
5 Marketing Tips To Master

Gorman Houston

1. Social Media MarketingWith almost everyone adapting to technology, youcan find everyone on social media now a days.From your kids, all the way to yourgrandparents. Companies have taken notice ofthis and are taking advantage. To date, thereare thousands of social media sites out, most ofwhich offer advertisement space on their site.With more and more companies attempting to buyout this online retail space, it would bebeneficial to any company with a heavy into e-commerce. The opportunities are there, waitingfor companies to pounce.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Over the past five years, Google has

evolved and updated its algorithms to

crack down on ‘black hat’ SEO. Google

now favors content based websites and

advertisements rather than link and

word stuffing. Companies need to

understand that SEO will always be

important based on how important it

is to be on Google.

3. Email Marketing

Social media is obviously going to be a major

pipeline for marketing for companies in 2015.

E-mail marketing goes hand in hand with social

media marketing due to the simple fact it

requires for one to have an e-mail if they

sign up for a social media site. According to

Capterra, “When marketed through e-mails,

consumers spend 138% more than people who do

not receive e-mails.” These are just companies

who send out mass e-mails, the opportunities

are endless, you just have to take them!

4. Video MarketingAccording to Business Insider, video marketing will

be very important this upcoming year. Companies who

post videos about products or services are recorded

to have a 64% increase in consumers making

purchases. Also, information in video is

transferred to the brain almost 100,000 times

faster than text. Essentially, people rather watch

videos, not read the text that goes into them. In

December, 2013 alone 52.4 billion videos had been

viewed by Americans. The numbers speak for

themselves, video marketing is a route all

companies should be taking.

5.Go Above And Beyond

It is important to follow these steps

since they will be helpful in your

marketing strategy for 2015. Without

stepping to the plate and keeping up

with new trends, it will be tough to

stay relevant in this competitive


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