Page 1: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation

Mobilisationthe new filter of life

6.2 thinKinGA Brief on: innovAtion // technology // culture

Page 2: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation


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Page 3: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation

Ben rennie > http://UnClUtteredwhitespaCes.Com

Editor & Founder of uncluttered white spaces

On Twitter: @benrennie


“A life in Which We hABituAlly ABAndon the KnoWn good thingS in order to helpleSSly StAB At ‘MAnAging’ A neBulouS MorASS of chAoSeS thAt We cAn never control iS not Much of A life At All.” — Merlin Mann

I made the decision two years ago to have

a public conversation, to be as accessible

as people and clients needed me to be. I

engaged in open conversations online from

Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin to Facebook,

integrated collaboration tools into the

business at 6.2 and adopted a transparency

policy within the business.

i like being busy, but i like surfing better. it

seems in order to manage time (the irony

i find amusing) we ridiculously schedule

our day, rushing from meeting to meeting,

event to event, always just a little late. We

reach for our phones and download apps for

“productivity” and eagerly set them up looking

for that silver bullet that will promise time-

saving life-hacks.

this issue is not about time or how poor

we are at managing time. issue 11 is about

mobile, how people are using it, how it helps

and how it hinders.

the internet’s connectivity spans far beyond

the connection we have with it directly, it

now enables communication among physical

objects. 6.2 forecast that by 2015, 75 percent of

the world’s population will have access to the

internet, so will some six billion devices. this

system of interconnected computer networks,

sensors, actuators, and devices all using the

internet protocol holds so much potential to

change our lives that it is often referred to as

the internet’s next generation.

lets talk about the devices for a moment;

the mobile or more over, the technology

that drives it. Mobile technology presents all

businesses with a tantalizing proposition.

Already, mobile devices function like a

complete extension of ourselves, present

throughout every moment of our day, an

arm’s reach away at night, and panic-

inducing when outside our reach. they are

globally ubiquitous, and ownership frequently

transcends economic and social boundaries.

As a result, not only in the marketplace but

also within companies, completely contrasting

business practices are shifting thinking in part

from strategy (where it should be) to thinking

mobile (which is a channel or a product),

so corporate structures, and cultures start

crashing into each other. our businesses are

still building on lessons learnt and processes

adopted 100 years ago, however running on

technology built yesterday. they collide with

minimal understanding of the impact.

All companies are talking about mobile, as if

the opportunities presented through mobile

are as clear as the opportunities presented

through doing business in china. Whilst mobile

presents opportunity there is a deeper reality

and it is simple, competition is fierce and users

are demanding. if your company wants to put

out a fitness app, you’re competing not just with

nike fuelBand or run Keeper, but with dozens

of other apps put out by scrappy start-ups.

Before investing (or gambling) on mobile, first

ask yourself if you really understand mobility

as a behaviour and lifestyle, followed by tough

questions about the role mobile plays in your

business. from here, a strategy for mobile,

built on an understanding of mobility, can sink

its teeth in to the business.

froMtheeDitorlooK into A MoBile future By Building the innovAtionS thAt ShApe it


consider these behaviours:

• uS adult smartphone owners found that

63% of female respondents and 73% of

male respondents don’t go an hour without

checking their phone (Source: harris

interactive, June 2012)

• cell phone users between 18 and 24

exchange an average of 109.5 messages

on an average day, more than 3,200 per

month (Source: pew research centre,

September 2012)

• An academic study of Android users’ app-

habits revealed that while users spend

nearly one hour on their devices a day, the

average app session lasted only just over a

minute. (Source: dfKi, november 2011)

go mobile and go mobile fast but remember

this. it is easier to see into the future when

you have a stake in building the innovations

that shape it. the key to creating your mobile

framework is not only staying a few steps ahead,

but also influencing where those steps lead.

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The end of February saw North Korea

loosen their strict internet usage

laws. Foreigners to the country are now

able to freely roam the internet via the sole

mobile phone service provider, Koryolink.

As a result, visitors now have the ability to

present the ‘real, unaltered‘ North Korea in

real time to the rest of the world.

Associated press’s chief photographer david

guttenfelder has been in the country for the

past week and has been documenting his visit

using photo sharing media, instagram. he is

reported to be the first to use the app from a

mobile photo inside north Korea. As a photo

journalists, he feels it’s his responsibility to

present the country in a true light.

“i feel i cAn help open A WindoW into A plAce thAt Would otherWiSe rArely Be Seen By outSiderS. AS one of the feW internAtionAl photogrApherS Who hAS ever hAd regulAr AcceSS to the country, i feel A huge reSponSiBility to ShAre WhAt i See And to ShoW it AS AccurAtely AS i cAn.” (quote dvice)

the connection that has been described

as ‘fast and unrestricted’, is prohibited to

citizens. they can access only certain 3g

services including SMS and MMS messaging

and video calls.

this drastic change in policy comes after a

visit from google’s chairman eric Schmidt.

he coaxed officials to open up the internet

and informed them that it would be easy to

establish a 3g connection on the existing

service. take a look at the images from

david guttenfelder above. you can view his

instagram here.

CoUrtney van der weyden >

north Koreaas seen throuGh instaGraMA Journey through the unSeen culture of north KoreA


The United States Patent and Trademark

Office recently published an application

from Apple, a proposal outlining the

idea of a crowd-sourced mobile banking

solution. The concept is similar in nature to

borrowing and lending money from a friend,

however now everyone in the Apple network

is your friend.

titled the Ad-hoc cash dispensing network,

it works by sending out a request for a

small amount of cash via a message on the

networks server. Members of the network

within close proximity then receive a

notification of the amount. the system will

leverage the use of the gpS locators inside

mobile devices. if the user responds ‘yes’ i

am willing to lend you the money, they will

exchange locations with the borrower as

well as a suitable time to meet. they can

then meet up to exchange the money in

real-time. When the transferring of money

takes place, an account (could potentially

be itunes) is charged the amount plus a

small undetermined service fee. the lender

is credited with this amount plus half of the

service fee. the remaining half will go directly

to Apple for providing the service.

people will utilise the system when places do

not accept card payments and have no cash,

can not locate an AtM or do not have sufficient

funds in their account to use an AtM.

CoUrtney van der weyden > http://www.twitter.Com/white_spaCes

apple proposes a peer to peer Money loaninG serviCe



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Mobile.reiMaGineD.zen principleS in A MoBile World

eva mUller > http://www.twitter.Com/evaJmUller


Working as a designer at Microsoft, you

don’t use an iPhone. You are given a

Windows Phone. It makes you special,

because none of your friends have one.

i now realize - after a few months on the

‘outside’ - that i have become a little defensive

around the brand. i miss my pink lumia. not

just because it was pink, but because i love the

way it works.

instead of doing what i used to do (take you

through the Microsoft design principles), i

will take you through the main tenets of zen

design to explain why the experience ‘works’.

We are at a point in time where the way we

use a smartphone is being challenged, but it is

not always about reinventing. Sometimes it is

about looking ‘back’ at ancient wisdom. you’ll

be surprised at how much sense it makes.

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Some say the overarching concept of zen

design - ‘shibumi’ - cannot be translated from

Japanese. Some explain it as being about

paradox. objects that are elegant and simple.

experiences that are effortless but effective.

imperfection that makes something beautiful.

to approach ‘shibumi’ in design is hard. But

the seven zen principles could help you in

the process. All principles have an element

of subtraction at their core – so don’t try to

apply every principle to a given design. try and

select those that align to your goal and help

them guide you.

1. KOKO: AUSTERITYzen lesson: refrain from adding what is not

absolutely necessary in the first place.

Sometimes, it’s about exclusion. About creating

a sense of focus and clarity by not doing

everything. do one thing really well. When

looking at apps, clear is a good example in

terms of omission and restraint. it doesn’t do

a lot of things, like sync, share, tag, and sort. it

does enable you to make a to-do list though!

2. KANSO: SIMPLICITYzen lesson: eliminate what doesn’t matter to

make more room for what does.

Beauty and utility matter – a lot. But don’t

overdo it. don’t make utility in something

overly decorated, fanciful or overstated.

instead, try to create a look that is clean and

neat. every app is competing for valuable

time of the user. So create an experience in

which you can complete a task, or have fun,

in 30 seconds or less. this is what gained

instagram two million users in only four

months, after streamlining the flow. And it is

the core of polar, the ‘hot or not’ app.

3. SHIZEN: NATURALNESSzen lesson: incorporate naturally-occurring

patterns and rhythms into your design.

this is a difficult one. Because it is all about

balance. Between being natural but not just

accidentally so. it has to be intentional, but

without artifice.

create an experience which helps you forget

the piece of plastic that is in your hand – or

lets us say goodbye to the sight of all human

beings on a bus staring at their phone. there’s

nothing natural about that..

4. YUGEN: SUBTLETYzen lesson: limit information just enough to

pique curiosity and leave something to the


in my view, if you get this one right, you get it.

the user is not stupid. you don’t need a button

saying preSS Me. if the user does not get it –

he will probably get it the second time around.

leave some things undisclosed. humans are

curious, and like to discover. in the world of touch

– the boundary of exploration has been lowered.

5. FUKINSEI: IMPERFECTION, ASYMMETRYzen lesson: leave room for others to co-

create with you; provide a platform for open


leave out some of the symmetry or let it be

incomplete. Stay away from the conventional

and you will find that the user participates

in the creative act of supplying the missing

symmetry and connecting the dots. if you can

achieve this co-creation, it will likely increase

the impact of your app experience.

6. DATSUZOKU: BREAK FROM ROUTINEzen lesson: An interrupted “break” is an

important part of any breakthrough design.

this one is somewhat related to the imperfection

described by fukinsei. datsuzoku also signifies

staying away from convention. When a well-worn

pattern is broken, creativity and resourcefulness

emerge. And you need those to come up with a

creative solution. things, resources, ideas that

were there all along, suddenly come to your

attention due to a break.



7. SEIJAKU: STILLNESS, TRANQUILITYzen lesson: doing something isn’t always

better than doing nothing.

this principle deals with the content of the

datsuzoku principle. Sometimes it is in a state

of active calm, tranquility and solitude that you

find the essence of creative energy. Meditation

is an effective way to enhance self-awareness,

focus, and attention and to prime your brain

for achieving creative insights.

ok, back to me missing my pink phone.

the Windows Store lacks apps. this is bad. it

is why people aren’t interested. But despite

this, to me the experience is pretty close to

‘shibumi’. So whether or not the Windows

phone design team looked at ancient wisdom, i

believe they got most of the principles right.

it features absolute subtlety in the way

animation is integrated. Simplicity through the

use of tiles, icons and ‘flat design’. integration

of people and sharing hubs to create focus

and clarity in the tasks you primarily use your

smartphone for.

in a world that continues to become more and

more complex, we crave simplicity. Surprising

impact and uncommon simplicity is the

ultimate paradox of our time.

by Eva

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GoBank is a new mobile banking platform

that puts the features of a traditional bank

right in the palm of your hand. The bank will

have no bricks and mortar presence which

eliminates one of the largest costs of banks,

and all required services will be available

on the mobile application. GoBank, a brand

of Green Dot Bank, makers of pre-paid

debit cards, wants to make the traditional

banking experience obsolete.

users follow three simple steps to open an

account. these include submitting personal

information, choosing a debit card and making

an initial deposit of $50 or more from another

bank account. once registered as a user,

members can scan and deposit cheques via

the mobile app, access more than 40,000 AtMS

and obtain an online cheque book where you

can pay rent and bills. there is also a function

to send money and have the recipient will be

notified via an email, text or facebook message.

goBank is no traditional bank, but was built

to meet all industry security standards.

Some features include strong password

requirements, device tracking and an

automatic log-out service. Members can

decide and nominate how much they would

like to pay in monthly fees, anywhere from

$0-9. if an AtM that is outside of the network

is used a fee of $2.50 will be charged.

personalised debit cards with a unique photo

can be obtained for a fee of $9. Alternatively

the standard card is free of charge. Members

will not have to pay for overdrafts or for having

a low account balance. the bank is currently in

beta stage and you can now request an invite.

CoUrtney van der weyden > https://www.goBank.Com/

a Mobileonly banK A BAnK Where the only AcceSS iS through your phone



Catch is a cloud-based app designed to

ensure you never miss an idea and your

idea sharing is streamlined. The mobile

collaboration tool is free, compatible with

both iOS and Android and acts as a private

journal for ideas and projects.

the spaces function of the app allows users

to create lists that can either be made public (

by sharing with friends) or for private viewing

only. for instance you may make one ‘work

notes’ to share with your peers and one ‘art

project notes’ at your own discretion. items can

then be added to with video, voice recording

or text. for lists that are to remain private

a four number password can be set. ideas

never become lost with the search function

parameter. the app also supports the use of

hash tagging to aid in the search process if a

long list of ideas has been created.

“rAther thAn StArting With the MeSSAge, then conSidering the MediA AS An AttAchMent, cAtch StArtS With the MediA, then MAKeS the MeSSAge the AttAchMent. it’S A SiMple flip of conventionS, But in

uSe, it’S A More logicAl WAy to StreAMline ideA ShAring. BecAuSe reAlly, An ideA on Any digitAl device uSuAlly centerS Around ShAred MediA.” (Quote fastcodesign)

the app also supports shared check-lists to

collaborate on a to-do list and the setting of

reminders. Web content can be sent with the

users unique catch email address.

CoUrtney van der weyden > https://CatCh.Com/

CatChyour iDeasAn App to StreAMline ideA ShAring And creAtion



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healthtap:DoCtors aDviCe as free as water froM a tapA MoBile App thAt hAS convinced doctorS to Surrender

their Service for free

CoUrtney van der weyden > https://www.healthtap.Com/


There is no denying that with the proliferation

of the internet, people are searching their

health-related symptoms online before

making an appointment to visit a doctor.

the new york times notes that a new trend is

on the rise:

“the internet iS QuicKly BecoMing the reSource of choice for pAtientS to connect With, leArn More ABout And even rAte their doctorS.” (Quote nytimes)

doctors are increasingly communicating with

patients via email and social networks. enter

healthtap, an app that removes the need for

a physical connection, alternatively allowing

for medical queries to be answered using the

online platform. Most importantly doctors

are rated using the ‘docscore’. ratings are

based on the expert’s reach as well as reviews

from other doctors with a high docscore. this

score ultimately boosts the physicians online

reputation and credibility and acts as a means

to expand a doctors expertise into the online

world. the app is no longer a new addition

to the market, having been around for nearly

two years. during that time healthtap has

recruited a network of over 35,000 medical

specialists in America alone.

the app is free to use as long as questions are

as short as a tweet. if you exceed the limit, you

are required to pay a 99 cent fee that becomes

a charity donation. A private chat with a doctor

will cost $9.99 however users are invited to

search the app’s database of previous questions

and answers. updates to the platform include

features such as tagging questions with patient

details such as gender and age.

founder and ceo ron gutman decided against

advertising in the app in order to preserve the

excellent user experience. he also believes

that healthtap can only benefit from the

patient protection and Affordable care Act that

reaches the online realm, as well as from the

40 million previously uninsured Americans who

will start the search for a doctor online.

“We’re going to hAve A ShortAge of 45,000 priMAry cAre phySiciAnS, And WhAt We’re going to do then dependS on our ABility to uSe technology liKe heAlthtAp to triAge theSe people.”


Page 9: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation

Ignite is a web application and physical

device designed to track and monitor one’s

life expectancy using smart phone sensors.

It simplifies the complex mathematics of

determining life expectancy into a single

number, a figure that is impacted by day-

to-day decisions. Through the consistent

monitoring of exercise, eating habits and

lifestyle updates such as drinking and

smoking, the software can calculate the

user’s life expectancy. The user is able to

visualise in real time how the changes and

choices they make on a daily basis impact

this important figure.

the mobile application is paired with a

hardware device called the ignite pad. the pad

includes a docking station for a smart phone

to measure weight and exercise level. the

pad creates a seamless experience across

then digital and physical environment. With

the ability to track and visualise your health,

together with fitness, these states are then

translated into a tangible experience. When

the user logs additional information over a

course of time, the app suggests specific

recommendations for a healthier way of

life based on previous lifestyle choices. the

innovative app also supports interactive goals,

reward systems, leader board and social


the software also leverages the existing life

insurance industry calculations.

CoUrtney van der weyden > https://angel.Co/ignite-wellness

iGnitea healthier youtrAcK And Monitor your life expectAncy



Social media networking company and

popular mobile app Foursquare recently

relocated to their 28,000 foot new office in

Soho, New York. The space was designed

with the assistance of Audra Canfield from

Designer Fluff.

take a browse through the images below as

well as images of twitters office. last year

along with acquiring mobile app vine they

moved to 1355 Market St in downtown San

francisco. local photographer troy holden

went inside the then brand-new headquarters

before they were occupied by 800 employees.

CoUrtney van der weyden > &

offiCe spaCe ofthe worlDs leaDinG appsthe SuBheAding here



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In early 2012 there was enough evidence

to officially name the iPhone as the most

popular camera in the world. Since the

phone’s inception the market has been

flooded with iPhone camera accessories.

However Kevin Leung could not find the

most suitable one for his photography

needs and after two years of research has

created his own, the Shuttr. The Shuttr is a

remote shutter release that for the months

of April and May is raising funds on crowd-

funding platform, Indiegogo.

the device is mounted to a keychain, making

it physically easier to capture the desired

moment. the phone can be mounted using

a holding device or tripod and with the aid of

bluetooth the remote takes the photo and is

instantly saved to the phone. this makes it

easier to capture self portraits, group photos,

and moving children. Shuttr is compatible

with all ioS devices, Samsung galaxy and high

end 4.0+ Android devices. the device requires

no third party camera app. it is 6mm thick

making it nonintrusive.

there are multiple funding options, a donation

of $29 will obtain you a Shuttr that is expected

to sell on the market for more than $35. free

shipping is available if you share the page on a

social network or via email.

CoUrtney van der weyden >

a reMote shutterrelease for MobilesAn iphone AcceSSory to cApture iMportAnt MoMentS eASier



Mobeam is dismantling the technical

barriers that exist between barcodes and

mobile phones. Through patent-protected

technology Mobeam is able to reformat

barcodes to work in harmony with mobile

phone technology. The software is able to

convert any traditional barcode into a pulsing

light to be read by currently used lasers

at point of sale. Now loyalty cards, public

transport passes and lottery tickets can be

stored digitally. It eliminates the need for

paper or physical barcodes as they can be

stored straight to a mobile phone device.

up until now barcodes have been unreadable

from phones, thwarted by the reflective screens,

backlit displays and filters. this has prevented

the mobilisation of the codes. however with

pre-installed technology that allows apps to

display barcodes that are readable by checkout

and handheld scanners, this is a problem

of the past. the app sends pulses of light to

the scanner’s sensors that mimics the black

and white sequencing of standard barcodes.

consequently there is no need to replace

current hardware, an exercise that would be

extremely costly.

Mobeam has struck a deal with Samsung to

have the technology embedded in the galaxy S4.

CoUrtney van der weyden > http://www.twitter.Com/white_spaCes

MobeaM: barCoDes reaDable froM Mobile phonestechnology thAt creAteS hArMony



Page 12: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation

IBM is leveraging the crowd In South Africa

to keep track of water infrastructure

and sources with their latest tool

WaterWatchers. Launched on World Water

Day in the City of Tshwane, the aim of the

project is to help capture, share and analyse

information about water distribution with

the aid of a citizen portal, mobile application

and a SMS facility. Information regarding

faults in pipes, conditions of canals and

leaks will be captured at a central database.

WaterWatchers is an extension of the

CreekWatch app that was created to monitor

the conditions of local creeks. However

WaterWatchers is more relevant as water

supply is a more pressing issue that hopes to

gain a more intense response.

All updates and contributions will provide

vital data to an aggregated report that will

highlight the issues challenging the water

distribution system in the city. in conjunction

to the report, the app will end up with a

hot spot map of leaks made available to

city officials. executive mayor councillor

Kgosientso ramokgopa challenges other

cities to join the initiative and encourage the

community to become ‘citizen scientists’.

iBM has used the project as a means of

initiating the company into the community.

According to perry hartswick, iBM’s Smarter

planet Architect:

“When iBM goeS into A region, We don’t SAy We’re coMing into thiS geogrAphy to MAKe Money. We go in on MAny different levelS of pArticipAtion. We eStABliSh A reSeArch lAB, A locAl preSence, And We tAKe reSponSiBility for thAt AreA AS Well.”

CoUrtney van der weyden >

ibMwater watCherscitizenS collABorAte for SMArt WAter MAnAgeMent



Page 13: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation

Cool Campaigns

the Best Campaigns in the indUstry

DrivinG, builDinG,DrinKinGChok! Chok! Chok! ad shakes up mobile marketingClient: coca-cola

Agency: Mccann Worldgroup

Country: hong Kong

An innovative campaign by Mccann

Worldgroup for coca-cola in 2011 has since

changed the way consumers connect with the

world’s biggest brands. the chok! chok! chok!

formula rewarded consumers for interaction

on their mobile devices, and other brands are

following suit.




Kit Kat: Free No-WiFi ZoneClient: Kit Kat

Agency: JWt Amsterdam

Country: the netherlands

‘take a break’ is the message Kit Kat has so

consistently stood behind, so it makes sense

for the company to extend the idea to an

innovative, outdoor marketing campaign. free

no Wifi zones placed in various locations

around Amsterdam encourage users to put

away the phone and take a break.

The SwarmClient: Sprint

Agency: leo Burnett

Country: uSA

uSA mobile carrier Sprint has released a

mobile application to tackle texting and driving.

the app helps prevent dangerous driving by

automatically blocking texts and calls when a

car is in motion, sending an auto-reply to each

incoming notification.

Top Tradie CupClient: WorkSafe victoria

Agency: carter digital

Country: Australia

in partnership with carter digital, WorkSafe

victoria has produced a competition with

an aim to reducing the high number of

construction site injuries. teams can enter

and compete in the competition online, which

is designed specifically for smartphone

interaction. participants are encouraged to

talk about safety on-site with prize incentives.

Budweiser’s Buddy CupClient: Budweiser

Agency: Agencia Africa

Country: Brazil

Budweiser in Brazil has hit a winning formula

for connecting its brand to the hottest social

media outlet. using custom-designed cups

(filled with Budweiser’s own brew), users

can clink two together to instantly become

facebook friends.

Crotches KillClient: Alberta department of transportation

Agency: red

Country: canada

An edgy campaign is being rolled across

Alberta, canada in an attempt to lessen

the number of crashes caused by drivers

distracted by their phones. called ‘crotches

Kill’, the campaign is being rolled across radio,

billboards, posters and online, with a focus on

the younger demographic.


Toyota AccessClient: toyota

Agency: captiv8

Country: Australia

toyota has worked with Australian agency

captiv8 to offer an innovative way to lease cars.

More specifically, the scheme gives potential

car buyers a guaranteed future value of each

car selected, with a variety of options for

upgrades, returns and permanent purchases.


Page 14: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation


CritiCal links

some other links worth a visit

situation MobileCritiCal

volKSWAgen’S iBeetle iS liKe An iphone on WheelS


Why tWitter MuSic iS totAlly going to WorK


MAilBox: revolutioniSing MoBile eMAil


google glASS:hoW A World through

glASS feelS

croWd-Sourced JournAliSM froM the guArdiAn

AdoBe exploring the AnAlog future


eric SchMidt: the internet needS A delete Button



loyAlty giveS Apple the edge over tiMe


fAceBooK invAdeS Android for A neW MoBile experience

deSigning for the viScerAl



reinventing neW yorK city pAy phoneS


Page 15: 6.2 Thinking: Mobilisation




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