Page 1: 2.5 Pedigree Practice Packet - Oxford Area High School...A pedigree is a visual chart that depicts a family history or the transmission of a specific trait. They can be interesting

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______

Mod A – Cells & Heredity Lesson 2.5 Page 20 Fry 2017

Pedigree Introduction

A pedigree is a visual chart that depicts a family history or the transmission of a specific trait. They can be

interesting to view and can be important tools in determining patterns of inheritance of specific traits. Pedigrees

are used primarily by genetic counselors when helping couples decide to have children when there is evidence of

a genetically inherited disorder in one or both families. They are also used when trying to determine the

predisposition of someone to carry a hereditary disease for example, familial breast cancer.

The Components of a Pedigree:

Squares are used to indicate males in a family.

Circles are used to indicate females.

If the individual is “affected" by the trait (dominant or recessive) we darken the shape.

A line between a male and a female indicates a marriage or union.

A line drawn down from the marriage line indicates offspring.

Sometimes, you will see some shapes filled in only half way -

this notation indicates a hybrid (heterozygous) or carrier of the trait.

Page 2: 2.5 Pedigree Practice Packet - Oxford Area High School...A pedigree is a visual chart that depicts a family history or the transmission of a specific trait. They can be interesting

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______

Mod A – Cells & Heredity Lesson 2.5 Page 21 Fry 2017

Pedigree Practice

In humans, albinism is a recessive trait. The disorder causes a lack of pigment in the skin and hair making an albino appear very pale with white hair and pale blue eyes. This disorder also occurs in animals, a common albino found in a laboratory is the white rat. The pedigrees below trace the inheritance of the allele that causes albinism.

1. Given the following genotypes, describe the phenotypes (normal or albino).

AA = ________________________________

Aa = ________________________________

aa = ________________________________

Fill out the blanks on the pedigree to the right.

1. How many children does this family have?


2. What are the sexes of the children?


Fill out the blanks of the pedigree to the right (AA,

Aa, aa).

3. How many children does the original

couple have? _______

4. How many grandchildren? _______

Page 3: 2.5 Pedigree Practice Packet - Oxford Area High School...A pedigree is a visual chart that depicts a family history or the transmission of a specific trait. They can be interesting

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______

Mod A – Cells & Heredity Lesson 2.5 Page 22 Fry 2017

Fill out the blanks of the pedigree to the right (AA,

Aa, or aa).

5. How many children does the original

couple have? _______

6. How many grandchildren does the

original couple have? _______

7. What is the sex of the grandchild? _______

Rats can produce a lot more offspring than

humans, making a pedigree more difficult to

manage. A researcher has four female white

rats named April, May, June, and July. One

night, the cage was left open in the lab and a

brown rat got into the female's cage. Six

weeks later, the rats had litters of babies of

varying colors. Two of the offspring managed

to reproduce before the researcher was able

to sort out the mess.

The researcher decided to make a

pedigree to determine the genotypes of

the offspring, but he couldn't quite

remember how to make one. The image

below shows his pedigree, can you

determine the rats’ genotypes?

Page 4: 2.5 Pedigree Practice Packet - Oxford Area High School...A pedigree is a visual chart that depicts a family history or the transmission of a specific trait. They can be interesting

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______

Mod A – Cells & Heredity Lesson 2.5 Page 23 Fry 2017

8. How many carriers of color blindness are in the pedigree above? _______

9. What gender are all of the carriers? _____________________________

10. Explain why only one gender is able to be a carrier for a sex-linked disorder

such as colorblindness.












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