all the land of Egypt. (Exo.0:14,15) Destruction to limit

hard heartedness! The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow. (Isaiah

35:7) Not just removal of dryness but we will see flour-


The people of the city said to Elisha, “Look, our lord, this town is well situated, as you can see, but the water is bad and the land is unproductive.”.. “..

the LORD says: ‘I have healed.. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive.’” (II Kings 2,19,21) When God blesses

waste land will become fertile land!

but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what is

left. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove. (Exodus 23:11) Giving a portion to the poor is God’s ordinance!

But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding

a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (Mat.13:23) If you listen and

realize, reward and increase will surely follow!

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A wife of noble character .. considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. (Pro.31:10,16) Good character

will lead to capabilities and rewards!

Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. (Mat.25:24,25) What we

receive from God is not to be buried but multiplied!

fruitful land into a salt waste, because of the wickedness of those who lives there. (Psa.107:34) The land will reflect the wick-

edness of its inhabitants!

Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken, and the other left. (Luke 17:36) It is important to be the accepted one!

Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in dan-ger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. (Hebrews 5:7,8)The

end is known by the fruit!

Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house. (Pro.24:27)Before building your house,

make plans for income!


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You might have witnessed many heated debates where opinions are exchanged furiously. If you are participating in one such debate with the titles, “Way to pros

perity is due to your choices or the choice of one who chose you?”, many would come forward to speak for the topic, “it is entirely your choices that count!”. They might declare, making the choice of right education, choosing to govern expertly, smart-ly speaking skills, fine tuning your natural personality to appear pleasant are all choices that you make to lead you in the paths of success. On the opposing side, the team choose to express their arguments through the January magazine of thuthi which is centered on the theme of “Field Special” to declare, “The Lord Jesus who chose you is the only way to success”. The newly wedded bride, Acsah, King Uzziah and the Administrator Joseph are all ready to reiterate this point through the scriptures.

ready in the hands of God. All the blessings to flourish your dry state of affairs is availa-ble in His hand. Your part is to ask, receive them and live successfully. Acsah began by saying, I met my dad as a newly wedded bride. I decided to ask him for a field. Accordingly I put a peti-tion before my dad Caleb, rightfully and asked him, “Give me a blessing”. (Jud 1:14,15)o. He didn’t reprimand me by saying ‘Is it not sufficient, what I have already giv-

Whether your name found a spot in any selection list or not, one thing is cer-tain that you are blessed, for you have a spot in the main list of God. There is none greater than the fact that you are in the VIP list of the records of heaven.! All the plans and strategies to make you prosperous are

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en?’, nor did he accuse me of greed. Nei-ther did he sulk saying, ‘How much to give….’. He gave me not only a fertile ground but also upper and lower springs! My dad blessed me more than my asking! My dad’s giving mind and the ability to give is of course within a range. Acsah is quoting Mathew 7:11 and is saying, if he should give so much, isn’t it very certain that the generous heav-enly father will liberally lavish goodness on you and make you prosper? As you have found a spot in the list of the chosen, you can rightfully ask anything from your God. You very well know the value of the Government seal! If you could choose the more precious Name of Jesus, you will receive all that you ask, so that your joy might be full! (Jn.16:24, 14:13,14) This is an unchanging order from heaven. All that you have to do is to use it and ask to receive it!

You have not seen the result, only because you have not asked! (James 4:2). In all the things that you ask, the practical truth is that you will find the divine inter-vention in full. Give Him the perfect liberty to execute in the matters of your asking. If you could surrender all your concerns and problems to Him and act accordingly in each step, you will be able to look back and

say, ‘God’s working is much more than what I had to do!’

If you could let go of all your complicated confusions, He will grant a solution without any lack! Usually the breakables will be warned, “Handle with care”. In the same way, there is only one warning for the breaks in relationships, “Handle with prayer”! Try to encounter your concerns with this instruction. You will be astounded to see the uncountable wonders and the unbelievable marvels that accompany the situations through this for-mula. If you choose to use your limited knowledge, counsels of men and the ways that seem right to you on matters that have to be handled with prayer, then that is the main reason for our failure. May be you don’t see the changes outwardly for the things that you pray and ask! But the reality is that there innumera-ble changes taking place due to your pray-ers in the secret places. In all the matters that you approach through prayer, it is definite that you will end with success! It is because if it is initiated by God then it will be ended by Him alone. There may be ques-tions, confusions and doubts but they will never go on forever. All that is soaked in prayer will either be dissolved or will be so soft that it could never adversely affect you!

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It is an undeniable fact that nothing can re-main unchanging in the matters prayed for!

Just as Acsah asked for

watered gardens in the place of

dry grounds, let us ask and re-

ceive from the heavenly father

more fertile years instead of the

past years of drought.

When the Lord God is waiting at a

distance of prayer, how can you not pros-per with the powerful weapon of prayer in your hand?

Not only king Uzziah but there are several others who stand as evidence to prove that those who seek the Lord will only prosper and not dry up in drought!

How will it be if the child whom you bore should oppress the parents and act wilfully on its own? The parents who seek the welfare of children, won’t they desire that their children would consult them and take decisions? Isn’t it what the heavenly father who has chosen his chil-dren among many billions would desire of them too? Won’t His heart desire that you seek Him daily, give priority to Him in eve-ry action? Doesn’t He wish to prosper us for our own welfare?

When Uzziah was enthroned at his 16th year, he realized pretty well that he received the honor only by God and gave eminence to seek Him. In those blessed days, because God prospered all that He did and he increased mightily. The Lord saw his taste for husbandry and therefore blessed him with plenty of fields and gardens (2Chr. 26:10)

The ones who seek the Lord in sincerity would never have prosperity as an unattainable fruit. Although they don’t get into hard labor to reach the “good things” of life, all the needed goodness will not flee from them. The ordinance of the Lord is that the good things will follow after those who seek the Lord. (Psa.23:6)

We who know the Lord, should we be like the rest who labor all their life- time seeking wealth, positions and fame? Let us not despise seeking the Lord but make it our priority. If we should seek the Lord, giving Him the pre-eminence in life, God will intervene in all our matters and make them successful. Even though, those who seek the Lord might appear to be vile before others, it will not continue forever. It is a surety that He would present them prestigious before others. The hearts of those who seek the Lord would rejoice! (Psa.105:3) You will

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certainly receive more than what you ex-pect! King Uzziah who experienced this, strongly affirms the fact that if we should say that those who seek Him will definite-ly prosper and will not lack any good thing, you cannot comprehend it until you taste it! Did you not place importance to money, beauty, status etc., in order to pro-gress in life and reach your ambitions? In this new year, allocate time to read the word, pray, participate in activities to serve Him in the church and elsewhere as steps towards seeking the Lord. Be not careless in seeking the Lord; don’t do it in an unorganized ways seeking for your needs and in crisis, but seek Him diligently for what He is! All those things which fled from you, even after trying hard would be accomplished without much effort! To be satisfied and rejoice, only the list of ac-complishments would be long without any lack! (Psa 34:10) If you were a person who struggled with a long list of com-plaints, now make it a priority to seek the Lord on your own and as a family.

The decision to seek the Lord is not like making a toy car to run a while by turning its key; some seek the Lord at the beginning of the year but reject Him com-pletely as the days go by! The car could

run only when we press the pedal and hold the steering wheel, in the same way disciplined and diligent seeking of the Lord should be a part of our life! It is not enough if one person in the family should seek the Lord sincerely, but each one should seek; jointly we should seek; in all matters we should seek. If that be the case, then there is no doubt, that all the days of your life will be golden days. You will definitely see great differences in the events of the days of seeking and not seeking Him! How can you not pros-

per, when the Lord is waiting

with good plans in the new

year to bless all those who

seek Him passionately?

The government seeks the qual-

ified experts and appoints them in jobs. As they come forward to offer their ex-pertise, know hows, time etc for the ser-vice, the government offers not wages but also house, medical, travel and other ben-efits.

If the worldly government should be so careful about the welfare of its employees, the heavenly government, could it be negligent about the welfare of

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those who are recorded in its records as the chosen ones? God has performed won-derful works for us not on the basis of our merits and expertise but on absolute faith towards us.

The worldly government retains its employees only for a period of time; helps only in limited sphere. However the God of heaven is able to help those who trust Him at any age. Without any bound-ary He is able to help them. Without any signature, He willingly comes forward to assist and help those who look upon Him. Without any legal documents, He is able to provide coverage unto the final breath taking full care of those who trust Him. Joseph is coming as an evidence to prove that the Lord performs incredible things for those who trust Him and honor them through and in all adverse situations.

Without partaking in the wicked deeds of his brothers, although walked and lived with his rough and tough brothers, Joseph lived untainted by their evil ways. (Gen 37:2) Joseph received only hatred instead of love because he didn’t go hand in hand with his evil brothers and because he was loved more by his father. He shared happily with his brothers about how his sheaf from the field stood erect and how his brothers’ sheaves bowed down around

his sheaf. It was a dream from God about his future Joseph was not elevated the very next day according to the dream. Instead of favorable situations that indi-cate the fulfillment of the dream, things started deteriorating! The collective ha-tred of the brothers ac accelerated to the extent of joining hands to get rid of him.

When Joseph was pushed into a waterless pit, sent as an orphan with strangers, worked as a slave in an un-known house and when jailed as a crimi-nal in a prison, he was only between 17-30 years of age. Will the pit be my grave? Do I have to wander as an orphan? Will I be tossed as a slave? Should I have to be a prisoner within four walls? The realities raised such questions. Did you also tread paths of these sort where there was no room for you to believe that the Lord could bless your future? In the journey of Joseph, the pit was only a resort for a few hours; the ’yearning of an orphan’ continued for only a short while; ‘the slave job’ was only a temporary appointment; the title of a ‘prisoner’ was the final posting be-fore the promotion! Amidst all these adversities, the vision given by God was an anchor. God is in the midst of opposition; although the

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troubles escalate, God will not forsake; The faith that somehow all that the Lord has revealed could never be stopped became a strong supporting rod. The dream enabled Joseph to stand steadfast without becoming weary during the times of adversity before the fulfillment of the dream. Without becoming blurred in the vision that the Lord has placed through His word, believe and stand steadfast. You will see wonders just as you believe! Just like my fore-runner and called the “Father of faith”, I too did not notice the absence of favorable signs; did not consider as something the pres-ence of all negative signs. (Rom 4:19) As I was not weak in faith, I staggered not at the oppositions. I was strong in faith. Although everything around was dis-mal and contrary, I believed according to the verse, “All things are possible to Him that believe” (Mar 9:23) and walked in faith. Therefore Joseph is emphatic in his statement to tell us, if you walk by faith and not by sight, you will surely see your dream coming true! The dream of Joseph came to pass ex-actly. When he was the administrator in a strange land, his brothers stood around bowing down before him. In the

same way, the vision that the Lord has put in your heart through His promises will never fade away. You will surely be exalted just as you believe. Therefore continue to exercise your faith amidst all oppositions.

Let not your mind explore the contradicting realities. Let them be re-placed by thoughts of faith. Let not your eyes be focused on adverse impacts but let them focus on the promises of God through the eyes of faith. Let not your ears be tuned to hear the echoes of men’s voices vibrat-ing the impossibilities; but let them be the ears of faith tuned to reverberate the promises of God who cannot lie. Let not your mouth speak ac-cording to the circumstances of the present conditions, but let it become the mouth of faith speaking the fulfillment of the promises of God with a vision!

Let not your hands be held back due to the problems and conflicts of life, but let them be as the hands of faith always working in faith! Let not your legs be slack dur-ing the times of waiting but let them step up according to the vision given by God to take steps of faith! In the new year be-

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cause the Lord is waiting

with precious promises to

make you prosper, when

you are beholding the fulfill-

ment of His promises, how

can you not but prosper?

The key to blessings is prayer,But The Door of Blessings

is opened through faith!

Don’t judge others as sinners just because they commit different sort of sins than you!

If someone says bad about us, we feel bad. If someone says good about us we feel good. Question is...Have we given our

remote control to others??? When we refuse to pray, the satan is ready to win us;

when we start praying, he is defeated! Prayer is ours...and the victory due to prayer is ours too; but the defeat is satan’s!!

We are the privileged who are chosen by the Lord God to be

His own! However our choices might help us, we can inherit

a prosperous life only because God leads us says the Chair of

the debate on the basis of Isa 65:22

Let us consider the statements of Acsah,

Uzziah and Joseph:

If we ask God and do nothing will become questionable!

If we should seek God, none of our works can but prosper!

If we believe God, none of the things that affect us can

prevent our blessings!

Let us reiterate the few basic facts of asking God, seek-

ing Him and believing Him in this New Year!

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It was a noon time! The peak sun was pinching the tip of head. Benny couldn’t pedal his cycle any more. The sorrow choked his throat. On one side he could see his mom’s sorrowful face in his mind! On the other side was the proclamation of the doc-tor ringing, unless the blood is pumped at once, we cannot save her life. His mom’s blood is a very rare type! Benny didn’t know what to do! So far they have tested his blood and also that of his wife and children. Nothing was suitable. He was living in a small town and there was no such thing as blood bank. One has to walk so many miles to reach the hospital.

Slowly the state of his mom was deteriorating. As her death was imminent, Benny informed all his siblings living far away and was returning in his cycle. Suddenly, a boy who was standing on the road side, signaled to him asking if he could get on the back seat of the bike. As Benny was weary in his mind, he had absolutely no physical strength to

help. In spite of his mounting problems, he had no mind to refuse help to that boy and therefore slowly nodded his head. The boy got on to the rear seat of the cycle. Both re-mained silent for a few blocks. To break the silence the boy asked Benny, “Sir, I see that you are burdened about something; may I know about your problem?”. Slowly Benny narrated about the condition of his mom and about how he is returning after announc-ing about the imminent death of his mom to all his siblings, due to the unavailability of the rare blood. The boy immediately asked, “Sir, where is your mom now?”. “In the hospital” said Benny. The boy at once said, “Let us go straight to the hospital; my blood is that rare type; I will donate blood for your mom”.

Benny’s joy knew no bounds. The hope began to grow. A new strength was pumped into his body. He pedaled the cycle direct to the hospital. As the blood was injected into her body, mom’s condition improved. Within a week his mom got new health and returned home. After that she lived for 40 long years.

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It is easy for any one to help during favorable circum-

stances. When we ourselves are in need of help, it is hard to come

forward to help others. Benny’s willingness to help during that

critical time, fetched help to give life to his mom. When others ask

for help, do you know that it is actually coming all the way to

help you out! In whatever state you might be, if you help, it will

be reversed to help you out and make you glad! Therefore in this

new year do not miss the opportunities to help but utilize them


Do you have the gift of helping others?

Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.

Then everything you do will bring glory to God through

Jesus Christ. All glory and power to

him forever and ever! (IPeter4:11)

The fact that you say “I can only pray for you” is not a simple help!

That is the only help you can render to others and that is the greatest of all the help!

Your failure starts right from the time that you postpone your wake up time by 10 minutes!

The distance between you and your God is only the distance between you and your prayer time!

Do you want our books and cds? Mrs.Latha Manoharan,

No.7 One hundred feet Road, Rajeswari Nagar Extension,

Selaiyur, Chennai—73. Phone:9841810108

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I wrote to you to pray for me mentioning the date and time of my exam thro the email. You had responded by saying

that this time it will be victory! The Lord did grant victory this time wonderfully. The Lord enabled me to get the li-

cense to drive the car anywhere in Europe. I am grateful to the Lord who did a miracle and to you

who prayed!Sis.Louis, France.

I tried to get car license but I failed times!

My husband had a piece of a chicken bone choking in the throat. He could not sleep the whole night. Throughout the night I was confessing the promise of the month “The Lord it is that goes before you! The Lord of Israel is your rearguard!” and prayed within my mind. In the morning we had decided to go to the hospital and then go to work; as getting ready in the morning, again I mentioned the same verse and said if it should be healed without going to the hospital then I would mention this wonderful testimony in thuthi magazine! A miracle happened! On the way to the hospital, as we bought a banana and ate, the bone just went in! Glory be to God !

Sis. Christy, Maruthakulam.

Chella pillaihalum iniya illaMai’ If you want these two books, you may send a donation of

Rs. 25 and receive them!

Page 31: 2013 Jan English


My name is Deepa. I spoke to you through phone on Nov 16, 2010. Although I was married for six months, I had no child. I read a testimony in Thuthi Malar. After reading it, im-mediately I contacted you over the phone to pray for a child for me. You also prayed and the very next month, I conceived. Jesus has given me a beautiful boy baby. Crores of praises to Jesus and a heartfelt thanks to you who prayed!

Sister Deepa, Andhra.

Although my elder son was married for six years, he had no chil-dren. I requested you to pray! The Lord heard the prayer and granted a beau-tiful girl baby! We give praises to the God of Gods who granted a beautiful baby to us! Thanks to you who prayed! Sis.Angelin Christopher!

Although my daughter was married for 4 years, we were in great sorrow as she had no child. We wrote to you to pray for a child. You also prayed and replied back.God granted a beautiful girl baby ! Glory be to the wonderful God! Thanks to you who prayed!

Sis.Mariammal, Mayilappapuram.

You may visit this address and browse thuthi website; And you may read all the pages of thuthi magazine in both Tamil and English every month.

Come ! And Browse!!

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I am working as a secondary school teacher. I wrote the entrance exam for Bed, four times but could not get through! Finally, I applied for the open university and wrote the entrance exam. I made a covenant saying that I will write my testimony if I should pass and get the admission. In the result, instead of receiving 51% I had gotten only 46.75%. I was very grieved and repeatedly confessed the promises of the bible and declared that I will no more write the exam. I prayed fervently that I should somehow get admission. It was during this time that I received the January 2012 edition of thuthi. The verses in the front and back cover, and also what was told about Sarah in page 20, all seemed as if they were written just for me! I claimed them all and confidently stood on them! From the university, they called me phone and enquired if I wanted to join their university. I could not believe it.

Amazed at what the Lord has done for me, I praised Him with tears. Now I am studying there. For the wonder that the Lord has done, I praise Him and reveal the testimony! Sister Vasumathi, Salem.

I was reading October thuthi malar. My third son called me by phone and said that he needed a two wheeler. I was reading the thuthi ma-lar with much burden. At once, I called the thuthi office using the phone number mentioned in the magazine and shared my burden and requested prayer regarding the two wheeler and for all the help needed to purchase it. A brother prayed for it. After that I contacted a brother and requested him to help in the buying of the vehicle. He also made all arrangements to buy. I received an amount to buy the vehicle and the rest the brother sup-plied so that we could get the vehicle by November 2nd. All praises to God. Thanks to you who prayed! Sis. Rani Thomas,

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Suddenly my 4 year old daughter Jenny was affected by fever. Although she had continuous treatment, the fever did not subside. On the fourth day she was absolutely bed ridden without drinking even a cup of water. All my rel-atives gathered around panicking. On that day morning I happened to read a thuthi magazine at my work place and I read the testimony portion in it. The Lord dealt with me thro the testimonies. With tears, I called the thuthi minis-try thro the phone number mentioned in it. A sister enquired lovingly, en-couraged me and prayed with faith. When I finished my work and returned home, the house continued to be sorrowful. 5 people stood around her and said that she never ate anything the whole day and she is lying down in this manner the entire day. With tears, I strived with the Lord. My Lord of Lords wonderfully granted her hunger and she by herself asked, “Mommy, please give me orange, give me idli..” and started eating little by little and healed me. In two days, the Lord healed her perfectly by His grace. We give crores of praises to the Lord who granted healing! Sis. Ebenezer, Thenkasi

I had written last time about how a teacher who had taken a loan of two and a half lac rupees loan had left on a transfer. I had vouched for with a signature. You also prayed and said, “Fear not, Peace be unto you”, quoting Dan 10:19. The very next week, wonderfully the teacher came directly and paid back the two and a half lac . Praise be to God! Thanks to you who prayed! Sis. Joy Punitha, Vilupuram.

If you would like to meet us in person, you might visit us

on Tuesdays between 4 and 7 pm at thuthi office.

If you are coming from out of town, kindly enquire by

telephone and then come

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Beauty tips for a beautiful countenance:

Decorations for the eyes

Seeing only the good in others Decorations for the Lips

Speaking only words of love, support and comfortDecorations for the face

Unloading all the unnecessary fears and burdens from the mindDecorations for the ears

Listening to the words of God often Decorations for the nose

Not to keep on focusing on the problems which are like thorns but like smelling the fragrance of rose, inhaling the blessings experienced

Decorations for the steps

Walking in the light of the word of GodDecorations for the mind

To put on the mind of the spirit and the mind of Christ Decorations for the hands

Embracing the destitute, the poor and the helplessDecorations for the heart

Forgiving yourself and the others willingly If you practice these, You are the Fair One!

“Likewise, the women should adorn themselves…. who profess godliness” (1Timo 2:10)

You are altogether beautiful, my love; There is no flaw in you (SS. )

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