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SpaceThe Beginning:In the beginning, the universe was a infinitesimally small dot called a singularity. A singularity can be likened to an elephant in a matchbox. With the matches inside. Anyway , the tiny little dot expanded to a giant universe and the stars, planets, asteroids, comets, moons etc.…… were made. That was the big-bang in a nutshell.

The small print :

-The universe is 13.7 billion years old- Space began to expand and pushed matter apart- In the beginning the universe was so hot all the universal forces (gravitation, electromagnetism, etc.) were one force-The new born universe was over 4,000,000,000,000 ˚C-Either: (1) Someone made the universe (Intelligent Design), or (2) The universe made itself (Random Chance).

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SPACEStars: small

Stage 1- Stars are born in a region of high density Nebula, and condenses into a huge globule of gas and dust and contracts under its own gravity.Stage 2 - A region of condensing matter will begin to heat up and start to glow forming Protostars. Stage 3 - At this temperature, nuclear reactions in which hydrogen fuses to form helium can start.Stage 4 - The star begins to release energy, stopping it from contracting even more and causes it to shine. It is now a Main Sequence Star.Stage 5 - A star of one solar mass remains in main sequence for about 10 billion years, until all of the hydrogen has fused to form helium.Stage 6 - The helium core now starts to contract further and reactions begin to occur in a shell around the core.Stage 7 - The core is hot enough for the helium to fuse to form carbon. The outer layers begin to expand, cool and shine less brightly. The expanding star is now called a Red Giant.Stage 8 - The helium core runs out, and the outer layers drift of away from the core as a gaseous shell, this gas that surrounds the core is called a Planetary Nebula.Stage 9 - The remaining core is now in its final stages. The core becomes a White Dwarf the star eventually cools and dims. When it stops shining, the now dead star is called a Black Dwarf.

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Stars: big

Stage 1 - Massive stars evolve in a similar way to a small stars until it reaches its main sequence stage (see small stars, stages 1-4). The stars shine steadily until the hydrogen has fused to form helium ( it takes billions of years in a small star, but only millions in a massive star).

Stage 2 - The massive star then becomes a Red Supergiant and starts of with a helium core surrounded by a shell of cooling, expanding gas.

Stage 3 - In the next million years a series of nuclear reactions occur forming different elements in shells around the iron core.

Stage 4 - The core collapses in less than a second, causing an explosion called a Supernova, in which a shock wave blows of the outer layers of the star. (The actual supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxy for a short time).

The set of images below shows the star going into a stage called Supernova and contracting to become a neutron star

Stage 5 - Sometimes the core survives the explosion. If the surviving core is between 1.5 - 3 solar masses it contracts to become a tiny, very dense Neutron Star. If the core is much greater than 3 solar masses, the core contracts to become a Black Hole.

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SPACEBlack holes:

A black hole is a point in space and time where infinite gravity and mass distort the rules of physics, space and time itself. This singularity has such a strong gravitational pull that nothing, not even light can escape. Short of completely shattering the base of the universe, or going faster than the speed of light, once you have passed the event horizon there is no turning back. After passing the event horizon, the black hole will slowly pull you in, speeding up as you get closer. Finally as you pass into the centre of the hole something weird happens. Instead of getting darker everything around you gets brighter until it is blinding. This is because all light is coming to the black hole and none away from it. In the last few seconds you are “spaghettified” and everything bends around you as if you are the centre of the universe, before yo0u cease to exist.

Worm holes:

A worm hole is a hole in space, time and the human knowledge. Supposedly they bendthe edges of space an create a shortcut through the material of the universe twisting space, time and the laws of physics not too unlike a black hole. Once fallen into a worm hole you may be stretched but no one really knows. All we do know is that when you fall in you will be sucked through a void, that does not agree with science and its rules, and pulled into the other side. Many scientists think that if the centre of gravity is in the centre of the void, like the earth, then you may get sucked into the middle and never come back.

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SpaceThe end (version 1):The universe may end by Scenario 1. The big crunch. This would happen by the universe expanding for approximately 20 billion years until gravity and dark matter won over momentum and dark energy. The universe would get hotter and brighter until it was a singularity. Perfect conditions for another big bang.

The end (version 2):However the universe mightend in scenario 2. The bigfreeze. This would happen byThe universe expanding forever. In trillions of years eachParticle of matter would beSo far away from each other That no more stars would be produced. Momentum and dark energy would win over gravity and dark matter. The universe would get so cold and dark that nothingwould seem to exist. Perfectconditions for another universe.

Dark matter & Dark energy:THE WAR

In billions of years the universeWill hold a war between darkEnergy and dark matter. The Winner will decide the ultimate fate of the universe. Dark energy is the force that pulls things apart, and dark energy pulls it together. If dark matterWins scenario 1 will take place and if dark energy wins scenario 2 will take place.

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TIMEEinstein's Theory:

Einstein created a theory that if you turned a black hole upside down with electromagnetic pulses and then turned it inside out it would reverse the fabric of time and make time go backwards. The only problem with this theory would be that once time started going backwards the black hole would re-reverse itself and turn itself the right way round. Once it is the right way round time would go forward again until you turned it inside out again. Then time would go backwards again and re-reverse itself etc. ……………………The point is that the last thing that would ever happen in the universe would be you turning the black inside out. Ironically, even though Einstein created the theory of black holes and time, he did not believe in them himself.

Speed of light Theory:

When you assume that it's possible to travel faster than the speed of light, you're taking the laws of physics and punching them in the stomach and throwing them down the stairs. The problem is that you can't say, 'Hey, what would happen if you could go faster than the speed of light?' because that's totally physically impossible. It's not possible to go faster than the speed of light, so the laws of physics can't possibly say what would happen if you imagine things that way in some hypothetical universe. Physics is a complete package: once you decide to ignore one physical law, you're ignoring them all. Anyway, even if you did think it was possibleto travel faster than the speed of light than time would go backwards based on the fact that ifyou go at the speed of light time would stop foryou.

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SpacetimeIn physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Spacetime is usually interpreted with space as being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort from the spatial dimensions. According to certain space perceptions, the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single manifold, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories.

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EVERYTHING ELSEThere are still many questions unanswered in the universe and scientists won’t stop until they find the answers and there will always be theories and hypothesis but those will not stop flooding in until the end of the human race and the end of time itself.


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