  • 7/30/2019 8. Designing & Managing Service Processes




  • 7/30/2019 8. Designing & Managing Service Processes


    Blueprinting Services to

    Create Valued Experiences and

    Productive Operations

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  • 7/30/2019 8. Designing & Managing Service Processes


    Developing a Blueprint

    Identify key activities in creating anddelivering service

    Define big picture before drilling down toobtain a higher level of detail

    Distinguish between front stage andbackstage

    Clarify interactions between customers andstaff, and support by backstage activities andsystems

    Identify potential fail points; take preventivemeasures; prepare contingency

    Develop standards for execution of each

    activity times for task completion,maximum wait times, and scripts to guide

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    Key Components of a Service


    1. Define standards for front-stage activities

    2. Specify physical evidence

    3. Identify principal customer actions

    4. Line of interaction (customers and front-stagepersonnel)

    5. Front-stage actions by customer-contact personnel

    6. Line of visibility (between front stage and

    backstage)7. Backstage actions by customer contact personnel

    8. Support processes involving other servicepersonnel

    9. Support processes involving IT

    - Identify fail points and risks of excessive waits

    - Set service standards and do failure-proofing

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    OTSU Opportunity to Screw

    Up Consists of fail points and waiting


    Fail points result in failure to accessthe core service product

    Waiting times are the possibilities of

    delays between specific actions

    requiring the customer to wait

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    Improving Reliability by Failure


    Analysis reveals opportunities for failureproofing

    Need fail-safe methods for both employees

    and customers

    Errors include treatment errors and tangibleerrors

    Goal of fail-safe procedures is to preventerrors such as: Performing tasks incorrectly, in the wrong order,

    too slowly

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    Setting Service Standards

    Design high standards for each step to satisfy and delight

    Time parameters, correct performance, prescriptions for style

    and demeanor

    First impressions affects customers evaluations of quality during

    later stages of service delivery

    Customer perceptions of service experiences tend to be cumulative

    For low-contact service, a single failure committed front stage is

    relatively more serious than in high-contact service

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    Redesigning Service Processes

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    Mitchell T. Rabkin MD,

    formerly president ofBostons Beth Israel Hospital

    Institutions are like steel beamsthey tend to rust.What was once smooth and shiny and nicetends to become rusty.

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    Why Redesign?

    Revitalizes process that has become outdated

    Changes in external environment make existingpractices obsolete and require redesign ofunderlying processes

    Rusting occurs internally

    Opportunities exist to achieve a quantum leap inproductivity and service quality

    Key Measurements

    1. Reduce service failures

    2. Reduce cycle time

    3. Enhance productivity

    4. Increase customer satisfaction

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    Approaches and Potential


    Service process redesign encompassesreconstitution, rearrangement, or

    substitution of service processes as

    categorized below: Eliminating non-value-adding steps

    Delivering direct service

    Shifting to self-service Bundling services

    Redesigning the physical aspects of

    service processes

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    The Customer as Co-Producer

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    Levels of Customer


    Customer participation is the actions andresources supplied by customers during

    service production and/or delivery Three Levels

    LowEmployees and systems do all the work

    MediumCustomer inputs required to assistprovider

    HighCustomer works actively with provider

    to co-produce the service

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    Self-Service Technologies


    Customers undertake specific activitiesusing facilities or systems provided byservice supplier Customers time and effort replace those of



    Getting customers to use new technology

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    Self-Service Technologies

    (SSTs) Information-based services lend

    selves particularly well to SSTs Used in both supplementary services and

    delivery of core product

    Organizations seek to divert customersfrom employee contact to Internet-basedself-service

    Economic trade-off between declining

    cost of these self-service systems andrising cost of labour

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    Customer Co-production Using


    Productivity gains and cost savings resultwhen customers take over work previouslyperformed by employees

    Lower prices, reflecting lower costs, inducecustomer to use SSTs

    Research shows that customers tend totake credit for successful outcomes, but not

    blame for unsuccessful ones

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    Customer Co-production Using

    SSTs Critical to understand how consumers

    decide between using an SST option versusrelying on a human provider

    SSTs present both advantages and


    Benefits: Time and cost savings, flexibility,convenience of location, greater controlover service delivery, and a higher

    perceived level of customization Disadvantages: Anxiety and stress

    experienced by customers who areuncomfortable with using them

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    What Aspects of SSTs Please or

    Annoy Customers?

    People love SSTs when

    SST machines are conveniently located andaccessible 24/7

    Obtaining detailed information andcompleting transactions can be done fasterthan through face-to-face or telephonecontact

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    What Aspects of SSTs Please or

    Annoy Customers?

    People hate SSTs when

    SSTs failsystem is down, PINnumbers not accepted, etc

    They forget passwords, fail to provideinformation as requested, simply hitwrong buttons

    Key weakness of SSTs: Too fewincorporate service recoverysystems

    Customers still forced to maketelephone calls or personal visits

    Blame service provider for notproviding more user-friendly system

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    HSBC: The worlds local bank

    Source: Courtesy HSBC

    Global site brought to customers local computer

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    Putting SSTs to Test by

    Asking a Few Simple Questions

    Does the SST work reliably?

    Firms must ensure that SSTs aredependable and user-friendly

    Is the SST better than interpersonalalternatives?

    Customers will stick to conventional

    methods if SST doesnt create benefitsfor them

    If it fails, what systems are in place torecover?

    Always provide systems, structures, and

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    Customers as Partial Employees

    Customers influence productivity and qualityof service processes and outputs

    Customers who are offered opportunities toparticipate at active level are more likely to be


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    Customers as Partial

    Employees However, customers cause one-third of all

    service problems

    Difficult to recover from instances ofcustomer failure

    Focus on preventing customer failure bycollecting data on problem occurrence,analyzing root causes, and establishingpreventive solutions

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    Customers as Partial

    Employees Managing customers as employees helps

    to avoid customer failures

    Conduct job analysis of customerspresent role in businesscompare

    against role that firm would like customersto play

    Educate customers on how they areexpected to perform and what skills are

    needed Motivate customers by ensuring that they

    will be rewarded if they perform well

    Appraise customers performanceregularly

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    Dysfunctional Customer Behaviour

    Disrupts Service Process

    Add i th Ch ll f

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    Addressing the Challenge of


    A customer who behaves in a thoughtless

    or abusive fashion, causing problems for

    the firm, its employees, and othercustomers

    Add i th Ch ll f

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    Addressing the Challenge of


    No organization wants anongoing relationship with anabusive customer

    Divergent views onjaycustomers

    Six types:

    The Thief

    The Rule-Breaker

    The Deadbeat The Belligerent

    The Family Feuders

    The Vandal

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    Consequences of Dysfunctional

    Customer Behavior

    Consequences for staff working front stage

    Abused employees may find their emotionsnegatively affected and/or suffer long-termpsychological damage

    Productivity and quality may suffer

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    Consequences of Dysfunctional

    Customer Behavior

    Consequences for customers can be bothnegative and positive

    Exposure to unpleasant incidents canspoil consumption experience; Badbehaviour can be contagious

    But customers may rally to support ofabused employee

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    Consequences of Dysfunctional

    Customer Behavior

    Consequences for organization

    Unmotivated employees may work less

    effectivelyAbused employees may take medical


    Direct financial costs of restoring

    damaged property, legal fees, payingfraudulent claims

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