  • 7/29/2019 29 Palms, Camp Wilson


    29 Palms, Camp Wilson

    Day 1, May 5th

    We arrived, to a ginormous open desert, filled with small, air tunnel

    buildings called Case-bands. We got long safety brief's, then had a littletime to settle into our Case-band. We just called them hooch's on the

    East coast, so ill refer to them as such. I spent about 40-50 minutes

    changing back and forth between the 81's hooch's. Sgt. Pipich wanted

    me in the other one, and Cpl. Thurman wanted me in Sgt. Pipich's.

    Finally, rank was pulled and I got to stay in the NCO hooch with a few

    other Marines. We then proceeded to go to yet another safety brief

    about the wildlife and survival of the Mojave desert. There, I learned

    that there are breeds of cactus that attack you, snakes that corkscrew

    into the ground, and how important and overly protected the desert

    Tortoise is. I mean, we had to go over the exact procedures onrelocating these tortoises. After that, we got a few classes with the

    Lance Corporals on Call for fire and IED detection. I picked up very

    quick on the Call for fire, and much simpler than I was originally


    Day 2, May 6th

    Today, I woke up at 4 a.m. For firewatch. The watch period seemed to

    go on forever, and I swore I saw what looked like hundreds of green

    glowsticks getting shaken vigorously on top of the mountain. Although,

    I would raise my RCO to view them, they seemed to stop moving, and

    deem down. I also heard coyotes, which for some reason gave me

    motivation. After my watch, I showered and shaved, then was cleaning

    my rifle before anyone woke up. So in a way I had a easy morning with

    minimal stress. We went to chow with Sgt. Judd (My squad leader) and

    it was surprisingly good. Afterwards, we left to go do about three hours

    of MCMAP (Marine corps martial arts). There I learned that I am

    extremely unbalanced. Afterwards, I went to grab a sandwich at thePX, along with a tasty coffee. We left to the hooch and sat around for

    about two hours. Then, two marines decided to leave their rifles

    outside, so we got fucked up for about 40 minutes for them. I almost

    threw up my lunch. Afterwards, we unloaded so equipment, and stood

    by. Sergeants decided to play a knowledge game, which was oddly fun.

    It took up about 3 hours. After that, we left for dinner chow. When we

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    got back, we did tactical situation scenarios with our gun team (Who at

    the time was Lcpl Villa, Edmunds, and Willie.). Then we got released to

    bed, although its hard to sleep with the music and lights.

    Day 3, May 7th

    I woke up for firewatch, after my post I planned on sleeping for about

    20 minutes then getting ready for the day. I ended up just sleeping

    until 6. I decided last night I wasn't going to shave my moustache, and

    grow it out for shits and giggles. Ate chow, and took a glorious long

    nap in my hooch. Woke up to go to the same Call for Fire class I was

    already taught 3 times while being here. Afterwards, my gun team and

    I went to the PX to get a few things. Im still burnt just from one day

    here. Something wierd was growing on my scalp, like a odd yellowcrust. I told doc and he said just to clean it off. IED training was at

    12:30, so I took a nap. IED training was pretty simple, things ive been

    taught, over and over. Although I learned how to use the Mine

    sweeper, and a device named "Thor". Which contrary to its name, it is

    not that badass. It jams RC signal's. Then, we stood by and I ate some

    chow. We had more tactical decision games, which was fun. I had

    firewatch during the game, but Sgt said just wait until its finished. So

    afterwards, about 25 minutes into my post I took it, though no one was

    on post for me to relieve. I went back to ask to make sure it was

    standard firewatch post, and it was. So that means someone quit the

    post, which is really bad. About 15 minutes before my post ended the

    next wat h relieved me early, with was pretty bro. I proceeded knock

    out in my rack.

    Day 4, May 8th

    I got a good amount of rest last night, although my body was still tired.

    I was shaving and I totally forgot, and shaved my moustache. We went

    to chow afterwards. I came back and Cpl asked my scalp, which was 3x

    worse than yesterday. Apparently I got a cut on my head, and it gotinfected. They don't have the medicine I need to fix it, bit they are

    going to go pick it up for me. Doc's are really nice and helpful like

    civilian doctors, just minus the retarded amount of costs just to tell me

    what's wrong and price of medication. I took a photo of my M16A4 rifle,

    thinking I should take pictures of things here. Not much to do.

    ( Knowledge time- Mortar platoons are divided into two sections,

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    named 1st and 2nd. Each section contains 3~4 guns, with 3-5 people

    on each gun.). Apparently 1st section is going to the field first, and 2nd

    section (My section) is staying until they get back. The higher ups are

    as confused as we are. So, we did more tactical games for about 2

    hours, we stored all of our rifles in the hooch. I asked if it was okay if I

    went to the head without my rifle, and was cleared. I got back and I

    was blasted by the Sgts' and Cpl. Then, they made them all hold it

    because I didn't take it. After a few minutes, Ssgt came asking for a A.

    Driver (Someone who sits in the passenger seat of a HMMVV (Military

    Hummer) and helps the driver with directions, ground guiding and

    staying awake for long trips. Generally no one wants to do this. So Sgt

    voluntold me to be the A driver, I left to get my PC and Helmet and

    ended up Ssgt wanted someone else, so I had to run back and take it

    off. Afterwards, Sgt Baldwin (A Sgt from Georgia that is probably the

    nicest, cool one there is) needed a small working party, so I wasVoluntold to go with him. I didn't really mind, we chilled pretty hardcore

    with him and talked about videogames the whole time, doing almost

    no work. He let us go to chow and spend a good amount of time with

    him. Helps a lot with long days. I got back to the hooches and Lcpls

    were giving classes about Mortar rounds and M2A2 Aiming circle. That

    aiming circle was freaking complicated. Afterwards, we go told to take

    a large amount of MRE's and water jugs to the HMMVV which was

    about 3/4 of a mile away. Then, we got back. I got to use my friends

    phone to call mom, and told her what was up. Very short conversation.

    My mother notices and joy and life in my voice is gone. Not 1 hour

    later, We were told to bring it all back. Me and Edmunds were told to

    take this heavy box back, and we didn't go down there with the

    platoon. On our way back to the HMMVV's, we were stopped by a really

    cool Motor Transport Lcpl and we had a conversation that I didn't pay

    attention to because I was so worried about our Lcpls seeing us. He

    knew that, and walked us back and told them he made us help him do

    some work. Success. Now, I lay down to sleep. But they are playing

    loud music with the lights on and I have firewatch at 4. Also, we are

    gong to the field tomorrow, "apparently" so Ill have to keep tabs on myadventures via hand, and transfer it all when I get back. I really miss

    talking to stef, and excited about possibly visiting home after all this.

    So, I finally got to sleep, and was woken up to go give serial numbers.

    Day 5, May 9th

    I woke up, 3:40, not as cold as other nights, but Im freaking tired. After

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    my watch, I shaved, remembering not to cut my moustache. We spent

    about 2 hours trying to hang a very small camouflage net over the

    hooch, using only rocks. We somehow got it done though. The seven

    ton arrived, and we loaded all of the gear up. Apparently two of our

    Marines forgot they had truck watch, and made some CAAT Marines

    stand post two hours. So we remade the roster, and I was placed on it.

    I got pulled for a working party with Sgt. Baldwin again, which I didn't

    mind. I delivered Green gear radios back and forth, and then got back

    to the hooches. Sgts gave us 30 minutes to go to the PX and pick up

    some last minute things for the field. I bought Flavoured milk, Mocha

    drink, new larger boonie, and a sandwich. We got ready, andpacked

    the 7 ton truck anf armadillo. I got to ride in the armadillo, which was

    apparently lucky. The ride was a bit long, and a new experience. We

    got to our mortar pause (A location to set up a Mortar gun line in which

    you can fire onto the enemy until you can advance) and we set up theline. It was a huge mountain so we are in defilade. That is the preferred

    location for Mortar teams. Mortars The first thing you do is dig a hole

    for your Base plate, and place four sandbags under it to keep to

    stabile. Then, the FDC (Fire direction center) sets up a aiming circle (A

    giant compass that's used to make sure all the mortars are tracking in

    the location they are seated) and we did resipical lay. The gun is

    officially called "Up" once that is complete. We boresighted afterwards

    (A device that detects errors in the guns sight unit) and then we set up

    our camo nets to help with the sun. It started to rain sp we had little

    time. After we finished, I took at look at my Oakley gloves, and to find

    out they ripped whilst I was digging. Needless to say, I was pretty

    disappointed. It was a pretty chill night, we unloaded the ammo and

    ate some food. The LAV (Light armored Vehicles) pulled up and settled

    next to our position. We soon after went to sleep. I had watch, and ot

    was even longer and dragged on. I entertained myself playing with my

    NVG's. I was searching around and I picked up IR Signal from the top of

    the mountain. Odd, and a bit annoying. We have to get watched

    throughout this while we train, for its all graded.

    Day 6, May 10th

    We woke up, and ate. We started taking simple fire missions. Carrying

    the ammo is horrid. Its like carrying 50 pounds with a piano wire. We

    had a white flag for a while (When we can take off our Helmets and

    plate carriers), So I took a nap. Pretty much all day we did fire

    missions. I prepare the ammo for the gun. I gotta say, its pretty cool

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    getting to do your job. We were up for a long time that night. One of

    the Lcpls made some of the kids do a class on mortar system, giving

    official names of the parts...and if you got it wrong you got kicked in

    the chest while your were crouched down. He was smart about it,

    flashing his flashlight on high bright before he did it. That blocks NVG's

    from seeing what happened. We soon after had to pack everything so

    we could move in the morning to the next mortar pause. My firewatch

    was on the first watch, so that was sort of nice, although I was very

    tired. My Lcpl (Villanueva) did that for me.

    Day 7, May 11th

    We woke up and got into the trucks as soon as possible. We moved to

    the ammo check point first thing. The LAV mortars closely followed us.

    We spent about an hour unloaded all of our used ammo cans and

    organizing them. As we departed, the driver took two wrong turns,which put us far behind our time hack to get to the next mortar pause.

    We arrived to a large open field, and them had to set up the gun line.

    109 new ammo boxes arrived, and we had to unloaded them. Today

    the fire missions were intense, and kinda awesome. It was very hot

    though. Our gun was the fastest, and most responsive gun. The gun

    next to us was not doi,g so well. They had to keep their Plate carriers

    on when we had white flags. As the night fell, we started packing up.

    We saw airstrikes at night, which was epic. It was like a fireworks

    display. I didn't have firewatch tonight, so I got like 6 hours of sleep.

    Day 8, May 12th

    We started the morning by packing up more stuff. We drove back to the

    ammo check point, but my vehicle didn't have to get out and unload

    things. We got back to Camp Wilson, it was a long trip. We unloaded

    and had to clean our weapons. The desert destroys your weapon. We

    pretty, much sat around and got to go to the chow hall. Tonight, I didn't

    get firewatch again. Simple day.

    Day 9, May 13th

    Today we had to go back to the field. So we packed up and left. We

    arrived right outside a MOUT tow, (Military operations urban training)

    and set up the gun line. It was so hot, I was sweeting as if I was in the

    shower. We sat around for a while, without fire missions. Then, we

    found out that we placed the gun line in the wrong position. We had to

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    rush and move everything over about 150 meters, we was horrid. I was

    doing most of it. We got it all set up. I was very dizzy and couldn't

    focus. We started doing some missions and I felt like I was gonna pass

    out. Sgt Judd saw this and told me to sit down and cool off. I have

    never been this hot in my life. After a missions or two I got up and kept

    working. Edmonds was being really slow so it started to piss of Sgt

    Judd. Near the end, FDC called for all HE to go to gun 6 (My gun). Then,

    Corporal came over the radio and said "No, take all ammo to gun 7,

    gun six sucks." as he said that, it echoed in our heads. Sgt was not

    happy, and just walked away. It was depressing. We loaded up to go

    back to camp Wilson, but I got moved to ride in the seven ton. I was

    like an oven, and the dust came right into it. I was completely caked in

    sand, the sweet made it stick. We got back to the rear, and unloaded.

    Me and Willie went to the Warriors Club and I got fat and nasty.

    Day 10, May 14th

    Today, I woke up at like 9:20 which is mind blowing. Everyone was

    gone, Sgt Judd was half naked playing on his phone in the corner. I got

    up and got dressed, shaved and sat there. Edmunds and Willie came in

    with a big PX bag. Edmunds bought me a new shemagh and beef jerky.

    My shemagh got lost or stolen the day before. After that, I went to the

    Warriors club for the WiFi. Stef hasn't replied yet, and I miss her in

    radical amounts. We got told to come back so were thinking someone

    messed up. We got back and all they wanted was us to bring twopeople back. The day ended with me sleeping for 5 hours just to get up

    and sleep again.

    Day 11, May 15th

    Today we woke up and left for the armory. We got to the armory to find

    out we had no sight units, so we couldn't do gun drills. So we decided

    to take the gun and go PT with it. As we arrived to the LZ where we

    planned on working out, FDC was there. The Lcpl in FDC recommended

    we borrow a sight unit. So we were able to get one, we started gun

    drills. Right off the bat, I was doing really well. Whilst two people were

    on the gun, the others would PT. It was really hot. After the PT and gun

    drills we decided to pick who carried the gun back. The half that was

    the slowest had to carry it. I got on the gun and almost instantly got it

    up, but my gunner (Person who puts the data in the sight) fucked me

    and put the wrong data in. So we lost, and had to carry it back to the

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    armory. After that, the day was ours. I had to get a haircut for the first

    time in forever. I went to go show Sgt Pipich that I got it cut, and he

    made me go shave my moustache. OP Moustache is a failure. I had

    many sads. It was rather disappointing. I went to the chow hall, and

    talked to Willie and Fryer about going on a strict diet and workout

    program. We decided to work out. The group was about 6 people, and

    we started. Everyone stopped, and I was the only one doing it. They all

    left one by one and I was left with just tellez. So I decided to keep

    working out, I buddy carried Tellez to the hooch. I ran back, then

    grabbed fryer, brought him to the hooch. After that, Luna came by, and

    I grabbed him, and carried him. I went back to the hooch and stood

    around, I got motivated to run with my Plate carrier. I ran 10 laps

    around our group of hooches. It destroyed me, and I felt great. The Lcpl

    I knew got a promotion to Cpl, and He came by to label our recycling

    boxes. I went on this whole escapade to get tape, and it was ratherannoying. I finally got it, and taped it up. Then I had to wait for

    someone to come by and check it. Then I had to take the tape back. I

    did so rifle drills and I hit the rack. I think things are gonna pick up

    tomorrow. I don't feel like going to the field...

    Day 12, May 16th

    Today I woke up late. No one cares though, good extra 20 minutes of

    sleep. I went to get some chow, and came back. Means Willie got a

    bombardment of NCO And senior Lcpl's laundry. We spent about 5hours doing laundry. We came back, and it was all mixed up so we had

    to organize it. Then we were told we were staying in there field for 12

    days...that's so long. Me, dreading it, I go get a tasty sandwich. I hope I

    can write while im out. We brought back snacks and drinks for the

    NCO's in our hooch. Apparently the working party for loading up the

    vehicles started, but they don't want us to go do it. Which is awesome.

    About an hour later an Alarm started going off. It was loud and

    repetitive, ringing through the camp. Usually they are just tests, but it

    has pushed past 20 minutes. Everyone is coming up with scenarios on

    what is going on. The ideas floating about are as followed (Word forword) the russians are attacking, Korea popped off, the fire nation

    attacked, zombie apocalypse, Polosar finally snapped (Polosar is a

    crazy, disturbed kid), and the bees are coming. The alarm has yet to

    cease for 40 minutes. Ended up the alarm was nothing. We left for the


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    Day 13, May 17th - Day 17, May 21st

    The field was quick and a test. We did many hip shoots and CSMO's (A

    withdrawal of a gun position, to move to another position. Grunts call it

    "Collect shit, move out" when it means "Close Section March Order")

    were quick and efficient. I was put on the A-Gunner of our gun. That isa Corporals job. I actually had fun doing my job. I was very quick and

    consistent. All in all, it was very dirty. I got to see many different

    vehicles I've never seen in person. The tanks were the most

    impressive. There was a Mine Tank, it looks like something out of a

    science fiction. It has the ability to shoot daisy chain like explosives, I

    saw them shoot it and it spreads about 300 meters and massive

    explosions follow. It was insane. I wish I could write more about this

    time but it was very mentally tiring.

    Day 18, May 22nd

    Today, I woke up around 7:00, I had two firewatch posts. I got up and

    helped put up the cami net. Left for chow with a group of peers. I went

    to the PX because I had to buy more Rite i, the Rains, and a case.

    Those things are so expensive. I went back to the hooch, and I passed

    out. I didn't wake up until 15:15, so I had sleep most of the day. I had

    to go back to the PX, so Espino, Reinecker, and myself went to the

    chow hall, then to the PX. I needed more rank insignias. I also bought a

    cheap deck of playing cards. Not much happened after that, I sat

    around. I fixed my gear because when I was gunning, my magazines

    were interfering it the traverse hand wheel. I played solitaire for about

    an hour.

    Day 19, May 23rd

    I woke up around 9, too late for morning chow. So I floated around for a

    bit. Doc needed his laundry done, and so did I. So I left to get it done,

    and got me a Pita at the PX. The laundry was as bad as it usually is. I

    got back and Willie and Fryer were gonna go to the gym, so I tagged

    along. We worked pretty good, and apparently Fryer has a stomachproblem and he is pooping blood. We got back and I had Truck watch. I

    went and relieved Harris, who greeted me with a rap and 81 salute.

    The watch was long and boring as usual, I played music since I was so

    far away. CAAT came up and left more trucks. Brogdon came to relieve

    me, and advised me to wait because 1st Section came back and we

    had to unload the gear. I waited a while and Espino came. Me and him

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    left to go back and we came at the point they were cleaning the Mortar

    system. After that I cleaned my M16 again, and we went to chow. I got

    back and I was super bored. Me and a few fellows went to the Warriors

    club to hang out, and We sat with some air wingers. Two of the three

    were cool, and the other one was disgusting. All he talked about was

    female co-workers. I got up and waited outside. We came back and

    pretty much sat around until lights. 1st Section has a lot of limitations,

    because they were doing so bad. The new guys, we found out are

    staying with us. The one named Carey is cool. Everyone is mean to him

    and I don't understand why. Apparently Stef's boss has a house he is

    giving to her for really cheap, and I hope I can get in on that. That way

    I don't have to pressure marriage. I hate doing that to her but I get

    scared and need to support her. I saw a new photo of her, She looks so

    mad. I need her, I just want to go home so I can be with her. Having

    zero contact with her is taking its toll on me. More than half way, twoweeks left of this place.

    Day 20, May 24th

    Today was yet, another simple day. The days drag on longer this way.

    We go to the field today, and do the "Final Test". We left, and I can't

    bring my phone.

    Day 21, May 25th through Day 26, May 30th

    We got back late last night. We have had quite the mission. We didoffensive hip shoots, and set up in the defence for days. We had a

    Mortar Position Hole competition, and my gun won. We won free food

    at the Warriors club. I'm very tired. We woke up early this morning,

    which is odd because we just got back. We were all informed that we

    are going back to the field for 4 days...We had to start packing. We left

    for chow, came back and everything was a mess. The NCO'S flipped

    because the Hooch was so dirty. We cleaned it up, and went about our

    day. Soon, I was put on a working party. It is so hot today. I had to lift

    Mark 19's and 50 cal.'s, and Mortar systems. Took about 2-3 hours in

    the hot sun. We got back, and I went to the PX to try to get some

    goodies. I ended up buying yet another HK Knife, I may have an

    addiction. We got back, boom, working party. We had to move some

    comm gear. Tonight, the Sir is suppose to get us dinner, I hope we can

    do it before we go to the field. Apparently, now that I do a E4's job, and

    I'm good at it, I just need a little bit physical work to get a meritorious

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    promotion. Dear god, its so hot.

    Day 27, May 31st - Day 32, July 5th

    The past few days were impossible. We did field op after field op, sleep

    was no factor. My body is tired, burned and dirty. My mind moreimportantly, dwindled. It was at some points, I could not remember

    what I did, not even 3 hours ago. I tired to write, but I failed. The

    weather was hotter than any other day. It was 127 degrees for three

    days straight. I couldn't see because of the sun and my sweat. We

    have shot over Seven thousand rounds being here. We did a MOUT

    town, in which I exceled at. We cleared two blocks in 37 Minutes. It

    took Riflemen, which is there job, 2 and a half hours to do. We finally

    leave to Pendleton today. I am very excited to sit down, relax, watch

    Game of thrones, Text my love, and sleep.

    The End.

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