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    Draft as of 28 October 2009

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan



    ACTE - European Textile Collectivities AssociationCLOTEFI - Clothing Textile and Fiber Technological DevelopmentCMDT - Documentation Centre and Textile Museum

    CP - Communication PlanCS - Communication StrategyEURATEX - The European Apparel and Textile OrganisationIAF - International Apparel FoundationJTS - Joint Technical SecretariatLP - Lead PartnerMA - Managing AuthorityPA - Public AuthoritiesPFF - Pelopponesian Folklore Foundation

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    MED Programme ....................................................................................................................4TEXMEDIN Project..................................................................................................................5Partnership ............................................................................................................................5Duration: ...............................................................................................................................5

    Budget: .................................................................................................................................5Communication Strategy .........................................................................................................61. Objectives of the communication ...................................................................................... 62. Targets/beneficiaries: ......................................................................................................73. Communication tools and actions .........................................................................................8

    3.1. Tools...........................................................................................................................83.1.1. Logo and visual identity manual..............................................................................83.1.2. Internet web site including the access to the Database of T&A Heritage.....................93.1.3. Newsletters......................................................................................................... 113.1.4. Brochures/leaflets................................................................................................ 113.1.5. Thematic reports and/or Publications..................................................................... 12

    3.1.6. Event specific materials and promotional gadgets................................................... 123.1.7. Media and press releases/conferences...................................................................12

    3.2. Actions ...................................................................................................................... 133.2.1. Kick Off Meeting.................................................................................................. 133.2.3. Workshops and study visits................................................................................... 143.2.4. Exhibitions........................................................................................................... 153.2.5. Final Conference.................................................................................................. 15

    4. Publicity obligations .......................................................................................................... 165. Budget plan...................................................................................................................... 176. Contact details for the implementation of the Communication Plan........................................ 18

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    MED Programme

    The MED programme is a transnational programme of European territorial cooperation. It takesplace within the objective European territorial cooperation of the period 2007-2013 and it isfinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), as an instrument of the Europeanregional policy.

    It continues the tradition of the European programmes for cooperation (previously namedInterreg). With a budget of more than 250 billion euros, the programme covers the coastal andMediterranean regions of nine EU Member States (Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Malta,

    Portugal, United Kingdom and Slovenia). The Mediterranean countries which are candidates orpotential candidates to the European Union are also invited to participate.

    The objectives of the program are founded on the basic orientations of Lisbon and GothenburgAgendas. The aim is to build strongly competitive regions thus creating growth and employmentfor next generations. Moreover it supports territorial cohesion and active involvement inenvironmental protection in order to promote sustainable development of MED territory.

    The priority axes defined according to the general objectives of MED Programme are:

    Axis 1: Strengthening innovation capacities

    Axis 2: Protection of the environment and promotion of a sustainable territorial development

    Axis 3 : Improvement of mobility and territorial accessibility

    Axis 4 : Promotion of a polycentric and integrated development of the Med space

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    TEXMEDIN Project

    The TEXMEDIN (TEXtile and apparel EuroMEDiterranean heritage for INnovation) project fallsunder the Axis 1: Strengthening innovation capacities, Objective1.1: Dissemination of innovativetechnologies and know-how of the MED Programme.

    The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the T&A sector in the Mediterraneanarea through the improvement of quality and design of products and by safeguarding andexploitation of the rich textile heritage and extensive industrial know-how of the partnersterritories. In order to promote high levels of technological and non-technological innovation andto enhance design patterns in T&A clusters the project activities will be directed towards thecreation of new approaches and methodologies. The aim is to activate whole territory and buildstrong collaboration with social and economic stakeholders to valorise the sectoral know-how andcreative background.

    The two thematic components of the project are Integrated knowledge base and The Inspiring LabCluster for Innovation. Integrated knowledge base component has the objective to develop an ICTDatabase of the Mediterranean T&A know-how and creative heritage. It will be made available toyoung stylists, designers and enterprises to increase the value of T&A products and creations. Onthe other hand the Inspiring Lab Cluster is meant to be knowledge-based and training centre foryoung designers and entrepreneurs with an enhanced focus quality, design, innovation andtechnology.


    Municipality of Prato - lead partner (Italy)Textile Museum of Prato Foundation (Italy)Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (Greece)Foment of Terrassa (Spain)Documentation Centre and Textile Museum (Spain)Clothing Textile and Fiber Technological Development (Greece)French Institute Textile Clothing (France)Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation (Greece)Carpiformazione (Italy)

    Duration:1st April 2009 30th September 2011

    Budget:1,901,750.50 (FESR contribution: 1,426,312.50)

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    Communication Strategy

    An effective communication strategy is needed to establish clear channels of communication withthe partners, stakeholders and general public in the light of the two thematic components of theproject. The CS defines objectives, tools, actions, implementation and budget plan for thecommunication component of the Project.

    The Lead Partner will manage a series of communication activities in close cooperation with allpartners to promote the Project across the partners' territories and all EU area. Thecommunication plan will adopt a network approach to reach as many target groups as possible. Inthis regard the LP will collaborate with MED Programme authorities, in particular the JTS, regionaland national bodies as well as with a vide range of stakeholders at local level in order to achievethe multiplier effect when it comes to information and publicity efforts. In particular, ACTE,EURATEX and IAF networks will be involved from the very beginning of the project to ensure awidespread information flow towards T&A sector organizations and their members.

    1. Objectives of the communicationThe activities of the communication component have the main purpose to help achieve objectivesand to give visibility to the TEXMEDIN project, therefore they will widely disseminate activities andresults among various groups of targets.

    Specific objectives of the CP are:

    Inform partners of their obligations in terms of publicity and information involve existing networks and create new ones to improve dissemination of

    information establish a network of knowledge and procedures build a shared space for cultural comparison to develop innovative form of communication and content delivery to product communication content in a multi medial logic

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    2. Targets/beneficiaries:The targets of communication activities are divided in four groups depending on information to bedisseminated and tools used. Information targeted to different groups will be adapted to theirparticular needs:




    Partners ofthe projectand MEDAuthorities

    Municipality of Prato,Textile Museum Prato,CLOTEFI, Foment of

    Terrassa, CMDT, HellenicClothing Industry

    Association,CARPIFORMAZIONE,French Institute TextileClothing, PFF, JTS, MA,National Contact Points

    Internalcommunication ofthe project,

    obligations andresponsibility termsof information andpublicity, financialmanagement of theproject, projectreports and otherworking documents

    To facilitatecommunication

    between partners andcreate synergies, tocreate a sharedworkspace, to fosterthe achievement ofprojects objectives

    Web site reserved area, e-

    mails, partnershipmeetings (operativemeetings and steeringcommittee meetings),workshops, study visits,

    Social andeconomic


    T&A related SMEs,entrepreneurs andbusiness serviceproviders, etc; fashionand design schools and

    universities, T&A-relatedresearchers and researchcentres, young T&Astudents and designers,etc

    Structuredinformation aboutprojects results,

    developedmethodologies,thematic reports

    To share approachesand methodologies,to valorise creativebackground andsectoral know-how, toinvolve existing

    networks and createnew ones, to foster anon-technologicalinnovation, designand creativity

    Internet web site,newsletters, pressconferences and releases,seminars and conferences,

    information brochures andleaflets, project reports,publications


    local, regional, nationaland EU publicauthorities, withparticular regard torelevant networks:


    Information aboutthe project,progress of theactivities, resultsand impact on theterritory

    To demonstratepositive impact of theproject, to shareexamples and goodpractices, to improvenetworks and cratenew ones for betterdissemination of


    Internet web site,newsletters, pressconferences and releases,audio visual media specialsor reports, seminars andconferences, informationbrochures and leaflets,project reports,


    Generalpublic andmedia

    National, regional, localmedia, specializedmagazines and internetportals, general public

    General informationabout the projectand about the MEDProgramme,dissemination ofthe results

    To emphasize theimportance of EUfundings, to show thepotentials andbenefits of territorialcooperation, to riseawareness about T&AHeritage and knowhow of the territories

    Internet web site, pressconferences and releases,articles, audio visual mediaspecials or reports,seminars and conferences,participation on festivals,fairs and thematicconferences, informationbrochures and leaflets,promotional material

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    3. Communication tools and actions

    Tools and actions implemented by the communication plan will enhance and improve theachievement of project's objectives and serve as a means of dissemination of results. The activitieshave a twofold direction and are segmented with this regard in actions of internal communicationand actions of external communication.

    Internal communication activities should facilitate cooperation and promote information exchangeand synergies between project participants thus assuring an effective implementation of projectactivities and information flow among project partners. External communication has the objectiveto maximise the value and awareness of the project outcomes to a wide range of social andeconomic stakeholders, local, regional, national and EU public authorities, general public andmedia.

    3.1. Tools

    a) = 3.1.1. Logo and visual identity manualb) = 3.1.2. Internet web site including the access to the Database of T&A Heritagec) = 3.1.3. Newslettersd) = 3.1.4. Brochures/leafletse) = 3.1.5. Thematic reports and/or Publicationsf) = 3.1.6. Event specific materials and promotional gadgetsg) = 3.1.7. Media and press releases/conferences

    3.1.1. Logo and visual identity manual

    The logo represents the visual identity of the project and it will be used on all project documentstogether with the MED Programme and EU logos. The visual identity manual - provided with theproject logo and the basic information about its use also contains a draft of the graphic elementsfor the production of the project documents and other graphic material.

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    3.1.2. Internet web site including the access to the Database of T&A Heritage


    Web site is the main tool for communication of the TEXMEDIN project towards social andeconomic stakeholders, local and EU level Authorities as well as general public. Its main objectivesare to increase awareness between potential beneficiaries and target groups about the projectactivities and to build a shared space that gathers knowledges, innovative and creative ideas. It isupdated on a regular basis about the progress and achievements of the project.The sections of the web site are dynamic in order to secure the complete autonomy for theadministrator to publish all necessary data at any time and to reduce maintenance costs.

    The website is built on two levels:

    1. General project area - provides information about the project, its activities and partners. News,meetings and events, newsletters, documents, FAQ, multimedia, links and contacts pages are alsoincluded and regularly updated. A multimedia page enables project operators to upload photos,audio and video files produced within project activities thus exploring innovative and interactiveways of communication.2. Reserved area - dedicated to the exchange of internal work documents and communicationbetween partners.

    A page will be dedicated to the Database of the T&A Heritage. It will have an on line queryform where the final user will be able to insert search items and explore the database directly from

    the project's web site.

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    3.1.3. Newsletters

    Newsletters represent a communication tool that help circulate information and ideas, as well asreport the progress of the TEXMEDIN project and will be published every 6 months in English. The5 newsletters review past activities and outline future events in the light of the two ThematicComponents of the Project. All partners will contribute contents to the newsletters in accordancewith the activities that they implement in the framework of the project. Each newsletter will beprinted in 2500 copies.

    3.1.4. Brochures/leaflets

    Brochures and/or leaflets will be published and distributed widely on the partners territories duringthe various phases of the project in order to inform the stakeholders and general public about theproject objectives, partner institutions, database of the T&A heritage and inspiring labs. This way,main stages of the project's life will be followed by the publication of a brochure with the objectiveto inform and disseminate the results achieved.


    Presentation of the project July 2009 3000

    English, possiblepublication in Italian,French, Spanish andGreek

    Presentation of the partnership July 2009 3000

    English, possiblepublication in Italian,French, Spanish andGreek

    Presentation of the database of T&A Heritageand designers contest

    February 2010 2500-3000

    English, possiblepublication in Italian,French, Spanish andGreek

    Presentation of the INSPIRING LABS July 2010 2500-3000

    English, possiblepublication in Italian,French, Spanish andGreek

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    3.1.5. Thematic reports and/or Publications

    Each thematic report and/or publication will sum up the results of the thematic workshops andstudy visits in terms of practical lessons, good practices and related policy recommendations. Afinal publication of projects results including guidelines for policy makers and policyrecommendations will be published together with a multimedia DVD.


    Publication on the Integrated Knowledge Base July 2010 To be decided English

    Publication on the INSPIRING LAB February 2011 To be decided English

    Final publication + DVD capitalisation anddissemination of project results

    July 2011 To be decided English

    3.1.6. Event specific materials and promotional gadgets

    Conferences, seminars, exhibitions, workshops and other events will be publicised with printed andmultimedia materials (information packages, programs, presentations, web spots and other kind ofcrossmedial material). Promotional gadgets like pens, USB sticks or bags will also be distributed onoccasions, especially during capitalization seminars and projects final conference.

    3.1.7. Media and press releases/conferences

    During all project activities local, regional and national media (broadcast, press conferences andprinted media) as well as specialist magazines, web portals and other means of communication willbe used to inform about project activities. The information will be targeted towards specific

    audience when possible and it will be transmitted mainly in local languages.

    All partners of the project will be encouraged to interact with the media in their areas. A networkapproach will be adopted to ensure a widespread circulation of news and main results and outputsbetween stakeholders and general public.

    As most efficient vehicle of information among general public local and regional, audiovisual mediawill be involved. Specials about T&A Heritage of the partners territories, non-technologicalinnovation of products, young designers contest, creation of inspiring labs will be documented andbroadcasted.

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    3.2. Actions

    a) = 3.2.1. Kick Off Meetingb) = 3.2.2. Eventsc) = 3.2.3. Workshops and study visitsd) = 3.2.4. Exhibitionse) = 3.2.5. Final Conference

    Seminars and events - organized to give visibility to the project and its results - have the purposeto reach a wide number of potential stakeholders. All TEXMEDIN conferences and seminars will bedocumented through video, audio and photo records that will be published on the projects website.

    3.2.1. Kick Off Meeting

    On the occasion of the TEXMEDIN Kick Off Meeting held in Prato on 6th and 7th of April 2009 thefirst seminar of the project was organized. Its aim - besides starting the project activities - was topresent in detail all information regarding the project and give the public an insight into thepartners' activities and institutions. The event had a relevant impact on local and regional mediaand through them on the territory.

    3.2.2. Events

    The project will also participate in and be presented at other external events such as, thoseorganized by the JTS, the EU authorities, local, regional and national organizations and/or PA - aswell as on special international events taking place in the partners regions - such as the GreekFashion Week or Lyon Vision Mode.

    Among possible events in 2009/2010 are:


    Economia3 September 2009 Prato, Italy

    Greek Fashion Week 22-25 October 2009 Athens, Greece

    Lyon Vision Mode Lyon, France

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    The project will also participate in external CONFERENCES/SEMINARS, such as:


    AEDT (EU Association of FashionRetailers) Board Meting

    22 June 2009 Brussels, Belgium

    MED Programme Capitalization forrunning projects and Annual conference

    16-17 November2009

    Naples, Italy

    3.2.3. Workshops and study visits

    According to the action plan four workshops and/or study visits will be organised during the

    project's lifetime. A half-day seminar open to the public will be programmed during these workingdays in order to involve local social and economic stakeholders and to share achievements withgeneral public. At these events highlights of the outputs and good practices emerging from theproject will be presented.


    Development of the knowledge-base, exchange of experiencesand good practices

    24-25 September 2009 Athens

    T&A database and presentation of designers contest February 2010 To be decided

    Implementation of the Inspiring Lab and exchange ofexperiences among the participants of local training workshops

    September 2010 To be decided

    Presentation of results of experimentation of the Inspiring Labwith young designers and local stakeholders

    March 2011 To be decided

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    3.2.4. Exhibitions

    The exhibition of the designers' project works will be the highlight of the project. It will be held fora few months at the end of the project. The exhibition will deliver to the general public thecreative work developed by the young stylists and designers in the framework of the TEXMEDINactivities. The exhibition will be heralded and publicised through press releases, TV and webspecials and other communication channels.

    3.2.5. Final Conference

    The final conference will be organized in Prato at the end of the project, in July 2011 with the aimto present best practices, to report and disseminate project's results. It will also be the place to

    discuss about emerging opportunities and future activities of the partners and of the creatednetworks. The conference will be promoted through all channels of communication and among alltarget groups.

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    4. Publicity obligations

    The LP and the partners will jointly implement a CP that ensures adequate promotion of theoperation both towards targeted groups and towards the general public.

    The Regulation (EC) 1828/2006, art 2, 3, 4, 5 on information and publicity measures, carried outby the beneficiaries receiving assistance from the Structural Funds must be followed in allcircumstances.

    In conformity with the Art. 7 of the Subsidy Contract and Art. 8 of the Partnership Agreement, allcommunication or publication regarding the project, including a conference or a seminar, muststate that it has received a subsidy from the ERDF through the MED Programme. In organising

    information dissemination events (conferences, seminars, fairs, exhibitions, competitions) relatedto a project partly financed by the Structural Funds, the organizers must indicate the communityparticipation to these projects through the presence of the European flag in the meeting room, ofthe European emblem and the logo of the programme on the documents. In general, the LP willguarantee the respect of the Regulation (EC) 1828/2006 of the Commission for the informationand publicity actions on the European Structural Funds.

    Any communication or publication related to the project, in whatever form and on whatevermedium, including the Internet, should specify that it reflects only the opinion of its author andthat the MED Managing Authority is not responsible for the use eventually made of theinformation.

    The partners agree that the Managing Authority and/or the Joint Technical Secretariat isauthorised in the framework of the MED Programme to publish, in any form and on any support /media , including the Internet, the Application form approved and in particular the followinginformation:- name of the Lead Partner and its partners,- main purpose of the operation,- ERDF funding approved and the total budget,- geographical location of the operation,- final report of the project,- any prior publication of the project

    Project cofinanced by European Regional Development FundProjet cofinanc par le Fonds europen de dveloppement rgional

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    5. Budget plan

    The total budget for the communication activities for all duration of the project is 300 000,00 Euro.The bulk of communication activities will be organized and implemented by the LP.

    The budget is divided between partners in the following way:


    Municipality of Prato 186 000.00

    Textile Museum of Prato Foundation 22 250.00

    Hellenic Clothing Industry Association 16 000.00

    Foment of Terrassa 15 500.00

    Documentacion Centre and Textile Museum 13 000.00

    Clothing Textile and Fiber Technological Development 14 250.00

    French Institute Textile Clothing 14 250.00

    Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation 12 000.00


    TOTAL 300 000.00

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    TEXMEDIN Communication Plan


    6. Contact details for the implementation of the Communication Plan

    Lorena Vidas, TEXMEDIN Communication OfficerMunicipality of Prato, Department of Economic DevelopmentViale V.Veneto 9, 59100 Prato (Italy)e-mail: [email protected]

    Vanessa Visentin, TEXMEDIN Project OfficerMunicipality of Prato, Department of Economic DevelopmentViale V.Veneto 9, 59100 Prato (Italy)tel. 0039 0574 18359??; fax. 0039 0574 1835985e-mail: [email protected]

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