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С. П. Болдырева, О. А. Брумина

Английский язык

Методические указания по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык»

Часть II

Учебно-познавательная сфера общения



Министерство сельского хозяйства РФ ФГБОУ ВПО «Самарская государственная

сельскохозяйственная академия»

Кафедра «Иностранные языки»

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УДК 811.07 ББК 81.2 Англ. Р Б-79

Болдырева, С. П. Б-79 Английский язык : методические указания по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык» / С.П. Болдырева, О.А. Брумина. Часть II: Учебно-познавательная сфера общения. – Кинель : РИЦ СГСХА, 2013. – 74 с.

Данное издание представляет собой методические указания

для второго раздела программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» – «Учебно-познавательная сфера общения».

Издание состоит из 2 уроков и предназначено для бакалавров, изучающих английский язык.

© ФГБОУ ВПО Самарская ГСХА, 2013 © Болдырева С.П., 2013

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Предисловие………….………………………………….…... 4

Lesson 1 (Урок 1)………….………………………………… 5

Lesson 2 (Урок 2)………………………..…………………... 32

Приложения……………………………………………….….. 71

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Цель данных методических указаний – формирование

иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих, а именно:

- речевая компетенция – развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении, чтении, письме;

- языковая компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами (лексическими, грамматическими, орфографическими) в соответствии с темами второго раздела программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» – «Учебно-познавательная сфера общения».

Указания состоят из двух уроков и представляют следующие темы: «Высшее образование в России», «Высшее образование в странах изучаемого языка», «Мой вуз», «Студенческая жизнь».

Каждый урок включает следующие подразделы: словообразование, грамматические пояснения и упражнения к ним; текст(ы) для изучающего чтения и лексический минимум данной темы; диалоги; текст повышенного уровня для развития навыков ознакомительного чтения. Урок первый заканчивается устной темой. Урок второй – письменной работой по написанию краткой биографии (CV).

Активной грамматикой второго раздела является:

прошедшее простое время (The Past Simple Tense);

модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (Modal Verbs);

местоимения: much, many, little, few, a little, a few;

будущее простое время (The Future Simple Tense);

структура be going to;

структуры There will be / It will be;

условные предложения первого типа; степени сравнения имен прилагательных.

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Урок 1 (Lesson 1)

Грамматика. Прошедшее простое время (The Past Simple Tense).

Модальные глаголы. Местоимения: much, many, little, few, a little,

a few. Словообразование . Суффиксы прилагательных -ian, -ent

(-ant), -ive, -ic, -ful, -less, -y. Тексты: «Education in Russia», «Samara State Agricultural

Academy» (изучающее чтение). Диалоги: «Our Studies». Тексты: «A Web of Lies?», «Parents Must Challenge High School

Culture» (ознакомительное чтение) Устная тема: «My Academy»


1. Суффикс -ian образует прилагательные со значением принадлежности к национальности или стране: Russian русский, Indian индийский (индейский). 2. Прилагательные с суффиксом -ent (-ant) образуются от глаголов и соответствуют существительным, образованным от тех же глаголов с суффиксами -ence (-ance): to differ различаться, different различный, difference различие, to resist сопротивляться, resistant устойчивый, resistance сопротивление. 3. Суффикс прилагательных -ive: negative отрицательный. 4.Суффикс прилагательных -ful образует от существительных прилагательные, выражающие полноту качества предмета: use польза – useful полезный. 5.Суффикс прилагательных -less образует от существительных прилагательные, выражающие отсутствие качества предмета: useless – бесполезный. 6. Суффикс -ic образует от существительных прилагательные: atom – atomic атомный. 7. Суффикс -y образует от существительных прилагательные, выражающие свойство (характер) предмета: rain дождь – rainy

дождливый. 1. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных

и переведите их на русский язык с помощью словаря: independence, distance, importance, transparency.

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2. Обращая внимание на суффиксы, переведите следующие


productive, positive, negative, intensive, primitive, effective, progressive, aggressive, active, extensive, specific, childless, snowy, fruitful, Indian, Canadian, elegant, treeless, frosty, protective, scientific, rainy, speechless.

3. Образуйте с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less прилагательные

от следующих существительных и переведите их: peace, help, thank, tact, use, right, colour, care, hope, fruit, beauty, power.

Грамматика А. Употребление. Простое прошедшее время (Past Simple Tense) выражает однократное действие (или состояние), многократное действие или ряд последовательных действий в прошлом, не связанных с моментом речи.

В. Образование.

По способу образования утвердительной формы простого

прошедшего времени все английские глаголы делятся на стандартные (или правильные) и нестандартные (или неправильные).

Стандартные глаголы образуют утвердительную форму

простого прошедшего времени для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа с помощью суффикса -ed, прибавляемого к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to:

Last summer (he, she, we, you, they) worked in the garden. Если инфинитив стандартного глагола оканчивается на букву у с предшествующей согласной, то при прибавлении к нему суффикса -ed буква у меняется на i: to dry сушить — dried сушил, но to play играть — played играл. Если инфинитив оканчивается на -е, то при прибавлении суффикса -ed буква е выпадает: to live жить – lived жил.

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Если стандартный глагол состоит из одного слога, окан-чивающегося на согласную, например, to stop останавливаться, то при прибавлении суффикса эта последняя согласная удваивается: stopped остановился.

Нестандартные глаголы образуют утвердительную форму простого прошедшего времени разными способами:

- изменением корневой гласной; to begin начинать — began начал, to come приходить — came пришел, to meet встречаться — met встретил;

- изменением согласной корня глагола: to make делать — made — сделал, to have иметь — had имел.

Нестандартные глаголы to go и to be образуют формы простого прошедшего времени от другого корня: to go идти — went шел, to be быть — was был, were были.

У некоторых нестандартных глаголов форма прошедшего времени совпадает с формой инфинитива: to let позволять — let

позволил. Утвердительная форма простого прошедшего времени

нестандартных глаголов дается в словаре после неопределенной формы и поэтому называется «второй формой глагола».

Все глаголы, как стандартные, так и нестандартные, в простом прошедшем времени имеют одну форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа: I (he, she) lived in Moscow.

Исключением является глагол to be , имеющий разные формы для единственного и множественного числа: I (he, she, it) was here yesterday. We (you, they) were here yesterday. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы глаголов в простом прошедшем времени образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did. В отрицательной форме в простом прошедшем времени отрицание not употребляется после вспомогательного глагола did, который, в свою очередь, следует за подлежащим; затем используется смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива без частицы to.

I, he, she, we, you, they

did not work in the garden.

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В разговорной речи вспомогательный глагол did и частица not сливаются в одно слово: did not = didn't. В вопросительной форме в простом прошедшем вpeмени вспомогательный глагол did употребляется перед подлежащим, а смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива без частицы to следует за подлежащим.

Did I, he, she, we, you,


work on the farm last summer?


ная форма





Short Answers

(краткие ответы)

I worked. I became.

I didn’t work. I didn’t become.

Did I work? Did I become?

Yes, I did; No, I didn’t.

You worked.

You became.

You didn’t work.

You didn’t become.

Did you work?

Did you become?

Yes, you did; No, you


He worked.

He became.

He didn’t work.

He didn’t become.

Did he work?

Did he become?

Yes, he did; No, he didn’t.

She worked.

She became.

She didn’t work.

She didn’t become.

Did she work?

Did she become?

Yes, she did; No, she


It worked. It became.

It didn’t work. It didn’t become.

Did it work? Did it become?

Yes, it did; No, it didn’t.

We worked.

We became.

We didn’t work.

We didn’t become.

Did we work?

Did we become?

Yes, we did; No, we didn’t.

You worked.

You became.

You didn’t work.

You didn’t become.

Did you work?

Did you become?

Yes, you did; No, you


They worked.

They became.

They didn’t work.

They didn’t become.

Did they work?

Did they become?

Yes, they did; No, they


C. Обстоятельства времени:

yesterday вчера;

the day before yesterday позавчера;

last year в прошлом году;

last month в прошлом месяце;

last week на прошлой неделе;

a year ago год назад;

yesterday morning вчера утром;

last night вчера вечером.

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4. Образуйте формы простого прошедшего времени от

следующих глаголов и вспомните их значение: to be, to go, to have, to come, to work, to rain, to begin, to attend, to live, to read, to write, to speak, to study, to meet, to become, to give, to think, to use, to build, to get, to know, to take, to understand, to see, to let, to put, to perform, to pass, to enter, to consist.

5. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках, в простом

прошедшем времени: 1. It’s a nice day today but yesterday it (rain) all day. 2. The concert (begin) at 7.30 and (finish) at 10 o’clock. 3. When I was a child, I (want) to be a doctor. 4. It was hot in the room, so I (open) the window. 5. The accident (happen) last Sunday afternoon. 6. Ann’s grandfather (die) when he was 95 years old. 7. They (go) to the post office. 8. I (have) a nice holiday last year.

6. Перепишите предложения в отрицательную и

вопросительную форму по образцу: We went to New York last month. Did we go to New York last month? We didn’t go to New York last month. 1. I saw Joe yesterday. 2. It rained on Sunday. 3. Helen came to the party. 4. Your parents had a good holiday last month. 5. Your sister phoned you the day before yesterday. 6. Tom bought some new clothes yesterday. 7. We went to the beach yesterday. 8. I was tired last morning. 9. She began the examination on time. 10. He did a tremendous amount of work. 11. We had absolutely nothing to do last week.

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7. Напишите, что Вы делали и не делали вчера вечером.

1. (watch TV) _____________________ . 2. (get up before 7 o’clock) _______________ . 3. (have a shower) ______________________ . 4. (buy a magazine) _____________________ . 5. (eat meat) ___________________________ . 6. (go to bed before 10.30) _______________ . 7. (finish work early) ____________________ . 8. (come home by taxi) __________________ .

8. Задайте вашему однокурснику вопросы по-английски. Пусть

он ответит вам:

1. Когда он стал студентом? 2. Где он жил? 3. С кем он играл вчера в футбол? 4. Какую программу он смотрел вчера вечером? 5. Что он учил вчера? 6. Когда он начал изучать английский? 7. Почему он опоздал на занятия на прошлой неделе? 8. Кого он пригласил на обед позавчера?

9. Завершите предложения, употребив следующие глаголы

в простом прошедшем времени: To be (3), to find, to go (2), to have , to tell, to think, to invite, to give, to get, sleep. 1. I … early and … a shower. 2. Tom was tired last night, so he … to bed early. 3. I … this pen on the floor. Is it yours? 4. “I’ve got a new job.” “Yes I know. David … me.” 5. Kate got married when she …. 21. 6. “Where did you buy that book?” “It was a present. Ann … it to me.” 7. We …. hungry, so we had something to eat. 8. “Did Mary come to your party?” “ No, we … her, but she didn’t come” 9. “Did you enjoy the film?” “Yes, I …… it was very good.”

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10. This ….. a slow process. 11. We …. to New York last year. 12. I … well last night.

10. Переведите шуточный рассказ, обращая внимание на

употребление Past Simple Tense. Выпишите из текста глаголы в Past Simple Tense

An absent- minded professor moved to a new house further along the same street. His wife knew that he was prone to forgetting things and so she wrote down the new address on a piece of paper before he went ff to collage. She handed the paper and the key to the new house and reminded him not to go back to the old address. That morning, one of his students asked him a complex question and the professor wrote the answer down on the back of the slip of paper. The student asked whether he could keep the paper. Forgetting what was on the other side, the professor said, “Certainly”. In the evening, he returned out of habit to the old house, tried the key and couldn’t get in. Realizing his mistake, he searched in his pockets for the slip of paper with the new address, but of course there was no sign of it. So he wandered along the street and stopped the first reasonable – looking lad he saw. “Excuse me, I’m Professor Galbraith. You wouldn’t happen to know where I live, would you” “Sure, Dad,” said the boy.

Модальные глаголы

Модальные глаголы can, may, must, should выражают не действие, а отношение говорящего к действию, обозначенному следующим за ними инфинитивом, а именно, возможность, вероятность или необходимость совершения действия.

Модальные глаголы объединяются в одну группу по своим общим формальным признакам: - у них нет инфинитива и других неличных форм и нет временных форм, кроме can и may, имеющих прошедшее время could и might; - они не имеют -s в 3 лице настоящего времени; - следующий за ними глагол употребляется без частицы to; - вопросительную и отрицательную формы модальные глаголы образуют без вспомогательных глаголов.

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Ann can speak English. Can Ann speak English? Ann cannot (can’t) speak English. Can (could) употребляется:

1) для выражения физической или умственной возможности и умения совершать действия: We can swim. Мы умеем плавать. 2) для выражения разрешения : Can I speak to the director? Могу я поговорить с директором? 3) для выражения удивления, сомнения (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях) и предположения: Can she say it? Неужели она это говорит? To be able to – эквивалент модального глагола can, употребляется для выражения возможности и умения совершать действия в будущем, прошлом и настоящем: Ann will be able to visit us next year. Аня сможет навестить нас следующим летом. I wasn’t able to meet you yesterday. Я не смог тебя вчера встретить. May употребляется: 1) для выражения разрешения совершить действие в настоящем или будущем: May I take it? Могу я сделать это? Yes, you may. Да, можно. No, you may not или Нет, нельзя (вежливый ответ) No, you mustn’t. Нет, нельзя (категорическое запрещение) 2) для выражения предположения в совершении действия настоящем или будущем (might выражает большую степень сомнения). В этом случае may, might переводиться может быть, возможно: Ann might come. Аня, может быть, и придет.

Must употребляется: 1) для выражения необходимости совершения действия, а также приказа или совета: She must do it. Она должна сделать это.

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Отрицательный ответ на вопрос с глаголом must образуется от глагола need нуждаться (needn’t) в отрицательной форме: Must we come. Мы должны придти? No, you needn’t. Нет, не нужно. 2) для выражения предположения: It must rain today. Сегодня, очевидно, будет дождь. To have to – эквивалент модального глагола must употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем: to have to – приходиться, быть

вынужденным; вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do:

I had to be there till 5. Мне пришлось там быть до 5. I didn’t have to be there. Мне там не нужно было быть. To be to - эквивалент модального глагола must употребляется для выражения необходимости совершения действия в силу имеющейся договоренности, по плану: We are to do this work. Мы должны сделать эту работу. Should употребляется для выражения совета и переводиться следует, должен: You should help him. Вам следует помочь ему. Ought to употребляется: 1) для выражения морального долга, совета, относящегося к настоящему или будущему: You ought to help her. Вам следует (должны) помочь ей. 2) с перфектным инфинитивом выражает действие, которое должно было произойти в прошлом, но не произошло: You ought to have helped them. Вам следовало помочь им.


11. a) Скажите собеседнику, что Вы можете (не можете) придти

и Ваш друг может (не можете) придти, используя следующие

словосочетания: Образец: I can’t come on Friday, but my friend can. Утром, вечером, до лекции, после лекции, в среду, в субботу, второго декабря, ровно в восемь, после занятий, после экзамена.

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b) Скажите, что Вы можете выполнить что-либо.

Спросите, может ли Ваш друг сделать это. Пусть он Вам

ответит. Используйте следующие словосочетания: Образец: I can meet him on Monday. Can you meet him on Monday? Yes, I can. To take part, to speak English, tonight, to enter Academy, to approve.

c) Спросите разрешения сделать что-либо. Пусть Ваш друг

ответит Вам. Используйте приведенные ниже глаголы. Образец: May I leave at 4 o’clock? Please do. Take, visit, go, help, read, walk, meet.

12. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая

внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:

1. I don’t always do everything I should. 2. You can’t sit there. Those seats are reserved. 3. You don’t need to take the test. 4. I want to be able to choose my own career. 5. We don’t exercise much, but we really ought to. 6. The machine can translate simple messages into 24 different

languages. 7. You must stop at the red light. 8. You should eat more fresh fruit. 9. Graham will have to sleep on the sofa. 10. Now I have to go. I am to meet Ann in the library. 11. If he doesn’t know how to translate the phrase he should ask the

teacher. 12. Ask Ann, she may know his address.

13. Употребите must/had to/ mustn’t/needn’t/should.

1. You _____ go. You can stay here if you want. 2. We didn’t have any food yesterday, so we ________ go shopping. 3. I want to know what happened. You _______ tell me. 4. I ___ hurry or I’ll be late. 5. The windows aren’t dirty. You _____ clean them. 6. I _____ go to the bank yesterday to get some money. 7. When you play tennis, you _____ watch the ball.

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8. It’s a fantastic film. You ____ see it. 9. You ___ tell Sue what happened. I don’t want her to know. 10. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and I ___ stand all the way. 11. If you have time, you _____ visit the Science Museum. 12. It’s late. I ___ go now.

14. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и

отрицательными. Переведите предложения. 1. Michael has to read a lot for tomorrow’s exam. 2. Everybody has to be very careful with this device. 3. She had to study hard last semester. 4. They had to enter our Academy. 5. I have to pass my final exams.

15. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Ты не должна приходить домой так поздно. 2. Сегодня Александру необходимо поехать в центр города. 3. Тебе нужно много заниматься. 4. Тебе не нужно заканчивать работу, если ты должен уйти, это подождет. 5. Он должен был участвовать в конференции. 6. Тебе нужен этот словарь? 7. Могу я посещать лекции? 8. Вы можете мне помочь перевести этот текст? 9. Она должна встать рано, чтобы подготовиться к тесту. 10. Вы говорите по-английски? 11. Он смог открыть окно. 12. Вчера я не смог позвонить твоим родителям.

16. Выберите правильное слово. 1. I suppose we really …. to book our tickets in advance. a) should b) must c) ought d) can 2. We couldn’t find a hotel room, so we … sleep in the car. It was awful! a) had to b) must c) could d) should 3. Yes, of course you ….. open the window if you’re too hot. a) can b) needn’t c) must d) are able to 4. The water of the Dead Sea is so salty that ….. live in it. a) nothing can b) nothing c) nothing can’t d) anything can’t

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5. Tom looked at his watch and said that he …. go. a) must to b) has to c) had to d) had 6. Children …. to go to the dentist at least once a year. a) should b) must c) ought d) have 7. You …. do it if you tried. a) couldn’t b) must c) shouldn’t d) haven’t 8. You … walk on the grass. a) mustn’t b) had to c) have to d) will have to 9. As the ship entered the harbour, we … see the Statue of Liberty. a) can b) could c) must d) should 10. The news … be true? I don’t believe you. a) can b) could c) can’t d) be able to 11. We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was boring. I’m glad we …. learn it by heart. a) has to b) don’t have to c) can’t d) must 12. You …. work tomorrow if you don’t want to. a) couldn’t b) needn’t c) cannot d) oughtn’t 13. I was lost and … ask the policeman the way. a) may b) should c) must d) had to 14. I ….. find a job, my parents can’t support me any longer. a) are able to b) are allowed to c) has to d) must 15. I .. swim as well as my father. a) can b) must c) have to d) may 16. She is not able to carry all these suitcase by herself. Somebody …. help her. a) may b) should c) can d) need

Неопределенные местоимения many, much,

few, little, a few, a little.

1. Для обозначения понятия «много» с исчисляемыми существительными в английском языке употребляется слово

many: Has your sister many friends? A lot of употребляется в утвердительных предложениях: There are a lot of foreign magazines in the library .

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2. Для обозначения понятия «мало» с исчисляемыми существительными в английском языке употребляется слово few: There were few fine days in October.

3. Для обозначения понятия «много» с неисчисляемыми существительными употребляется местоимение much: This winter there is much snow in the field. 4. Для обозначения понятия «мало» с неисчисляемыми существительными слово little : We have little time today. A few несколько употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными. A little немного употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными. My friend has a few interesting English books. My elder brother speaks English a little.


17. Употребите подходящие по смыслу слова из предлагаемых

в скобках вариантов. 1. My friends spoke English (a little, a few) when they came to Moscow. 2. I don’t read very much. I haven’t (much, many) books. 3. We must hurry. We haven’t got (much, many) time. 4. “Have you got any money?” “Yes, (a little, a few)”. 5. “Are there factories in this town?” “Yes, (a little, a few)”. 6. I’d like to practise my English more but I have (little, few) opportunity. 7. Did (much, many) students fail the examination? 8. How (much, many) bread did you buy? 9. The town is very quiet at night. Very (little, few) people go out. 10. Your English is very good. You make very (little, few) mistakes. 11. “Did you take any photos when you were on holiday?” “Yes, (a little, a few)”. 12. There was (little, few) food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

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Лексический минимум 1

Прочитайте и выучите наизусть слова и выражения

лексического минимума: Education образование right право to incorporate объединять, соединять pre-school дошкольный general school средняя школа secondary school средняя школа higher education высшее образование compulsory обязательный to enter academy поступать в академию to approve одобрять, утверждать bill закон transition переход, переходный период two-level higher education system двух-уровневая система образования bachelor’s degree степень бакалавра master’s degree степень магистра to perform исполнять, выполнять profound основательный research activity научная деятельность tuition обучение grant стипендия pass the examinations сдать экзамены each term каждый семестр course курс tutorial консультация social sciences социальные науки attend lectures посещать лекции take examinations сдавать экзамены educated specialist образованный специалист

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Тексты для изучающего чтения

Прочитайте и переведите текст 1а.

Text 1a

Education in Russia Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is

guaranteed by the Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-school, general school, specialized secondary and higher education.

The school education in the Russian Federation is compulsory for children from 7 to 18 years of age.

The term of study in a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primary, middle and upper stages.

After finishing school or college young people may enter institute, academy or university to get the higher education.

In 2007 the government of the Russian Federation has approved the bill of transition to two-level higher education system. The bill provides introduction in Russia such levels of higher education, as a bachelor’s degree (the first level) and a master’s degree (the second level).

The first level prepares the students for work with performing functions in industrial, social, economic sphere (administrators, managers, experts in sales, etc.). Preparation at the first level passes in base directions, and profound specialization occurs at the second level. The person with master’s degree focuses on analytical, design, research activity. Training at the first level lasts 4 years, and at the second level – 2 years. If you get a place at university, the tuition is free, and some students also get a grant (money to pay for living expenses, e.g. food and accommodation) as well.

When you finish the course and pass the examinations , you receive a degree (the qualification when you complete a university course successfully). Now Russian students can continue their studies without problems in any high school of Europe and get a job abroad.

The academic year lasts ten months from the 1st September to the

end of June of the following year. It is divided into two semesters. Almost all courses include theoretical studies of special subjects and social sciences and practical training. During the semesters students

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attend lectures , tutorials , carry out laboratory tests, and do practical work. Twice a year, at the end of each term, students take final exams.

To study is not an easy thing, of course, but nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly skilled and educated specialist.

18. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What does the public educational system in our country incorporate? 2. Is the school education in the Russian Federation compulsory or optional? 3. What stages does the term of study in a general secondary school consist of? 4. Where can young people enter after finishing school or college? 5. When did the government approve the bill of transition to two-level higher education system? 6. When can young people get the bachelor's degree? 7. What is the master’s degree?

19. Заполните пропуски словами из текста.

1. The … year lasts ten months from the 1

st September to the end of

June of the following year. 2. Nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly …. and educated… . 3. The government approved the …..of … to two-level higher education system. 4. Now Russian students can continue their study without problems in ….. of Europe and get a job abroad. 5. The academic year is divided into two…. . 6. Training at the first level … 4 years, and at the second level - 2 years. 7. Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by….. .

Прочитайте и выучите слова и выражения к тексту 1b

goal – цель success – успех study – учиться department – факультет, отделение specialist – специалист bachelor – бакалавр agriculture – сельское хозяйство be situated in – располагаться в

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picturesque – живописный mouth – устье settlement – поселок set up – начинаться, основываться Samara Agrarian School – самарская аграрная школа building – здание be made of – делается из look like – выглядит как ancient castle – древний замок post-war period – послевоенный период nowadays – в настоящее время comprise – включать, вмещать hostel – общежитие distant learners - заочники train – обучать, тренировать in addition to this – в дополнении к этому specialize in – специализироваться в advanced studies – углубленное изучение enable – давать возможность theoretical knowledge – теоретическое знание practical skills – практические умения combine – сочетать classroom activities – аудиторная работа vocational practice – профессиональная практика moreover – более того scientific – научный on the basis of – на базе чего-либо try themselves – попробовать себя research - исследование daily routine – повседневные занятия, рутина period – пара attend - посещать practical training classes – практические занятия laboratory – лаборатория examination period – сессия to get ready for – готовиться к provide with – обеспечивать чем-либо periodicals – газеты, журналы available – доступный

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teaching staff – преподавательский состав experienced – опытный to my mind – по моему мнению promotion courses – курсы повышения квалификации due to – из-за, благодаря international activity – международная деятельность encourage – поощрять, поддерживать participate – участвовать enhance – углублять, улучшать, повышать education – образование socialize – общаться take part – принимать участие performance – представление contest – конкурс, состязание celebrate – праздновать anniversary – годовщина, юбилей no doubt – без сомнения be on the way to – быть на пути к

Text 1b

Samara State Agricultural Academy

My name is Igor Sviridov. I started the Academy some months

ago. I study at the Engineering department and will make a specialist (a bachelor) in agriculture in a few years.

Our Academy is situated in one of the most beautiful and picturesque places of Samara region near the mouth of the Kinel river in a settlement called Ust-Kinelskii. It was set up as Samara

Agrarian School at the beginning of the 20th

century. The oldest building of the Academy is made of red brick and looks like an ancient castle. Now everybody calls it “the Red Building”. In the post-

war period the other buildings were constructed. Nowadays our Academy comprises Agronomical,

Biotechnological, Engineering, Economical and Technological faculties and some hostels . There is also one more faculty for distant learners . To name the figures, students are trained in 22 specializations at our Academy: Agronomy, Plant protection, Animal selection and genetics, Mechanization of agriculture, Agricultural economics and many others.

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In addition to this , three faculties (Engineering, Technological and Economical) specialize in advanced English studies.

I think our Academy enables students to get both theoretical

knowledge and practical skills as we combine our classroom

activities with vocational practice on the farms of Samara region. Moreover, there is a students scientific laboratory organized on the basis of Agronomical Faculty. So students can try themselves in scientific research.

As for our daily routine , we usually have 4 periods a day. We attend lectures, go to practical training classes and seminars, do a lot of laboratory works in physics, chemistry and other subjects in special laboratories and computer centres. Twice a year we have an

examination period. To get ready for classes, tests and exams, we are provided with a

great collection of text-books, scientific literature and periodicals in two reading rooms and a library. Its electronic catalogue is always available to the students and teaching staff.

Speaking about our teachers, they are very experienced, to my

mind. Some of them have taken their promotion courses in the leading universities of the world, due to the international activity of the Academy. Students are also encouraged to participate in different international programmes and enhance their education abroad. Our foreign educational partners are Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada.

As we study, so we have fun. We like to socialize and take part in different performances and contests , such as traditional Students ̀Autumns and Springs, Beauty Contests and so on.

When it comes to sport life, there are two sport centres in our Academy where students do their favourite sports. We play football, hockey, basketball, rugby, do athletics, wrestling, go skiing, skating and what not!

In September 2010 we celebrated the 90th

anniversary of the Academy. No doubt, it is quite a long time, but our Academy is on the

way to new goals and new success! I am proud to study at Samara State Agricultural Academy!

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20. Закончите фразы, используя данные ниже слова. Составьте

с фразами свои собственные предложения.

Scientific, routine, education, activity, knowledge, classroom, lectures, staff, training, promotion, vocational, specialist, place, football, Agrarian School, red brick, athletics, post-war, skiing, studies, training

1. … in agriculture 2. picturesque … 3. was set up as … 4. is made of … 5. … period 6. advanced English … 7. theoretical … 8. practical … 9. … activities 10. … practice 11. … laboratories

12. daily … 13. to attend … 14. practical … classes 15. teaching … 16. … courses 17. international … 18. to enhance … 19. to play … 20. to do … 21. to go …

21. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами:

1. to study … the Academy 2. to be situated … a beautiful place 3. … the mouth of the Kinel river 4. to specialize … 5. to combine classroom activities … vocational practice 6. to be organized … the basis … the Academy 7. to provide … a great collection of books 8. to get ready … the classes 9. to be available … the students 10. speaking … our teachers 11. to take part … different performances 12. to be … the way … new goals

22. Завершите предложения, используя текст 1b:

1. In a few years I l̀l make a … . 2. Our Academy is situated near … . 3. The building of the Agronomical faculty looks like … .

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4. I think it s̀ a good idea to combine … . 5. Students can choose any scientific society … . 6. We attend … . 7. To get ready for the classes and tests we go to … . 8. Students are also encouraged to … . 9. As we study, so … . 10. In September 2010 we celebrated … . 11. I am proud to … .

Прочитайте диалоги 1 и разыграйте их в парах.

- Hello Irene. Why, are you a student at the Academy? - Well, because the problems of biology are very important now, and I like biology. And what about you? - You see, my mother is a agronomist and my father is a forester. We live on a farm. When I was a child they often took me to the fields and to the forest. I’d like to work on a farm too. - What was your mother’s Institute? - Ours. - When was it? - Twenty years ago. - Does she like her work? - Certainly. She is a good agronomist. - And what about your father? - Oh, his work is interesting too. In our forests there are many tree species, many animal species, and he knows all of them very well. - Is your daughter a student? - Not yet. - Does she know what she wants to major in? - She hasn’t made her mind yet, But I believe she’ll be a student of economics. - Economics is very broad concept. - She’s keen on marketing. - Oh, that’s a good career. Can the students go to the university free of charge? - No, everyone must pay a tuition fee. - Is high education is expensive in USA?

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- Rather expensive. The tuition fee ranges from $ 3,000 to 22,000 a year. - Is it the same for all students? - No, it isn’t. Out-of-state student pay about twice more than the local one. - Why, Paul! What a pleasant surprise! - Hello, Mike. This is a small world! Now I am a first – year student of - Let me guess. Are you a student of the faculty of engineering? - No, I’m not. - Technological faculty? - You’re mistaken again. - Oh, yes. You study at the faculty of economics. - Right you are. - My best congratulations! -Thanks. - How many lessons do you have a day? - Let me see … On Monday and Friday we have three lessons, on Wednesday – five, the rest of the week – four ones. - Do you study on Saturday? - No. - Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you at the University for a while. What’s the matter? - You see, Mike, now I am an extramural student (студент – заочник). - Really? - I work and study. I’ve got married. - Glad to hear it. Is your wife a student? - Yes, she is.

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Тексты для ознакомительного чтения Прочитайте текст 1a и ответьте по-русски на вопросы.

Что такое плагиат? Как преподаватели могут распознать плагиат в работах

своих учеников? В связи с чем автор статьи упоминает своего сына?

Text 1a

A Web of Lies? Jane Wilshere explores the effect that the world wide web is

having on school life.

The incredible growth of the Internet over recent years has caused problems for parents and teachers. Parents worry about which sites their children spend time on, who they chat to online and the possible effects that computer games might have on them. For teachers, meanwhile, the main worry is the way the Internet makes cheating easier!

Schools and universities say there has been a huge increase in plagiarism – taking other people’s words and ideas and pretending that they are your own. In the past, anyone who wanted to copy had to go to a library, find the right books, read through them, find the sections they needed and then physically write down the words they wanted to use. Nowadays, though, students can simply copy extracts from websites – while really desperate students sometimes copy whole essays! As if this wasn’t bad enough, sites offering to actually do homework – at a price – have also started appearing.

Despite all this, we shouldn’t assume that the Internet only brings problems. Indeed, you could say that for every problem the Internet creates, it also brings a solution. Parents can now use sophisticated controls to stop kids accessing sites that might do them harm, whilst new software helps teachers to detect copied work immediately. Many, of course, are already able to recognize when someone is cheating! “Some students suddenly start using words they can’t possibly understand like ‘dialectical antagonism’”, explains one teacher, “or parts of their essays feel different. In fact, one of my students recently gave me an essay he’d copied from the Web and it even contained Web advertisements – AND the name of the original author!”

One of the hardest things for teachers today is deciding how to mix modern technology with traditional study skills – and how best to

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use the Web in class. As more and more schools install computers in every classroom, the role of the teacher is changing. Making sure students don’t just copy things and do learn how to quote copied work properly is part of their job, but so is designing suitable projects.

My 13-year-old son is currently working on a project that involves listing all the trees in our town. Along with three other students, he has to photograph them, write about their characteristics, describe the fruit and flowers they produce and so on. This is all uploaded onto a website, and his group discusses their work on Messenger. Finally, they’ll give a PowerPoint presentation about their ideas to the class. Instead of helping him cheat, the Web is actually helping him learn about school subjects, while also helping to develop his life skills and social skills!

Пояснения к тексту lie ложь, обман incredible невероятный to worry беспокоить chat беседа, болтовня meanwhile=meantime тем временем, между тем increase рост, возрастание to pretend притворяться, делать вид extracts выдержки desperate отчаянный to offer предлагать despite all this несмотря на все это to assume принимать solution решение sophisticated сложный access доступ harm вред whilst= while (какое-то) время to mix смешивать to install вводить to quote цитировать cheat обман skills навыки

23. Обсудите со своими однокурсниками следующие вопросы.

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1. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 2. Which websites do you visit the most? Why? 3. Did you use computers at school? In which classes? 4. What did you use them for? 5. What are some good/bad things about using computers for you? 24. Прочитайте текст 1b. К каждому параграфу подберите

соответствующее резюме (summary). 1. Belonging to a fashionable group helps teenagers feel secure. 2. There are particular qualities that help teenagers to be admired at high school. 3. Students go to high school at a difficult time in their personal development. 4. High school cliques and their leaders are easy to identify.

Text 1b

Parents Must Challenge High School Culture

Recent tragedies remind us of how dark and terrible a place high school can be to some of our children if they are made to believe that they do not fit in. The high school years coincide with the tremendous physical and social changes of adolescence. Changes to one’s voice and body and shape that cause powerful feelings of self-consciousness and self-doubt.

In order to cope with these anxieties, teens are quick to form sub-cultures that assure them they are not alone. These little groups then adopt behavior, speech patterns and tastes in clothes and music that they use as criteria by which to judge who is “in” and who is “out”. These cliques are both the cause and the cure of teenage insecurity.

Any high school will contain numerous sub-cultures, such as jocks, goths, metal-heads, preppie or skaters. The name might vary but everyone in the school will know who belongs where. Each group will have an “Alpha male” (a boy who is the undisputed leader), and perhaps an “Alpha female” too.

In the world of the high school there will be those who are respected and those who are widely hated, and most kids will learn it is best not to stick out. Athletic skill gives prestige to male students, the library club does not. Conventional physical beauty and a good fashion

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sense are prize qualities for females. Girls are allowed by their peers to get good marks, but being an intelligent boy can be a disadvantage. A strong anti-intellectual current exists in most high schools.

(From ‘Across Culture’)

Пояснения к тексту

To challenge подвергать сомнению, оспаривать to coincide совпадать tremendous огромный adolescence подросток self-consciousness смущения, неловкости self - doubt сомнение to cope совладать anxiety беспокойство, тревога to assure уверять, заверять behavior поведение speech patterns речевые модели, образцы to judge решать, оценивать clique группировка cure средство insecurity небезопасность jocks, goths, metal-heads «качки, готы, металлисты» preppie or skaters «мажоры и скейтбордисты» undisputed leader неоспоримые лидеры to stick out высовываться conventional стандартный peer ровня (одинаковый по возрасту зд.)

Прочитайте опорный текст 1a, вставляя соответствующие

формы глаголов to be и to have. Расскажите о своем учебном


Topic 1a

Our Academy

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1. I ___ a first-year student of the Samara State Agricultural

Academy. 2. Our Academy ___ rather old, it ___ more than 90 years old. 3. Our Academy ___ four main buildings and some hostels. 4. Students of five departments study at the Academy. 5. They ___ Agronomical, Engineering, Biotechnological,

Technological and Economical departments. 6. There ___ many lecture halls and classrooms in the buildings. 7. There ___ also different laboratories and some computer

centers. 8. In the classrooms we have classes in physics, mathematics,

chemistry, biology, foreign languages.

9. Our Academy ___ a library and two reading-rooms, too. 10. There ___ a big collection of books, text-books and journals

on different specialities there. 11. English, German and French dictionaries ___ in the reading-

rooms. 12. Those who like sports can go to the sport centers and have

their training.

13. I ___ glad to study at the Academy.

Задайте вопросы своему другу.

1. Where do you study? 2. How old is your Academy? 3. How many buildings has your Academy? 4 How many departments are there in the Academy? 5. Which department do you study at? 6. Are there any lecture halls and classrooms in the buildings? 7. What classes do you have? 8. How many libraries and reading-rooms are there in the Academy? 9. Is there a big collection of text-books on different specialities there? 10. Where are English, German and French dictionaries? 11. Where do students have their sport trainings? 12. Are you glad to study at the Academy?

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Урок 2 (Lesson 2)

Словообразование. Суффиксы существительных, прилагательных Грамматика. Будущее простое время (The Future Simple Tense). Структура be going to. Союзы so, because, инфинитив для выражения цели. Структуры It will be / There will be. Условные предложения первого типа. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных. Тексты: «University Education in Great Britain», «Oxbridge» (изучающее чтение). Диалоги: «My Old School» – 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d. Тексты: «The University Boat-Race», «Eton», «Harvard University» (ознакомительное чтение). Письменная работа: написание краткой биографии «Curriculum Vitae».


1. Добавьте к глаголам следующие словообразовательные

суффиксы: -sion, -ist, -ment, -ance, -tion, -er, -or, чтобы

образовать существительные. При необходимости произведите

орфографические изменения.

to tour to employ to allow to teach to populate to explain to perform

tourist … … … … … …

to support to develop to discuss to read to compete to translate to communicate

… … … … … … …

2. Добавьте к существительным следующие словообразовательные суффиксы: -al, -ful, -ing, -ent, -able, -ic, -

ous, -y, -less, чтобы образовать прилагательные . При

необходимости произведите орфографические изменения.

tradition music education charm

traditional … … …

difference interest accident science

… … … …

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fame beauty hope fashion power

… … … … …

shine intellect use danger

… … … …

3. Дополните предложения, используя слова предыдущих

упражнений. 1. I can’t play the guitar or sing. I have no m… talent at all. 2. Educational systems of Great Britain and America are not very

much d… from each other. 3. I prefer modern music to t… music. I am not fond of folk

music. 4. Oxbridge is f… for its high standards of education all over the

world. 5. The p… of Mexico City is 20 million. 6. The weather is so s… today! 7. They carry out a s… experiment at university. 8. Professor J. Smith gives very i… lectures in archeology. 9. As far as mechanical ability goes, George is h… . 10. The university drama society will give a p… of Hamlet.

4. Прочитайте текст. Дополните его соответствующими

однокоренными словами к тем, которые напечатаны в конце строки заглавными буквами.

Life at College

Good A Level results in at least two subjects are necessary to get a place at British universities. Universities choose their students after interviews, and _____ for places is fierce. When they first arrive at college, first-year university students are called _____ . A fresher’s life can be _____ but _____ for the first weeks. Many freshers will feel themselves very _____ and homesick. They learn how _____ their life is at college now from that they had at school. They also learn a new way of studying.


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Once or twice a term (or even more often), students will have a _____ class. This means that they see a tutor alone to have a _____ about their work and their progress. After three or four years these students will take their finals and be able to put BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science) after their name.



Будущее простое время (The Future Simple Tense) The Future Simple употребляется для выражения:

решения, принятого непосредственно в момент речи; It’s dark in here. I’ll turn on the light.

предложения (о помощи, услуг), обещания, предупреждения, надежды;

I’ll help you carry your suitcase. I promise I’ll be on time.

Предположения (часто с глаголами believe, hope, think). 1The new shopping centre will open next May.







Краткие ответы

I’ll(will) work* I won’t work Will I work? Yes, I will; No, I won’t.

You’ll work You won’t work Will you work? Yes, you will; No, you


He’ll work He won’t work Will he work? Yes, he will; No, he won’t.

She’ll work She won’t work Will she work? Yes, she will; No, she


It’ll work It won’t work Will it work? Yes, it will; No, it won’t.

We’ll work* We won’t work Will we work? Yes, we will; No, we won’t.

You’ll work You won’t work Will you work? Yes, you will; No, you


They’ll work They won’t work Will they work? Yes, they will; No, they


1 *В официальной речи для выражения решений в 1л. ед. и мн. ч.

используется вспомогательный глагол shall.

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Наречия и фразы, характерные для употребления The Future

Simple Tense.




next week / month;

in two days / a week; the day after tomorrow.

He’ll pass his driving test next week.

5. Вставьте will (‘ll) или will not (won’t).

1. Don’t forget to take your gloves. It … be cold tomorrow. 2. Hurry or you … catch the bus! 3. “We haven’t got any potatoes.” “Okay, I … buy some.” 4. Watch out or you … hit your head. 5. Put on your jacket or you … be cold. 6. I don’t like Paul so I … invite him to the party. 7. I’m tired. I think I … stay at home tonight. 8. I don’t think it … be sunny tomorrow. 9. “Let’s go to a restaurant.” “Great! I … cook dinner, then.” 10. It … be rainy tomorrow so don’t forget to take your umbrella.

6. Используйте опорные слова, чтобы составить предложения

по образцу.

1. It/not be/sunny today. It won’t be sunny today. Will it be sunny tomorrow, then?

2. She/not do/ the shopping today. 3. He/not cook/dinner tonight. 4. I/not go/to the cinema tonight. 5. Bill/hot play/ football this afternoon. 6. He/not visit/ his sister today. 7. I/not tidy/my room today. 8. Ivan/not go/for a walk tonight.

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7. Дополните текст, употребив глаголы в скобках в будущем

простом времени.

The VLT is the world’s largest telescope (the name says it all – VLT – Very Large Telescope). It is 2,600 meters up in the Chilean Andes. The VLT is so powerful it can spot a lighted match 10,000 kilometres away. This astonishing power … (allow) astronomers to see events in space. They … (be able) to see the birth of stars or the collision of galaxies, for example. That … (be) a sight worth seeing! Astronomers believe the telescope … (reveal) more about these exiting events in the years to come.

Структура be going to

Структура be going to употребляется для выражения:

намерений и планов на будущее; I am going to enter the university when I finish school.

предположений, основанных на очевидном. Rodriguez passes the ball to Ronaldo, who is just outside the penalty area and he’s on his own – yes, he is going to score!

Утвердительная форма: I am/You are /He is etc. going to start a computer course.

Отрицательная форма: I'm not/You aren't/He isn't etc. going to start a computer course.

Вопросительная форма: Am I/Are you/Is he.etc. going to start a computer course?

Краткие ответы: Yes, I am/you are /he is etc. No, I'm not/you aren't/he isn't etc.

8. В следующие выходные у Натальи день рождения и она

собирается организовать вечеринку. Используя структуру be

going to и следующие выражения, составьте предложения.

Natalya is going to arrange her birthday party at the weekend.

send invitations to friends

decorate the room

download some good music

make sandwiches and snacks

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buy some fizzy drinks and juice

bake a birthday cake

have a great time

9. Расскажите о своих планах на неделю.

I am going to write a report on history on Monday.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

write a report on history do shopping take the car to a mechanic have an extra class in maths go to training in skiing see my parents go to a dance party

10. Работая в парах, обсудите, что вы собираетесь и что не собираетесь делать в будущем. Используйте выражения для

справок. I am going to help my parents on the farm more often this year. I am not going to go to bed so late any more.

do homework every day

study hard

play computer games

get up early and go running

eat healthy (fast) food

do a lot of exercises to get fit

live in the country

have a large family

have own business

work on the farm travel around the world

do a bungee jump

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11. Вставьте will или правильную форму структуры be going to.

1. A: I need to go to the dentist. B: Okay, I … drive you there.

2. A: Your shirt is dirty. B: I know. I … wash it later.

3. A: I don’t understand this exercise! B: Don’t worry, I … help you.

4. A: What are your plans for this evening? B: We … watch a DVD.

5. A: What are you going to do when you grow up, Benny? B: I … go to Hollywood and be an actor!

6. A: Do you remember those boots I told you about? B: Yes, I … buy them.

7. A: Do you really think so? B: Yes, I believe people … live on the Mars in the future.

8. A: There’s someone at the door. B: No problem, I … open.

9. A: Why is she wearing these clothes? B: She … have dinner with Paul.

10. A: What are Lindsay’s plans for the summer? B: He … work at a service workshop to earn some money.

11. A: I am hungry. B: I … make you a sandwich.

12. A: Shall we go out tonight? B: Sorry, I can’t. My brother and … visit our aunt.

12. Соедините части предложений союзом – so (поэтому) – как

показано в примере. Tom has a terrible toothache, so he is going to visit the dentist.

1. Amanda likes music 2. Chris wants to go on

holiday 3. Lisa needs to relax 4. Dave wants to have a

party 5. Jill wants to take

some pictures

a. save some money. b. borrow a camera. c. send invitations to his

friends. d. stay at home. e. take piano lessons.

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13. Найдите соответствие между намерением и

причиной/целью. Составьте предложения по образцу. Oleg is going to stay at home because she wants to relax. Oleg is going to stay at home to relax.

намерение причина/цель

1. save money 2. study hard 3. take English lessons 4. buy a present 5. do power lifting

a. pass exams b. get a job in Europe c. buy a car d. be well-built e. go to a birthday party

Структуры It will be / There will be It will be + прилагательное : It will be foggy tomorrow. There will be + существительное : There will be fog tomorrow.

14. Вставьте It или There.

1. … will be fewer cars in the future. 2. … will be rainy in St.Petersburg tomorrow. 3. … will be sunshine in Madrid next week. 4. … will be strong winds in Prague tomorrow. 5. … will be hot in Rome next week. 6. … will be cloudy in London tomorrow. 7. … will be holographic images instead of real teachers in

the future. 8. … will be more independent work for university students

in the years to come.

Условные предложения первого типа (First Conditional)

Условные предложения первого типа употребляются для

описания реального или вероятного условия в настоящем или будущем. Условные предложения обычно вводятся союзом if и выполняют функцию придаточного предложения в составе сложноподчиненного. Придаточные предложения времени вводятся союзами when (когда), before (до того как, перед тем

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как), after (после того как), as soon as (как только), till (пока, до тех пор пока), until (пока не).

If (when, as soon as etc.) + Present Simple, Future Simple

If we go shopping tomorrow, I will buy a new handbag. I will call you as soon as I pass all my exams.

В условных предложениях вместо will можно использовать модальный глагол. – If you get some rest, you might feel better tomorrow.

В условных предложениях можно использовать повелительное наклонение. – If you don’t feel well, go home.

15. Найдите соответствия между частями предложений. Переведите предложения.

1. If you go to bed late 2. If you visit London 3. If you go on a tour of

Athens 4. If you win a lot of money 5. If you smoke

a. you will feel happy. b. you will damage your

health. c. you will feel tired. d. you will see Big Ben. e. you will see the


16. Исправьте грамматические ошибки в выделенных местах.

1. If my mum is tired tonight, I cook dinner. 2. John will tell us if there will be any news. 3. If you see Karen, do you ask her to call me? 4. Does Frank join us if we go on a picnic at the weekend? 5. If you need help, will tell me!

17. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в соответствующую


1. If Maria doesn’t come to the party, Greg …(be) very upset. 2. I will be surprised if Mark and Dana …(not/get married)

soon. 3. They …(not/mind) if we’re a bit late this afternoon.

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4. If he …(do) well in the exam, his parents will buy him a scooter.

5. If the weather is fine, we …(leave) at six o’clock in the morning.

18. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выберите правильный

вариант ответа.

Millions of people are vegetarians and they are perfectly healthy. You have to be careful, though. If you (1)… up eating meat completely, and only (2)… chocolate and crisps, that will be very bad for you! If people don’t eat properly, they (3)… ill, because their body (4)… all the things it needs to stay healthy. If you (5)… lots of fruit and salad and beans and so on, you will get all necessary matters for the body. But if you (6)… only 15 or 16 and you live with your parents, you (7)… ask them what they think too. For example, if your mum (8)… for you, it (9)… difficult for her to make you special meals.

1. A give 2. A will eat 3. A will get 4. A will get 5. A have 6. A are 7. A have to 8. A cooks 9. A is

B will give B eat B get B won’t get B will have B will be B will have to B will cook B will be

19. Ответьте на вопросы полными предложениями.

1. What will you do this weekend if you have free time? If I ………. . 2. What will you say if your friend asks you to go to the cinema

this evening? If my friend ………. . 3. How will you celebrate if you pass all your exams this year? If I ………. . 4. What will you do if your little brother is not easy to learn

English at school? If my little brother ………. . 5. What will you sing if your friend has his birthday? If my friend ……… .

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Степени сравнения имен прилагательных

Вид Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная

Односложные cheap






the cheapest

the largest

the biggest



на –y, -er, -ow







the noisiest

the narrowest

the cleverest


с двумя или

более слогами


more expensive

the most


Сравнительная степень прилагательного используется для сравнения двух предметов, людей, мест и т.д. С прилагательными в сравнительной степени обычно используется союз than (чем).

The city is noisier than the country. Сравнительная степень может употребляться с усилительным словом much (гораздо). An elephant is much heavier than a mouse.

Превосходная степень прилагательного используется для сравнения одного предмета или человека с целой группой предметов или людей, к которой он принадлежит. Превосходная степень всегда употребляется с определенным артиклем и часто с предлогами of/in. The giraffe is the tallest animal of all. Chile is the driest place in the world.

Существует ряд прилагательных, представляющих собой исключения из общего правила образования степеней сравнения.

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная





the best

самый лучший





the worst

самый плохой

many, much




the most






the least


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the oldest

самый старый

the eldest

самый старший




более поздний


последний (из

двух названных)

the latest

самый поздний, последний

(о новостях)

the last

последний, прошлый

(по порядку, по времени)




более далекий

(по расстоянию)




the farthest

самый дальний

the furthest

самый дальний

Для сравнения можно также использовать прерывистые

союзы as…as, not as…as, not so… as , внутри которых употребляется положительная степень прилагательного. My brother is as tall as my father. My brother is not as tall as my father.

20. Вставьте в таблицу недостающие формы прилагательного

и переведите их.

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная

more beautiful lovely

the eldest less

the prettiest intelligent

safer more powerful

the worst

latter good

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21. Вставьте вместо пропусков in, of, than, the, as …as.

1. The Amazon River is longer … Mississippi. 2. The State of the Vatican City is… smallest country… the

world. 3. New York is not … clean … Stratford. 4. There are many hotels in my town. The Chelsea is the most

comfortable … all. 5. The Whiskey is a famous club … Los Angeles. 6. Living in the country is cheaper … living in the city. 7. Death Valley is the hottest place … the world. 8. Oxford is not … noisy … Paris.

22. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в правильную форму.

1. This city is … (crowded) than it was five years ago. 2. Mount McKinley isn't as … (high) as Mount Everest. 3. Is Athens … .(old) city in Europe? 4. The Sahara is … (large) desert in the world. 5. Edinburgh is … (cheap) than Paris. 6. Which is … (tall) building in the world? 7. A chimpanzee is not as …(big) as an elephant.

23. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в правильную форму. Употребите than, of, in, the где необходимо.

1. She has got … toys … her sister. (many) 2. The cheetah is … animal … all. (fast) 3. That dress is very … . (expensive) 4. That was … film of all. (good) 5. Her flat is … … ours. (big) 6. Tom Cruise is very … . (famous) 7. Which is … city … the USA? (large) 8. Motorcycles are … .aeroplanes. (dangerous) 9. Your money is … in the bank … it is at home. (safe) 10. My sister is … person I know. (kind)

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24. Следуя образцу, переделайте предложения, употребляя

сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательного в


Bill is 16. Susan is 18. (young) – Bill is younger than Susan. Everybody in his class is older than Bill. (young) – Bill is the youngest student in his class.

1. Maggie is 1.70 m. Peter is 1.80 m. (short) 2. Bob had three driving accidents. Jane didn’t have any

accidents. (dangerous) 3. Susan always comes top in class. Bill always comes

bottom. (successful) 4. Nobody in her class can do better at tests than Susan.

(intelligent) 5. Jim tells really good jokes. Nobody laughs at Fred’s jokes.

(funny) 6. Today’s test is easy. Yesterday’s test was hard. (difficult) 7. Nobody in his group could run a mile in twelve minutes

except Peter. (fast) 8. Rome is full of lovely buildings. Coketown is full of

factories. (beautiful)

25. Используя данные прилагательные, напишите

6 предложений о вашей семье или друзьях. Charming, fashionable, patient, friendly, old, short

My sister is shorter than my mother but she is as short as my granny.

26. Ответьте на вопросы, начиная свой ответ со слов:

I think …

It seems to me that …

As for me …

To my mind …

In my opinion …

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1. Who is the most intelligent person you know? 2. Which was the most difficult subject at school? 3. What is more interesting for you: to watch or to read? 4. Who is the best swimmer in your family? 5. Which is the highest building in your town (city)? 6. What is more enjoyable for you: to spend summer at the sea-

side or in the country? 7. When was the happiest moment in your life? 8. What is the oldest thing your family owns? 9. What is more difficult: to enter university or to study there? 10. What is the smallest thing you have in your pockets? 11. Who is the most famous film star in our country/in the world?

27. Повторите весь пройденный грамматический материал урока 2 и выполните задание с выбором правильного ответа.

1. Don’t worry, we … you to get ready for the test. A help B helps C will help

2. It’s so cloudy and windy outside. It … rain. A will B is going to C are going to

3. I’m sure you … find your bag soon. A are going to B is going to C will

4. As far as I know, Nadine … invite everyone from her class – just her best friends. A will B won’t C isn’t going to

5. I think she … win the match tomorrow. A is going to B am going to C will

6. Oh, mum, you’re so tired, I … the washing-up after dinner. A am going to do B will do C won’t do

7. We … to a café after I pass all my exams. A go out B goes out C will go out

8. When I … to the park to ride my bike, I will call you. A go B goes C will go

9. If I pass all my exams successfully this year, I … a party. A hold B will hold C holds

10. Sandra is going to save money … she wants to go to Egypt. A so B because C to

11. John wants to be a professional basketball player … he spends much time training.

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A so B because C to 12. It’s necessary to learn English … study in Europe.

A so B because C to 13. … will be more documents to sign tomorrow.

A It B There C Their 14. … will be more difficult to study at university than at

school. A It B There C Their

15. Susan is a … girl. A pretty B prettier C the prettiest

16. The Eiffel Tower is … tower in France. A the more famous B more famous C the most famous

17. Is Rome … than Venice? A old B more old C older

18. To my mind, this carpet is … than that one. A badder B worse C the worse

19. My father is … driver I know. A careful B the carefullest C the most careful

20. Your daughter is as … as you are. A smarter B smart C more smart

Лексический минимум 2

Изучите и выучите наизусть слова и выражения лексического

минимума: education educational system complex

to include leading to differ from government to reach to date back to keep traditions ancient to be founded

образование образовательная система сложный, комплексный включать ведущий отличаться от управление, руководство, правительство достигать относиться, восходить к (определённой эпохе) сохранять традиции древний быть основанным

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quality to support to consist of term to last activity vocations Christmas Easter intellectual digestion private tutorial tutorial system to prepare degree undergraduate graduate to graduate from to leave Bachelor Master research postgraduate to preserve scholar society common employment scholarship churchmen hard trouble townsfolk accidentally

качество поддерживать состоять из семестр длиться, продолжаться деятельность каникулы рождество пасха интеллектуальное усвоение личный, индивидуальный консультация, встреча студента со своим руководителем-наставником университетская система прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам, наставникам готовить, подготавливать степень студент выпускник заканчивать вуз оставлять, заканчивать бакалавр магистр исследование изучаемый после окончания университета хранить, сохранять уст. ученик общество общее занятие обучение церковнослужители трудный затруднение, проблема горожане, местные жители случайно

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mayor innocent to move elite to provide prominent vice chancellor to be allowed to enter competition to be in session to adjourn relic medieval times to belong to be engaged in rowing to harvest yield

Фразовые глаголы: to carry out to go back to join together to join in to make up to bring together

мэр невиновный двигаться, перемещаться элитный, элита обеспечивать известный, выдающийся глава университета быть позволено поступать конкуренция, конкурс быть в работе, работать делать перерыв, расходиться след, остаток средневековье принадлежать быть занятым в гребля убирать урожай урожай проводить возвращаться, уходить в прошлое объединяться вступать, присоединяться составлять объединять

28. Вставьте фразовые глаголы по смыслу:

carry out, join in, make up, bring together, join together, go back

1. University clubs … students of different faculties. 2. A university professor will … some research into his subject. 3. Oxford and Cambridge keep the traditions which … so far!

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4. The students of Oxford and Cambridge … one of the most elite elites in the world.

5. Pamela will … the celebration in a few minutes. 6. People with common interests usually … into a society.

29. Вставьте вместо пропусков слова для справок.

professor, university, lectures, tutor, school, lecturer, teaches, degree, graduate, help

People in Education A … is not a teacher in a secondary … , but has the highest

academic position in … . A … is a university teacher. Lecturers and professors give … . Students in Britain usually have a … who gives them advice and … students in small groups. You … from university with a … If you do the postgraduate work, you will have a supervisor to … and advise you.

30. Найдите соответствие между словами и их толкованиями. Education Complex Ancient Term To prepare Society

With a lot of small parts, difficult. Very old. A group of people with common employment or interests. To get ready for classes, tests, exams etc. One of the periods of time the year is divided into for students. The activity of teaching people in schools, colleges and universities.

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31. Поставьте предложения в правильном порядке. Обратите

внимание на использование и перевод новых слов.

Используйте сведения о системе образования в

Великобритании для выполнения задания.

3-4 years old: Nursery school, playgroup or kindergarten. 5-6 years old: Infant school of primary school. 7-11 years old: Junior school of primary school. 12-16 years old: Secondary school. 17-18 years old: Sixth Form College. 19-21 years old: University or Polytechnic. 22-23 years old: University (postgraduate course).

1. When Maria was at Nursery school, her major activities were playing and having fun.

After finishing her BSc, she took a year off.

When she was at Junior school, she loved nature studies and was engaged in animal lovers society.

She got a place at University to do biology.

She got into Secondary school and reached good results in all subjects.

In her Infant school she began learning how to read and write. In her Sixth Form she studied A-levels to enter university.

She decided to continue her studies for her Master’s degree and do postgraduate work.

She graduated with first-class degree .

Her research is in microbiology.

32. Прочитайте однокоренные слова. Распределите их по трем

колонкам как показано в примере. Переведите слова, не

используя словарь.

Education, educational, to educate; leading, to lead, leader; government, to govern; to found, foundation; activity, active to act; digestion, to digest, digestive; tutorial, tutor, tuition; to prepare, preparation, preparatory; to graduate, graduation; to preserve, preservation; to employ, employment; scholar, scholarship; church,

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churchmen; to move movement; to provide, provider; to allow, allowance; to enter, entry; to compete, competition; to row, rowing.

Существительное Прилагательное Глагол education

(образование) educational

(образовательный) to educate

(давать образование, обучать)

Тексты для изучающего чтения

Прочитайте и переведите тексты.

Text 2a University Education in Great Britain

Part I The educational system of Great Britain is extremely complex.

Speaking about post-school education, it includes universities, colleges of higher education and some business schools.

There are more than 44 universities in Britain. Oxford, Cambridge and London are the leading ones. They all differ from each other in history and traditions, general organization or internal government. British universities are comparatively small. The approximate number of students reaches about seven or eight thousand. Most universities have under three thousand students, some of them have even less than one thousand and a half ones. London and Oxford universities are famous for being international as people from many parts of the world can come to study at one of their colleges.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries respectively. They still keep ancient

traditions and the way how students lived and studied long ago. The Scottish Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh were founded in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the other universities started in the last two centuries.

There are some more institutions where the quality of education is considered of university standard. For example, they are: the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology; the two postgraduate business schools which are supported jointly by industry

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and the government – the Manchester Business School and the London Graduate School of Business Studies; the Imperial College of Science and Technology; and the Royal College of Art.

Part II

A British university usually consists of colleges. The departments of the colleges are organized into faculties: art, law, music, economy, education, medicine, engineering, agriculture and so on. The academic year at a university has three terms whish last roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is full of activity and the vocations between the terms – a month at Christmas , a month at Easter, and three or four months in summer – are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study. During the terms students have a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes. Lectures are given to large groups of students while seminars are for smaller ones. Lectures and seminars are all as long as one hour. As for laboratory classes, they last two or three hours. Teaching is also carried out by tutorial system. This is the system of individual tuition which implies that each student goes to his tutor’s room once a week to read and discuss an assay the student has prepared.

A person studying for a degree at a British university is called an undergraduate . After three or four years of study he becomes a graduate and will leave with the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science (BA, BSc). Students can continue studying for their Master’s degree (Master of Arts or of Science – MA, MSc) and then for the highest university degree – the Doctor’s degree (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD). They carry out a research in a particular field and do their postgraduate work. 33. Дополните выражения в соответствии с содержанием

текста. Используйте каждое из слов для справок только один

раз. Bachelor, out, supported, famous, university, to differ, educational, schools, study, weeks, private, degree, back, traditions, tuition, of

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1. the … system 2. some business … 3. … from each other 4. universities are … for 5. to come to … 6. to date … to 7. to keep ancient … 8. of … standard

9. to be … by industry 10. to consist … colleges 11. eight to ten … 12. … study 13. to carry … 14. to study for a … 15. individual … 16. … of Arts or Science

34. Соедините части, чтобы получились предложения.

1. Post-school education in Great Britain

2. The University of Oxford 3. The two postgraduate

business schools are supported jointly

4. The departments of the colleges are

5. The academic year at a university has

6. Each term 7. The vocations between

the terms 8. Large groups of students 9. Laboratory classes last 10. Each student goes 11. A person studying for a


12. three terms. 13. was founded in the twelfth

century. 14. two or three hours. 15. by industry and the

government. 16. are mainly periods of

intellectual digestion. 17. includes universities,

colleges and some business schools.

18. is full of activity. 19. listen to lectures. 20. is called an

undergraduate. 21. organized into faculties. 22. to his tutor’s room once a


35. Выберите из списка утвержде ний а) относящиеся к

содержанию текста; б) истинные по отношению к содержанию. а)

1. Oxford, Cambridge and London are the leading universities in Britain.

2. British universities are rather small. 3. Harvard University is not as old as the Universities of Oxford

and Cambridge. 4. Universities in Great Britain have different history and


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5. Less than one per cent of Britain’s population go to Oxford and Cambridge.

6. Oxford and Cambridge still keep ancient traditions and the way how students lived and studied long ago.

б) 1. The University of Manchester Institute of Science and

Technology provides education of university standard. 2. The academic year at a university in Britain lasts roughly ten to

twelve weeks. 3. During the terms students have only tutorials due to the tutorial

system of education. 4. Lectures and seminars are all as long as one hour. 5. The system of individual tuition implies that each student goes

to his tutor’s room once in two months to read and discuss an assay the student has prepared.

6. The highest university degree in Britain is the Doctor’s degree (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD).

36. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 2а.

1. What does post-school education in Great Britain include? 2. How many universities are there in Great Britain? Name the

leading ones. 3. How many students usually study at a university at a time? 4. What are London and Oxford universities famous for? 5. What are the most ancient universities in Britain? 6. Are there any other institutions in Britain where the quality of

education is considered of university standard? 7. How are the departments of the university colleges organized? 8. What do students do during the terms? 9. When do students have their vocations and how do they spend

them? 10. What do you know about the tutorial system of education? 11. How do they call a person studying for a degree at a British

university? 12. How long does it take a student to become a graduate with the

degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science? 13. Can students continue to study for a higher degree?

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37. Используйте вопросы предыдущего упражнения в каче стве

плана к пересказу текста 2а. Выпишите опорные слова и

выражения, перескажите текст.

Text 2b


For eight hundred years two universities dominated British education, and today they dominate even more than ever. Oxford and Cambridge preserve an antique way of life at the beginning of the 21


century! They keep the traditions which go back so far! The story of the University of Cambridge began in 1209 when

several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. They joined together into a “Universitas” – a society of people with a common

employment. It was only later that the word “university” came to be associated with scholarship.

These students were all churchmen who studied at well-known Oxford schools earlier. It was a hard life at Oxford at that time as there was constant trouble between the townsfolk and the students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students, who were innocent, and by order of King John they were put to death by hanging. In protest, all the students moved elsewhere. Some of them came to Cambridge and so the new University began.

The students of Oxford and Cambridge make up one of the most elite elites in the world. Less than one per cent of Britain’s population go to Oxbridge. The Universities provide a large number of prominent

secretaries (Whitehall civil servants), members of Parliament, and vice chancellors of other universities.

Only in 1870s women were allowed to enter the Universities. Today the women’s colleges constitute only 12 per cent of the Oxbridge population so the competition is fierce. Only a small per cent of the women candidates is chosen – mainly on the results of the written examination.

It’s interesting that Oxbridge is in session only half a year. The Universities adjourn for four months including summer ones – a relic from medieval times when scholars had to harvest the yields .

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Each college at Oxbridge has several clubs to which most of the students belong. There is a debating club in every college, as well as athletic and football clubs, and so on. Here students can join in a debate or read a book, or play at billiards with friends. There are lots of University clubs which bring together students of different faculties. There is hardly any form of sport which students are not engaged in. But perhaps, of all the sports rowing plays the leading part.

38. Дополните краткое содержание текста подходящими по

смыслу словами.

1. According to the first paragraph, Oxford and Cambridge… A) are not the same at the beginning of the 21

st century;

B) still keep ancient traditions; C) are modern universities. 2. The word “university” originally means… A) scholarship; B) people joined together to share a house; C) a society of people with a common employment.

3. The constant trouble between the townsfolk of Oxford and the

students led them to … A) kill the Mayor; B) hang King John; C) move elsewhere. 4. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge provide… A) a large number of prominent people; B) Britain with one per cent of population; C) other universities with elite students.

5. There are … women at Oxbridge. A) lots of; B) few; C) a few.

6. Oxbridge is in session only half a year. It is …

A) a need to harvest the yields;

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B) a relic from medieval times; C) a students trade union requirement.

7. The most enjoyable sport in Oxbridge is … A) football; B) billiards; C) rowing.

39. Дополните предложения словами из текста.

1. For eight hundred years Oxford and Cambridge … British

education. 2. They preserve an antique …of life to keep the … which go … so far! 3. The story of the University of Cambridge … in 1209. 4. several hundred students and … joined together into a … . 5. These students were all … who studied at well-known Oxford … earlier. 6. At Oxford at that time there was constant … between the … and the students so it was hard to live there. 7. One day a student … killed a man of the town. 8. The Mayor … three innocent students, who were put to death by … . 9. In protest, all the students …elsewhere. 10. Some of them came to … and so the new … began. 11. The Oxford and Cambridge universities are called … . 12. Less than one per cent of Britain’s … study there. 13. Women were allowed to enter the universities only in … . . 14. The competition is … . 15. The universities candidates are chosen on the … of the written examination. 16. It’s interesting that Oxbridge is in … only half a year. 17. It is a relic from medieval … when scholars had to … the yields. 18. Each college at Oxbridge has several … to which most of the students … . 19. They enjoy debating or reading a …, playing football or at … with friends. 20. But the most popular kind of sport is, perhaps, … .

40. Составьте 10-15 вопросов по тексту 2b и расспросите своего

друга о том, что он узнал о первых университетах


41. Используя вопросы в качестве плана, перескажите

текст 2b.

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42. Прочитайте диалоги 2, в которых британцы рассказывают

о своих школьных воспоминаниях. Выполните задания к

диалогам. Выберите два диалога на выбор и разыграйте их в


43. Расскажите друг другу о своих собственных воспоминаниях о школе: о друзьях, любимых предметах и учителях, как

проходили ваши занятия, носили ли вы школьную форму,

какие задания вы выполняли на компьютерах, как была

оснащена ваша школа, какие учебные заведения выбрали

ваши одноклассники после окончания школы и т.д.

My Old School

Dialogue 2a Alice: So these are your old classmates, aren’t they? Barbara: Yes. This is Alexandra. She was my best friend and she was very good at sports. She went to university to study PE. Alice: And who is this boy? Barbara: That’s Julian. He loved music and could play five instruments! Now he is a professional violinist. I think he plays in the London Orchestra. Alice: Really? He’s also very handsome… Barbara: Yes, he is. And nice. Everybody liked him… And here is Harry. He was Julian’s best friend. Alice: Was he a musician, too? Barbara: No, he enjoyed geography and history. Alice: And what does he do now? Barbara: To tell you the truth, I’m not sure. But I think he works as a guide for a travel agency. Alice: I see… And this girl here? Barbara: That’s Jennifer. She was excellent at mathematics. She is a math teacher at university now.

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Dialogue 2b

Прочитайте диалог 2b и выберите подходящее из выделенных


Jack: You’re so good with computers, Mike. Did you learn/ learned about them at school? Mike: No, not at all. We had computers at/in school, but we only used them for writing and finding things on the Internet for other objects/subjects . Jack: Which were your favourite subjects? Mike: Hmm… they were music/mathematics and physics. Jack: Really? Then it’s clear why you’re so good with computers. Mike: And how about you, Jack? What did/do you like? Jack: PE, like so many other children. I didn’t like studying very much. Mike: I hated PE. We had a very strict teacher and we had to run on/in the school field for hours. Jack: Did you also study French? Mike: Oh yes, we had a wonderful tutor/teacher. She was from France. I loved talking with her. But when we write/wrote in French, it was very difficult. Jack: I see… and now you have a French wife… .

Dialogue 2c

Прочитайте диалог и вставьте в реплики отсутствующие слова

из таблицы.

our subjects at French

at did was uniforms Sally: Granny, did you have computers … school? Grandmother: Oh no, there weren’t any computers at school when I … a child. Sally: So … you write everything with a pen? Grandmother: Yes, of course. But I quite liked it. Sally: And which … did you study? Grandmother: The same as you – maths, history, English and … . I also learned German. Sally: Oh, can you speak German?

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Grandmother: No, not any more, but I understand it. And we also learned to cook. Sally: Really? Even the boys? Grandmother: No, I was … a school for girls only. Sally: Did you have PE? Grandmother: Of course we did. I liked it very much. Sally: Did you wear … ? Grandmother: Yes, we had very nice uniforms with blue jackets, dark red skirts and white blouses. Sally: I don’t like … uniforms, they are so dark and boring.

Dialogue 2d

Поставьте слова так, чтобы получились реплики диалога.

Cathy: Mum, did you have to learn Latin at school? Mother: No/ we/ not/. But/ we/ have/ French and Spanish/. Cathy: And/ what/ be/ your school/ like/? Be/ it/ big/? Mother: No, we went to a small school. I lived in the country at that time, and it was a small village school. But it was very good. Cathy: You/ like/ PE/? Mother: Oh yes, but we didn’t have a gym – we did all our exercises outside. Cathy: Even in winter? Mother: Yes/, even in winter/. It/ be/ fun/. Cathy: You/ have/ a TV/ at school/? Mother: No, we didn’t. We didn’t need it. You can study even without a television or computers. Cathy: And/ you/ get/ good marks/? Mother: Oh yes, I left school with only As and Bs.

44. Представьте, как будут учиться ваши дети. Будут ли они

ходить в школу или будут обучаться дома? Используйте

полезные выражения и составьте ваши предположения об

обучении в будущем. Обсудите это со своими друзьями.

Студент 1: Will our children go to school? Студент 2: No, I think they won’t go to school. They will study at home. Will children have personal tutors?

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Студент 1: No, they won’t. I think there won’t be human teachers at all. … … … …

to have special learning capsules at home

to study with the help of a computer

to have special software to check and control their study

to do all the work on their own

(not) to cheat at tests to have fewer learning hours

to spend more time on leisure activities

Тексты для ознакомительного чтения

Text 2a

Прочитайте текст без использования словаря и ответьте по-

русски на следующие вопросы.

Какое спортивное состязание, проводимое между университетами Оксфорда и Кембриджа, является самым известным?

Появление чего стало результатом регулярных спортивных соревнований между двумя университетами?

Как появилась гребная гонка со странным названием “bumping –race”?

Сколько участников в этой гонке, какова её продолжительность, при каком условии присуждается победа?

Какая награда ожидает победителей в конце гонки?

The University Boat-Race by K.J. Swann

Of all the sports at the Universities the most famous is rowing. The

University Boat-Race is the oldest of the sporting competitions between Oxford and Cambridge. The development of the eight-oared racing boat is no doubt a result of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race.

The most interesting of the rowing races at the two Universities are the races for eight-oared boats, known as bumping races. These take

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place two times a year, and all of the colleges enter as many boats as they can for the race.

These strange races were invented as the rivers are too narrow for boats to race side by side, and so somebody thought of a bumping race.

In this kind of race sixteen boats race one behind the other. As soon as the race begins away they go flying each boat trying to catch the boat in front of it. When a boat gets close enough to another to do so, it bumps (that is touches) it. This means victory for the boat that makes the bump. When this happens both boats stop rowing; the others, of course, continue.

On the next night (for the races go on for several nights) the boats that have made bumps changes places with those they bumped.

In the following year the boats will start in the order in which they finished in the previous year.

No prizes are won in such races like these, but the oarsmen in the boat that finishes first, and those whose boat makes a bump on every night of the races, are allowed to have their oars. Their names are written on each oar in gold letters.

Пояснения к тексту eight-oared восьмивесельный bumping race гребная гонка, в которой нужно догнать

переднюю лодку и ударить носом по ее корме side by side рядом, бок о бок catch догнать victory победа following следующий previous предыдущий win (won) побеждать, выигрывать oarsmen гребцы allow позволять gold цвет золота, золотистый

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Text 2b

Прочитайте текст без использования словаря и ответьте по -

русски на следующие вопросы. Чем знаменита школа в небольшом английском городке

Итон на реке Темзе?

Могут ли мальчики сами выбирать наставников по обучению в школе?

Чем занимаются мальчики в свободное от учебы время?

Среди выпускников Итона было немало знаменитых

ученых, первооткрывателей, писателей и политических

деятелей. Подготовьте небольшие сообщения о некоторых из

них и расскажите своим одногруппникам.


Eton is one of the oldest and best-known public schools for boys, at the town of Eton, near Windsor, on the river Thames. Its students are largely from aristocratic and upper-class families. The school was founded in1440.

Many distinguished people of Britain studied at Eton. The most famous of all Old Etonians is perhaps the Duke of Wellington, victor of Waterloo and later Prime Minister. Twenty of Britain’s Prime Ministers were educated at Eton. There were future writers among the students of Eton as well. They are Thomas Gray, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Henry Fielding, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Old Etonian explorers include Sir Humphrey Gilbert, founder of the colony of Newfoundland, and Captain Oats, who was on Scott’s expedition to the South Pole. Among the scientists are Robert Boyle, Sir John Herschel, and Sir Joseph Banks.

Boys usually stay at Eton for five years (between the ages of 13 – 18). Eton provides exceptionally fine teaching facilities, for example, in science, languages, computing and design. There are two major libraries, College Library and School Library, but also numerous well-stocked subject libraries. The tutorial system allows pupils to choose their own academic tutors to supervise their study.

Sport plays an extremely important part in the life of most Etonians. The principal games are rugby and football, cricket and

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rowing. Athletics, swimming, golf, squash, tennis, judo and karate are all very popular.

The boys can enjoy a lot of spare-time activities: art, sculpture, pottery, woodwork, metalwork as well as silverwork. Some of the students prefer paying musical instruments. Eton takes advantages of a friendly atmosphere which is possible when boys live and work in groups of small size.

Пояснения к тексту

public school привилегированная частная школа distinguished выдающийся, известный explorer исследователь the South Pole Южный полюс teaching facilities оборудование, приспособления для обучения supervise вести, наблюдать, направлять take advantages использовать преимущества

Text 2c

Прочитайте текст без использования словаря и ответьте по-

русски на следующие вопросы.

Кем и когда был основан Гарвардский университет?

В честь кого университет получил своё название?

Проследите историю развития университета от небольшого провинциального колледжа до современного многонационального образовательного центра.

Какие важные преобразования были введены Чарльзом Элиотом и Лоренсом Лоувеллом за время их руководства университетом?

Кого из знаменитых выпускников Гарварда вы знаете? Расскажите в каких областях социальной, культурной, научной жизни общества они стали известны?

Попытайтесь сформулировать лозунг Гарвардского

университета, опубликованный в 1643 году. Сравните с

вариантами, выполненными вашими одногруппниками и

выберите наиболее удачную формулировку.

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Harvard University

The oldest and most famous American University is called Harvard University. Sixteen years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in 1636, they founded an educational institution – Harvard College. It was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution.

During its early years, the College offered a classical academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. An early brochure, published in 1643, justified the College’s existence:

“To advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity;

dreading to leave an illiterate Ministry to the Churches”. As the College grew in the 18

th and 19

th centuries, the curriculum

was broadened, particularly in the sciences, and the College produced a long list of famous scholars, including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and James Russell Lowell.

Charles W. Eliot, who served as president from 1869 to 1909, transformed a small provincial institution into a modern university. The Law and Medical schools were revitalized, and the graduate schools of Business, Dental Medicine, and Arts and Sciences were established.

Under president A. Lawrence Lowell (1909-1933), the undergraduate course of study was redesigned to ensure students a liberal education. A liberal education involves learning about a wide variety of things concentrated in a single field of study. One more Lowell’s most significant accomplishment was the House Plan. It provides undergraduates with a small-college atmosphere within the larger university. Students go only to one of the twelve Houses of the University all the years of their study long. (The 13

th House is for

nonresident students.) Each House has a resident Master and a staff of tutors, as well as a dining hall and a library. It also has its own active schedule of sport, social and cultural events. Moreover, it was Lowell who introduced the tutorial system which is still a distinctive feature of Harvard education.

Today, 51 fields of concentration are offered to more than 18,000 degree candidates of Harvard University. In addition to this, about 13,000 students take one or more courses in Harvard Extension

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School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculties.

It is interesting to know that six presidents of the United States – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy – were graduates of Harvard. Its faculties have produced more than 30 Nobel laureates.

Пояснения к тексту

Pilgrims английские колонисты, поселившиеся в Америке в 1620 г. benefactor благодетель estate имущество consistent with совместимый, согласующийся с justify объяснять, подтверждать existence существование perpetuate увековечивать, сохранять навсегда posterity последующие поколения dread страшиться, бояться, опасаться ministry духовенство, пастырство broaden расширять scholar ученый revitalize возобновлять establish основывать president ректор liberal щедрый, обильный, свободный от предрассудков accomplishment достижение house колледж университета master глава колледжа staff штат schedule расписание event событие, мероприятие distinctive отличительный fields of concentration специальности extension school институт (школа) повышения квалификации

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Письменная работа

(написание краткой биографии)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Изучите пример написания краткой биографии и сопоставьте

названия с частями документа. Curriculum Vitae обычно включает 6 основных пунктов.

1. Work experience. Послужной список: указывается в обратном хронологическом порядке. Также включает перечисление обязанностей, временную, волонтерскую работу.

2. References. Поручители: люди, которые могут за вас поручиться и при необходимости дать о вас дополнительную информацию. Список может быть приложен на отдельном листе или предоставляться по запросу.

3. Personal details. Личные данные: ФИО, адрес,

национальность, дату рождения и семейное положение. 4. Education. Образование: указывается в обратном

хронологическом порядке. Начальное образование не указывается.

5. Interests. Интересы и увлечения.

6. Key skills . Основные навыки и умения. Полезные фразы:

experienced in … (имею опыт в …); with a good knowledge of … (с хорошим знанием …); fluent English (бегло говорю по-английски); spoken/written German (разговорный/письменный немецкий); fully computer-literate (хорошо владею компьютером); a PC user (владею компьютером на уровне пользователя); self-starter (могу брать на себя ответственность и работать самостоятельно).

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Curriculum Vitae A __________ Name Address Nationality Date of Birth Marital status

Susan Robertson 4 Ash Grove Road, Manchester, OT2 7IR Tel: 0666 364 582 Email: [email protected] British 12/10/76 married

B__________ Familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel Fluent German Able to cope under pressure Driving license Good problem-solver Self-motivated C __________ 2000 – Present 1998 – 2000 August 1996

Marketing Assistant, Success Solutions Unlimited, Manchester Duties include planning and implementing all advertising and promotion, responding to enquiries, monitoring student performance Teacher of English, Churchill School of English, Munich, Germany One month placement in the sales department of Newton Publishing, London

D__________ Dec 1997 1994 – 1997 1987 – 1994

Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language London University: BA in English Literature and Language Minster College Secondary School, Wells 8 GCSEs, 3 A levels: English (A), German (B), Art (C)

E __________ Football, sailing, reading, landscape painting F __________ Available on request

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Пояснение к тексту

GCSE – General Certificate of Secondary Education – экзамен, который сдают 16-летние британские студенты по окончанию средней школы, был введен в 1988 году. 45. Напишите свою краткую биографию, следуя образцу.

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Приложение 1

Таблица основных нестандартных глаголов

Infinitive Неопределенная форма

Past S imple Простое прошедшее


Past Participle Причастие прошедшего времени

(причастие II)

to arise возникать

to be быть to bear НОСИТЬ,


to become становиться

to begin начинать

to break ломать to bring приносить

to build строить

саn могу, умею

to choose выбирать

to come прийти to cost стоить

to cut резать, pyбить

to deal иметь дело

to do делать

to draw тащить,рисовать to drive везти; управлять

to eat есть

to fall падать

to feed кормить

to feel чувствовать to fight сражаться

to find находить

to freeze замерзать,

to get доставать

to give давать to go ходить

to grow расти

to have иметь

to hear слышать

to hold держать, удерживать

to keep содержать,


to know знать

to lay класть, положить to lead вести, руководить

to learn учить, учиться

to leave оставлять


was, were bore



broke brought




came cost




drew drove




felt fought



got gave




heard held


knew laid


learnt, learned



been born



broken brought




come cost




drawn driven




felt fought



got given




heard held


known laid


learnt, learned


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Окончание прил. 1

Infinitive Неопределенная форма

Past S imple

Простое прошедшее время

Past Participle Причастие

прошедшего времени (причастие II)

to let позволять

to lie лежать to lose терять

to make делать

may можно

to mean означать

to meet встречать must должен

to overcome побороть,


to pay платить

to put класть, ставить to read читать

to ring звонить

to rise подняться

to run бежать, течь;

работать (о машине) to saw пилить,


to say сказать

to see видеть

to send посылать to set устанавливать

to show показывать

to sink тонуть;


to sit сидеть to sow (по)сеять

to speak говорить

to split расщепить(ся)

to spread распро-

страниться to stand стоять

to take брать

to teach учить

to tell рассказать

to think думать to understand понимать

to wear носить,

изнашивать (ся)

to withstand

противостоять to write писать


lay lost




met -



put read







sent set



sat sowed








thought understood





lain lost




met -



put read




sawn, sawed



sent set



sat sowed, sown








thought understood




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Приложение 2

Таблица модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов в настоящем,

прошедшем и будущем простом временах

(Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses)

Present S imple Tense Past S imple Tense Future Simple Tense

Can – могу , умею

Эквивалент:am able to…

is able to.. are able to …

Could - мог

Was able to ..

Were able to…


Shall be able to …

Will be able to …

Must - должен

Эквивалент: to have

(has) to …

I have to do it now.

Я должен это сделать сейчас.

Эквивалент: to be to …

I am to be at home at 5.

Я должен быть дома в 5.


Had to …

I had to do it yesterday.

Я должен был это

сделать вчера.

Was (were) to…

He was to speak at the meeting.

Я должен был выступить

на собрании.


Shall (will) have to …

He will have to do it

tomorrow. Он должен будет сделать

эту работу завтра.


May – разрешение,


He may go home. Он может идти домой.

Эквивалент: to be

allowed to.. I am allowed to do this


Мне позволяют сделать

эту работу.


I might do this work. Я мог бы сделать эту


Was(were) allowed to …

He was allowed to do this


Ему позволили сделать

эту работу.


Shall (will) allowed to …

He will allowed to do it.

Ему позволят сделать эту


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Учебное издание

Болдырева Светлана Павловна, Брумина Олеся Анатольевна

Английский язык

Методические указания по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык»

Часть II

Учебно-познавательная сфера общения

Отпечатано с готового оригинал-макета

Подписано в печать 04.03.2013. Формат 60x84 1/16.

Усл. печ. л. 4,3, печ. л. 4,6.

Тираж 100. Заказ №27.

Редакционно-издательский центр Самарской ГСХА

446442, Самарская обл., п.г.т. Усть-Кинельский, ул. Учебная, д. 2

Тел.: (84663) 46-2-44, 46-2-47

Факс 46-2-44

E-mail: [email protected]

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