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  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2



    This is to certify that the project entitled Study onRecruitment and Retention Policies submitted byADITYA SRIVASTAVA , Enroll no. 0442151 0! has beendone under my guidance and supervision in partial fulfillment

    of "ac#elor o$ "usiness Administration%&A'( .

    The working analysis mentioned in this report has beenundertaken by the candidate himself and necessaryreference has been recognized and acknowledged in thetext of the report.

    Dr) *RVAS+I S+AR'A( nternal !roject "uide#

  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2



    'any talented ,eo,le #a-e contri.uted to t#esuccess$ul com,letion o$ t#is /or and I /ould li e toe tend a /ord o$ t#an s and a,,reciation to all o$ t#em)

    $irst, take this opportunity to acknowledge my institution&+A D3RPRA"+* AI & 66373 8 +I7+3RST*DI3S9 arela where am pursuing my degree"ac#elor o$ "usiness Administration%cam( .

    %econd, empress my thanks to 's) *RVAS+I S+AR'A ,nternal !roject "uide, for her guidance, support and

    encouragement which helped me in completing my project. &bove all, would like to thank the &lmighty "od withoutwhom this work could never have been completed.


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    TAB L E O F O N T E N T S

    a,ter o) Su.:ect Pa;e o)


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    I N T R O D U T I O



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    'rganisations are becoming large complex with progressive industrialisation.

    )uman *esource +epartment hence becomes the prime department in all

    concerns whether small or large its mportance can be never ever estimated.

    The basic concept of summer training is to give students a new insight of

    practical applications of )uman *esource +epartment of the organisation.

    n this modern world all human being thrive to become more skilled hence

    they all work hard to achieve the predetermined goals with their wholehearted

    dedication towards their jobs assigned. They always try to be close toperfection for this they need to be properly trained in their respective fields so

    that the unskilled workforce sharpen their skills the skilled workforce move

    closer to their goals.

    &lso each of the employees should be properly motivated so that he she

    develops a will to work fell that he is a part of the organisation, this help in

    the development of a sense of responsibility a sense of belongingnessamongst the employees. )ence the need for development of human resource

    was felt. The )uman *esource of the

    'rganisation should be prepared in such a way that they help the employee

    to perform efficiently. )ave made an effort through this research study to understand and analyse

    various aspects related to )uman *esource strategy of -arsen and Toubro (-

    T# with special reference to recruitment and selection procedure at - T.


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    In T he P ro ce ss , T he A sp ec ts W h ich !"e

    B e e n L o o # e $ I n to A r e

    . )istory of - T

    /. ndustry profile

    0. *esearch problem

    1. *esearch methodology2. &nalysis of facts

    3. 4onclusions drawn


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    R E S E A R

    M E T O D O L O G %


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    R3S3AR&+ '3T+ D 6 7Y

    Primary .:ecti-e%s(

    The primary objective is to study , understand and analyse various aspects

    related to recruitment and retention procedure at - T.


    & *esearch 5ethodology defines the purpose of the research, how it

    proceeds, how to measure progress and what constitute success with

    respect to the objectives determined for carrying out the research study.

    Researc# Desi;n

    Exploratory research6 this kind of research has the primary objective of

    development of insights into the problem. t studies the main area where

    the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of


    The research methodology for the present study has been adopted to

    reflect these realties and help reach the logical conclusion in an objective

    and scientific manner.

    The present study contemplated an e ,loratory researc#)


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    ature o$ Data

    Primary data C +ata which is collected through direct interviews and byraising 7uestionaires .

    Secondary data C %econdary data that is already available and publishedit could be internal and external source of data. nternal source6 which

    originates from the specific field or area where research is carried out e.g.

    publish broachers, official reports etc.

    3 ternal source C This originates outside the field of study like books,

    periodicals, journals, newspapers and the nternet.


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    R I T I A L

    R E & IE W O F

    L I T E R AT U R E


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    $ounded in 809, -arsen Toubro -imited (- T# is one of &sia:s largest

    vertically integrated Engineering 4onstruction conglomerate with

    additional interests in nformation Technology and electrical business. &

    strong, customer;focused approach and the constant 7uest for top;class

    7uality have enabled the company to attain and sustain leadership

    position for over seven decades.

    %erving the core sectors and infrastructure of the economy, - T has

    pioneered spectacular achievements in ndian industry. 5any of the

    engineering and construction projects executed by - T have set new

    benchmarks in terms of scale, sophistication and speed. %o do many

    buildings, ports, highways, bridges and civil structures around the country,

    which are widely regarded as landmarks.

    6 T E A I DIA '*6TI ATI A6

    n line with its strategy of aligning capabilities to meet emerging trends,

    - T recently initiated a mega;transformation process, internally to ensure

    that it emerges, as a knowledge;based ndian multinational.

    'ver the years the company has proactively created the necessary

    infrastructure for its global initiative with office locations in

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    T+3 "*SI 3SS S3&T R

    - T:s Engineering 4onstruction +ivision provides :design;build: or

    :turnkey: E!4 solutions in all major engineering disciplines, including civil

    structural, plant design mechanical, electrical and process control

    automation, playing a critical role in the core sectors of ndustry and

    nfrastructure areas. De provide services right from the earliest stages of

    pre;project development through to start;up and bring expertise to the

    industries that we serve while applying core competencies and skills to all

    our work.

    The industries we serve are listed as follows6


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    R E R U IT M E N T A N D

    R E T E N T I O N

    P R A T I E S A N D

    P R O E D U R E S AT

    L ' T


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    Manpower Planning

    Prepare Job description

    Prepare employeeProfle







    ntelect !ppropriateMethod

    !d"ertise PostInternally




    earch #irms Employee










    frm with





    s as per














    I$ not


    re"oke o(er

    within *+


    !d"ertise postinternally

    creen applications

    $or eligibility

    election process

    I$ suitable) make o(er

    ?)1 Recruitment 8lo/c#art


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    Internal Recruitment

    The 4ompany believes in offering opportunities for growth and career

    progression to its employees thus each time a re7uirement arises, internal

    recruitment will be a preferred mode. $or every vacancy arises below. FF-evel,

    an option of filling the post initially will be considered. )* will place an

    advertisement on the intranet. The advertisement will contain the following


    a. =ob !rofile

    b. Educational 7ualifications, %kills, Experience

    c. -ast date of receiving &pplications

    d. 4ontact person in )*

    &ll &pplications will be screened for the eligibility against pre;determined criteria

    for the vacancy. )* will prepare a list of eligible applicants and seek approval

    from the respective *eporting 5anager and +epartmental )ead. f approval is

    given, )* will send a notification to the eligible candidates via email. &pplicants

    who are not found eligible will also be notified via email.

    f no suitable applicants apply within one week from the date of posting theadvertisement, external recruitment is initiated.

    Eligible candidates will undergo a panel interview.

    Travel for nterview6 &s per eligibility in current grade .

    4ompensation fitment6 Dherever the employee is moving to a higher

    value job, compensation will be undertaken as if the individual is a new


    )andover period6 ?efore the employee takes over his her new position, there will

    be a handover period of one month. )owever this maybe reduced at the

    discretion of the current *eporting 5anager.

    RelocationC f the employee needs to relocate to a different city to take up the

    new position, the company will reimburse as per the relocation policy.


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    3 ternal Recruitment

    Entry -evel *ecruitment Entry;level recruitment is used for fresh

    graduates postgraduates who are taken as Executive Trainees and 5anagement

    Trainees or for individuals joining at entry;level positions in the 4ompany. f candidate possess less than one year of work experience, he she will be

    treated as a fresh hire (entry level recruitment#. Trainee %chemes

    5anagement Trainees

    +epending upon the re7uirements projected in the manpower plan, thecompany will recruit 5anagement Trainees from 5anagement institutes in

    the country. %ourcing of Trainees

    5anagement trainees will be sourced from 5anagement nstitutes across the

    country. The selection criteria for nstitutes are described below6

    A( &am,us ratin; t#rou;# ,u.licationsC )* will refer to the 4ampusratings published in the ?usiness 5agazines, available in the country and

    arrive at average campus ratings. $or the current year the company will

    target institutes that are ranked between 2 th and /A th ranks according to the

    ranking developed. t is further recommended that by the year /AA3 G /AAH.

    The company should target campuses that range between A th and 2 th

    ranks.B( Recruitment days ;i-enC The company will give preference to the

    nstitutes who are willing to give either day A, or /

    C( &am,us S,ecialiFationC *elevance of courses offered to thecompanyIs business.


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    D( &am,us Relations#i,C The 4ompany will develop close relationshipswith targeted campus by hiring large numbers, conducting events, taking

    summer trainees, sending senior managers for lectures etc.

    &n attempt will be made to include a cross G section of nstitutes across the

    country to ensure diversity in the campus recruitment process.

    &dditionally, freshly 7ualified persons from different areas shall be selected as

    per the re7uirement .

    3) Positionin; o$ trainees Selected trainees /ill .e ,ositionedat t#e $ollo/in; ;radesC

    a) $resh "raduates6 %tudent with a 5asters in ?usiness

    &dministration 4hartered &ccountants will be placed at the 5anagement

    Trainee grades and will get confirmed in levelF. &fter successful

    completion of the training period.

    .) Experience6 %tudent with relevant work experience of G 0 years will be

    given weight age but will be taken as 5anagement Trainee.c) &ny candidate with more than three years of work experience will be

    considered a lateral recruit and appropriate fitment will be done.

    8) Recruitment Process

    The recruitment process for the 5anagement trainees will be as follows6 )* will initiate the campus recruitment process by sending the companyIs

    literature to the campus, one month before the proposed date of recruitment. This will contain brochures of the company literature

    containing information about the company, the job profile and the

    remuneration package.


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    Pre Placement Tal sC

    )* will coordinate with the !lacement 4ell of short listed nstitutes andschedule !re !lacement talks (!!T#

    The )* head and a senior line 5anager will form the !re !lacement Team. The

    following information will be carried to the !re !lacement Talks6

    a. ?rochures or company literature containing information about the

    company, job profiles and the remuneration package.

    b. &pplication blanks

    c. Jumber of job openings

    Screenin; o$ A,,lication "lan sC

    The !lacement 4oordinator &dministrative offices will short list candidates on the

    basis of predetermined eligibility criteria and send the list of short listed students

    to the company at least one week before the date of campus interviews.

    )* will then screen the application blanks that are received and short list them a

    second time according to the eligibility criteria. &ny deviations will be highlighted

    and justified. & final list of candidates selected for interviews will be sent back to

    the nstitute no later than one week before the selection process.

    Selection ProcessC'nly nstitutes where day A, or / is offered will be accepted.

    &ll eligible candidates will undergo the following / G step selection process6

    . "roup +iscussion G This will be the first step of the selection process. Two

    members of the 4ampus *ecruitment Team will observe each group

    discussion. 'bservations will be recorded in the "roup +iscussion


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    Eligibility criteria for candidates will be given to the !lacement 'fficer at the end

    of the !!T.

    3li;i.ility &riteria

    a# & consistent academic record of 3AB and above in all years of graduation

    in engineering

    b# !rojects undertaken at the summer trainee internship level (if any, in

    applied courses#

    Trainee Sc#eme 'nce selected, all trainees will be provided with an )* brochure that lists

    the details of the trainee scheme as outlined below6

    Tra-elC 5anagement Trainees will be provided with &4 class Train $arefrom home to the company. 4onveyance expenses such as travel (taxi#

    from the *ailway station to the place of posting etc. will be provided.

    Trainin; Pro;ramC The training period will last for one year. %elected 5anagement Trainees

    will be confirmed at F..level 'odule 1C InductionC & three day induction period will be held for all

    trainees by the top 5anagement on the vision, mission and company


    'odule 2 C n t#e o. Trainin;C trainees will be given months of onthe job training where they will undertake projects in their department of

    choice specialization according to the responsibilities accorded to the



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    Per$ormance 3-aluation and Placement

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    'utstation Trainees will be provided twin sharing &ccommodation for one month

    free of cost. &ny cost for further re7uirement will be deducted from the trainees

    stipend will be deducted from the traineeIs stipend.

    3 ecuti-e Trainees 'ana;ement Trainees

    Trainin; ,ro;ram

    The Training program for both trainees will last for one year

    The program has already been mentioned earlier in the recruitment


    Direct +irin;

    nternal +atabase6 n case of re7uirement of fresh graduates for any function

    like sales or recovery, )* will refer to the internal database of unsolicited

    resumes (drop in applications, walk ins etc.#

    Selection Process

    )* will short list candidates as per the pre determined criteria prescribed for

    the vacancy. &fter a !reliminary interview, the candidate will undergo a panel

    interview as per the panel composition in &ppendix . 'bservations will be

    recorded in the interview observation form. &om,ensation 8itmentC The compensation package will be as per the

    compensation grid. The same id decided by the 4ompensation 5anager, )*

    and then approved by the )* )ead.

    $$er 6etterC &n offer letter will be sent to selected candidates within one

    week of the interview.

    $$er Acce,tanceC 4andidates have to sign a duplicate copy of the letter as

    a token of their acceptance and send the same back within 2 days of the

    receipt of the letter.


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    6ateral Recruitment

    The different modes of recruitment available are +atabase )iring, nternet )iring,

    Employee *eferrals and &dvertisements.

    Data.ase +irin;C Dhen any recruitment re7uirement arises, the internal

    applicant database will be referred to. Eligible applicants will be selected by their

    7ualifications, experience and training. )* will forward a copy of the candidates list to the re7uesting department

    along with the resumes of the five highest ranked candidates. 4andidates

    short G listed from this list will be called for an interview.

    3m,loyee Re$erralsC )* will intimate the panel members of the interview schedule at least /

    days prior to the start of the first interview. !anel members will be provided in advance with a 4andidate &ssessment

    $older consisting of the candidateIs resume, career history and interview

    observation form.

    Tra-el Reim.ursementC Travel reimbursement will be done as per details in &ppendix .

    'utstation candidates will be given 2 working dayIs notice and local

    candidates will be given 0 working dayIs notice to attend the interview at

    the given location. 'ffer -etter6 &n offer letter will be sent to selected candidates within H

    days of the panel interview. *egret letters to be sent to rejected

    candidates. 'nce offer has been made, intimation will be sent to

    !ersonnel &dministration with compensation, designation and fitment



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    T#e $ollo/in; sc#ematic t#e re$erral ,rocessC



    Employee re$erral mail

    C, Recei"ed

    C, in

    !llot re$erence no. to

    creen $or eligibility

    election process

    Re$erence checks

    '(er Candidate



    In$orm employee

    In$orm employee

    In$orm employee

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    'edia Ad-ertisement

    n case the number of vacancies is large, advertisements may be released based

    on recommendation of the )* head and an approval from the +irectors. The

    advertisement will adhere to the prescribed standards and will contain the

    following details6

    ?rief !rofile of The 4ompany

    ?rief on =ob *esponsibilities

    Employee profile; &ge, experience, educational 7ualifications


    Email + !ostal &ddress for receipt of *esumes

    Internet Recruitment 8irms

    nternet recruitment firms such as and can be

    used for any level of recruitment. )* head will be the final contact.

    Selection Process

    Initial Screenin; C

    )* will conduct an initial screening based on the details provided in the4C, and also the pre determined criteria. )* will then establish a

    candidateIs list using set priorities when there is more than one 7ualified

    applicant interested in the same position.


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    Preliminary Inter-ie/

    & preliminary interview with )* will be conducted prior to the panel

    interview. The preliminary interview may be conducted via telephone if it is

    a case of an outstation candidate.

    8inal Inter-ie/

    )* will intimate the candidate about interview time, date and venue for the

    final interview


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    E M P L O % E E

    R E T E N T I O N

    P R A T I S E AT L '



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    6oyal em,loyees in any com,any create loyal customers9 /#oin turn create #a,,y s#are#olders)

    E Sir Ric#ard "ranson

    G#at is en;a;ementH

    t is a positive attitude held by the

    employee towards the organisation

    and its values. &n engaged employee

    is aware of business context, and

    works with colleagues to improve

    performance within the job for the

    benefit of the organisation. The

    organisation must work to develop

    and nurture engagement, which re7uires a two;way relationship between

    employer and employee.


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    Employees are one of the most important assets, but are 4ompanies doing

    everything they can to maximize the potential of this assetM The best employee

    attitude studies explore all aspects of an employeeIs working life with an

    employer, covering not only what they do but also what employees think and feel

    about the organization. &n effectively implemented program of employee

    research can become one of the most powerful strategic tools in helping the

    company achieve its long;term corporate goals. To ensure the value of

    companyIs investment in employee research, )* managers have to fully

    understand the concerns, attitudes and motivations of their employees.

    The way it was. )))))in the past, jobs were considered desirable and sufficient

    candidates could be found to fill most critical jobs. 5oreover, once employed,

    workers would often spend their entire careers in the same job. n areas where

    there was turnover, new employees could be recruited easily.

    The way it is..... today there is a high demand for workers. The supply of

    7ualified workers is limited and good workforce planning re7uires a twofold

    approach of aggressive recruitment and innovative retention strategies.

    *etention policies need to focus on elimination of unwanted turnover.


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    Talented employees should be identified early and proactive steps shouldbe taken to nurture and retain them.

    +evelopment of early tracking procedures for promising new hires.

    Tracking of reasons for 7uits, especially among the high potential workers.

    'n;going employee attitude surveys to provide information for successfulretention strategies and to predict turnover.

    Tracking voluntary turnover by department then focus efforts on theproblem areas.

    !roviding incentives for people to remain with the organization ; these arenot always financial.

    G#at Peo,le GantHHH

    K...!eople want to feel valued and valuable. They want to belong, to know thatthey, their work and their ideas matter. They want a diversity of challenges, andthe ability to make decisions without excessive red tape. They want to feelconnected to upper management, knowing they can share ideas with companydecision makers.L


    %here is no one strategy to ensure success$ul employee

    retention. 1enerally) a combination o$ $actors in2uences anemployee&s decision to stay in a 3ob. %hose $actors maydi(er $or an indi"idual depending on his or her age) $amilysituation) the external 3ob market) or 3ob title. %here aresome $actors) howe"er) which seem to impact mostemployees and $or which we $ound some e(ecti"estrategies worth sharing .

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    /) 0$$( %e ati$'shi+ with s*+e% is$%s

    5any times, employees seek greener pastures because they are unhappywith their supervisors. The supervisorsand trainers have an important role of giving feed back on both strengths andweaknesses, which will help them todo better. %ome staff do have initialproblem of getting adjusted to theoffice jobs and procedures or they lackconfidence. *einforcing the confidencethat Kyou can doL is the responsibility

    of supervisors. t is true that staff re7uires money, but they always look for actions, which touches their mind and heart. -et:s be honest, bossesmanagement styles have a huge impact on employee satisfaction.

    ) C$a!hi'# a'( Ca%ee% Pathi'#

    4oaching is employee development. Nour only cost is time. Time means youcare. &nd remember your people don:t care how much you know... until theyknow how much you care. Dhenever the emphasis is on positive feedback, make sure to do this coaching in Opublic.O Dhenever you recognize andencourage people in Opublic,O it acts as a natural stimulant for others who areclose enough to see or hear what:s taking place. Employees need to know whatis potentially ahead for them, what opportunities there are for growth. This issueis a sometimes forgotten ingredient as to the importance it plays in the overallmotivation of people.


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    St%e'#ths *ight products, 7uality and


    %uperior product performance vs.competitors. ?rand mage !roducts have re7uired

    accreditations. )igh degree of customer

    satisfaction. "ood place to work -ower response time with

    efficient and effective service. +edicated workforce aiming at

    making a long;term career in thefield.


    %ome gaps in range for certainsectors.

    Jot very popular in theinternational market

    +elivery;staff need training. 4ustomer service staff need

    training. !rocesses and systems, etc 5anagement cover insufficient.

    %ectoral growth is constrained bylow unemployment levels andcompetition for staff

    O++$%t*'ities !rofit margins will be good. End;users respond to new ideas.

    4ould extend to overseasbroadly.

    Jew specialist applications. 4ould seek better supplier deals. $ast;track career development

    opportunities on an industry;widebasis.

    &n applied research centre tocreate opportunities for developing techni7ues to provideadded;value services

    Th%eats -egislation could impact. Existing core business distribution

    risk. Culnerable to reactive attack by

    major competitors. -ack of infrastructure in rural

    areas could constrain investment. )igh volume low cost market is

    intensely competitive.


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    C$ e!ti$'2

    +ata has been collected from sources like books, periodicals, journals,

    newspapers and the nternet.

    Primary DataC

    The primary data has been collected by raising a 7uestionaire at the - T

    with a sample size of 12 and /2. Dhile one 7uestionaire is based on the evaluation of *ecruitment

    procedure, the other one is based on the evaluation of retention policies of

    the company

    Se!$'(a%y Data2

    The secondary data has been collected from various books,magzines, journals, information brochures and internet web sites )

    always had great interest in the field of )uman *esources and it

    only grew with the age. - T is a huge company with a great repute

    in the ndian Economy, and they do practice very sound )*

    procedures, %o think , had all the reasons in the world to make a

    project on - T

    +etails of the External guide

    Jame of the "uide ,@ualification and +esignation

    &pproval letter from External guide


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    & &6*SI S & good bmajority of the employees feel that the need for themanpower planning is being given due consideration.

    & &6*SI S

    & good majority of the employees are of the view that nternal promotion is the

    right source of recruitment and the same should be given the priority )


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    & &6*SI S4ampus selection and the recruitment through advertisements are the two mostpopular methods of recruitment which are currently being employed the company

    & &6*SI S

    n the case of immediate re7uirement the company heavily relies on the internalrecruitment method )


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    & &6*SI SThe key parameters of performance evaluation are;skills;aptitude;process knowledge andexperience


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    & &6*SI S!sychological testing has been voted as the best techni7ue to evaluate theemployees capabilities and aptitude by most of the employees

    & &6*SI S5ore than half of the people 7uestioned, admitted that they had to face in;depthinterviews at the time of selection.


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    & &6*SI S 5ore than half of the employees admit that association with the company is formore than A years,, while a good 0AB of the employees admitted to have leftthe company in less than 1 years )

    & &6*SI S & large majority (9/B# of the employees expressed their satisfaction with thecompany. Dhich is a great morale victory on the paet of the management ))


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    & &6*SI S &lmost / 0rd of the employees expressed their dissatisfaction overthe salary structure being offered currently.

    & &6*SI SThe employees are enjoying good inter personal with the colleagues,

    subordinates and managers.


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    & &6*SI S

    &lmost all the employees are confidenrt about their growth in the company )

    & &6*SI S

    & large majority of the employyees admitted that their achievements arerecognised in the company and thus duly awarded by the company.


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    & &6*SI S 'nly half of the respondents were found to be happy about posiotions in thecompany.i.e the other half wants to be promoted.

    & &6*SI S

    &lmost 9AB of the employees believe that the company ensures the balancebetween their work and their personal lives through various policies andprograms.


  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2


    & &6*SI S & majority of the employees confided that there are ample opportunities andresources available for them to grow and excel in their respective fields )

    & &6*SI S & good HAB of the employees believe that there is free flow of communicationamong the supervisors and the subordinates, it is a healthy sign for anyorganisation )


  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2






  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2


    ?etter salary packages should be offered and periodic salary reviews

    should be made by the management to keep pace with the changes in the

    corporate world.

    %alary and working condition should be brought best global standard

    %alary difference in same grade should not be more than A to 2 percent

    4lear and faster growth path should be planned to keep every one


    =ob rotation should be practiced to keep the work environment interesting

    and untiring.

    !ain areas like getting an email id, reimbursements of mobile and other

    expenses are very time consuming and this should be eliminated to keep

    employees motivated

    4hallenging assignment should be offered to the employees so as to

    avoid the job ;dullness

    ?etter performance appraisal procedures should be applied to assess thetrue worth of an employee. &n efficient employee should always be

    promoted and awarded accordingly.

    5ediclaim benefit with cashless card scheme should be provided to the


    ?alance between personal life and work through programs and policies

    should always be distinguished.

    ?etter communication within the organization should always be

    encouraged and enabled for a better working environment

    The working hours should be restricted to 9 hrs per day to keep the

    employees fresh and efficient.


  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2


    Enhanced limit of mobile phones usage should be allowed.




  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2


    !ersonnel management by >.C 5ishra, &ditya publishing house 5adras,


    4))&?*& T.J, !rinclples practices of management, +hanpat *ai and

    co. (p# -td, +elhi, /AAA.

    !ractice of )uman *esource by +anny %hield.

    5anuals from the organization.

  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2


  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2



  • 8/11/2019 8671118-L-AND-T-2



    Sco,e o$ your t#esis /or

    The scope of my study begins with the study of history of - T and it further

    extends to various issues related to *ecruitment and %election procedures at

    - T.


    t#e o.:ecti-e o$ my study is to


    ;;;;and critically analyse

    the various aspects related to the *ecruitment and *etention procedures at -

    T . and make further suggestions for its betterment.

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