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Page 2: A Cop's Legacy: 2.1 Defeating Grief

Last time, our founder Madison Greene passed away, leaving Elissa to pass the legacy torch to Carter Ryan Greene. Carter is a Leo who loves Indie music, Goopy Carbonara, and the color White. He enjoys playing the piano, showing off his Virtuoso trait, and playing chess, showing off his Genius trait. He’s also a Hopeless Romantic, finding love with his childhood sweetheart Sharon. Sometimes, our heir can be a little Absent-Minded and he Loves the Outdoors.

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Now, to continue the Greene family story.

Bennett and Kerri moved out the next evening after work. They’d been saving up for a house of their own in case this day were to come and were able to afford a classy three

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bedroom home across town. Daisy and Danielle were sad to be leaving their grandma and didn’t really understand what was going on, which made leaving his mom even harder during such a sad time.

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Elissa dealt with Madison’s death the best she could, hiding her deepest grief from Carter and Sharon. Shouji became like a baby to her. She nurtured the little puppy, playing with him and teaching him good doggy manners.

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She also threw herself into learning. When they say you can’t they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, in Elissa’s case they were wrong. She threw herself into learning cooking and handiness in order to provide for her family while she still could.

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She also spent time with her family, inviting Aly and Bennett over whenever she had the chance. Aly usually brought Julia or Ashleigh with her and the girls were growing like weeds.

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Because of Bennett and Kerri’s hectic work schedules, Elissa also offered to babysit the twins. These moments filled her heart with joy.

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She hated leaving the girls at the end of the day, but realized they were getting a proper upbringing with parents that loved them.

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Carter saw the pain in his mother’s eyes no matter how she tried to hide it. He also knew the joy that her grandchildren brought her so, of course, he was all too willing to continue the legacy and start his own family with Sharon.

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He also threw himself into maintaining the house. Now that his father was gone, he knew keeping the home beautiful was a responsibility he must uphold. It was important to him to make sure everything ran smoothly, even if it meant repairing the kitchen sink several times in the same week.

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Sharon soon found herself experiencing morning sickness, but she didn’t want to alarm Carter or Elissa until she was sure. After all, it could just be food poisoning or a bout with the flu.

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In order to pursue her lifetime wish of maxing out three skills, she also decided to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Athletics became extremely important to her and she was constantly exercising in the basement gym.

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She also took a note from her husband’s virtuoso side and started playing the guitar. She wasn’t very good at it and soon moved on to trying to max out the skills which she needed for job promotions at the newspaper, charisma and writing.

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Through all the hustle and bustle of a normal work week, Shouji was often neglected. He aged into an adult and picked up the adventurous trait soon after. He would often wander around the neighborhood sniffing out things of usefulness to the Greene family. He brought back many beautiful gems and large space rocks.

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Sharon sprung the news of her pregnancy to Carter in the kitchen a month or so after she first suspected she was expecting. He took the news extremely well

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He immediately placed his cheek on Sharon’s swollen belly, trying to listen to the little one inside. The couple couldn’t wait to tell Elissa that they’d have a little one crawling around the Greene home again soon.

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While on maternity leave Sharon spent a lot of time writing on the computer in the study. Working from home, she kept a steady income, writing articles for the home and garden section of the Sunset Times.

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Carter continued working at the police station. He saw Bennett on a regular basis, though the two worked at different levels within the department. On lunch breaks, Carter would catch up with his brother. The rest of the time he was working on large cases, examining finger prints and other evidence.

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One afternoon, while visiting the day spa for a massage and facial Sharon went into labor. The people around her started to panic, but she quickly hailed herself a taxi to get to the hospital. On the ride, puffing through the pain, she called Carter.

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Carter rushed to the hospital from work…in fact he ran the whole way around central park to get to the hospital.

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Sharon’s labor wasn’t very long and soon the couple welcomed Dakota Madison Greene into the world. He was a big baby at 9 pounds 5 ounces. He was born with the Loner and

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the Clumsy trait. It was also clear that Sharon had gained more than the baby while sitting at a computer desk most of her pregnancy.

Elissa was thrilled at the arrival of Carter’s first son and her second grandson. Memories filled her mind of when her boys were kids and she couldn’t wait to create new memories with the little treasure in her arms. The pain of Madison’s passing was finally beginning to fade.

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So Carter’s started his journey as the legacy heir and he and Sharon welcomed baby Dakota into the world, easing the pain of grief among the family. Stay tuned for more and, please, leave comments on my LJ with constructive criticism, etc.

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