Page 1: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1110A MERF FREE ...reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact SIPE in advance at 319-471-2652. This film has

• To#describe#the#development# of #two#student#groups:##IHI#Open#School#and#the#Students#for#Interprofessional#Education#(SIPE) #at#The#University# of #Iowa.

• To#illustrate#the#infusion#of #IHI#and#IPE#principles#into#SIPE’s# mission#statement,#vision#statement,#and#values.#

• To#highlight#key# student#events#and#show#how#events#integrated#IHI# principles#into#student#learning#activities.#

• Early# 2012:#Two#UI#students#( from#medicine#and#public#health) #start#a#chapter#of #IHI#Open#School#at#The#University# of #Iowa.#

• Fall# 2012:##These#IHI# student#representatives,#along# with#student#leaders#from#the#Colleges#of #Pharmacy,#Nursing#and#Dentistry,#are#recruited#by#The# University# of #Iowa’s#(UI) #Interprofessional#Education#( IPE) #Steering#Committee#to#develop#a# student#group#called#Students#for#Interprofessional#Education#(SIPE) .# 12#students#from#6#professional#schools#form#a#board#and#create#a#SIPE#constitution#as#part#of #the#formal#application#to#become#a# UI#student#organization.

• February#2013:##SIPE#become# an#off icial#UI# student#organization

• March#2013:##SIPE#holds#its#f irst#event,#an#interactive#case# simulation


Integrating/ Vision,/Mission,/Values

Students/Integrating/Principles/of/IHI/with/Interprofessional Education/

Kirstin#Manges RN1,#Hayley#Wittnebel2,#Nicholas#Andresen#BA3,#David#Quach2,#Pallavi Yadav4

1 The#Univers ity#of#Iowa#College#of#Nurs ing,#2 The#University#of#Iowa#College#of#Pharmacy,#3 Univers ity#of#Iowa#Carver#College#of#Medicine,#4 The#Univers ity#of#Iowa#College#of#Public#Health#

Storyboard/ Objectives

Pediatric/Interprofessional/Case/Study Geriatric/ Case/Study Fire/In/the/Blood/Movie/Showing

Description:/• An# interprofess ional# viewing# and# discuss ion#of#Fire# in#the# Blood,# a#

documentary# about# access #to#HIV# medications # in# Africa.# #

• Following# the# movie,# faculty#facilitators # led#interprofess ional,# small#group# discuss ions #to# encourage# dialogue# between# s tudents # of#different#health# science#profess ions .# #Student# thoughts # on#how# we#should# guide#our# interactions # with# pharmaceutical# companies # to#create# a# healthcare#system#that# is #patient# centered# was #also#debated.#

IH I/Related/ Values:/• Systems#Redes ign,# People# Matter,# Inclus iveness #and# Divers ity,# Honesty#

and# Transparency#

Attendance:/• 45#Students # and#Faculty# Members #


• Challenging# conflicts # exis t#within# aspects #of# the# healthcare# field# such#as #economics ,# morality,# and# politics .

• A concerted# effort# between# the#different# health# profess ions # must# take#place#in# order# to# provide# optimal# patient# care.

• Health# care#profess ionals # have# roles #other# than# providing# care;# they#must# also#empower# others # and# promote# changes #to# address #health#disparities .#


• This #interactive# case#s tudy#followed# “Delores”# an# 86#year# old#retired# school#teacher# as #she#is #admitted# to# the# hospital# for#dehydration# and# altered# mental# s tatus .

• Activities # were# des igned# to#s imulate# the# challenges # that# vis ion#impairment# and#arthritis # pose#to# many# aging#patients # like#Delores .#

• As #the# case#s tudy#unfolded,# s tudents # identified# many# safety#concerns # (i.e.,#fall# risk,#care#coordination,# medication#reconciliation)# and# discussed#interprofess ional# solutions .#

IH I/Related/ Values:/• Boundarilessness # and# One#Team;# People# Matter;# Inclus iveness #

and# Divers ity;# Celebration# and# Thankfulness

Attendance:• 56#Students ,# 20#Faculty#

Lessons/Learned:• Caring# for# the# geriatric# patient# population# presents # special#

challenges #that# do#not# exis t#within# other# patient# groups• Collaboration# between# various # profess ionals # proved# to# us #to#be#

the# best#way#to# care#for# patients # such#as #Delores• Working# in#teams# showed#us #how# different# points # of# view#can#

truly# provide# optimal# patient# care#for# our# future# patients

• Our#group#currently#is# comprised#of#students#from#6#different#health#professional# schools#at#the#University#of#Iowa:• Dentis try• Medicine• Nurs ing• Pharmacy• Phys ical#Therapy• Public# Health• Phys ician#Ass is tant• Recreation# Therapy• Speech# and#Language# Pathology

Univers ity/ of/ Iowa/Interprofess ional Education

Vision • In terp ro fessional #edu cation#at#The#Un iversi ty#o f# Iowa#wi l l #promote#an #in sti tu tional # cul tu re,#learn in g#en vi ronmen t and # in frastru ctu re# that#p rodu ce#graduates# recogn ized # fo r#th ei r#ab i l i ty# to #effectively#en gage#as#co l labo rative# team#members# in #h eal th care#settin gs.

Mission • To #p romo te#excel len ce# in #edu cational #p reparation # and #p ractice# in #p reven tion ,#wel ln ess, #and #h eal th care# th rough # teamabased ,# in terp ro fessional #co l labo rative# learn in g#experien ces.

Value s • Learn in g#• Respect• In novation• Co l labo ration #• Engagemen t• Excel len ce#



Vis ion • Better#Teams#for#better#care#

Miss ion • Learn#with,#about,#and#from#each other#to#create#patientacentered#care#and#improve#the#future#of#healthcare#

• Empower#s tudents #to#lead#in#education#today#and#health#care#tomorrow

• Provide#opportunities #for#interprofessional#networking#and#education#

Values • Teamwork• Patient#centered#care• Communication• Respect• Inclus iveness#

Institute/ /for/ Healthcare/Improvement

Vision • Everyone# h as# th e#b est# care# and #h eal th #po ssib le

Mission • Imp rove# h eal th #and #h eal th #care#wo rldwide. The#mission #o f# th e#IHI#Open #Schoo l # i s# to #ad van ce#h eal th #care# imp rovemen t# and #p atien t# safety# competen cies# in #th e#n ext# generation # o f#h eal th #p ro fessionals#wo rldwide.

Value s • Boundari lessness# and #One#Team• Systems# Direct# Ou r#M ission• Peop le#Matter• In clu siveness# and #Diversi ty• Honesty# and #Tran sparen cy#• Vision #and #Agi l i ty• Celeb ration #and #Thankfu ln ess

FIRE IN THE BLOOD: A documentary about Western pharmaceutical companies and governments that aggressively blocked access to low-cost AIDS drugs for African countries and the global south after 1996 - causing ten million or more unnecessary deaths - and the improbable group of people who decided to fight back. A film by Dylan Mohan Gray, narrated by William Hurt

7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1110A MERF FREE Admission

Discussion & Ice Cream Social Following

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact SIPE in advance at 319-471-2652. This film has captioning available.

putting patients before profits through interprofessional collaboration


• Values#and#goals# of #both#IHI#Open#School#and#IPE#are#ref lected#through#activities#such#as:


Figu re.#Membersh ip #growth #from#201 2#to #20 14#

o Holding#monthly#meetingso Collaborating#with#other#student#

groups#on#interdisciplinary#learning# opportunities#

o Completing#IHI# modules#o Assisting#with#the#UI#

interprofessional#course#for#f irst#year# health#profession#students

o Hosting#5#case# study#events,#2 #national#speakers,# and#2#f ilm#screenings# and#discussions

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Description:/• Nurs ing,# phys ician#ass is tant,#phys ical#therapy,# social#work,# pharmacy,# and#Child# Life#profess ionals # talked# briefly# about# their# involvement# in# this #case,#emphas iz ing# how# their# work# contributes # to#the# overall# care# plan.##

• A#panel# of# the# speakers #answered# questions # from# the#audience# following# the#case#presentation.

IH I/Related/ Values:• Boundarilessness &#One# Team,#People# Matter,# Vis ion# &#Agility


• 40#Students

Lessons/Learned:• Child# life#specialis ts #and# social#workers #played# a#specific#role# in#this #

particular# pediatric# case.##They# are#not# currently# a#part# of#our# organization#but# play#a#s ignificant# role# in#patient# centered# care.# #

• We#learned# that# being# healthy# is #not# just#the# absence# of#disease#but# also#encompasses # phys ical,#mental,# social#and#financial# wellabeing.

• We#heard# real# examples #of# provider# collaboration# to#make# the# optimal#decis ion#in# the# patient’s # favor# to#provide# safe#and#effective# health# care.

• Lis tening# to#the# profess ionals ,# we#observed# the# benefits # of#open#communication# and# willingness #to# modify# patient# care#plans #in# response# to#team# member’s # ideas #and# suggestions .

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