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F.No.33 - 9 / 2011 - TS.IIIGovernment of India

Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentDepartment of Higher Education

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi,dated, the 16th April, 2019


The Directorsof all the National Institutes of Technology (NITs)and Director, IIEST, Shibpur.

Subject:- Implementation of Recruitment Rules for Faculty of NITs andIIEST - issue of clarifications as per recommendations of theOversight Committee - regarding.

Sir \ Madam,

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's Order of even number dated is"May, 201 B vide which an Oversight Committee was constituted under theChairmanship of Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, Director, National Institute ofTechnology, Calicut (Kerala) to look into further issues / anomalies, which arenot yet covered / addressed in the revised Recruitment Rules (RRs)notified forFaculty on 24th July, 2017 and issued on zo" December, 2017 for Non-Facultystaff of the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and Indian Institute ofEngineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur (West Bengal).

2. At the same time, the Directors of all the NITs and IIEST, Shibpur wererequested to forward the left out anomalies / issues in the RRsto the Chairmanof the Oversight Committee. Accordingly, the Oversight Committee receivedsuggestions / representation from various NITs and IIEST, Shibpur. TheOversight Committee has looked into the issues / anomalies, which are not yetcovered / addressed in the revised Recruitment Rules of Faculty and Non­Faculty staff and has submitted its reports in respect of faculty of NITs andIIEST,Shibpur on 27th October, 201 B.

3. The observations pointed out by this Ministry were further discussed inthe Oversight Committee meeting held on 19th January, 2019. Therecommendations submitted by the Oversight Committee on 27th October, 201Band 19th January, 2019, respectively, have been examined in this Ministry. Therecommendations of the Oversight Committee are divided into two categoriesviz. (i) clarifications on existing RRsand (ii) amendments in RRsnotified on 24thJuly, 2017. With the approval of the competent authority it has been decided

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to issue clarifications, as per recommendations of the Oversight Committee, onthe following points in the first instance:-



• Credit Pointsmentioned atSI.No.4 of the Table

Clarifications Comments of thesought by NITs/ Oversight Committee DecisionFaculties of NITs (OSC)Clarification on One-time measure Accepted."One-time means completion ofmeasure" first round of

recruitment process forrespective· facultypositions afteramendment in-Statutesdated 24th July 2017and subsequentapproval of the processby the BoG ofrespective Institutes.[amended on19.01.2019]

2. Whether International/national Accepted.experience as Post DoctoralPost-Doctoral Fellowships offered byFellow is to be National Agencies ofconsidered or respective countriesnot. will be considered.

Post DoctoralFellowships offered byInstitutions which arein QS / THE WorldRanking upto 500 willbe considered."Experience as PostDoctoral Fellow will beconsidered forappointment to thepost of AssistantProfessor (AGP 7000and 8000)" [amendedon 19.01.2019].

3. ClarificationCumulativeCredit Points

on Amendment proposedon 19.01.2019

The points, which arenow non-exhaustible, inthe existing RRs (2017),are as follows:-

[MHRDIRAVIID:IRR,P.yAnomaJy & CAS\4-Tler L.t~r.dOClIl

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Points at every level ofdirect recruitment.

Clarifications Comments of thesought by NITs / Oversight CommitteeFaculties of NITs (OSC)I---+-~=-=-:::_:__::_:_:_----+-----____l__-_L_---------I--r---r------r------...,--l

on Credit Point s.No Activity

System given inSchedule E of theStatutes 23 (5) (a)are nowexhaustible


points.• Credit Points

mentioned atSl. No.5 of the Tableon Credit PointSystem given inSchedule E of theStatutes 23 (5) (a)are exhaustiblecredit paints, i.e.after lastappointment.

The restExhaustible



4. One Journalpapers in SCI/ Scopus

Credits points

4. Carry forward of For any movementCredit Points. from one position to

other, if theExhaustible CreditPoints are more than

1. One externalSponsoredR&DProjectscompletedor ongoing /Patent

8 / project or 8/ patent asinventor (In caseof more thanone person in aProject, thePrincipalInvestigator gets5 credit pointsand the rest tothe dividedequally amongother members)


2. Consultancyprojects

2 Credit points@ Rs.5 lakhs ofconsultancy,subject tomaximum of 10Credit points

3. Ph.D. 8 per Ph.D.student. (In casethere are morethan onesupervisor, thenthe Guide (1"Supervisor) gets5 credit pointsper student andthe rest to bedivided equallyamong othersupervisor(s))


4 per papersince the lastpromotion. Firstauthor/Mainsupervisor willget 2 and restwill be divided

__ '- ~mong_others.21.1 Fellow FNA, 10credit points

FNAE, FASc; Ii FNASc _j ___j

(PaidJournals notallowed)

The rest Credit Pointsmentioned in Schedule Eare Exhaustible CreditPoints at every level ofdirect recruitment.It has been decided toaccept the clarificationwith followingillustration: -

the minimum required Assistant Prof. to

[MHRO\RAV1\O:'RR,Pay Anomaly & CAS\4.Tl.r lattar.doc:.cj

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Clarificationssought by NITs /Faculties of NITs

Comments of theOversight Committee



Credit Points for theselected position, thendifferential CreditPoints from theExhaustible CreditPoints shall be carriedforward to theExhaustible componentonly.

Associate Prof. MinimumRequired Credit Points: 50

i. For a candidate having20 Non-exhaustible CreditPoints And 60 ExhaustibleCredit Points, carriedforward Credit Points willbe 20 + (60-50)= 30ii. For a-candidate having30 Non-exhaustible Credit

to Points and 40 ExhaustibleIllustration: .Assistant Prof.Associate Prof.:Minimum RequiredCredit Points: 50

Points, carried forwardCredit Points will be 30 +(40- 40)= 30. Credit Pointsearned during the periodfrom the last date ofsubmission of applicationand date of joining, whichwas not considered in theselection process, shall becarried forward.

i. Forhavingexhaustible

a candidate20 Non-

Creditand 60

CreditPointsExhaustiblePoints, carried forwardCredit Points will be20+ (60-50) =30ii. For a candidatehaving 40 Non-exhaustible CreditPoints and 40Exhaustible Points,carried forward Credit

_____________~-------~oints will be 40+0=40. -----c .

on As specified- by the The Ministry vide letterrespective University / dated 31.01.2018Institution. If not clarified that "the newspecifically mentioned entrant means aby the University / candidate who is notInstitution, then 60% existing faculty ofmarks or 6.5 CGPA. concerned NIT.

Therefore,faculty willconsidered

5. ClarificationFirst class.

existingnot beNew entrants are as

defined in MHRD letterNo. 33-912011-TS. III,dated 31rt January2018. Faculty members It has been decided to---------L- -L L- __

as newentrant. "

{MHRDlRAVI\O:IRA, Pay Anomaly & CAS\4-TJarLaUer.doc_]

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iv. Other EducationalInstitutions ranked byNIRF upto 100 inoverall, Universities,Engineering, upto 50for Pharmacy and 10for Architecture, forany two years.

Comments of the IOversight Committee


Clarificationssought by NITs /Faculties of NITs

S.No. Decision


appointed in regularpay scale through dulyprescribed selectionprocesses wi II beconsidered as existingfaculty in subsequentselection in there.spective Institute.~~·~~~~---C---------~~---------~------~----.------------j

6. Clarification on Preceding Degrees Accepted."Preceding mean Bachelors'Degrees" Degree onwards.f-----f------,,

Clarification on Experience (including"Institution of prior torepute" implementation of

NIRF) in the followingInstitutions will beconsidered: -

continue with the samewhile agreeing to theclarification on first classdegree.


i, Fully funded CentralEducational Institutions

ii. IIMs and othermanagementInstitutions ranked byNIRF upto 50 for anytwo years;

iii. State EducationalInstitutions funded byrespective StateGovernments;

However, with regardto recommendation on~--~-------------~-~. --~--------------------~

fMHRO\RA,VI\O:\RR.flay AnDm.'y &CASW·Tler letter.GOCllj

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s. Clarifications Comments of theNo. sought by NITs / Oversight Committee Decision

Faculties of NITs (OSC)Institute of repute, theBoGs of respectiveInstitute may take acall on relaxing thecriteria, if needed,with recorded

f-- justification.8. Clarification on As per existing Accepted.

"Book chapter provisions of Statutes.weightage"

9. Carry forward of Credit points earned Accepted.Credit Points for during the period fromaward of Ph.D. & the last date ofPaper publication submission ofin between date application and date ofof eligibility a joining, which was notdate of joining. considered in the

selection process, shallbe carried forward.--- i----

10. Clarification on ACoFAR will decide It has been decided that"Industry of criteria for respective the Board of respectiverepute" Institutes. Institute may define the

criteria.11. Clarification on As per existing Accepted.

Project amount provisions of Statutes.of R&D projects.

12. Distribution of As per existing Accepted.points for provisions of Statutes.patents. -_ !---13. Consultancy Consultancy amount of As all the Departments in(Credit Point 5 lakhs can be in a an Institute doesn't fetchdistribution) single assignment or same amount of

can be in cumulative consultancy, therefore, itamount of multiple has been agreed to haveassignments. cumulative consultancy

amount of Rs.5 lakh inf--- multiple assignments.14. Counting of As per existing Accepted.

Credit Points on provisions of Statutes.Conference papersince lastpromotion.

,J2:__J To review the Already taken care of Accepted.

[MHRO\RAVIIO;\RR,Pay Anomaly & CAS\4·Tler Letter.doclI]

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Clarificationssought by NITs /Faculties of NITs


in Point NO.5.

Accepted.Clarification As per Schedule E ofregarding the Statute 23(5)(a) Noteterm 'promotion' 1: (1), any change inused in RRs the AGP in 6th CPC /

Level in 7th CPC, isthrough directrecruitment throughopen advertisement.Therefore, the term"promotion" used inRRs / Guidelines /MHRD communicationsshould be read as"Appointment throughDirect Recruitment".

~7. For grant of HAG May be replaced w:-it:-h-:--t--:-A--c-ce-p-t~e-;-d-.--------j

Scale to

40% of sanctioned Professors in of Professors


Comments of theOversight Committee



comments aboutsince "lastpromotion"


Professors: 40% of total no. of

4. All the NITs and IIESTare advised to place the recommendations of theOversight Committee (as indicated in para 3 above) before the Board ofGovernors for its adoption and ensure strict adherence of the instructions.

5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority in the Ministry.

Yours faithfully, L

v<.~[K. Raj~np

Under Secretary to the Government of IndiaTel: 23384159

Copy to:-

(i) The Chairperson, Board of Governors of all the NITs and IIEST, Shibpur.(ii) PSto HRM/ PSto MoS (SPS)for kind information.(iii) Webmaster, MNIT, Jaipur - with a request to upload the communication

on the website of the Council of NITSER.(iv) Guard File.

[MHROIRAVt\O:IRR, & CASW-Tler LeUer.doc::x}

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