  • 8/3/2019 4111598 Turbine Casing for Superchargers


    United States Patent [19]Kasuya


    4,111,598Sep. 5, 1978

    [54] TURBINE CASING FOR SUPERCHARGERS[75] Inventor: Tamotsu Kasuya, Oyama, Japan[73] Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha KomatsuSeisakusho, Tokyo, Japan[21] Appl. No.: 717,616[22] Filed: Aug. 25, 1976

    Related U.S. Application Data[63] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 536,195, Dec. 24,1974,abandoned.[30] Foreign Application Priority Data

    Apr. 30, 1974 [JP] Japan 49-47552[51][52][58]

    Int. Cl.2 FOlD 25/24; F02B 37/02U.S. Cl 415/202; 415/203;415/219 C; 417/407; 60/605Field of Search 415/205, 204, 202, 184,415/185,219 C, 203; 417/405, 406, 407;60/605, 597[56] References Cited

    U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS3,218,0293,557,5493,614,2593,687,233


    Woollenweber, Jr 415/205 XWebster 415/205Neff 415/205Greenwald 417/407 UX

    FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS1,220,175 111971 United Kingdom 415/205

    OTHER PUBLICATIONSLudewig, "Schwingungsuntersuchungen an Turbinen-schaufeln von Abgasturbaladern", MTZ 29 (1968) 10,p.411.Primary Examiner-Carlton R. CroyleAssistant Examiner-Donald S. HollandAttorney, Agent, or Firm-Armstll'Ong, Nikaido,Marmelstein & Kubovcik[57] ABSTRACTA turbine casing for superchargers having a baffie wallformed therewithin with the inclination inclined atabout 30 to 35 relative to a perpendicular to the axisofa turbine impeller so that the inside of the turbine casingis formed into two flow paths where the exhaust pres-sure wave is passed through. One of the flow paths hason the side wall thereof opposite to the baffie wall aninclined surface inclined at about 10 to 15 relative tothe perpendicular in an opposite direction to the inclina-tion of the baffie wall. The other flow path has on theside surface thereof opposite to the baffie wall an in-clined surface inclined at about 55 to 60relative to theperpendicular in the same direction as the inclination ofthe baffie wall. Each flow path is uniform in cross sec-tion throughout its entire volute.

    3 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures

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    u.s. Patent Sept. S , 1978 Sheet 1 of 2 4,111,598



    NO .1 N O.2 N O.3 N O.4 NO .5 N O.6

    FIG. 3



  • 8/3/2019 4111598 Turbine Casing for Superchargers


    u.s. Patent Sept S , 1978 Sheet 2 of2 4,111,598

    ---. . L JZ~: : >....70IJ..o> -uzwuL L :IJ . .. ! J J 60..J

  • 8/3/2019 4111598 Turbine Casing for Superchargers



    BACK.GROUND OF THE INVENTIONWith the above configuration, an exhaust pressurewave through the flow paths acts on the whole regionof the inlet part of the turbine impeller, thereby makingbest use of the energy of the exhaust gas.Other objects, features and advantages of the presentinvention will be readilly apparent from the followingdescription taken in conjunction with the accompany-ing drawings.

    This is a continuation in part application of the Ser. 5No. 536,195 ftled on Dec. 2 4, 1 97 4, now abandoned.This invention relates to a turbine casing for use insuperchargers.A conventional turbine casing for use in radial flowtype exhaust turbine superchargers wherein the pulsa- 10tion in engine exhaust pressure is utilized comprises, as FIG. 1 is a schematic longitudinal sectional view of ashown in FIGS. 1and 2, a baffle wall a disposed at right supercharger having a conventional type turbine cas-angles to a turbine impeller b. ing,In this type of exhaust turbine superchargers, when FIG. 2is a fragmentary longitudinal sectional view ofthe engine is ignited in sequence from No.1 cylinder to 15 the turbine casing shown in FIG; 1,No.4 cylinder, the exhaust pressure wave flows as FIG. 3 i s a fragmentary longitudinal sectional view ofshown by c and d in FIG. 1. Then, because of the baffle one embodiment of the present invention, andwall a being disposed in close proximity to the .turbine FIG. 4 is a graph showing mechanical efficiency ofimpeller b, the exhaust pressure wave cannot strike the turbine with respect to H/R wherein His a spaceagainst the whole surface of the turbine impeller b in the 20 between the extreme point of the baffle wall and theinlet portion thereof so that only. a part of the turbine inlet part of the impeller and R is,a space from the inletimpeller b can be effectively utilized wherebysatisfac- part of the impeller to the center axis S thereof.tory performance as a reaction turbine could not bedeveloped.Other types of turbine casings are disclosed such as in 25U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,614,259 to Neff; 3,664,761 to Zastrow;or British Pat. No. 1,220,175.


    DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THEPREFERRED EMBODIMENTReferring to FIG. 3 reference numeralf denotes aturbine inlet casing and 2 denotes a turbine impeller.The turbine inlet casing has inside thereof a bafflewall 3 forming flow paths 4 and 5. The flow paths 4 and

    It is therefore an object of the present invention to 30 5 are uniform in cross section throughout their entireprovide a turbine casing with configulation capable of volutes. That is, the flow paths 4 and 5 formed by innerusing exhaust gas energy efficiently. walls of the turbine inlet casing 1 and baffle wall 3Another object of the present invention is to provide encircle the centrally located turbine impeller 2, a crossa turbine casing arrangement wherein the exhaust pres- section of the flow paths 4 and 5 would be identicalsure wave through the flow path acts on the whole 3 5 . anywhere along the length of the paths. The baffle wallregion of the inlet part of the turbine impeller. 3 is inclined at an angle of a relative to a perpendicularThe present invention is directed to an improvement T which is at right angles to the axis S of the turbinein a turbine casing for a supercharger including a tur- impeller 2, the value of a being approximately 30 tobine inlet casing, a baffle wall formed within the turbine 35. The tip of the baffle wall 3 is disposed from inletinlet casing and a turbine impeller. The improvement 40 part 2a of the turbine impeller 2 at a space interval of Hcomprises two flow paths within the inlet casing for an which ranges from 8 to 30 mm. The space between theexhaust pressure wave, each flow path being uniform tip or extreme point or distal end of the baffle wall 2 andthroughout its entire volute. The flow paths are formed the inlet part 2a of the turbine impeller forms a commonby the side walls of the casing and the baffle wall which area between the flow paths 4 and 5 and the positioned between the side walls and is inclined 45 The inner wall of the flow path 4 has an inclined surfacerelative to a perpendicular to the axis of the turbine 6 formed at an inclination of f3 relative to the perpendic-impeller. One of the flow paths includes a portion of one ular T, the valve of f3 being approximately 10 to 15,of the side walls opposite the baffle wall, which is in- while the inner wall of the flow path 5 has an inclinedclined relative to the perpendicular in an opposite direc- surface 7 formed at an inclination of 'Y relative to thetion to the inclination of the baffle wall, and the other 50 perpendicular T, the valve of'Ybeing approximately 55 flow path includes a portion of a second one of the side to 60.walls opposite the baffle wall, which is inclined relative Such being the arrangement, the exhaust pressureto the perpendicular in the same direction as the baffle wave which made its entry into the flow path 4 collideswall. against the inclined surface 6 and is then guided by theThe two flow paths join together within the casing at 55 surface 6 and the baffle wall 3 so as to act on the wholea point which is substantially separated from the turbine region of the inlet part 2a of the turbine impeller 2.impeller, thereby forming a common area between the While the exhaust pressure wave which made itsflow paths and the impeller. entry into the flow path 5 in successive explosion strokeThe narrowest point in the common area is at the end strikes against the inclined surface 7, and is, then guidedof the area adjacent to the impeller. 6 0 by the surface 7 and the baffle wall 3 to act on the wholeOne of the essential features of the present invention region of the inlet part 2a of the turbine impeller 2 in theis the formation of the two flow paths which are uni- similar manner.form in cross section throughout their entire length Referring to FIG. 4, it is understood that the mechan-with the common area being positioned between the ical efficiency of the turbine is maintained at high leveltwo flow paths and the impeller in combination with the 65 when H/R is from 0.1 to 0.3. When H/R is in the abovebaffle wall. A further essential feature resides in the fact range, gas flow can be utilized effectively. Inclinedthat the narrowest point in the common area is at the angle of each wall is also significant in utilizing kineticend of the common area adjacent to the impeller. energy of gas flow. The expansion ratios referenced in


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    3 4,111,598 4the drawing refer to the ratio of the pressure at the inlet flow paths joining together within said casing at a pointof the turbine to the pressure at the outlet of the turbine. substantially separated from said turbine impeller, thatWith maintaining H/R from 0.1 to 0.3 coupled with is , at a distance of at least 10% of the length of thespecific wall inclinations, gas flow from each flow paths impeller radius, and forming a common area between4 and 5 can hit the entire region of the inlet part of the 5 said flow paths and said impeller, the narrowest point inturbine impeller 2 thereby making it possible to utilize said common area being where the common area stops,the energy of exhaust gas fully. that is , immediately adjacent to said impeller, whereinWhat is c~ed is:. .. the baftle wall has a distal end and the impeller has an1.. In ~ turbme. casmg for superchargers m~lu~mg a inlet part, wherein H/R is from 0.1 to 0.3 where H is aturb~e .inlet c~mg, a baftle .waI_Iformed ~Ithin ~he 10 space between the distal end of the baftle wall and the~urbme inlet ~mg an~ a turbme. lIDpeller! said turbine inlet part of the impeller and R is a space from the inletimpeller having an axis of rotation, the improvement art f the i 11 t th t f th . f tati. . fl ths wi hin id inl . f poe impe er 0 e cen er 0 e axis 0 ro oncomprising two ow pa Wit sal et casing or th f .d baftl all bei . li d t . t Ian exhaust pressure wave, each flow path being uniform ~reo , ~ . e w .emg me m~ a app~o~~ e yin cross section throughout its entire voluted length, 15 30 to 35 r~lative to s~d perpendicular? ~d ~c1inedsaid flow paths being formed by the inner wall surfaces surface. of said o~e of ~d flo~ paths ~emg mc1~ed atof said casing and said baffle wall positioned therebe- appro~atel.y 10 to 15 relati~e to said perpendlcu~ar,tween, said baftle wall being inclined relative to the : m d.said inclined s~ace of s~d othe~ flow. path be~gperpendicular to the axis of rotation of said turbine mc1med. at approxunately 55 to 60 relative to saidimpeller, wherein one of said flow paths includes a 20 perpendicular.portion of one of said inner wall surfaces opposite said 2. The turbine casing of claim 1, wherein the distalbaffie wall which is inclined relative to said perpendicu- end of said baftle wall is at a distance of 8to 30mm fromlar in a direction opposite to the inclination of said baftle said turbine impeller.wall and the other of said flow paths includes a portion 3. The turbine casing of claim 1, wherein the crossof a second one of said inner wall surfaces opposite said 25 sectional area of said two flow paths isequal throughoutbaffle wall which is inclined relative to said perpendicu- their length.lar in the same direction as said baftle wall, said two







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