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A Young Evangelist

Saveliy, with his mother Natasha, is an enthusiastic evangelist in Siberia, eager to share the gospel with his city. Without fear or hesitation, he shared about Christ’s love at every opportunity during a ShareWord Global evangelism event with his church.

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1,937,927 Global Distribution Distribution

Outside Canada

1,182,750Total Revenue:






RON MAGEE Vice Board Chair


WIEGAND DYCK Area Director BC & Yukon



RON BASKY Area Director


WAYNE FRASER Area Director



Manitoba, NW ON & Nunavut

KEITH YOUNG Area Director

Newfoundland & Labrador

HORST DEPNER Area Director

Alberta & North





6.8% 6.3%

When evangelism and Scripture distribution efforts result in new believers coming to church, our hearts overflow. That’s the fruit we pray for when we work alongside believers to share the gospel all over the world.

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I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope

through the power of the Holy Spirit. — Romans 15:13 NLT

When we consider this past year, there‘s one word that humbles us and resonates so strongly: provision. As we encountered an unexpected year of various challenges, what remained true and far beyond our ability to impact it was incredible provision.

Surpassing anything our human efforts could have mustered, God provided opportunities and graciously blessed us in ways that left us overwhelmed with gratitude.

• Relationships with new funding countries began to develop and the reach of ShareWord Global expanded to unprecedented new heights

• Doors were opened in Sri Lanka as we began to take our first steps into that country• Scripture magazines served to introduce people all over the world, in many different languages,

to the saving truth of Jesus Christ• The Spark magazine was translated into Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Romanian,

reaching children for the first time in many countries

We saw growth in Scripture distribution internationally over last year in Scriptures shared and downloaded. Members and partners experienced relational evangelism training, and the global Church was ignited and equipped to effectively introduce people to Jesus through God’s Word.

And this year, unlike any other year before it, we saw incredible provision through the wills and bequests of servant-minded members and donors who chose to leave a legacy of kingdom-building—even though they were no longer with us. What a humbling experience that has been! It reminds us so clearly to leave our trust in Him, the only One in whom we can have confident hope.

In God’s timing and provision, this year He also brought talented new people to help push this organization forward into an exciting phase of Canadian and global growth. What a joy it’s been to welcome our new President, with his many years of ministry experience, to lead us by God’s grace and provision.

Thanks to your generosity, this organization has continued to grow and build, and we are incredibly grateful to be doing ministry with you. Thank you for fueling a passion to reach people with the gospel.

Garnet WheatonBoard Chair


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OUR MISSIONWe ignite and fuel a passion in people’s hearts to share the gospel — training and equipping them, as a community of believers, to effectively introduce people to Jesus through God’s Word.


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OUR MINISTRY PARTNERSFaith Comes by HearingGood Hope MinistriesGWG GlobalDevelopment Communication AssociationMission EurasiaWorld Bible Translation Centre

Christian EmbassyDynamic Churches InternationalTyndale House PublishersEdu DeoTWR CanadaResonate Global Mission

Free Methodist World MissionsPentecostal Assemblies of CanadaGideonsUKGoda Nyheter för LivetGodt NyttInternational Mission Board

As a non-denominational ministry, TGIC | SWG is committed to growing the Church around the world through evangelism-focused partnerships. We do this by partnering with like-minded ministries, local evangelical churches, and denominational ministry boards—all of which are aligned with our statement of faith.

Our goal as partners is to reach the lost by sharing the gospel with them through God’s Word. Our unique Scripture magazines are non-denominational in their content and are almost exclusively filled from cover to cover with passages from the Bible. And our ministry on the ground serves to unite churches of all denominational backgrounds to reach their communities together, all for the glory of God.

We also have international ministry partners that are committed to helping with the funding of our ShareWord Global ministry and are aligned with our statement of faith. These partners’ contributions make it possible for more evangelism and Scripture distribution to happen all over the world and we are grateful for their collaboration.


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BELIEVING IN THE CAUSEThis year of God’s provision was also a year of gratitude for the humbling generosity of those who believe in our cause. Financial support came from all sides—Expressions users, monthly donors, special event attendees, and gifts through the mail. Even more overwhelming was the unprecedented show of support by those who designated gifts to our ministry in their wills. We’re so encouraged to know that people of all ages and stages of life want to partner with us to share the gospel wherever we can.

SHAREWORD PARTNERS (SWP) $703,429 These donors generously commit to a monthly gift, making it possible for people all over the world to hear the gospel and get a copy of God’s Word. Through our co.op program alone we had 413 new SWP sign ups!

GLOBAL CHURCH PARTNERS (GCP)$353,928 Churches who want to be engaged with us in both local and global evangelism sign up for this program. As a result, desperate churches around the world are supported with Scripture resources to help believers grow and become confident evangelists.

BEQUESTS $1,432,310 Many of our faithful and generous donors who have passed away continue to impact lives for the gospel by giving through their wills and estates. Though we mourn the loss of their physical presence with us, we’re grateful they chose to ensure God’s Word makes it into the hands of those who need it the most—long after they’re gone.

EXPRESSIONS$1,037,242 Thousands of people are supporting our cause and encouraging each other at the same time—with expressions greeting cards! Thanks to donations from expressions card users, people are discovering the love of Jesus for the first time!

EVENTS$1,085,432Our chapters hold events like banquets, dessert nights, music nights, golf tournaments and more, all with the goal of raising funds for the cause and promoting the ministry. We also have talented co.op artists who use their skills to raise awareness and much-needed funds.


GIVING TUESDAY$62,528 Every year, people dedicate Giving Tuesday—an international day of giving—to donating towards their favourite charities, causes, and non-profit organizations. Thanks to everyone who chose to donate to TGIC | SWG as their charity of choice, we were able to share copies of God’s Word with children around the world!


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Healthcare Facilities

The Gideons and I go back a long way. My father was a Gideon and presented me with my first New Testament. In 1971, my mother died, and I believe there was a record set for the number of Bibles placed at a funeral. In 1981, I was in a horrific car accident and had to spend a week in the intensive care unit. What pulled me through was the Bible I found in my nightstand. I am now 73 and continue to support the ministry, and use your cards for special occasions. – Cathy

From Members

Just a small note to say thank you very much for the little Testaments you distribute to the public. In 2004, I was in serious trouble and confused, not knowing how to solve my problems. One day, this man gave me your little New Testament and I read it constantly and it helped me so much that I was amazed. I still read today. Thank you. – Kathy

I just had to write and tell you that I too received a little red New Testament in grade school. It was instrumental in my coming to the Lord! I’m so pleased to see the Gideon-placed Bibles still available in some hospital rooms and in palliative care. Just a note of gratitude! – Joyce

To the people at The Gideons International In Canada | ShareWord Global who gave the Hope magazine, I just wanted to thank you. The Hope magazine was just what I needed at the time. I use my copy quite often. Glad there are people like you in the world. – Wendy


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Government Officials

I’m writing to say thank you and to recognize The Gideons International In Canada | ShareWord Global for their commitment to community involvement. I was so pleased to see a display and representative at my recent Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast in Caledon.

I have two books in my desk that give me inspiration and assurance, my Gideon Bible and a daily devotional. The Gideons is a beacon of light for people around the world. Thanks for all you do in this much needed organization. – Mayor Allan


I was an employee of a hotel, working as a bartender, when I found the Gideon-placed Bible in one of the hotel rooms. It was the best thing I ever stole. About 15 years later, when I found myself with a smashed vertebrae, paralyzed but saved from death, I prayed. I was soon back to work. Now I’m retired, and I read the Bible every day! My personal experience with Jesus Christ outweighs any argument. – Steve


Thank you for placing Bibles everywhere. The Word of God will go forth and bring in the harvest. I pray you will be greatly used in high school and junior schools with new technology. They are our next generation, and the wealth of the nation lies in the hands of those who teach our children. – Marlene

I am so grateful that I received a New Testament from The Gideons when I was in grade school—not realizing it then, but God had His hand on me, and I became a born again Christian later in life. I still have my Testament. God bless this organization. – Jo Anne


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After well over 100 years of ministry, we’ve learned some things while we’ve also adapted. The century-old mission of sharing the gospel through God’s Word remains constant, while we’ve adapted new methods of reaching people through intentional, relational evangelism.

Hotels still house our Bibles, but we also focus on connecting with people in our communities, workplaces, coffee shops, hospitals, prisons, parks—anywhere there are people who need to be in-troduced to Jesus Christ. The Church is being trained and equipped to overcome fear and use God’s Word to share the gospel with the people they do life with. And our members across the nation, with their passion for the lost, continue to boldly share the good news.

“I went to deliver a requested Bible and had a great visit with the man in his of-fice. He was surprised I came in person! He had been studying several religions and started reading a Bible in a motel. He’d read it before but had many ques-tions. I had the opportunity to explain God’s plan of salvation and encourage him to accept Jesus as his Saviour. I told him to read the Gospel of John to start, which I gave him along with his Bible and a NewLife app download card. I rec-ommended some churches in the area, and he let me pray for him in his office. I will continue to pray for him, and after a few weeks I will see how he is doing.” – Bruce, member in Nova Scotia

750,988 Scriptures Shared

Reaching Global People Groups

When the world lives in your community, it’s an amazing opportunity to share the gospel with people who come from every corner of the planet. This year saw the printing of our Scripture resources in several languages that are not only spoken outside Canada, but right here at home, too. Here are two examples, but more will be created in the coming years:

• The Chinese Hope magazine was translated into the traditional script and given a cosmopolitan feel in its photography. Now we have a version for both Chinese language groups, representing millions and millions of people all over the world!

• We printed a Punjabi version of our Light magazine for people who speak one of the top ten languages spoken in Canada.

3,238 Members

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INDIGENOUS PEOPLEWith regular trips to our Indigenous communities, it’s been exciting to build relationship and serve the local people. Making personal connections has opened doors for our teams to share hope with many hurting people. And our involvement with summer camps for kids and youth is an absolute joy, as longings for love are fulfilled in Jesus. The Spark magazine has been a breakthrough for teaching kids who they are in Christ. For many of these communities, the gospel starts in the hearts of their young people and spreads to their friends and family.

“I suffered from anxiety attacks and started cutting my wrists in Grade 8. I used to think about suicide all the time and felt like no one loved me. Although I received God’s Word, it wasn’t until I started reading it that I realized the hope that was there for me. I found myself at this Indigenous retreat in Northern BC. The Gideons were there and began to show, read, and teach us God’s Word. The messages of healing and hope led me back to Christ, and here I am with a real huge smile, after years of nothing but fakes!” – Mya Simpson, 14-year-old camper

– Mya Simpson, 14-year-old camper

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Ministry in China is being carried out entirely by the local people. It’s now illegal for Canadian missionaries of any kind to share the gospel, and dangerous for Chinese Christians, yet God continues to keep the door open for our ministry. People are receiving the Hope magazine and the Bible, and lives are being changed as they receive Christ. The primary recipients of these Scriptures are rural villages, poor church congregants, and new believers, but Hope magazines are given as gifts to all kinds of people, including government officials, police officers, firefighters, and other public service workers, and is received very well. It’s a great opportunity to build relationships with key leaders in the community.

When a part of your body suffers, the rest of your body does what it can to support the hurting members. As our Chinese brothers and sisters

continue to face ongoing hardship in an increasingly restrictive

environment, our goal is to ramp up efforts to support them. Both house churches and registered churches are in desperate need for God’s Word, not just for themselves but to share with others who are hungry for hope. That’s why we’re exploring new ways and new partnerships in this part of the world.

2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 NLT Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing. We proudly tell God’s other churches about your endurance and faithfulness in all the persecutions and hardships you are suffering.

“Your team does a very important thing. Our government may serve the people materially, but you serve them mentally and spiritually.”


– Church partner

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LATIN AMERICAMinistry in Latin America is vibrant and growing, and people are so ready to hear about the hope of Jesus Christ. With political unrest in Nicaragua, we had to postpone several evangelism trips, yet the church of Nicaragua continued to share the gospel amid the violence and disputes. In Peru, Chile, and Haiti, our missionaries team up with local congregations to blitz neighbourhoods with the Good News. Churches join together with our teams to meet people in the area, introduce them to Christ, and use Scripture magazines to personally invite them to church. And we are freely given access to share God’s Word with students in schools of all kinds and for all ages.

“The kids have learned that Jesus died for them and all of their sins, and their parents are starting to see a change in the kids. They want to help their parents and change the whole world. They really like the Spark magazine and share it with other children. Every Saturday, each kid is bringing a new friend, and the kids are the ones who are teaching them that Jesus died for them. They are really really happy with the Spark magazine. Thank you!”– Jess, children’s teacher at a church in Peru

460,690 Scriptures

150,880 Chile

100,000 Nicaragua

5,750 Dominican

150,000 Peru

53,760 Haiti

300 Mexico

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SOUTH ASIAThrough our Samson Project—fulfilling thousands of personal requests for Bibles, collected by an Indian man named Samson—over 380,000 people have received personal Bibles since 2016. Along with the Light magazines given to their churches, they’re sharing God’s Word with friends and family, in spite of personal danger and persecution.

Doors have recently opened to us in Sri Lanka, thanks to a generous donor. In the coming year, new

Scripture resources and Bibles will be printed and made available for dozens of churches to

share the gospel, in a country that’s hungry for the hope of Christ. The Light magazine in

Sinhalese and Tamil has been updated for the Sri Lankan culture.

Devya of India faces persecution even in her own house. Every Sunday, Devya sneaks out to church, though her alcoholic husband continues to beat her “every week until you stop going to that church!” Devya was thrilled to receive her own long-awaited Bible and treasures it as a precious gift. She wants to show her husband what it means to trust in Jesus Christ and prays he’ll one day understand.

276,710 Scriptures

249,560 India

27,150 Pakistan

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AFRICAThis is our second year providing local churches of Kenya with God’s Word for evangelism, and the response has been overwhelming. “We’ve created a problem,” our local coordinator wrote to us. “The people in the area have never seen such a thing. After we gave them the Bibles, they are asking for more magazines. We’ve caused a revival—people are now using the Hope magazine to evangelize, street-to-street and house-to-house. Villages around them have

heard about it, and they just keep coming for more.” Being trained and equipped for evangelism

has empowered rural and urban churches to reach their communities, and has brought denominations together to minister as one unified Church.

A third-grade child somehow missed the Scripture distribution in his village and was desperate for a Bible of his own. In response to his crying and crying, his mother wrote to the local pastor to see if something could be done. This little boy had never wanted to go to church before, but that was before he finally received his Bible. Now, he’s the first one up on a Sunday morning, begging his mother, “Hurry, I want to go to church!” He

carries his new Bible everywhere.

159,450 Scriptures

Kenya | Uganda

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FORMER SOVIET UNIONSharing the gospel here usually requires planning, strategy, and courage. Despite Russian prohibition on open evangelism, the church seems to grow ever bolder. We support them with Scripture materials, especially in a magazine format, which is safer to share in public. In war-torn areas of eastern Ukraine, and at summer camps for vulnerable youth in Moldova, these magazines are a powerful and effective way to share the gospel.

Scripture magazines have been a wonderful gift for reaching people in remote Siberia. Konstantin, a local missionary, shares how grateful he is. “We are ready to bring the message and have everything we need in our hands to minister in Siberia. You have taken a vital part in our ministry, because of your prayers as well as your offerings, to bring good gospel materials. You are so far away from Russian Siberia, but you will one day meet thousands of people in heaven who say ‘I know God because I read the Spark and Light magazines you provided and helped bring to Russia.’ ”

225,000 Scriptures

Russia | Ukraine | Moldova

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GO TRIPS“Our mission is to ignite and fuel a passion for evangelism—and that’s what GO Trips are all about. We invite believers to join a GO Team, leave home for 10 days, and go share the gospel alongside believers in another part of the world. Everything is planned and organized by our international department, so all the team members need to do is raise their own funds and pack their bags.

When they reach their cross-cultural destination, they’re given some cross-cultural and evangelism training. Then they head out with local believers, and boxes of Scriptures, and share the gospel in a variety of settings: market places, schools, hospitals, homes, and other places the churches have lined up for them. Not only do the local churches end up being encouraged and freshly equipped to continue sharing the gospel after our teams leave, but the visitors go home with a new purpose. They’ve seen the power of the gospel in a new way and usually can’t wait to continue doing the same thing with their own church.

Last year, our GO Trips included Moldova, Kenya, Chile, Peru, and Northern Canada. And we had 102 people from Canada, UK, and Sweden as part of the GO Teams.

Northern Canada GO Trips Involved 9 participants

Vanderhoof, BC - October 2018 Pikangikum, ON - February 2019 Duncan, BC - February 2019

International GO Trips Involved 93 participants

Moldova - July 2018 Chile - October 2018 Peru - Nov/Dec Kenya - Nov/Dec 2018 Moldova - January 2019 Chile - March 2019 Peru - March 2019

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Arabic Scriptures

Last year we translated Spark into Arabic and saw pilot distributions happen with Arabic speaking kids in Israel and the West Bank. This year we hope to also develop Light in Arabic. A woman named Jane, who works with kids in the Middle East said, “I gave Spark to my children and they read it with great passion, and they told me, ‘We wanted to give it to our friends because it is very beautiful.’ As a person who works with this age group, I can say that Spark magazine is the best way I’ve used to present Christ to this age.”

Evangelism Training

Sharing the gospel doesn’t come naturally to most people, so we’ve been developing a new evangelism training tool to help remedy that. The philosophy of the training is all about relationships and learning how to move through your fears to introduce Jesus to people in your everyday routines. The training program has been piloted and tested across the country with our members, and also in a limited way with our international ministries. It will soon be launched in a broader way to churches and believers.

USA Ministry

Our work internationally is intertwined with our ministry here in North America, especially since churches today are so globally connected. So, when American churches hear about our philosophy and methods, they’re wondering how they can get involved, too. They see our Scripture resources and immediately see opportunities in their own communities where they could be used. That’s why over the next few years, you’ll begin seeing more engagement by US denominations, churches, and believers who have a heart for the cause and want to become involved with ShareWord Global.

European Partnership

It’s been exciting to see a new alliance of partnerships develop this past year with ministries who share a common history. Three former Gideon organizations in Europe, from the UK, Sweden, and Norway, have begun funding and participating in ShareWord Global ministry initiatives. Some of their leaders and members have already participated on GO Trips and more are signed up for the coming year. We’re thrilled to be working with partners that share our passion for sharing God’s Word with the world.


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Comparative Years 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Bibles 45,856 51,710 56,171

Testaments Large Print 25,068 26,483 29,897 Medical 6,689 3,900 5,160 Youth 85,857 93,309 81,773 Personal Worker 721 678 454 Public Ministry 159,095 200,859 152,658 Bilingual 3,695 3,874 3,159 Foreign Language 7,386 8,830 6,258 Service/RCMP 8,717 11,996 10, 407

Scripture Portions 474,106 586,039 401,699

Print Total 817,190 987,678 747,636Bible Downloads 6,026 4,771 3,352

TOTAL (Domestic) 823,216 992,449 750,988


Comparative Years 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Scriptures (Print) 1,196,933 1,111,853 1,182,750

Bible Downloads 7,763 5,685 4,189

TOTAL (International) 1,204,696 1,117,538 1,186,939

Other Testaments


Scripture Magazines


Full Bible7%



Public Ministry


Gospel of John27%

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Comparative Years 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Scriptures (Print) 1,196,933 1,111,853 1,182,750

Bible Downloads 7,763 5,685 4,189

TOTAL (International) 1,204,696 1,117,538 1,186,939

TOTAL (Canada & International)

Scriptures Shipped and Downloaded


Lifetime Stats (as of May 31, 2019)

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2019 2018$ $


Cash (note 4) 1,690,869 1,277,479Accounts receivable 329,539 217,682Inventory (note 3) 708,003 557,081Prepaid expenses 81,101 103,913

Current assets 2,809,512 2,156,155

Investments (note 5) 11,498 8,502Life insurance - cash surrender value 76,854 71,178Capital assets (note 6) 416,759 463,069

Non-current assets 505,111 542,749

Total assets 3,314,623 2,698,904


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 7) 402,753 621,249

Deferred revenue 693,462 446,164

1,096,215 1,067,413


Unrestricted, Operating Fund 2,064,338 1,541,528Internally Restricted Fund (note 4) 154,070 89,963

2,218,408 1,631,491

Total liabilities and fund balances 3,314,623 2,698,904


Garnet Wheaton, Board Chair Andrew Hopper, Treasurer

The explanatory financial notes form an integral part of these financial statements.4.


2019 2018$ $


Cash (note 4) 1,690,869 1,277,479Accounts receivable 329,539 217,682Inventory (note 3) 708,003 557,081Prepaid expenses 81,101 103,913

Current assets 2,809,512 2,156,155

Investments (note 5) 11,498 8,502Life insurance - cash surrender value 76,854 71,178Capital assets (note 6) 416,759 463,069

Non-current assets 505,111 542,749

Total assets 3,314,623 2,698,904


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 7) 402,753 621,249

Deferred revenue 693,462 446,164

1,096,215 1,067,413


Unrestricted, Operating Fund 2,064,338 1,541,528Internally Restricted Fund (note 4) 154,070 89,963

2,218,408 1,631,491

Total liabilities and fund balances 3,314,623 2,698,904


Garnet Wheaton, Board Chair Andrew Hopper, Treasurer

The explanatory financial notes form an integral part of these financial statements.4.


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2019 2018$ $

Revenue (page 11)Gideon donations 1,667,735 1,762,242Non-member donations 4,933,958 4,711,452Bequests and major gifts 4,032,207 3,490,155Chapter fund donations 258,655 247,487Other income 13,299 3,916

10,905,854 10,215,252

Expenses Direct Scripture Costs 4,048,054 4,440,907Membership 1,391,349 1,247,167Ministry 1,028,048 933,158Awareness 694,800 688,788Charitable program personnel 1,579,211 1,372,071Fundraising 1,166,610 1,154,876Administration 410,865 367,703

10,318,937 10,204,670

Excess of revenue over expenses for year 586,917 10,582

Fund balances, beginning of year 1,631,491 1,620,909

Fund balances, end of year 2,218,408 1,631,491

The explanatory financial notes form an integral part of these financial statements.5.

The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors review and approve the annual financial state-ments. In addition, the Audit Committee meets with financial officers of The Gideons International In Canada and the external auditors, and reports to the Board of Directors thereon. The Audit Commit-tee and the Board of Directors also review the annual report in its entirety.

One item to note is that we deferred approximately $679,000 worth of restricted donations received toward Scriptures and evangelism campaigns that will occur in the subsequent fiscal year. These donations will hit revenue in the 2019-20 financial year, and thus be matched to their corresponding expenditures.

Kevin Cawthra, CA CPAVP of Business & Communications


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P. O.Box 3619, Guelph, Ontario N1H 7A21.888.482.4253 |

“...we have the same flow of water, carrying the same ministry. We can work together, in this synergy, to help a lot of people. Your small participation offering is like a little stream that helps create a huge river flowing in the movement of God. [When] you bring the Word of God, it is like a river flowing around the world. And only in heaven will you see the fruits of what your small little river has brought.”

– Pastor Vladimir, Russia

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