  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2013 / SCENARIO ID: 7207


    General Information:   Industry Name – Retail

      Application – Business Objects

     Authors: I800032

    Date Last Updated: April, 2014



  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207


    1.  Demo Script Overview ............................................................................................................. 3 

    1.1.  Demo Description................................................................................................................................ 3 

    1.2.  Intended audience............................................................................................................................... 3 

    1.3.  Protagonists ........................................................................................................................................ 3 

    1.4.  Business Pain Points........................................................................................................................... 3 

    1.5.  Key Messages and Value Proposition ................................................................................................. 3 

    1.6.  Storyflow Summary ............................................................................................................................. 3 

    2.  Technical Requirements ......................................................................................................... 5 

    2.1.  Prerequisites (If Any)........................................................................................................................... 5 

    2.2.  System Access Information ................................................................................................................. 5 

    2.2.1.  System Landscape ................................................................................................................. 5 

    2.2.2.  System Access ....................................................................................................................... 5 

    2.2.3.  Users...................................................................................................................................... 6 

    2.2.4.  Languages Supported............................................................................................................. 6 

    2.2.5.  Data .........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 

    2.3.  Release for Used Components ............................................................................................................ 6 

    3.  Demo Script .............................................................................................................................. 6 

    3.1.  Story Flow ........................................................................................................................................... 6 

    3.2.  Step-By Step Guide............................................................................................................................. 7 

    3.2.1.  Summary to Route Cause Analysis ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 

    3.2.2.  Performance Drivers ............................................................................................................. 11

    3.2.3.  Slice and Dice Analysis......................................................................................................... 14

    3.2.4.  Product Alerts for Retail Stores ............................................................................................. 19

    4.  Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 23 

  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207



    The demo highlights the analytic flow across various roles critical to ensuring inventory coverage for key products.

    From high level Summary views to Root Cause Analysis, the solution provides an top to bottom perspective that is

    further enriched with the robust analytic capabilities of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. Dashboards are used to isolateon problem areas with direct links into Explorer to take the analysis to whatever level of granularity is necessary to

    diagnose problems and drive earlier course corrections, which ultimately increase sales and profitability for retailers.


    Please select for which audience this demo script is intended by selecting the appropriate boxes below.

      VP Merchandising  Category Managers  Store Operations (HQ to Store Manager)


    Users that have the task of analyzing sales data to set action plans to make the most efficient and profitable decisions

    for their areas of responsibility.


    1. Retailers have long struggled to leverage the intrinsic value stored within their point of sales transactional history to

    better serve customers, better understand buying trends.2. Inadequate workflows results in not being able to tap the real-time nature of the data into any meaningful business


    3. Latency inherent in retail analytics.


    1. Industry specific solutions that can be delivered and implemented in 90-120 days (varies depending on customer

    data environment).

    2. Intended as a “starter kit” with a flexible architecture that enables customization to meet customer specific


    3. Customer co-innovation and feedback was a guiding force in the development of this solution.4. Drives sales insights across functions and silos.

    5. SAP will show the industry that our solutions today can capitalize on this significant data pool by providing

    merchandise indicators, promotional program highlights, for example, in a turnkey services offering that is

    straightforward and low cost.


    The demo starts with a Summary Analysis which provides high level insights to executives regarding potential productproblem areas. Upon learning of these problem areas, the solution provides insights into specific regions and/orcategories to further isolate where the problems reside. From there, an analyst diagnoses potential root causes (e.g.

    external factors such as weather and competitor info) to determine appropriate actions. Direct links into more detailed

  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

    product reports or to Explorer enable the user to pull the level of information that is appropriate with no ITintervention required.

    The demo also includes a separate use case for Product Alerts leveraged within stores by Managers to identify wherethey have potential product issues with Lost Sales. The dashboard provides supporting contextual information (e.g.orders, promotions, etc.) and enables high-level what-if analysis to determine the sales impact of various actionstaken. Lastly, users direct information to those that need it to correct the problems at hand.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207



    Please refer to the documentation ‘How to Connect to SAP Demo Cloud’ on the Demo Store:  

    Demo Store: then, search for demo Id = 8024

    Main URLs:

    BI Launchpad:http://cl1-bieim:8080/BOE/BI 

    Explorer e views: 




    Name: BI SAP Demo Cloud (for example, but you can choose your own name)/CMS name: cldvmxwi00059

    /Authentication: Enterprise / Username: smithjo / Password: welcome


    Connection name: BI SAP Demo Cloud (for example, but you can choose your own name) / Username:

    smithjo / Password: welcome / System Name and port number: cldvmxwi00059:6400 / Authentication:Enterprise

    Note: For Mobile access, please refer to the demo 8024 on the demo store to set up your Mobile apps, with

    and without SDC connector.

    Info spaces names: BAS Retail Sales Analysis – EN; English, Sales Velocity in Retail – French; BAS Retail

    Sales Analysis - DE


    3.2.1.  System Landscape

    System Landscape, this Process is built in SAP Demo Cloud landscape / BI EIM Cluster 

    Solution Components used in this Process   SAP Business Objects 4 

    3.2.2.  System Access

    The German and French Dashboards with embedded links to French and German Webi reports and the Explorer

    spaces can be found in the same folder. The Demo flow is the same as outlined in the English version below.

    It is recommended to open all three dashboards ahead of time and to use the ALT-Tab function on the keyboard to

    switch between the screens and roles.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

    3.2.3.  Users

    Predefined User (Role) Password Component

    smithjo welcome Dashboards/webi

    3.2.4.  Languages Supported

    Please select the standard languages in which this demo is available (i.e. translated into).

    English Portuguese

    German Japanese

    French Simplified Chinese

    Spanish Korean



    3.4.  STORY FLOW

    The demo starts with a Summary Analysis which provides high level insights to executives regarding potential productproblem areas. Upon learning of these problem areas, the solution provides insights into specific regions and/orcategories to further isolate where the problems reside. From there, an analyst diagnoses potential root causes (e.g.external factors such as weather and competitor info) to determine appropriate actions. Direct links into more detailedproduct reports or to Explorer enable the user to pull the level of information that is appropriate with no ITintervention required.

    The demo also includes a separate use case for Product Alerts leveraged within stores by Managers to identify wherethey have potential product issues with Lost Sales. The dashboard provides supporting contextual information (e.g.orders, promotions, etc.) and enables high-level what-if analysis to determine the sales impact of various actionstaken. Lastly, users direct information to those that need it to correct the problems at hand.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207



    What to say

    (Talking points: Do not forget about technology positioning and integration points when writingRetailers face many challenges, it is a tough business in the best of times, but especially so given the

    current economy. They are all striving to get closer to their customer in order to build loyalty and to drive

    revenue. A couple key metrics are Out of Stock – where the shelf is empty and Lost Sales - how much you

    would have sold if you had the product available. Industry experts agree that the average retailer could

    significantly increase sales by converting these out-of-stocks into transactions. Specialty soft goods have

    one of the biggest potential wins: solving out-of-stocks would boost their same-store sales 7%, while

    department stores could see a 4% jump. Moreover, OOS rates double during promo periods. This

    translates into $20 million incremental sales and $8 million in profit, so clearly it is a significant


    SAP BusinessObjects Sales Analysis for Retail is a new analytic application that focuses on providing

    visibility to the Out of Stock issues and reducing lost sales. This easy-to-use application comes readyequipped with BusinessObject’s leading BI technology to deliver its retail specific content. The application

    is designed to be implemented in 90 days with the flexibility to be easily tailored to each retailers needs.Cheat Sheet:

      Tough Econ  Goal close Cust  2 key measures – OOS & Lost Sales  Def. Measures  OOS Avg 4%, specialty 7%, cons electronic even higher  = $20 mil Avg

      SA4R new AA focused on OOS  Easy to use, fully equipt w/BOBJ best BI  90 day impl / flexible

  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

    What To Do

      Login to BOE system:



      using smithjo/welcome

    Then, click ondocument tab, then onthe accordion menu‘folders’ tab 

    then, navigate your way

    throughPublic Folders/BI-EIM/Retail/Sales Analysis forRetail/EN/Dashboards/

    Double click on“Summary” 

    In the top left quadrant,point out Total Sales,Gross Margin and LostSales.

    In the top rightquadrant, we can seethat plan and target forTotal Sales are not thatfar off.

    Jay Merchant, the VP of Merchandising, periodically checks the health of the business todetermine if there are areas of opportunity to improve on same store sales. Specifically,the VP pays very close attention to Lost Sales due to stockouts than can be minimizedwith improved planning and execution. Upon review of current performance information,he notices that Lost Sales appears to be increasing in an environment where growth ishard to come by.

    Lost sales are at a -16.6%. Total sales are up 5.3%, but gross margin is actually on thedecline. Jay needs to put an action plan in place to increase his sales and profitability(especially his profitability).

      Point out the top rightquadrant titled RollingTime Period Trend,and click on totalsales rows, top leftquadrant

    In the top right quadrant, we can see that plan and target for Total Sales are not that faroff.

     A quick look at the Total Sales indicates sales were exceeding plan until they hit week38.


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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Point out the lowerleft quadrant titledRegionalPerformance.

      Point to the emailbutton to speak tocommunication withthe CategoryManager

     A closer inspection reveals that the South Region seems to be the geographic hot spot

    and two highly profitable departments, Home and Electronics, are really struggling withLost Sales.

    The VP decides to reach out to the VP Store Ops  – South Region and the

    Merchandising leads for these products to gain a better sense of what is happening and

    what might be done to correct the problem.

     Additonally,emails the Category Manager for Electronicsand requires further action.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207


    What to say(Talking points: Do not forget about technology positioning and integration points when writing yourtalking points!) 

    What To Do What to Say (include necessary Screenshots)

      Close this dashboard

      Double click on“Performance Drivers” 

      Highlighted total salesin the bottom left box.

    Click on Lost Sales inthat same box.

    The Category Manager reviews to determine specific drivers of product issuesdiscovered by VP.

    The Category Manager can view their Key Performance Indicators, Rolling Trends overtime, Product Analysis and Drivers all in the analytic area.

    Click on ‘electronic’bar, left bottomquadrant to see thebottom right quadrantdisplay details aboutelectronics dept.

    Click on bottom leftquadrant radio button‘Lost sales’ 

     A review of the Electronics Department reveals that 42 LCD 1080P TV’s sales aregrowing but Lost Sales seem to be an issue.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Click on South in theRegion field.

      Click on Electronics inthe Department field,then televisions in thecategory field

      Highlight the TotalSales under Product Analysis

    He/she notices that although sales are good, lost sales are also high. There is a large

    sales opportunity being lost due to lost sales.

      Click on Lost Salesunder Product Analysis.

    Hmm, what is causing this out-of-stock./lost sales situation? Let’s delve deeper! 

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Click on Promotionsin the Driver Analysisbox.

    He/she notices an opportunity in the South and suspects a very effective Back-to-

    School promotion with insufficient stock during week 37 as a likely stock-out culprit.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Click on the ExplorerLink to do some moredetailed analysis. 


    Step 1.0

    What to say(Talking points: Do not forget about technology positioning and integration points when writing yourtalking points!) 

    What To Do What to Say (include necessary Screenshots)

  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Talk about metricsavailable and pull thescroll bar over to theright to show all of thedimensions.

    Select Lost sales

    If product Name is notalready selected,please change theDimension selected inthe graph by ‘Product


    Open the ‘best guess’

    drop down list, select‘Product Name, clickok

     All of the metrics can be robustly and easily sliced and diced based on all of theattributes and dimensions associated with the products, and any level of the hierarchyanalyzed.

      Under Region, click

    on South.

      Under Department,

    click on Electronics. 




    Which specific SKUs are creating the issue?

    What specific stores are struggling?

    The Category Manager can leverage Explorer to drill to the level of granularity required

    for the answers.

    Let’s drill through the Product Hierarchy to find the exact SKUs/models driving Lost


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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207




      Choose Category

    instead of Product

    Name on the chart

    view at the bottom. 

    We can see that computers are the largest contributor to lost sales in Electronics.

      Click on thepercentage box in thegraph area (left ofchart) and choose thepie chart alternative.

    We can see that Televisions represented $701,502 of the total lost sales dollars forElectronics.

    To visually see what percentage that is to the total, we simply click on the percentage

    box and ask for a pie chart.

    The results are that 45.23 % of the total is in Televisions.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Click on the arrownext to Lost Sales.

      In the drop down box,put a check mark nextNet Sales.

    We now want to see a side by side comparison of net sales to lost sales.

      Switch from Categoryto Product Name ,click OK

    We want to see specifically which products are causing our lost sales to occur.

     What we find is that 42 LCD 1080P TVs represent our biggest lost sales area, totallyover 28% of the category at a value of $434,482. We have to do a much better job ofbeefing up the inventory to support our demand.

    But what stores should we be concentrating on? Are there just a few culprits, or arethey all losing business?

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Double Click on 42LCD 1080P TV in thePie Chart to filter (drilldown) on this product,

      Then, change theanalyzed dimensionto ‘store’. 

      Click OK

    We are going to choose to drill into 42 LCD 1080P TVs.


    If Outlook client is notset up, please set itup quickly bychoosing not to use

    an email account, andkeep on without emailsupport.

    Now we have not only answered the question of which stores and products needattention, but we also have insight into the product and the store that we should beconcentrating on.

    I can now email this to the appropriate person for action. Click on the envelope icon, top

    of the screen.

    You can also show the different sharing options (export function, next to email)

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207


    Step 1.0

    What to say

    What To Do What to Say (include necessary Screenshots)

    Close Explorer.

    Close the previousdashboard and open“Product Risk” 

    Store Managers have near real time visibility into product outliers not moving off theshelves at the expected velocity across all Departments and Categories. The view isintended to be analysis lite so that managers can quickly assess the hot spots andinitiate the corrective action process. To that end, managers leverage a graphicalinterface to navigate to problem areas where they are provided with inventory and salesvelocity information as well as ordering and promotional information related to theselected product.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

      Click on icon

    ‘television’ on top of

    the screen:

      Highlight Product 42”

    LCD 1080PClick “Analyze” to drillinto more detailed dataon that product

    Directly from the dashboard the manager can capture the reason behind the issue androute it to the appropriate group for the appropriate next steps (e.g. local sourcing ofproduct, substitute product, etc.). The dashboard can easily be extended to DepartmentManagers to provide the same visibility into Categories selling in their respective areas.

    The manager can see that the core product, the 42 LCD 1080P, has had the largest out-of-stock and lost sales numbers.

      Show the emailbutton at the bottom

    but do not execute


     Alerting can easily be customized to a Customer’s needs…everything from non-complex sales exceptions to more sophisticated predictive algorithms can be employed

    to identify “at-risk” products.

    The store manager puts an action plan into place and emails his recommendation to theCategory Manager.

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    ©SAP AG 2014 / SCENARIO ID: 7207

    Sales Analysis for Retail offers needed data to users without the heartache of having tosift through large amounts of data. It offers powerful insights to all levels of the


     Additionally, the organization working towards common goals and they are executingagainst the strategies put in place to drive improvements.

    2.  APPENDIX


    July, 2011

    Dec 2012

     April 2014

    Revisions for multilingual (EN, DE, FR)

    Update BI4 SP5

    Template Update


     No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The

    information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.

    Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. 

  • 8/20/2019 7207 Sales Analysis for Retail Script


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