Page 1: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision
Page 2: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Using the Embed Tool in DyKnow Vision allows you to

provide students with a single notebook

containing all the documents, images or videos

that are essential to a particular lesson.

Why use the Embed Tool?

Page 3: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

It also prevents you from wasting precious class time

shifting from one application to another!

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It also prevents you from wasting precious class time

shifting from one application to another!

Oh and did we mention it saves students

time outside of class because everything from

one lesson is saved in a single notebook.

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So here’s what

we think you

should embed!

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NOTE: When you see

this symbol , that

means you can click

images on that slide.

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Page 8: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Use more visuals in your lesson by “mashing up” data

with Google Maps or Google Fusion Tables.

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You can find data all over the

Internet but here are a few

resources we like:

Or, if you are super hardcore, try

this mashup method suggested by

Joel, one of our awesome

developers, in this blog post.

Use more visuals in your lesson by “mashing up” data

with Google Maps or Google Fusion Tables.

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Or simply insert Google Spreadsheets and allow

students to collaborate on the document right

in their DyKnow notebook.

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Page 12: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Share a relevant video.

To do this, just click on the Insert tab.

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Share a relevant video.

Then click on Web Page.

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Share a relevant video.

And this dialogue box will


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Share a relevant video.

Place the Embed Tag from

YouTube or TeacherTube

in the Enter URL field and

click OK !

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And ta-da!

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Page 18: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Students can play games or view simulations on

the Web without leaving their DyKnow notebook.

Here are a few resources we like:

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Students can play games or view simulations on

the Web without leaving their DyKnow notebook.

Here are a few resources we like:


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Students can play games or view simulations on

the Web without leaving their DyKnow notebook.


Here are a few resources we like:

Page 21: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Students can play games or view simulations on

the Web without leaving their DyKnow notebook.


Here are a few resources we like:


Page 22: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Students can play games or view simulations on

the Web without leaving their DyKnow notebook.


Here are a few resources we like:

HIGHER EDUCATION: We like these Java Applets!


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Page 24: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Share current events…

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Share current events…

while keeping everyone on the same page.

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Page 27: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

Share an image you found on the Internet...

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Share an image you found on the Internet...

Or embed a live PDF!

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Provide everything in a single notebook.

Share relevant information from the Web.

Maximize class time.

Save students time outside of class.

Again, here are the reasons

you should use the Embed Tool?

And it’s super easy!

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And this is what

you should EMBED!

Page 31: 5 Things You Should Embed in DyKnow Vision

The presentation you

just viewed is part of

our High Five tip series.

If you enjoyed it and

want more helpful tips

from us, check out our

other slideshows.

Did you like this slideshow? Let us know by clicking the “Like” button below.

Picture Credits:Slide 4 Slide 9 (logo), (logo), (map)Slide 10 Google.comSlide 19 pbskids.orgSlide 20 knowledgeadventure.comSlide 21 lumosity.comSlide 22,, maplesoft.comSlide 25,,, (SMH masthead),hbr.orgSlide 27 comprehensive-kidney-facts.comSlide28 (PDF logo)


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