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Kingdom of Bahrain Ministry of Education

Jidhafs School Secondary Girls English Department

A collection from Previous

Final Exams

Eng 217

Selected by: Masooma Altammar

Supervised by: Ahlam Yousif

Principal Assisstant: School Principal:

Mrs. Ghanyah Al Nashabh Mrs. Asadyah Al Khalow

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Kingdom of Bahrain




Exam 1:

Reading 1 (16 Marks)

Read the following article and answer the questions below.

You eat all the right foods and do plenty of exercise, so why aren't you losing any of that extra weight?

Perhaps you need to think about a daily diet and exercise plan which tells you when you should be eating,

drinking and exercising in order to burn fat more quickly.

Try to start the day with a cup of green tea. Green tea wakes you up and gets you ready for a hectic day

ahead. You will feel upbeat and active and at the same time your metabolism will be off to a good start,

burning up those extra calories.

The next step is to stock up on carbohydrates and liquids. This will help to give you the energy you will

need to get moving. Try to eat breakfast an hour after exercising so the carbohydrates will be turned into

energy and not be stored as body fat. It's also a good idea to eat plenty of unprocessed carbohydrates

such as fruit, yogurt and rye bread.

As you make your way through the first part of your busy schedule, don't forget that mid-morning energy

boost. Eating just three meals a day makes the body store more food as fat. The secret of burning fat is to

eat little amount at regular intervals throughout the day. Keep away from unhealthy food like ice cream

and chocolate, though! A banana or a kiwi fruit at around eleven will give you all the energy you need.

At around noon it's vital to drink lots of water. Water will help to take the edge off your appetite as it will

fill you up. Experts recommend drinking cold water, as your body will have to use up calories just to warm

it up!

It is always important to eat lunch earlier rather than later. The later you leave it, the easier it will be to

fill up on fast food to satisfy your hunger. Try to plan your lunch menu and choose light carbohydrates

and proteins such as tuna or chicken sandwiches accompanied by raw vegetables or fruit. Now, by mid

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afternoon, you will find that your stress levels are on the rise again. That means that you are in need of

fuel to keep you going through the rest of the afternoon. A small sweet snack would be the perfect

choice. Try dried fruit, a banana or some fruit yogurt.

The next step is the evening meal. It is important to eat an hour or so after your evening workout. This

will replace some of the energy you have lost so that you will be able to get up and get going again the

next day. If you plan well, this meal can be an important part of your fat-burning day. There are certain

foods and spices that will actually help your body to burn up any unwanted calories, such as red peppers,

chilies and ginger. These will make your nervous system work faster and raise your body temperature,

which in turn will burn more calories. Don't leave your evening meal too late, though as you need to give

your body time to absorb the food before your sleep.

Then, instead of sitting down in front of the TV for those last few hours of your busy day, why not try a

few deep breathing relaxation techniques. This will guarantee that your body is calm and ready for that

deep sleep that you need to get ready for the next day.

So, eat regularly, drink lots of water, keep active, relax and sleep well. You too will be well on the way to a

fat-burning routine that will keep you healthy and slim.

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A. Which title describes the article best? (2 Marks)

1. How to burn calories in the evening.

2. How to burn fat all day.

3. How to keep away from unhealthy food.

B. Choose the best answer. (12 Marks)

1. According to the text, how can people burn fat more quickly?

a. By having a daily diet.

b. By doing regular exercises.

c. Both a & b.

2. What is the best time to eat breakfast?

a. An hour after you wake up.

b. An hour after exercise.

c. An hour before exercise.

3. Why is it recommended to drink lots of water at noon?

a. It increase your energy.

b. It boosts your appetite.

c. It controls your appetite.

4. What type of food helps in decreasing stress levels?

a. Dried fruit.

b. Dried fish

c. Both a & b.

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5. Which meal plays an important role in burning the fat you gain all day?

a. Morning meal.

b. Lunch meal.

c. Evening meal.

6. According to the text, how can people prepare themselves for deep sleep?

a. By practicing breathing methods.

b. By reading stories about relaxation.

c. Both a & b.

C. Is it important to keep fit? Explain your answer. (2 Marks)




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Reading 2 (16 Marks)

Read the following article and answer the questions below.

E-books - the books of the future?

A few years ago, nobody could have imagined buying a whole dictionary or encyclopedia

on CD-Rom – but we do now, and it’s a booming business. Are e-books set to take over

from the printed word? Well, some multimedia companies are predicting that, in a few

years' time, production of newspapers and magazines will have been halved, as we will be turning to our

computers to get the latest news. But how do people feel about reading their daily newspaper, or even

their favourite novels, on their computers screens? Would you be happy to get your newspaper on the

screen, or do you still prefer turning those pages?

It is certainly a question that we are going to have to think about soon. Technology produces new

products every day and the publishing industry is already showing great interest in the future of the e-

book. Many newspapers are already online; and you can read them on screen at home, or even on your

mobile phone.

As for e-books, despite the fact that the technology has not been fully developed yet, and an e-book that

you can carry about with you is still much more expensive than an ordinary book, researchers claim that

soon e-books will become much cheaper than paper versions, and will be much more popular.

It looks as if people are already interested in the general idea. Stephen King, the best-selling writer of

horror books, posted his newest short story on the internet and it sold more copies in its first days than

many of his printed novels had. To publishers, this meant the arrival of the e-book! Well, is this really the

end of the book and the newspaper? I doubt it, and it seems that even Stephen King agrees. Despite his

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success on the internet, he does not seem to think anything can replace the book! However, it takes

much longer for us to read on the net. Did you know that we can read 50% more quickly on paper than

we can on a computer screen?

People simply prefer paper. It doesn't matter how many books, magazines or newspapers are produces –

we never stop buying them. It seems that we like the feel of books and magazines – we like to put them in

our bags or pockets and take them out on the bus or the train on the way to work. We like to sit and read

in the park or on the beach.

Nevertheless, by the time e-books have become as widely available as printed ones, it is likely that at

least some of us will have changed our minds.

Even if we haven't, it doesn't matter, as there is probably plenty of room for both books and screens.

Publishers will be delighted to cater for those who prefer to use a screen, but paper lovers shouldn't

worry, as the printed page will undoubtedly keep its place in our lives. There is even news that MIT will

have come up with a compromise soon – a system where we can tell our computers what we want to

read, and then they will print our own personal newspaper for us. The difference will be that we will only

have to read about things which interest us. Just think – if you hate the business section, you don't have

to order it. If you dislike tennis, you can request only the football results. It sounds like this could be good

news for everyone!

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A. Which of the following best describes the author's main idea? (2 Marks)

1. Books are old fashioned.

2. The printed word will never die.

3. E-books will replace paper books.

B. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F). (12 Marks)

1. It is predicted that the number of newspaper and magazines will be less in the future. ( )

2. The author thinks that ordinary books are more expensive than e-books. ( )

3. Stephen King's short stories were sold more quickly on the net than in the ordinary book stores.( )

4. According to the text, people spend more time when they read on paper than they do on a

computer screen. ( )

5. The author suggests that people do not get offended when they carry books out with them. ( )

6. In future people will be able to choose any part they want to read from newspaper. ( )

C. What form of books do you prefer: E-book or paper book and why? (2 Marks)




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Exam 2:

Reading 1 (16 Marks)

Lottery Winners

1. Most of us think that if we won millions in a lottery, it would solve all our problems. In fact, winning the

lottery often brings big trouble. Take the case of Cindy, who won a $2.5 million prize ten years ago. As

with many winners at first she was excited. She soon got a shock; however, when her friend said, " What

right did you have to win?" Cindy had hardly ever bought lottery tickets; her friend had been buying

tickets for years and really needed money. She had even planned to go with Cindy to buy those tickets;

but at the last minutes, she couldn't go. Somehow, she felt Cindy had cheated her. Other unpleasant

surprises came from her own family. Her mother thought Cindy ought to share the prize money with her

sister. When Cindy disagreed, she and her mother didn't speak for six years.

2. William Bud won $ 16.2 million in the lottery and was broke five years later. What was more, his

brother was in jail for hiring someone to murder Bud and his wife for the lottery money. Bud said he was

happier before he won, when all he had was a job with a circus. After he won the money, friends and

family begged or borrowed money from him, and several businesses he started up failed.

3. Of course, there are happy winners too. They tend to have close family ties. Many of them also have

strong religious faith and a firm sense of who they are. Lydia Neufeld won $ 17 million in 1990. She and

her husband, Dave, bought a church for their Spanish-speaking community. Dave gave his family business

to his employees.

4. But what about Paul McNabb? He was a baker who became Maryland's first lottery millionaire. He

received kidnap threats to his children, thieves broke into his house, and he lost the work he liked. Worst

of all, he also lost trust in other people – the loss "of being human." In spite of all this, McNabb said he

wouldn't give the money back. He enjoyed it. But would he do it again – relive those 20 years as a

winner? "No way," he laughed.

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A. What is the article about? (2 Marks)

a. How much money people can win.

b. How winning money can be a good experience.

c. How winning money can create problems.

B. Who had these experiences? Fill in the gaps with these names: Cindy, William, or Paul.

Number 1 is done.(12 Marks)

1. William was broke five years after winning the lottery.

2. …………………… had a friend who felt cheated by him or her.

3. …………………… had businesses that were not successful.

4. …………………… no longer trusted other people.

5. …………………… 's children were in danger.

6. …………………… didn't talk to a family member for years.

7. …………………… had friends that were always asking for money.

C. Do you think winning money can have a bad effect on the family? Why/Why not? (2 Marks)





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Reading 2 (16 Marks)

Read the following article and answer the questions below.

Can you feel the rhythm?

'Routine' is usually seen as a negative term nowadays, largely because we no longer belong to a society of

nine-to fivers. We live in what is fast becoming a 24 hour society, where everything is open all hours. You

can buy your groceries at midnight, book your holiday on the internet at 3 am, and do business online at

the crack of dawn. Before you join the 24-hour revolution, however, take a minute to listen to what your

body is trying to tell you – that a round-the-clock lifestyle is not what nature intended.

In an area of our brains called the hypothalamus, we have a 'body clock' that controls our body's natural

rhythms. It tells us when it's the right time to eat, sleep, work and play. It plays an important part in our

physical and psychological well-being. It is, in fact, what makes us tick and it controls many things

including our hormones, temperature, immune functions and alertness. It synchronises all these like a

conductor with an orchestra; it regulates tempo and brings in all the different instruments on time to

make music rather than random noise. If we try to ignore our body clocks, or even to switch them off for

a while, we not only deprive ourselves of much needed rest but we also run the risk of seriously damaging

our health.

Ignoring your body clock and changing your body's natural rhythms can not only make you depressed,

anxious and accident prone, it can lead to much more serious health problems. For example, heart

disease, fatigue, ulcers, muscular pain, and frequent viral infections can all result from trying to outsmart

our body clocks. Altering our patterns of sleeping and waking dramatically affects our immune system.

While we sleep the body's repair mechanisms are at work; when we are awake natural killer cells circulate

around our bodies and cause more damage. Our digestive system is affected, too – high levels of glucose

and fat remain in our bloodstream for longer periods of time and this can lead to heart disease.

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Unfortunately, we were not designed to be members of a 24-hour society. We can’t ignore millions of

years of evolution and stay up all night and sleep all day. We function best with a regular pattern of sleep

and wakefulness that is in tune with our natural environment. Nature's cues are what keep our body

clocks ticking rhythmically and everything working in harmony. So, next time you think a daily routine is

boring and predictable, remember that routine may well save your life in the long run.

A. Why has the writer written this article? (2 Marks)

1. To tell people about the health problems of having a daily routine.

2. To persuade people to have a standard daily routine.

3. To show people how they can ignore their body clock.

B. Answer the following questions. (12 Marks)

1. How do people see routine nowadays?


2. In which area does the "body clock" exist?


3. List two things that the body clock can control.

a. ____________________________ b. __________________________________

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4. According to the text, when do people get health problems?


5. What happens if we change our sleep patterns?


6. What keeps our body clocks work rhythmically?


C. Is it important to have a daily routine? Why/Why not? (2 Marks)




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Reading 3 (18 Marks)

Read the following story and answer the questions below.

Air Adventure

Kate felt very excited as she climbed the steps and boarded the plane. It was the first time she had ever

traveled alone and she was looking forward to the adventure. She was going to visit her aunt and uncle in


She found her seat and made herself comfortable. She felt a little nervous when the air hostesses told the

passengers what to do in an emergency, but once the plane had taken off, she soon forgot her worries.

She gazed out of the window in amazement as the English countryside grew smaller and smaller beneath

her. Soon, the plane was high above the clouds and Kate felt relaxed and happy. She closed her eyes and,

before long, she was fast asleep.

Suddenly, a loud roaring noise woke her. She opened her eyes and looked around in panic. The air

hostesses were walking down the aisle. They looked scared, but they spoke calmly to the passengers and

told everyone not to be afraid. "What's happening?" Kate asked. "There's a small problem with one of the

engines," Replied one of the air hostesses. "It's nothing to worry about."

Nevertheless, Kate was worried. The roaring sound grew louder and louder and the plane began to rock

from side to side. Some of the passengers screamed. Then, the pilot announced that they would have to

make an emergency landing. Kate fastened her seatbelt and gripped the edge of her seat tightly as the

plane went down.

The plane hit the earth with aloud bump and raced along the ground. Kate saw trees and plants rush past

her window. When the plane finally stopped, the passengers cheered. Everyone was relieved that the

worst was over. Kate smiled as she got onto the bus which would take her to the nearest airport.

"Traveling alone really is an adventure!" she thought.

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A. Read the following events and put them in the correct order. Number 1 is done for you. (12 Marks)

a. Kate heard aloud noise. …………..

b. The plane began to shake. …………..

c. The plane hit the ground. …………..

d. Kate boarding the plane . 1

e. Kate was uncomfortable when the safety instructions were demonstrated. …………..

f. Kate fell asleep after the plane took off. …………..

g. Kate held to the seats strongly. …………..

B. Match the words from the box with their definitions below. (6 Marks)

gazed out countryside roaring aisle gripped relieved

1. Feeling happy because your fear has been taken away. …………………………….

2. Making a continuous loud deep noise. …………………………..

3. Took hold of something firmly. ……………………………

4. looked steadily for a long time. ……………………………….

5. A passage between rows of seats. ………………………………….

6. Land outside towns and cities with fields. …………………………………


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Model Answer

Exam 1:

Reading 0ne:

A) 2

B) 1. c

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. a

Reading Two:

E-Books – the books of the future?

A) 2

B) 1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

Exam 2:

Reading 1:

A) C

B) 1. William

2. Cindy

3. William

4. Paul

5. Paul

6. Cindy

7. William

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Reading 2:

A) 2

B) 1. They see it negatively/ as a negative term

2. in the brain, called hypothalamus

3. a. our body’s natural rhythms b. Hormones/ Temperature/immune

function & alertness

4. if they ignore their body clocks/ change their body’s natural rhythms/

switch off their body clocks/ if their patterns of sleeping.

5. our immune system and digestive system will be affected.

6. Nature’s cues/ we function best with a regular pattern of sleep and

wakefulness that in tune with our natural environment.

Reading 3:

A) a. 4

b. 5

c. 7

d. 1

e. 2

f. 3

g. 6

B) 1. Relieved


3. gripped

4. gazed out

5. aisle

6. countryside

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