


Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 S. Laurel Street, Summerville, SC 29483 843-871-0280,

3rd chronicles JANUARY2021Vol.XXV,No.1

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God has been faithful to us in 2020, and He will continue to be in 2021! I am confident we have many things to look forward to, including a return to our newly restored sanctuary (see a progress report on page 5) and more in-person opportunities to grow, worship and serve together! While we aren’t able to start with as robust a menu of options this January, there are still many ways to stay connected to God and SPC!

Services—Both our traditional (10:00 am) and contemporary (6:00 pm) services are livestreamed through the Summerville Presbyterian Facebook page or on the SPC Youtube Channel. If you miss them live, each Monday both services are posted to the homepage of our website, Links to the services are also sent via an E-blast entitled “Sunday Worship Revisit-ed.” Miss more than one week? Services are archived on the website under the Worship/Sermons tab, and also remain on our Youtube channel. Not receiving the e-blasts? Some people have accidentally unsubscribed, so please contact us so we can help you resubscribe. Spiritual Growth and Grief Support—See pages 4-5 for many spiritual growth options, offered both in-person and virtually. Also, see page 7 for two January GriefShare opportunities. New Elders and Deacons—We have a wonderful slate of new officers who will receive training in January. The list of new deacons and a brief explanation of their role are provided on page 6. The new elders and their ministry teams are as follows: Karen Fuller—Fellowship, Jim Wylie—Nurture, Ellen Carney—Service, Michael Browder—Support, and Joseph Friday—Clerk. Staffing Updates—I am very thankful to serve with such a dedicated and faithful staff. They have beautifully “flexed” how they do ministry as we responded to the challenges of COVID-19. For most of us, this has involved learning new skills (recording, video editing, and using Facebook Live and Zoom, to name a few!). Recognizing the continued unknowns as we move into 2021, we have made a couple of minor adjustments to our current staff to continue to meet our present needs. One is to remove the “interim” from Alicia Macomber’s title, as she has quickly exceeded our expectations with her performance. Rev. Dr. Ralph Herbert will now be called “Discipleship Pastor” since he is serving in a temporary pastoral capacity and this more accurately reflects his role and pastoral training. Additionally, at the congregational meeting on January 24th, Session will be asking the congregation to dissolve the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. This seems to us to be the most prudent step given the ongoing uncertainties of COVID; it will also enable us to take a fresh look later in the year at what needs we have that require staff support. I remain excited about the future of SPC and how God is working through us! Join me in worship in January to learn more as we explore God’s “Recipe for Life”! In Christ’s service,

Pastor Anita

Table Of Contents From Your Pastor…...........1 Worship……………..….......2‐3 Grow……………..…….….....4‐5 Sanctuary Restora on Update…………………………...5 Congrega onal Care….….6‐7 Give………………………………. 8 Serve…..…………….…...........9 Notes from a Church Mouse…………..………..……10 Birthdays…………..…….…..10 Military Prayer List…..…..11 Historic Tidbits………….....11 Staff & Session Lis ng.....12


Calendar January 6

Genesis Bible study begins

January 12 Circles 1 & 3 Meet

January 24 Annual

Congregational Meeting

(11:00 am)



January Sermon Series

I suspect for many of us, January represents a fresh start. It is also a me to take stock and to recommit to what is most important to us. Our sermon topics and sermon series for the month are de-signed to facilitate those efforts, and to remind us of what God provides us to live the lives He is calling us to live.

The first Sunday of January, Ralph will preach a sermon on grace en tled “No Limits”. As Presbyterians, we believe grace is founda onal for everything. It is by grace through faith in Christ that we have a rela onship with God. As grace receivers, we are called to be grace givers in all of our other rela onships, living our lives as a tes mony to what Christ has done for us. Following this, I will preach a three-week series en tled “A Recipe for Life,” based on the three admoni ons in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray with-out ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” We hope to see you in person, or “see” you on-line as we start off 2021 in worship together!

Date Title OT NT Theme

Jan 3 No Limits Matthew 18:21-35 Grace Jan 10 Live with Joy! Psalm 51:10-12 James 1:2-12 Joy

Jan 17 Pray All the Time! Psalm 3:1-7 Philippians 4:4-9 Prayer

Jan 24 Be Grateful! Psalm 100:1-5 Luke 17:11-19 Gratitude

In 2021, we will be celebrating Communion on the FIRST

Sunday of each month. This change was made to help maintain a more regular

schedule of monthly commun-ion in the fall when we

celebrate World Communion Sunday, which is always the

first Sunday in October.

Communion kits for at-home communion are available in

the church office.




I admit to a lifetime error concerning the name of this hymn. I thought it was THE CHURCH IS ONE FOUNDATION. Am I the only one? This hymn was written by Samuel John Stone (1839-1900) as a direct response to the schism within the Church of South Africa caused by John William Colenso, first Bishop of Natal, who denounced much of the Bible as fictitious. When the bishop was deposed for his teachings, he appealed to the higher ecclesiastical authorities in England. That was the inspiration for Stone to become in-volved in the debate and write this hymn. This controversy is referred to in the fourth verse: “Though with a scorn-ful wonder men see her sore op-pressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed.” Samuel Stone was born in his father’s rectory in Staffordshire, England. His father was a Hebrew scholar and a botanist who published religious works and compilations of hymns. Samuel moved to London when he was 13. He attend college in Oxford and earned an MA. He became a curate like his father, then a vicar. In the Anglican church, a curate is an assistant pastor, and a vicar is the pastor.

Scripture of the Month Ephesians 2:20-22 ESV

Built on the founda on of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself, being the cornerstone, in whom the

whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built

together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

2020 Music Year in Review: Happy New Year! 2020 will certainly go down as one of the most unique years we have experienced at SPC, and one we will not forget for a long me! The early part of the year saw

us grow and expand our choir and musical offerings, children’s choir was in full swing, and we were preparing for a meaningful Lenten season. Then we were all slowed by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and things changed, dras cally!

We went from in person services with a full sanctuary and choir lo to no services, then to virtual only, then to the hybrid model that we enjoy today. The choirs took a long break, and had to learn how to operate in a “new nor-mal”. They have adjusted well and were able to make some great music this year. We are all so thankful for their flexibility and work through this me! We also recruited new members to our ensembles and have 4 kids ac ve in the children’s choir in the fall. Jewel Tones performed mul ple mes throughout the year and enjoyed successful offerings to the congrega on. 2020 also saw the development of our 6:00 pm service with our praise team. We are proud of the work Charlene Amweg, Julia Miller, and now Joe Swisher have done to do to bring that service to life! The Montreat Music and Worship Conference was offered through virtual means this year, but was no less inspiring and helpful in planning music for our services. We look forward to the me when we can return to Montreat for that conference. This year’s conference is scheduled for June 20 - July 2, and we hope to a end one of those weeks this year if possible. Please con-tact William Benne with ques ons about that conference. Finally, through it all, the Chancel Choir prepared the Christmas Cantata “A Thrill of Hope” by Joel Raney and music for the Christmas Eve services. Jew-el Tones, Children’s Choir, and the Handbell Choir all prepared music for a beau ful Christmas Eve Service. We are looking ahead to future opportuni es for Worship in 2021!

William Bennett Director of Music



On November 15th, our SPC Youth put together a time capsule and placed it in the sanctu-ary pulpit area, prior to the boards being nailed in. Inside the time capsule, youth included an individual communion cup, facemask, toilet paper and hand sanitizer to represent the year 2020 and all that it entails. Youth also brought items that represent their middle and high schools, clubs and activities and themselves as individuals. Fi-nally, we filled the time capsule with SPC specific items such as a bulletin, 3rd Chronicles article and SPC

youth T-shirt! All of the items were added to the time capsule with a de-scription of why the item was included. We are excited for the time capsule to be opened in the future, as this year, and these young people, are ones that should never be forgotten! Chili Cookoff Stroll—We would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who donated a pot of chili for the chili cook-off or who attended our social distanced Chili Stroll. Those who attended raved about the delicious chili and enjoyed conversing with the youth in each of the stops along the stroll. Your continued support for our Youth is appreciated more than you know!

Allison Bond Director of Youth and College Ministries

Happy New Year! This month we are planning to begin a longer Joy Kids semester and hope to see even more of you there! We will loosely follow our Sunday School curriculum each week since we haven’t been meeting in person for Sunday School. Please stay tuned for an official start date and other logistics. I have also been in contact with our Nursery Coordina-tor, and we are talking about how and when we will be able to open the nursery. We are open to feedback so feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions, comments or concerns! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Alicia Macomber Director of Children’s Ministries



2020 is over! Hallelujah! A new year has begun! I am excited about two discipleship opportunities that begin in the month of January. The first is an “Overview of Genesis,” an intriguing study of our early beginnings, our fall from grace, the Noahic flood, and the tower of Babel. These initial events are called “pre-history” and cover chapters 1-11. The remaining chapters (12-50) are a fascinating look into family dynamics. We will meet an assortment of characters who are

a part of our spiritual genealogy. Due to the length of Genesis, we will be taking “snapshots” of the book rather than doing a verse-by-verse study. The second opportunity is our on-going men’s Zoom study of the book of Mark on Saturday mornings at 8:30 am. We will resume on January 9th, and despite the fact that we started the study in the fall, it’s never too late to join us! Please contact me or the church office to get the link!

Rev. Dr. Ralph R. Herbert Discipleship Pastor Bless!


Sanctuary Restoration Update (as of December 12, 2020)

The last couple of weeks have been eventful in our church sanctu-ary. The long-awaited steel beam(s) arrived and has been installed. On the outside, all exterior walls were scraped, primed and painted. We only found 5 small areas of rotted wood from the bell tower to the foundation, which were easily repaired. Be sure to drive by to see the results. The exterior of our sanctuary looks wonderful! On the inside, work has begun on refinishing the shutters and all stained wood in the interior. The painted walls have been scraped and plaster repair will begin shortly. The pace of work is going well and should proceed as planned now that the support beam has

been finalized. The piece of floor sheathing with our signatures and messages for a future congregation is in place and the SPC youth have placed their time capsule under the pulpit area. More plastering, painting, and woodwork refinishing will be accomplished in the next couple of weeks, followed by more electrical, AV and final carpentry work. The committee would like to publicly thank Wilson Bond for his dedicated work and constant, on-site supervision of this project. He has been selfless and faithful and remarkable. For his part, he says it has been a pleasure. He has shared with the com-mittee his impression of the professionalism of all those who have been involved with our restoration. “They are highly skilled and very good at what they do. It's really nice working with tradesman who have high standards.” We look forward to sharing more updates soon. The pictures can’t do justice to the restored woodwork and ceilings, and all the detailed carpentry in our new chancel area. Soon we will gather and celebrate. Please continue your prayers for this resto-ration project, that it may be accomplished to God’s glory. The Sanctuary Team

JANUARY CIRCLE MEETINGS Circle 1 - Jan 12th, 1:00pm Lanneau Hall Circle 2 - No circle meeting this month Circle 3 - Jan 12th, 10:00am—Gail Hausler’s Home

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 am—Join the Seekers Class in Lanneau Hall

(resuming Jan. 17th) 11:00 am—Join the Genesis Class via Zoom

Contact the church office for more informa on


Dear Nurture Committee, I want to thank you so much for organizing and helping with the GriefShare class about making it through the holidays. Diane, Bill and Ellis did a wonderful job. I felt a closure to some of my grief. You provided such a great service. I am proud to be a part of the Nurture Committee. God Bless, Carol Ploth Dear Congregational Care, Thank you very much for the many phone calls, cards, prayers, & espe-cially for the beautiful Prayer Shawl. It has been a bad year for me medically, but I am getting better now. I do hope and pray that every-one will be doing much better by next year! God bless each and every one of you. Love, Nancy J. Fleury Dear Church friends, Thank you for your support with numerous cards, telephone calls and flowers. Your offerings of care and concern, even in our COVID world, is very much appreciated. I have been recovering from total hip re-placement surgery and most recently breast cancer surgery. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I pray for you and the church. In Christ’s Name, Kathleen Gelzer For: Congregational Care Committee Thank you so very much for the beautiful altar/rostrum flowers I re-ceived the Monday before Thanksgiving. They are especially colorful and just right for perking me up. Thanksgiving without family is for “the birds” - also today is Bill’s 87th birthday-memories are wonderful but leave much to be desired. I am thankful for my wonderful past, present and a little more future and especially for a caring Church family. May this “down-in-the-mouth” attitude of mine pass quickly. Keep up all your good works. My flowers are still beautiful on this Friday, Nov. 27th. Sincerely, Snookie P.S. Thanks to Betsy and Harl Porter for their cards also. GOOD MORNING DEAR FRIENDS, A big thank you from Jean & I for receiving the fall flowers from the “Flower Lady” and the always fun visit from Suzanne. The flowers still are looking very good! We are both thankful to be a part of a loving and caring church and trust that somewhere in the future we can return to God’s house! Can’t wait to see the “new church”- but I now am lov-ingly doing caregiving to Jean—we have good days and bad. God bless all of you! Jerry Davenport

CARE Congregational Care Communications SHEPHERDING PROGRAM

Over the last few months, the shepherding com-mi ee has been playing a li le catch-up. Since the reac va on of this program in September, we have had the pleasure of welcoming 14 new mem-bers and families who have joined us since fall 2019. Thirteen of these families requested a welcome bag and 5 shepherds have been assigned to new members per their request. Our canvas welcome bags contain a church directory, a packet of SPC note cards and pen, a welcome le er from the as-signed shepherd, and delicious fresh baked goods. All our new members have expressed ap-precia on for the gi s of a personal welcome as well as a bag of goodies! At this me, we have 15 members and families who have graciously volunteered to be shepherds. Most are in the 60-70 age groups. We hope to add shepherds to these and other age groups soon. Won’t you please consider shepherding a new member or family during their first few months with us? To volunteer and/or learn more about this pro-gram, please contact Barbara Grube or Carol Ploth.

First Deacon Class Elected In December, the congregation elected Bill Demerest, Suzanne Chastain, Phil Dunham, Mike Homola, M.L. Hyatt, and Ruth Owens to serve in our first class of deacons. They will receive train-ing in January, and will begin their service in Feb-ruary. During the next several weeks, we will be identifying those most in need of this care and assigning them to our inaugural class, with each deacon providing care for about 20 individuals or families. Over the next two years additional dea-cons will be added to enable us to provide care for the entire congregation. The primary care the dea-cons will provide is regular contact with those on their “flock” lists. They will respond to needs in their flocks with assistance from the Congrega-tional Care Committee.


Healing and Hope Through Grief-Share

In late summer and into fall this year, the Nurture Ministry Team sponsored SPC’s first GriefShare cycle of thirteen stand-alone sessions on successive Thurs-day evenings. Based on a scriptural foundation, the theme of GriefShare is healing and hope through study and effort, knowing that God walks with us throughout

this difficult journey. Psalm 56:8 states, "You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." God reminds us that He is intimately concerned with every aspect of our lives and sees every tear we shed. Each GriefShare session at SPC incorporated a video segment, a subsequent group discussion and personal reflec-tion. The video was a mix of individuals sharing their personal struggles with loss, and Christian experts in the grieving process, many of whom also have experienced loss, sharing advice and strategies. Group discussion, al-ways voluntary, gave participants an opening to share their feelings and concerns. After each session, partici-pants continued their personal reflection using a workbook entitled "From Mourning to Joy". Additionally, on November 9th, the SPC Nurture Ministry Team hosted a special Zoom presentation of Surviving the Holidays based on the same format as the 13-week GriefShare cycle. We hosted eleven participants from SPC and the local community. The moderators followed up with participants and one of them, Carol Ploth of SPC, graciously shared her thoughts with us. "I just signed up for the grief class so I would see what we were doing as the Nurture Committee. I became very involved when it started. Even though it has been a few years since George's passing, I felt so much was still hiding there. I really got a feeling of closure from the class." If you or someone you know is struggling through the grief of losing a loved one, there are two opportunities for help available in January. First, on January 7th, from 7-9 pm via Zoom, the GriefShare team will be hosting a one-session support group entitled Loss of a Spouse. As with Surviving the Holidays, there is an accompanying guide that can be purchased at the church office for $5.00. It has a section for notes and discusses common concerns of grieving spouses. While all grief is unique, the guide discusses "Is my grief normal?" Our second offering is a full GriefShare cycle which will begin on January 14th and meet weekly with the excep-tion of Holy Week. The accompanying participant workbook, From Mourning to Joy, may be purchased at the church office for $15.00. Registration is required through the GriefShare web-site for both Loss of a Spouse and the GriefShare cycle. Once online, please select the Summerville Presbyterian Church session.

Inquirers’ Class—January 17, 11:00 am Interested in learning more about SPC and becoming a member? The Inquirers’ class is designed for that purpose. We will review Presbyterian distinctives and share an overview of SPC’s ministries. Contact [email protected] for more information or to register.



The offerings along with monies received for the use of facili es and the total expenses for the month ending November 30, 2020, as well as year-to-date are as follows:

Monthly Year-to-Date

Receipts $ 52,764.00 $605,785.00

Expenses $ 46,225.00 $545,265.00

Excess $ 6,539.00 $ 60,520.00

So far this year there is an overage of $60,520. This is par ally because salaries and expenses are $90,322 below budget. If salaries and expenses were on budget, we would have a deficit of $29,802.

During these unprecedented mes, the finance com-mi ee would like to thank everyone who has been able to keep up with their pledges and financially suppor ng our Church.

Thank you

The Finance Commi ee



Sharon Klein is a re red registered nurse, most recently working for 18 years in Student Health Services at the College of Charleston. She is originally from western Pennsylvania, hence the Steeler emblem on her car and her face mask! She is the mother of three grown sons and has lived to tell about it! She also has two gorgeous grandchildren, 5 year-old Camryn and 2 1/2 year-old Edward Gray, who is named a er Sharon’s late husband. They live in Texas so of course she goes to Texas as o en as she can—she drove there twice this past summer even with the pandemic. She has been a member of SPC for a li le over 20 years and has been a member of the choir and Circle 1 for most of that me. She is also an Elder, serving on Session twice. She has served on the Service Ministry Team and is now serving on the Nurture Ministry Team, including the last four years on Congrega on-al Care and the Prayer Shawl Ministry. She has volunteered in the church office for four years and really enjoys it. She said she feels closer to the church and to the congrega on than she ever thought she would! She is con-stantly learning more about computers and the new Realm so ware which the church now uses. Sharon is an awesome addi on to our Volunteer family. Come say “hi” to her on Monday and Wednesday a ernoons when she’s here.



SPC BLESSING BOX The suggestion of a blessing box (which is a small on site food pantry stor-ing food items and related family supplies) to be located on the Summerville Pres-byterian Church campus was evaluated recently by representatives of the Service Ministry Team. Factors considered included the number of existing blessing box-es in the immediate area (there are four within a distance ranging from one to four blocks); as well as the unique features of the church’s property (property configu-ration, internal traffic circulation patterns, access and volume of traffic along Cen-tral Avenue). Following observation of usage patterns including interviewing users of the blessing boxes, it was felt that an additional blessing box on our church property was unnecessary at this time. Rather, it was felt that a more effective manner to address the food insecurity challenge in the community would be through accelerating our monetary contribution to the extent possible (which is currently being done) to existing food assistant programs in the area such as: HELP of Summerville, Meals on Wheels, the Community Resource Center/YMCA, Low Country Food Bank, and similar programs and organizations. For members of our Congregation that would like to personally contribute to the blessing boxes in our immediate area: one box is located on the campus of Summerville Baptist Church on South Laurel within 200 feet of our Church property; a second box is located at Bethany United Methodist Church on West Third South Street; and a third box is located at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on W. Second Street.

Home of Hope Needs:

Hope’s House Needs:


SPC Office Volunteers Deliver Christmas Stockings to the Home of Hope and Hope’s House

On Wednesday, December 16th we held our annual Office Volunteer Appreciation lunch-eon. Besides the wonderful lunch from the Chicken Salad Chick, we played Christmas games and made up stockings for the Home of Hope and Hope’s House. After the lunch we delivered them personally to the two homes. This will become a tradition. Here are some pictures to share of this fun fellowship event.


NOTES FROM A CHURCH MOUSE By Ezekiel W. Mouse, Esq. Special to 3rd Chronicles

“I am SO glad that 2020 is over and 2021 is here!” “You are not the only one, Mary. Many people have been wish-ing we had just skipped 2020.” “What with the pandemic, the economy, the riots and the acri-monious election, it has been a horrible year. I am just so ready for a harmonious year.” “You haven’t mentioned something very close to us, Mary, the end of our sanctuary renovation and the return to worship in the sanctuary.” “How could I forget to mention that? It has just not been the same worshiping in the gym, but that was better than all virtual ser-vices. It still was a physical community of faith coming together for worship.” “When the congregation is able to be together in the sanctuary, it won’t immediately be the same as before. People will still be wear-ing masks and social distancing. It will probably be months before the most venerable of our members will feel safe to attend." “So, the effects of the pandemic will linger for some months, the economy will not recover with a new calendar, and I am afraid that America will still be split over the election, and that some people will still refuse to protect others by wearing masks. It will take time to re-cover from 2020. I hope that at least at SPC there will be peace and understanding. That here we will care for each other and help one another recover physically and emotionally.” “It may be minor, but I will be thankful that the renovation is over and I will not have to dust our mouse hole three times a day!”

“WELCOME 2021!"


Stanley Tucker 1

Kathleen Gelzer 2

Cecile Cothran 4

Frances Via 6

Marianne Odom 7 Jeffrey Haton 8

Claude Burns 12

Topper Avenel 13

Wilson Bond 13

Candace Pra 13

Kathleen Dalton 14

Diane Dunham 14

Adriaan Kwist 15

Tom Thornton 15

Patricia Craver 18

Jon Rockstad 18

Abigail Davol 19

Hank Legare 19

Ki y Somers 20

Celia Forsythe 21

Sara Van Deventer Williams 21

Jane Pelle er 24

Virginia Stephens 24 Joe Christopher 27

Daniel Neikirk 27

Diane Sarrocco 27

Myungsook Stoudenmire 27 Louise Rockstad 28

Snapper Jasso 29

Kaycie Lorenz 30

Bryan Von Dohlen 30 Bill Agnew 31

Tiffany Griffin 31




Prior to the need for virtual meetings necessitated by the COVID pandemic, the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery meetings were rapped to order by a gav-el representing our tie to the Old White Meeting House. In October, 1887, this gavel was presented to the Presbytery by Captain John Hamilton of Orange-burg. The stated clerk of that meeting in Walter-boro received the gavel. Captain Hamilton had fashioned it from a piece of cypress wood taken from the ruins of Old White. Tendering the gavel, a letter accompanied it stating: “You will kindly allow me the pleasure of handing to you for the future use of Charleston Presbytery, a gavel which carries with it association so nearly and dearly allied with our church…. The gavel is made of a bit of cypress found amidst the ruins of Dorchester church. It is a fragment of the original edifice. The marks of the nails are seen on several places on it….” Hamilton’s letter concludes: “It is….proper that in the Charleston Presbytery a relic of the old church should be deposited - a bit of wood from a temple dedicated amidst fierce trials, and succumbing to the insatiable tooth of time. May the gavel long call to order the sons of a denomination born of faith of Calvin and John Knox, a people stern to reli-gious duty as time-root rocks….” And so it has up to the present day. It also now raps to order daugh-ters of our denomination as well. This small gavel holds two engraved gold panels, one with the initials “JAH," the name of the pres-bytery and the date 1887. The other reads, “Dorchester 1696.” Each end of the mallet is cir-cled with a silver band. Although this unique in-strument of parliamentary order shows the wear of time and use, it is a significant piece of Presbyterian history. �


Derek Bishop, Air Force Reserves—Charleston, SC

Derek Craver (son of Don and Patricia), Navy—Japan

Anne Anderson’s granddaughter Jack Graves, Sally & Lionel Lawson’s

grandson, Army, Fort Benning, GA Joshua Hites, Navy—St. Marys, GA Matt Jenkins (Carolyn Eason’s cousin),

Navy Seal Michael Jones, NCIS—Iraq Trent Kern (Bill and Gail Hausler’s grand-

son-in-law), Air Force—Vance AFB, Enid, OK

Matt Kitchen (Merrilyn Long’s nephew), Coast Guard—Williamsburg, VA

Seth Malcolm, Air Force—Charleston AFB, Charleston, SC

Lance McElhiney (brother-in-law of Peg-gy), Army—Iraq

Andre Maurice Moncrief (son of Sherry Roberts), Army Reserve—Modesto, CA

Joel C. Mortimer, Coast Guard—Yorktown, VA

Matthew L. Nemetz (Barbara Stewart’s grandson), Navy—Jacksonville, FL

Shaun Rooney (Susan Seay’s son-in-law), Air Force—Langley AFB, VA

Eric Stem, Air Force Reserves—Charleston, SC

Scott Tetrick, Navy—Charleston, SC Christopher Wheeler, Army—Hinesville,

GA Terry Wright, Jr. (Barbara Grube’s son-in-

law), Air Force, Mary Esther, FL Chaplaincy School at Fort Jackson, SC Chaplains of the 4th Infantry Division Please let the church office know when changes occur. Thank you.


STAFF Rev.Dr.AnitaHerbert—Senior Pastor Rev.Dr.RalphHerbert—Discipleship Pastor AliciaMacomber—Director of Children’s Ministries AllisonBond—Director of Youth & College Ministries WilliamBennett—Director of Music JimMoore—Organist JoeSwisher— Interim Director of Contemporary

Worship CeceliaBond—Finance Manager JulieMcCormick—Administrative Assistant WalterSadlak—Sexton RoyGay—Assistant Sexton

SESSION Connections:Hunter Harris (Chair), Sandra

Lindsay, Leo Lorenz, Samantha Smith Fellowship: Harl Porter, Claudia Terranova

(Chair) Nurture:Diane Dunham (Chair), Sandra OteroService: Joseph Friday (Chair), John Croft SpiritualGrowth:Sherry Roberts (Chair),

Daniel Selander, Robin Legare Support: Scott Wilson (Chair), Terry Simpson Personnel/Finance: Jeff Bowers (Chair) Worship: Debbie Lindsay (Chair), Candace

Pratt, Tim Owens ClerkofSession: Joseph Friday

LOOKINGFORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTUS?Visit our website at: Facebook at @SummervillePres

3RD CHRONICLES Summerville Presbyterian Church 407 S. Laurel Street, Summerville, SC 29483


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3RD CHRONICLES Contributors: Frieda Hughey, Herb Boland, Diane Burden Send questions, comments and news to: Summerville Presbyterian Church, 407 South Laurel St., Summerville, SC 29483, 843-871-0280, fax 843-871-0300, [email protected] The 3rd Chronicles deadline is normally the second Friday of each month.

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