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6.1 Launching a New Nation

A New Nation

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6.1 Launching a New Nation

The Issues of the Day

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A new nation where Americans will have to work out:

Who has the power in which circumstance?

What does the Constitution say about who has the power?

What about things no one thought of when they wrote the Constitution?

There is a growing tension between the northern and southern states…..

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6.1 Launching a New Nation

Different Types Of Powers In The Constitution

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Powers as defined by the Constitution:

Reserved: as found in the 10th Amendment. These are powers only for the states

Delegated: found in Article I Section 8: exclusively for the federal govt (also called enumerated or expressed powers)

Concurrent: shared powers between federal govt and state govts

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•Remained “neutral” in politics. Disliked political parties. Too much disagreements he thought.

Washington’s Presidency

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G Washington creates the first presidential cabinet

It doesn’t say anything in the Constitution about a cabinet. This is one of those implied powers

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Political Parties begin to develop they are split over how to run the govt

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People still debate on how the govt should be run

Anti federalistUnder Thomas Jefferson

FederalistUnder AlexanderHamilton

This is the basis for future division of political parties

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The parties’ views of the government

Republicans Federalists

Strong central gov’tand the educated to lead the nation

States rights and the common man

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•Appeased the Anti-Federalists#1-9 stop Congress from impinging on rights

•#10 Powers not mentioned reserved to the state gov’ts

The Bill of Rights

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Important Court Case

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1st Court SystemJudiciary Act of 1789

• Made a Supreme Court with Chief Justice and 5 associate justices (today it is 9 members)• 3 federal circuit courts• 13 federal district courts• state’s court decisions to be appealed to federal court when constitutional issues raised.• Guarantees federal laws are “Supreme Law of Land.”

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Important Court Case

Judicial review is established

Marbury v Madison 1803

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Important Court Case

It states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the nation. This is the Supremacy Clause. – sometimes it is called the Commerce Clause

McCullough v Md 1819

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Supremacy Clause

It states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the nation. This is the Supremacy Clause. – sometimes it is called the Commerce Clause

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Important Court Case

Federal gov’t has the right to regulate interstate (state to state) trade

Gibbons v Ogden 1824

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The new country is worried about debt and finances

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•Create a national bank•Tax whiskey•Makes the govt look stronger to other countries

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

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•VA and other large states don’t like debt idea

•Small farmers protest taxes &National Bank

•Some people think this isn’t right because it does not say in the constitution that we can have a national bank!

Those who are against the national bank

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The govt decides to tax whiskey to make some money

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Whiskey Rebellion Tries the New Nation 1794

•PA farmers are mad about the excise tax on whiskey

•They rebel

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Whiskey Rebellion Tries the New Nation 1794

• Proves federal/national

power in domestic events

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1676 Bacon’s Rebellion1786 Shay’s Rebellion1794 Whiskey Rebellion

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Political Parties begin to develop they are split over how to run the govt

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The parties’ views of the national bankAnti Federalist or



Supported Nat’l Bank – what the country needs for economic growth

Opposed the Nat’lBank – too much power in hands of govt

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Foreign Affairs Trouble the New Nation

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•French Revolution

•Britain and France engaged in war

American neutrality declared

1. Jay’s Treaty2. “Citizen Genet”3. British impressment of sailors

Foreign Troubles

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Jay’s Treaty

Jay’s Treaty – b/w Great Britain and US.

1.Averted war2.Settled issues which had been unresolved after the American Revolution and the Treaty of Paris 17833. Created what would be ten years of peaceful trade b/w US and GB

This made the Jeffersonian Republicans mad. They thought this treaty would only benefit the Hamiltonian Federalists

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Political Parties begin to develop they are split over how to run the govt

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The parties’ views of Jay’s TreatyAnti Federalist or

Democratic-Republicans Federalists

Jay’s Treaty is important to avoid war so we can concentrate on economic growth

Jay’s Treaty only helps northern manufacturers. It hurts Southern farmers.

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Edmund GenetThe Genet Affair

• Edmund Genet – a French diplomat who comes to the U.S.

•He doesn’t obey diplomatic procedure but instead starts recruiting Americans in the pubs to join in France’s Revolution

•Washington demands he be sent home

•Genet stays in the U.S. and becomes citizen John Adams Pt 5 31:40-36:51 Genet and Jefferson resigns

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Quasi War with France


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Relations with Britain, still smarting from the loss of her colonies, worsened in the early 1790s1)impressment of American seamen. They kidnap them off the boats & make them work on British ships 2)continuing British occupation of western posts within U.S. borders.

British Impressment

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Washington declares official American Neutrality

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Political Parties begin to develop they are split over how to run the govt

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The parties’ views of Quasi War with FranceAnti Federalist or



Support Quasi War with France. Britain is our trading partner and that is most important

Quasi War with France is wrong. We should be against Britain and we should support French Revolution.

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Westward Expansion

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Domestic Disturbances

• 1783 Treaty of Paris never mentioned the Native Americans

• The Native Americans want their tribal lands

• British still in forts along the rich Ohio Valley

• Americans want to move west into those rich farmlands past the Appalachian Mountains

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Battle of Fallen Timbers 1792• Ohio area

• Battle of Fallen Timbers

• Gen. Wayne destroys the Indians and destroys the forest

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2nd President

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The Election of 1796

Federalist nominateJohn Adams

Democratic-Republicans nominateThomas Jefferson

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XYZ Affair

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Meanwhile, in France

XYZ Affair – French insult us by trying to bribe our diplomats

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Are we at war with France? It is a quasi –war…..

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Americans are mad!

Federalist take advantage of the anger to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts

These acts threaten the First Amendment rights….freedom of

Speech, press, assembly, religion, etc.

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Alien and Sedition Acts

• Alien Act– Residence requirement

now 14 years!– President can jail or

deport any undesirable immigrant

• Sedition Act– Jail for anyone interfering

or uttering falsehoods about the gov’t

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What about our 1st Amendment rights?

Thomas Jefferson James Madison (the Democratic-Republicans)

Saw this as THE PROOF of federalgov’t abusing individual rights

Of course, they go to the States!

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•Jefferson and young Henry Clay from KY create a document The Virginia Kentucky Resolution

• which says the states DO NOT have to obey the federal govt and Alien and Sedition Acts

• it’s states v federal, again

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The Virginia Kentucky Resolution

•States have the right to null and void any act of Congress they think is unconstitutional

• this is the principal of Nullification

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Political Parties begin to develop they are split over how to run the govt

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The parties’ views of Alien and Sedition ActAnti Federalist or



Alien and Sedition Acts protect the govt in time of war

Alien and Sedition Acts prove the national govt is too strong and will trample the rights of the states!


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3rd President

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• As Adams is about to leave office, he pushes through Congress the Judiciary Act of 1801

• He adds 16 new federal judges!

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• Furious! – Jeff argues that some of the documents authorizing the appointments had not been delivered by the time Adams left office, they were invalid


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This creates the case of Marbury v Madison which is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT COURT DECISIONS in U.S. history

The Supreme Court has the power to judge a law to be constitutional or not constitutional

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Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin

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Louisiana Purchase

• 1803

New territory investigated by Lewis and Clark

Led by Native woman Sacajaweah

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War Is Approaching

The War of 1812

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We go to war with Britain –


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War HawksThey are mad. They think Britain is hurting us in

1. trade2. Impressment3. Still own some of land in northern Ohio areas.They want war.

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War of 1812

1.War in Canada and at sea.

2.British in DC

3. Andrew Jackson in battle of New Orleans

4. Treaty of Ghent

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Life After the War of 1812

Life is good…

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