  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Word Synonyms Antonyms BanglaAbatement Decrease/Reduction Increase

    Aberrent Abnormal Normal

    Abeyance Temporary suppression/Suspension


    Abscond To depart secretly

    Abstemious Moderate in apetite Self-indulgent

    Admonish To caution/ reprimand Kudos/ Praise

    Adulterate To corrupt/ make impure Purify

    Aesthetic Pertaining to beauty or art

    Aggregate Collective/total/sum Separate

    Alacrity Cheerful willingness/


    Alleviate Relieve Aggravate/Exacerbate

    Amalgamate Combine in homogenous Separate

    Ambiguous Unclear/ doubtful Obvious

    Ambivalence State of having confusion Definite

    Ameliorate Improve/ make better Worsen

    Anachronism Something out of proper time Modern

    Analogous Comparable Different

    Anarchy Absence of govt Concord

    Anomalous Irregular/Abnormal Usual

    Antipathy Dislike/hostility Amity Apathy Indifference Sensibility

    Appease Calm/pacify/placate Infuriate

    Apprise inform

    Approbation Praise/approval Disapproval

    Appropriate To take possession Inappropriate

    Arduous Laborious/extremly



    Artless Natural/ guileless Artificial

    Ascetic Self denying Assiduous Diligent/hard working Idle

    Assuage To make less severe Aggravate/Exacerbate

    Attenuate To weaken

    Audacious Bold/daring Meek/ Timid

    Austere unAdorn/stern Clement/Forbearing

    Autonomous independent Dependent

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Aver To affirm/ declare to be


    Deny/ Gainsay

    Banal Common place/ trite Novel

    Belie Misrepresent Betray/ Represent Beneficent Kindly/ doing good Malignant

    Bolster Support

    Bombastic Pompous

    Boorish Rude/ insensetive

    Burgeon To flourish/ grow Dwindle/ Recede

    Burnish To polish

    Buttress Support/ reinforce

    Cacophony Unpleasent noise Quiet/ Silence

    Capricious Impulsive and


    Constant/ Immutable

    Castigate Chastise/punish Pardon/ Spare

    Catalyst Something causing change

    Caustic Burning/ sarcastically


    Chicanery Fraud/ trickery

    Coagulate Congeal/thicken

    Coda Concluding part

    Cogent Logically compelling Indecisive/Ineffective

    Commensurate Proportional DisproportionateCompendium Brief/ comprehensive


    Complaisant Overly polite/ obliging Defendant

    Compliant Yielding Rebel/ Disobidient

    Conciliatory Overcoming hostility disharmonize

    Condone Forgive

    Confound Perplex/ to baffle Differentiate/Discriminate

    Connoisseur A person with refined



    Contention Assertion/ Controversy

    Contentious Quarrelsome Pacific/ Peaceable

    Contrite Very sorrowful for a



    Conundrum Riddle/ Enigma

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Convoluted Twisted Simple

    Craven Cowardly Brave Daunting Discouraging Embolden/


    Decorum Proper behavior

    Default Failure to act

    Deference Regard to another act Disobedience,Intractability

    Delineation Representation/ depiction

    Denigrate To slur someones


    Acclaim/ Applaud

    Deride To mock

    Derivative unoriginal Origin/ Root

    Desiccate To dry completely Enliven/ InvigorateDesultory Random/ Disconnected Orderly/ Organized

    Detterent Something that discourage

    Diatribe Bitter verbal attack

    Dichotomy Division into two usually

    contradictoy part

    Diffidence shyness Extroverted

    Diffuse Rambling/ spread out Compact/ Crisp

    Digress Stay from the main point

    Dirge Funeral hymn

    Disabuse Free from a misconception

    Discern Perceive something



    Discordant Not in tune Accord/ Agreement Discredit Defame Canonize/ Deify Discrete Distinct Attached/ Connected

    Disingenuous Not candid/ crafty Candid

    Diainterested Objective/ Unprejudiced

    Disjointed Lacking order/ Coherence Joint/ Accumulate

    Dismiss Discharge/ Releive Employ/ Engage

    Disparage To belittle Extol/ Acclaim

    Disparate Dissimilar Similar

    Dissemble To pretend/ disguise ones


    Disseminate Spread Compact/ Crisp

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Dissolution Disintegration/


    Unification/ Union

    Dissonance Discord/ lack of



    Distend To expand/ swell out

    Distill To purify/ refine

    Divest To strip/ deprive Encumber/ Saddle

    Document To provide with written

    evidence to support

    Dogmatic Starting optio without


    Dormant Inactive/ Asleep Awake/ Sleepless

    Dupe Deceive/ Trick Candid

    Ebullient Exhilarated/ Enthusiastic Eclectic Selecting from various



    Efficacy Efficiency/ Effectiveness Inefficiency

    Effrontery Shameless boldness/


    Elegy Poem or song expressing


    Elicit To provoke/ draw out

    Embellish Decorate

    Empirical Derived from observation

    or experimetTheoretical

    Emulate To imitate/ copy

    Endemic Inherent Non-native

    Enervate To weaken Energize

    Engender To cause/ Produce Cease/ Stop

    Enhance To increase Decrease

    Ephemeral FleetingEternal

    Equanimity Composure/ Calmness Agitation/Perturbation

    Equivocate To intentionally use vague


    Indubitable/ Certain

    Erudite Learned/ Scholarly Illeterate

    Esoteric Hard to understand Shallow/ Superficial

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    333 High Frequency Words

    Eulogy High praise after died

    Euphemism Use of inoffensive

    language in place of

    unpleasent language

    Exacerbate To aggrevate/ Make worse Allay/ Alleviate

    Exculpate Vindicate/ Clear of blame Criminate

    Exigency Crisis

    Extrapolate To estimate by projecting

    known information

    Facetious Humorous Sincere -

    Facilitate To make less different Complicate

    Falacious False/ Uncorrect

    Fatuous Foolishly self-satisfied Clever/ Nimble

    Fawning Trying to please by


    Felicitous Suitably Expressed Pleasureless

    Fervor Warmth and Intesity of



    Flag Weak/ Less Enthusiastic Strong

    Fledgling Novice/ Beginner

    Flout To treat scornfully

    Forment To incite/ Arouse

    Forestall To prevaent/ DelayFrugal Thrifty Prodigal/ Profligate

    Futile Ineffective/ Fruitless Effectual/ Efficacious

    Gainsay To deny/ Despute Avow/ Acknowledge

    Garrulous Very talkative Reticent/ Taciturn

    Goad Urge on Counterincentive

    Gouge Overcharge

    Grandiloquence Pompous Language Humble/ Plain

    Gregarious Sociable Reclusive/ Unsocial

    Guileless Free of cunningCredulous

    Gullible Easily deceived Suspicious

    Harangue Tirade/ Long Pompous


    Homogeneous Uniform in composition Heterogenous

    Hyperbole Purposeful exaggeration

    for effect


  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Iconoclast One who attacks

    traditional or popular

    ideas or institutions

    Idolatry Idol worship/ Build orExcessive Devotion

    Immutable Unchangeble Elactic/ Flexible

    Impair Injure/ Hurt Mend/ Patch

    Impassive Showing no emotion Emotional/ Fervent

    Impede To hinder/ Block Assist/ Help

    Impermeable Impossible to penetrate Negotiable

    Imperturbable Not easily disturbed Shakeable

    Impervious Impossible to penetrate Penetrable

    Implacable Inflexible Acquiescent/


    Implicit Implied Express

    Implode To collapse inward


    Inadvertant Careless/ Unintentional Intended

    Inchoate Imperfectly formed/



    Incongruity Something that doesnt fit in Suitable

    Inconsequential Insignificant

    Incorporate Combine/ Unite SeperateIndeterminate Uncertain/ Indefinite

    Indigent Very poor Affluent

    Indolent Idle/ Habitually lazy Industrious

    Inert Sluggish/ Still Active

    Ingenuous Nave & trusting Tricky

    Inherent Underlying

    Innocuous Harmless Noxious/ Harmful

    Insensible Unconscious Conscious

    Insinuate Imply/ to suggest

    Insipid Dull/ Lacking in flavor Sapid/ Tasty

    Insular Narrow minded/ Isolated

    Intractable Obstinate Obedient

    Intransigent Uncompromising Compliant

    Inundate Overwhelm Drain

    Inure Accustom soften

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Invective Verbal abuse

    Irascible Easily angered

    Irresolute Unsure of how to act Calmness

    Itinerary Route of a travelars journey Laconic Brief Lengthiness

    Lassitude Lethargy Refreshment

    Latent Potential/ Present but Hidden Active

    Laud To praise Blame

    Lethargy Inactivity Vigor/ Vivacity

    Levee Stone embankment to preventflooding

    Levity Light manner or attitude Soberness/ Solemnity

    Log Record of voyage/flight

    about day to day activities

    Loquacious Talkative Tight-lipped

    Lucid Bright/ Clear/ Intelligible Lackluster/ Dim

    Luminous Glowing/ Bright/ Brilliant Unbright

    Magnanimous Noble/ Generous Debased

    Malinger To make delay withfully

    Malleable Capable of being shaped Fixed/ Ramrod

    Maverick Dissenter conformist

    Mendacious Dishonest Veracious/ Honest

    Metamorphosis Change/ Transformation Meticulous Very careful/ Fastidious Careless

    Misanthropy Hatred of humanity

    Mitigate Reduce aggravate

    Mollify To soothe Enrage/ Incense

    Morose Sullen/ Ill-humored Cheerful/ Cheering

    Mundane Prosaic/ Terrestrial Heavenly

    Negate Nulify/Gainsay Concede

    Neophyte Novice/ Beginner

    Obdurate Stubborn Compassionate/


    Obsequious Overly submissive

    Obviate Anticipate and prevent/ free

    Occlude To shut/ Block

    Officious Too helpful/ Middlesome Unobtrusive

    Onerous Burdensome Easy

    Opprobrium Disgrace/ Contempt Honorable

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Oscillate To move back & forth

    Ostentatious Showy/ Pretentious Conservative

    Paragon Model of excellence or

    perfectionPartisan A fervent supporter

    Pathological Departing from normal


    Paucity Scarcity Amplitude/ Opulence

    Pedantic Showing off learning

    Penchant Inclination

    Penury Extreme poverty

    Perennial Persistent

    Perfidious Disloyal/ Faithless/ Untrusty Devoted/ Devout

    Perfunctory Superficial Concerned/ Interested -

    Permeable Penetrable Impervious/ Nonporous

    Pervasive Spread Compact/ Crisp

    Phlegmatic Calm in temperment Idealistic/ Utopian

    Piety devoutness Atheism/ Godlessness

    Placate Pacify Enrage/ Infuriate

    Plasticity Pliable/ condition of being

    able to be shaped or formed


    Platitude State/ Overused expression

    Plethora Excess/ Overabundance DeficiencyPlummet To fall/ Plunge

    Porous Passable/ Permeable Impenetrable

    Pragmetic Prctical Idealistic

    Preamble Introductory statement Epilogue

    Precarious Uncertain Certain

    Precipitate Rash/ Husty/ Sudden

    Precursor Forerunner/ Predecessor Descendant

    Presumptuous Rude/ Improperly bold Humble/ lowly

    Prevaricate To quibble/ Evade the truth

    Pristine Untouched/ Uncorrupted Stale

    Probity Honesty/ High Mindness Iniquity/ Villainy

    Problemetic Doubtfull/


    Prodigal Wasteful/ Lavish/


    Scrimping/ Skimping/Frugal

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Profound Deep/ Not superficial Shallow/ Superficial

    Prohibitive Tend to prevent of doing


    Proliferate Increase rapidlyPropensity Inclination/ Tendency

    Propitiate Appease/ to win over Incense/ Inflame

    Propriety Correct conduct/ Fitness Indecency/ Indecorum

    Proscribe Condemn/ Forbid/ Outlaw Permit/ Allow

    Pungent Strong/Sharpe in smell/taste Bland/ Mild

    Qualified Limited/ Restricted Disqualify

    Quibble To argue about insignificant

    & irrelevant details

    Quiescence Inactivity/ stillness Active

    Rarefied Refined Recalcitrant Resisting authority or



    Recant Opinion/ To react a


    Adhere (to)

    Reclusive Seeking seclusion/ Isolation

    Recondite Abstruse/ Profound Shallow

    Refractory Stubborn/ Unmanageble Docile/ Obedient

    Refute Disprove/ To contradict Avow/ Confirm

    Relegate To consign to an inferiorposition

    Reproach To find fault Credit/ Honor

    Reprobate Morally unprincipled person Grant

    Repudiate To reject as having no



    Rescind To cancel Keep

    Resolute Determined; with a clear


    Hesitant/ Wavering

    Resolve To determine to do



    Reticence Reserve/ Reluctance Voluble

    Reverent Respectful

    Sage Wise older person Unperceptive/ Unwise

    Salubrious Healthful Insalubrious/ Noxious

    Sanction To approve Interdiction/Proscription

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    Satiate To satisfy Famished

    Saturate Soak throughly wring (out)

    Savory Agreeable in taste or smell Malodorous/ Putrid

    Secrete To produce & releasesubstance in a organism

    Shard Piece of broken glass &


    Skeptic One who doubts

    Solitude Cocern/ Attention/


    Soporific Something that produces



    Specious Seeming to be logical/



    Sporadic Irregular Continuous

    Stigma Mark of disgrace or


    Stint Period of time spent doing


    Stipulate To specify as an essential


    Stolid Having/ Showing littleemotion


    Striated Marked with thn/ Narrow


    Strut 1. Pompous Walk

    2. Supported Bar

    Subopena Notice ordering someone

    to appear in court

    Subside Settle down/ Descend Intensify/ Wax

    Substantiate Support with proof/



    Supersede Replace

    Supposition The act of assuming true

  • 8/12/2019 333-High Frequency Word


    333 High Frequency Words

    or real

    Tacit Silently understood or


    Stated/ Voiced

    Tangential Digressing/ DivertingTenuous Weak/ Insubstantial

    Tirade Long violent speech

    Torpor Lethargy/ Domancy Interest/ Concern

    Tortuous Highly complex Straight

    Tractable Obedient/ Yielding Obstreperous/Restive

    Transgress Violate a law/ To trespres Obey

    Truculence State of violent agitation Pacific/ Peaceable

    Vacillate To waver/ Show indecision Plunge

    Veneration Adoration/ Honor/Respect

    Scorn/ Despise

    Veracious Truthful/ Accurate Mendacious/Prevaricating

    Verbose Wordy Pithy/ Laconic

    Viable Practicable Impossible

    Viscous Thick/ Syrupy and Sticky Soupy/ Watery

    Vituperative Abusive censure

    Volatile Fickle Constant

    Warranted Justified Interdiction

    Wary Careful/ Cautious Heedless

    Welter Turmoil/ Bewildering


    Whimsical Fanciful/ Unpredictable Steady

    Zealot One who is fanatically

    devoted to a cause


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