  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    World Association for Scientific

    Research and Technical Innovation(WASRTI)

    6th International Conference onEnvirotech, Cleantech and

    Greentech (ECG)

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Details

    Conference Name 6th International Conference onEnvirotech, Cleantech andGreentech (ECG), 20-21 October2016, Hong Kong

    Conference !" htt#$%%&a'rtiorg%6th-international-


    Conference en*e !EG." O!IE/." HOE", +0-+

    . 3O !O.4, KO5"OO/ CI,HO/G KO/G

    4eadline for .b'tract% 3a#er*b7i''ion

    18 Oct 2016

    Contact E7ail I4 info9&a'rtiorg

    Conference Convener 4r ivian "

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Online Application Form

    Please fill the online application form for

    applyin to the conference!

    Application "in#http$%%&asrti!or%online'application'form!phpid*+,stat-sapplication

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Call for Papers

    Dear Collea-es%Professors%St-dents.

    International Academic Conferences promote international dissemination of #no&lede and development of

    cross'national academic fraternity! The participants come from different /ac#ro-nds and co-ntries! They

    share their researches. e0periences and informally create lon'lastin /onds!

    It has /een commonly o/served that people lac# the motivation and confidence of ta#in part in

    international events. /asically d-e to self'made or c-lt-ral inhi/itions!

    We reconi1e this factor. and &e ma#e s-re to s-pport and motivate first timers and also seasoned

    academicians /y$

    2eneratin yo-r academic and professional relationships

    3oostin yo-r morale and confidence of presentin yo-r research in an international platform

    Clearin yo-r inhi/itions of ad4-stin to the forein environment

    Providin a holistic e0perience of academic to-rism

    The participation in the international conference may /e -nder follo&in cateories$

    Oriinal Research Articles

    P-/lished Articles

    Research Poster

    Dissertation% PhD Synopsis

    Research A/stract

    "istener% Co'a-thor


    A/stract% Paper% Synopsis S-/mission

    Prospective a-thors are invited to s-/mit F-ll Papers% A/stract of Oriinal Research &or# or. Synopsis of

    PhD%Dissertation. P-/lished &or#. 5ie&'points or Way For&ard% Poster /y fillin the online application form!

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Themes6 2reen 7nery

    6 2reen Transport

    6 2reen 3-ildin6 Waste Technoloy and 8anaement

    6 Clean Water Technoloy and 8anaement

    6 Rene&a/le 7nery System and So-rces (R7SSs)

    6 7nery Savins for 5ehic-lar Technoloy. Po&er 7lectronics. 7lectric 8achinery and Control

    6 9e& Approaches in "ihtins

    6 P-/lic A&areness and 7d-cation for 2reen 7nery and Systems

    6 Smart Cities

    6 2reen 7nery Transmission and Distri/-tion. Smartrid

    6 3iomass. 3iof-el as 2reen 7nery

    6 2reen Information Technoloy

    6 2reen Comm-nication

    6 2reen Chemistry and 7nineerin

    6 Desinin more S-staina/le Prod-cts

    6 Desin of ne0t eneration Catalysis

    6 S-staina/le 8aterials6 Poll-tion Control

    6 Science for S-staina/le Development

    6 Climate Chane. Climate Research. 2eoraphic and 7arth O/servation Systems

    6 7nvironmental Science

    6 Water Reso-rce 8anaement

    6 Social Safety. Process Safety and :a1ard 8anaement

    6 Waste ;tili1ation and Treatment6 S-staina/le ;r/an Development

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Themes (Contd!)6 Str-ct-ral S-staina/ility

    6 S-staina/le Chemical Processes6 Tools to plan. desin and operate. interated reen technoloy6 Smart and F-nctional 8aterials6 2reen :o-se 2ases6 Adsorption and 2as Storae 8aterials6 S-staina/le Aric-lt-re and Oranic Farmin< 2reen Aric-lt-ral Technoloy6 Food Safety and Oranic Food6

    9anotechnoloy for S-staina/ility6 3iotech for S-staina/ility6 "ife'Cycle Assessment6 Comp-tation. 8odellin and Sim-lation6 :ealthy% Aein Pop-lation6 7coloical S-staina/ility6 8anaement. 2reen 7conomy and S-staina/le 7conomic Development6 S-staina/ility Related P-/lic Policy. "eislation. "a&s and Re-lations and Practice

    6 P-/lic'Private Partnerships6 Innovative 2reen Technoloies and Processes6 S-staina/le Strateies and Policies6 Decommissionin = 3est Practices6 2reen Service Ind-stry$ :ospitality and To-rism

    Other iss-es of interest related to 2reen Technoloy. Clean Technoloy. 7nvironmental

    Technoloies and S-staina/le Development

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Reistration% Payment

    Category Registration Fee

    3re'enter 4 :00

    3artici#ation in .b'entia 4 200

    "i'tener% Co-a*thor 4 +0

    .dditional 3a#er *b7i''ion 4 10 (#er #a#er);riend% ;a7il< of 3artici#ant 4 100

    Young Researcher Scholarship(Onl< for t*dent'% !e'earchcholar')

    ;!EE ("i7ited to eat' Onl

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference 5en-e



  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)



    Participants may stay in the Real Oriental :otel! We are also

    listin fe& :otels. &hich are close to the ven-e! >o- may /oo# them

    thro-h the hotel /oo#in sites$

    Royal Pla1a :otel ( ?!@ #m )

    :ar/o-r Pla1a Deree (*#m)

    Dorsett 8on#o# :otel ( + #m )

    Sil#a West Bo&loon :otel ( ?! #m)

    icl-/ Fortress :ill :otel ( #m )

    6 &&&!/oo#in!com6 &&&!aoda!com

    6 &&&!trivao!com

    6 &&&!e0pedia!com

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    P-/lication Opport-nities#ROCEE$ING" (A"TRACT" OL*+E)

    +ATTER International Eo-rnal of Science and Technoloy< ISS9 ?+?'+

    Proceedins &ill also /e s-/mitted to C9BI (China 9ational Bno&lede Infrastr-ct-re) forarchivin and inde0in!

    "#ECIAL I""*E IN -O*RNAL

    A-thors of all oriinal f-ll'lenth papers &ill /e considered for p-/lication in the follo&in

    4o-rnal! ;s-al peer revie& policies apply!+ATTERInternational Eo-rnal of Science and Technoloy is an open access. do-/le

    /lind. peer revie&ed and refereed international 4o-rnal!

    The 4o-rnal p-/lishes research papers in the fields of physical sciences and enineerintechnoloy s-ch as Astronomy and astrophysics. Chemistry. Chemical and FoodTechnoloy. 9anotechnoloy. 7arth and atmospheric sciences. Physics.7nvironmental Science. Comp-ter science and Information Technoloy. 7nineerin.Ro/otics and A-tomation. 8aterials science. 8athematics. 8echanics. Statistics.Pharmace-tical Sciences and 3iotechnoloy. and other -pcomin areas of physicalscience and enineerin technoloy!

    G8atterH p-/lishes oriinal papers. revie& papers. concept-al frame&or#. analytical andsim-lation models. case st-dies. empirical research. technical notes. and /oo#revie&s!

    CrossRef DOI assined for all p-/lished articles

    2oole Scholar Inde0in

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    8ore P-/lication Opport-nitiesREG*LAR I""*E IN -O*RNAL

    The follo&in partner 4o-rnal do not allocate special iss-es! Selected /est papers from the conference &ill /e considered for p-/lication in this

    4o-rnal and APC &ill /e /orne /y the Conference Committee! ;s-al 4o-rnal policies and peer'revie& policies apply$

    Indian Eo-rnal of Science and Technoloy (I9DEST)< e'ISS9 @?'+J?+ and p'ISS9 @?'J?J

    Chemical A/stract Services (CAS)


    E'2ate Pl-s

    Research 3i/le



    ;lrichKs Periodical Directory

    Indian Science A/stracts

    Inde0 Copernic-s. PolandThomson Re-ters. ISI

    Indian Science!in


    The follo&in 4o-rnals do not allocate special iss-es! Selected /est papers from the conference &ill /e considered for p-/lication in this 4o-rnal

    and APC &ill /e /orne /y the Conference Committee! ;s-al 4o-rnal policies and peer'revie& policies apply$

    :ealthcare$ The Eo-rnal of Delivery Science and Innovation. 7"S75I7R. *'@J?

    "ife Sciences. 7"S75I7R. Impact Factor$ !J* 3iotech. Spriner

    :ealth Information Science and Systems. Spriner

    7nineerin Science and Technoloy. an International Eo-rnal. 7"S75I7R. ISS9$ +'J

    7nery and 3-ildins. 7"S75I7R. Impact Factor$ !?J+

    Eo-rnal of Intellient 8an-fact-rin. Spriner

    Advances in 8an-fact-rin. Spriner

    Advances in 8aterials and Processin Technoloies. Taylor , Francis

    International Eo-rnal of 2reen 7nery. Taylor , Francis

    Chemical 7nineerin Eo-rnal. 7"S75I7R. Impact Factor$ ?!+

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    5ideo 2allery

    WASRTI >o-t-/e Channel

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    A/o-t WASRTI

    World Association for Scientific Research and Technical Innovation(WASRTI) is a conlomeration of academia and professionals forpromotion of research and innovation. creatin a lo/alfootprint! WASRTI is promoted /y 2lo/al Research , DevelopmentSevices (2RDS)! WASRTI aims to /rin toether &orld&ideresearchers and professionals. enco-rae intellect-al developmentand providin opport-nities for net&or#in and colla/oration! Theseo/4ectives are achieved thro-h academic net&or#in. meetins.conferences. &or#shops. pro4ects. research p-/lications. academica&ards and scholarships! WASRTI strives to enrich from its diversero-p of advisory mem/ers! Scholars. Researchers. Professionalsare invited to freely 4oin WASRTI and /ecome a part of a diverse

    academic comm-nity. &or#in for /enefit of academia and societythro-h research and innovation!

    3ecome WASRTI "ifetime 8em/er (no mem/ership fee) /y fillin asimple application form$ C"ICB :7R7

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    O.r Colla/oration1 #artner1 en.e #rovider

    6 2lo/al R and D Services Pvt! "td!. India (Promoter)

    6 9anyan Technoloical ;niversity. Sinapore (5en-e Provider)

    6 >ildi1 Technical ;niversity. *?*? 3eLi#taL. Istan/-l. T-r#ey (5en-e Provider)6 R-mah ;niversity. ;niversity of 8alaya. B-ala "-mp-r. 8alaysia (5en-e


    6 Imperial Collee "ondon. So-th Bensinton Camp-s. "ondon SW@ AM. ;B(5en-e Provider)

    6 3-ein Mahra Technical ;niversity. Iran (Colla/oration)

    6 Research and 8ar#ets "imited. D-/lin. Ireland (Colla/oration)6 C9BI (China 9ational Bno&lede Infrastr-ct-re). China (Colla/oration)

    6 International Eo-rnal of Comp-ter Science and 3-siness Informatics (IECS3I).8a-riti-s (Colla/oration)

    6 "inton ;niversity Collee. BT2 2ro-p. 8alaysia (Colla/oration)

    6 Asian Instit-te of Technoloy (AIT). Conference Center. 3an#o#. Thailand

    (5en-e Provider)6 Peacf-l 8ind Fo-ndation. India (Partner)

    6 Tresori0 "td! 8a-riti-s (Colla/oration)

    6 International Eo-rnal of "earnin. Teachin and 7d-cational Research. 8a-riti-s(Colla/oration)

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference CalendarApril 201 ! Yil"i# $echnical %ni&ersity' (stan)ul' $ur*ey

    International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 2*-2" April 2!", Istan#$l

    International Conference on +earning, %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 2"-2 April 2!", Istan#$l

    International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2-28 April 2!", Istan#$l

    International Conference on ealtcare, .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 29-1 April 2!",


    International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 29-1 April 2!", Istan#$l

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Calendar+ay 201 ! %ni&ersity of +alaya' ,uala -umpur' +alaysia

    2nd International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2"-2 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    2nd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 2"-2 0ay 2!",

    3$ala +$p$r

    2nd International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 21-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    2nd International Conference on +earning %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 24-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    2nd International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2*-2" 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    2nd International Conference on ealthcare .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 2-28 0ay

    2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    2nd International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 2-28 0ay 2!", 3$ala +$p$r

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Calendarune 201 ! Nanyang $echnological %ni&ersity' Singapore

    1rd International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 1 5$ne -

    ! 5$ly 2!", Singapore

    uly 201 / %ni&ersity of +alaya' ,uala -umpur' +alaysia

    4th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2!-22

    5$ly 2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    August 201 / Yil"i# $echnical %ni&ersity' (stan)ul' $ur*ey

    *th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), !-2

    Sep 2!", Istan#$l

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference CalendarSeptem)er 201 ! (mperial College -on"on' -on"on' %nite" ,ing"om

    > 11th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech

    (ECG), 20-21 e#t 2016, "ondon

    cto)er 201 ! Regal riental otel' ong ,ong

    "th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2-2! 6cto#er 2!",

    ong 3ong

    No&em)er 201 / Nanyang $echnological %ni&ersity' Singapore

    th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), !-!! .o& 2!",


  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Conference Calendarecem)er 201 ! Flora 3ran" otel' u)ai' %A4

    8th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2-2! /ec 2!", /$#ai

    ecem)er 201 ! Asian (nstitute of $echnology' 5ang*o*' $hailan"

    9th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 29-1

    /ec 2!", ang7o7, Thailand

    Fe)ruary 2016 / Flora 3ran" otel' u)ai' %A4

    !th International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2!-22

    e# 2!, /$#ai

  • 7/26/2019 6th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG)


    Than# >o-

    Apply 9o&http$%%&asrti!or%

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