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Contribution from the EduMUST Project

Fekri Hassan

French University in Egypt

ICT-Learn 2017Towards a Smart Learning Society–Cairo Dec 5-6, 2017

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The Technology-Content Gap

The proliferation and expansionof Information and CommunicationTechnology applications (ICT) inMuseums and archaeological siteshas advanced much faster thanthe provision of appropriatecontent that takes advantage ofthe new spectacular technologicalinnovations.

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Technology Learning Content

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Technology Learning Content

Here, Technology is used to enhance the

Learning experience which depends on

the Content transmitted in the learning process.

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Enhancement of [Learning] ExperienceOne of the uses of Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in museums and archaeological sites is emerging as a means to enhance visitor’s experience and to gain a competitive edge. However, so far most of the emphasis has been on the technological aspects of this cutting edge technology.

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Enhancement of Experience

However, there are other dimensions that must be included if this technology is not to be no more than an “enhancement of experience”.

This leads to the question:What is “Experience”?

audition day is an enjoyable experience for any seven-year old

“an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone.”

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Experience may thus be expressed in terms of emotional impact.Emotional excitation can be a goal in itself, as in the case of getting a sense of pleasure or experiencing fear or terror. In Museum Education, emotional experiences can be deployed to attract attention to the “information content”.

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For example, the attraction to mummies can be used as means to attract viewers to a deeper and enlightening knowledge of the many subjects that can be unlocked through mummies.

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One striking example from the Egypt is the Mummy of Tutankhamen

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From basic description to Deep (thick) Content

ICT methods can provide not just information on date, material, and affiliation of an “object”.

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Many layers of information domains can be un-masked

For example, ICT methods can inform the visitor of the mummification process through augmented reality and animation.

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Mummification can be also used to introduce the visitor to ancient Egyptian chemistry through a discussion of the materials used in the mummification process. This can be done in Educational contexts relatedto the school curriculum.

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VR can also provide a means by which intangible heritage elements, such as religious belief and mortuary rituals can be explained and appreciated.

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The “Icon” of Anubis in the mummification scene, may then lead to the scene of “Judgement” by which more informtioncan be provided by pointing to other icons shown.

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This dynamic, interactive display may thus reveal a great deal on Egyptian religion and royal state society. The Mummy of a Pharaoh may be the NODE of information on the life of the Pharaoh. AR can “re-vive” the mummified corpse.

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Heritage ICT can also be used to critically engage the viewer in the various constructions

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As well as on palaeopathology, family inherited diseases and Egyptian Medicine

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It can also lead the viewer to understand the methods used in the study of mummies.

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There is also the possibility of revealing royal family connections.

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Nefertiti Akhenaten

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A mobile application can also be done by guiding the visitor to other objects in the museum.

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Or in Other Museums

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The Sensory Experiences

The senses are the conduits of experience, and engagement of senses other than the “visual” would provide more intense and poignant experiences. As in evoking the scent of “incense”

How to turn your smartphone into a 'smell phone'Award-winning chef Andoni Luis Aduriz is developing an app to bring the full sensory experience of his cooking to smartphones.The app allows the user to virtually recreate one of his signature dishes which can then be smelt through the use of a device which plugs into the phone.BBC Click's Lara Lewington reports.

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The Sensory Experiences

“Reality” may also be augmented by the use of sounds of music from an ancient harp or a flute

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Enhancing Experiences through Digital StorytellingOne of the most successful real

world uses of interactive digitalstorytelling is augmented reality (AR),such as that employed to greateffect at the British Museum. Thetechnology transformed the museumexperience for a child into a storypuzzle using a dedicated tablet app.The app sets up a game, A Gift forAthena, which rewards the visitor forfinding certain statues from theiroutlines by telling them more aboutthe exhibit and directing them intothe next stage of the game.

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Example: CHESS ProjectCultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and Storytelling

CHESS Project (a shorter name for the much longer CulturalHeritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions andStorytelling) takes digital storytelling much further and plans tomake interactive content such as games and augmentedreality available to the entire museum sector.

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A group-based digital storytelling journey, where visitor-to-visitor engagement takes place under the frame of an interactive, mobile technology-based story. The results suggest not only the potential to cultivate social interaction between individuals using their own mobile devices, but also to generate immediate transcultural and transgenerational understanding and cooperation in situ.

Cultivating mobile-mediated social interaction in the museum: Towards group-based digital storytelling experiencesA. Katifori, S. Perry, M. Vayanou. L.Puiol, A. Chrysanthi, V. Kourtis, Y. Ioannidis

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Personalized RecordsThe Mobile Application may also include a means by which selected objects or data can be saved and for sharing photos, memos and “e-cards”.

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Case study: Multilayered Experiences-Buxton Museum Example

EU-funded MeSch project is putting physical interaction back at the heart of cultural heritage experiences. By embedding digital content in smart objects, curators, artists and designers can create new experiences in museums that bridge the gap between abundant digital information and fragile physical objects.

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MeSch has sidestepped apps with a series of lightweight low-budget MOBILE TOURS that use WordPress and GPS technology to deliver rich experiences on a limited budget.

The coming generations of museum-goers are going to bring with them some kind of intimate personal technology.

personalised layers of interpretation about objects to discover and create new ways of exploring the museum.

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Indoor-OutdoorNew applications allow the visitor to connect museum objects with outdoor archaeological or historical sites, as in connecting the Mask of Tutankhamen or his other treasures to his tomb in the Valley of the kings.

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Museum Visitor may also experience a virtual tour of the tomb

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Augmented Reality may also allow the visitor to “experience” the moment of discovery

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If the Archaeological site is close the Museum, the visitor may be directed to go for a “Real” walk following an outdoor Itinerary (the reverse can also be done).

For example, a visitor to the Islamic Museum, may select an itinerary at to suit his interests.

This would be ideal for Heritage Tourism which can be a means for economic development.

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One notable example is the Museum of LondonSTREETMUSEUM application which was one of thefirst history-related augmented reality apps for iOS.The app allows users to select a destination from aLondon map or use geo-tagging and GoogleMaps to discover their location. Once selected, ahistorical image of their London location appearson the screen, which can be expanded andexplored in detail, along with historical informationabout the subject. The historical image can beoverlaid onto the current view of a given site.

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Streetmuseum app can recognise a user's location and then overlay a historic image onto the camera view.

Each image on the free app can be expanded and explored, along with historical information about the subject.

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In an application for Historic Cairo, old photographs , postcards and paintings can provide a means for animating the present scenes

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It is also possible to use the map to see the changes in the urban plan throughout history

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Design of Personalized ItineraryThe itinerary may be selected for the visitor not only depending on his interests, but also how much time he/she has to spend, his/her historical preferences, fitness (for walking), time of day (hear, sunlight, shade), shopping.

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Design of Personalized ItineraryThe itinerary may be selected for the visitor not only depending on his interests, but also how much time he/she has to spend, his/her historical preferences, fitness (for walking), time of day (hear, sunlight, shade), shopping.

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Part II

Experience for what purpose?


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In developing new means and technologies of presenting and interpreting museum objects and archaeological sites, the ultimate objectives for such elements of heritage management have to be contemplated.Education ResearchConservation RecreationEconomic Aesthetic/Art Ethical………….

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One of the primary educational objectives is nurturing a deeper understanding of social dynamics that shape our lives and to fathom the realms of human ingenuity and creativity.

From Cornell Social dynamics lab

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A dynamic, interactive display , as mentioned before, may reveal a great deal on Egyptian religion and royal state society.

The visitor may be provided with information that trans-cut historical narrative to a comparative juxtaposition of religions or political structures from different periods or different civilizations.

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CreativityLearning should encourage visitors to comprehend the role of creativity in the transformation of human societies.The Saqqia is aRemarkable Example.

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Another principal [Ethical] objective is Intercultural Dialogue for mutual understanding and to enhance the cause of peaceful coexistence and empathy.

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Occasional flooding of the Valley of the Kings can serve as research case study on climate change

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Increasing awareness of Conservation issues can be achieved through information on restoration of mechanical damage or treatment of microbial infestation of tomb wall paintings.

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Also, digitization of museum object may be used to restore objects after damage or trace stolen objects

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Into the Future

Personalized Multilayered Deep Experience of Cultural Heritage Resources Linking museums with archaeological sitesThis can be both economically rewarding and socially significant in a world that suffers both from economic woes and social ills.

There is a great future for an Integrated Mobile application that provides:

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Social & Economic Development

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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