
© Cardell Media


About Chris Cardell ............................................ 1

Marketing Strategies Revealed! .......................... 2

1. Stop wasting money on Ineffective Marketing and Advertising. ........................................3

2. Learn how to write Strong, Persuasive Sales Copy. ....................................................................4

3. Stop Traditional ‘Brand’ Marketing and Advertising and replace it with ‘Direct Response’ Marketing ...................................................5

4. Test Pay per Click (PPC) Advertising on Google ....6

5. Stop doing anything you can’t Measure. .................6

6. Offer a (generous) Guarantee. .................................7

7. Raise your prices. .......................................................7

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— 1 —7 Essential Marketing Skills

About Chris Cardell

Chris Cardell is widely regarded as Britain’s

leading authority on Entrepreneurial Success. He

has been featured on BBC, ITV, News at Ten and The

Sunday Times. 253,000 business owners subscribe to

Chris Cardell’s regular Free Business Success Email


Chris is renowned for being able to show business

owners how to grow their business and increase their

profits by 50-250%.

— 2 —7 Essential Marketing Skills

Marketing Strategies Revealed!

THERE’S A ‘MOMENT’ THAT happens to every

successful business owner. It’s the moment

they realise that there’s very little connection

between how great your product or service is – and

how much money you make.

It can be a scary moment. We assume that if we

do a great job with our product or service – and look

after our customers, the sales will follow.

Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way.

You can have a wonderful product or service – but

if nobody knows about it, you’re in trouble.

When business owners have the ‘moment’ they

realise that actually, business success is all about

Marketing. It’s about reaching potential customers,

converting them to paying customers and keeping

them as lifetime customers.

It’s my strong recommendation that every

business owner spends at least 50% of their time on

Marketing. That’s not always possible but I certainly

hope you’ve reached the point where you realise that

it’s essential to become outstanding at Marketing,

Internet Marketing and Selling.

Most business owners see marketing as a

necessary evil, an unpleasant task they have to carry

out as an adjunct to the “main” stuff.

This is so wrong - and so dangerous. The

marketing is the business.

The good news is that effective and efficient

marketing is a whole lot easier than you might think.

If you don’t know anything about it yet, you’re not

alone. Very few people do, even those who’ve been

in business a long time.

“You can have

a wonderful

product or

service – but if

nobody knows

about it, you’re

in trouble.”

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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

But that’s about to change. Because I’m about to

share with you 7 very simple and easy to understand

strategies that you can implement immediately

to significantly improve your marketing and your


1. Stop wasting money on Ineffective

Marketing and Advertising.

This might sound obvious but it’s shocking how

many business owners are spending money on

Advertising and Marketing that does not work.

Here’s a common scenario for your average small

business owner: the phone rings, or there’s a

knock at the door, and it’s a rep from a newspaper

or magazine selling advertising space. Our eager

business owner could do with some more customers

so readily agrees to the rep’s offer and is pleased to

have saved some money, too (because reps always

tell you they’re giving you a huge discount).

They leave everything in the hands of the rep,

including the ad’s design.

The ad comes out and... nothing.

Fact: most small business advertising does not



Because advertising sales people and their

buddies the graphic designers are not marketing

people. They don’t know what makes an ad effective.

We get a similar story with direct mail, too: most

business owners tell me direct mail doesn’t work. But

it does. All they’ve discovered is it doesn’t work for

them when they do it the wrong way.

In the weeks and months ahead, I’ll be sharing

with you the tips, strategies and techniques for


sales people and

their buddies

the graphic

designers are

not marketing

people. They

don’t know what

makes an ad


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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

“Relationships are

fundamental to

your business

- people like to

buy from people

they like and

trust. The more

they like you and

trust you, the

more they’ll be

inclined to buy

from you, and

the more often

they’ll buy”

creating powerful, effective advertisements and other

marketing pieces.

In the meantime, if you’re advertising or mailing

stuff out but you can’t tell beyond all doubt it’s

making you money, then stop doing it now! You must

be ruthless about this: if someone responds to an ad

or mail piece, you must be able to track it. It’s not

enough to say “I ran an ad and seemed to be busier

the next week”. It has to be trackable down to the

individual sale.

This means perhaps having a dedicated phone

number you use only on ONE ad so you know all calls

coming in on that number can only have come from

that ad; it means having some kind of coupon or

other trackable response mechanism in your direct

mail; and it means using the latest technology on

your website to track visitors.

2. Learn how to write Strong,

Persuasive Sales Copy.

Sales copy – and that means all your copy -

should be strong, bold, conversational, heavy on

benefits to the reader, and usually long. Copy can’t

be too long, only too boring.

Long, interesting copy is crucial in building

relationships, too. Relationships are fundamental to

your business - people like to buy from people they

like and trust. The more they like you and trust you,

the more they’ll be inclined to buy from you, and the

more often they’ll buy.

Don’t be afraid of writing sales copy and think you

have to clam up and be prim and proper. You can

safely forget virtually everything you’ve been taught

about writing in the past, whether at school or at


Many business owners think they should write

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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

“professionally” and that this means you have to

write stilted, formal prose with big, fancy words and

complicated phrases.

It doesn’t. Write like you’re having a conversation

with someone, like a letter to a favourite Aunt.

I promise, your customers and clients will like it

more and your sales will reflect that.

3. Stop Traditional ‘Brand’ Marketing

and Advertising and replace it with

‘Direct Response’ Marketing

Unless you have the deep pockets of Richard

Branson, you probably can’t afford to be spending

a fortune on building your “brand” for the sake of

having one.

The reality is, you can’t afford to throw money

away on just getting your name and logo out there.

But that’s what a lot of small business owners do.

‘Brand’ Advertising is a waste of money. You should

only engage in ‘Direct Response’ Marketing. As the

name suggests, that means Marketing that produces

a RESPONSE that you can MEASURE.

So every marketing campaign you put out there

must give people a reason to respond. You must

be offering one specific thing, something they

want or need, something that’s going to interest

them enough to haul themselves out of a chair and

respond to you.

Indulging in so-called ‘institutional / brand

marketing’ where you essentially say “This is us,

here’s what we do, give us a call if we do anything

that interests you” is a great way to empty the

contents of your wallet into the wallets of the ad

agency and graphic designer with no appreciable

return for you.

“Every marketing

campaign you

put out there

must give people

a reason to

respond. You

must be offering

one specific

thing, something

they want or

need, something

that’s going to

interest them

enough to haul

themselves out

of a chair and

respond to you.”

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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

4. Test Pay per Click (PPC)

Advertising on Google

Become an expert at Internet Marketing, particularly

Pay per Click Advertising on Google. Pay per Click

is the most powerful breakthrough in Marketing

this century – yet very few Entrepreneurs truly

understand its power.

PPC allows you to reach people who have an interest

in what you have and who are looking for it right

now. As you read this, someone, somewhere is

almost certainly on Google looking for what you have

to offer.

PPC Advertising allows a link to your website to

appear at or near the top of the search engine

results they see when they do their search.

Best of all, you only pay when someone actually

clicks on your ad.

If you run a local business, you can even specify that

the ads only appear for internet users in your area.

Pay per Click is the most important revolution in

Markleting this century. If you’re serious about

business success, you must test it out.

I’ll be keeping you updated on Pay per Click in the

weeks and months ahead.

5. Stop doing anything you can’t


All of your marketing must be trackable, right

down to the specific ad or marketing piece which

generated every sale.


Because if you can’t trace a sale back to the origin

of the lead (how did this person become aware of

“As you read

this, someone,

somewhere is

almost certainly

on Google

looking for what

you have to


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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

“If you sell 100

extra widgets a

week because of

your guarantee

and get cheated a

couple of times,

the extra money

you make more

than makes up

for these small

losses. Please test

Guarantees. It’s

one of the easiest

ways to grow

your business

– fast.”

your company or the offer you’re making), then how

can you know where your marketing money is going?

How can you know what’s effective and what’s not?

You can’t. And you need to.

If your marketing isn’t making you money, stop it.

If it is making you money, do MUCH more of it. You’ll

only know whether to stop it or do more if you’re

measuring the results

6. Offer a (generous) Guarantee.

Guarantees are a fabulous way to overcome price

resistance. You see, any transaction involves risk.

And since you’re the one asking them to trust you

with their money, it’s going to benefit you to take

this risk onto your own shoulders. You do this by

offering a fantastic guarantee.

Now, you might be thinking that by giving a great

guarantee you’re opening yourself up to being ripped

off by hordes of unscrupulous liars and cheats.

Well, technically you are, but in practice it never

happens. Never. Most people are fundamentally

honest and won’t cheat you. Most won’t even call you

on your guarantee when they’re actually entitled to.

And even if a few do, so what? If you sell 100

extra widgets a week because of your guarantee and

get cheated a couple of times, the extra money you

make more than makes up for these small losses.

Please test Guarantees. It’s one of the easiest ways

to grow your business – fast.

7. Raise your prices.

Having worked with thousands of business

owners over the years, it’s my experience that

almost everyone sells themselves and their products

too cheaply. Raising your prices and selling more

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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

expensive products and services to the high end of

the market is one of the fastest and cheapest ways

to increase your profits.

The fact is, less than 20% of the population make

their buying decisions on price. So for most of your

customers, price is not the main issue, even if they

say it is.

As always, the 80/20 rule applies. If you sell a

£100 widget, then there is going to be in your list

of customers, maybe 20% of people who would be

willing to spend, say, £400 or £500... IF you gave

them the option.

And if you take that list of high-spenders, you’ll

find maybe 20% of them will be prepared to pay

you, say, £1000 or more for something... IF you

give them the option (and believe it or not, it’s much

easier to sell one £10,000 widget than it is to sell a

hundred £100 widgets). The trouble is, if you don’t

ask, the chances of them offering is close to zero.

The easy way to do this is to think about creating

a “de-luxe” offering which costs you nothing to offer

but for which you can command a much higher price.

SO, THERE WE HAVE it: 7 things you can do

TODAY to improve your Marketing and start

making more money from your advertisements

and other marketing pieces.

There’s obviously a lot more in-depth detail to

effective Marketing than I’ve given you here, but

these fundamentals if you apply them rigorously will

make a huge difference in your marketing.

Imagine what would happen to your business

if you started to make these changes in your

Marketing... how will that effect your profits? What

will that do to your financial freedom?

In the weeks ahead I’ll be sending you Free tips

It’s much easier to

sell one £10,000

widget than it is

to sell a hundred

£100 widgets!”

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Marketing Strategies Revealed!

7 Essential Marketing Skills

Your Two Free Gifts From

Chris Cardell

I have two very special Free gifts for you as

a ‘thank you’ for your interest in my work. The

first Free gift is my six CD set ‘Essential Profit

Strategies’ which contains vital information for

you on how to increase your profits.

These six CDs are valued at £295 but are

yours FREE of charge. The second gift is a Free

membership to my VIP Inner Circle for two full

months. These will both give you immediate

access to leading edge information to grow your

business and increase your profits. Claim your

two free gifts here:

and advice by email and will share with you how

great Marketing will make a huge difference to your


I hope this is the beginning of a great, long term

relationship where I become the source of leading

edge information for you and make a real difference

to your business and your profits.

Happy Marketing!

Chris Cardell

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