
How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

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10 Steps to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration TestPosted by v4L in Tutorial | 32 responses





Background "What is Armitage?""Armitage exists to help security professionals better understand the hacking process and appreciate what's possible with the powerful Metasploit framework. Security professionals who understand hacking will make better decisions to protect you and your information." I copy that paragraph from Fast and Easy Hacking FAQ, but in a simple way to explain what is Armitage, in my opinion it's tools that make you learning about Netowork Security, Metasploit, and NMap more easier because this tools make all of that tools(Metasploit, NMap) in visual way not a command line. Just a few click and you will know the flow of an attack happen in the network. FYI : Read here for latest Backtrack 5 Armitage tutorial.

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Requirement :1. Backtrack 4r2 2. Armitage (apt-get install armitage from your Backtrack Box) 3. Java 1.6.0+ 4. Metasploit 3.5+ 5. Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL) > In this tutorial we use MySQL; PostgreSQL usually used when you use Backtrack 4r1



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Step By Step :If you still unfamiliar with Backtrack, you can read my previous post about 5 useful things in Backtrack Linux. 1. I assume you have already installing Armitage by using database to the latest version. v4L@bt:~# /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfupdate

apt-get install armitage . The next step is

update your metasploit to the latest version by using msfupdate command. This is needed to update our exploit

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2. The next step is enabling RPC Daemon for metasploit, in this case we will use SSL to interact with metasploit. v4L@bt:~# /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic

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Website Information Lookup Beta v0.1 The above command will start the msfrpcd with the user msf, password test, SSL listener, on the default port Hacking Windows XP SP3 via Script FTP[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

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5. After the ./ command, there's should appear new window to connect to MySQL and mysql msfrpcd. Make sure everything is correct and also check the Use SSL checklist. If everything is OK, click CONNECT.

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6. Here's the main window of Armitage, at the top of application there's a menu, on the left side there's auxiliary, exploits, and payload from metasploit, and at the bottom of application there's MSFConsole. [adsense_id="1"] backtrack 5 metasploit hack ip metasploit backtrack5 how to make windows like backtrack session hijacking for osx metasploit exploit remote machine through port 3389 files in backtrack view in windows backtrack 5 file sharing sslstrip 0 9 logon windows like fbi java backtrack 5 R1 recent search terms[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick


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7. The next step we need to add host(s). We also can use NMap to scan whole network or specific IP Address. In this case I will use "Quick Scan(OS Detect)" using NMap to find alive hosts in my network.

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You need to wait until the tasks completed. Usually it depends on scanning type, if you use intense scan will take more time than quick scan. Below is the picture when it finish doing the task.[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

If the tools found alive hosts it will be shown like the picture below(also the OS).

8. From the previous image it shows that we need to find some attacks available for the listed hosts.

You can use automated attack finder from armitage who will find the most suitable attacks for the hosts listed. you can choose both "by Port" or "by Vulnerability". If attack analysis has finished the application will inform you like the picture below.

9. In this example I will try the MS08_067 vulnerability in Windows.[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

The next step is the same when you use metasploit framework. If you confused in this steps, you can use automated exploitation (leave all the options default), then click LAUNCH and wait .

10. If the targeted hosts is vulnerable with the attack, the color will be changed into red, that's mean that we can breach into the computer.

The next step is right click the hosts and as you can see on the above picture, I choose the command shell to interact with the victim. I think you should know what happen next when I click that option.PWNED. I hope this tutorial is useful for you, especially for you who want to tests your personal network from security[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trickbreach by using metasploit. If there's any question or suggestion I welcome you to write on my comments below . Like You like How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips a. Admin

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32 Comments Shanil Says:hi, Thanks for the great tut.. December 28th, 2010 I was following all the steps accordingly.. when i type this command in the 2nd step.. root@bt:~# /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic [*] XMLRPC starting on (SSL):Basic [*} XMLRPC initializing After this nothing happens it just waits and do nothing.. Can you plz help??? Thank You, Shanil[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

v4L Says:#Shanil Hi Shanil, you've doing rightin that step there's nothing happened because that command is only to make metasploit listen for connection at port 55553. Just continue your stepand leave the msrpcd window opened

December 28th, 2010

CB Says:I follow these instructions and when I connect waiting for the Armitage window, nothing happens except a box that says " authication error" January 4th, 2011 a progress bar moves across the screen, then the box disappears. Armitage never opens.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


v4L Says:#CB there's 2 possibility about this error : 1. have you start your MySQL service? /etc/init.d/mysql start 2. what version is your backtrack?if your BT box under 4r2, then you should use postgreSQL, if your BT box is == 4r2 then you use MySQL

January 4th, 2011

CB Says:I have BT4 running on Sun Virtual Box.

January 4th, 2011

I got another java exception error when I tried postgresql."method.db.status missing or wrong number of parameters." ./postgresql-8.3 start ./ Then I connected selecting Postgresql instead of mySql and got the error above when pushing connect.

v4L Says:#CB I still didnt know about your backtrack version. In my tutorial Im use backtrack January 4th, 2011 4R2, but if you use another version that perhaps use postgreSQL, you can refer to this tutorial how to configure backtrack 4R1 in postgreSQL. Hope it helps

CB Says:Sorry I am kind of a newbie. appreciate the help though.

I have BT4.0. I used apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade to try and get to January 4th, 2011 version r2, I get low disk space errors after this is done and it errors out. I have 100GB allocated for my Virtual Box, so I think it may be because I am not running a persistent version.any help is greatly appreciated as I am trying to just get up[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trickand running to use Armitage at this point.

CB Says:I found the ISO for r2 and it works successfully now. This article was very detailed and well written. January 5th, 2011

v4L Says:#CB Nice to hear your armitage is working now January 5th, 2011

sLiPpErYh4x0r Says:Commenting on the first question*

January 8th, 2011

Add an "&" to the end of your command, that will put it into the background.

EX. root@bt:~# /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic &

January 9th, 2011

Fixing MySQL Gem Errors in BT4 */ baber /* Says:[...] I was trying to install Armitage on Backtrack4, not 4r2 version for which the instructions are here. [...]

teloris Says:thanks for your tutorial. its help me so much. i try to install metasploit & armitage on ubuntu 10.10. January 10th, 2011 the only trouble is my armitage can't connect to database (i use mysql) but this problem was solved by restart (turn off & turn on) mysql great job dude

rescue Says:# CB,

February 12th, 2011

You need to select the SSL tick box when armitage initially starts, otherwise you will get the IO java error

Llem Says:Dear,

March 13th, 2011

i'm a windows 7 user, could you give me the guide lines to do the same in windows please. i'm having trouble creating a db. the above provided commands not working for me.


Hugo F. Says:i cant install armitage[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

apt-get install armitage April 23rd, 2011 Reading package lists. . . Done Building dependency tree Reading state information. . . Done E: Couldnt find package armitage

pls help

v4L Says:Hi Hugo, maybe you can update the package first. April 25th, 2011 apt-get update

May 15th, 2011

How To Set Up Armitage in Backtrack 5 | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick Says:[...] on 05 15th, 2011 | no responses On my previous post I have already write tutorial about 10 steps to set up Armitage for penetration testing on Backtrack 4r2. Now I will try to write about how to set up Armitage in Backtrack 5 without command line. And 1 [...]

Matthias Buchner Says:I posted a video tutorial for Armitage on my blog here: 2nd, 2011 armitage.html

I am running it on Windows 7 and hacking Metasploitable and a Linux Mint box. Enjoy:D

v4L Says:#Matthias Buchner Nice tutorial mate July 2nd, 2011

Tosin Says:Great Tutorial. It worked exactly as prescribed for BT 4R2. However, I was unable to perform the same action in BT5. Using Mysql: it says invalid driver specified then unable to connect to database. Before all these, mysql was running and the MSFRPCD was running too. I also noticed a port number added to the DB Host ( The result was d same both when removed and when added. Thanks for a great work!

July 22nd, 2011

Tosin Says:One other thing pls When I right-clicked the discovered hosts in the armitage scans, the menu only[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and TrickJuly 22nd, 2011

showed services and Hosts. Attack and Meterpreter are not shown at all. Why?

Tosin Says:Matthias, your video promises to be a great lesson tutorial. Only that you chose to leave July 22nd, 2011 out the audio in the most important places. You expect viewers to just follow ur mouse movementswell, it was visible but not comprehensible. Thanks for the effort, anyway.

v4L Says:#Tosin youve already resolve your first question isnt it? July 24th, 2011 when you right clicked and it didnt show up attack and meterpreter, maybe it was not vulnerable or victim already patch or put firewall on their machine, maybe you can update your armitage database first to find up the new vulnerability.

v4L Says:#Tosin Btw if you want to give a try exploiting using Armitage, try download July 28th, 2011 Metasploitable Virtual Machine

eman Says:i wanted to know dose any one know how to use Armitage in backtrack5

August 31st, 2011

v4L Says:the above tutorial was the step by step how to use armitage in backtrack 5

August 31st, 2011

Maverick Says:I got the following error. msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic [*] XMLRPC starting on (SSL):Basic [*] XMLRPC ready at 2011-09-14 18:56:47 +0530. /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket/comm/local.rb:198:in `rescue in create_by_type: The address is already in use ( (Rex::AddressInUse) from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket/comm/local.rb:191:in `create_by_type from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket/comm/local.rb:32:in `create from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket.rb:46:in `create_param from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket/tcp_server.rb:38:in `create_param from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/rex/socket/tcp_server.rb:28:in `create from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/msf/core/rpc/service.rb:46:in `initialize from /opt/framework/msf3/plugins/xmlrpc.rb:65:in `new from /opt/framework/msf3/plugins/xmlrpc.rb:65:in `initialize

September 14th, 2011[24/9/2011 4:54:24 ]

How to Set Up Armitage in Backtrack for Penetration Test | Vishnu Valentino Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/msf/core/plugin.rb:31:in `new from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/msf/core/plugin.rb:31:in `create from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/msf/core/plugin_manager.rb:71:in `load from /opt/framework/msf3/lib/msf/base/simple/framework.rb:31:in `load from /opt/framework/msf3/msfrpcd:110:in ` i am using bt5. my metasploit is also not working. When i start GUI version of metasploit it cant connect to msfrpcd. Please help me out. Thanks..

v4L Says:#Maverick When youre using Backtrack 5, view my newest tutorial about set up armitage in September 14th, 2011 backtrack 5

Bob_O Says:got a little problem everything to set up was easy.. but i dont find any hosts in my lan running bt4 r2 at Sun VB how i need to configure my card correctly ? i have a wlan connection and its set to NAT in Vb. i can ping and surf in the internet. only traceroute isnt working. can u help me ?

September 19th, 2011

Bob_O Says:im sorry guys that was a real noob problem i think. i just set my network in VB to bridged and everything is working ! September 19th, 2011 sorry ! nice TUT btw !!

Bob_O Says:how can i update/upgrade my armitage ?

September 19th, 2011

v4L Says:#Bob_O you can run msfupdate from your console(CTRL+ALT+T) September 20th, 2011

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