  • 1. A Christmas Carol Pam Bianda Play

2. Its Christmas Eve and you are counting your money for the night. Abruptly and uninvited your pesky nephew comes to visit you and extends the invite for a Christmas dinner with he and his family. You Bah-humbug ! You hate Christmas. Decline immediately and send him away ! Hesitatnly accept the invitation. It is a free meal after all 3. Back inside of your office you see your pathetic employee, Bob, looking at you with a faint smile. Disgusting. He approaches you after some time and inquires whether he can spend tomorrow (blasted Christmas) with his family. You Allow it but expect him to be all the earlier for his next sift Refuse to put up with this degree of incompetence. Fire him at once. 4. After he leaves, you hear a knock on the door. Without Bob to get the door you approach with caution. It is a pair of men asking for charity donations. You Deny giving money. Better to decrease the surplus population 5. Shocked, the men walk away. The night is coming to an end and your make your way home. Its dark and eerie on your walk and something in the air makes you feel uneasy. When you get home you Run to your room, lock the door and pour yourself a drink and stay up Lay down and drift off cursing everything that Christmas stands for. Bah! 6. Drowsily, you begin to feel yourself slip into sleep. Then suddenly you see somethingno someone appear in your room. Its your deceased business partner Jacob Marley. You Run out screaming towards your office to sleep there for the Sit and listen to him. Petrified with fear 7. He tells you of his punishment to roam the Earth with chains, binding him to his selfish and evil actions from his life. Warning you of the same fate, he trails off and disappears. You Cant sleep and believe you are just seeing things. You go to the Feel overcome by exhaustion, fear and 8. Around 2AM you wake with a start. Its cold and the embers of your fire are fading but notice a bright light emanating from the opposite end of the room. The childlike bright figure escorts you to the past. You Allow it Demand that this foolery stop at once 9. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes you back to when you were but an innocent child. After some time, you are led to the very moment greed and money took over your heart. You see Belle, the love of your life, and the end of your engagement to her because of your inability to love anything but money. You Are overcom e by Are overcom e by 10. You cannot control your sobs of remorse and out of desperation you Pull the ghost of Christmas Pasts hat over his head to put an end to it. Attempt to enter the scene and put a stop to losing Belle. 11. You find yourself back in the confines of your room alone. Feeling more exhausted that you have in your entire life you Drink to forget what you have just seen Pass out 12. You wake up to the clock striking 1AM. Before you stands a cheery giant dressed in an emerald robe. The ghost of Christmas Present asks that you touch his robe. You Touch it and get transporte d Refuse to touch it. Bah! Humbug! 13. Together, you and the ghost fly above London. You are taken to your employee, Bobs house. There you see among his many children one who is crippled. Tiny Tim, as they call him, is a cheerful boy with a warm soul but little time to live. You Beg to know if the Tim will survive Beg to be taken back home. This is not something that is in your 14. The spirit says with these conditions. Tiny Tim will not make it to another Christmas. Upon hearing this news you feel a chill in your bones. You Demand to be taken home at once. There is no more for you to learn. Demand to see more. 15. The phantom takes you to your nephews party, you watch until the festivities end. Then, you notice your companion has grown old withered. He lifts his robe, revealing 2 starving children: Ignorance and Want. He immediately vanishes. You see a fearsome hooded figure approaching. You Accept the Freeze with fear. Plead to be taken back to your apartment 16. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come takes you through a sequence of scenes regarding the death of a bitter man. After seeing several people relieved at the mans death you plead to know his identity. You find yourself in a church graveyard staring at your own name. You Refuse to believe that this is your fate Swear to change your ways 17. Disgusted by the way you have been living, you return to Christmas day with delightful optimism. You send a giant turkey to Bobs house, attend your nephews party and begin your transformation into a better Ebenezer Scrooge. Merry Christmas! Play Again 18. You arrive late and are happy to see the food has already been served. Your nephews family insists that you join them in their annual caroling. You Storm out! This is all foolishness. Bah! Humbug! 19. You are a greedy, mean person. At this age something drastic has to happen to change your ways Scrooge. Until then you will live a lonely and unfulfilled life. Merry Christmas to you sir. Bah! Humbug! Start over 20. They refuse to go without you. Annoyed, you sit quietly and soon dismiss yourself to go home. Its dark and eerie on your walk and something in the air makes you feel uneasy. When you arrive, you Run to your room, lock the door and pour yourself a drink and stay up watching the fire Lay down and drift off cursing everything that Christmas stands for. Bah! Humbug! 21. You wake up Christmas morning no different from the greedy person you were before. You, Ebenezer will die alone lest you change your ways. Until then, Merry Christmas. Bah! Humbug! Start over 22. Somehow you find yourself in your room, alone and scared. You spend many sleepless nights from this point on, haunted by the memories of this night. Be it your stubbornness or your unshakeable fear but you become evermore selfish. Enjoy your lonely Christmases Scrooge. Bah! Humbug! Start over 23. You plead to be taken back to your apartment to live in peace Cont inue 24. You are taken back to your home. Left with your feelings of regret and remorse you think back on your selfish actions. Before you know it, the sun of Christmas morning is rising. Unchanged by the events of hours ago, you begin to walk towards your office. You will never change Scrooge, but a Merry Christmas nonetheless. Bah! Humbug! Start over 25. These are memories you have not visited in decades. Appalled by the ghosts indecency you go mad. In the midst of your yelling the Ghost of Christmas Past vanishes. You. Beg for forgivenessBeg to be left alone 26. Your attempts to stop the past from happening are futile. You feel the cold night creeping through your clothes. The Ghost watches you with careful indifference. You crawl towards him and you Ask to see more Ask to go home and for this madness to cease 27. Drunk and with nowhere to go. You make your way to your nephews house. Once you get to the door you Turn around and make stumble towards your Knoc k 28. Your nephew sleepily opens the door. His confusion subsides as the aroma whiskey trails your broken words. He invites you in for the night but you interrupt to apologize for how you have acted his whole life. Shocked he allows you to explain Continue 29. You tell him of the visit form Marley and your examination of your past. You wish to start anew. Vowing to keep Christmas in your heart and treat all people with compassion, you begin your transformation into a better person. Congratulations Ebenezer Scrooge, all you needed was a visit from the past to change your future. Merry Christmas! 30. Credits A Christmas Carol original story Charles Dickens First Waltz- Alan Silvestri Old Joe And Mrs. Dilber - Alan Silvestri The Ghost Of Christmas Past - Alan Silvestri Sad Violin- thaSparkaZ Wind Sound Effect 2- TheMSsoundeffects Cold- JMendezMusic An Unwanted Presence Jack Lane The Dark Hallway (Scary Sound Effects)- TheOminousEffect

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