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  • Click and collect : the Drives collaborative logistics Le click and collect : La logistique participative du client dans les drive

    Gil les MAROUSEAUAbstractIn the field of food e-com merce, the re cent de ve lop ment of a new mo del (the drive) is ba sed onthe cus to mers par ti ci pa tion in the cons truc tion of the lo gis tics sup ply (as op po sed to the ori gi nalbut ageing mo del of the cy ber mar ket). Through an ex plo ra to ry qua li ta tive ana ly sis, it ap pearsthat by in ci ting the cus to mer to come and pick his own or ders (click and col lect), the drive ismore pro fi table thanks to qua li ty of the site and the lo gis tics per for mance.

    Key words: online gro ce ries, drive, click and col lect, par ti ci pa tive lo gis tics, pro fi ta bi li ty.

    The impact of cooperation in terms of resources and activities on performance: a study of logistics network in China Limpact des cooprations en termes de ressources et dactivits sur la performance : une tude du rseau logistique en Chine

    Ting ting XIANGAbstractThe aim of this pa per is to iden ti fy dif fe rent ty pes of co o pe ra tion bet ween lo gis tics ser vice pro vi -ders (LSPs) as well as their im pacts on firm per for mance. The li te ra ture re view al lows us to de ve -lop a re search mo del ba sed on the com ple men ta ri ty of dif fe rent mo bi li zed ap proa ches. Theem pi ri cal stu dy, ba sed on a quan ti ta tive ana ly sis of 134 LSPs ope ra ting in Chi na, al lows us toclas si fy four ty pes of co o pe ra tion in terms of re sour ces and two ty pes of co o pe ra tion in terms ofac ti vi ties. The re sults show a di rect po si tive im pact of co o pe ra tion in terms of ac ti vi ties on ope ra -tio nal per for mance. Whats more, the co o pe ra tion in terms of kno wledge, re la tio nal re sour cesand in for ma tio nal re sour ces has a po si tive in di rect im pact on ope ra tio nal per for mance throughthe co o pe ra tion in terms of ac ti vi ties.

    Keywords: co o pe ra tion, lo gis tics per for mance, lo gis tics ser vice pro vi der, indus trial net workap proach, re source-ba sed view, re la tio nal view, mass cus to mi za tion

    What is at Stake in Logistics Pooling? Les stratgies dacteurs dans la mutualisation logistique

    Chris telle CAMMAN, Mar lne MONNET, Gil les GUIEU, Lau rent LIVOLSIAbstractLo gis tics po o ling is de fi ned as the sha red uti li za tion of re sour ces by in de pen dent firms. Pro fes -sio nals and, na tu ral ly, re sear chers get ex ci ted about the joint use of re sour ces. Des pite re portstes ti fying its ra pid dif fu sion, po o ling has not yet known a si gni fi cant de ve lop ment. The ob jec tiveof this ar ticle is to exa mine cau sal va ria bles of this re la ti ve ly low dif fu sion. First, we pro pose a cri -ti cal re view of the exis ting aca de mic li te ra ture sho wing that the theo re ti cal fra me works used donot make it pos sible to ans wer the ques tion. Se cond, we pre sent the re sults of a re search pro -gram, conduc ted over a pe riod of more than three years, with all the players of these col lec tivepro jects. Third, we pre sent a dis cus sion of these re sults about the theo re ti cal fra me works un der -lying the lo gis tics po o ling. We pro pose that a neo-ins ti tu tio na list view of po o ling is ne ces sa ry toun ders tand what is at stake for ac tors in po o ling.

    Key words: po o ling, stra te gy, neo-ins ti tu tio na list theory

    82 Vol. 21 N3, 2013

    1 - Infirmier AnesthsisteDiplm dEtat

    2 - Infirmier Bloc OpratoireDiplm dEtat

    XX_Abstracts-3-13mardi 17 dcembre 2013 13:53:21

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