  • 203 BCN 24. 45 to 52. Internat ional Organizat ions, Pol ic ies and Loans; United Nations; and Congressional Record. F1. 45 Selective Service, 1952 Apr 3, 1952 - Dec 30, 1952. Correspondence with numerous requests to look into draft board proceedings concerning medical school deferments, ministeral deferments and overseas study. Also corre- spondence deal ing with procedures of appealing a draft c lassi f ication; complaints about Selective Service Operat ions Bul let in No.60; and investigat ion of the Bledsoe County, Tennessee Draft Board. Correspondence asking for a change in the draft regulat ions and requirements for physicals. F2. 45 Selective Service, 1953 – 1955 Jan 16, 1953 - July 14, 1955. Correspondence deal ing with the need for a change in the draft laws. Correspondence asking intervention in behalf of consti tuents for medical, physical, hardship, educational, vocational, compassionate and teaching deferments. Corre- spondence pertaining to the draft status of Universi ty of Arkansas board members while on an overseas tour. Also containing complaints about the high ut i l i ty rates in the Panama Canal Zone; a bonus for workers in the Panama Canal Zone. F3. 45 Selective Service, 1956 Aug 22, 1956 - Sep 12, 1956. Correspondence request ing help in gett ing a student deferment for Jack Jones Holl ingsworth, a student at the Universi ty of Arkansas.

  • 204

    BCN 24. (Cont. … ) F4. 45 Selective Service.

    Jul 13, 1948 - Oct 25, 1951. Correspondence seeking help in receiving deferments for the fol lowing reasons: student, teacher, minister, hardship, agriculture, and occupational. Correspondence asking information about the Selective Service Act of 1948 and why the G.I. Bi l l of Rights was not extended to veterans serving after World War I I . Correspondence requesting that the chiropract ic profession be represented on the Healing Arts Advisory Committee of the Selective Service System. Correspondence from the Universi ty of Arkansas asking how the draft wi l l af fect the enrol lment of the University and whether a loophole could be found in the Select ive Service Act to exempt footbal l players at the Universi ty of Arkansas from the draft. Correspondence complaining about the apparent favoring of athletes during the draft and the refusal fo some doctors to enter mi l i tary service after the mil i tary had payed for their schooling. Numerous requests from cit izens asking that alcoholic beverages not be sold in camps to trainees and to make al l off-post taverns off l imits.

    ov F5. 45 Selective Service — General

    Jan 9, 1943 - Sep 27, 1946. Correspondence deal ing with support for and opposit ion to the appointment of E. L. Compere to the post of State Director of Select ive Service. Numerous correspondence asking for help to secure deferments for the fol lowing reasons: agricul tural , occupational, student, technical and scienti f ic, and medical students. Correspondence request ing that an investigat ion be' made into the condit ions at the Lit t le Rock Naval Recruit ing Station. Correspondence containing requests to sponsor a bi l l to exempt sons of famil ies with sons already ki l led in action and to help seek a deferment for a son of a family with two sons already ki l led in a war. Correspondence informing Senator Fulbright that the Selective Service Medal would be awarded to some individuals in Arkansas in the near future.

  • 205

    BCN 24. (Cont. … ) F6. 47 International Organizations, 1952 [sic]

    Oct 23, 1951 - Oct 9, 1952. Correspondence from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development detai l ing loans to Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey, Peru, Brazi l and Austral ia for numerous projects in those countries. Correspondence from a Universi ty of Arkansas professor asking Senator Fulbr ight 's assistance in market ing a low-cost high protein food to the Army and the Mutual Security Agency for use overseas. Correspondence containing material from the Off ice of Small Business dealing with rent stabi l ization. Correspondence asking that measures be taken to insure the freedom of the Middle East and Far East. Cor- respondence asking that a bi l l be passed uti l iz ing local funds to supplement Marshall Plan Funds.

    F7. 47 International Organizations, 1953 - 1955 [sic]

    Feb 2, 1953 - Feb 16, 1954. Correspondence deal ing with a visi t to the United Nations, complaining about the land donated to the United Nations by John D. Rockefel ler Jr. , requesting the Senator’s help in receiving admission t ickets to the General Assembly of the United Nations, request ing material on the United Nations, information regarding the work of UNICEF in Asia, advising the Senator on revisions needed in the Charter of the United Nations, f i l l ing out a quest ionnaire sampling react ions toward the United Nations in Congress and numerous complaints ask- ing that we drop out of the United Nations. Numerous pieces of correspondence pertaining to demonstration projects for rural areas of Latin America, South Asia and the Middle East, cotton seed needed in Iran and rice to be shipped to East Germany in a food rel ief program. Also contained in this folder numerous pieces of correspondence deal ing with East-West trade, economic growth of western Europe, progress at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, assistance in seeing that a contract is payed on a foreign aid project and questioning the need to fund a pulp mil l in New Zealand with foreign aid money when doing so wi l l cut out a large port ion of American pulp wood trade with that country.

  • 206

    BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F8. 47 International Organizations, 1953-1955 [sic]

    Jul 23, 1952 - Jul 31, 1954. Correspondence deal ing with the annual report of the Central Crowley Ridge Soil Conservation Distr ict . Also correspondence deal ing with payments due a company working on a project in India. Correspondence pertaining to the construction of a highway in Ecuador. Numerous correspondence dealing with an evaluation of the U. N., a report on U. N. Day in Arkansas, a study related to revision in the U. N. Charter, a news- paper cl ipping and letter complaining about the genocide convention before the U. N. and congratulat ions to Senator Fulbr ight upon his appointment to the U.N. as a delegate. Numerous correspondence request ing material on the 4 Point Plan to India, praising Senator Fulbright for standing up to Red China and receiving a report from the International Claims Commission.

    F9. 47 International Organizations 1953-1955 [sic]

    Jul 26, 1954 - Sep 17, 1954. Correspondence deal ing with the appointment of Senator Fulbright as a delegate to the United Nations. Also correspondence pertaining to comments on foreign pol icy, employment in the Food and Agricul ture Organization of the U. N. , employment at the U. N. , business of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and help in f inding a solution to the Cyprus issue. Cor- respondence dealing with a steam generat ion plant at West Memphis.

  • 207

    BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) ov F10. 47 International Organization, 1953-1955 [sic]

    Sep 16, 1954 - Jun 29, 1955. Correspondence and other documents including a copy of the charter of the United Nations, a memorandum on self determination for the is land of Cyprus, a news- letter detai l ing a speech given by Senator Fulbr ight on the U. N. and a copy of the Art ic les of Agreement of the Internat ional Finance Corporat ion. Correspondence pertaining to the breeding of carp, refugee problems, tr ibunal awards at the U. N. , opposit ion to moving of the Narcotics Division of the U. N. From New York to Geneva, Switzerland, opposit ion to the U.N., cost of coal in Arkansas and Oklahoma, l iv ing standards in underdeveloped areas, support for the U.N., revision of the U. N. Charter, membership in the International Finance Corporation, assistance in attending the 10t h Anniversary meeting of the U. N. in San Francisco and a prayer for the opening meeting.

    F11. 47 International Organizations, 1955

    Sep 22, 1955 - Oct 19, 1955. Correspondence deal ing with the dismissal of twenty- one U. S. cit izens from the United Nations payrol l and the subsequent reinstatement of eleven of those f ired. Tribunal awards were given to those persons reinstated.

    F12. 47 International Organizations, 1956.

    Jan 31, 1956 - Jun 29, 1956. Correspondence deal ing with the removal of the United States from the United Nations. Also correspondence pertaining to information showing the posit ive side of the U.N. Correspondence requesting fert i l izer stat ist ics from the Food and Agricul ture Organization.

  • 208

    BCN 24. (Cont. . . .) F13. Cooperat ive for American Remittance to Europe, Inc.

    Dec 27, 1946 - Feb 10, 1948. Correspondence pertaining to information about CARE, help from CARE and thanks for CARE packages. Also in this container numerous pieces of correspondence from Europe with Easter and Christmas greet ings to Senator Fulbright for his help in sending CARE packages to Europe.

    F14. Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion, Tourism in

    the European Recovery Program. Feb 23, 1950. A report from the Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion outl ining the potential for tourism in Europe during the post-war years.

    FI5. Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion.

    Apr 5, 1948 - May 13, 1949. Correspondence and other documents concerning the Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion (ECA). Reports included a yearly summary of the ECA, a l ist of countr ies under ECA programs and a summary of development under the ECA. This folder also contains correspondence per- taining to the production, exportat ion and consumption of r ice under the Marshall Plan. The use of mules and horses in Europe instead of tractors. The use of surplus cane syrup in food exported to Europe and the granting of import- at ion of handles to that country (Great Bri tain) and the grant ing of import l icenses in Great Bri tain. Correspondence deal ing with the pol i t ical and economic union of Western Europe.

  • 209

    BCN 24. (Cont. … ) F16. Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion.

    May 28, 1949 - Jul 16, 1949. Correspondence and other documents concerning the Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion. Reports in- c luded weekly summaries of developments in the Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion, the status of hardwood exportat ion and the status of aluminum exportat ion. This folder also contains correspondence asking Senator Fulbr ight’s help in gett ing f inancial assistance to Chinese students stranded in the United States because of the Chinese Civi l War. Corre- spondence pertaining to the desperate si tuation in both the hardwood and aluminum industr ies.

    F17. Economic Cooperat ive Administrat ion

    May 26, 1949 - Dec 4, 1950. Correspondence pertaining to the amendment of a foreign aid bi l l to force European buyers to buy American aluminum, to keep workers at their jobs and to make the Federal Govern- ment money because they leased out the aluminum plants. Correspondence deal ing with the hardwood situation in the United States and the lack of buyers in Europe. This folder also contains correspondence deal ing with the exportat ion of wooden handles to Ireland and to exportat ion of barrel staves to Mart inque. Correspondence complaining about Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion funds competing with pr ivate capital for the rebui lding of the tourist trade in Europe. Correspondence expressing grat i tude over the passage of an Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion ap- propriat ions bi l l and congratulat ions to the new Administrator of the Economic Cooperation Administrat ion.

    ov F18. [ International Bank and Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion]

    Dec 28, 1945 - Nov 2, 1950. Correspondence pertaining to world peace and world govern- ment. Reports concerning credit and loans to I taly, Thai land and Columbia for post-war construction.

  • 210

    BCN 24. (Cont. … ) F19. [ International Bank and Economic Cooperat ion Administrat ion]

    Nov 9, 1950 - Dec 14, 1951. Correspondence pertaining to the accounting procedure used in loans to other countr ies. Also in this folder numerous reports on loans to Turkey, Mexico, Ethiopia, Thai land, Columbia, Paraguay, Nicaragua and Iceland. Correspondence seeking aid to Israel under the Point Four Program. Numerous correspondence deal ing with Senator Robert Taft, hotels f inanced by foreign aid, r ice, world government and a reprint of a letter sent to Senator Fulbr ight. This folder also contains a copy of American war documents and a report out l ining the two stages of world security.

    — R.G. 11/7/74

    F20. Germany, Post-war Foreign Policy Aug 27, 1945 - Feb 20, 1947. Contains correspondence pertaining to American relat ions with Germany after World War I I , especial ly to the problem of famine and the need for government action to al leviate i t .

    F21. Foreign Loans

    Sep 20, 1945 - Feb 13, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to the proposal to extend a loan of 3.75 bi l l ion dol lars to Bri tain to aid her post-war recovery; also a few i tems opposing FEPC.

    F22. Foreign Loans

    Feb 2, 1941 - Mar 29, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to the proposal to extend a loan of 3.75 bi l l ion dol lars to Bri tain to aid her post-war recovery.

    F23. Foreign Loans

    Mar 26, 1946 - May 16, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to the proposal of and passage of the Brit ish Loan bi l l , chief ly to and from const i tuents.

  • 211 BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F24. Foreign Loans

    May 11, 1946 - Feb 14, 1947. Contains correspondence, pamphlets, and news cl ippings pertaining to the Brit ish loan, including several letters in which Fulbr ight attempts to explain his support of the measure.

    F25. World Peace [Day]

    Jun 25, 1946 - Jun 27, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to a Lions Club International resolut ion cal l ing for establ ishment of World Peace Day.

    F26. World Police Force

    Mar 20, 1943. Contains a plan for " the enforcement of World Peace" drawn up by one of JWF's close associates, along with a covering letter.

    F27. Post-War Foreign Policy

    Oct 5, 1945 - Aug 25, 1953. Contains correspondence pertaining to miscel laneous questions of foreign pol icy, including China, Korea, and the United Nations.

    F28. Tari f fs, Reciprocal Trade Agreements, etc.

    Jun 2, 1945 - Jul 1, 1946. Contains correspondence, chief ly with const i tuents, related to the extension and expansion of the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act; also a reprint of an editor ial f rom the New York Times.

    F29. Union of Soviet Social ist Republics

    Aug 15, 1943 - May 23, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to the pol icies of the U.S. vis-a-vis the USSR; mil i tary, economic, cul tural , some advocating more intercourse with the Russians, some anti-Communist propaganda in Europe.

  • 212

    BCN 24. (Cont. …) F30. San Francisco [Peace] Conference.

    Feb 16, 1945 - Apr 23, 1945. Contains correspondence in support of the San Francisco Peace Conference in Apri l , 1945; also pertaining to dele- gates or prospective delegates; also the text of a letter by JWF and other "freshman Senators" regarding forma- t ion of a United Nations organization.

    F31. San Francisco [Peace] Conference.

    Apr 7, 1945 - May 24, 1945. Contains correspondence in support of the San Francisco Peace Conference; recommendations of delegates; obser-

    vations by JWF and others on the possible outcome of the Conference.

    F32. San Francisco [Peace] Conference.

    May 18, 1945 - Dec, 1945. Contains correspondence support ing the San Francisco peace conference, publications pertaining to that, to the U.N. Charter, Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, and related matters, including JWF's cri t ique of current foreign pol icy.

    F33. 47-a United Nations, 1952 [sic]

    Aug 16, 1951 - Mar 27, 1952. Contains miscel laneous correspondence pertaining to United Nations-related subjects: withdrawal from U.N.; land reform; prayer at U.N. meetings; a bar in the U.N. Building; a report on the India-Pakistan confl ict .

    F34. 47-a United Nations, 1955 [sic]

    Sep 10, 1954 - Jan 4, 1955. Contains miscel laneous U.N.-related material , chief ly pertaining to compensation awarded by U.N. to some U.S. employees who were f i red for pleading the Fif th Amendment before the Internal Security Subcommittee.

  • 213 BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F35. 47-a United Nations, 1955 [sic]

    Dec 20, 1954 - Dec 28, 1955. Contains miscel laneous correspondence and other materials pertaining to the Ninth Session of the U. N. General Assembly, and to such U. N. issues as the admission of Communist China, international banking, captured American f lyers, and technical assistance.

    F36. United Nations Charter.

    Nov. . 1943 - Dec 14, 1945. Contains correspondence, cl ippings, texts of speeches pertaining to rat i f icat ion of the U.N. Charter by the Senate; also related to the nomination of a woman to the U. S. delegation to the U.N.

    F37. 47-b United Nations Educational Scient i f ic and

    Cultural Organization, 1955 [sic] May 11, 1953 - Jun 9, 1953. Contains a letter out l ining UNESCO act iv i t ies, and other related correspondence.

    F38. [47-b] United Nations Educational, Scient i f ic and

    Cultural Organization. Dec 29, 1945 - Dec. 1, 1948. Contains miscel laneous correspondence pertaining to the American efforts in behalf of UNESCO .

    F39. [47-b] United Nations Educational, Scient i f ic, and

    Cultural Organization. Jan 13, 1949 - May 19, 1951. Contains correspondence and numerous documents pertaining to U.S. part icipation in UNESCO.

    F40. UNESCO Conference Trips [ to Mexico City, Beiruit ]

    Feb 13, 1948 - Aug 10, 1948. Contains a very small number of i tems concerning these two conferences of UNESCO.

  • 214

    BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F41. 47-c Food &: Agricultural Organization, 1955 [sic]

    Aug 16, 1954 - Oct 27, 1954. Contains correspondence pertaining to efforts of an Arkansas f ish farmer to obtain Israel i carp f ingerl ings from Hait i ; also i tems pertaining to a "Justice for Cyprus" campaign.

    F42. 47-c [Food and Agricul tural Organization]

    Feb 28, 1947 - Mar 2, 1948. Contains a few miscel laneous (apparent ly misf i led) i tems pertaining to Wilhelm Fulbrecht of Berl in, to an art icle, possibly on cotton, and to Internat ional Refugee Organization.

    F43. 47-d United Nations Relief &: Rehabil i tat ion

    Administrat ion, 195 5 [sic] Contains a report on private investment in foreign reconstruct ion and development.

    F44. 47-d [United Nations Relief & Rehabil i tat ion

    Administrat ion] Mar 3, 1945 - Dec 12, 1945. Contains i tems pertaining to the work of UNRRA in

    Europe. F45. [47-d] United Nations Relief and Rehabil i tat ion

    Administrat ion Contains correspondence pertaining to extension of U. S. f inancial support of UNRRA.

    F46. [47-d] United Nations Relief &: Rehabil i tat ion

    Administrat ion Dec 10, 1945 - May 21, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to extension of U. S. f inancial support to European rel ief, chief ly with persons favoring such support.

  • 215

    BCN 24. (Cont. … ) F47. [47-d] United Nations Relief &: Rehabil i tat ion

    Authority Jun 2, 1946 - Mar 9, 1947. Contains correspondence pertaining to the continuation of U.S. f inancial support for UNRRA, and some related printed matter.

    F48. 47e Other United Nations Technical Agencies, 1956.

    Jun 26, 1956 - Jul 26, 1956. Contains (misfi led) correspondence pertaining to Stal in, the Cold War, and the CIA.

    F49. United Nations Organization

    May 15, 1945 - Jan 25, 1946. Contains miscel laneous correspondence, chiefly per- taining to selection of U.N. delegates and on the suspension of Argentina from the U. N.

    F50. United Nations Organization.

    Jan 29, 1946 - Mar 20, 1948. Contains correspondence pertaining to the part i t ion of Palest ine, the location of permanent headquarters for U.N., disarmament, modifying exist ing U. N. in vari- ous ways, and obtaining U.N. passes for consti tuents.

    F51. United Nations Organization

    Mar 18, 1948 - Mar 9, 1951. Contains correspondence chief ly concerning the foundation of Israel, and other miscel laneous quest ions related to the U. N.

    F52. United Nations Organization

    May 10, 1949 - Mar. 9, 1951. Contains a l imited amount of correspondence, and numerous i tems of pr inted matter — cl ippings, memoranda, brochures, reprints, etc. — pertaining to United Nations issues — Argentina, Indonesia, formation and support of U.N., s i te, etc.

  • 216 BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F53. 51 Congressional Directory, 1955 [sic]

    Jan 20, 1954 - Mar 14, 1955. Contains correspondence pertaining to obtaining copies of the Directory and other related quest ions; also an apparently misf i led copy of a revision of a paragraph of legislat ion.

    F54. 51 Congressional Directory, 1956 [sic]

    Feb 13, 1952 - Oct 16, 1956. Contains correspondence, memoranda and l ists related to requests for copies of the Congressional Directory.

    F55. 51 Congressional Directory

    Nov 15, 1946 - Sep 24, 1952. Contains correspondence, memoranda and l ists related to requests for copies of the Congressional Directory,

    ov F56. 52 Congressional Record, 1952 [sic]

    Jul 25, 1951 - Aug 31, 1953. Contains part ial l ist of addresses to which the dai ly Record was mailed during the 81st Congress at the re- quest of Senator Fulbr ight.

    F57. 52 Congressional Record, 1953 [sic]

    Apr 2, 1951 - Oct 17, 1952. Contains correspondence result ing from an effort to update and correct the mai l ing l ist for the Congressional Record; also an i tem about Boy Scouts for insert ion into the Record.

    ov F58 52 Congressional Record, 1953 [sic]

    Sep 30. 1952 - Jan 27, 1954. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the Congressional Record by const i tuents, and to insert ion into the Record of speeches and other matter; also copies of the mail ing l ist .

  • 217 BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F59. 52 Congressional Record, 1954

    Jan 20, 1954 - Dec 10, 1954. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the dai ly Record, requests for specif ic issues, and in- sert ions by the Senator of speeches, let ters, editor ials and other matter, including remarks on Congressional anti - intel lectual ism and on the censure of Joseph Raymond McCarthy by the Senate.

    F60. 52 Congressional Record, 1955 [sic]

    Dec 4, 1954 - Nov 28, 1955. Contains miscel laneous correspondence, chiefly per- taining to receipt of ei ther the dai ly Record or reprints of specif ic material .

    F61. 52 Congressional Record, 1956 [sic]

    Nov 18, 1955 - Jan 28, 1956. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the Record by consti tuents; also a few items pertaining to farm problems.

    ov F62. 52 Congressional Record, 1956 [sic]

    Dec. 7, 1955 - Nov 12, 1956. Contains correspondence and l ists pertaining to receipt of the Record by consti tuents; also a few i tems pertaining to insert ion of material into the Record.

    F63. 52 Congressional Record

    Dec 19, 1953. Contains l ists of persons to receive the Congressional Record; also a small number of miscel laneous l ists.

    F64. [52] Congressional Record — Mail ing List, etc.

    Nov 24, 1944 - Jan 29, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the Congressional Record by const i tuents.

  • 218 BCN 24. (Cont. . . . ) F65. [52] Congressional Record — Mail ing l ist , etc.

    Jan 17, 1945 - Apr 23, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the Congressional Record by const i tuents.

    F66. [52] Congressional Record.

    Jan 15, 1945 - Jan 14, 1947. Contains correspondence pertaining to providing copies of the Record to public l ibrar ies in Arkansas, as well as to other const i tuents.

    F67. [52] Congressional Record

    Jan 12, 1947 - Jan 26, 1948. Contains further correspondence pertaining to providing copies of the Record to l ibraries in Arkansas, as well as to others.

    F68. [52] Congressional Record.

    Jan 26, 1948 - Dec 6, 1948. Contains correspondence and l ists related to providing the Congressional Record to const i tuents.

    F69. [52] Congressional Record

    Jan 26, 1948 - Dec 6, 1948. Contains correspondence pertaining to receipt of the Congressional Record by const i tuents.

    F70. [52] Congressional Record.

    Jan 6, 1950 - Sep 5, 1951. Contains correspondence and l ists pertaining to receipt of the Congressional Record by const i tuents.

    11/25/74 ECS

  • 219

    BCN 25 61 to 71 except 70 1945-56 F1 [61 State Welfare Department —Miscellaneous Inquir ies]

    Jan 25, 1945 - Nov 26, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to old age assistance and other forms of state welfare, including advice from JWF to apply to the State Welfare Department.

    F2. 61 [State Welfare Department — Miscel laneous Inquir ies]

    1953-1955 Jul 11, 1953 - Jul 15, 1955. Contains correspondence pertaining to old age assistance, Social Securi ty, and other forms of welfare assistance in- cluding voluminous correspondence with the Arkansas Wel- fare Department.

    F3. [61] Arkansas State Welfare Department — Ted R. Christy,

    Commissioner, Department of Publ ic Welfare. A. L. Bel l , Director, Social Service Division 1953 [sic] [Miscel laneous Inquir ies] Oct 25, 1951 - Aug 11, 1953. Contains correspondence about Aid to Dependent Chi ldren and other publ ic assistance, including correspondence with Alfred E. Moss, Commissioner, Department of Publ ic Welfare and Marvin C. Cri t tenden, Director, Social Service Division.

    F4. 61 State Welfare Department 1955 [Miscel laneous Inquir ies]

    Jul 12, 1955 - Dec 12, 1955. Contains correspondence about various types of publ ic welfare: Aid to Dependent Chi ldren, old age assistance, veterans benefi ts.

    F5. 61 State Welfare Department 1956 [sic] [Miscel laneous In-

    quir ies] Nov 23, 1955 - Jan 15, 1957. Contains correspondence about various types of publ ic welfare, chiefly old-age assistance and Aide to Dependent Children.

    F6. Arkansas Veterans Recreation Memorial Associat ion [Miscel-

    laneous Correspondence and other Material] Nov 2, 1945 - Apr 12, 1951. Contains documents, f inancial statements, brochures, photo- graphs and correspondence related to the inception, development and subsequent demise of the Veterans Memorial known as Vets Haven, on Lake Catherine, Arkansas.

  • 220. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F7. 63 State Public i ty 1956 [sic]

    Jul 12, 1956 - Jan 4, 1957. Contains correspondence pertaining to a publ ic i ty campaign for the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission; also an exchange of courtesies with the Arkansas contestant in the Miss Universe Pageant,

    ov F8. 64 State Legislature 1955-1956 [sic] [Miscel laneous corre-

    spondence and other material ] Jan 22, 1947 - Nov 21, 1956. Correspondence related to the Arkansas General Assembly, and to problems addressed to Fulbright that fal l under the jurisdict ion of state law: "quickie" marr iage, Veterans' bonus; copies of resolutions of the legislature support ing Congressional measures.

    F9. 65 [Schools — Miscel laneous College or Universi ty Cor-

    respondence] Jan 16, 1945 - Nov 19, 1947. Contains correspondence involving consti tuents seeking help in obtaining admission to or information about col leges and universi t ies and Sigma Chi, Fulbr ight’s fraternity; also to the desire of Li t t le Rock school patrons and administrators to secure surplus lunchroom faci l i t ies; also a few miscel lan- eous i tems of correspondence with off ic ials of Arkansas col leges.

    F10. 65 [Schools — Miscel laneous College or Universi ty Cor-

    respondence] 1948-1949. Feb 14, 1948 - Sep 22, 1949. Contains correspondence with off icials of various col leges in Arkansas and elsewhere related to f inances, personnel, curr iculum and other matters; also related to the desire of consti tuents and others for assistance in obtaining admission to various schools, notably Oxford and Barnard, and to pro- grams not offered in Arkansas, such as veterinary medicine.

  • 221. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F11. 65 [Schools — Miscel laneous College or Universi ty

    Correspondence] 1950-1951 [sic] Oct 3, 1949 - Jun 25, 1951. Contains correspondence pertaining to Federal f inancial aid in "Federal ly affected areas," and to the effect of mobil izat ion for the Korean war on programs at Arkansas col leges, part icu-

    larly the ROTC at the University of Arkansas; requests and thanks for Fulbright 's assistance in gaining col lege admission or receiving scholarships or fel lowships for a wide assortment of students ranging from a displaced Czech to one who is total ly deaf. Also contains a few i tems pertaining to the several col-

    leges in Arkansas.

    F12. 65 [Schools — Miscel laneous College or Universi ty Corre- spondence and other material ] 1951-1952 [sic] Nov 1, 1950 - Apr 6, 1953. Contains i tems pertaining to the University of Arkansas' f i f -

    teenth anniversary, i ts search for a successor to President Lewis Webster Jones, the establ ishment of i ts Inst i tute of Science and Technology and to i ts Medical School, ROTC and Agricul tural Extension Programs; also correspondence and cl ippings pertaining to a Ford Foundation teacher-training plan; attempts to secure "cri t ical materials" for school con-

    struct ion; the nominat ion of James Thompson Shotwel l for the Nobel Prize; requests and thanks for assistance to persons seeking admission to several col leges.

    F13. 65 [Schools — Miscel laneous College or Universi ty Cor-

    respondence and other material ] 1953-1954 [sic] Jan 29, 1948 - Oct 25, 1954. Contains correspondence related to Arkansas school and col lege issues: funding for crippled chi ldren's schooling, sending surplus Library of Congress volumes to the Big Flat school, obtaining surplus government property. Also contains letters related to persons seeking col lege admission, fel lowships or other aid, to a property dispute with the Ameri- can Universi ty, to the choir of Arkansas A. M. and N. Col lege, and to the Calfhood Vaccinat ion Program in Arkansas.

  • 222. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F14. 65 Schools [Miscel laneous College or Universi ty Corre-

    spondence and other material ] 1956 Jan 16, 1956 - Dec 26, 1956. Contains i tems related to attempts by students to gain ad-

    mission into, or receive f inancial assistance from, several col leges; also documents from the Southern Regional Education Board and the Vocational Rehabil i tat ion Service of Arkansas, and a request for assistance in establ ishing a retarded chi ld-

    ren’s school.

    F15. Arkansas Agricul tural and Mechanical College, Monticel lo, Arkansas. Marvin Bankston, President Jan 27, 1945 - Jun 20, 1946. Contains miscel laneous correspondence related to efforts to secure a Naval ROTC program at A and M; also i tems re- ferr ing to a post-war industrial t raining program.

    F16. 65-a [Universi ty of Arkansas — Miscellaneous Correspon-

    dence] 1945-1950 Feb 1, 1945 - Mar 28, 1950. Contains correspondence, cl ippings and documents related chiefly to developments at the University of Arkansas im-

    mediately preceeding and during the administrat ion of Pres- ident Lewis Webster Jones, expecial ly at the Medical School;

    also the admission of the f i rst Negroes to the Universi ty 's enrol lment, the Insti tute of Science and Technology, the Ark-

    ansas Philharmonic Society, the construction of a Fine Arts Center; presentation of honorary degrees to Fulbright and others. Also contains a variety of requests for assistance in obtaining admission to or f inancial aid from the Universi ty.

  • 223. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F17. 65-a Universi ty of Arkansas [Miscel laneous Corre-

    spondence and other material ] 1950-1951 [sic] Aug 27, 1946 - Sep 6, 1951. Contains correspondence and other material on several projects to which the University was a party: proposals of the Committee for Economic Development, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Insti tute of Science and Technology, and the state Chamber of Commerce. Other correspondence related to a proposed new Law School bui lding, problems at the School of Medicine, athlet ic scholarships, l ibrary exchange with the Library of Con-

    gress, and the possibi l i ty that the University might publ ish a book on the Earl of Exford. Also a photostatic copy of the "Arkansas Hymn" the Universi ty’s Alma Mater.

    F18. 65-a Universi ty of Arkansas [Miscel laneous Corre-

    spondence and other material ] 1951-1954 Sep 29, 1951 - Dec 30, 1953. Contains correspondence related to attempts by students to gain admission to or f inancial assistance from the Universi ty of Arkansas, especial ly the Medical School; also concerning donations from the Smithsonian Inst i tut ion to a museum at the University; the Point Four Program involving the Uni-

    versi ty and Panama; honorary degrees; the appointment of a successor to the U of A president Lewis W. Jones; and the re-establ ishment of University classes in horsemanship.

    F19. 65-a Universi ty of Arkansas [Miscel laneous Correspon-

    dence and other material] 1951-1954 Jan 12, 1954 - Dec 28, 1954. Contains correspondence, cl ippings, and other material on a variety of Universi ty-related subjects: Honorary degrees, the Fine Arts Center, the Endowment and Trust Fund, Ark-

    ansas Foundation for Foreign Students, Razorback footbal l t ickets. Also correspondence about the concentrat ion of Atomic Energy Commission research contracts in a few large schools; an attempt to include "conservat ives" in the l ine-up of Universi ty guest lecturers; publ ici ty connected with the new Universi ty Fine Arts Center.

  • 224

    BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) ov F20. 65-a Universi ty of Arkansas [Miscel laneous Correspon-

    dence] 1956 [sic] Aug 25, 1955 - Oct 25, 1956. Contains correspondence related to a wide variety of Uni-

    versi ty-related matters: candidates for an honorary degree and the posit ion of band director; the establ ishment of a Walter J. Lemke scholarship fund; the Universi ty’s relat ions with the Industrial Research and Extension Center and the International Cooperation Administrat ion. Also an exchange of letters about the donation of JWF's papers to the Library of the Universi ty of Arkansas.

    F21. 65-a Universi ty of Arkansas, Proposed Air R[eserve]

    O[f f icer] T[raining] C[orps] Feb 1, 1949 - Apr 28, 1949. Contains correspondence and memoranda related to the attempt to establ ish a ROTC program at the Universi ty of Arkansas.

    F22. [65-a] Universi ty of Arkansas, Bureau of Universi ty Research —

    Mr. C. O. Brannen, Director Mar 29, 1945 - Jul 17, 1946. Contains correspondence discussing possibi l i t ies for research projects under the aegis of the new Bureau; also an exchange of let ters pertaining to the selection of a new president for the University.

    F23. [65-a] Universi ty of Arkansas Hospital [ Establ ishment or

    enlargement of faci l i t ies] Jan 10, 1945 - Jun 27, 1947. Contains correspondence, documents and a news cl ipping re-

    lated to possible expansion of the Universi ty of Arkansas hos- pi tal and of the Veterans Administrat ion hospital at Fayettevi l le.

    F24. [65-a] Universi ty of Arkansas. H. M. Hosford, Dean Mar 19, 1945 - Feb 18, 1946. Contains miscel laneous correspondence, chiefly academic chit-

    chat, with the Dean of Arts and Sciences at the Universi ty.

  • 225. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F25. [65-a] Universi ty of Arkansas — Army Air Corps

    R[eserve] O[f f icer] T[raining] C[orps] Feb 28, 1945 - Aug 1, 1945. Contains correspondence related to the attempt to establ ish an Air ROTC program at the Universi ty.

    F26. Universi ty of Arkansas (see Posit ions, State) [Miscel laneous

    Correspondence] Jan 12, 1945 - Feb 11, 1947. Contains correspondence and documents related to University matters: attempts to secure a scholarship fund from a r ich Texan; gr ievances of veterans and Jewish students; attempt to f ind a vice-president for the university; replacing the Dean of Agricul ture; answers to requests for information about universi ty admission; gathering a l ist of dist inguished alumni of the University.

    F27. [65-a] Universi ty of Arkansas — Trustees [Selection of

    Universi ty President, Board Members, etc.] Aug 4, 1943 - Mar 18, 1947. Contains correspondence and other i tems related to University matters, chief ly to selection of members of the Universi ty Board of Trustees, a new Dean of Agricul ture, Vice-President, and President.

    F28. 71 Boards and Committees [Miscel laneous Poli t ical or

    Social Boards or Committees Correspondence] 1945-1954 [sic] Jan 11, 1945 - Jan 4, 1955. Contains correspondence related to sol ic i tat ions of Fulbr ight 's support for many organizations and inst i tut ions, including: Post-War Leprosy Program; National Society of Arts and Letters; Friends of Fighters for Russian Freedom; English- Speaking Union; National Counci l of Churches of Christ; Li t t le Rock YMCA. Also an exchange of let ters and documents rele-

    vant to his aff i l iat ion with the Bar Association of Arkansas.

  • 226. BCN 25. (Cont. . . . ) F29. 71 [Boards and] Committees, Foundations etc. Appoin-t

    ments to Boards, etc. Jul 9, 1945 - Mar 17, 1955. Contains correspondence related to requests that Fulbright endorse, join, or support various inst i tut ions or organizations, including the Freedom Train, the Boy Scouts, the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Blue and Gray Association. Also contains an exchange of letters related to his election as an Honorary Fel low of Pembroke College, Oxford.

    F30. 71 [Boards and Committees] American Committee for a

    Free and United Europe Mar 10, 1947 - Apr 19, 1949. Contains correspondence, documents, newspaper cl ippings and other materials related to the formation and activi t ies of the American Committee for a Free and United Europe, including i ts separat ion from any European groups working for the same cause.

    F31. Scribner Prize in American History, Judge in Contest —

    Society of American Histor ians Oct 24, 1944 - Nov 8, 1946. Correspondence, brochure and cl ippings related to Fulbr ight 's part ic ipation in the Scribner competi t ion as a judge; includes l ists of entr ies.

    F32. Interparl iamentary Union — United States Group, etc.

    [United Nations Organizat ion] Apr 7, 1947 - Dec 19, 1950. Contains correspondence, reports, art ic les and other matter related to the Interparl iamentary Union.

    E. S. 9/11/74

  • 227.

    BCN 26. F1. BCN 26 FI Department of Agricul ture-Cotton Export Al locat ions 1950. Oct 6, 1950 - Oct 27, 1950. The f i le contains information regarding the Cotton Mobil izat ion Committee of the National Cotton Council of America as wel l as the protests of several Arkansas farmers over the cotton export al locations. F2. BCN 26 F2 9 [Department of] Agricul ture-[Miscel laneous corres- pondence] 1949-1951. Feb 16, 1949 - Dec 29, 1949. The f i le primari ly contains letters from const i tuents regarding pol ic ies of the Department of Agricul ture. Some of the letters request that the Department of Agriculture raise price supports on such things as dairy products and Angora rabbits. Others sim- ply request information about such i tems as loans, the Housing Act of 1949 and bol l weevil control . F3. BCN 26 F3 [Department of] Agricul ture [Miscel laneous Cor- respondence] 1949-1951. Oct 8, 1949 - Oct 13, 1950. The f i le contains letters from consti tuents concerning various agricultural problems they are experiencing. Among these prob- lems are: the need for federal aid to share croppers; the need of a r ice grading stat ion in DeWitt ; cotton acreage al lotment; and the bol l weevil . There is also correspondence concerning an attempt by the state hospital to obtain surplus butter. F4. BCN 26 F4 9 [Department of] Agricul ture C[Miscel laneous Cor- respondence] 1949-1951. Oct 16, 1950 - Dec 10, 1951 The f i le contains letters from consti tuents relat ing to several agricultural matters. Among these are: requests to raise the export al lowance on cotton; expression of the need for more mech- anical cotton pickers and; requests for information on soybeans as a cash crop. Senator Fulbr ight 's correspondence with Secre- tary of Agricul ture Brannan to obtain the requested information or to relate the mood of the const i tuents is contained in the f i le. The Senator's repl ies to const i tuents are also contained. F5 BCN 26 F5 [9 Department of] Agricul ture-Cotton Program [Correspondence concerning pr ice cei l ing for cotton products] Mar 1944 - Mar 15, 1947. The f i le contains correspondence concerning several of the De- partment of Agriculture’s cotton pol ic ies in 1946. The corres- pondence primari ly pertains to raising the price cei l ings on cotton seed and products derived from cotton seed. There is also correspondence concerning the need for an increased cei l ing price on cotton l inters as well as correspondence concerned with the fal l ing price of raw cotton. A brochure enti t led "Sunspots, Rainfal l and the Price of Cotton" is also in the f i le.

  • 228. F6. BCN 26 F6 C9 Department of] Agricul ture-Sugar [Correspondence concerning sugar al lotments and shortages] Aug 19, 1946 - Aug 4, 1947. The f i le contains correspondence concerning the Department of Agricul ture's sugar rat ioning pol ic ies. The letters from consti t - uents can he divided into two classes: letters from homemakers and letters from industr ial users. Al l let ters state opposit ion to sugar rat ioning. Of special interest is the attempt of a soft dr ink bott ler to have his sugar al lotment increased. A memo from the C and H sugar company is also contained in the f i le. F7. BCN 26 F7 C9 Department of Agricul ture-Miscel laneous Correspond- ence] Oct 1943 - Feb 28, 1945. The f i le contains letters from consti tuents concerning several agriculture matters. A large number of letters concern the al leged pol i t ical activi t ies of an Agricul ture Adjustment Agency employee in Madison County. Another group of let ters concern al legat ions that the Agricul ture Extension Service in Arkansas is not coopera- t ing with other agricul tural agencies. There are letters complain- ing about the fact that the Agricul tural Adjustment Agency declared void an election to f i l l the Madison County Committee of the A.A.A. A personal let ter from Haco Boyd is also contained in the f i le. F8. BCN 26 F8 [9 Department of Agricul ture-Miscel laneous Correspondence] Nov 4, 1943 - Jun 29, 1945 The f i le contains letters from consti tuents concerning agricultural matters. Typical of these letters are those that state the need for more farm implements in Arkansas. Other examples would be as fol lows: let ters requesting that the Department of Agricul ture raise the price supports on Ir ish potatoes; let ters complaining that the Department exploits temporary cotton classers and; let- ters protesting a proposed ban on cloth print grain bags. Letters commending the appointment of Cl inton Presba Anderson as Secretary of Agriculture are also contained in the f i le. F9. ECN 26 FQ [9 Department of Agricul ture-Miscel laneous Correspondence] Feb 28, 1945 - Dec 17, 1945 The f i le contains correspondence concerning agricul tural matters. Typical of these letters are those wri t ten to protest changing of loan agreement for cotton from net weight to gross weight, and to protest the feeder subsidy program for catt le. Other correspondence concerns: the proposed l iquidat ion of the migratory labor camps; attempts to have two canneries in Springdale presented an "A" Award f rom the War Food Administrat ion for outstanding contr ibution to the war effort; a request for a subsidy to the Fl ippin Canning Com- pany and; suggestions for appointment of Director for the State A.A.A. Committee. Also contained in the f i le is a resolution of Northwest Arkansas farmers and a diagram of the proposed reorgani- zation of the Department of Agricluture farm program in Searcy and Van Buren counties.

  • 229

    F10. BCN 26 FIO C9 Department of Agriculture-Miscel laneous Correspond-

    ence] Oct. 25, 1945 - Mar 29, 1946. The f i le contains correspondence regarding agricul tural matters. A large number of letters concern the shortage of feed for poultry and l ivestock as this shortage relates to War Food Order No. 9. Other correspondence concerns requests for a governmental program for support ing the price of dairy products, for an al locat ion of cotton for storage in the Waldo Bonded Warehouse, for a sale of some government land in Montgomery County, Arkansas and for in-formation pertaining to Forest Service employment of pi lots. Also contained in the f i le are copies of the fol lowing: a text of a radio broadcast protesting government laxi ty in control l ing sources of protein feed; a statement of condit ion of the Federal Land Bank in St. Louis; a report by Professor Barnett Sure con- cerning "Food Yeasts and Soybeans in Relat ion to World Nutri t ion" and; War Food Orders 9 and 9-19.

    F11. BCN 26 F11 [9 Department of Agriculture-Miscel laneous Correspond-

    ence] Mar 5, 1946-May 31, 1946.

    The f i le contains correspondence regarding agricul tural matters. Most of the correspondence regards the shortage of wheat result ing from the exportat ion of large quanti t ies of the grain to Europe and Asia. Specif ic let ters protest a proposed order to l imit the use of f lour for bread to 75% of the 1945 tonnage and the use of edible grains to make alcoholic beverages. Other letters request that some prisoners of war be al lowed to continue their labor in Arkansas; that the Agricul ture Department increase the pay for county agriculture off ice personnel and; that War Food Order 145 be rescinded. Also contained in the f i le is: a l ist of the Fam- ine Emergency Committee Recommendations; a War Food Administrat ion "Appl icat ion for Payment for Designated Canned Foods” f i l led out by Mrs. Hatt ie Roberts, owner of the Roberts Canning Company; and a copy of Senate Bi l l 2119.

    F12. BCN 26 F12 C9 Department of Agriculture-Miscel laneous Correspond-

    ence] Apri l 29, 1946 - Sept 15. 1947.

    The f i le contains correspondence pertaining to a wide range of agricultural matters. Some of this correspondence pertains to the fol lowing topics: the use of food yeasts to feed starving people in Europe and Asia, the wheat and corn shortage; the con- t inuance of the farm labor supply program; the shortage of cotton- seed with which to make l ivestock feed and; the destruct ion of surplus potatoes in Alabama. Also contained in the f i le is an art- icle by Professor Barnett Sure enti t led "Biological Value of Food Yeast Proteins and Their Role as Supplements to the Proteins of the Cereal Grains." The remaining supplementary data is as fol lows: a summary of hearings of the Senate Special Committee on Small Bus-iness; let ters from Secretary of Agricul ture Cl inton P, Anderson to Representat ive August H. Andresen concerning the potato suppor program and; a plan to "stabi l ize the price of cotton" by E.L. Dean.

  • 230

    ov F13 BCN 26 F13 [9 Department of Agricul ture-Miscel laneous Correspon-

    dence] July 29, 1947-May l8, 1948.

    The f i le contains correspondence pertaining to a wide range of agricultural matters. For example, there are letters from const i tuents concerning the fol lowing: the securing of subsidy pay- ments for l ivestock; protest of the potato destruction in Alabama; importation of Shetland Ponies; protest of the r ice purchase pro- gram of the Department of Agricul ture; the Commodity Credit Cor-porat ion's pol icy regarding the purchase of wheat for shipment abroad; the purchase of the Migratory Farm Labor Camp by the Spring- dale School Board; the purchase, by private ci t izens, of Federal ly owned conservation land around Forrest City and; opposit ion to the raising of import quotas on long staple cotton. The fol lowing supplementary material is also contained in the f i le: three news releases of the Cit izens Food Committee; a copy of Publ ic Law 296; a copy of the Department of Agricul ture order al locating grain to dist i l lers; a copy of "The Wheat Situation" publ ished by the USDA and; a resolut ion of the Agricul ture Committee of the Arkansas American Legion protesting the high price of fert i l izer.

    ov F14. BCN 26 F14 [9 Department of Agricul ture-Miscel laneous Correspon- dence]

    July 19, 1947-May 18, 1948. The f i le contains correspondence pertaining to a wide range of agriculture matters. Examples of such correspondence would be letters regarding the fol lowing: the shortage of ammonia nitrate fert i l izer; the future of r ice exports; the use of chemical 2,4-D as a weed ki l ler; the establ ishment of a wheat farm loan rate in Logan County; the establ ishment of a Commodity Credit Corporation grading off ice potatoes. There are several let ters which request information about specif ic topics such as the procedure for buy- ing Arabian stal l ions and the correct temperature for making cot- tage cheese. There are also letters of protest against the high price of mi lk and the raising of import quotas on long staple cotton. The fol lowing supplementary material is also contained in the f i le: a report of 2,4-D damage to cotton in Jefferson and Lincoln counties; a copy of House of Representat ives Resolut ion 452, a paper ent i t led "Negro Extension Work in Arkansas;" a USDA publ icat ion ent i t led "Extension Work with Colored Farmers-Past and Present;" the annual report of the FCIC for 1948 and; a copy of the Arkansas House Concurrent Resolut ion No.10.

    F15. BCN 26 F15 C9 Department of] Agriculture-Fert i l izer Al locat ions in Arkansas.

    Feb 20, 1946-May 2, 1946. The f i le only contains letters regarding the shortage of fert i l izer for the Spring 1946 planting season. Letters came from John H. Hobbs, President of the Crawford County Farm Bureau; F.R. Spurgin of the Ozark Canners Association, Neil Puryear, Lee James of the Clear Creek Canning Company and J.H. Langley, President of the Ne- vada County Farm Bureau. The f i le also contains a l ist of tomato growers around Zinc, Arkansas.

  • 231

    F16. BCN 26 F16 [9 Department of] Agricul ture-Rice Production. July 5, 1945-Apri l 3, 1946. The f i le contains correspondence protest ing the proposed increase In al locat ions of r ice for rel ief export shipment and reducing assessments to brewers, processors and manufacturers of food pro- ducts in this country. Such correspondence came from J.W. Recker, the Producers Rice Mil l , Inc. and Mr. Fred Ahrent, President of the Clay County Farm Bureau. There is also correspondence from Al F. Meehan requesting that the Cyanamede Company give preference to r ice in i ts al locations. F17. BCN 26 F17 [9 Department of Agricul ture] Arkansas Central Cooper- at ive Cotton Classif ication, etc. Feb 17, 1945-Mar 12, 1945. The f i le contains two letters from Mr. Charles E. Henry of the Mid

    South Cotton Growers Association to Senator Fulbright denying accu- sations made by the Arkansas Central Cooperat ive Association that Mid South was underclassing cotton in order to buy i t from farmers at a low price. A letter to Congressman Fadjo Cravens regarding the same matter is also included.

    F18. BCN 26 F18 [9] Department of Agricul ture-D.D.T. Bureau of Entomo- logy and Plant Quarantine [Laboratory reports on D.D.T.]. June, 1944-May, 1945. The f i le contains only two letters: one is a cover letter from Avery S. Hoyt, Acting Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, regarding enclosed publications concerning DDT and the other letter, from Senator Fulbr ight, thanking him for sending the information. The remainder of the f i le contains results of tests made by various agricultural experiment stat ions regarding the use of DDT. F19. BCN 26 F19 [9] Department of Agriculture-DDT Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine [Laboratory reports on DDT]. June, 1945-Aug, 1946. The f i le contains letters from only two const i tuents: John Hazel- wood protest ing shortage of DDT and Mont S. Echols requesting in- formation on the manufacture of DDT. The remainder of the f i le contains reports on the effects of DDT to any number of plants, animals and insects. F20. BCN 26 F20 [9 Department of Agriculture] Rural Electr i f ication Administrat ion 1949-1951. Oct 12, 1949-Mar 15, 1950. The f i le contains correspondence regarding del ivery of electr ic service in Arkansas. Some of the letters pertain to attempts to get electr ic service for Jacksonvi l le from the REA. There are also copies of let ters from the Arkansas Power and Light Company to various electr ic coops concerning proposed rate hikes. How- ever, the great majori ty of the correspondence is in protest to a proposed loan from the Rural Electr i f icat ion Administrat ion to the Southwestern Power Administrat ion with which to bui ld generat ing

  • 232

    and transmission facilities in Western Arkansas.

    ov F21 BCN 26 F21 [ Department of Agriculture] Rural Electrification Administration 1949-1951. Mar 13, 1950-Dec 11, 1951. The file contains correspondence relating to activities, both pro- posed and actual, of the Rural Electrification Administration. There is a continuation of the letters of protest concerning the proposed loan from the REA to the Southwestern Power Administration. Other typical correspondence is as follows: a copy of a lengthy letter from Congressman Boyd Tackett concerning exorbitant fees paid by the REA to engineers and attorneys; a reply to this letter from Clyde T. Ellis, executive director of the National Rural El- ectric Cooperative Association; a resolution of the NRECA condemning attempts by private power to undermine REA programs; correspondence armed at obtaining payment for the construction of transmission towers from the Codington-Clark Electric Cooperative, Inc. in South Dakota to the Delta Construction Company in Clarksdale, Mississippi; Several requests for information about the construction of rural telephone facilities financed by the REA; requests for assistance in getting a guest speaker from the REA to speak to the South Cen- tral Arkansas Electric Cooperative and; requests for assistance in obtaining rural electric service. F22 BCN 26 F22 [9 Department of Agriculture] Rural Electrification Ad- ministration 1949-1951. Aug 25, 1950-Dec 11, 1951. The file contains correspondence pertaining to various activities that came under the auspices of the Rural Electrification Adminis- tration. There is a good deal of correspondence concerning the loan eventually made by the REA to the Arkansas Electric Coopera- tive Cooperation with which to build generating and transmission facilities in Northwest Arkansas. A copy of the Arkansas Public Service Commission hearings on the Cooperative’s proposal to build the facilities is also included in the file. Other typical corres- pondence relates to the following: a dispute over payment of $12,000 from M&A Electric Cooperative to Delta ConstructIon Com- pany; the difficulty experienced by some constituents in obtaining REA services; protests to the proposal that would require Defense Electric Power Administration approval of every electric coopera- tive’s construction plans and; the extent of REA involvement in the area of rural telephone service. F23 BCN 26 F23 9-a [Department of Agriculture-Rural Electrification Administration] 1945-1949 [sic] Nov 18, 1944-June 3, 1947 The file contains correspondence pertaining to various activities that came under the auspices of the Rural Electrification Adminis- tration. The two largest areas of correspondence pertain to the following: constituent requests for assistance in obtaining rural electric service and the appointment of a new REA Administrator.

  • 233

    Most of the letters in the latter category recommend Wil l iam Joseph Neal for the post. There is also a copy of a letter f rom Arkansas Power and Light President Colter Hamilton Moses to T.E. Bostick, Manager of the Woodruff Electr ic Cooperat ive, offer ing alternatives to the proposed rate charged the Coops by AP&L. Support ive material includes: a resolut ion of the Texarkana Electr ical Dealers Associat ion protesting the sale of electr ical appl iances by coops; a resolut ion of the Baxter County Farm Bureau support ing Congressional appropriat ions for the REA and; the Ark- ansas Power and Light Company yearly report concerning the con- struct ion of rural electr ical l ines for 1946. F24 BCN 26 F24 9-a [Department of Agriculture-Rural Electr i f icat ion Administrat ion] 1945-1949 [sic] . July 7, 1947-Dec 7, 1949 The f i le contains correspondence pertaining to various activi t ies that came under the auspices of the Rural Electr i f ication Adminis- t rat ion. The overwhelming amount of correspondence concerns re- quests from consti tuents for assistance in obtaining electr ic ser- v ice from their co-ops. Other correspondence includes a letter f rom a consti tuent inquir ing whether the proper procedure was used in the elect ion of off icers for the Southwest Arkansas Electr ic Cooperat ive Corporat ion and a reply to an inquiry by Roy H. Parks, editor of "Coop Power" magazine, indicat ing that Senator Fulbr ight does favor 100% completion of the rural electr i f icat ion program. Supplementary material includes several monthly statist ical bul le- t ins published by the REA and a record of energized farms in Ark- ansas as of December 31, 1948. F25. BCN 26 F25 9 [Department of Agricul ture] Farmers Home Administra- t ion. Disaster loans to cotton farmers. 1949-1950. Oct 21, 1949-May 9, 1950. The f i le contains correspondence relat ing to disaster loan acti- v i t ies of the Farmers Home Administrat ion. The correspondence can be divided into three groups or t ime periods. The f i rst group contains correspondence aimed at having various counties in Arkan- sas declared disaster areas by the FHA as a result of insect in- festat ion and f looding of crops. The second group contains requests for assistance in receiving loans after the counties had been de- c lared disaster areas. The third group contains requests for in- formation regarding a directive in which the Administrat ion of the FHA discontinued the refinancing phase of the disaster loan program, Also included in this group are letters of protest over the action. Supplementary material includes the fol lowing: instruct ions from FHA State Director Lester Virgi l Highf i l l to County Supervisors concerning the proper procedure of obtaining information to be used in determining disaster loan areas; a resolut ion of the Pulaski County Farm Bureau favoring the making of disaster loans avai lable and; a lengthy letter from Dil lard Brown Lasseter, Administrator of the FHA, indicat ing which counties in Arkansas had been designated as disaster areas. The letter also outl ined the procedure for obtaining loans.

  • 234

    F26 BCN 26 F26 9-c [Department of Agriculture-Forest Service, Miscel- laneous Correspondence and other Material] 1946-1949. Feb 1, 1946-June 15, 1948 The f i le contains correspondence relat ing to the control and use by the U.S. Forest Service of land in the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests. Typical of such correspondence is that which urges better recreat ional developement of the Ouachita National Forest in Mont- gomery County. Other correspondence: urges the sale of some Ouachita National Forest land to veterans and others; asks assist- ance in obtaining payment for land sold to the Forest Service and; requests assistance in forcing the Forest Service to fulf i l l an option to buy land from a private ci t izen. Senator Fulbright 's re- ply to the letters are also included in the f i le. Supplementary material includes: a l ist of Montgomery County residents who urge a reasonable program of land sales by the Forest Service; a National Parks Payment Bonus released by the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests and; Facts and Figures for f iscal year 1947 concerning the National Forests. F27. BCN 26 F27 9-c [Department of Agriculture-Forest Service. Miscel- laneous Correspondence and other material] 1946-1949. Jan 27, 1948-Nov 30, 1949. The f i le contains correspondence relat ing to the control of Ouachita and/or Ozark National Forest lands by the U.S, Forest Service. There is correspondence request ing appropriat ion of funds for recreational development of Mount Magazine. Other letters suggest that super- v isor of Mount Magazine should be transferred from the National For- est Service to the National Park Service with the hope that the National Park Service would take "better care” of the area. Other correspondence: urges the implementation of a f lood control plan for the upper White River; concerns the purchase of land by the For- est Service in the Boston Mountain area and; requests removal of names from a pet i t ion of protest against the Forest Service requir ing addit ional lands in Scott County. Senator Fulbright 's reply to these letters are also included in the f i le. Supplementary material in- c ludes the fol lowing: several miscel laneous publicat ions of the U.S. Forest Service; a review of the Forest Service Coop Programs as they regard the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests; a survey of recrea- t ion faci l i t ies in the Mount Magazine Ranger Distr ict ; pictures of the Mount Magazine Recreation Area and; a map of the Ozark National Forest. F28. BCN 26 F28 [9 Department of Agriculture] Arkansas Forest Service Centers. Forest Farmers Association.

    Jan 1, 1938-Mar 26, 1946 The f i le contains correspondence relat ing to the Southern Forest Research Program. This correspondence can be divided into two basic parts: that which concerns the continuation of the research program in general, especial ly as that continuation depends upon hearings

  • 235 before the Senate Agricul ture Subcommittee of the appropriat ions Committee and that which concerns the establ ishment of a forest research center in Northwest Arkansas. The supplementary material is numerous and includes the fol lowing: a map of the Forest Ser- v ice Research Centers and Field Stations as of 1938; several pages of the Congressional Record which contain speeches concerning ex- perimental forests in the South; announcement by Senator Fulbr ight that the Agricul ture Appropriat ion Bil l would include tentative al locations for the Crossett Research Center and the establ ishment of a new Research Center at Sylamore Station in Northwest Arkansas and; a fact sheet on a program for rebui lding of t imber resources in Northwest Arkansas. F29 BCN 26 F29 [9] Department of Agricul ture-Soi l Conservat ion Service, 1946-1951. Nov 11, 1946-Nov 13, 1951 The f i le contains various correspondence which fal ls under the aus- pices of the Soil Conservation Service. Some correspondence requests

    assistance in either obtaining funds for blacktopping the main road through Bear Creek Lake Park in Lee County, Arkansas, or in obtain- ing a transfer of i rr igation equipment from the Soi l Conservat ion Service to the Arkansas Resources and Developement Commission. Other correspondence concerns information on either the sale of Lake

    Wedington and Lake Leatherwood Projects or the procedure for voting out a soi l conservation distr ict in Benton County. There are also letters protest ing the actions of several Soi l Conservation Service employees in the election for supervisor of the Benton County Soi l Conservation Distr ict . Supplementary material includes the 1946 Report for the Greene County-Crowley Ridge Soi l Conservation Dist- r ict and a report on the investigation of the complaint by Mr. Fred Haywood to the use of Soi l Conservation Service engineers instead of private engineers by the Central Crowley Ridge Soil Conservation Distr ict . F30 BCN 26 F30 [9 Department of] Agricul ture-Flood Restorat ion [Mis- cel laneous Correspondence]

    May 22, 194-Mar 8, 1946. The f i le contains only two categories of correspondence. The f i rst category pertains to whether or not the "disaster clause" of the Price Control Act can be appl ied to the damaged potato crop of 1945. The second category concerns the manner in which the Farm Security

    Administrat ion is handling f lood crop loans in Prair ie County, Ark- ansas. F31 BCN 26 F31 9-g [Department of Agriculture-Soil Conservat ion Ser- v ice Miscel laneous Correspondence] Apr 15, 1945-July 15, 1946. The f i le contains several i tems of correspondence relat ing to var- ious act ivi t ies of the Soil Conservation Service. Examples of such

  • 236

    activ i t ies would be the fol lowing: the obtaining of a concession permit at Lake Wedington, Arkansas; the giving of surplus war equipment to the Soil Conservat ion Service and; the program of a school for Soi l Conservation Distr ict Supervisors in Arkansas. However, the great majori ty of the letters are in protest to a proposal of the American Farm Bureau Federation to reorganize the Agricul ture Department by consol idating the Soi l Conservat ion Ser- v ice with the Agriculture Extension Service. F32 9-h [Department of Agricul ture-Production and Market ing Adminis- t rat ion] 1946-1949 [sic] May 14 1946-Dec 1, 1947. Contains correspondence pertaining to several concerns of PMA: preferential al locat ion of farm equipment to veterans; regulat ion of the prices of tomatoes, r ice, cotton; shortages of corn-meal, land and oi l , fert i l izer and labor. Also to the appointment of the chief and assistant Administrators for the State of Arkansas, and the chief of the federal head off ice. Chief ly correspondence with consti tuents having di ff icul t ies with "red tape" and "Government interference”. F33. 9h [Department of Agricul ture-Product ion and Marketing Administra- t ion] 1946-1949. Dec 30, 1947-Jul 28, 1949. Contains correspondence pertaining to several concerns of the PMA: extensive correspondence about a claim for damages from a govern- ment bui l t dam; extensive correspondence about a claim for compen- sation for work done in the ’30’s; requests for pr ice support or government purchase of r ice, feed crops, honey; an inquiry about AAA conservation assistance for very smal l farms. Also letters t ransmitt ing various County farm program reports.

  • 237

    BCN 27. 1945 - 1947. Arkansas Industr ies and Projects F1. Campbel l , Dr. Joe S. - State Veterinarian, Arkansas State Livestock Board. [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Jan 18, 1946 - Oct 8, 1946. Extensive correspondence pertaining to the location, acquisi t ion and transferral of surplus "decontamination units" from various mi l i tary instal lat ions to Arkansas for use in a state-wide catt le- spraying program. ov F2. Freight Rates — Traff ic Problems, etc. Southern Freight Rates [Miscel laneous Booklets and other information] Oct 24, 1941 - Dec 21, 1945. Contains correspondence, speeches, reports, newspaper cl ip- pings, etc., related to the adjustment of freight rates al leged to be discr iminatory against the South; also a few disparate i tems related to other transportat ion and shipping issues. F3. Freight Rates — Traff ic Problems, etc. Southern Freight Rates. [Miscel laneous booklets and other information] Jan 5, 1946 - Jan 27, 1947. Contains correspondence, booklets, reports and other material related to the adjustment of freight rates al leged to discriminate against the South. ov F4. New Industr ies for Arkansas [Miscel laneous Correspondence] 1945-1946. Feb 26, 1945 - May 26, 1945. Contains correspondence and other material related to post- war development of smal l industr ies and new agricul tural and manufacturing enterprises in Arkansas. F5. New Industr ies for Arkansas [Miscel laneous Correspondence] 1945-1946 May 2, 1945 - Dec 31, 1946. Contains correspondence related to attempts to st imulate post- war industr ial development in Arkansas.

  • 238

    BCN 27. (Cont. . . . ) F6. Aluminum — Bauxite — Defense Plants Corporation — R[econstruction] F[inance] C[orporation] [Miscel laneous charts, tables and booklets] Feb 27, 1945 - Nov 20, 1945. Contains map, charts, tables, reports, copies of legislat ive proposals al l related to the issue of aluminum production be- fore the Hearings on Aluminum and Magnesium of the Senate Small Business Committee. F7. Coal Hydrogenation — Synthesis Plant Ft. Smith, Arkansas [Miscel laneous Correspondence and other material ] Feb 16, 1945 - Jan 17, 1949. Contains correspondence, reports, news releases pertaining to an attempt to establ ish an experimental plant at Fort Smith for the development of coal-based synthetic fuel. F8. Phosphates — Ammonium Nitrates, etc. [Miscel laneous Correspondence and other material] Feb 22, 1945 - Jun 29, 1945. Contains a small amount of correspondence about the possi- bi l i t ies of phosphate manufacturing in Arkansas, and i ts re- lat ionship with fert i l izer manufacture. F9. Plastics — Post War Industries for Arkansas [Miscel laneous booklets and some correspondence] Mar 23, 1945 - Apr 26, 1945. Contains a few letters and a larger number of publ icat ions providing information about the possibi l i t ies of post-war development in the plastics industry. F10. Rice, Rice Straw, etc. [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Jun 14, 1945 - Jan 22, 1946. Contains miscel laneous material related to r ice industry: processing, quotas, labor matters. F11. Rubber — Scrap rubber and Aluminum. Southern Cork Com- pany, Helena, Blythevi l le, etc. Apr 25, 1945. Contains one letter related to the possible establ ishment of a scrap rubber or scrap aluminum plant in Arkansas.

  • 239 BCN 27. (Cont. . . . ) F12. Smaller War Plants Corporation — State Industries, etc. [Correspondence, booklets and charts] Jul 4, 1944 - Nov 4, 1946. Contains reports, booklets and correspondence pertaining to the Smaller War Plants Corporat ion — letters urging i ts cont inuance after the war, seeking i ts assistance for business ventures from home construct ion to raising carp. F13. Soybeans [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Feb 22, 1945 - Aug 24, 1945. Contains correspondence about obtaining seed soybeans and about products made from soybeans. F14. Special Committee on Research. Arkansas State Senate, Honorable Ernest Maner, Chairman. Mar 26, 1945 - Apr 6, 1945. Contains correspondence request ing and providing information on farming and industrial expansion. ov F15. State Projects. Pending, Suggested, etc. [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Jan 24, 1945 - Oct 18, 1945. Contains correspondence and other i tems pertaining to Ark- ansas industr ial concerns: establ ishing new industr ies and expanding old ones, dealing with the Federal bureaucracy, explor ing possibi l i t ies for post-war development. F16. Stauffer Potato Digger [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Jun 11, 1945 - Aug 22, 1945. Contains two i tems related to the possibi l i ty of manufacturing a potato-digging machine for sweet-potato harvest ing. F17. Sudie Wonder Window [Booklets] n.d. n.d. Contains copies of promotional material for a new type of window.

  • 240 BCN 27 (Cont. … ) F18. Suggested Location for Rol l ins Hosiery Mi l l in Northwest Arkansas May, 1945. Contains copy of a prel iminary study of Northwest Arkansas prepared by the Division of Agricul ture and Industry, Arkansas Resources and Development Commission, for the Roll ins Hosiery Mi l ls, Inc. F19. Charles C. Trump — Pumps, Dehydrat ion Equipment, Farm Machinery, etc. [Booklets, Charts, some correspondence.] Dec 26, 1933 - Jun 22, 1945. Contains specif ications, promotional materials and corre- spondence related to some of Trump's engineering projects, including milk-bott le seals, pumps and dryers, ov F20. Arkansas Resources and Development Commission, State Projects, etc. Mar 20 1944 - Feb 13, 1947. Contains reports, printed materials and voluminous corre- spondence pertaining to attempts to establ ish and develop industries, exploit and protect natural resources, and publ icize the posit ive facts about Arkansas; includes exchange of courte- s ies with members of the newly created Commission. F21. Agricul tural Counci l of Arkansas. Cotton Picker Project, etc. [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Mar 12, 1945 - Mar 4, 1946. Contains reports and correspondence chief ly with the Manager- Secretary of the Counci l , chief ly about problems of cotton farmers, including f lame cult ivators and POW pickers. F22. Hotcan Corporation — Bil l Doolin [Self-heat ing canned foods] Nov 26, 1941 - Mar 19, 1949. Contains correspondence and printed material about Mr. Doolin 's efforts in market ing Hot-can, a self-heating can for food products.

  • 241 BCN 27. (Cont. …) F23. Professor Corwin Wil lson, Univ[ersi ty] of Michigan

    Lightweight Aggregates Apr 24, 1945 - Feb 23, 1946. Contains correspondence deal ing with Professor Wil lson’s efforts to obtain government support for research in new types of bui lding materials and techniques.

    F24. Dr. Carl is le Winslow, Director. Forest Products Laboratory Apr 24, 1945. Contains a request for information about ways and means of recycl ing waste products of the lumbering industry.

    F25. O[f f ice of] P[roduction] R esearch and] D[evelopment] — Ely G. Hutchinson [Correspondence and other material] Mar 10, 1945 - Nov 6, 1945. Contains plans, specif icat ions, reports and correspondence deal ing with attempts to secure data for Arkansas entrepreneurs who were interested in establ ishing or expanding operations, chiefly in bui lding materials.

    F26. Ouachita Area Development Counci l Aluminum — Insecticides, etc. Mar 22, 1945 - Sep 19, 1946. Contains promotional material distr ibuted by the Council , as well as correspondence pertaining to industrial development in the Ouachita area, especial ly the exploi tat ion of the bauxite deposits; contains also references to the Jones Mil l — Hurr icane Creek plants.

    F27. Phil l ips County Chamber of Commerce. Charles R. Bowers, Industr ial Eng[ineer] May 1, 1941 - Feb 20, 1947. Contains reports, printed promotional materials and extensive correspondence pertaining to industrial developments in Phi l l ips County, part icularly those related to aluminum manufacture.

    F28. Lime and Chalk Rock Deposits. Li t t le River County Mar 28, 1945 - Apr 4, 1945. Contains correspondence about possible exploi tat ion of l ime in agricul ture or manufacturing.

  • 242

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) ov F29. Postwar Industries for Arkansas. Projects proposed, etc.

    Compilat ion of data, etc. Nov 8, 1943 - Feb 19, 1947. Contains cl ippings, promotional material , reports and other material , and correspondence pertaining to post-war industr ial development in Arkansas.

    F30. Li t t le Rock Industries. Mayor, Chamber of Commerce, etc.

    [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Aug 24, 1944 - May 3, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to post-war industrial de- velopment in Arkansas, with emphasis on Li tt le Rock.

    F31. Magnesium [Miscel laneous booklets, data, etc.]

    Apr 10, 1945 - Apr 16, 1945. Contains report, booklets, and two letters about opportunit ies for smal l business in magnesium enterprises.

    F32. Prof[essor] George A. Maney, Northwestern Universi ty.

    Cement Products. Apr 18, 1945. Contains a request that the professor provide information about his researches into cement products, and a report on concrete columns.

    F33. Manganese — Ferro Manganese — Batesvi l le [Miscel laneous

    Correspondence] May 7, 1945 - Sep 18, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to tari f fs, a new manganese- product ion method, and other aspects of the manganese industry in Arkansas.

    F34. Mena Chamber of Commerce. Mena Recreational Area —

    Ouachita Area. Apr 5, 1945 - Apr 10, 1945. Contains a news cl ipping and i tems of correspondence about a meeting to ini t iate plans for a recreational area near Mena.

  • 243

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) F35. Mi lk Processing Products. "Aralac," Homogenization,

    Dry Milk, Cheeses, etc. Butter conservation, etc. Apr 12, 1945 - Jun 6, 1946. Contains a report on processed cream, government study, and correspondence exploring possibi l i t ies for post-war expansion of the dairy industry.

    F36. Mi lkweed Products [Miscel laneous data and Correspondence]

    Oct 15, 1943 - Jun 23, 1945. Contains correspondence, memoranda and other material re- lated to mi lkweed as a commercial crop and i ts possible uses as an al ternative to kapok.

    ov F37. New Projects — Developments [ for Arkansas]

    Jan 15, 1945 - Mar 11, 1947. Contains speeches, reports and correspondence pertaining to the possibi l i t ies for post-war development in Arkansas, in- c luding regional planning, f lood control, electr i f icat ion, and new industr ial and agricul tural enterprises.

    F38. Mines and Minerals — Oil and Gas [Miscel laneous Corre-

    spondence and other material ] Mar 18, 1943 - Dec 17, 1945. Correspondence and other material dealing with the effect of the wart ime demand on the nation's suppl ies of gas, oi l and other minerals.

    F39. Mortensen Housing Project — H. W. McMil len, Arkadelphia.

    [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Aug 1, 1945 - Nov 7, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to possible introduction of the pre-fabricated housing industry in Arkansas.

    ov F40. National Geographic Magazine — Articles on Arkansas

    [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Apr 7, 1945 - Apr 22, 1946. Contains correspondence pertaining to the i t inerary of a photo- grapher and a wri ter from National Geographic as they gathered materials for a story on Arkansas.

  • 244

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) F41. Newport (Main) Airf ield. Community Center [Miscel laneous

    Correspondence] Apr 2, 1945 - May 9, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to the post-war disposit ion of the Newport Airf ield, and a number of i tems dealing with post-war industries in Arkansas, chiefly the use of r ice hul ls and straw.

    F42. Ohlendorf Mi l l ing Company. Osceola, Arkansas [Miscel-

    laneous Correspondence] Jun 4, 1945 - Jun 13, 1945. Contains correspondence referring to various products — Trump pump, Sudie Wonder Window, potato picker — of pos- sible interest to Arkansas manufacturers after the war.

    F43. Dairy Products. Pasteurization, Homogenizat ion, dr ied milk,

    cheese, etc. Mar 19, 1945. Contains i tems pertaining to the development of Arkansas' dairy industry.

    F44. Diamond Mines [Miscel laneous Correspondence and Data]

    Jan 5, 1943 - Jul 20,1945. Contains correspondence and reports related to attempts to sel l Arkansas diamonds, and to investigat ion of monopolist ic practices in the diamond industry.

    F45. El Dorado Chamber of Commerce

    Apr 2, 1945 - Apr 6, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to requests for information about smal l industr ial projects for Arkansas.

    F46. Engineering (Business) [Booklet]

    n. d. Contains a brochure "What is the di fference between the George F. May Company and other Engineering Concerns?"

    F47. Eudora — Dehydrating Plant — Warriner Starch Company —

    Prefabricated Housing Mar 28, 1945 - May 4, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to requests for information about smal l industr ial projects for Arkansas.

  • 245

    BCN 27. (Cont. . . . ) F48. Farm Machinery, Etc. [Miscel laneous Booklets and other

    Material ] May 8, 1945. Contains printed material about farm equipment.

    F49. Farm Products, etc. Farm Products Laboratory, Milk, etc.

    Apr 24, 1945 - Jan 5, 1946. Contains an exchange of correspondence about the importance of dehydrat ing and freezing in the food-preparation industry of the post-war period.

    F50. Ft. Smith Chamber of Commerce [Miscel laneous Corre-

    spondence and other material ] Mar 7, 1944 - Oct 23, 1945. Contains correspondence and printed material related to the Chamber's efforts to achieve post-war economic and business recovery at Ft. Smith.

    F51. Gulf Southwest Industr ial and Agricul tural Conference

    May 30, 1954 - Jul 4, 1945. Contains copies of the Conference Newsletter and of an address, "Industrial Future of the Gulf Southwest," by Dr. A. B. Cox.

    F52. Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce [Miscel laneous Data

    and Correspondence] Apr 3, 1945 - Aug 5, 1946. Contains correspondence in react ion to an art ic le in the national press impugning the waters of Hot Springs; also pertaining to post-war industrial development; also brochures on Hot Springs.

    F53. Housing. Brigham, Professor George B., Jr. Brigham

    Building System — Youtz Unit Housing, etc. [Miscel laneous data and correspondence] Mar 1, 1945 - Jun 18, 1946. Contains correspondence and other documents pertaining to types of pre-fabricated housing and the possibi l i ty of their con- struct ion in Arkansas or by Arkansas f i rms.

  • 246

    BCN 27. (Cont. …) F54. Jackson County Post War Committee. Wesley H. Bengel,

    Chairman Mar 29, 1945 - Apr 3, 1945. Contains an exchange of let ters discussing Arkansas' pos- sibi l i t ies for future industrial expansion.

    F55. Klomparens Lock Box. Roy Klomparens, 3015 Mil i tary Road,

    Arl ington, Virginia Aug 10, 1944 - Sep 26, 1945. Contains plans, promotional material and correspondence per- taining to attempts by Arkansas f i rms to secure information on the Klomparens method of construct ion, with an eye to obtaining government contracts for casket boxes, and to other post-war uses.

    F56. Bole, George A. Ohio State Universi ty — Ceramics, etc.

    Apr 21, 1945 - May 9, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to possible expansion of ceramics in Arkansas.

    F57. Burrows, E. A. [ Industr ial Engineer and Consultant in

    Washington] Nov 30, 1943 - Apr 17, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to technical processes and inventions and to their possible exploi tat ion in the campaign to secure new industries for Arkansas.

    F58. Camden Chamber of Commerce [Miscel laneous Correspondence]

    Mar 14, 1945 - May 31, 1945. Contains an exchange of courtesies with Chamber Off icials, and correspondence with an employee of the Camden Ordnance Plant who thinks the food there is poisoned.

    F59. Cement [Miscel laneous Correspondence regarding types and

    methods] Jan 1, 1942 - Oct 30, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to the possible exploitat ion of new methods of concrete construction in the campaign to secure new industries for Arkansas.

  • 247

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) F60. Ceramics, Clay Products, etc. [Miscel laneous Corre-

    spondence] Mar 25, 1944 - May 9, 1945. Contains correspondence and printed material pertaining to the possibi l i ty of manufacturing ceramic stoves in Arkansas.

    F6l. Mines and Mining — Coal, Bauxite, Zinc, Oi l , Gas, etc.

    [Miscel laneous Correspondence and other material ] Feb 27, 1943 - Oct 17, 1945. Contains correspondence and other documents pertaining to the North Star Mines of Arkansas and related matters.

    F62. Committee for Economic Development. Montgomery County —

    Roy Wright, Mount Ida, Ark[ansas] Apr 4, 1945 - Apr 19, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to information about smal l industrial projects for Arkansas.

    F63. Cotton Mats — Concrete Curing [Miscel laneous Correspondence]

    Jul 1933 - Jun 4, 1945. Contains correspondence and printed material pertaining to cotton qui l ts used in curing concrete, and to the possibi l i t ies of manu-facturing the qui l ts in Arkansas.

    F64. Arkadelphia Chamber of Commerce McMil lan, H. W.

    Mar 31, 1945 - Apr 5, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to information about smal l industrial projects for Arkansas.

    F65. Arkansas Central Co-Operative Ass[ociat ion] [Miscel laneous

    Correspondence] Dec 29, 1944 - May 15, 1945. Correspondence pertaining to a dispute between the Arkansas Central group and the Farm Bureau and Extension Service; also attempts to expand and improve dairy, tree, and other types of farming in the State.

  • 248

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) F66. Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce. Grover T. Owens,

    President [Miscel laneous Correspondence] Mar 24, 1945 - Apr 3, 1945. Contains correspondence pertaining to the post-war expansion of industry and commerce in Arkansas.

    F67. Benton Chamber of Commerce. Shoe Factory — Post-war

    Industr ies, DDT, Surplus Propert ies, etc. Dec 1, 1944 - Mar 6, 1946. Contains correspondence related to establ ishment of industr ies in Benton and Sal ine Counties, especial ly a shoe factory and an aluminum plant; also a copy of a letter cri t ic iz ing an attack on C. Hamil ton Moses by Drew Pearson,

    ov F68. Aluminum — Bauxite — Aluminum Company of America

    (Supreme Court Decision) [Miscel laneous Correspondence and other material ] Mar 20, 1945 - Jan 28, 1946. Contains printed material and correspondence pertaining to the anti-monopoly proceedings against ALCOA and their resolution.

    F69. Aluminum — Bauxite. Department of Just ice — Irving Lipkowitz

    Oct 3, 1944 - Dec 5, 1945. Contains documents and correspondence pertaining to the dispo- sal of the Government 's aluminum faci l i t ies in Arkansas.

    F70. Bauxite, Conservat ion of, and future development of ore.

    Nov 13, 1944. Contains a copy of a report prepared for Independent Bauxite Producers of Arkansas by individual operators.

    ov. F71. Reynolds Metals Co[mpany] [Miscel laneous Correspondence

    and other material ] Feb 20, 1945 - Sep 28, 1945. Contains correspondence, reports and other material pertaining to the disposal of the government 's aluminum faci l i t ies in Ark- ansas.

  • 249

    BCN 27. (Cont. … ) F72. Reynolds Metals Co[mpany] [Miscel laneous Correspondence


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