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2012, October, 17th

A big data science platform for regional Public Sector Information

Giuliana BonelloBusiness Intelligence & Data Quality Practice Manager

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A big data science platform for regional PSI


· Located on the north-west of Italy, bordering with France and Switzerland

· Capital city: Turin· 4.5 Ml inhabitants· 8 Provinces· 1,206 Municipalities/Towns· 8.7% contribution to the national GDP· 5.3% unemployment rate

Where we are

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Polytechnic of Turin

University of Turin

Piedmont Region

Founded in 1977 by:

96 Associated Consortium Members

156,7 Millions € annual revenues (2010)

1,200 employees

5 sites in Piedmont

Associated consortium members

Region 1

Universities 3

Provinces 8

Municipalities 43

Municipalities associations 11

Agencies & other institutions 10

Health & Hospital Units 20

Total number 96

CSI-Piemonte: IT for public servicesone of the main Information & Communication Technology agencies in Italy

design and develop innovative public services,to simplify life for citizens and enterprises and to facilitate and speed up their relations with the Public Administration

Who we are

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transforming innovation demand from citizens and enterprises into services accessible for all and easy to use

helping public institutions to optimize internal processes to save time, reduce expenses and satisfy the needs of the citizens

promoting collaboration among Administrations in Italy and abroad and the reuse of Piedmont good practices

Our Missionyour life

without queues

all services

at your place


just in one click

CSI-Piemonte: IT for public serviceswe are one of the main Information & Communication

Technology agencies in Italywe design and develop innovative public services,to simplify

life for citizens and enterprises and to facilitate and speed up

their relations with the Public Administration

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· Relations and cooperation with our local Public Authorities and in cooperation with ICT partners of our territory, promoting our best practices

· International relations with donors (EC,WB,UN…).

· Relation with Italian Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Public Administration, Environment, Health…) and for cooperation programme

· Awarded projects: > 45

International activitiesSince 2005 CSI is actively involved in promoting its international presence:

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Public Sector Information: a resource

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A big volume of data converges on every enterprise; they come from:

INTERNAL CHANNELS: through the digitalized operational processes;EXTERNAL CHANNELS: through the interactions of the enterprise with the external world.

The technological evolution, through adequate infrastructures (HW/SW), makes available an enormous volume of data with respect to the past, both memorized in enterprise systems and accessible in external web.

It is important to define a methodological and operational process for the extraction of information and knowledge of the set of data collected that represent the STRATEGIC INFORMATION ASSET of the enterprise.

The issue to tackle

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Big Data Era: IDC Definition

“Big data technologies describe a new generation of technologies and

architectures, designed to economically extract value from very

large volumes of a wide variety of data, by enabling high-velocity

capture, discovery, and/or analysis.”

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Gain from the use of big data


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We need to filter this deluge of information

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From BI to Data Science

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The challenge is to use such information as a strategic asset for:

The efficiency and effectiveness of the internal processes;A transparent relationship towards external beneficiaries (citizens and enterprises);The growth of the opportunities in their territories (territorial marketing, innovation, competitiveness)An enhanced capacity to take decisions based on an adequate and continuosly updated knowledge of the evolution of phenomena on the territory.

The challenge in the government world

For Research

For Business For Democracy

For Government

Intelligent exploitation of the public information asset by all.

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The CSI experience

CSI in its 35-year life has grown up an“Intelligent Public Sector Information Center of Excellence”

(I-PSI-CoE), a pool of solutions, infrastructures, competences,

methodologies, processes in the Management, Governance and Valorization

of the public information asset.

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I-PSI-CoE’s components

I-PSI-CoE is an organic set of






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I-PSI-CoE: what it is and its useWhat it is• The Center's role is the treatment of the information in order

to provide to the PA a number of tools for the realization of more intelligent services: it governs the Public Sector Information in its different faces so as to make it a strategic asset.

Its use• The Center makes activities of management, govern,

exploitation of the Public Sector Information at 360°: Information Management, Data Integration (DI), Metadata Management (MM), Design and Realization of DWH, Analytics, Dashboards, Reporting and Data Mining.

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Our expertise

Treatment of public information so as to build added value intelligent services for the decision support, the information inter-exchange, the public policy and performance analysis, the fraud and tax evasion detection.

Management of different information typologies (mix of structured and unstructured data) that have been growing dramatically in quantity: we speak of Digital Content that include alphanumeric, geographic, text and multimedia information.

Use of effective techniques for the visualization of data, different for different users.

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The I-PSI-CoE modelThe overall service model is based on the set up of the BI core component. The different technological layers are:

the infrastructure;

the software solutions for the Information Management and the Business Intelligence;

the data bases;

the metadata structures;

the specific applications.

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History of Decisional Systems at CSI-Piemonte



Applications on mainframe

Stand-alone applications









Report on mainframe

Grid Management



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Organizational History



1st DW project

(Piedmont region)



From BICC to PSI-CC:


Statistical center


Towards I-PSI-CC



First BICC phase:

Centralisation for all customers

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Operational database

Data warehouse

Data from citizens

Sensor data

Web data

Paper archives Information management


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Data sharing evolution (in Piedmont Local Government)

Single Local government database (100%)

Master data shared between local government (80%)

Interoperability (40%)

Linked Open Data (in progress)

Open Data (20%)

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2005 2008 2009








Regione Piemonte

Città di Torino

Provincia di Torino


2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009















Città di Torino

Regione Piemonte

Tolali enti



Piedmont Region 731 93 824

Municipality of Turin 108 8 116

Province of Turin 191 48 239

Others 139 14 153

TOTAL 1169 163 1332

Transactional data growing BI application growing

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New segments of data

Some example of New segments

of big data in Piedmont

BDP: Piedmont Digital


IMR: Health images

Streaming platform

Sensor network

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CSI-Piemonte towards SAS Analytics Infrastructure

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SAS Grid Manager: central point for administration and prioritization provided by policies

High availability for SAS Application and eliminate the impact from routine maintenance

Increased Flexibility: multiple application run simultaneously and computing resourses can be allocated

Enhanced Performance: for all users, more data or complex analysis in less time

SAS Grid Manager and CSI-Piemonte: Key benefits

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Data science evolution guidelines

Real timemonitoring

Information visualization Analytics

Net sentiment Information and competences in the network

Semantics as a broker

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Torino Smart CityCitizen dashboardNet sentiment in a smart city Urban security dashboardEnergy dashboard

Knowledge from Social Network dataHot topics: Spending reviewJob search on social network


Communication Management

Towards Big Data Architecture: some experience

Social network data

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Torino smart city Portal: communication


Communication Management

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Torino smart city Portal: communication/participation

Citizen sentiment on web

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Torino smart city dashboard: management

Better understand the relationship between the indicators in the Dashboard Urban Safety (CSU) of the City of Turin and the perceived safety of the public;

Understand the factors that mainly influence the perceived safety.

The results obtained could provide policy makers with a tool to help them better understand what levers of action to increase the perceived safety of Turin..

• This DSS is a permanent dynamic and georeferenced system for surveying phenomena and all the territorial, structural and infrastructural, social, socio-demographic and socio-economic variables

• It help to determine the urban conditions of the territories and citizen perception

Urban security dashboard

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Torino Urban security dashboard

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Economic assistance rate

Connection time Income


Urban security data mining

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Torino Energy dashboard: 3Dview of gas consumption

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Extract knowledge from the net


Database loading & treatmen


Text Mining Cluster Infograph


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Spending review discussion on Twitter

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Spending review discussion on Twitter


es o

f disc


nAuthors of discussion

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Mix of administrative data and net data(SAS Visual analitycs)

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