



. .. VOL UJriE 12. ·

\ . . .. iloticr.

'?rorgc ~. '!lotudl & ,o., I 40 Park Rmo, Ne~o_York,


~ ~. ~.l}rttrngitl &·'«;a., · · , 37 Park Row, :New York.

1.\-rc ~le ngeuts for tho Horbor GmctJ S ta11tlard in tha t c ity, IUld aro author­ized 1.0 coutruct for iuscr tmg adrertiao­m l'u t:l for u" at o ur lowoat cnah ratos A_ ,·crt i~,.,;. iu t hDt city oro roqucatcd to lc~Ho tJac1r la \'Or"<l witb cithor of tho nixl\'O llou'se.

~nsurnncr ilotices. I:Wll1'HE.RJ.V


FXR.El d3 LXFE. C.u>1T.u.-TWO MlLLIO~S' Sto.

.A.'O.'I:.lL ll.Ero'll£ ~:·noll .Fu~ PllE:II,I.V-¥fi ...... ............ £180,000

AsNv.u • .REVE.."\'11& .rnol1 LtPE P.B.£.UJVl1S .. .... ...... .... .. £110,000

A,"\~ VAL !tE\' 1!.."\'llE PRO:U l.'>TJ!:R-:E:>"'l' t:PO:\ L'>n:sT w l:'usos, XE.UU.Y .. ..... .. ...... .. ... : £42,000


Lo~oo:-.-1 Mnorgntc Sheet. AnEnD££:-<-3 K~g Street.

Insurances cfl'cctcd on · .r;~rty iu '\1'cw fo uu dlaud at Current lwt 11 nf Prcc.i­u m.

Pro~pectu.liC~-F?rms of A p icntion for . Firu 0 1111 Li!d ln.Jur:u:.:o :u d uU other l nfu rwatiou ...tu be olillli~ uL thG Ollico uf /

.a . m~.RD, l:it. J ohu'11,

A gcul for Xcwfou udlnud. .Iuly 1, l SiO.

Life Association of Scotland.


11. 11.. Utla:-oso -.: . F.sq. llO IIt::ll'l' ~ ltl t::VB, f.>q.

M edicDI Ofliccr - D u . W. C. Stl1l1S. S<'Crc tary- E. L. JARVIS, EsQ.

The annual income of thia Auociation ia Do• """"rc~a .r £ 260,000 STERLING.

Tho Aec:umulalcd l'uud io 1869, amounted 1<1 £ 1 :l90.000 Sar. Tl~ Lite Au un.nees io ronalD 1869, •mooat to

£ 7,1S9.tl0 ~g. · 1'be b~~aiona I' coodu .... ..: under two aeparatc

Dqurtmtn~ or cluaeo of lo aauunc~ . Thooe who pre~r Life A.uunnce. at the amal!ea

oulla1 coruiotcnt'wi:h ..curiu-.~ould cumone tho I\'IUII 1111der

CLA.SS A. · Thou • bo deslte thrir ahare of Pro6a. applied in luc,...,alns lh• aum• a.urtd-:-wiLII lh.• ~tioll of •lUJnportanl pm•••ion for ahrtr old ag<--Wttbont a lfcc.t.inJI tbe •um aaauml prelcrrtd 1<1 Lbe bwtlit. unarr

CLASS B. · U~oH Cl••• .\ out half or OM Coortb oC the 5,.._, ~•7car. ~M"iu.t.a m&J I"'Imaia '! ~o· tetr.l ""'>, ao.d 1ba• u 6 pu ceDI, brin1 rrqw r­ed wIn

'I'll• bu.tu..,. In Uti• Clau amonJI the A rat oeri" of l'ol cy llohl<re. &. v. riscu 14 :s7 l pn cent, oC ~ prr~nnuzu, and l>"Y• b:o io Cub, a:~d Dot at .StadL. •

1o Clau U \he proftta an added 1<1 the pol ley and arc uow acc:umulLaing at a he raiAI of .. P"' «111 ~fo yb t 011 t!,e tUIOU4 1 iniUitd. '{'be ruulta of tblo Scbfome cbho Lhe atta.lioa aC tYOrJ Okt -k­DI {or Uf~ Aloar&llu.


Medical Officers : Da. W . M. ALLAN, Harbor G~co "'Da. W. A.ND.EBSON, Brigut • •

Jan• J7.· ·r · • , ,

No Swck 1pr, ' 1#UJr{lntee 9apital


.But in lie~. -~~eo~ . ·' S;t,p,QQ,Q~ .-.


M~uAPL~WfNgR~ts I (lNCORPOR.A'rE~ 1~8.)

DJaacTou Orreca-27 Court S1. U~too, HENRY CROCKEtt. l'ruidtnl. W. H. HOLLISTER, Secretary.

B. R. CORWIN, Mana~:er for Can11da an d

THOS. !~i~~~J;~i!t·neral Agent for llllritime ' Pro,i:lcea.

STATEMENT For the Year Ending De\:. 31,

1810. Receipts.

Pmniums •••••••••• SI,6-"i.tii 6.21 l utcl"<SI... .... • • ... 272,SG;I.OO

Tol&llkceipts .... s 1,828,2:18.21

Disbursements. Loola ..... 9 2Gi ,000.00 ~latu1'd £n- ·

dowment.. I ,000.00 S2GS,!l00.00

Paid for auntocleml Polic:in ... ......... 11!19111.19

Oiridcoda............ 39 1~7j.88

Trtal Ami. nturntd 1<1 Polirr-Holdors...... . .... . ........ S813.~1l.Oi

Tau a and ltcrooue Sc.unpa..... . . • H ,GU87 CommiWoaa . . ...... ... $117,163.61 l'~d fc.rl'•1IUre Commis-

aioru on Polict...... . . 2'l,.Siii.OO Mt<li<ol Eu minotion•.. 11,32.1.22 Hxpctt.u oC Manase-

snent...... ......... . 80,100.12· 2M.H!l.S.S

f oW Duhunemenll

The Ne,uttt, lJ~~G!l, wtre $4,033,174.66

Add R eceipt• during 1870 (as allon) 1,828,238.21

::.s,sot ,412.iO Deduct D i•buruinenu (at 11-

bm) ~~·10

Net Aueta, Dec. 31, 1871l $41 i 991a:l9.:!7

Assets, December 31, 1870.

C1uh on Hand $120,310.4~ United Statu Sius or 1881,

ngittered. ~on 114,487.60 St11t1 ,r Maine s:xu, co•t 100,200.00' Loliaa on Hond and Mortsago 9;422,680.01 Pre111ium Note• . :J,IH7.G:!G.2J Balaneu,due from Agenu • 2-1,12-1.40

~--Nel Auet& · $4,i® ,329.27

Premia tnt duo, but not yet re' portf'd 334,937.00

Accrued Iotarut 140.967.00 -----r--

Orou AtNta $.> ,29.i ,233.27

Policitt iuue4 and rt· ioatated 4,012 lnauring $10,878,~30.00

~umber io force, Uec:. 31 , 18'U) 1~.8.52 Jns11ring ' $30,000,000.00

·• Itiratlo or cbima and upenaea to Income u on th-, lowell grade.

[7Proof of lo.. tubmllled to the uodu· aign~ will be forwarded, aoC: the lot" paid wathout npeoae to thf Poli~y holdrr.


Geft, Aqent for New(oiifland

!Jollies. ·1 I .

B~FpRQ, - - .o:--

&c.' • I

.. .

r. ~' .. , ... loftri.

- -...-- • .,. ... .-. I"' r r-

'• TilE DR~AL. .. :, . ~ . .,: nr .... co,Jnum uCJULO~ ''·

N..t.a lauJrb.wu-Jrilard, DO~ •faofr&l aote, Aa our liitnd to the bridal -liorriedlt •

NoM-wK~••It• s..i h~.tret; -~ A• the b~cheloc went .to he marr\ed. f

.2J.!.!..;J.. J. •• ~~ - .,) We marritd h im quickly, to aue bia fright,

Our. huda (rom JIM aad "g~t turning 1 And we aigb'd u fie ltood In tbe br.:~&d

· dmyliaht, · To tb!nk b,im oot more di.acerning,-

To tbiok of that bacllelor (,., end brisbt, And or the nx we.fouad bim,

Sho•1ld there at . lite altar, io that dread plight,

Be caught in tb6 tn•re that bound him.

Few and abort wtre the wore• •• aaid, Though the wine anc! cske partaklnll' 1

We eecurtrd bitn away from tbt eceoe of drrad, •

While bit kneta were awfully abaking.

Slo• )y and aadi,T1t mar~h'd awty, From the fint to the lowermolt ctorey;

And •• hne nnu beard from, or aeen tht 'poor men

Whom we let\ aloof i~ hllglo~r.

PRUSSIAN NAVY. Tho' part· tr.k11n by tho Proa&inn navy

in tho IAto wnr hu beou )Dado tho eub­jool of a que•tion to tho G uvornmout in tho Gorman Porlirunont. Tho Oeot wu ~t tho beginuing of tho wor d ee­cribod as, thou11h lcaa numoroua, far 14oro efficient than tho French, :md a naval vic tory eeem1 to bal'O. been &1-moat oa confidently erpected lui a military aucCCN. M. Schmidt, tho rc. prcaontntivo of a maritime city, St~ttin, nn~ ~ su!!l) jonlous for ' Pruu ian prca­tigo 11t C!Ch, iu alluding to tho subjec t censured thu Goremment for pu\ttng tho costly D:l\ j' to no prncticol use , thooRh • nnval authorities had boasted llmt the ironclad Koni5 JJTilltelm could dcatroy tho en tiro French 1luot eing lo­hAnddd. Instead of testing their power, Ko•ig Willtel• and tho ironclads have becu.cueful11 kopt behind tho line of torpcdooa ur German porta ; IUld o f tho stnallor veaasla ouly tbe.!Celt'or IUld Grill~ han boon iu a c tion, tho formt=r nt Hn'fllllll4h, tho latter at Rugen, with­out, howovor, achieving any ~:reat auccoa nt either place. M. Schmidt docs not therefore c onsidCU' the nnval officeTII And men worthl to receive the gonoral wnr m'od11l. 'lbe Minieton, on tho otbor bAnd, appear to hold that the uavy deaenoa hig h commendation for prudently keoping clenr of tho French nnd avoiding nn action, nnd socmed to rcgord this u an achievement in itself. Co unt Eulenburg admi.rca tho " ·un ri,·allcd valour and the unerpeetod sue. cosao.'' 'of~ho gallant acamen. M. l'On Winter contends th11t the c11utious fo~beamnco 1

of tho uvr alouo baa aa'fed tho maritime ettica from a r uinous bomba rdment. Tho KD11iJ Willaelm, it turns out, did not venture into ac!i'on because ita ecrew waa eo thickly COT'Orod With 1104 ·•hells as ma torinll1 fo . impair ita efficiency. It would Hnro token too long to e!C4Jl it in a Gormnn _port, and tho neutrabty laws provonted'ita being 10nt for tho jinrpoao to En15l1Uld. where ,.tbe vouol hod boon built M. von Kuaaorow \rho gave this explanation on behalf of tho Goyernment, turned tho debate to P.ood' account by urging tho Chamber, 1f it woa oagor for 'ric tom a~ eea, tp l'oto-:liborally for tho support .of the n.avy.

LOOKING FOR LIVINGSTONE. Tho London 71:1~1 obaenca :

" Wo lballyet, pleaiMI HeaTOn~ aeo Dr. Li,iogstone back again safe and sound in En*land ; and the beam of all faltbfnl,~hei-1'~11 aleo, we be Mtifled ttt• an'l'fat or that cld ror1day ·w n 1t.out Sir Roderick lltircbiapn prenee the bandofhia friend, ind litton• to' his wooderfal budget of trav.el•. Hope deteml$1 baa maclo many •• 1iek" in \}ala mat~r, tiU but

1tlte mod

aiDguin6 hate tlr!_e6.-vr1hrict', at lOut J~~Ofl 10lo braYe l'octor U{', and c:ontdder eli it'U~abaolately"eel'tain that be bad (ouJid •ftta•e ip eome lonely tlu.cbt CeDWl Africa. llad tha~ been the ea.8it'~uld•h&Ye invomcl 110 10.. f'or Lt"D!ttoh ~e ftald ~ "died, ., be mqlt a 'Mu~4f/ea .._hate~ lo die, • • the ~t '.of Iii noble ~otk 'otopenU., up-Africa tQ the light; acd. howeYer we iDfahf haft 'mo11ft18CI 9!91 the .uitu!le -~a uu~tr. of~ end,"' Uii'Clet~, 4Jialre MelDed



I 1

LEGIS~ ~. r ___,..o .. · • WnYES~tJ.~ April 19 .

; , (Continue~.).. ·

s.aoccl. .... .-diof ot.~m ~ .. al. in oart tbt Roy-.1 Cb.arter of !uulce. • Hon. Mr. Talbofuplained the mean­ing and ir tentioo of tbi& Bill. The r e­ply from bia Kseelleocy the Oournor cuntalot a cl'!ar aod auccinct account ~c tile circt1rnatancea connected with i tt intrcductioo. ;.Tbi1 httuu ..,.ill oot be al:l'ected in any of iu pri'fi!et;ll by the Bill, becaoae the Royal inatructiont re­main untouched. It a imply repeals that

n of tbe .Royal ci~a•tor of Ju•tice h prucribea that tho Chie l Ju\tice

of the Supremo C~urt cannot bold an,. office o f emulu:non 1 apart (rom bit office u auch, thus g i,ing tbo OnleC J uatice Cor tbe time bein~r a dormaol co:nmiuion t o IICt Ill admini·trator or tb\ Oo• ero­if neceuary io t be abttnco of the G ov· ornor. II. doea not affect t ho Royal in· ttructione nor the exietiag atat ' of tliinga with re~rard to this Council, for 'll'bOo"Or the Prcs iden t o( tho Council may be::, be tn&} continue to utrdso t he priTilrges he pouea t e 'en aft~r t he en­actment of tbil m t iUUrt. Jt W&l aJto­I(Ctbn an Imptrlal matte r and not in­tendeil to aBilCt persuua beta. h e beg­ged to mo'o tbat tho .1: ill be read a ae­cood t imr.

Oo motion o(·l.on Mr T eaaiu t he bouae went ir:to committe e o r prh·il e~to

Afcerwarda the bouae rosurned 4nd the aocond readiug oC tbe Hall waa defe rred until to-1no~rro••·

Tho houao then adjourne~

Tuunauu, April 20. The bouse met et •J. o'clock.


oru eatlaBtd w:th thit propo1td lnltrfereoce i fore admioiatered the Oonromenl in the all­with hla poaition. Tbe Oonmment in that tence of the direct RepreMntat.IYe of Roy.alty, dictaturial aplrh wbicb ohancleriua them, and that tbe duty bat ~ctntlJ been p~rfo~r~­appoint peoria IIOUnJ ooltnl to do certain ed by the prtaent Prtlldtat of tbt (ouncal. work ; and It would uem that the Premier Some boo. -tnbtrt ccoaider the ~J ill an i~aginu that en17 · pub:iJ tenant and Imperial emanati~n; bt (~r. T.) did not n­nery qw~ 9! ~Ia .QiuQAil .~uat uncom· g.rd it u aueh; he had, no do11bt, II tbe plain lngly ob.y bit be butt when be cbooua Imperial autb01iti~• bad he.u• or wert to be to nnd lortb bia fiat. h reminded blm of a consulted, that 1hei1 r<~ponae would be ludicroua prn and ink aketc~ of the H ouae •• there ~an b. ~o objection, u far~ wo art of Aug:nbly taken by an orlilt here aome concern eel, but It will be necuaary an earrr­yeau ogo orl:en aectarian feeling ran high. j,,g out the propoted arrangel7lent to repeal 'fbe membera wtre represen~d in aoltmn to i:Ducb of tho lloyal Charter of J uatict at conclave waiting. for the Gonrnor and all ot puaent preveota thu Cbief Juatice or tbr tba R oman Calholic meoobera kneeling to re· Colony from bololing a p!urality of office• .' ' ceh·e the muuge. Our l'r~mitr It orould Viewing the matter in tbat light, be ahould teem ll'ilbea pt opJ, abo to go 0 0 their kneu ~ecord bis 'o~ mg~intt the ~ill, ~oaaider iog to him, but nen aoa.c of hit own 1u11portera at on unmeanmg paeca of legaalataoo. •ere not diapoaed to bumble t !Jemt~l~e• ood 'fbe amendment wu then put and !oat. •era a!rcac!y begiooing to kick tbtmttlvn ConlUJu-l:loa:.blea. :M.euu. lJuocelly, c lear .>C barneu. Now the queation wu Kent, Thorburn and Harvey, whether they aa membera of tbia Council bid Non-coniUJI4-Uonblu. Meura. Clift, altgitimate raght to \'Ote away tho pri"ilrgu Teuin, bhca, !•ioaent, Stabb, Winter mod of the Council, or to retain tbem intact u Talbot. the) btd re~eind tbf'm and hand them intaot 'fha motion (or aeonnd rudlog w1u tb.,o to ~h~se •ho c .. me aftr r them. W ere they put nnd carried on D aimilar diviaioo. to 1m11ate the lriab Hoaae of Commo01 l:lon, R. Kf'nt made proteat agaioat the whic!t committed politi~al •uieide ? He (~Ir. whole rrocecding, before the Bill w~• re11d a K) held her Maj eatr'• commiu ion, and if he aecond time. wrrc con1idertd worthy I'( t bot honor. he Tile Bill w11 tbto read a aecond time ought to be abo thought worthy o( rt prca- and comooittfd. t nting her Me j etty for a week or two in th~ Hon E . D. Shea in !.he chair. abaenca of tho Governor of the Colony, and Af\tr the lint uctioo b4d here rnd and if be were c ot worthy, oras he to bo told that moveJ lor adoa~tion. otbt r bon memhcre aittang alongside him Hon A. Han ey moved an amendment, men of high r«pectabil ity and intelligence that tba Committee r ite without reporting. wrre uo81 fur the poaation of admietrotor TLe amt nda.ent bniog been put · there wbtn It may be temporarily nconr. l:Ie took appeared for it it, th• buamna affaiu tn11nage:l by tome of <:onlt:ni1- Hoablu. the Prtaident and tboie gentlemen nquired o gre11ter degree of Musn. Han·ey, Thorburn, Keel and Doa. ability mnd o~minillrotiYe talent than the oelly. duty they tnagbt be ca llfd upon to di<charge l\'on-conlcnu-Honbles. ~leun. Clift, 'fa!. ir. lt llt poait ion ; but there ••• 11 ctrtain bot, S t11bb, Winaer, 'Cuaier and l'instnl. mmount of pride and honor atr..chfd to it 'l'bt amt ndmonl wu loll, and the C.)m­wnicll be belined nona of them undenalueJ, millto after •~me furt her dvlibe ration, rote

OllDEll OF TirE DJ.l'. lll':(~r. K) apentt ix r eara _in this Cbmrr.ber ant! reportec\ t he Dill, whi~b waa read o ltg u lllt ang tu the_ bell of baa bumb le ability third time, paucd, and taken to tbe Lower

Second re1<linlf o( Hall to amend Roy. for the country witb'lut receiving eixptnce of Houoe. al Charte r of Juatiee- Ute pubh= o:onita, and the highett honor Hon Mr. Talbot mon d tbo1 •econd read·

Hon Mr 'l'alliot mo1'f'd that tho Hill · be read 0 aecond t ime. He b•d al- wbach tho poaition might conter on ing or the Hubor Grace D iu ricl Court Dill,

him, and which. he could wiob to obta in, be anti explained t hai it wu of D aim alar char-ready explained the fl ail illnd .Lon ~ren•lr- k f men In cummitteo of p~ i .. ilfi{o yelhtday wa• now u •o to •tuna y himsell by uying a~ter to tile Bill l'"ued • y•mr or two ago

he wu not worthy' to receire it. He had 10 uaa'>lisb a D iatrict C11urt in St. l obn'a ; expresaed t!leir 'flews prr tty fully upon ( held hi' commiu ion for elevtn yean, aod and it a lto pro,i<lea a retiring pt!nt itSn for it; therefore be opprtbtndedo no u•tb~r

l!iacuaaion, and moved th~ t tho Bah h• trusted and hopad he t hould hold it u thr preaent S tipenciiary :O.laji• trato: of Uorbo~r would paaa upon i h mc ra t t. long aa he li'fd nod nner do anrthing to Gr11cc wbtn he tb•ll witbclraw from tbt

Hoil Mr D~•nnelly nic!, •hen thO! diat.onor it. llon. grntlemtn rnay "ote aa Deneb. bou .. woot into committee of pri,ilege they cboo11 on this quettion ; he at a ll u - The Dill waa then rc11d a 1tcoud time and on tbill Bill l ••t ennina, b on gentlemen enta told tht m wbt~t ba tbougbt about it. committed. bad expreaacd t~cir opinion• upon it, and · Hon A. H 11rvey uia!, btl ore a , ote wu H on R. K ent in tha cb air. thore wa• oot much 1\eceulty fu'r bim to taken, he tbould repe11t britftl· the opiniona Upon reaC: of tho~ lfCiion provic!ing for a repeat Ilia &rjlumenta at length now. he bad expresatd upon the aubjoct yttter- salary of fourteen hundred doll;~ra for the The meuure in•olnd t ho abolition nf day. H it belitf 'HI tbllt the permin ion Judge of tho Cou.rt, of a prl,ilege beretolore belonging to &hi• propoaed to be granted to the Chief Just ice H on. Mr. Donnelly 11id1 the district onr body, and ao (ar aa be oru concerned 11 ac of the Colony to ilo.ld the office of adm inia- which the Judge would hu e juritdtrtiou wu indl,idua.l membn of it, ba did no~ I eel ju•· trator of tbe Uovernooent -of the Colony, a very u t.ntiu one, a guat deo.l of rupon· tified in auenting to the repeal of any por- 'would hilYe a ur1 injurioua ter;dency and aibilit7 woulc! dnolu upon him l and the tloo of ao Act, coneidend b)' tho Imperial pro!lably inj urioua tffrct. According to tbe aa lary propoaed '!lal inadequate to tho po­autborititl •o wiae and benefio ial in Ita plo• Royal JnaLruct;ona there wer~ only tbrte aition. Ilia dutiu would bt likathoall of a • i•ionawben granting a Royal Charter of penooa who bold dorm~nt commiaaiona to Viatricl or Couaty Judge undet lbe Dill; and Juatict to tht Colony, and wb lob ba. alway• act aa tbt Rtpreeentatina of ~Jajesly in the it would be an inault to a man eminently worked with utiafacti'o. Cooaideriog tho abatnco or lbe t!overoor; and in fact .there qualified for the rost, and who would gife matter in •light buidu that relating to tb"e were ooly tbrte to' •hom a dohnont com- attention to hi• d•atiea in d iiTertnl paru oftbe pri,ilegu of tba Council, il 11'111 be attn that minion wu not nailablt, the occupanta of Day, to offer him aucb lnadeq'!atl rf'numrra­

art uked to a11ent to a Dill removing the bmcb of the Supremo Court. Ht (~Jr. lion. !t would bo better to do away •itb Clitqtu.liBcationt (rum the Chief Jottice oft be H.) thought theta exception a •rre wiaely thr amaller maciatratu office~ in the Bay, ColooJ, wboncr be maJ bt, 10 aa to en- pro~ided by tbe framf'ra of Ult Royal Chllr· and pay the J udge of the Diatrict Court • wble him lo bold aoJ other oiBoe of emolu· :er of Juatice, and if t~it buuae aa a body fitt ing aalary fo,r d iacbarging tba extended meot., a vro,ilioo wbicb ,could ac:arcely bt lend tbetnatln• to lfgiot..tion to rrmoYe dutiet. l:la thought ha ahould be paid rqu• (3clr D),tbou&)JI be conai4fred a wlu 1100 or tbeae rettrictiuna in any degree, tbeJ abould all)' •• well u tbe Daatrict Judge in St. tenlllllllO promote puritX of tbe Bench. not be aenng •ith prudenc:.1 or advantage John'•· Our ludcea ara at prea•m 'outtide th• anna to tbe public inttreau. Suppoting a ptrac.o B on. Mr. 'l)lbot.-jt would be duirab_le or !"'litlee and free from party feeling and weu tried and eon,icttd of a aeriou• crimt no doubt ; but a t pruent the ~ag latrate 10 party iolluence-wbere tbtn tbe necea•ityto• before tha Chief Juatice of the Supreme Harbor Grace gtl, aome ulary from the opto fot tham the door to temptation ? I Cour:. In bit capacity or administrator of Suing• Dank. the prq•uioot or Royal Charter of Juatica the Oournment an appeal for mercy llligbl Arter aome further!ntion, the com­Act were fo1111eriJ conaidtrfd wi11 onea, be neceusrr to him, tbt peu oo who pro- mittee roae and reported t!le Dill, which ••• why ool continue tbttn Intact ? The Royal nounctd tcottnee ; a poeitioo not duirablt read a third time, paueJ and takeo to tte m.&ructiooa pro,ida i11 many way• for the ad- n~r rl&ht for him to be illaced ln. The two Lower Houae. 111irlittretlpn of lhe Oo'firnmrnt without tbe prtrogatin.a or juatiot and mercy wera in· • On mo\ioo of bon Mr. Talbot, in tbe ab­nfOt&llt)' of remo,io~t diaabiliiJ from any of cooopatible, and should not be united in one tence of boo :~lr. Cllll, the Ball to pro1'iJe \ht Wit iodltiduala who prnide onr the indi,idual at any timr, lh• Tery quail. in for the trtclioo of ,all Hoapital waa read a adlllJ•i•tratiotl or juotice 1 and aa be diC: which would ma\e an able Judee. might aecoad tim• I to be colDJIIitttd t:~-morrow. ao& -· &JIJ oeceuit)' (or aucb a mraaure aa malt.• en un6t Oonroor 1 a a ona repreoenu A deputa•.ion from the Aaaembly broogbt be 1wptd to mnelo &lllancimtnt that the juatica, tbt otber to a certain ezttnt being up a ~euage ttatlng that that body tt.d Bill be rud a IC'OODd lima \bu day aix tba emboc!itntrll of meror. Aoothtr 'I•• of paned the BIU to prPnnt th• apread of amall moothe. tha matter ioTOI'ftd lo tbie queation1 waa pox with aome amendmenta, to which the

Hon R Kent-Fully coocuTTtd In lha rt- whtther by •aaentiog 'to' tbll bill we abould concurrence of the Council wu requeued. IIIU'U orl!le .. OQ ceatlt811D (llr,) not be taking away from the Preaid• Ot nf Tbe bollH wrot Into Comlllhlh OD the Wfaal Ill )lrX.tnt),hacl 11id y~ttrrclay ht t~i• body the prltilere ofactlog u 'admin- &lllcmdllltnll to thla Bill 1 and afler ao~e eboalcltnaw repeat, lila& thla Itch fot med· lttrator of the Oonmment i11tbe Qo,nnor'a deliberation the booM rttumed and aa­dlflll, thb Uok~ t!Mt cooatitotion woe • abttnce or_.)lot. U il were thought duirahlt joauoed, tbiJic be coolcl>.llo& llllder.-aod. What be or nteenary to sin a doflllant commluion wu·b• ID think ol the conduct or thle OoY• to otbtn than tbOII pro,ided (or. b' the innatnt io almoet enry ~~~~otter I he)' take Royalloatraeliona 1 thne ,..,,., be tbc:uabt, llold of,. Tbtr••nd•took to protect the 8tb- many buidea the Preaidant oflhb body &Dd 1rt. aad -t a mao down No,lh oac.naibly tlje Cb\tf luatJot of tbe Colony wto qbt lbr th&l ,.,. ... blat lbr peater pert or Ilia wltb propriety be ··.k~ for Ule boa or tiiae wuoeCcapMd lo taltlogtbe centut. lhe withoutintufarleswitb the Jta4idal btoeh. oilier daJ a retom rttpeeting publlo ncclo. ·B• mtlrtly oc;ncurrtd In the m:~tloo that the atiDD'fti -...d for Ia tblo hoa11 nd wbtn Bill be ned a -nd time tbll day alx olieltdlcl h wee ~alnecl thai thtf employ- montbt. · • ... , .. .,. ol dll P-1• a Mnafa dlltrlot Hoo.R Tborbomaald,u he did not latnd M .....,...,... lM paepla, wbo abafstd a moll to IDPporllbt Bill. Itt woold br&.lly rf" bh tlllrb!hM.-I'ot ... llral-. probably OQ r-na ror DOl doing 10. Tbt Bill In qott­u.. ~ or .. ,.tor wort!. Thla waa' ,fcl)• ll6n not eaylo plain tefllll "A Bill to dJa. eoo w"\1 .. a s.tdlall man who ~- &be J"rta'idtnt or tiM"' tMl trldlta a h • of 11:a 1-tity • wa• lo tuuare aclawleletlllf the aftllible:· !fo• ·bate a t'bl•r Ia• II~ 1-Qtlfetra•aeo& oft'- Col0117 lo the abamM IIMl 11a · (Mr. l:.t" ' tot ..,.t~ ,._ o.o..-- f' llot "..u. ~too

.. lltU«ritlJr4 1pokt tbt • etotl. tbt perf&lll&ri«W cftha& llaola,ble ., ... b)' aa)illtMl aif';llllol. aiiCilherlllaa the Pretlcloat ot the CcnttMU. Cdatit ~ r.~ad tllan ladlmf ..... r.irare • .,.. ~o 111

FaroAT, April 21, Tbe b001e mtt at 4 o'clock. Hoo lilt PrHidrat no&l6fd the boo" that

lt wutht lattntloo ol H it 8sctllan~)' tbt Oonroor lo J>TOrot~ot ~. l'lillataue at 2 o'cloclt p.m., oo W:ooday next. ·

Tb• hoiiH, oD aotloo, w•nt loto cotn· mlttet or tht whole ttl the amec.d~~~eota of tile Aa•mbly oa the email po1 Bill.

Afaet aoma deUbention on tbe ammtl• menta, tr'I!Ich were l'otnUJ uora,ora'.IIJ' r .. pded u .Mrrioa ''- !Mn.ded t&r.t of \be 811( bul -DUll to ntbtr lbu iaapuillta noet_, by ltadiJII k .....

n.'eillamtnte Utra roM aDd ~ tJ. &IMDd11n._ wbltla •a. WopiH. ·

Tbt laoOII "-' wn& llato -lllnt.. oa B06plltl BW 1 boa D,. Wlllttr Ia w

...... ydtbatellw ....... ,... tiM DIU, wllala nottod • ~ 1nl. at•~• wit. Now whll1t lte (Mr. e· ialtliphl

C~M~alllo6. But an · a'tte.p\ la attetrilt..-pett '-r tlli 0.

illi~~~a~~~~-~f'51$!E 11 11

batWtd to S.~t ~ .. ...



to Hh Exccllrncy the Oo,..mor, relatin to proarc-.1tl11o ot tbe aul ll•htt)' by foreisn t bipa.

Hon Mr. Kent ioa the chair. The bon mo•~r aald the object of t!lt ac!·

cirua wu to bling directly uodtr tht notJM of bia Excellrncy the Oonrnor the ' """ ur ~Lia houae upun tbe -4lllfllior: raiaed l)y tho precedure 11f t!lf' "Monticello.'' We bne bad the !e~tal opinloA of tiM At­torot )' Ornual upon it, wbicb ate .. to accord with that bald by bon IDtm• oera of thit boulf. The addr111 wa• ill ac­cordanca with facaa, and be begged to mu•e til~ lin t uction.

The firlllfction "" read and adopted. Sr cond read. Af\e r a lnng diaeuuioo tha Addrau waa

reported lrom tba Commiu er, and adopttd u followa, aod it wu ordered that it be prennttd by Hona. MtuiL lJoo.nelly and Piaaent :-

2b lli1 E rcelkncy Colonel .Hu.L 0. B ., Goocrnor and Commaudtr-i~YO!tiif.

l\Jn IT PLuss Youa El:CBLLBliCT,-We, the Legialative Council of Newfound•

land in S tn lon connned,LrnpcctfuiiJ tub­mit tlte (ollowiog ltalementl ill rtft rence IO tbo quution of tho proaccution of tha Sui F iahery from our porta by the naaele of fo1eig o nation•.

1.-lt it ur;ntcea&ary for ut to make any particular uf•nnea to the "" of tht u nited Statu Stumabip "l\Jontictllo," which l111t le<l. to tbe conaideration and discunlon or tho au'lj ect bJ the Legislature. u the clr· cumatancta ba•t alruoiy coma under your ExceUrney'a obttrntion.

1.- Tho m.auu appeau to ua to pruent ita elf in one or both o( toro , (en- Yia.: t ither u the infraction-of exittlog Titatiea, or i• an intruaion, with whicb in tht abaeoce of a 'l'real'f the Colony bu through Ita Ltgielature' ~ complete aod inalienable rigbt to .:lu i u a quu tioo of Maritime and Ttr• tori>l tight •

3.-lf the fint Yiew (that which !a aener­all5ect in d) l!.e correct, then, by tha teno• of be Connntion uf 18 18, American fiabertn n ban no ragbtt on or within lhr11 marine milrt of any of the couta, bayw, c1erk• aod barbora of Her ~Jojuty'a..J>o$ mioio~l in Amnica, ane tl:l' Iibert)' of t'lking fit~ on certain defined part• or lilt cout of Newfoundland and Labrador, aod dr)' .. nc! cure the ume io ur;tetllfd loca)i­ti••; and by a hat Cou\tntion •nd lht Im­prrial Act 60 Oro. 3, tAp. as. thtJ ban DO

• ighl tu rnttr tho bays or barb on of Nrw­foundlaod ouuille t hue limit• for aDJ other purpotu wbatntr !ban tboae of abtlttr Ot

repair, of purcbauLg wood and obtauaing water under tile ptnaltiu of &hat Act, and aubject to aoy order or orden of Hu Ma· jtt:y in Council, or or tha Colonial Oonr­nor. in puuuance of aucb on!en,

4.-Tbe entr}' • oot5t, maanin& ar~d clur­ancf', and au:,.equect return of tbe ·Sblp in quutioa, aad the manufaeture of her CUJO of suh, ban taltto place outaide the bound­u iea txctptfd lo tbe aud Act a~d ~onn• tion and within tbe problblkd hm1111 and i• t he comeatncemeol or • (orelan uadt IJid it.du.uywbicb,ltunrHttlcted, mey 'JirabebiJ auume •ucb dlm•n•loDI and hDportarlct at .,try aulou,ly to dam•a• the lnttrtall of t.lae tude and the rroplt of 1bla Cnlooy.

6.-We dttire that aucb p.~wert u may be lawfully eurclaed undn the Treaty of 1818 and the 11id Act, and bylocalltsiala­tioo ( if oecunry,) for tbt more ~eetaal execution of the aame, tnay be &ilphed to­

the prohibit ion uf the u.- b7 F~relp­our Territorial and llariti- JIOIUI•

purpOICI or t.'wt pi'OIIOUilOD or _ ............... mtnonly termtd tb01 •• Seal Fiab-

and tbt manufacture or Stalt iAto •rr,•• oil.

6.-Iri& be held that thfl Seal, beii'JOD ampbibiuua animal, u oot a "fiab ;" oor ita eapturr, bytnaanl of ahlpa, ... &hiry r llOf

ha manufoctarr into oil • " d•ylng Cll' curioc of flab , .. oor lilt ptraon tOnducllnJ &be hDII· atu of acal-takin~t a" &.berman;" aod l•at tbenfore, or for otbar naao01, tiM ••Urn apec:illfd lo the fourth p.racrapla weN .. ,., contemplated by, and do nol oetne wllbln &be Treaty, then no qu"lloo ohbeiiM;pr.• :ation or uccutloa ofTrtatlee wm~1tt,.._ and •• aobmit \bat our . TtrrkerMI aa'd ~arititne autlaoril~ with reprd to lhllli-i· tion woold be wboll1 DDIIrecttd aod l11Ml1• mil:hbfl!, WI tnaJ be r~ly Utmaecl bJ IMal lt~tlalatiollln aoc:b 'IDI:'IDtr u may, Ia the jud&ment or ,lila VJ.Cielllte, bwat tODiarn &he iottruta bl bli COiooy.

7.-Btr M•Jtat)'e Oo,.trolllfllt ... • more &ban ona ocoaalon aucamilo tiM ColoaJ tbt lnttlfiiJ aod IOI!lrOI or 1ta Tmlurlal and "'arltltn• rl,bta We aoblah, 1M& "J the La" or Na~albe ealptU ol a Fenlp Stall ban ao' rl cb.t 1D _, and ... MIll 4iacntlen ,.uy portloa or &be ..... ., ., lflolber itate • not an tllq, •lkW ~­CoauMrelal prhU•I" wiUala II. ..._., Cc ........ ..upalalleao • "- lllllllaMI• ot &be Law ill ·~ leu.r ..... an-. ... , .. ttoa' bt .... Celeo7 •• ttle .... ... .... .,. ............ ; .......,.,===


~ ~ -

...... n.-. .. &ol • ...;.r ... ol tilt f,... ~ ....... , ... .....,tbtOptrs•

\lou ol&llt ,...a& ...,.., ~. do~ miN\ llrOaJIJ•r• .tbe- a 1ol Ia tbt ~~aL aloe ol proi4Wwa -....r. Ill rrp..t to - ol.- • ..m.., ,.. llllt ,.,.. _..,_ tioDed Ia the t&la ,...,.,.,, - ...... eaJNiatld \o ...... ~ ............... ... ri•.U,, A11d. wt.rt.,..,.U, ........ llaat illtba • ..,.time tha& Foteitlltn, pnpoai•J t.o ftlllll Ill tba Ill&& •aok.a aDd 1\atott •-•, iD the ~doll ol the 8nl Pleb· ery, will do to-~ far aa tba jllriadie­doo of tble coatry II -nMCI-t.o alit· iDt h•• and to todllawa w &lie m:oo1may llllpoae. .

9.-Wtlllbatl& tbt ro,....o'-"altoae u w111&h of OM&identioD, witb rqard ,to tble ettloua aDd illpol'UII& •att•r, aod w~ 'net that any - af actlo11 III&J be car .. Ially e'foldtcl wbleb _, •d to dwor•t. '- the jaa& riflltt of dlt ColonhtP, or ba caleulattd Ia t111WIJ t.oparal~ or ccuolfll· IDot aa7 btiP illuuelon, lrat&jbt •• we beli"' that I~ quutioa to bf, witn injurlou• _t, .. _ t. ~ aocl peop .. ol tbla Colonr.


Pn1idett1. Peawd tba Lt'gielatin Council,

TutedaJ, April 21,1871. llle h- &baa adjowncd uetil to-tooro


8ATVI&nAT, April !2nd. Bon ldr. Doootll, reporttd that dlt dtp·

"'"loa appolnttcl tn preamt tbe Addrtll ol ca •• Co. neil wit!! rare mace te lorticn atal lllf eh1p; I: eel been Jr~Cioul7 re«iftd and replied to b7 Hit Bxoelleao7 tbt Oour-11or.

Hoa R. 1. Pin~at.-Cbainoao or tbr 11lect commlttN on cor:tinreoclre; euhmittfd thtlr report, aod tba bouee went iDto com­•htae or pri'fiJflt tbertupoL

A depatation rrom tbt Aaaamhl, brought vp tba Contln~rant Bill for tbe Council'• con. cunrnee. Thit Bill ••• rtad • 8nt aDd ~ecoad time and co:uilittd; boa Mr. Henrr &II dte dlaJr...

Tbe Sill wu tbea repor1rd frnm the Com­llli&tu. • third time, and peurd.

Tbt hou .. tben edjollnled Gotil 1 o'elock p.111., on Mooday nut. '

lfOlfDAT, April 24tb. Tba Route met at 1 o'olcck p.m. At 2 -o'clock, aroorcllaa t.o ·aanoanttmtDI

lrt. ~oelltoay the Oo'ftrnor attended bJ hie IIQU came don to Legi•lati'e ~Coaacil Cbambfr aod prororutd' the Leal•· •turt 1tl:b tbe Sprecb alreadt pubUtbtd.

lf!r 2!0 TBE 1JUBLI0 . .,8

Wil re.p~lfully ~'-{ny pffllln or per10~ tc.\o "'111 palront;u tit~ placu Iff b"frTtUI MPUti«tl~oy au, I !trough ¥Will~ tlut ndcertile I• ;,. tlte Su.xri.uw, to rr.otify ti t.\e par'lice 1'~ed ./rortr, or tn~rl(l~u, if th1 fact. WtJ t.\111 tcid to d 6iD lite huli­flt'U communitw-.f:-.qar~IJr~ IJM_el'!u:.\ere, Aoro itlenliearit u rcill• ~,. anterut1 to Mt:fftiu. T.\e puiJ. lac,llfforfore, con renJ" :11 an eueniU!I atrf1ic.t 1'n ~~~~ rnaltw, and tee ai"'J ronfi­~ deft 101ll rwt be ~kuw·d in tlo.

·~·· The Harbor Grace Standard


-----------tWit may well rlaim the ~ at- tD n1ee aaclaflt-. take bill Bull .. ,..- Loaal.:•tieh.- tu'iOO 1aa ror- lralaMaita "r die =· ~ ....._ • • teDt:ioo o all whoclelire.~~lee' .. It, nci.Wtecl,•• .... t.aor-- ~~.•~r~~ ~J ~ -. •b_,1 __ -...• ~~ ~-~Imta~~-'-to ~a~-~ good-toabairthemthah~taatilpt tDat ..._It, To ••1• k-• iko· ... • .. ·' · .. _, · .._..,. ~_\'We ... _.__... ,_., ..-. ·- .......-- ~ ........ ...,.lialiato\e_pilt.w,....._ ~are noUoraotteo ·ud by a ~wer- ,...., • -ul~ paa&t.e, u4 &Ill ~ • (.~\oM o-~ t;~.) 7 \ rule fu·- .._ ..... ••a& ..... ,...... ~~ ~ ~.....:~ .. ~~thrvap ftereltora&ioo o1 baiiAlbap 1au eo... fal uupNIIion upon d c1ulee o( the -~~ •llo thopab& the r.uowa wen ,.u Tall "'Carter ·IIODu.._t" wa. _, ·~ ftlllll t:.:: ~ • -pre.· bAa be. ~ to me Yerp JDeGeed. -

uWi6o to ab L-- t1 • .....!11 •bo. ....... tot bfolliN ......... 10 ..... .....!l-..1 Oil W--i--<..1... - I.. UJ.,'D:......,MM- .. a ... ct•= &Ill anini ol perfaetioo. &Del the IWiA wo,.m• Ci...ll!.-. fi'---.1 ..:..._ ·-· a'n 'D.......L.. pap • OW IIOIW gN& ytt ww UOUblt ill botklJif I bail abo4d eltJI a pielt ~ ~ "Z &&.-~-:t'::l ( tba "·- a..o. (~ • • '1...!- e nuau uu- w•UI -- be-b ... benelt to~u port our pa)H". of or lrJIIlJ to k6ock don - or the 9oftno'fo, wlio; ~r witH :m. 0

tt ... - ,_. ..... .. ct.. 0 a priDtins aae~e ie ~Ye al\u • cenaiu a certaia uy1rill be trW will iMftlled tabacri which 1riU tw;, .deb •ltb a Mil, '""' ..,.._ .. • BlecutiTe, Sir· ~liam Lopo d j"' Mn __. ... • ~.,.. ol "'fat..k of f&Dcy, · I may call by Court martW. '- ptetullr reoeiY in new or tho olau that II DIIIDII'OIJI It t.hit , ... a, lilly; 6thore tQOk i llut in thie intereJ:~t d~~.'!r~~ ...... llad &Ill ... ef&ll& • --- wllirhrin4; In d8put." Nearly all the p:1etoa. bola t • .....o.a.,.....,. n-- forthoduo au.- .. doll llao &he -ntry clowD, •bo tbon•\& pi'OCfeding! '1\e-Hoo. B. J.l"'-··-.. a·o· -.-.lmplarkJIUidtba&lll tba •• ment little more ia ~ible· and • •• p . chiudaea hU '--'-- ___ .. -•v r- --~J f U B , B'· -. ,.w.uu.. rana-llttlfte--oloo.plalA&••Y Ultha =--.> 1•_ arta - ..,..,.-. tainmeut o( the ~NI. We hope 0121 0 A 011alld • ,...,n • poor balttr a telling and eloquent oration, ·deecaot. lat Ulan wba&ll ao lalriJ chafatablt .,.IDat m looJ~ mbore ... ~ .= ~~-~ Lolrno•, .lS--18. our.hnd aubacn'ben will uae their ut. ...__ ba wu bowltcl out, •acl tbouab& cd ~on. the mil&ocholy circWDttancee the perf'orK&Dot oltb• ..,_.t CODtrac& be- are ""!I WJy _. ~-p~ Detrtcltee from Bouen ~tate that moat eft'orta to ind~&ce pe-ftn• to f<oU A. oould •top or bl& '"'" ball, 1111 ba tried wh1" • ._"."p~--.. - n.M•Jy e·~~ twHD Ll'ft"""'l •Del lhlilu. We .-... chaogea_ ·lD the mocle o( pu-..- the aenn. dJ·, .......... .._ ba- _ _.. ., _ _,_ I . .....:.''""' •'-!. 0" ancl found be wu at fall!& lo bll ealoola\looa •- JRU ,._ """"' • ..-- - to rdl aDd - I<UTV~- •• ........ .....,.. ......... eDmp em aup~~ng WIW r.per. for ehootera monthi Iince, wieli ~ truly roic howntr ~· tbtt Oth mall MfYict be- ~ 10 wo . MDteocee. Hont- thero, emanating (rom the ~pirito( hoe·

Unleaa the Shore Fiahery aha! show But t.o th~ rtal IoYer orCrlcktt, DO otbtr young NewfodhdlaDdM--Mr. Weaton tWitD HaJilu llld tble plut bu bftD PfJ'• mg newarpen lDTolYe much Digllt-- tility againn German troopa occu • continued improYement, it will maui- «•- or atblrtlo euroiM Ia 10 enjoyabl~. Carter,-10 nobly6acrilleed hiuxiatence (o,.td by &ba ID•an Compuy •ltb •-· wOrk, an lleYere. wear aDd tear of the city. PTlDI featly be a queetion for IIWIJ who haTo rro.a the bowler who dellcbta In ju.& t.aldiiJ in~ IIWITy aD~ p~thtQpic attouip,t plary •l!lcltDCJ.-Jbicl. thoae hand-working beet who "com Tboa. Hughea M p for Prome in an remained. at laome, ae to wliether · tboT tbt baUa, to tht tptetatorwllo cao appnolate to reteue ~wo ~ femalee from a p 1 w ~ · poae" tho typea by gulight in hot addreea to u,.; .,;.in,. -..!. o( b ul • l!ood ··h l'•ld-.1 '-·'L ~ • ...,..,, ·I IDIOIWII. tbt •• - Sb .::0'-·-d d ... ..... .. _ ..

• o d not mako aomo provition for 1 l>ar 01" or ' n .. .... ... watery graTe,· t which unhappily re- a. C!IJ of IUlff• Halllaa r. tllle port ·v:~ o......... oea won-!'11 ._ Loudon, euloaiaed the liquor lawa, &Del proceodifg to the ~brac!or. ~ o do .enjn::'!':. t:~c~:!..t :~J.~~~cb't!at:h~ tb~~ aulted in tho·Joit ·or. hil oa life-a lite on Moa~y ~day) _..btt a& •Inn o' pnntiztg preee doea "f!ODden, an~ now other inttitutiona of the UnitH State., u~t deatro by ::l,~~~g hero aa1d to pr•ctde lhe mar~ Important .,1 mateb, with that wu. ahort~Qt honorable and full cl~k 1 e'bt •ill therefore bt du bert ·oa we want woaden lD tn>eeettiDg tu aud urged emigration to America upon ratiO gloomy app aaona, but rather 1o- uei~hboriog or diataot rl'faJ elab. nd of promiae, bub which alu I waa alao WtciHtday nlaht. We Wld...w.ct &bat compl~te the P~ 6i which tho all thole ninly atririDg for work a~ to ~uggeet prudential action. Tho wbra the da7 of the maleh ant"".' llow auddenly·teruilDatea. bran act or hero· I he d.laJWII otalld bJ the ootward boud worlcl1l kept-_.. wnh ita doing~. home. Shore }ubery DlAJ bo good. Th~ro anxlouel7 leluorabla .,, looktd lot- iam it wutTUenebwithout parallel but b~&hnlnr pat back, diaablecL-L.fgc:r Mr. Mackie, of Warrin~n, "f!ho In the Houae ofCommonalut nen-aro many mouths of trial yet, and Dll\y It mull not ba co:d, Jet not too bot 1 eliJbtiJ one which wilt-.bod an halo of JUiml«¥. ~11ow• ou.~ ~ical wan~, 11 eJJ:~ng iog, Mr. Olacbtone, in reply to a quee-Heavoa graat IUOCCII to it .. well .. cloudy, and. not with too br!gbt or rtarrog. ~lory upon ltlt"' 'Dtebior_y . and will be Tho ttUIDIJ Oqm-. rtluretcl from btr Eureka! . It 11 D~t • t~ fJrwt tlmO tion, aaid that tbe 6th article or tbe die Labnlior Balte-,: tun ' nn& ••th loo much wu:d, bul • g,ntl• haoded doW"d:M~fmtr u one of the lint uip to tbt Nort1"werd OD Prlday llllbt he. baa !"lt Ul on f1" .,,H lD l"'!tpet-t t~ treaty of 'Vubiogtou proltibita the

To _thoee ett~&:d in Agrieul~u~ •. out ~~~~~~ ~('1i::·n!:'h:r~ ~r:dlb::::o::~ ,c;i~~ nobleet=et:dl[~rd in tho hiat.ory Jut. Oo FrlchJ morol111, otar TriDity, abt thta deat~eratum. • but thia time beioaiata· neutral poatt of renewal or aup~ta. of which the maJority ~ke a f:ur 11\'lng; a rAt the t•o elntna are welt and tqu•llr of our . mbti 6odbtry. ran into • laraelcebtrJ, wbicb carmd •••'1 tha~ be 11 •u~oeuf~. Alter many ex- tion of &I'Ull and auppliea to ~ wo aayyour are abo~nng a great e:ram· roatcbrd, '11• • 8ne tll(bt to au th•m " ~o Hie eel~ 'i\e OoTomor in a bcr bowepri& ••d et.on i11 her bow. She penme.ota, OYer nearly ten anti, and not whon upoeed by ordinary pie; yoo are wor!Wtg out aolid prin• forth to b&Uit," ~•cb re•ol•rd to •In ir I her apeeclt 'I hi• lllcttvedit to ·hia head and w•• ••ld to be roiar at alx koote at the yoa~ tn the eetting np. o( type~ b1 course of commerce. ciple1 for tho. well-being of tile Country. can, a~~d if tber fell, wbr thrn to take tbtir hCArt pr6cla~•i't1taoMo a.:t or aelf tlroe I the C.ptaln wu on the bridp •II tht mach!uaryh and after falluree illat Cell In the Houae of Lordi yeat.erda "It will do our time" ia a common but dtftat like mrn and try - '~ rrtrint lhtir aacri6ce,u of a much biahor orderlhan nlligtu.;:_~&.&hdtleeberr btla,, tyery low and only JUit I ort. or aucceaa, he baa pro· Earl Ruaaell mond &II add.-aa to 'a:r,

d ~ rt b th 1 'I' ''• •- • mtt luJ prnaillngat the tim.•, d cod LL t'--" 11 d •'-· '"' the U.DIOund pailc»opbT in remect Of tb0 ntml an ° una J ,~Jntng e ."urn th11t Ofthe.anJ~' lcbo..-.n .tho Onile• fl 1~11 oo• • . -D, •••til tht to)Ualon tooL U , a m&CwuO . uao rea Y .oea U>O. Crown ag.ainet tho ratification of •'-e 6abo · Th • ---,· match. And "btn &hr ••ck~t• •r• p•td1fl!, _.,_N"; • Oil' pia -~ ... ;_._.. - . "' work m a ,_t,r:t cal d b )!L "' "!ea o .nest generabon of peo- cnaaee mariL"ed, tb• batter• ln. field vt•~. meut ofwarl. . oluu' otr 'fho battle ~"- ~ an II8INII ... e treaty of Wuhinpo, uuJeaa arbitra-ple.wtll. IOOD tako cloao ~rdcr-thoy AI· tbr trial b•ll gi•rn, tho umpi" call• 1,1.y and (iolll, omul.oJA of(JcoUlng h~ eomf(dea mauner. 11 DO longer'1'00111 Cor tor. were bound by international &Del most tread on the dcpartmg foot.atc pa of ptar bqifte, on how anxinus and taR~' tbe in llcte or d.,-iug m<\, .down hit lifo General Items. doubt thllt .ho can ~mpoae a newapaper Brit:iah law1 esiat:iDg at the time of the this. Do tho people iuteod to leafe bauer "a111!e in poeitlon, waitin~t to r•cti~• on tho alt!U' of Ilia ~untry, do•iro1111 column qutc.kl1, qutte "cl.ean," or freo American war. ba.zardoua &.hence aa a .ole ll\,raey to the flrat l>all-bn• tbr ettp, auitud~ and ofbeirig ooverubritb.glory. Tho hero: ------ . r• from erron, WJth the ordlD&J'y kinde or p · 12 the nest generatiou aud 10 on from age .Jelin" of the bowl., I• watchrd-and if iam of the late Mr.,C.tter Will not in. SEV&'I' MONTHS ON AN ICE- type, in much leaa time than by band, Tho Communiata to be .!::ported to ~tge? It muat nover bo ehuged tb~ bah Ia .nraJ~tht and dan~:~rou•, hnw apirod b7 uy ,~h.motivea, but eman- ·BERG. and mu~h mo~ c~eaply. The prinei- to New Caledonia will be allowed to tb:Jt WO fo-et the ruture of tho Coun. qutckly be jtl~e•. 11• tbt dud ~lock, and ~f on a ted """''".pure "JQ)pathy for IU"'en"nrr pal of h1l machine 11 capable Of being t:Lke their ramiliea Wl.tb tb-, •"d ,_

·e . . . th- oll•er band II 11 anything wide oo lllhtr ••- ,. 1" " .. ·-dod' t 1 • ...... - '"·-

trr.. Now the Agncultu~ulta wtllleAvo oid,, bow ebarply be elipo, C\lll, or lttt dri•• humanity &nd iu D prai10-wortby effort THEM ARVBLS OF ADVBNTUNE J'N OUR 10 ex..,.. • ae o grcaty•ocreue ita a colony. .Despatchee from VerMiiJea thetr brot~d Ianda D.Dd tbw inc c.u.mplo aLIL I file bito what a acane of act to 11natch two poor girl• from thejllwa of 0\YN DAY-THE SUlUOR VOYAGB working •peed; and indeed it appears aay th11t Bonnpartiata' agent. are &C'tu· to their children. Go on, gent.lomen- at one. hrllcld: 'bow quiekl7 the OF A OBRUAN CREW. to my new that be baa bit upon a prin- a lly at work electioneering for the re. never dee pair-go on to protrr- ur the bell •tnde it• hom• to th,. . Murray.~( 'tho·G~logiral Su"ey, ciple whic~ will lead_ to great reaulta return of Napoleon. All ignorant'& and prejud.ico o and k6fptr, while two or tbru utbrn back up to read a letter from tho Lord Biahop of . A. work of tho m011t thrilling bf tho patient worluug out of certain Princo do Joiurillo will lit for the de. apl.uat our Country to the contrary. I~ prevfnl mora. rune !Icing. obt.aintd I while if Newfoundland, apoligieiug ror hia ab- 11 ~ted. to bo now in prepera~on, nmple detail a, and I refer eepeciAlly to partment of Marne. Bonapartiata will ia eimrlv 11 \ 'II in im.a~·nation-a ,e,... tb! beltfr IDI au and 1111 wicketa coroe to senco and offenh:,f'u (urtber contribution• wh1ch wtll preaent tho hiato"' and ex. the beat grouping of tho typo pocket. make a atnmg effort to ... in 1ue"-· a ..

h . " . ·• 11r1~r, how nultanl 111 lht bowltr and rdin _.. ·~ w1' thm' the J t o- ,......, " myt !ndeeU, t~ laud l 0 It'll I or other &,ld-11, and how IIIOttirring tht (celina• or if neccaaary to p to mcot tho coat or trao ary NlVenturea or the officen . u apace. the elecl;ODI, and the Prince Imperial coun.trie11. 10 httth u to mako peoplo tbe poor • duck'• rgg.' tho eroction. nnd crew of the ahip Han ~a, of the late · ~-. Macki~'• type-compoaiug ma- will boa candidate for the A..aaembly in. .\rnnm.agme thllt the poople tlrertJ hafo, mu~bao any oat-door ramt, Tbe.monument atanda on tho Govern. Gorman exploring expedition to the chino 1la ma"el ofingeniouuimplicity atead of Priuce Napolcqu. no Aartl• work and dunppoint-nu to require• • quick eye, rudy judgmrnt, de- mont llouae.gro,unde, facing Cochrane North Polo. Thia expedition, com- baring ~rd to the nature of the tuk N&w You 13. meet in cnltiv11ting tho aoil. The con- cia1"e action, agllitJ, •J~Hd and etreagtb; Stroot, and ie 9( gt'Dllito or tho moat poaed of three Ycaaela, the Ge.rmania, and it inuet be' duaod amongst th~ A.dricct, Yia San Franciaco, re~rt trary if requontly tho fact. Nowfound- while all tb!"• wilhout oooloue, ""'1 often subat:D.Dtiftl chllractor. It ie up warda of tbo Greenland, and tho Heo~a, not moat remarkable production• of the the burning of the ahip &n J.,_ trny land too hu DO fearfu! earthquakca no IP (or notbtnjt. PIIJI'rl IDUtt •1•0 bor able Tw~lllJ' fuet in height and .surrounded tako the usual route or Arctic explora- department or inYentionl in tbe Inter- milca from Hong Kou«, and the :OUt .. terriblo' atoruu ~o hllrl puoy ~n·a ~it~:~~ .. ~ '::~~:oC:;,''(~~::'!~o~~d 1!~~~~~': by an Iron Rail~. . It bcara tho fol- tion, by Baffin'• Ba,-, hut aailod up the national Exhibition, where I eDmiood iog to death of fiye hundred Coolin l~tbor to destruction. they •i•b to all'urd mert imeot and Cua-mu- lowing !Dlleription :- · .F.:utoru cout of Greenland. At alate it a few yean ago. Re diYillee th·e pro- fwtenod under the bat.chea.

in, to tiM otbm. ,Ereckd mooting of the Berlin Geographical CCII into tw> parta-Fint, an enclleaa Pri,at.e adrieee from Shanghai ay

orornspanbtiUt. Tbt prluoipal in the &rid it the bowler By P~Wlic Su1mription. . Society, CaptAi.n Hildebrand, of the elip hiof pape!' ia J?~aed th~ugh a tmall that ~t uneaaioeaa ia felt at Pekin. It Ia otc.uarr be ebould pom11 atr~Dith f-!anea, reAd an intetuting .Paver prin- :nu ne no. unli .. e a IeWing machine, Tbe &Jr ieliJicd with atn.nge muttering-a aetl'fhJ and atudiaraa, •• well •• coo In••• (..!ad 0 " t~il eiu by per~t~iuWJ. of e1pally made up from entriea from the and the operator lit. playing with a though danger w roreign reaidenta ~

(Wo do not cndOF80 all that ie otbtrwiaa bit bowl:or will :-ome wild and qocei'IIOr Hill, a. B .) ehip'alog-boolr, riving an account or cluater oflreyaeorreapondingto letter& . nohuppoaed to be immediate. mitten !>y OI.U' COrt'('Spoodcnta..) rtcklel&, and lfll punltbtd aecordlngl7.. He in llle1110ry of the incident. attending the lou of tho and, readin~ hie "copy," he preaaee th; V 18

OOjtb& 10 ~ abl~ 10 rileh • ball t:uctly bow FREDER IOK WESTON OARTEB, veuol and the etcape of her officent &e,., COTen~g ono or two .,llablet, and Prince D 'Joinville a~-.r:!"tiuk~ or [TO Tit£ E.DITOll of yuf 1Ulm.L11.D. J and whore he likte, and ht hat • sreet •d· and crew on ." 1·eeberg, 00 wht' ,.h they often an entire. word, at each pre~~n- D'A 1 · d h Srn,- __ nnllg~ if bt poa.r••" a nrlrd ttylt of age~.2G yean, ~ " d b h - .., uma e am'fe ero yeeterday and

' · · I bowling. Maoy really -~• bowler• bne B--··•·-, E••inn 0.r "'"olw,.•·-,, floated and livod for 10veo long and an. t Ul ge.tting OYer t o worda about were at Thien' '""""'1:. ' 1 your permw1oo preaont my a~ '"'T"'"'r ..,_" " ,. KCT· d . ha hri""" 11 q eL' th uld be •t- T b -r--1' S li oniJ on• ~gular Jt7le, aod when tbat ie aJtd eldat ton crtlle rcary A.rdic mont . On the 29th or w Ul &JY 11 oy co wn ~ u m.•d. o a aoeech iD juat:i.Beation com~ lmonta to .. p ntcnt" and "Teo. DlllllertJ by the baltcr, the IOODtr that (/ September 1800 the Hanaa reached ten. The key• do not .. aet" the typet or hia admtnlltrat{QD or aff'ain He tota er." In lnat week's Standard they bo•ltr ia chonard tl•• brurr. Wh•rra• • ~ltorney _Gr:neral of 1.\at time, that part 'or tho' Arctic Ocean which :-t~':!Jrepare for aett~g by punctur. aai~ ho wrote to ~apolcon in Au,tUtt, did mo, you know, tho honor ofindirect- bowler tbet ean bowl round or under-•nn. tolro lo11 lri4 lifo ~GI.\ Dec., A.. D ., 1869, in latitude 73 dog. 9 min. north, loolli- mg l hole. 1~ the ahp of paper, tho urg1Dg tho J'CCAil of .Buaine'a army to ly addreaaing mo. It wat Battering to rut or alow, Ml cir tbrer-qutrter yllch, in tlte gnllanf7JIIIwlll'uccuiful cw• tude 19 deg.,.16 min.. weet, a poF~t holea co~poocling to tlie eyllabln and Paru. Trochu uaiated at tho confer• bo e ,·en slightingly noticed by tho own· ahootrr or tw111tr, •nd I• rqually au fail in _.__ ' t - , r. _. • . abollt 11 fiar to the north

11 Upe-•-'L wordJ, With apacea betwee" Tho punc· r Ch 1 h .

era oC.o much literury llbility, pie~ and aU or ehhrr or tboae IIJIH, can rae- and CKQ~our o tar:~.~rolll QrotoiiHt!J ·-"... t red hi h . b... ence o a ona, w ere tt wu decided I . F h I . h l puult &1111011 • nt bauer. Tarrant, one or t.""'! on Ballin'• &y. Here u papor, w c .... t e akelet.oo or that he AI Go'fcmor of Paru, abould CArom~ or t o preaent w1t o d ,..,. a ne 1 • .... ___ .. my on' u or .. S'a" mont.eaque nttempt tbl !>owltr'l or I • All KnJI•ad'• Ell'f<'D, ( antlMarUn) TUE B,U(U. w.u COnt.EnLT nozn wapaper eo umn, 11 ne .... pa- preparo for the noturn or Napoleon to

o; o·- ean 11n:l o.ballwub each terri8o fore• u to h _, fl'.,.,. ; • through the larger machine that com- the e&Jiital,. which wu forma! I! apprond at WI · llis rcnderin~ of C~U~t.\u ahaka the nervu or ordlnarv playen, and if tc .o Jura ~~~~,. rllroug.\ t.\tJ. ice up 11nd hopel011ly ice-bound. On the ~the typoa. Speaking roughly, it o£.U_tb() Empreaa. Troebuadded &bathe ICribenJi ill or hie learnmg ~laTUt ovi. lhat method doe• not 1prua the IIUmpl, he in Deadman.~_'• ~ 'S{gll4l Ifill Road, 23rd of October followiu~ the Teael, 11 like a largo wheel laid ftat, and ~~~ly recei'fed by the Count D'. dcnce. I respect " TeototA cr·a" sin. can cbanga at ont'r to d.arl sl:lw •a~urra or .d.~ .• · 1871. . .crushed by mountain• of tee, aank m tpinning round .Jowly on a low pedeatal. Paladiilea 11 long 11 tlie latter remained cerity, but I CD.D't aay that I admiro hie ahooten, and ••••r• wil.b aood rll'rc:L Much·akue toibe Committoe latitude 70 deg. GO min. north, loogi- The rim of the wheel forma a lllrf'ace Hiniater of War. , temper. · lfho willllttentively ro-pero10 No'fl:ea in the game u•ually f~ay that faat 1i b tude 21 deg. wea.t, which would be eut like a table, and oror tlaiareTolriD~table our Permi4tiiJtJ Bill, he will hllrdly, I bowling ie tbt but and 111oet dudl). It or t o in.te{tl•~takop by ,them iu the f tb .• -e t'-· C...,___ 1..... .. b .o!_ P~. 18. {; 1 h may bt, iratraigbt, and whh I bold batten I undertaking, ao.,d wo know uo one a- 0 0 proJU<lwOD on aa cout 0 ~D· are p ......... a~ I ort watancea, a Wlter General Ulrich, the aerenderor Stru-anli, bo 11~ouh to. "'' 010 account ho but, I !kline, alo• bowlln' Ia In aenenl mong them more deicrviukof eomm2n. latld, deaignabod 00 the· Corn%11 mapa ofbOx.n or" pocket." containing type bourg, aolicita a aeat (or one of the ous ~to l . t 0 ttem, :· gro!a ignor- most tffettin. Fat& bow bog, .. a rule, dati~D tbap ~r.~J. J . Dearln, who, from aa Cape Brewater. AJI haode took lying side~. and dropping OD "the ueembly cliatricta or Paria, .. a perma­llDCO. ' II display of P1ety 1s not ao caeaot be ao mach relitd on for btiDr the meeptiq_n o,C4ho undertll~o~ to tho refuge on the ice-berg whioh had CM1ah- table one by one, iD wordJ and .,llablet nent proteat againat the aunuation or brilliant a.a thnt or "Splinters," who ttralgbt or properly pitched, aad wbtn eueh limo ~tltt ~nal.tmintitiou, w~o~~' moat in~ ed their Teaael, and whi.:h, on meuuro.. u the atopper at the bottom of each Struboarg ~ Germany. seems t.o bo quit.o familiar with " Du. it the e&ff, if It ia bh, •lipptd or C\lt, It will derati~le 10 hJit.eodc&voura to raeili- mont, proTed to bo of the enormoua pocket ia remoYcd, and the atonper ia The publio gardena han been ,._

Ar _ win" t\Dd "Punch !" go mu~b lurtbrr than 1 •lo• cor nwdium t.eltlie e · u-. eizo of 11ereu marine milea in circumrer. remoYod by ita point falling Into ita d ~~Wnctptinn ~il! ~bbtrtistr. Pt~rdon me, M r. Editor, for troubling ~~~oce ooe W'lluld' o.onwqutatl'f more ruaa tA o erection. . ...... y Newfoundland Tb h h 1 . th opeoe .

you with thia not~. I would rnthor not w1ll be had, and 1h11 Ia prcclalr what tbe no,·er lAck iueb c:Ourageoue noblo aoua once. ere ad fortuutcly been proper 0 0 tn o punctured paper. The work or reatoratioo In the Boil • - , hll bowl~r do .. not with to are. AI gallant and "truly bravo }'redrielt auflieient time afforded to reaeuo boat., The punctured paper paaaea round a do Bouloguo ia began. lAborers are

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1871. vo written it, but I thought it might 1 coaude.r lbal .. itb mediii.DI pace or f11t Weetoo Cart:er:c; . · . · riaging, coal, and proriaiooa from the "'Uer, the table reYolTea, and u the re-planting ., __ •"d ah-·b"--·, ""1!-.,. be deemed uncuurtcoue not to acknow- bo I' 1 1 •d ' th L:. -··1 h _, ____ .. I tt 1 • 11 • • th """"" - ' .. """J IUJW .. wtnlf,lbeontpaccorimportonoelnth• veaae; au WJ t- ...... a ouae wu ...,.....,., e era.., uponttlD o"pnn- up ditchet andleYelling tho Wolrka of

·To Labrador Teuela b:Jyc all taken. lcdjo the notice tAkon of me by "S." 6•ld it" long. atop." Many good jud1111 or The Gazii/4 Vi tho 18th inat., <'On· built twenty feet long by fourteen feet ctured" order and drop into their tlie troop•. their depArture for acene of ardu. an "T." . Cr:ekrt, bowner, lbiok tht wicket-kerpar t:Una a Proclainietioo clirecting the tak- broad, •ix feet interior hei~bt, with proper placet for making each word, V 18 OQJ labor. It .,.. matter or ll.ll'priae In tho lnat aentenco of. my !nat SlraiJ. CODIU ntllt I but in • 8eld I r elnrn, and . d • . ·n..r. r b walla four and a half feet thick. they are nept off' the table by a pUJber G1l 1 v IUlr.l, •

b th . wr ing, your compositor put • draten' for with . good lonj-410p, 1 think the lllckel· mg lin rerui-:A •o t 0 Liatl of Votera mto along alid• and the le .. - n th"· nera OD Oa liD 60011 to Berlin "' T etr mg wu ao long delayed. drirJtm. It wae 1 I-•rdonable mistAke keertr'• dutiu can ba well artaodtd to by in the Diatriet ·ot Boilariata, propara.- TWS uouas w.u IOO!f BlJRtED L'f Tlllt • -. ._ .... aa the apeciAI repreeentatiTe of Auatria, y;be) c:an.n

1 othform( an idea Ill to the pro• tbeao words ht~rin•• several Jettora 1.n• " tbort-elip." T. ll IUfl a man, w:,l~b in a tory to tho elOcbmt of a ·Member of the bOW, groh.~._l!1tota~ longff'line dof compoted type, to attend the triumphal teremoniee. He

oa e engt o the p....,ne there, but 0 tmall fltld ia • g•ut coneidtratioa. I ..on•· General for thatDietrict, ;" w leu 11 .. en o an made into abOrt ia the bearer of a conf1tulat- 1-tter b •'-· all -o common. I rofer to it now only that I " ... Slowly, l'Ory alowly, the immenae ice- li (tb .. !---' 1 gth In h" -·J JC

Day or Wlllt are DOW far OD tho fe lllop1ou&bt tudbr !h~ bu~ in. bl~ .8•1d ror tho room ofJaln~ L. Noonan, :t.quiro, bo,.... DOW drif\ed IOUthward OD the lea nee O e !'OCJWRI<ll en , • ~.t' from the Emperor 0 A.uatria to the

WIJ. no~herly chango of the wind ma/e hue ono wCAk point the ewor to p ell nr up an qulcr. u trouR t ID return- lfhOIO aoat baa become vacant by bit ·o "''1 a newapaper co W4n 11 put to.v.... Emperor of Gormany. 0!1 Snnday <!id not IOOID Tory propi- do ond, should my uaailanta return to lng the ball to tbort-elip, (who, u eoon II acceptance ot41re Office of Colonial botween Greenland and Iceland. In er an an hour, through the "ftency or a Maam, 12. ~111, yet at.ill it aeema to hue been the t~tt&ek. tbe ball paam tho wic.ket, taku wicket- Sec ta January, 1870, during a fu.rioua atorm, man at the perforating machine, and The t...ia or fusion of the branehee o( inltrwne tal · b'ii . . Yours &c., kftper e pia~ J or if • bJ• it alltmpt~d. re I'J· __ . the .,.,ea broke off' Ia~ portion• of three hoye at the compoeer to feed the be here. n m ngmg lD aome flab SHAVINGS. oendinr It t.o &be bowler at tba other end. the glacier raft With •ta climeoaona bosee and,.....,. out tbe Jin..... ........,_ ,·, t Spaniab Bourbon• proridea that tlae

Theeaplinha•ealaocome. Pro. 19thJuno,J87l. ~t.o,wbo tFJ to atul rune ar•p11tou1 From tbela~lige'ocewbicb roaches thua greatly reduced, an immenae 1 thr- ..., ........ DukeorHontpenaier aball be Bogent bably, mducod by the ~ood Shoro flab. the loog•IIOp dou thh wtll, and 110 part or Ul &lid from pret.nt iadicatiDDI In this b d eque to e compoaitioo or eight men. du.ring the .Miniltry ot l'rince Alphciuao, eTJ ()( 1ut le&IOD, a larger no;mber of ~ th It 6eldin1 lookt beUt•, while I b71 it place w~ i nCJiG.e to_t

1h. ink rnoorab)J or ~hoUlin~ OOpOfll~'- Onbe nigbt imdmediat~y !n Thedra" diatribution" or the typel ia a and that the country abaJJ be goyemed

pe!'IODI than lllual haTe remained hoAJe r SP.PQTia ~or e Standard., :tied OD, for tbr IODJ .. lot t.o t~lck a ball Uf' the ~·p•ctv of tile Fi,herJ. w. or o. wo ouee .an cu t .. In a whack, for the lettent haTe to be llDdar the OODlltitutionof 1~ . .. for it. proeocntioo thia aeaaon. Doubt- amartly & to tbt cnrltr litrt tnouab COIIree bur 10. ~·cl ~·t the 'fOJI"e· ia t;~· coalw,~.l~ much or the ruina or IOrted into libee 01' alidee ready for LotUIO$, 18. 1ete, too, the · poYe...._ of the I..bradot ror &he run oar be to 1t01mpad. II • wicktt- .. 1 b« • .. t ~tr ~ w could bo reaeued, a "f~" and thia ia alow thron•h 'l'be ,., the d" . fla_herr . oor lu~t ... a.; _•J had mu"h to do BY UCllATA. kuptr It peed be bu ID&I\f opportunhill or yr. OD '! IU~~IDI and that the appear- email hut.,.. built, but o( dimenaioJll bor-labci~ ia equal to the 'work. .... A uy in t.h"*e H .. o.!~ or Lo~~.bowy.~

th thia ~ ~ 1 an incautinu• bautr, or oDt In th1 anc,. •t 10 earl~· 'ltll&e •re to be U · ·~ contract&~ thllt i~ could only ahelter palpable laying in pOint of time, the in.. ..... ,.. w.. :.t the t mUJt be conrcaaod No. 4, habit ol lenh•g hi• ground to mu& 1 ahort rimated •hb tihll oon8deace 11 regarda ·~ mea. !Hill ftoatiug, Tentioo eco""miaee only 60 per ..... Rt. ~begto·advantage.0 on t~eb~ty in • ._w .. ~~-

p of the Shore flahery pitdltcl ball. h 11 aloo almoe& tbt onb tbe (utart, . A•#tJ.AJth•JilO, howenr, . • . . • h ?"- . . . ........ lD o, grea ry DYer ..... cea 1 ........ -at preaent ~ anything but cheormg. CRICKET ANA. part or the lleld where uofalt plaJ ceo be they are chtoti,, aocl ror tbia at TD WR:&TCliiD JUIUlrDI 10 coat, .w 1ch 11 .ltilla great g&JD. The g·enc.iee to yield. To C'ODciliate an.oppo-ltl&nr fhoone. haTe been aet np u to The noble gem• or cricket ;mot bJ 101 practiurt. 1 h•n .. fD wicht·kftpere •bote Jeut, I! tor ·ob'~rc>~ they ett wortb ·ito drifted onward in their ice priaoo amid eompomlg·~h!ne eao be wor~ed by li t ia llDwiH; but .Amerieao eommia-tbe Cl1llel o( the JIOD·arrinl or the Dltln&.on .. or FielD& orlaln or public (nor. habit it Wll to kftp their toetalwayaapinft tiDI(. • ',• ); ': ' . 1 1torm, cold, IDOW, and black dar\. JleN, ~and 11, 1Wbble r~r any Jdnd of I• aleo/receclearrom theiroriaiual de-

l iaJa. which, when it doee Clime, ia the ln Eaalaod Jt 'WJ:I pi&Jtd It t!Je coll~g•• the ttumpe, anci imratdlateiJiht ball pu.d Tbe boat. abft& and·aad flllme-. through the horrible 1tillneaa of the plam work ancl •any me o(. ordmary IU&D rr:" The claim1 OD both mcfeecould ~odiilrdorta.nt arriY&I for Newtolll1d· and UDinraldta towarde th• cioN of I &II rbe wlolt.tte, ill& waa any ••J elou. tbe:r d" t . hboa a.......:. l'o .. rctio Ocean, w. here their O!lt relie( type._ Ool]' t~ haTe yet~ made. hardly be eettltd in a better way • .aud !t-hai been .d ... L ..... ~~tntuty 1 'bull& It or;ly darir.1 &.!ae.- .. t.hlrty would •itb their lot touch the wicut, and I• • 8 '111- J:"t'l"". •t. r .. ay and tbat One 11 at W arnogto the C1 ia t

• • · • , IW ...... tweqnantil.J or forty 1,.,. tbat 11 bu beta 'f~:acb In liua dowo ' -..nt one or bolb or tbt bail•t qaarter, hue,. • .b \ottP. ~oiDif f•irlr; from long enduring night wu ·light the fli · D, 0 or .• LoS110Jr 1-. ... o(

1~ on . our eoaat and ba1l, and th11 'foJU• 111 En,lar:d, aod parbapa durin, only tbtn tht q12e"1 ~~ow~ Ia tbat, UJDplre r- anll tb~ rep - · good a11ct,..· of &eh on wbich brou(lbt with it mow bliodoeaa. tb ~,o,r Mn ~y~ who • pnnt L'Orer aud :Ripon ie to b. Cft• ~-~ tlfe peater part of' Apiil· and tht pan twtat7 that It bu become •lmoal aometlme rot lor .-, "Out I" Tbit Ia tbe .,roilacr,:..lm;\ it'e••{ •oppllwd with On the 7th May, 18'10, tho iooberg bad e --··r14

• an t rd 11 QD ne-: ~ uia o( :Bipoa Cor hie dietin-' •r .. wu .in aeme. way lthe cauae, by rqutllJ popular in Sootland. Ja BnJI•ed lllllliftttiF. uofalr I bolt hen I hera I• nothlna caplm ·fe.>:d ·C.~Iea B•y for tbe 8nt reached, in latitude 61 a point threu all the world at the London EsJUbi. wmcea in coonaction with the clBUiliJit the groD.Jid from kelp,··r&C. aDd Sootlend tbrre le at the prtttllt tlmo ill·•biob foul-play cannot enmoi!CDe or otbtr time oD-8ftJJ1,r4•1• lJll! bait aot banu marine milea from the Greenland Cout. .. - ofWaabingtoo.

• . llS·~d 'dl&t Ul the year 1888 the a doc: .. nt aind Yiha .. bar llu he ba doot. AJ&In, ona .of I~ ·,\II Hnaland yet appettrd'b~. It will DO doubt The boa~ W&l DOW lallDebecl and. the The oflleialltatemant or the Bank ot lOp.~ .not le&Ye the ~~ ..:1 tb cfllO, and the towaa aed citltt ID p10.......:Ara. ••n u11f1, -.Jwe plaJinl , ' ., · l .o1.. _ h _.;..,~. " b .. '-- ...... T _.:~~ V ~ 1-.' Tel .. 1. v......._ • •'-· ,._...,_ ._ y Ita 28id~ 1 ~" ~.... e o r b 1 1 ,......- (1ft6lJ·l•o, take ..,.,.,. adnntar• he bet alo'ilg O't ~onow, From • oa_.. ,or, u • .,...,.. reac..- .,.. ~~~ .avw• .,, . egra~ ..,.....,ce ltatea - .......U... mit. au ~ ~ aDd yet llic !ahery wu "'~ 'c! ... ::~~:!.ot ~:,.:;!:-' 3:~111: tlllek of. 8omtti1Dft,' wl1b the ball In Plaetllii-f .r& rrl}' t~e aecou11h are found to be • mere wildernea of . ice. at 2:2,000,000 franea. ~ *b~ly ~ rThtirefore ••ltltlrfcw tile arrlnl of the ...u &nlo t.o hand, he woold fftlltfr·k to the batttr a lao falr"'..JI::IIttabO.Utt•· aa111e •eootdiatr Twntnty· flTe daya·o£ indeac.rii!Ule .labor · · Lanos, lane 10. One hllDdred thoaaad PJ.e1a troope • .. ~ ·.A!~~9' ~~:J»!o eu-. Li\od:pciol, took a wallt t.o t11a Park. which &btt tbt ballmllbt. flaaot ftO•IIOIJ!I•maJI .to ,OJU . , ia~o~-*•J,~.··aa.l4r of and horrible aufl'erin$ DOW followed, 'f3e '!eather~ cold. ~O'!f' (ell for an to be re'fieWecl Oil hD7 Md m

:O!~, •u~a~~'been .uJpcl that appareatlt: atthat tlme or tha Jfat (1td'l' atone 't:,• ooridit lllf pouDd. Tilt Ull• tb- pla'!' ~~~.,~q:.itle Boe~tiD ·from tlle e&ct.. o( which ooe o( the hour tllia ~ ~ ~ .• Olwap de......_ • -

H~:.m: :,d!M ~!:}0:, ~~h ::-o~ ;::,. no:l:l:b~, ~: ~:r!o,:: ~ : • .: M:'U:it. ,!:;.::'~b~~~~~J~!~ abort. ond!£/1 vf.~ _ ~cera beeame liii&De. DrasP.~ their , fte~ !:D..~ tlle ~ • llocWOrt' ia ~ m,M )lie • 11 • . . ..... b bo ~ur. Wllltr hie .wklttl. ta.rJD,. ~llo 1 th&ek il Th• O~j,ICil arriYed rro .. th'l CITe! ch.aama and m&a8ll of ace, the C*l theil ~ ~. 11 poetpooed •

. : . Jy "!1- • • u~ • .,., apprehend ihia ia I •a • ut tw~nly rent ei~"C· .... dieS tblt, trifd lei tscin&llrm .. tr by •• , . Nortbntd'blii'Wda, J,n baa broGsht lli1CorluDat.e IMrinen at 1ut foD.Jid land ~ return fiom a-T OQ the 000· 11 1DIII1 were eueutodre•tercla'r we a ~ :eauae; • What do =:.:~-J0~~!~,W!~oJIDJ tbt 0:1~ iog I hat, wnm playlnr mh Jona o)!Jdt. h• eome .,.., • .,,.~l'int~d t11 kmdiJ at 9&pe ldluitlik. Here their boat.,.. tineat. N y the Boia da ~·· -.. 1:.. .n~ lllOTeme~lf o( the Tbt 'apptarahet ofbotl!J!aytrtiJ14 •Jif'cta• roulcS DOl atlorcllo be"'"' -IIJIUIOUI· But lll'ee U.W!•" ~&dart ;-4'nt flab. apiD launc~,and on· the 18th . o( .__.._ n 0~ 11-12. . . Nn YoaE, 18th. ~ thnnoTemente of tore '"ti•d ,., U.. pol'ulerily of ctlelltl namp)ta each ., th•N allou:d not bt rol. ,.,1 proapedt oa tht wilolt tbroapod .Tau foUowmg the autreren follDd On a.~ytlle of' then.- '.l1ae 2hlui to.c1a1 -~the eta.._ 'L-~ DO oar Jl.eMrmen atudy the a .cS. althoaah -• woold -ionaliTr•t lowed by 101!1" .n.h•nJ to pi•' the 111111 the Nortbn.r~~lee ntial6etory. Io}Tea on~ IDON in contact with tue of ~ tlae meDt t!sM the ~ ~n'rt!r W .._,.. the lah p Do~ nudJ tt.e liard bock• Uld OllllMt, ytt ·&lltta .. _for. fatrly I end it not dODt Ill tbat eplrit 'til ~oueJ)arae"llar• oortb 'lt:cl aoutb troocl hnmaautJ. On the 22nd o( Jane they ~k place m eeatral wntta home a ~Jy to

6e · C011rte it tak'!l P Wbat pUeD, ol'," all nute, fl~tlt &bouabt of Ia :;•,•:~o~:~:!~.'d~~~nl alllalr ilwortbJ .ca~u• ue ...... A Hn:rU.r batt ia ~ed !rom. l~ahaab (or Deomarlt m preaeaoe o( ao i•-. Saeretary J'iah ie • :.....t..~Ut lah .ucept eatehing ~ eadl ·-~& o(l -~be ~U·-,~•ad .fD 'flew ol . ..__ ftlrWclt •• '-·'-r ·-ort •h'---tt ob:aiaa~tl aocl tbtrl ap, t? b• a !n t~O Dazt11h brig Conataoce. t.nd-~ Gotenor GoJcl112.

~ eonntrial &lie I Ia• p ~ ... ,. .. ., ""' wb • p .. Jllllo llld &lao -r- ucm - • ...... r· Co= the 1n ol g_ oa Onll' &bit v J..U.L · 'Jilib ..._ peop • the betu&clal eWI'GCa acenJiar fto• the ill~ to tilt ... lldtt ~qfllr-41na.btuer, l"'•l.chal ·.at •• .Oil the. ~de. A. lDB 10 D on. . - .. - ed brief W 0. u-R "''"'M, -··a ·s ,. • ~matter. 01;.~ IIMltlly "P!r.rl!iaP .. ttadlllt 011 k. Ja tllle eiJon;;aJip, ~U.t aDCl Pll\tr lrldrn. 1'11#• I"J••••beralkele aboot tb8 Wod- tember, beard ~ uto~i~h~De~U li.!. eJopalat -z-:t :Boe\elorfa cWeaoe W.. tlae Kili-·~\!±~~lect:ioa~!h o!cl-lltryl&!•tftJor-dbJallt'-lllrb =t:.~-~~q•~~::::::!: ham• wore alld.iioJ w1U, n. ea•• ~~p::._ottbewar ~!em. ~Do.- ~c--'-ioa~ laeia to be ~lbiL ~are:!..,-;. Ill ch low,rWt1 b•Dd~.eltrical arwl fly- •ltb llrtnttJt aadlodnty. 1 ~1 ,....,L applleatoBollatiatrBey,fro•Bircl y,... browakictiaclintheii:.iL.vm. . ........ totrW,ietbat~ ia._pe61at

\ -1.-:.. .. ..._ -=---:,-,. oar men DOt a- 1 -,hood or JIHIIb, hot by I olotl tb ill .. laad Con to ~D-· Cape aroottd ,_,___ un • .l .. L. . ' .._. ,.. 1lpOD -.... He tiMirelore - -- ADil the Saberiet, •lddlt ad ••1•,. a,l!cf•tD. &e.. .... ~~r •:.,_r:,.oa":.,• ..u: ~ •,.~, Blaoli'to ltioa'• r.o,t, tbaaoe A TY'PB-COMPOsq{Cl H.A.t1BINB. ~~-=--~at-~ ol a=mie a trial bJ l'Uf. :iil~fl!l1~:'::J~t~ ,.!:. ~ :';'::~i.!:, t::::,. ao:;: •bo ct~oot tJaltr .. to .. Wft.h ...... ~a to Broad ecm. K,.t., Tiakla eo,. ao .c.F,. d• ~·a...wr.) 'L:i:.a ~ao-a. t1ld • · p..._ t••·

ap.._ • .,.._., llnellaob·eo ... ._. .,.,.,_ bnn lie '!:::" pr!:.'t~ e:: !-~~;.!:-~~~ ":.': ~~bo~= Printmg il atru a in~ eott.ea.-. Tonea·.., 0~ ,]~ opo ... ~;:,;r..,r.":i:i. = .;~ 1:. =;:.!: •o plaJ ,..,...~ arwt alto ~ w•IL "'k !ii.":; oa':h'Nortla ~:_:.:~ ~::;.::..~ :·5'b: ._ :-:z= ...,.., -.u,~a.wllo·.t·~i:.he~~.:!' •l4eolt.laeBaJiiMI·la BaJ.cJe-Ver .. ea be aaore!aWJ. ft8 p..• rift. · fte - .....,_ ~.., . ..,.,....~a. ·..,.,..., .... ., tlae~aW.~- '!fte aot orPaa.t -~ Die .,.._..a 11aa1r _. lfllletNitll •.U,IIIIIworda ... ..U. •• ,.....,~•aftlaa IMia eM.t typee ............ _. ..... _ ~i~~!~!~~~~~ ...,. ... fdtlaW.;. . c.,La ~-'Ia. lr--·--....., ,~~~== l"a.r.owa' OoKJOVD W Mt , ..... a- • ., .... -. · 'tlae • tile ..:W.! _.. J&l!::

...... ,IW ... tl e1 -~...,. fOI' Dei'YOUIUcl tlebi1£. odell of SeJ- ... aiM U ... lit d ... -....----~~- tbit ti .. a..,_~,..rradbiw ..o..J,

·~·· ......... ~.:IJ;





------------- - -----~ ----- ~-- - ---- -

.a. tlaat lUCia a pate ctill'eNDee betweeD two Dation. u tiiM o1 tile .41._ claima, ahould bate,.. MttW ~ • reeort to anDL . • Bal.ur, 14th.

Tbo queetion blmag been p~eally deeidecl by the Traty Waabiogtoa. i' i. aiel tlt&t tM .A~ri­ean :BDTon OD U.e Coatiaeut, have re­ceived to agree with the powera for t1le protection of priT&te property upon \he..._

'rho eoD"eent of &glad aDd Flanoe it belie1'ed to be doubtful.

The Emperor will dittnoute four million• of Tbalen among tho General• and Stateemeu, who laaYe acllio1'ecl the reeuh• orthe war .. . Lo!mOYI 14th. A :Republicao Manifcet9, a&gned by

81 dtpu6u of tho lei\ cbargot~lbat the log•timilt memben from tho Prorincee are intriguing for a retOiution or mon­&rthy, and for inteneution in Italy in laYor of tho Pope. ·

Nlnf You, 1GUl. Cable adricea to-day report tbe Con­

tole Uld Liverpool maakete etudy. Manbal McMa!ion dceiree to reaign

hjt command or the French a.rmy.

-A Bcnal.y eorreapondeut 11t&tea that IIOYOft1 more diacO•eriea of c:oa1 bn beeli annonnoed, and that t1le ee­timated yield ia 10 luge that India may be regardtd aa one of the future Jl"C&t c:oai.-fleldt orthe·worJd..

-A Scr ~ Wamo&u.-Why do the oecupatioua of a tragedian, a waaher-­womao, a ehurth oiBcer, and a cooper. reaomblo eaeh other ~­ tho flnt (llrit~g• clot bet, the. third rit~!JI bella, and the laat ri.g• bArrelt.

· Arrival.a in Pari• average 2,400 clal1y. Nlnf Yo•JF:, 14th. -Thenewa of the Princeu't mar-

A pl'C'Ipoetion baa beaD mad• by tbo riai ·:Uvingrracbefam'niatcroutWut, 1 :Britlab G.>Ycroment to tho rel'reeenta. he bad advertiaed, in tho hope of IDllking

ti•o in London of tho Caban :Republic, roung people come forward on that dAy, that .England will guarantee to Spain that he would marry them for " a glau tho tum of ono hUDdred milli('lu'doll&n of whiekey a dozen of eggs. tho for the eeuion of Cuba to the Cubaot flrat k.iet ofihe bride or a quarter of a -Cuba to bind hor10lf not to become p'g • aonl'lted to tho United Statee for ~no 1 _:_The Board ofTrado lately aont to hundred 1~ from tho date of her m.. the ownen of tho Ann, ono of tho dependence. ~· c:ont!Ol of Cubu Britiah abi eunk b tho PrullliAnll in Cuatom Ho~aee 11 to ~ RIVen by Cuba the Seino, ~ho ,uJ of -£1107 Ba Od., to BoglA:Id aa ~~nty for tho loan, awarded b tho Gorman Goveromon~ aa and Cuba to be willing to form one of J Thi · tho flnt claim a confdderaey, conaitting'of all the w .. t cotm~ on. • 11

India hlaodt. 10 tied. • Nrtr You,l5. O~cial ad rices recei•ed. at Ottawa -A contemporary pointll out that bo.

from London announcea that tho union· nu u a certain exterminator of cock. of Britilh Columbia with the Dominion, roachea. Wo rememoor aomo yean it to take place on the 20th of July, Iince being ahown the olfoet of~ •P· Ex~g• llOt. Gold .toady. plication of powdered borax outa1de the

Vuunns.15. holee oft.beae iDIOCta in an old houae The manifeat of the deputiee on ~ in the Strand. Thel were dcetr.yod

)eft; pro~ againtt the intriguea of literally by thouaan .-fie Bock. tlie ltfuuarchitta Ia generally approYecl ; but the radical addreu to the electon of -A eorreepondoot of the EiutMW l'ar.a aeatos a bad impreuion, becauee Blligu at A then. aye the affair of tho it endeavollrtl to excuao the Commune. Greek brigauda ia far from being aot-

Tbe prou genorallr ridicule the et- tied yet, and that although tho Cham. 0 rtt oftho French Btahope to'commit ben have now been eitting four months, Franco to the reatoralion of tho Pope'• the Go•ernment hill not :r,ot brought in temporal power. the bill for tho compem1ati&n of £10,000

Y tt aot • ... tile da71 ol .nW1 U. ,. lou,

For tbt le 1oadltd •llh r&JI ,_ llpt that leabou btrs

A11otlwY , • ._ allbla UOIIDII IMf nU• kDoWll r .. tarn-

OOd wltb blt"a'o11 alpa. Bll cMrlJ ft&ICIIIo td cr .. tvtt.

Ah I eht u _,. oar on, alDol DOW abe It Ood'a only-

Aid fed~ OM that baa IOMo baa leJt -bnrt - loDelr-Sbt mouma 11M ..-.. ltd, wbo DOW bl HIID poMtllfl

Trnaur" oiCDUJ dead Ia their ciiV Lorcl'•

O .. r dud oat! )011°ft bttDIIIt lillt a pard. Ita IUIJtl to ua, ·

And diAt.ut HnuD, IIU bolat, tbnnl,ll you btslu .to woo •1

Lo" that wu aarthiJ wlap lte IJabt \o bolltr piece• 1

The dead 111 ""'~ thlafl thaL multlpiJ our ITICfl.

Sbt w holD •• loftd 011 earth. lltractao, DOW tn haaffD-

Who eha~ our 1rielucJ millh, back to u now llsi"a-

Sbe mo"' witt. DoiMltat loot, lf&"lJ ud IWHlJJ fOUDd Ill,

Aod bar eolt toocb uth ~~~~ roU IIII&IIJ a cheill that boulld Ill.

Dtatwll dud ooel lo Hnft11-Witb gnadJiDI ·'·b-.-"" JOII

To Hi•-b• "bobta lortiHoi-Wbo toc.k J011 the,. \o •" JOG.

M. M.-....

At St. John'•, on the 15th inlt., at tbe roaidenc:o of tho bride'• lather, by the Rov. M. Ha"oy, Mr. John Scott, to Loui.ea Maria, daughter of Capt. John Winaer.


~Pnra, 10. etipulated by treaty for Mre. Lloyd.

:Republic adherent. reae their joy On SUDday morning Jut, af\er a long that tho memben of th Bourbon fam- -The funeral of Sir John HorRC:hcl and paiorur illoeu, bomo with reat ily havo exp!lllld thoir han~d all of took placo on tho 19th May in Wut. pationc:o, Mary Franeoa, third danghter them u~e the eloct<'n to rej tall new minuter Abbey. Tho Abbey wu crow. of Mr. John Sheehan, St. John'a, aged Candidatca for tho Auombly dod, and a lafJ;O number of m~mben. of 16yean.

Lo.~:f, 16. learned aociotioe wore preaonl,lllcludma ~~=====~====~ Penons arriYiog from Pari say that the Duke do Broglie (reproaenti~g the jhirminrr 2nttlUrr"''t

half baa n'lt boon told of tlio roubloa Inetitu~uf France). Tho Duke of I! ... 11 ttl r-in that city, and that tbe de.truetio of Devone and Mr. Charloa Darwin life and proJierl;t' ox ....immensely wore am g the pallbearera. Pou or II.unoa Gucz. Government and Nowapaper accounu. _ _ _

BoLlY 15. - A quarrel oceurod between two June 20.-Cla!,uwebber, Sydney, 267 Tho citypresontaananimatcdappcar- juilgee. on the 29ofApril in the hall of tone c:oal-W. J . s. DoUDolly.

ance of featirity, and is crowded th11 ~upremo Court at Havana, and CLJLlJIXD.

with people from Germany and other Judge Sitju alappecl the lace of Judge June ,l.,-MargaNt Ridley, La~a, eouotriee of Europe and quito a num- Vaaquez Qniepo. The reault wu that Hamburg, 185 ton• teal Oil-Bidley bor of Americana are alao hero. in the morning of May-dar tho two .t Sone.

Preparations for the great eYent to- Judgoa fought a duel 1nth awordl. 15.-lliry Anll, Bamlyn, Quebec, biU. morrow of tho .triumpbm~ entfy of t~o Both recoi•od alight wonnda; thoy lae~ German army10to cap1tal of EmpLrO then adjourned and took break.f.ut America, Bee., Mon~l, 120 ton. teal are about completed. together. ' J 3 t c:od ' I .L ._ bl bbe

0 -u,·oo of German Parliament cloe. 0 1 • ona 01

• • ouD u r-oc Ponton & Muon. -

eel to day with apeec:h from tho 1'hrone The EmpoMr cloaed bie • pcoch With tho a1piration" God grant peace to tho Now Gorman Empire."

• Fr.oll.t:li'CK lG. Circular from Mini1tor Interior to

Prefect. instruct. thom to gifo full Ji. berty to people to celobrate Pope'• jubiroo, but to take proper precaution againat diaturbancoe. All quit~ at Romu.


-&ron Krupp baa c:onatructed a model of a Dt'W caonon which, it i1 aaid will batter down the hearieat rampart• at a dittaoce or 18 kilometree, or about nine milea I For tho foun.diog of theee molliter gun• great ehaogee hav(' .boon introduced in tho forgos of Bueo, and eeveral co!OIIIIl atoam hammer11 had been aot up, the 001t of oach oxc:oodiog four milliou of france.

(PrCH~t tlt11 No,.,i"9 OltJ"PI*icZ..) Po'II.T or S-r. Jomr'a.


J un• U - Bert be Bllaa, Lut, Pon Med•ay-P. & L. Tuaiar.

Anna Bella, Smitb, New Rlehmoad-J . & W. Bord.. •

Ddt•, Keay, Bayfield-J. & W. Pitta. Ma1dala, Fue•eU, Toronco-G. Browa.

-The Ar~~~y aJ ltoey G;u.etu baa lng.

--~---------------~------BT A•~~ of • _(ft. fro• tlat ....... ,ru ... ~-of tile

W ...... Dldriat, ....... M&etiae lT&b .sa, ell ... ~art., ....... cHNned: I lieN~ p•e pollllo aocS... tlaah o. .. ral Qo8rt• 8Ntlcla• of tM :r-oe lor tilt ..W Dldrict, will be...._ at alae Coart Roue ·

In .Harbor lraoe, oo Hoodey, tha lrd claJ of Jaly atst, at 11 o'tiQck lo Uae lolnooo, aDd aU CorOIIIYa, K,.pen of Her lbjaet,., (hoi., tba HI•Ja CoaataW.,ud all other Oonatabltl ucJ Baltill wltllla tht laid Dlatrict, aad all • otbtl' ~ toaC.rn· ed, are benlly clirecW to aofti'D 11ln• accordiDJlJ.


Harbor Gnu, Jme 21, 1871.

Ry Authority of a P''"Jit floa tha · Worahiplul tha Jlatiarratet of the

Not1harn ~·trfct, Muiatdata tbe 17th' daJ of Jao' iaat., aaclto me 41J'tcUd : I berabJ ai" pablio .. tlll, tbt a Geaeral Qumr SettloDI or the Peaoa for tht aaid Diltrict, will M bolclwl a& the Cocm Honao

In OarbcpleaT, oo HoadeJ, the lrd laJ oi•JaiJ aed, 1111 o'clock in tbe rorMoon, aac! all C'.oroDor.. Xetpera or Her MajeatJ'• Gaolt, the Hiab Collatable, aod all other CoDatabltl aDd Balliffa witbio tbt aaid J>iatrict, aad all othtrptnoDI CODCiro• eel, are hneby dirtcttcl to pvml them­M!Yet aecorcliogly.

JOHN BE\flSTBR, 84erif Nwlltt:r11 Dutrict.

Bubot Grac., Joae 21, 1871.

By AutboritT or a P' I rom the W oMiblptul tbe ll'liltraue of the

Nortl.un Di11rict, bearing dale tl.e17tb daJ of Juat iuat., aod to me di,ected : I bertbJ li'e public DoUee, that a General Q~~arter Btariona or tbe Peace for tba aaid DUtrict, will bo boldeo at tbe Coort 601111

In Brips, on Xonday, the 8rd d17 ol Jul1 nut, at 11 o'clo<'ll: In tbe foret1oon, aod all Coronera, Keep•,. ol lhr MajretJ' • Gaola, the Blab Con•tablo,.aad all otber Conatabl-. aod BailiJre witbia the uid Pit•riot, aad all other pnsona eooeetb· td, an herebJ directed to aoftm them· eelvee aceor41Aalr.

JOHN BEM.I81'ER, 8/tmf' Norll- Dutrict.

Harbor Grace, Jnne 21, 18!1,


(~f'W 4' JfMdo11'1 BwiUf~t!J,)

131, Water Street,

Jt.lop's, JUfufalmblanb-. -:o:-

BJ requMt of man1 iD!uential penon• in NewfouodlaDd, l>L Ian bu

been induced to .tablith him. tel! at St. John'a. Hit

operatiou are per-formed with tlle

greate.t care aDd ten. enderneea. Bit char!ros

are Tflf1 moderate, anCl be hopee br •kill and mtegrity, to

proTO worthy ol pnen1 patronage. 111111 21.

The Saloon•, Concerts, lial1a and Theatre. of Paris are ro-opened, and c:rowC:. etiU flock the to city.

been told that Mr. Whitehnad, the U.-L~dJ Bird, Boutao, Cienfoaoe-inventor of tho "Fiab Torpedo," will Hm•J & Co. FROM THE REV. receive £1G,OOO from the authoritiea Cb•etor, Hr.r••. 8Jclaer-BT&U, LeMaa. JAMES SALMON, M.. D. 1

McMahon and V'moy with to rttire !rom the army.

Napoleon aod Eugenio have made a Titit to tho Prince of W alea.

A ma~e arrangement betweeu Princet~ Tb1era of Denmark and Duke of .Edinburgh.

General Trochu in 'findicatiog hit de­fence of.Paria in the Auembly • ....ned eeveral indiridaala whom· be catlled to be &n'Oitecl u Pruaaiao apitt ~ re­appeared ... leaden or the intnrreetion. ana inatanoed Dombraw•li "Tbo ia, etli'Netion laid the ~oral waa merel1

.a eontiouation of the war with Pru~~~~ • and he eondensned iD vindictiTO tmu

Bitmarek'a mild alluion to the Co•

in eolllidtration of his making over aurin & Kn.labt. the invention to them. The ame paper MiADit R. Melteuie, Walab, P. B. 1 .. Clip.ecz~t, ~'! Coat.r, N. B. underataoda that Lieutenaot.Oononel l&ad-Clift--\Yood fl Co. L Fielding it engaged in writing, tor the 15.-:Reliuoe, 8ebmaa,HaallarJ, Stabll M'L J .uoa Fm.r.owa: uee of the autboritiee, a ran hiatory Ro" fiCo. Sir,-In the practise ol Medi-oftheoperatiou of the Freneh army of CLaUD. cine I have J'8COIIUDeuded your tho Loire. Juoel2.-Fwr Brotht~~, Potlier, New Cc;mpound Syrup of tbs Hy-

Rich•oad, 1. W. Suwart & Co.- popboaphitel, and found innri· -A correspondent or ~ !li- ballut. AL

writee that a movement ba•• "et'f re- A-teur. Parbf, SJdDIJ, Clift, Woocl alJly we followin1 reanlta:­CODUy beelleet on foot to give aome & Co.-b&llaat.. G~ter freedom &o the action 10ft of D&tioaal upreaaioo to '" gnti- Zoeavt, Cruela, QoteUtowa, Bowrl-, of •L- Lnn-.. m· ~--.1 -"' tude, widelf ~ill Pruce. lor U.. •PJ~· Brotbtte-75 tua teal oa1, 10 000 Will' ·---. c~ •~ pathy aDd 111e1p of Baslaud cJuriq the Hal .m. ' more easy expectqratiou m c:ues


late • troabl01, and the JDO'femeat B.t-plwaia,. Co", Llaboa, 1. • W. illclicated by dry cough, and de • pro~ to be .tt.oiOQ8hly•uoceafuL Stawut-1,100 qth.lala.. cided augmentaJiog of tone &o CoiiUDltt.ea are m oourM of formation, 1• _ ... ~ J- I'L....---" y "- W .L- h 1

,..,._Affomall abadet'ofpol:..t-.__L •· ·-·· --. ~ .... - • wur w o e nenouaiJiteld. N Y 18. . ..-.,....... sta .. ud-100 catlt. lila. 40,5H teal I __ , 1 d . t1 Gold llli. Jnf ou, eenptiaDJWa bate.~ Opeoed, ancJ lillaa, 1u .... Mal .U, I tue CID ~~a~e y Q • c:on111ten y

B eTerf'Where the=" nnaly well oil, t70 Wlit. J.oopt. ffiX»Dllll• your ,...,_6k pte-. ~u.=fn~ :t~~=;: comecl aod ODCO Dt~:J• b~Jiald. l. & W. Pita- par&~D ia a ~ty •·of· cuea,

n.....-y'rd ioo'a.:p;:;; iruiuetaCCord&ocewitla -b Ax111evon BIAcvr.t.ftOll".- 1f -Den.., J-, ONIIIOM, BU.e, npecially for ·~ : di.aeuee. · · •L-Jm-.:..1 JfMty ~ • t1le """r itlaDd ehep· Jobatoe fl Co.-llJ tua ..U eO. haYbag laeoe.faUJ· preacribed

me gaYenm .... r-- proc· a...t \itterl J)rlmld. rtib r&odom ar- 11,170 atalnlu 10 -Ia. pork. it in Bronohitil, Aathma, DebD.i-' Lonow 18. row, oftaa Ll a maik they DeYel' ahot FaataJ, o ... n. p . :&~ • Docler- ,, from liver q,.plainta, ~

n it laid that upon the •trr of at I "' 8ftll ooloam a1ow .... when Wian. bffitr froaa Feven. aDd Debility lf:l .. ,rin !:":ael ,l:'~J:"' ::,.".,·~~~~:,:: w~- ·-· ... .,._ &om illlpcma!-W 8lood. Apeop Kanb1 :ilf uaembl8 .n ~ •.m, ~ a Lon'llon u.-no.u. a..., Qo•beo, J. • W. I am. Sir,.~JO!an truly.

w thetrialoiBoeWort. ~touDOaDee"IIDr.-wu ltewart-ballut. JAIU~f8ALMON. ~ 18-tnidldallt.. ..... Ida acliiDae he ,.. ~t11 'l'Uwlr.M, 0rat1t. Grn1l .... tU Xu· Pr flis'w Jll "-' _. IJ

, The ·ll!Df>baleatrJ of tbe OllnUIIl ~ tM ~ adW lroaa ~uclltlliae•ppU... • """7 ,_ .,....

anD,_iL Berlia yeaterday, ........ :!atc":' .. ...t ~.Goi lMm aercr IMIDe. clelfaJ apeetaele: ·ne a; ... crowded :.._ .r:J:r:. ... ~ ct:r~~~ s.-lleteot, Britala-l •• w. •...n. IDTEL PBIIEI with ~. aud ~~ ~~ :~ e.-"--, Ba.-P .• L. Teuler. -,w-'INNmiiadloeDt: Tile~ .a. ....-w· . 10.:~, Bntaia--1"' BrotMn. . POII~U9,_,:£ ao~,

' .. ol tie ...... clilp~ ~ tile COD- Oo. 111ft D .~ ft A'll y_._ talf· .AlltM ..,...... eaDDOD aad -)~Man .an Ennn.-JIM t1ae Don, ....._'-•• ... ;a.v ~ v.- ... ~. ~,...hatJ.~nniOIL Ill _...._,.._ tM ~· J..,,w ... WIIa .._ ~hlla ... m ablueoiWGJDi.. ,.... tMtM lluliaa-;for lt-JI , ,. .. .,. :W.Qtlrn • JilldoL • . 111.. - "t 0..

lfn Toa, 17. ...... 8nd1 P .• L. T.-..


-Jltict . llliol Ink tf ~.

THE l>ireoton hereby giTe notice tbat a Di'ridend on

the Capital. Stock of this com. pany, at tbe rate of Twelve per cent. per annum, for the half year ending 31st May, 1~71, and a of Two Pounds per share, will be payable at the BANKI~G BOUSE in Duck· worth Street, on and alter MO~DAY next, the 6th i.nat.

(B7 order of tl:e Board.) • JOHN W. SMITH,

St. JobD'•• Ma7 G. 31. ~er.

J. HIPPISLEY3 165 Qlattr Jtrttt,

Inriteathe attention or the

inhabitant& or Harbor Grace and tho outporle to

· tho fact that he baa :now in storo and

Foa S.&.LE

A S~OR STOCK • or fin.t.claaa ~teriala for tho

Custom and -clothing Trade, CO:W:PJUBJ1{0:



------------Jl.lBBOB. &BAO:B 8 T 0 Vll DBPO~.

. ' 184 ~a:ter &'tree't 184


BEGS to thank the Public of Harbor Grace and Vicinity gener ally, for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed, and ho~

by atrict attention to bnaineas to merit a co.ntinu· ~ of their auppo1 t.

In addition to his large and varied stock of TINWARE, he hu c?natant1y on hand an extensive aasortment of

Cooking, Parlor and Hall STOVES. - ALIO-


ln greAt nrioty and of latcet ltylea. C. L . K. baa also in Stock Kerosene Oil and a large assortment

Also, a Choice Selection of of Kerosene Lamps.

Groceries, lnc:luding TEAS,



(By Wholesale and Retail,) -AND-

A largo quantity of the beat

January 18. 18'11.



CONFECTION AR_Y Ch e mieal All Very Cheap.

165 Water St1ut, 165 ESTABLISHMENT, HARBOR GRACE. 87 Ulattr .Strttt. 87


Juno 17.



AI.L that Valuable Free-hold Propertv, belonging

to the Eatate of the 1ate Tuox.u HroorNe, situnta on Harvey St. and crosa street leading North, will be 5old by PRIV .ATE SALE on application to the Subacrib•r before the 2:lnd June instant.


1vDI ith, 1870. 3i.

·til. Nultdll B£08 14 ac:quaiDttba lobabltaate oiBri·

p and "icioity that bt bu opeD~ the Sbop •dJoiDlol tiM neidtnoe of I . C. Nl7tTALL, 8sq,. ucl II prepared \o o&r for Sat.

GOODS Of all Descriptions

At tba '""! lowttt ramuDtntlaa priou, aDd trata thet witlt abiot 1Ut11tloa to buiDHa and a Ina law,rlty, ht wUl mtrlt a ahara ol pabUc petto~. •

Hi• .... •Ill OODIM of GOODS o:r KYEBY DBBOIUPTION, eultable to the nqolmaeata of tha Trade ud Jflt!IUJ of Ntwlooadlud, eoCDpritiar:



&e1We• . B1anke't8

DRESS GOODS, Ill latriJtim n) Jtaltl.

GuerDelyl Nail ~or Hamburg }'roob

nemee Begettu

Olotha . .

T..-eedt and Doeem•.


. o:

Groeerle~e •

D£.U.U ll'

Drugs, Medicines, Essences, Oils,

Dye Stuft's, Patent Medicines,

Glycerine, Pure Cbemi<'li'll,

f\pongea, SOAPS,





~e Ground Coffee, \ Copal Varni.ah,

V arniah Bruabes.

Medicine Chests Refitted. Prucriptiou .AccwNIUly D~UIIl. IF Orclera from tha Oulporta ru~tlull7

eolldttd. • !11•7 s.

D. J. GREENE Attorney and Solicitor.

Office in Duckworth Street, op­posite the Commercial Room, St Jollll's.

June 7. 1m.

lu Jilt . -n-

· DAlla IIEEI 80 cn.a.

Claelee Tea

45~ n) ..



C.APtT.AL-.£2,000,000 Sterli.u&'.

. Fire Department. THIS lonr cetablilhed and wo11-lamru

Company, eTer celebrated, through· out tho world, !or prompt and liberal aottlemont uf all legitimate lonee, con· tinuea to elfect JDJlU'IUlClO on every d~ription of property, botia in town and ~ntTy, at tbe lowcet JP,Ud on the moet C.:vorablo torme.

Ita etcadily iuc:reuing.b114ine. it~ belt proof of ita great popularity, u well &I! of the unbounded eonlldeoce in whi~b it ill hold by tho repQral publir~

Life Dep~Jnt. . IN eoint of .ecurity it ill bolieTed that " Qtrn~" Polic:iee nro unearpa..od.

Careful aelection of li1:•. aui CQQae.

quent largo BonUHL New ~-Firat qaloqllfOIDiam 1711,.111

Dit:o 8cccocl 'didO ~l,flt.4M

Policioa i110od !rom thit agency, with. out any reference to ~OIBCe. W. C. StlDl .. M...l)., JbJu-1 z-;*"

J.~Y TOBLN, 0 111erol ~f/Gl,/fiJ' . .lf~.

Orno•-247 Duc:k,rQrlb ~ Jij. Joho'a, Nlld. ·


Sub•Agent for Cooception &J. IIIDt 7. ~.Gio

A. & E, PARSONS, fabitd-Biakm, 111telsttmJ





What .,. babl11 aaacla ofP

g;~~ And llula bop P

butt• ... 18.,_ 6a4~'~opa:

And llttl•!'a"la p ~•bloiim bd aww~·parruae,

And oolboye P Poa• and call M~-m..

And aAaoot-pta 1 Ftouncee aod ftulr, Tria• and puff,

A ad youaameo P Studa aad wine, ~ looka •41imr.•

And maadtna 'I OiMie'a llcnrtn. ill allf toWffJ.

Ao~ lo~anf ~~~p~'. clarU

acl brobo btatl.\, .b'a'biidee P •

Lou and fun, 1oya'ad uara.

Aod brideJOOIDI P Wblta ltid glone, Aod elllbe Lovea_.

.Aod baabelon P • \ Oonty etoole,-. Unchangeable rulu.

An<l lewyen ? ~GI and iDk. And cblok a-chlok.


- -------------- --~ ~ --

of an e•erlt\~;L~ 1;. bl~- the room, ~··aplloa Jaia .iea; ~l,at.tf4 1r*~W,piifJ iDg light thrOugh the o~ roldtqg ,no- retult!.

do••· and brought out in alraJ!Sf. ton. " I can at !cut placo 4 W'lfttla oa tile t raat tho aombro crap_c;_ garmb:i& 'Of flte crotm d their llappincw,'' b\ Mid ball fPrlJ. Thero wu:-a n!J>Clli.»g cold,neae .Ploud. "Aod 1 will 4o iL,. 10 Gntco'• bearing t&rirda,~cr' c6Uai01 Tt!CJ u ruibttl U.e '"""" ,,,._ at valunco with lilt mentl!, Jrt-Tit~nce ClemeocyleuU.s M loba'a.&JW • ib • with her bette'" aolf, and totally diitillct look ·ol Jo.-inJ trut ~ her uprea"d f. co, · from tho leaping • op and outatrot~bed and re-entered &I.e d,.wiol rooa. 1'ba hnil.f of Clcmenc.)' Maybrook. Aa lohn ioell".cnblo li«bt of a!'eclioa aa..nMd Ia lluddorfortJ: looked io her br:iglit f'Jel, their eyu uoob .. ure4 br t bo fabrta1 c eo full of truat aod lo•e, and hstoned, to abadow, aod that tama liJbC wu fated her a~ leu w.orda of welcome, •~Joy to ebcd itt loatre oa their loture tbrooab ewopt wto h11. heart. After a aoort loca briabt year a to come. paua~ aod roptd glnnco, hor sunny "Grace not bert 1" lAid Clemtocr ia gnehng wu e:p:codcd to Hugh. I Sbo aarprieo. eire~ him cl~ ,to Grace .. llll~ joined ·• No," rtplicd Huah •itb Ul-utom. then· hands, .aaymg elyly, It 1.11 uto.n- ed J.,• ity. •• J am bcr o,.,.., .. it bi.og the pltlna eomo people take fo lilJS. " Goat ? " oxelaimec! J ohu Baddu -undora.tand oocb other. Mr. Sherwood, forth. you will n~,·cr bo a~lo to g ueu at h.alf .. Yet, and we mutt be I ODt too" nicl tho char~mg complamcute Gmco .hD.a lloab. "Come mr (riP nd I mu~i tnr booko pay1,0~~ou.1 Oulfd~ttb~ythJgh.~ you '""llY from J our aml'iDf uchant-ma o you v&Jn, wou ~~~~ ~· re•e.' '

" Clemency, h~w 1dnro you · exclaim- "Wrll,'' uid J obo Rudclerfortb aa

cd Praee, frowutog Y· . thoy puatd into the twili~rb~eet ' to-Clemency, however, wu gono. W1th th .. b tt I d d r

truo femiJaiuo tact, abo had linked her 111e1 eru, Jrdou tabve • :a 0

" 1 ~ 0

· J ol o'e and had di1111ppcarcd a yo r a eo 0P01 ; your ~110 waa abrm ~h th

1 ~window. Tho.- pnncd full of gl'atllude for the nobla ·~ri&cta l rou~ o.oJ>C . • yon ban toado. together tudo by etdo among tho .. U d . . n t.l tho~· wcro lOIIt t o lli"ht n t C:OI't't youraelf, my dear fra,ad"

owora un 1 " · aaid J[u,.h · •' m i h · d · U d fo illgo of orerhnngi.og o • 1 c:oaa n " tna:~ & :!1 10 eu110 propo ttooate amount of ~tr.,.titudc."

1mG~co roso to follow thorn when " Sbe bu a tlO?d heart I ,.. .,re," Hugh plnced his baud rcatrnini~gly on ui,~ J ohn i "ao~ If t ho knew ~.11 ... -. -1 1!1\{,'Ul,. u Do aot n~ fl"~m rue, Th'\t ~be will nonr knu, ~ptied acr nrw, .., . f: . h d IIu~b q•11rtlr

roue in. 1\ y. longue lS 11\ug t Wit ea .. ,· u • • h ~ . , · t .d. ~" ·ou " ' bll you wu r- he1aa

1 mga tOr ) · . J ohn Graco turned, hnlf an, ttnd " ·

luoked at. him fixedly. . I wleb you 10 keep rnnr promi•e •· I om uot to blnmr," ho continued, tnterruptoJ Hugb ; JOU .-owtd to pN-

wcctiog her gnzo; ":t roluc:tant. duty aer.~e mr ~:c~t. . .• i.s forced upon me, llDd further !ilcoc:o I dtd, r••d John , but T rur I would 00 crimiunl. b~v~ . wncu m !lorrd m1•rlf wu b a Yrry

•· Somcthin~ \'Cry di!l3!!l"CC3ble of stt8Jnlt l·•a<l, COUn!O," ~aid Gr:lce. .• h a aocst~mc- ." You mu•.~ cndt11'0'l! til b,.r It," ly un:•cnl ?" I&JJ llugh. n, you tl•tnk I woald buy

•· It i~, .. · ho replied. Graco returned b~r lou wi •b my Rold P llowour, ••' to her ~e.'\t, nud ho contiuul!d, " Il.tnve •aU let that pau now: l ba.•• a pro­from sympathy with yonr tenderer wo· poul 10 mako to )'_!>0 tf rou 'fill acc:oCD·

• d r, d t t t p•nr mo b11me." mnu a nnturr, o orrc " a a omen " '\"II' 1 , 1. d b' • which you ought otherwise to havo I tnjt > rtp ae .'• comp~nton known nt nn enrlicr period." T hey walked on lOJttner, unttl thor

" Ar3 you quito sure your ajmpatby r~ac:bcd Mr.•oud'• (orrpotarr H-is nerued ?" inquired G r:1ce, coldly. ndenc:e, where t ho! were •~own iat.o

"Of ODO thing at )ca.t; l am sure" '1\'llS a room amply Jfl ttmplr lurntabod, Hugh's rornc1t reply. ' "You ban a.uc:c,.eded in unra•~llinc .

·• .And pray what. may that bo ?" in- t b.o bu~lod akew .of fi!Y late unc.!~ • ·~-quirorl G racr. f••N, and ~n~) tbt~g •! •m.ootb, n .acl \

"Tluat atorn neccaaity alono unlocke Hu~t~. mot aon•nll htt frtcod tnlo 1 cb&Jr, tho aocrot. I llUJ como to t oll you " re. and t~kiog oao oppo•ito lo hi'n, plied Huttb. · ' " Yea replied John ; thanlte to t he

·• l ahmll, doubtlcu, bo grntcful for gr~:t ,.,.cri6cu which .>ou .. hn~ martr." your forbcnmnce, cousin," 11:1id Omcc, . 1 b~u arr.ang~ .. ttb. Str E~erard ao JU n moro aoncued tone. Lu Pnt ue nttufaciiQn ntd Hul(h.

"G. ather nil your atrongth, ccar J ~ho R •d.d_.rfor th coat a l~okuf com. Graco, whilo I to•I you that your father's pua:on ~t has com pa n on. memory, hie high llllme, and apotloss •· Oh:' cont inutd Hus:b. " be waa not rcputatiol\ ha,·c ouly boon prcaorred by 10 bard to mana~eo ahcr all. But n u• n 1!1\Crifice, nud th~&t ancrilico i~ youra," for my propo••l" Hugl.t, with earnest. emotion. J ot.n bo.,rd in ac'luioJcooce, and bia

" What mc11n you?" Gmcr, in friend procrcdtd. alnrm. . You cojOJed my unclo'• ,._oa6dtnce

•· Sol'ernl unforcaocn fatlurea ood booettly and IYorth' lJ lor many JO•r•. fortu!Jnto apccu1ntions havo e early pro•por tt! of th" bank c.r•ed your fnthor'a o.nco prosperous fortune," much to your ~~ .. 1. " rbtn rurroo<~ · replied Hugh. " All thnt wo ':lave be~n came, you etood lille a f•i•hful watchm •U

onablcd to MYO fN?m tho g~uoral rum to your po·t. M1 uh61o •u rbP vlc· im hill bOOn JOUr DlOtrtngo pQrlluD, twenty o£ A I OO blind I!OCurft1', flie buordnus thouan~d. pou~d8." · . aptculatioo• and l.a,.i•b Uf•'nd•l •re

A lngad aunlo plarcd bncOy arounq ruinrd him ; but ou had no aharv in Oraco'a comprcued hp11; but abc spoke t ither. You rocull~ct I tol\1 you I\ not. mi~ht buo 1 f•nC) fur l'lruiog banker

"Till you mnrry," continued Hugh, mJUH ( '' f~tcrin~ly, "tho inte!Cdt of this aum " I do," r epliod J ohn. wtll nfiord you aufficto.nt !flenn~<, nnd " \Ve:I, th•l. idea 1 h "·o ab•Ddooed,'' c\·cn luxuriO!!, although tt wrll not pro- aaid Hu,lh. cure you the aplendid naomblogca which '· Indeed!" tulaimt d J oho filled thia mnnaiou i.o your father'• life. " Yu in r .. ~or o! aooth~r, •~i 1 Htrsrb. timo. lJut pcrhapa your heart, matured " One who pouoo~ • great t ,lent, :1~ pntl .. u and chaatenOd by tho hnnd of sorrow, rcputa1ioo a d tried abi111y, T~ll me, will hold thote idlo rnnitiea Ill t heir true now, wbat cepihl wculd lie requirtJ ia worth." aucb ao eotorpriao "

" I am fully aeneiblo of my errore, " By winly limitin~t," 1aid courin," Gmco, with haughtv irony ; John, "fifleeo Qr t ... uty tho~ .. ud II theroforo apllro IDO the tedium of your pounrla would ... mro." wiao echooliug.'L "Tho full as tent of tba~ tum i1 at

" Tho llYoetcat fluwen aometimee your l!iapo11l," uid lluRb. . cover tho abarpcat- thorns, couain, ro- " I do oot uaderatand 7011," n id John, tortcd Hugh, our,tly. "Our old friend- with 1 perpltaed loo&. r--ehip, our c.>unnorn ~~ of kindred, mahy ,, Tno upti,bt mao, who kaowa bow ~ivo too rude a rauKJJCN to my apoec ; Jl • b b' af eo, pardon mo. But th"oro i• au a! to rr•co proper bund• to II ambition, fection,,teoJer ll.Dd profound, living io end cooteot. bimulf•ito moderate a•iD•r my hoart for you, Graco. I t hnb on· i• an(.t," ••ill HuRb. "You are th•t riched and blouod my daily lifo for mao. I con&:le lbe aum of mnoeyyo11 y«lra. . Oh 1 lot me hear you say tlat ban named to your i.e'plag; it i• you a.. you will amilo upon it." to trade wi•b, aad a m~oderate lotef11t

, ., " iO ~meo IDT wan h . :No objectiooa; " n.ugb Sherwood !" crit'd tbe1 are uat lt.,, 111d I aro qbettoa~t. I

donlJ, " have you no rc.;u.rd lr.oow that an ecciJeut may drra~~a• the mourning robea ?" celtulatl• n•, aud coafoood tbe

"Fo.-alvo me, Grace!" eaid.' ·o· p4'iat• or prudence. Uut •icre-puaioDAtelyl " 1 would not paioyotl t aitfdu of t bu nature eqiiAJIJ a&:~ct all only tc ll - mo noft'1tha~ I m&y ~ere- btua&o totnpri,01• 1'bt b•nd of tbe · tt.!ter •peak ofmy love,~d ~ot Y01Urill ioctud11,.. burn• uor houMa, tb .. os•tb· lU.ten.' , · ' 1'• brow coobac:~ deeper 11 q11a1Lt •••llowt up ow &o•nl, inuodA-sbo turned coldly, ail.ontlyl feom hil im,. ojona IDd ,bli~tht l.J WUit our baruet

fielde anli duttoy our CNp• ; etill tbue pauion.ed gaze. 1'1! ., ar• .09 .reuon.a w'ry ooe ebould 01110 to ' '

1 Oh, tbinlt I'! continut'd•Hugb;t,.ntb buUI!, or furs•t to IJ w." · the IIIIIJ!O ftow of• eai-Deat tlolint::, "n •Qlno yota coaaldertd."~'d J ?bn, ln aro both orphanl . now. WuNI! u a nice of dHp , .. ollna,,. lit too oalr you do thatboreaYedanddeaolatename, paraatle- ,1 UA oll"a JO Ia • • y.ou.,~~ Al•ia'l .,. '""" ,.,p'r )teart uaritJ , .. tn~~ ~.,. hun~OfJ'•Jf't. btJOttO ·~ for:~,• ~l'PIIt'fli9.'P· .J~pot.~m.u!ual ·" • [ro n connrom.) •ol~" bci fir.t~ .br ~ a@'~~on ~,lmpe,riab-ab o, ADd bolj f !J FA contopt j tO lh-o A.. U _.._i G Slan.1 .. ..1 ou-J:icod DOt, hq,_W Jo~.,iu, tileqt ~~ 1, 1_.(~~ .UJU'UOr race WUU tic~ if ]JOIV Will. >Qif ~id Jq0 hope. .. U D

0,1110 \_Oqi, G~ I ~~ 10Uf fact aod . . .. Coaeeplio'D Jlay .A.dftriilw, let,,m~ fR1 f~te.,' ... 1 f " ~ [I )lrlrted =z.Wl•W eftl1 wzo...,. , TMfllok ,... unsitn ;Land • ·Hap JU, ~ . a.,. ., .. .., 'l'llwlu

Mood ~~: ·~ JD~~n\y · ~ ~ * ....-. \.. .. ~. : . . ·~ ~~~~,,111011 ~un., uot •~h.C..t.._,., · "'0~ ~·.iddeld8d' lhoaiael••upoa11P 1~ ... ·,._.,.-. ~ ..A.niDr • pa~~~eJao ~ ...,..._,..,.,. proud, bitter geaturo f'rom her, IIOOXAQ)oa PIIMia et ...,. ..... to the wiAclow aod u, . .,......., a .......... ..,.....

rdla ioa ADYDmaa-~ +f!WW.»= ~c~ ... , .. . ·~.=. •• , .. -~~ ..... r.~..-,.. .......... .., .......... ~~~~

I I !I 3

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