  • Written by: Vic Magary

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Table Of Contents

    A. Intro

    B. Frequently Asked Questions

    C. Top 10 Tips From The Trenches

    D. Which Workout Should I Do?

    E. Warm Up Workouts For Sedentary Individuals

    F. Beginner's 31 Day Workout Plan (Bodyweight Only)

    G. Beginner's 31 Day Workout Plan (Gym Workout)

    H. Advanced 31 Day Workout Plan (Bodyweight Only)

    I. Advanced 31 Day Workout Plan (Bodyweight Only)

    J. Common Sense Nutrition

    K. Supplements That Work

    L. 7 Day Action Plan To Get Started

    M. What To Do After The 31 Days

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section A

    IntroHey, Vic Magary here... I want to personally thank you for picking up the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure manual. There are four 31 day programs in this manual... and to get the best results I suggest you pick one program & stick to it for 31 days.

    There is a beginner's and advanced version of each workout (one for the gym and one for at home). If you're a normal guy, the beginner will be more than enough. If you're already in great shape, and just looking to lose that last 5-10 lbs, then the advanced workout would fit you perfectly.

    If you have been sedentary for a few months or years , and you're totally out of shape, Ive provided a 2 week warmup workout to get you on track.

    I HIGHLY suggest you do this if you're out of shape. I added this 2 week warm up specifically at the request of people who tried the beginner workout and said it was too hard for them.

    Besides the 4 workouts, I added a few very helpful guides to getting the best results.

    Many of the questions people have had are answered in the FAQ, and I also put together my Top 10 Tips for getting the best results possible.

    The results clients and readers have seen from these workouts have been startling, even to me.

    We had John Rish, who lost 17 lbs on the Beginner's Fat Loss Workout (gym version), we had Ray Ludvigson go from 331 lbs to 302 lbs, and we had multiple men and women lose 10+ lbs in just 31 days using the fat loss workouts.

    These workouts are proven to work!

    Stay dedicated for 31 days & you'll get some incredible results. Guaranteed!

    If you have any questions, I'm available on the forums in my personal coaching program at

    Also, please don't share the download link to this manual...


    - Vic

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Success Stories

    Alexander loses 18 lbs...

    I started at 221 pounds 05/01 and as of 06/01 i weighed in at 203. . my goal was 200. . so im a little let down but damn i am close.

    I DID consume some beers (bud select) but stuck to the plan religiously (even with a few deaths and an ugly break up. . hey im human)

    I couldnt get to internet access until today so i guess i am out. but thats ok im actually going to continue on as long as i have to. im shooting for 165-175.


    - Alexander

    51 Year Old Mother Of 4 Who Was Already In Great Shape Loses 3% Body Fat

    Vic,I once again wanted to thank you for the workout manual. I personally chose the 31-day Fat Loss Beginner Program. I followed this plan to the letter. I did every workout as prescribed. On 'rest days' I rested.. which some days was really hard for me to do because you see...I am a true "gym junkie" in all respects. I even teach 2 bodysculpt classes at my gym on Mon and Wed and a cycle class on thursday. I am one of those crazy people that LOVE THE GYM. It is also my 'social outlet"... I go to the gym at least 6 days out of the week... and I have for over the past 2 years. I already am in pretty good shape because of the lifestyle I LOVE.. so I was not a participant who suddenly took up 'exercising'. i have been faithful since the beginning of my journey in Sept '06. I am, however, always searching and striving to get better, stronger, leaner, healthier, toner... which is why i did this challenge. I want you to know that YOUR PROGRAM WORKS... exactly as prescribed. I added no 'double workouts' on days.. I did every workout to my maximum

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • ability just as you laid out. On the "OYO" on your own days.. I did cardio training, for example I would run stairs, swim laps in the pool, I teach a spin Class on Thursday mornings.. which always happened to fall on the OYO day so it was perfect! By eating as you recommended... doing each workout exactly as you laid out... I was able to drop 3% body fat in less than 31 days... it was actually only 27 because I was 4 days behind in my starting date. I think that is incredible.... My starting weight was 139 lbs on 5/4... I actually dropped 2 lbs the first week, but somehow by the end those 2 lbs actually came back... but I know that is just how our body

    The main thing I want to point out is that I was doing the FAT LOSS PROGRAM and that is what i lost 3% BODY FAT.. FOLLOWING YOUR PROGRAM JUST AS YOU LAID OUT... no extra workouts, no starving myself... THIS PLAN WORKS even for somebody who has been exercising consistently and eating properly. I can honestly say I was so SURPRISED and the comments I have received by others is amazing.. they,too can see the difference... So thank YOU VIC... I just thought it was important to let you know... THAT THE PLAN WORKS... and I am here to attest to IT. 27-days... that is all it took. Simply AMAZING! Lisa

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section B

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Ok I'm confused where do I start?

    A. If you're a beginner to intermediate, I would suggest starting with the beginner workout. If you find it's too easy, then you can always move to the advanced workout. The beginner workouts start easier, and then progressively get harder.

    If you're totally out of shape, start with the 2 week warm up workout.

    You should be huffing and puffing at the end of your workout :) If not, then time to make it harder and move up to a more difficult workout.

    Q. Vic, you say to eliminate all cardio while on the workout (treadmill, eliptical etc...), does this include my 30-45 minute daily walk I usually take?

    A. No, as long as your walks do not interfere with your workouts those are fine. Make sure they are spaced out throughout the day. Don't do one right after the other....

    Q. I'm planning on playing basketball/tennis/football in the morning 3 times a week, would it be ok to do your workouts at night if I do those in the morning?

    A. In an ideal world it would be better if you did your workouts on M-W-F and then did your recreational activities on T-TH-Sat. If you can't swing that for some reason, then yes you can do them in the morning just space them out as much as possible.

    Q. Would you recommend adding anything to the bodyweight workout to use any of my dumbells, kettlebells or pull up bar? love practicing pullups so I would like to fit those into the workout if it makes sense.

    A. Definitely, if you have access to a pull up bar then it is a welcome addition to the plan (It was through gritted teeth that I did not include a lot of pulling in the workout, but I really wanted to keep the equipment needed to a minimum).

    Some kettlebell and dumbbell work will be ok as well, especially the kettlebell

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  • movements as they typically involve a good deal of posterior chain work (low back, glutes, and hamstrings) that is unfortunately absent from the no-gym plan. Id integrate your pull ups and kettlebell work on the normal workout days and still keep the rest days for rest.

    Q. Vic, I am excited to try this for 31 days! One question I work out on a daily basis, usually for around an hour (usually doing p90x) and these workouts just feel extremely short what is the reasoning behind why these will work versus an equally-intense hour long workout?

    A. Great question, Rachel. . .

    These workouts ARE short. If you find them too easy, move to the advanced workouts. Bottom line is that diet is going to take you farther than any workout I can put together. Or any workout the marketing geniuses behind P90x can put together for that matter.

    Q. Vic, Im a vegetarian, and I typically eat cottage cheese to make up some of my protein in the week. I do eat fish for lunch/dinner, but prefer to keep it limited. Is this still ok on this diet/exercise plan?

    A. You should be ok. The only way to know for sure is to weigh yourself in at the same day and time each week and track your diet and training. Not seeing weight loss? Time to tweak the program - and diet is going to be the first place to start. Good luck.

    Q. Hi Vic - can you also give some advice / recommendation for daily calories, fat, carbs & protein? I have read the sample diet plan and I get it, it would be helpful to me to have some daily ranges / goals for each so that I can substitute when needed. Thanks!

    A. Sorry, but I dont count calories or protein, carb, or fat grams. Im serious when I say this and not trying to be sarcastic or a jerk in any way (we lose so much communication in writing like facial expressions and vocal tone), you need to eat less now than you have been if weight loss is your goal. And thats the main calculation you need.Keep your portions small for all things except fruits and vegetables. Especially those leafy green veggies, eat as much raw or lightly steamed as you like. If you are very hungry, eat an apple and drink a large glass of water.

    Q. Was I right to drop to knee push-ups in order to get the volume in the last sets of workout A, or would 8-10 full push-ups have been better?

    A. Yeh if you can't get pushups yet, then do them from your knees. I suggest doing as many as you can from your toes, then switch to the knees if you need to.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Q. I had a question - do you have a sample plan for someone who works out at 5:30 in the morning? Should anything be eaten before?

    A. You probably shouldnt need to eat anything, drink some water if you canIf you really need something to eat, fruit would be the best choice

    Q. Hey Vic, another quick question - how do you feel about supplementing w/ protein powder for someone who is not a huge meat eater?

    A. Im not a huge fan of protein powder, but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it. Check out what 4 ounces of meat looks like before you go the powdered protein route - 4 ounces is pretty small. And as a female, you probably dont need more than that per meal. If you do go the protein powder route, mix with water and fruit only.

    Q. I can't hold my self to eating just a few nuts, what should I substitute?

    A. You will be fine without the nuts. A small serving of dairy (as small as you can take) will be a fine substitute. Also eat a piece of fruit before the dairy, just to curb the hunger a bit and reduce the chance of consuming more than a little dairy.

    Q. Do you happen have a sample days meal for working out in the morning. Say between 9am and noon. Also are you opposed to 2 workouts in a day once in a while? I was thinking your prescribed advanced in the morning and say Mtn biking in the afternoon.

    A. Youll be good eating breakfast about 1.5 hours- 2 hours before your workout. Then make sure you get a good mix of protein/carbs in after the workout. This could be 8 oz of choc milk, and then have lunch an hour or so later.

    Q. Can I drink any type of diet sodas/diet energy drinks during the month? I typically start a day off with a zero sugar/zero carb energy drink.

    A. NOOOO! Sorry but most diet drinks have worse stuff in them than sugar which is in a regular drink.Lay off it for 31 days. Its only 31 days, I think youll find out that you wont need them. at the end of 31 days if you think you need it then go back to it, but I have seen time and time again that people who workout with intensity have much more energy than people slamming energy drinks

    Q. What about fat free dairy products like skim milk and ice cream? Also, what about fruits like grapes and watermelon, should we stay

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • away from them?

    A. Grapes and watermelon you can eat as much as you wantDairy, it is best to eliminate. Its not the fat Im worried about, its the carbohydrates. And just think about it, if fat loss is your goal to you really think eating ice cream - fat free or otherwise - is going to help? Its only 31 days. Go back to dairy at the end if you do not feel removing it from your diet helped in your fat loss quest.

    Q. Are dates and figs (both dried) OK in the mornings? Also what do you recommend post workout for someone on a plant based diet (i.e. no tuna)? A. Keep the dates and figs to immediately post workout.Post workout on a plant based diet. . . tough one. Ill be honest, my personal experience has not been great with getting strict vegetarians to cut weight. There is usually a high carbohydrate intake from grain sources and a low protein intake due to lack of animal products. So weight loss can be challenging, but not impossible.

    Im currently experimenting with a personal client using hemp protein powder. Her weight loss has improved, but it is still slow. Also she has started eating quinoa, for protein intake. My go-to in these situations is beans and rice.

    But with all of those sources, it is important to keep your quantity low if fat loss is your goal. Use the size of your fist guideline for the beans and rice (thats total for both) and even a little smaller for the quinoa.

    Q. I was wondering if there are any substitutions into the diet that would allow me to drink alcohol. I recently finished my basement and have a new pool table that really call out to drink beer.A. If fat loss is your goal, alcohol is the enemy. No two ways about it. Sorry. . . I'm asking you not to drink for only 31 days, this isnt 5 months...

    That being said, you have to temper your goals with a quality of life. What do you really want for the next 31 days? To be as lean as possible? To fully enjoy your new basement? To cut it in the middle and try to get a little lean and kind of enjoy the basement? Only you can decide.

    But someone out there is going to stick to this diet and exercise plan strict as hell and get incredible results. When they do, will you wish you had done the same? Only you know the answer.

    Q. What about flavored water, Vitamin Water 10, Gatorade or Propel can I drink these? They are low calorie and no sugar...

    A. The problem with these drinks is that instead of sugar, they have High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is even worse for your body than sugar. It's

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • some BAD stuff. They will inhibit your fat loss goals as much or more than sugar will. Stay away from these. If you need some flavor with your water, squeeze a lemon or some lemon juice into it!

    Q. Can we eat corn?

    A. Consider corn a grain carb source and eat it only post workout. Personally I'm not a big fan of corn, it doesnt have much nutritional value to it.

    Q. Can you give me an estimate for calories/fats/carbs/proteins throughout the day?

    A. Sorry I can't. I don't count calories, and I dont want you to have to go through the HELL of counting calories either. If you're eating REAL foods in well balanced proportions, there is no reason to count calories.

    Use a weekly weigh in and a detailed food journal instead. If at the end of the week you havent seen improvement in your fat loss and your workouts have been intense, then you know the answer lies in your diet. Cut back! Its only 31 days. You can do it!

    Q. I'm feeling weak and tired after switching to your diet. Im also having cravings for carbs and sugars like crazy, is this normal?

    A. The first 7-10 days of the nutrition plan are going to be the hardest. Your body will need to adjust since you are probably used to eating a lot of carbs and a lot of sugar.

    It'll feel like going through withdrawal and it might be HELL for you. It's not easy. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just like going through a tough breakup, you'll get over it and feel normal again. The first 7-10 days are with out a doubt the hardest. Don't give in. Just push through it , stay on the nutrition plan and drink a bunch of water.

    Pineapple, strawberries and apples with a small amount of peanut butter are all good foods to help curb sweet cravings...

    Q. I dont have a pull up bar, is there anything I can substitute for them?

    A. Yeh I have a few suggestions. If you can do pullups and have a sturdy door, put a towel over the top of that and do pull ups on there. It's a little ghetto but it works.

    You can also do body rows. Body rows can be done in a number of ways. You can hold on to the underside of a table and pull yourself up. You can put a bar/baseball bat across two chairs and pull yourself up. You can have a partner

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • hold their arms out and you hold onto them at the wrists and pull yourself up. Each one of these would be fine.

    Q. You say to eliminate dairy and then you recommend drinking chocolate milk?

    Ok you got me. I'm not a big fan of dairy. It causes a lot of weight gain in most people and also tons of stomach problems (diarrhea's no joke :)

    However immediately post workout (within 45 minutes) your body needs a 3-1 ratio of carbs to protein. Chocolate milk just happens to have this ratio and it is very convenient for that reason.

    Keep your chocolate milk to 8 ounces post workout and you'll be fine.

    Q. Why does this workout plan and diet produce results?

    During a long slow cardio session, whether that be walking, biking, swimming, or running, your body uses calories during the exercise. And on a long enough session, you may burn more calories in a long slow session than in a short intense session. But only during the exercise period.

    Once you stop running or biking, your metabolism will not stay elevated and your body will no longer burn extra calories. But with the high intensity interval training, your metabolism will be cranked, and your body will continue to use extra calories for long after the exercise session is complete.

    So for total caloric expenditure, including during and after the exercise session, short intense training will beat long slow cardio every time.

    Q. How Does Eliminating Grains And Dairy Lead To Fat Loss?

    What we are dealing with here is your bodys insulin response to food. When you eat foods that are high in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, oatmeal, potatoes, and dairy, there is a resulting spike in your blood sugar level. These foods are said to have a high glycemic index.

    Your body uses glucose (blood sugar) for fuel. When there is an excess amount of glucose present, your body releases insulin which causes the unused fuel to be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. When you have this storage supply of fuel present, your body will use this first when it requires an energy source. This means your body will use the stored glycogen for energy INSTEAD of body fat.

    To lose body fat, your body must use it as energy. And this will not happen if you

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • have large reserves of a preferred energy source from eating high carbohydrate foods like grains and dairy. So when you eat foods with a high carbohydrate content your blood sugar spikes, there is a corresponding insulin release, which results in the storage of fuel that your body prefers over body fat.

    This is not to say that you should not eat carbohydrates. It is to say that you should get your carbohydrates from sources that do not have the same resulting blood sugar spike. These foods have a low glycemic index and include almost all vegetables. They certainly include my two favorite vegetables for fat loss: spinach and broccoli. They also include many fruits including apples and berries.

    To summarize: Eating grains and dairy results in your body having reserves of fuel that it will use instead of body fat.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Success Stories

    Loses 5 lbs in 15 days...

    I had never seriously committed working out before, and I didn't know where to begin. Then one day, I was surfing the internet, and found your site.

    Your no nonsense, down to earth training philosophy intrigued me. Even better, I found specific instructions on both diet and exercise, with everything spelled out so even I, a beginner, could follow it on my own.

    Before I began my fitness training, I was always tired, struggled with depression, and never felt strong physically. Physical activity and working out were always a drudgery, but I knew that in medical school and as a future physician, I would need to not only be mentally capable, but in good physical health as well. It was time to make a change, and Vic gave me the tools to do that.

    At first, I was skeptical, because I thought there was no way a couch potato like me could stick with a workout plan, but I did!

    These workouts are fun and intense, not boring like running on an elliptical machine and watching the clock. The workouts are short so I could fit them into my busy schedule, and I never felt like I didn't know what to do.

    I decided to make an investment and join Vic's members program, where I could ask Vic questions if I needed to, and I received a lot of encouragement from my fellow junkies in starting my new life.

    In a very short time, I have already seen results. I feel much stronger, have more energy, and in 15 days, I've lost 5 pounds!

    This is the only workout program I've ever done that I have actually enjoyed. This is coming from a tv watching, video game playing, regular woman.

    Vic changed my life. If I can do it, you can do it.

    - name removed, Female 28 years old

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Michael loses 7.2 lbs in 4 weeks...

    This was a fantastic experience. I did the Advanced Workout and lost 7.2 pounds while simultaneously training for an informal Marine Corps Physical Fitness test.

    For that, I ended up scoring 247 out of 300 possible points, far exceeding my goal of 225 points. Going forward, I plan on following the nutrition guidelines (giving myself two cheat meals, one cheat snack, and one alcoholic drink per week, no rollovers)

    The toughest thing about the program was the nutrition. I now realize how much crap I was eating and how addicting all that bad food really is. I also learned just how tasty good foods can be in their unprocessed forms and actually get a kick out of counting the number of almonds that I eat.

    During the program, I was introduced to Tabasco Chipotle pepper sauce and found it to be awesome with hard-boiled eggs and avocados. I also acquainted myself with all the different varieties of apples that are available to us and discovered just how satisfying a whole cucumber can be when youre hungry and thirsty.

    Thanks again, Vic, for putting together a program that will continue to change my life!


    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section C

    Vic's Top 10 Tips From The Trenches

    Here are my top 10 must follow laws for getting the best results possible.

    This isn't some B.S. Hype, this is hard hitting info that will help you finally get real results.

    After training hundreds of people 1 on 1 in my gym for the past 6 years, I've seen what works and what doesn't for fat loss.

    Ive boiled it down to the essentials... and here are my top 10 tips that you need to follow if you want to get results.

    1. If you neglect the nutritional guidelines you will NOT see results. I can't emphasize this enough. If I could shout this at you with a bull horn right now, I would. You will not see ANY results if you go half assed on the nutrition plan. Fat loss boils down to 80% nutrition and 20% working out.

    There is not a workout in the world that can out train a bad diet. Stick to the nutrition plan I provide and you will see results. I guarantee it.

    2. Do not skip workouts! Sounds simple right? Its amazing how many people complain that they don't have enough time for these workouts. Really? President Obama has time to workout for 45 minutes per day 6 days a week. I'm assuming his schedule may be a bit more taxing than any of ours.

    Plan your workouts in advance. Make a specific time each day for the workout and stick to it. If that means getting up 25 minutes earlier than do it! You must devote time to your health if you want to get rid of your body fat. If it helps get your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and kids involved.

    Make a time to workout and stick to it!

    3. Prepare your meals in advance. This was the biggest change a lot of my clients and readers of my site made that helped them finally get results.

    I work 12-15 hours everyday, so I know how easy it is to grab something from Subway or Panera when you're in a hurry. But if you keep that habit up, your results will always stay the same. It's the truth.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • I like to cook 3 days worth of meals on Sundays and then package them up in the fridge. Things like salads, vegetables, chicken dishes, pork and fish can all be cooked ahead of time.

    Keep plenty of fruits, nuts and frozen vegetables on hand for quick snacks that you can take on the run

    4. Make sure you eat a good breakfast everyday. Remember how mom used to say breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well she's right for several reasons.

    If you start your day off with a good, healthy meal you will be MUCH less likely to eat like crap the rest of the day. The same goes for your workouts. Men's Health did a study and 67% of people that missed their first workout of the week ended up missing another one that week.

    Bad food choices usually lead to more bad food choices. Make sure your breakfast is a healthy meal and the rest of your day will be easy :)

    5. Stay away from the booze for 31 days. Listen I love beer and red wine as much as the next guy, but when I'm trying to get lean and mean I always cut the alcohol out of my diet.

    Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which usually leads to more booze and bad food choices. How many times have you gotten all liqoured up and made your buddy stop at the drive thru on the way home from the bar? I know I've been there.

    If people question why your not drinking, either tell em the truth or tell 'em you're the designated driver for the night. There's no shame in taking some time away from the alcohol. Your body will love you for it.

    6. Fight through the tough times. Making a major change in your life is not easy. There will be a few times when you'll just want to say fuck it and give up.

    These are the times that separate the winners from the losers. I read this quote a while back and I think it really sums this part up.

    In order to excel at anything, there are always hurdles, obstacles, or challenges one must get past. It's what bodybuilders call the pain period. Those who push themselves, and are willing to face pain, exhaustion, humiliation, rejection, or worse, are the ones who become champions. The rest are left on the sidelines

    Every time you workout, or shove something into your mouth you're making a decision to be a winner or a loser. Remember that...

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • 7. Stop being a victim. Everyone that has a problem with their weight or how their body looks, always has an irrational reason outside of themselves to blame for them being that way.

    It's a TOUGH pill to swallow. Basically by not being where we want to be in life we rationalize it to ourselves by blaming our problem on something else. That could be our genetics, our metabolism, our job, not having enough time, not having enough money....or whatever. Everyone does this, and sometimes we won't even admit these things to ourselves because by doing so we are admitting that we failed. But by rationalizing our problem we allow ourselves to put the blame on something or someone else.

    Like I said this is the harsh reality and a tough pill to swallow. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I first realized this.

    Don't let yourself be a victim, and don't rationalize why you're in the spot you are in now. Focus on the positive changes you're making in your life and the benefits that are coming about because of them.

    8. Get help from other people I've preached this for the last year on my website and to my clients at the gym... a social support group with like minded goals is NECESSARY to getting the body you want.

    Most people in this world don't have the guts like you and me to make a change in our lives. They just sit on the sidelines, make excuses and spew negative comments towards the action takers like us.

    If you're always surrounded by negative people who don't believe in what you're doing you'll probably never get the REAL results you want.

    One way to do this is by talking with the members of my Personal Coaching Program. You got a $1 trial to that with your purchase of this manual. If you haven't taken advantage of that yet, I recommend you check it out here

    Whatever route you choose, make sure you surround yourself with people who can help you reach your goal.

    9. Picture yourself in your new body. That prolly sounds new-agey or something a weirdo self help author would tell you, but guess what? It works.

    Your mind has incredible power, and you really need to start thinking like a lean person if you want to have lasting results. The mindset difference between a lean person and a fat person is a complete 180.

    Picture the difference between how a a beautiful girl thinks when she's at a bar,

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • and how a guy who's a virgin thinks when he's at the bar. If a guy approaches the beautiful girl, she's prolly thinking oh geez, this guy thinks he can pick me up? I'm way out of his league Now let's take the guy who's a virgin and put him in the same situation. He's sitting at the end of the bar, and a cute girl walks across the bar, makes eye contact with him and he knows she's coming to talk to him.

    What do you think is going on in his head?

    He's prolly like oh shit, what's she doing coming over here? Oh god, I dont know what to say, oh god this is gonna suck

    See that?

    Same situation, yet two completely different outlooks on it.

    This is the same difference between the fat person mindset and the thin person mindset.

    You can overcome this mindset by visualizing the person you want to be. Take 5 minutes each morning and think about the person you really want to be. Make sure you FEEL what it's like to be that person. How will your life be different? Will you get more attention at the pool? Will your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse find you more attractive?

    Do this for 5 minutes everyday, and you'll be amazed at the breakthrough you'll have. If it helps cut out pictures of how you'd like to look and look at them each time you do your visualizations.

    10. Follow the nutritional guidelines Sound familiar? Well I put this one on here twice cause it's that important. If you do all of the workouts and follow the nutritional guidelines, you'll have a smoking body in just 4 weeks.

    Trust me, you won't believe the difference.

    11. BONUS - Take a picture before you start and then one after the 31 days. You might not want to do that at this point, but I PROMISE you after your body has changed, you'll want to show everyone your old picture.

    Ive seen this time and time again with my clients. They HATE getting that first picture taken, but 4 weeks later they carry that damn thing with them everywhere they go to show everyone how much weight they've lost.

    As your body changes you might not recognize the changes in the mirror, but if you see them in front of you in a picture you'll be shocked at the transformation you've made.

    And if you want to share them with me (I LOVE to see success stories and

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • pictures) just shoot them to me in an email [email protected]

    If you send me your before & after pictures, I'll send you a Gym Junkies Treadmills are for gerbils shirt for FREE! Take a look at the shirt below & an example of what your before & after pics should look like.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Success Stories

    Luana loses 8 lbs in just 4 weeks...

    Hi, Vic!

    I got results from this challenge that i would never have reached in six months!!!

    The new eating habits gave me more energy and i felt so much better after i cut the carbs from my meals. And i never looked back..

    The few times i ate something with sugar in it, i felt physically bad after a while and got even more turned off by sodas and cakes.

    And the workout plan gave me a new love for workouts in general, after have done the same repetitive workouts la gerbil style on the treadmills/ellipticals!

    i lost 6-8 pounds. incredible. Thanks for the help!

    - Luana

    Andy loses 10+ lbs and 3.5 inches off his waist...

    I did the Beginner workout... I was going to wait until June to do this challenge - but I am so glad I didnt.

    I have lost 10+ pounds, 3.5 inches off my waist. Which is really almost all of the weight I needed to lose. I eat much, much healthier (though I modified the diet with more carbs than allowed).

    I just bought a 300lb Olympic weight set and bench/squat rack and today I started the bonus strength training program. And I will be playing basketball twice a week.

    This site is amazing and I have recommended it to just about everyone I know. Thanks Vic!


    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Eric loses 9 lbs...


    I wanted to once again thank you for doing this challenge. I lost a total of 9 pounds for the month and feel great.

    During the month I was able to kick my habit of diet soda and energy drinks. After completing this month I have no desire to have either of these drinks. I am now drinking water or tea and my body feels so much better.

    My challenge is not yet over as I am hoping to lose another 15 pounds in the next couple months.


    Sue loses 8 lbs...


    So enjoyed the challenge. Ended up losing 8 lbs, which was great. But for me, the best part of your challenge was that it really made me focus on the mental side/discipline of sticking to a program.

    In the beginning, doing some of the workouts at the speed you required was tough, but I realized my body could do way more than my head was allowing.

    Once I got out of my own way, everything really clicked and while its not an easy program, I know I can finish each workout and look to improve in the future.

    Thanks so much for all your encouragement and no b.s.


    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section D

    Which Workout Should I Do?

    If you are confused about which workout is right for YOU, then this page will help you...

    I made 4 workouts for you, 2 beginner fat loss workouts, 2 advanced workouts. The fat loss workouts have a gym and a bodyweight version. So no matter what equipment (or lack there of) you have, you can do one of these plans.

    None of the workouts in these plans will take you very long either. Most of them you should finish in 15-25 minutes...

    NOTE: If you are out of shape, and basically sedentary all day, even the beginner workout may be too tough for you. As an addition, I added a 2 week warm up to get you ready for the beginner's workout.

    Many of the people who bought this manual previously, have suggested that this would help them to get started.

    Here's how you should determine which workout is for you...

    Beginner Bodyweight Workout This workout is for anyone who doesnt have a gym membership or has a limited amount of home equipment. These workouts require no equipment at all. If you want to lose fat without a gym, then start with this workout.

    Beginner Gym Workout This workout is for anyone who wants to lose fat while working out at a gym. I suggest you start with this workout if you're doing the gym plan. The advanced gym workout is VERY hard. If you're debating between the gym and bodyweight workout, I would recommend the gym workout, it will yield better results.

    Advanced Bodyweight Workout This workout is for people who are already in good shape, yet don't have a gym to use. This is a very hard workout, so if you're not in great shape already I would suggest starting with the beginner's workout. This is intended for someone who has low bodyfat, and is looking to lose that last bit of bodyfat.

    Advanced Gym Workout This is by far the toughest workout in the manual. The advanced gym workouts is for people who are already in good shape, and who are looking to lose the last bit of bodyfat. If you have a gym to use, the gym workout will yield better results than the bodyweight workouts will.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section E

    2 Week Warm Up For Sedentary Individuals

    This section was added specifically for people who have not worked out in a long time and who are basically sedentary most of the day at their job.

    After I released the first version of this manual, a few people said the beginner's workouts were too hard for them and they were way too sore to even continue. Based on that, I realized there was a need for a 2 week warm-up to prep people for their 31 day workout plan.

    During the warm up you will still be able to lose fat, as long as you follow the nutrition plan I've provided later in this manual. So don't worry you won't have to wait any longer to see results. This warm up will get you results and transition you perfectly into the beginner workout.

    For the warm up, I'm going to ask you to train 4x per week. Don't do any additional cardio or strength workouts on your own. These bodyweight workouts will be enough to get you ready.


    Squat, Push Up, Baby Burpee

    Day 1 Squats x 10 Rest for 20 seconds

    Repeat this cycle for 4 times.

    Day 3 - Pushups x 10 (or as many as you can do) Rest for 20 seconds

    Repeat this cycle for 4 times

    Day 5 20 baby burpees time how long it takes you to complete all 20 baby burpees.

    Day 8 10 squats/5 push ups this equals one superset. Rest after each superset for 30 seconds. Repeat the superset for 4 cycles.

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  • Day 10 25 baby burpees time how long it takes you to complete all 25 baby burpees

    Day 12 5 squats/3 push ups/ 1 baby burpee - repeat this cycle 5 times, rest whenever you need to

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section F

    Beginners Bodyweight Workouts (No Gym)

    Equipment needed

    None. Just an open area like your living room or your lawn

    Who is this for?

    This is for anyone who wants to lose the most amount of body fat possible, but has no access to a gym or equipment. All of these exercises can be done in your living room, office or a hotel room.

    Im not even going to throw in dips, pull ups, or body rows since were going with a complete no equipment mentality. This means we will not be doing any upper body pulling movements which is far from ideal.

    However with maximum weight loss being the goal, a month without pulls is a calculated casualty. If you do have a pull up bar, feel free to add them to the workouts.

    Oh, and I dont want to hear a single peep about there being no ab exercises. To lose weight you need maximum caloric expenditure and that weak-ass crunch isnt going to cut it. These exercises will chisel your abs better than any crunch ever could.

    Im also asking you to abandon long slow cardio for the 31 days. Unless you are finding some mental or spiritual clarity in your 30 minute treadmill treks, STOP IT NOW! If you are not satisfied with your results after following my 31 day plan, you can always return to the pretty red lights of the treadmill dashboard.

    For each workout day you should do NO OTHER exercises besides the warm up and the workout that day. No cardio on the treadmill, no crunches or ab work. Nothing... If you're not tired after these workouts you're either not pushing yourself hard enough (go faster!) or you're already in great shape and need to move to the advanced program.

    Here are the 6 exercises for the Beginner-Intermediate Home workout...

    6 Exercises: Squat, Lunge, Push Up, Squat Jump, Hop Scotch, and Baby Burpee. Yes, the push up may be done from the knees if you cant do a regular pushup.

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  • Warm up

    Warm Up before the workout with 3-5 minutes of jumping jacks or jogging in place.

    Workout A:

    Squat: 25 reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed - which ever comes first.

    Hop Scotch: 30 seconds of max effort.

    Push Up: 25 reps or as many as possible before a rest is needed - which ever comes first.

    Hop Scotch: 30 seconds of max effort.

    Repeat the 4 exercise cycle for 4 - 8 rounds.

    Workout B:

    Baby Burpee.: 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.

    Repeat 4 - 12 times.

    Workout C:

    Lunge: 15 reps each leg or as many as possible.

    Hop Scotch : 30 seconds.

    Push Up: 25 reps or as many as possible.

    Hop Scotch: 30 seconds.

    Repeat cycle 4 - 8 rounds.

    Workout D:

    Squat Jump : 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.

    Repeat 4 - 12 times.

    Workout E:

    Lunge: 10 reps each leg.

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  • Baby Burpee: 10 reps.

    Repeat 5 - 7 times.

    Workout F:

    Squat Jump: Max reps in 10 minutes. Rest as needed and keep track of the reps completed. Try to beat your last rep count each time this workout comes up.

    Workout G:

    Tabata Intervals of the following:

    Hop Scotch


    Baby Burpee

    Push Up

    A tabata is 20 seconds of one exercise (quick pace) followed by 10 seconds of rest. You should do this for each exercise for 4 minutes. Your entire workout will take 16 minutes.

    Follow a 4 days on, one day off, 3 days on, one day off cycle as follows:

    31 Day Workout Plan

    Day 1. Workout A

    Day 2. Workout B

    Day 3. Workout C

    Day 4. Workout D

    Day 5. OFF

    Day 6. Workout E

    Day 7. Workout F

    Day 8. Workout G

    Day 9. OFF

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  • Day 10. Workout A

    Day 11. Workout B

    Day 12. Workout C

    Day 13. Workout D

    Day 14. OFF

    Day 15. Workout E

    Day 16. Workout F

    Day 17. Workout G

    Day 18. OFF

    Day 19. Workout A

    Day 20. Workout B

    Day 21. Workout C

    Day 22. Workout D

    Day 23. OFF

    Day 24. Workout E

    Day 25. Workout F

    Day 26. Workout G

    Day 27. OFF

    Day 28. Workout A

    Day 29. Workout B

    Day 30. Workout C

    Day 31. Workout D

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section G

    Beginner Workout For The Gym

    For the gym workout, Im going to ask you to train three days per week in the gym- And get out of the gym and train for 2 - 3 other days.

    What you do on the days out of the gym are up to you, but I suggest they be intense activities that you enjoy. Examples include rugby, martial arts, full court basketball, and hill sprints. These days are designated by OYO which stands for On Your Own.

    If you are new to the gym, I strongly encourage you to get a coach or trainer to show you the proper technique for each of the designated movements. You can find a qualified trainer to show you how to squat, deadlift, shoulder press, clean and bench in about 1-1.5 hours.

    If you don't have access to a trainer (or the money to pay one) asking someone at your gym who regularly does squats and deadlifts is a good idea. If they tell you to use the Smith Machine, walk slowly the other way and never talk to them again.

    You can also check the instructional videos I have filmed, but nothing is going to beat a live coach.

    Another idea that a lot of people use is to get a broomstick and practice in your living room while watching the instructional videos. This will help you to practice without the potential of getting hurt.

    That being said, the first workout gives you the opportunity for a little practice and lays the groundwork for the month to come.

    Warm Up Before Each Workout

    Warm up by doing 3-5 minutes of one of the following jump rope, jumping jacks or using a rower machine.

    Workout X

    Do three sets of 8 - 10 reps of each of the following movements: Deadlift, Bench Press, Squat, Body Row , Lunge, Push Press. Use a barbell for squats and deadlifts. Use a barbell or dumbbells for bench press, lunges, and push press. Use a weight that will allow at least 8 reps but not 11. For the body rows, do as

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • many reps as possible for three sets. Dont rest more than 1 minute between sets. Consider this laying the groundwork for the month ahead.

    Workout A

    Deadlift: 10 reps

    Baby Burpee 20 reps

    Repeat 4 times as fast as possible. Rest where needed.

    Use 65% of 1 rep max for deadlift if known. If not known, use weight that would allow 12 - 15 reps for one set.

    Workout B

    squat: max reps or 20 - which ever comes first.

    push press: max reps.

    Set a bar up with a weight that you could push press for about 8 reps. Use that same weight for squats and the push press. Rerack the bar between movements, but get to work on the next exercise as soon as you can.

    Repeat for 5 sets, resting 1 minute after each push press set.

    Workout C

    bench press, bodyweight Squat, Body Row, Squat Jump.

    Set the Bench Press bar up with a weight you can do about 10 reps with on your first set.

    Do max repetitions with each movement. Stop at 25 for the bodyweight squats if fatigue not reached by then. Stop at 20 for the squat jumps.

    Take a 1 minute break after Squat Jumps. Repeat 4 times.

    Workout D

    deadlift 10 reps

    Squat Jump 20 reps

    Repeat 4 times as fast as possible. Rest where needed.

    Use 65% of your 1 rep max (the most you can lift for 1 rep) for deadlift if known.

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  • If not known, use weight that would allow 12 - 15 reps for one set.

    Workout E

    Power Clean and Press.

    Use a dumbbell weight that allows 6 - 8 reps for one set. Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes.

    Workout F

    bench press, Lunge, Body Row, Baby Burpee.

    Set the Bench Press bar up with a weight you can do about 10 reps with on your first set.

    Use dumbells for the lunges that you can do 8 - 10 reps each leg on the first set. Using body weight only is acceptable if thats what it takes to get to 8 reps.

    Do max repetitions with each movement. Stop at 20 for the baby burpees if fatigue not reached by then.

    Take a 1 minute break after baby burpees. Repeat 4 times.

    31 Day Workout Schedule

    1. Workout X

    2. OYO

    3. OFF

    4. Workout A

    5. OYO

    6. Workout B

    7. OYO

    8. Workout C

    9. OYO

    10. OFF

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  • 11. Workout D

    12. OYO

    13. Workout E

    14. OYO

    15. Workout F

    16. OYO

    17. OFF

    18. Workout A

    19. OYO

    20. Workout B

    21. OYO

    22. Workout C

    23. OYO

    24. OFF

    25. Workout D

    26. OYO

    27. Workout E

    28. OYO

    29. Workout F

    30. OYO

    31. Workout X or OFF - up to you!

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section H

    Advanced Fat Loss Workout (Bodyweight Only)

    Equipment needed


    Who is this for?

    This is for all of you guys who are already pretty low on the body fat percentage but wanted to get that last bit of fat gone to put you in the single digits.

    You must be meticulous with your diet and brutal with your workouts to get the results you seek in 31 days. But it can be done!

    Ive laid out the workouts assuming youre already in pretty good shape, so some of the exercises are pretty advanced. Im also assuming you have no equipment - not even a pull up bar. If you have a pull up bar, feel free to add pullups to your workouts once or twice per week.

    Accordingly, these workouts are unfortunately a bit heavy in the upper body pushing movements. If you feel any signs of overuse in your shoulders, skip the upper body movement for a day or two but maintain the lower body movements at full intensity.

    Warm Up Before Each Workout

    You should warm up each day with 3-5 minutes of jumping jacks or jogging in place.

    Workout A

    5 push ups, 10 lunge jumps (5 each leg), 15 squats.

    Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes. Use a stopwatch so you can calculate your time and try to beat it the next time.

    Workout B

    1 deck squat/2 lunges/1 handstand pushup combo

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  • Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

    Workout C

    5 divebombers, 10 tuck jumps.

    Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

    Workout D

    Tabata: Burpee, squats, lunge jumps, push ups.

    Here is how this tabata works

    20 seconds of burpees then 10 seconds of rest (repeat this for 4 minutes total)

    20 seconds of squats then 10 seconds of rest (repeat this for 4 minutes total)

    20 seconds of lunge jumps then 10 seconds of rest (repeat this for 4 minutes total)

    20 seconds of pushups then 10 seconds of rest (repeat for 4 minutes total)

    This workout should take you 16 minutes total to complete

    Workout E

    handstand push up, max reps or 20 reps - which ever comes first.

    Hop Scotch: 45 seconds.

    deck squat, max reps or 20 reps.

    Hop Scotch: 45 seconds.

    Repeat 5 - 8 times.

    Workout F

    5 divebombers, 10 lunge jumps (5 each leg).

    Repeat as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

    Workout G1

    Push & Burp (link to video and explanation)

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  • Workout G2

    deck squat-burpee combo. As many as possible in 10 minutes.

    Workout G3

    100 Burpees for time. Complete in the least amount of time possible, rest where needed.

    Breaks down over 31 days like this. . .

    Follow a 4 days on, one day off, 3 days on, one day off cycle as follows:

    31 Day Workout Schedule

    Day 1. Workout A

    Day 2. Workout B

    Day 3. Workout C

    Day 4. Workout D

    Day 5. OFF

    Day 6. Workout E

    Day 7. Workout F

    Day 8. Workout G1

    Day 9. OFF

    Day 10. Workout A

    Day 11. Workout B

    Day 12. Workout C

    Day 13. Workout D

    Day 14. OFF

    Day 15. Workout E

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  • Day 16. Workout F

    Day 17. Workout G2

    Day 18. OFF

    Day 19. Workout A

    Day 20. Workout B

    Day 21. Workout C

    Day 22. Workout D

    Day 23. OFF

    Day 24. Workout E

    Day 25. Workout F

    Day 26. Workout G3

    Day 27. OFF

    Day 28. Workout A

    Day 29. Workout B

    Day 30. Workout C

    Day 31. Workout D

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section I

    Advanced Workout - For the gymWho is this for?

    For the advanced workout, Im going to ask you to train three days per week in the gym. And get out of the gym for 2 - 3 other days and do workouts on your own.

    The advanced workout requires you have a gym (or a full squat rack, barbell and plates at home)

    What you do on the days out of the gym are up to you, but I suggest they be intense activities that you enjoy. Examples include rugby, martial arts, full court basketball, hill sprints, intense swimming or bike sprints. Make sure whatever it is that you do, that it's INTENSE and quick. No long, slow cardio!!! These days are designated by OYO on the workout plan which stands for On Your Own.

    As far as the gym workouts go, they are intense. This is the advanced program after all. This is for all of you trying to get that last bit of fat off the belly. And Im assuming you know your way around the gym. But in case you need to get reacquainted, Ive designated Workout X, just for that purpose.

    You can watch me coach Arvin through this workout program for 4 weeks at this link on my site...

    Here are the workouts, the workout schedule follows below...

    Workout X

    Do three sets of 8 - 10 reps of each of the following movements: Deadlift, Bench Press, Squat, Pull Up, Lunge, Push Press. Use a barbell for squats and deadlifts. Use a barbell or dumbbells for bench press, lunges, and push press. Use a weight that will allow at least 8 reps but not 11. For the pull ups, do as many reps as possible for three sets. Dont rest more than 1 minute between sets. Consider this laying the groundwork for the month ahead.

    Workout A

    Deadlift 10 reps

    Burpee 20 reps

    Repeat 4 times as fast as possible. Rest where needed.

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  • Use 65% of your 1 rep max for deadlift if known. If not known, use weight that would allow 12 - 15 reps for one set.

    Workout B

    Squat: max reps or 20 - which ever comes first.

    Push Press: max reps.

    Lunge: max reps or 10 each leg - which ever comes first.

    dips: max reps.

    Repeat 4 times resting 1 minute after the dips.

    Set a bar up with a weight that you could push press for about 8 reps. Use that same weight for squats, push press, and lunges. Rerack the bar between movements, but get to work on the next exercise as soon as you can.

    Workout C

    Man Maker

    Use a set of 20 - 30 lb dumbbells and complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. You should try to hit around 35-40 reps. If you're getting 50+ reps you'll need to up your weight the next time you do this workout.

    Workout D

    Deadlift 10 reps, Hang Power Clean 5 reps, Front Squat 10 reps, Push Press 5 reps.

    Set a bar up with a weight you can hang power clean for about 8 reps.

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. Resting and setting the bar down as needed.

    Workout E

    Bench Press, Lunge , pull ups, tuck jumps.

    Set the Bench Press bar up with a weight you can do about 10 reps with on your first set.

    Use dumbells for the lunges that you can do 8 - 10 reps with on the first set.

    Do max repetitions with each movement. Stop at 20 for the tuck jumps if fatigue

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • not reached by then.

    Take a 1 minute break after Tuck Jumps. Repeat 4 times.

    Workout F

    Power Clean and Press

    Set a bar up with a weight that allows 6 - 8 reps for one set. Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes.

    31 Day workout schedule

    1. Workout X

    2. OYO

    3. OFF

    4. Workout A

    5. OYO

    6. Workout B

    7. OYO

    8. Workout C

    9. OYO

    10. OFF

    11. Workout D

    12. OYO

    13. Workout E

    14. OYO

    15. Workout F

    16. OYO

    17. OFF

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  • 18. Workout A

    19. OYO

    20. Workout B

    21. OYO

    22. Workout C

    23. OYO

    24. OFF

    25. Workout D

    26. OYO

    27. Workout E

    28. OYO

    29. Workout F

    30. OYO

    31. Workout X or OFF - up to you!

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section J

    Common Sense Nutrition

    What we eat has changed more in the past 50 years, than in the previous 10,000

    - Michael Pollan, NYT Best Selling Author Of Omnivore's Dilemma

    Drill this into your head right now...

    Fat loss boils down to 80% nutrition and 20% workouts. If you just do your workouts and neglect your diet, you will NEVER see results. NEVER.

    No matter what you do, you can not out train a bad diet.

    Tattoo it on your forehead if it helps. Just make sure you realize how important your nutrition is if you want to lose body fat and get a flat stomach.

    Nutrition Essentials

    My nutrition philosophy is simple and based on the results of hundreds of my clients and readers of my website. This nutritional guide has been proven to work over and over again.

    Most people see results in the first 7 days. I've had clients lose as much as 11 lbs in the first week. I've had men and women who were in decent shape already, lose 7 lbs in the first week. This has been proven to work hundreds of times over and over again.

    Again it's simple to follow, but not necessarily easy.

    There will be times you'll want to say fuck it and just give up. I'll be honest with you if you've been eating like crap, you'll probably have carb and sugar cravings for the first 3-7 days that may drive you crazy. But eventually your body will adjust and you'll see the best results of your life.

    Willpower is your best friend when it comes to nutrition. With this guide you'll know what to do, you'll just have to make sure you DO IT!

    My basic philosophy

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  • The human body has not evolved much in the last few hundred years. However our food, and the ingredients in our food has evolved at warp speed.

    Everything is supersized, sweetened, preserved and pre packaged. Many of our health problems over the past 50 years (especially obesity) can be attributed to the fact that we're getting lazier and eating whatever is convenient.

    I'm not above this either, trust me. I've gone through some incredibly rough periods where I let my nutrition slip, and I went from looking like a Men's Health cover model to an out of shape accountant who hasn't seen a gym in 10 years. It's not hard to to eat whatever is in front of you.

    Losing fat is an all out war, and you have to be prepared to fight some battles in tough situations.

    Like when you're out with friends at night, or if you're out to dinner with your family. It's incredibly tough to skip over the fresh baked bread or the ice cold beers that are just a quarter tonight. I know the feeling. I've been there many times...

    But just remember each time you cheat you're only cheating yourself. Every piece of bread or pasta you stuff in your mouth is pushing you one step further away from losing your body fat, and getting the body you've always wanted.

    My friend Tom Venuto likes to say, 3 seconds on the lips equals 164 hours on the hips. Think about it... That's some powerful stuff.

    How you should eat

    My nutritional philosophy boils down to this. If a caveman couldn't have eaten it, then neither should you.

    Chicken? Yes you can eat that. Steak? Yes you can eat that too. Cheeseburger? Nope, sorry I dont think a caveman could have found a bun to eat his burger on.

    If it doesn't come from an animal or the ground, you should probably stay away from it.

    The reasoning for this is two fold. Most of the products that were created by man such as pasta and bread are very tough on our bodies. Our body was not designed to eat these things in such large quantities like most people do today. These foods also have a high amount of simple carbohydrates and calories in them. A bowl of pasta with some creamy sauce can run you 1500 calories if you're not careful.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • I'm not a calorie counting type guy by any means, but I have a good sense of what is going to keep me from losing weight and pasta + bread are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to weight gain.

    Here's what you should eatIf at anytime you are confused about what to eat, then have a piece of protein, some fruit and a green vegetable. Example... Baked chicken with asparagus and a side of strawberries.

    Go ahead and eat and drink the following with reckless abandon:

    Spinach Broccoli Green, Red, or Yellow Pepper Cucumber Apples Asparagus Cauliflower Green Beans Kale Celery Pretty much any green leafy vegetable with the exception of iceberg lettuce Water (you can also do black coffee and tea 2-3 times per day)

    Eat 2 - 4 servings of the following throughout the day:

    Carrots Bananas Berries Peaches Plums Oranges Pretty much any fresh fruit you like

    Eat one 4 - 6 ounce (size and thickness of your palm) lean serving of the following with each meal. Preparation should be grilled, steamed, baked, or stir fried - no breaded and fried foods!:

    Turkey breast Chicken breast Steak Pork Fish

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  • Also consider eggs (2 or 3)

    Eat one serving of the following with each snack.

    Walnuts Cashews Natural peanut butter (no sugar added) Almonds

    Eat carbs such as breads & pastas only with your meal that follows your fitness training and only in limited portion:

    Oatmeal Brown rice Legumes Potatoes Whole wheat bread Whole wheat pasta Other whole grain food items

    What you should drink...

    Water (add some lemon for flavor) Home made Iced Tea (use lemon & stevia to sweeten) Black Coffee (no cream, no sugar)

    Use the following in extremely limited portions or not at all:

    Butter (use butter over margarine) Cheese Other condiments Salad dressing (you may make your own vinaigrette with 3 parts olive oil and one part balsamic vinaigrette. Put it in the fridge, it will keep for a few weeks)

    Foods and drinks you ABSOLUTELY must stay away from Sodas & Energy Drinks - This includes diet sodas, low calorie sodas or any other kind of soda. Even if they have no calories, they will still make you fat with all of the artificial sweeteners and processed crap. Soda and energy drinks are not needed when you're eating and working out correctly. You'll have all the energy in the world.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Alcohol I'm not asking you to never drink again. I certainly enjoy some beers and wine on the weekends. However for your 31 day fat loss blitz, I say no alcohol for 31 days. Alcohol has empty calories and usually leads to bad food choices. Plus it will affect your recovery time, and will set you back for the following week.

    Fast Food Fast food is flat out horrible for you. Its full of junk preservatives and will just make you feel like shit. Disabling your driver's side window should take care of this.

    Creamy salad dressings (Ranch, 1000 Island, etc.)

    Pizza and Bread Pizza and bread are two of the biggest problem foods most people have. In a normal American diet its perfectly fine to have toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and some garlic bread during dinner. If you dropped JUST bread out of your diet, I bet you'd lose 5 lbs in a month without doing anything else. Stay away from the pizza and bread, and you'll see a MASSIVE difference in the way you feel and look.

    Dairy Most people think dairy is good for you and promotes strong healthy bones. Well I'm here to tell you, most of it is bullsh*t and a lot of it is just marketing hype by the American Dairy Association. In EVERY client I've ever coached, they've seen significant fat loss and gained more energym= when they cut dairy out of their diets. If you're worried about calcium intake, I recommend eating more almonds, walnuts, spinach, broccoli, salmon, shrimp, kale and carrot juice. That will make up for the calcium you're missing from dairy.

    The only time I really recommend dairy is post workout. 8 oz. of chocolate milk is one of my favorite post workout drinks (up to 40 minutes after your workout)

    I know this may sound a bit extreme if you're eating a lot of this stuff right now, but it is very easy to make the switch. It might take you 30 more minutes at night to prepare a few meals, but this is what works and works for every man or woman Ive coached in person or who have bought this manual.

    Post Workout Meal

    The post workout meal is incredibly important. You have a 45 minute window after your workout to get in a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

    Your post workout meal, is kind of the place you can splurge a bit on your eating.

    You can add a few more carbs, or eat some of the foods that aren't allowed in the regular nutrition plan. Now this DOES NOT mean you can eat a whole large pizza from Domino's post workout!

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Here are a few of my favorite post workout meals...

    8 oz of chocolate milk Rice and beans Whole wheat pasta with some tomatoes, olive oil and garlic Whole Wheat turkey sandwich with tomatoes & lettuce

    How to read a food label

    For the nutrition plan, you should be eating foods that don't even require a food label. Things like bananas, broccoli, chicken and steak don't require labels because they don't contain any added ingredients.

    This is what you really want to strive for Foods that are natural, with no added preservatives and ingredients.

    If you're buying something that is prepackaged such as iced tea or mustard here are a few things you want to look for...


    Many condiments, snacks and drinks are loaded with sugar. Things like peanut butter should be natural peanut butter with no sugar added. Staying away from sugar is one of the best ways to lose fat. It does nothing for your body except make you fat.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup

    This is one of the worst ingredients in food that will sabotage your fat loss. You'll see this in all kinds of condiments and drinks (especially bottled tea). Make sure you stay away from HFCS at all costs!

    Artificial Sweeteners

    Thinks like Diet Soda have 0 calories, but they are loaded with artificial sweeteners that will make you fat. Most people think 0 calories means 0 calories, but not all calories are equal. Some calories like artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you than sugar! If you're drinking something that is sweetened make sure the label says natural sweetener.

    An example of one day's worth of meals...6:30am Workout

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • 7:30am 2 eggs scrambled in non-stick pan with chopped green pepper and onion, 1 piece of wheat toast dry, small fruit cup of berries, melon, and pineapple, 1 cup of coffee black. (this is the post workout meal, so toast is ok)

    10:30am 6-8 almonds, 1 apple.

    1:00pm Large spinach salad with cucumber, celery, grilled chicken breast, and 1/2 table spoon of homemade dressing (olive oil/balsamic vinegar).

    4:00pm 6-8 walnuts, 1 orange.

    6:30pm Grilled flank steak, large portion of steamed asparagus, small side salad with Romaine lettuce, tomato, and small amount of vinaigrette dressing.

    9:00pm 4 celery sticks with small amount of natural peanut butter.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section K

    Supplements What Actually Works...

    If you've made it this far, congrats!

    Now I'm going to jump into the BIG question, everyone has... What supplements should I be taking to help me out?

    First off, I want to stress that supplements are not the magic bullet that most companies and magazines make them out to be. Without good nutrition in place, no supplement in the world is going to help you. Drill that into your brain.

    If you eat like crap, you could be taking $5,000 worth of supplements a month and they wont do shit to help you lose fat. Relying on supplements would be like relying on the oil in your car to make the car move. It's not gonna happen. But if you have the gas tank already full, then the oil actually helps the car get from point a to b.

    That's kind of how supplements work. If your nutrition is in place they can provide a nice boost to your recovery and aide in your fat loss.

    Alright so what supplements do I actually recommend?

    #1 Essential Fatty Acid Pills (Also know as fish oil)

    EFA's are incredibly helpful for getting rid of muscle soreness and aiding in your fat loss. I usually take one in the morning and one at night and it works wonders with helping me recover after a tough workout.

    The biggest mistake most people make when getting fish oil pills is buying them from a store like Kroger's, Walgreens or Wal Mart. A general store that doesn't specialize in nutrition usually has very low quality fish oil (and you wont see much benefit)

    My friend, and expert nutritionist Joel Marion told me that you would have to take upwards of 26 fish oil pills PER DAY to see any benefit if you're buying them from a regular grocery store.

    That's insane.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • So what I recommend is getting a high quality fish oil pill that actually works and you'll see the benefits with just 1 or 2 a day. Not only are they great for getting rid of soreness, but fish oil is incredibly good for your skin & hair (take note ladies :)

    I've experimented with a few different EFA's already, and my favorite by far are the pills from Prograde Nutrition (online orders or by phone). Prograde is actually run by nutritionists (unlike most supplement companies) and uses the best ingredients I've seen of any company.

    If you're interested in getting a quality EFA, check out Prograde....

    #2 A Quality Multi-Vitamin (One for men & women)

    A quality multi-vitamin is helpful for making sure you're not missing any nutrients and vitamins in your diet.

    A quality multi-vitamin is usually made from real foods, fruits and vegetables. Be careful not to buy the cheap, synthetic vitamins that use fillers and ingredients that aren't real food.A good multi vitamin will cost a bit more than the cheap ones at the grocery store, but you'll be able to actually see the benefits.

    Just like my fish oil, I pick up my multi vitamins through Prograde as well. They have the best organic ingredients in everything they make. I really can't recommend them enough.

    They also have specific pills for men and women.

    #3 Protein Powder (for certain people)

    If you've read my Common Sense Nutrition guide, you'll know I'm a huge fan of real, natural foods for fat loss & building muscle.

    I tend to not be a huge fan of protein powders, because I really don't think they are that beneficial, except for certain people.

    Over the years from working with clients 1 on 1 there have been a few clients who I have found need to use protein shakes to get the necessary protein in their diet.

    Mostly this is vegetarians and vegans.

    If you don't eat any animal products at all, you'll need to use something like hemp protein to supplement your protein intake from your regular diet.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • If you're a vegetarian, and you still do dairy and eggs, then I recommend a high quality protein shake (stay away from artificial sweeteners)

    Protein powders can really help your fat loss and muscle building if you're not getting enough protein from your diet.

    I always recommend my clients buy from Prograde, since they use all organic ingredients and no artificial sweeteners (plus it tastes pretty damn good!)

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section L

    7 Day Action Plan

    Let's get started the right way with a 7 day plan.

    Here's what you need to do TODAY...

    Grocery Shopping

    Go pick up the groceries you need from the list I have above. Take this with you to the store if you need to. Get plenty of fruits, veggies, lean meats and some nuts. Grab bottled water (if you like 'em) or tea bags if you dont have any.

    I also recommend grabbing some containers to precook your meals and put them in. If you can plan out your lunches while at work and some of your snacks it will help you SO MUCH.

    I usually plan out lunches on Sunday, and then package them for mon-tues-weds lunch. On Wednesday night I package lunch for Thurs and Friday.

    Clear Out Your Cupboards

    Get rid of any junk food or any foods that will tempt you while you're on your 31 day fat loss challenge.

    This means chips, candy and processed foods. I also recommend getting rid of anything with a bunch of carbs and dairy since you should not be consuming these during the 31 days (except post workout)

    Set a time for your workouts

    This one is crucial, and its something a lot of people don't do. If you can set a predetermined time for every workout, you'll be much more likely to stick to it.

    And don't give me any shit about not having enough time. These workouts take less than 30 minutes!

    Most of the people who have done this program have found that morning workouts are the best for them for a few reasons. First, it gives you a lot more energy throughout the day.

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Second, it's much easier to do it in the morning when you have nothing going on. The longer you wait to do a workout, the more likely it is that you won't do it!

    Get a Notebook To Record Your Meals & Workouts

    If you were to train with me at my gym in Columbus Ohio, we would record every one of your workouts and you'd be required to fill out a food journal every day as well.

    Both of these are crucial if you want to see results.

    It's easy to say I'm not eating anything bad but if you record everything you eat and go back and look at it, you'll be able to see exactly where you're messing up and where we can improve to get the results you want. I sometimes use a little hand held recorder instead of writing everything down at once.

    Make sure you are writing down everything you drink and eat. And also write down how your workout went that day, and if you completed the whole thing.

    You can get feedback from me on your food journals and workouts in my Personal Coaching Program here

    Take Action Now

    If you can, do your first workout today! Get the workout done, and then hit the grocery store and start shopping for your groceries.

    It sounds clich, but the longer you put it off the less likely you'll be to take action and start losing that fat...

    Start today!

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

  • Section M

    What To Do After the 31 Days?

    After the 31 days is up, it's a good idea to go into a maintenance phase, unless you have more weight to lose.

    If you want to lose more weight then by all means move on to the advanced workout, or do a different 31 day workout plan.

    Basically I look at fat loss like a sports season. When an athlete is training for a sport they are in their hardcore, no BS mode. All they care about is getting ready for the season. Then when the season comes around they are in maintenance mode. This means they aren't in the weight room 5 days per week trying to get stronger, they're just trying to maintain what they accomplished over the summer.

    After your initial 31 day program, you can loosen up on the diet a bit if you think it will help you. This doesn't mean go hog wild and eat everything under the sun.

    This means you can add a cheat day to your schedule, where you can eat whatever you want. Or you can allow yourself to drink alcohol and eat a few more carbs than you usually do

    You can stay in maintenance mode for as long as you're happy with your results. Then if you feel like you're getting a little pudgy again, do another 31 day program and get down to the weight or look you want.

    That's pretty much my philosophy on staying in shape year round. It's worked for hundreds of my clients, and it can work for you as well.

    Get started now on your 7 day action plan, stay committed for 31 days and let me know your results when you're done!

    I think you'll be more than happy with the results!

    - Vic

    Copyright Gym Junkies LLC 2009

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