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The Top 7 Mistakes Hardgainers Make When Trying To Gain Weight And Build Muscle

…And How To Make Sure You Never Make These Mistakes Yourself So You Can Build

Serious Mass Quicker Than Ever! By Jeff Masterson

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From the desk of: Jeff Masterson Tuesday, 10:46 am

I guarantee that this report will give you a better understanding of how to gain weight, and if you use what I’m giving you here, you will start to gain weight… even if you feel like you can’t put on a pound no matter what you do. Why? Because chances are, you’re making a few of these 7 “deadly” mistakes that quickly kill off any chances of gaining muscle weight. I would know, because… I’ve made a bunch of these mistakes myself! You see, I’ve struggled to gain weight in the past, trying every pill, powder, and workout plan you could imagine. I was 6’2” weighed a pathetic 142 lbs and I was sick of being called “chicken legs.” I even used to wear 2 or 3 t-shirts in the summertime just to add an extra half-inch to my body and look just a little bigger. But that was a temporary solution to a much bigger problem, and I didn’t want to have to hide under baggy clothes for the rest of my life. It wasn’t until my friends and I were playing a game of basketball when this jackass decided to say, “Hey, someone cover the string bean!” Yeah, he didn’t even bother to call me by my real name all night. I was more than pissed. I was SICK of being the skinny guy and getting disrespected for it. You know how it is – When you’re skinny, nobody can take you seriously! When I got back to my house that night I was still worked up and told myself, I’VE HAD IT!

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I’m going to gain weight NOW… Whatever it takes!

So… In my rage I just crammed everything I could down my throat from cereal to chicken. I even went and made myself a steak. The problem was, that didn’t do JACK to help me gain weight… So I went on to try everything under the sun… Weight gain powder, creatine, weight lifting, drinking ‘Ensure’, drinking lots of milk, 20 different work out plans, hours in the gym… And what did I get for all my effort? NOTHING! Zip… Nada… Ok, so I managed to gain some weight... After about a year. Wanna know how much? Hold your breath… After an entire year of blood, sweat, and tears… Working my butt off in the gym… Stuffing my face with food… And hundreds… maybe THOUSANDS of dollars on worthless supplements… I managed to gain a whopping 9 pounds. 9 pounds in a year. Wow. I was expecting more than that. That’s less than 1 pound a month! And worst of all, with my tall, skinny 6’ 2” body, that measly 9 pounds wasn’t even noticeable! In fact, nobody ever said a single word to me about my pathetic little gains. I was still the “skinny guy” and I was embarrassed to tell people that I’ve been working out regularly for a year.

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Obviously I was doing something wrong.

Another year passed and I was still skinny… Even after busting my ass in the gym!

Another year passed and after all that time I only gained a few more pounds. I was up to 167 pounds and I still looked skinny... At this rate it would take me another 4 YEARS until I broke 200 pounds! I was still spinning my wheels, getting painfully slow results. Little did I know, I was about to "crack the code" and gain more weight in the next 19 weeks than I did in the previous 2 years combined.

I knew I needed a real plan from someone who had done this before..

I did research and collected information from personal trainers and other previously skinny guys who had successfully gained weight and found out exactly what they did to go from skinny to muscular. I applied some of their techniques and...

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I quickly packed on 38 pounds of solid muscle mass over the next 19 weeks!

I painstakingly tested my plan over and over until I finally had it dialed in perfectly... At this point I was gaining a minimum of 2 pounds a week! If I kept up this pace, I quickly realized that I could potentially gain 40+ pounds in the next 4 months using these methods! That beats the heck out of the pathetic 9 pounds I gained the year before!! It turns out my predictions were close... I actually only gained 38 lbs. over the next 19 weeks. I still wanted to gain more weight, but I couldn't complain about gaining 38 pounds. Would you? Although I still didn't look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, I did have to buy all new clothes to fit my larger, more muscular body. The transformation happened so fast... One of my close friends actually accused me of being on steroids because of how quickly I put on the weight!

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I made this transformation from skinny to muscular in just 19 weeks… And I did it by avoiding the common pitfalls most skinny guys fall into when they try to gain weight. So I want to give you some of the little-known “workarounds” I used that will let you side-step the fatal mistakes you are bound to make if you try bulking up on your own. I won’t make you wait any longer. Here are the top 7 mistakes most “hardgainers” make when trying to gain weight and build muscle…

Skinny Guy Mistake #7: Thinking That Your Genetics Will Prevent You

From Ever Gaining Weight. Let’s start with square one here. If you don’t have this right, then nothing else matters. Realize that unless you have some kind of disease that eats away at your muscle tissue and keeps you skinny, EVERYONE can gain muscle weight! Yes, that means YOU too! Listen, if you saw my “before pictures” you’d think I was just held hostage, banished to a dark basement, and chained to a stone wall with no food or exercise for 3 months. My ribcage and collarbone was sticking out, I had narrow, bony shoulders, and basically no muscle mass whatsoever. So just to set the record straight… If I can do it, anyone can!

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Honestly, some people (like you and I) were just born skinny. That’s a fact. But if you follow a proven system that forces your muscles to grow, you simply can’t fail.

Skinny Guy Mistake #6: Using “Wussy” Exercises Instead Of The

Proven “Mass Builders” There is no shortage of exercises out there. But that doesn’t mean they’re all effective for building mass. You can’t expect to go into a gym, start lifting random weights, and get bigger. (I found this out the hard way.) There are certain exercises that are “the cream of the crop” when it comes to putting on slabs of muscle mass in the shortest time possible. And there are others that are a complete waste of time. Here’s the big secret: Forget about isolation exercises like triceps extensions, cable crossovers, or any other exercise that requires a machine. These exercises have their place, but if you want to force your muscles to grow quickly, you need to focus on… Compound exercises. These are exercises that stimulate the most muscle fibers possible and create the biggest growth response from your body. These are things like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, dips, military press, bent over rows, etc.

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Skinny Guy Mistake #5: Taking Advice From Bodybuilding Magazines

And The “Big Guy” At The Gym… This is an easy trap to fall in to. Magazines have big buff dudes on the cover so they must have legitimate information in there, or else they wouldn’t be in business, right? WRONG! The sad truth is… these muscle-building magazines are owned by supplement companies! And most of the magazine’s revenue is generated from the supplements they endorse in the magazines. Do you still trust these magazines? But what about all the fancy, cutting-edge exercises they have that are guaranteed to “chisel your abs” or “add inches to your biceps?” Let me ask you, what would happen if they didn’t come out with new workouts and exercise plans? They would go out of business! So their business depends on coming up with new and “creative” exercises and convincing you that it’s the next best thing that will accelerate your results… If the general public really knew that there are proven muscle-building concepts that don’t change… They would wake up realize that these magazines are nothing but hype.

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So what about the “big guy” at the gym? He must be a great resource for information. After all, he is big and muscular, right? Well, chances are he got that way because he was born with good genes. Either that, or he’s getting a little help… (Yes I’m talking about steroids.) The point is, any “advice” he gives you doesn’t apply to you if you’re a hardgainer. Skinny guys have to follow a different set of rules than these naturally muscular guys! (That is if you want fast results and don’t like waiting 6 months only to gain 5 pathetic pounds.)

Skinny Guy Mistake #4: Wasting Money On Bogus Supplements That

Keep You Skinny And Broke… One of the biggest questions I get from skinny guys is, “What supplements can I take to gain weight?” I won’t lie, there are a few good ones… And you’ll find out what they are soon enough… But the TRUTH is, most supplements are complete garbage! The bodybuilding supplement industry is a multi billion-dollar “cash cow” that stuffs money in the pockets of bigwig CEO’s on a daily basis. These greedy companies know that all they have to do is come out with another magic pill or powder that claims to boost testosterone, add muscle, cut fat… or anything else you can think of – And they’ll get a windfall of cash so they can buy another Benz.

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Like I said, there are only a handful of supplements that will give you a slight edge… But only if you know how and when to use them. Here are 3 of my favorite supplements that can help you gain weight if you know how to use them properly:

• Whey Protein Powder • Creatine • Post-Workout Carb Drink

Skinny Guy Mistake #3: Ignoring Muscle-Building Hormones That Can

Boost Your Results By 200% Or More!

There are 6 key hormones that you need to manipulate to turbo charge your mass building results… I don’t have room in this report to go over all 6 right now, but I’m going to talk about the most important and obvious hormone that everyone is familiar with: Testosterone. Testosterone builds muscle and keeps fat off. That’s no secret and for most people that’s common knowledge. But what’s NOT so common knowledge is how to naturally increase testosterone levels without dangerous drugs. Here are a few ways to naturally boost testosterone levels to ensure your hormones are working with you, not against you:

• A low-stress lifestyle. When you get stressed out your T levels drop. So take it easy man. Unless you’re lifting heavy weights in the gym of course. Then go hard.

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• Heavy weight training. Initially your testosterone levels will rise during heavy weight training. But then they’ll drop and stay low for a day or two before rising again. This is one of the reasons why you don’t want to be in the gym 7 days a week. It’s not necessary and is actually counterproductive. (We’ll talk more about this point in the next “Skinny Guy Mistake…”)

• A diet high in protein and fats. Eating high fat, high protein foods

like salmon, nuts, beef, seeds, etc. will boost your testosterone levels. But don’t go overboard… Too much of a good thing can lead to extra fat gains. You need to know how much of these foods to eat to get the full effect. Vegetarian diets are the worst thing for your testosterone levels and gaining weight in general.

• Sex! Any kind of sexual stimulation raises testosterone levels. So call

your girlfriend up right now. Don’t have a girlfriend? Put some muscle on your body then take a stroll down the beach on a sunny day. I’m sure you’ll find some girls. Then you can take advantage of this one.

• Limit drugs and alcohol. I’m not trying to be the “fun police” here… In

fact I like to party just as much as anyone. But the truth is alcohol lowers your testosterone levels and actually increases your estrogen levels! “Painkiller” drugs like weed, asprin, and codeine will also lower testosterone levels. So just be aware of that.

• Get 8 hours of sleep. Your testosterone levels can drop by 40% from

poor quality sleep or lack of sleep.

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Skinny Guy Mistake #2: Training Too Often.

This is one of the most common problems I see with hardgainers who want to bulk up. And that’s why it made #2 on the list. I was guilty of this myself... It’s called “overtraining” and everyone’s doin’ it. You’d think that going to the gym 6-7 days a week vs. 2-3 days a week would get faster results, right? Well, it sounds like it would make sense, but this is actually completely false! This seems to be the hardest concept for people to actually accept. But let me explain... You see, when you go to the gym and lift heavy weights, your objective is to break down muscle fibers in order to elicit a growth response from your body. You get BIGGER when your body repairs that damaged muscle tissue... It responds by repairing the muscle fibers BIGGER AND STRONGER than they were before. So your muscles grow when you are resting... NOT when you are in the gym lifting weights! There’s 2 main things your body needs to grow after heavy lifting: Food and rest. In other words, you need to not only feed your body with enough calories to grow larger, you also need to give it time to repair your muscle tissue and grow larger and stronger!

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Otherwise, if you continue to break down your muscle fibers by going to the gym 6 days a week, your body has no chance to repair and grow larger... Therefore your plan backfires in your face and you actually get weaker and smaller! This is one of the main reasons guys go to the gym day after day, working their butt off, only to see NO results for their efforts. Heck, I did this when I first started too! Oh, and one more downside of training too often... It lowers testosterone levels, which leaves you at even more of a disadvantage. But now you know better.

Skinny Guy Mistake #1: Eating The WRONG Food To Build

Muscle Mass And Gain Weight Fast… “No matter what I eat, I just can’t seem to gain weight...” Does that sound familiar? You may have tried gaining weight in the past by eating more food. But was it the right food? And did you really eat enough? Eating is one of the most misunderstood aspects of gaining muscle mass and this is where most people drop the ball completely. In order to gain weight and build muscle mass you need to feed your muscles exactly what they need to grow… And that doesn’t include things like chips, hot dogs, cake, cookies, etc. Those things will just make you fat.

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If you want to get BIG, you need to eat the right kind of protein, carbs, and fat at each meal to feed your muscles. Here are examples of some of the best muscle-building food you can eat: Best Protein Sources:

• Poultry • Lean Red Meat • Eggs • Fish/Seafood • Cottage Cheese • Whey Protein

Best Carbohydrate Sources:

• Brown Rice • Oatmeal • Potatoes • Whole Grain Breads • Fruit • Beans

Best Fat Sources:

• Flax Seed Oil • Fish Oil • Olive Oil • Fish (like salmon) • Nuts • Avocados

Also, WHEN and HOW MUCH you eat is just as important as what you eat.

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We don’t have time to dive into all those details here in this report, but I’m going to pick up where we left off tomorrow so… Watch your inbox, because I’m going to be sending you a special video that you don’t want to miss… Which is going to help you pack on slabs of muscle mass quickly. (I call it my “secret weapon...”) To your speedy weight gain,

Jeff Masterson Former skinny guy

P.S. – If you just can’t wait and you want to start gaining weight ASAP, then I suggest you check out my complete Weight Gain Blueprint program by clicking here.

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