Page 1: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

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Page 2: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd


ligiodoction 3

Soups & Starters 5


Poultry 23

Meat 3/

Egg & Cheese Dishca 45

Marla _51

Desserts and Pudding:. 55

Page 3: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Introduction For me, simplicity is the key to good cooking. Simple, fresh ingredients of the best quality you can afford, lovingly prepared.

Beware, though, of confusing simplicity with mediocrity. How often do people think that a well done steak 13 3 An ightforward thing to prepare? So easy they say. Yet to cook a plain steak to Out it Lsalightly charred on theoutside, its fat crunchy and golden. but not oily, and it remains pails and tender inside is not easy. It all depends on the thicknessandqtwlky of the meat. temperature of the grill and so on.

The other great seers, as Elizabeth David noted in Frew* Country Cooking, is know your limitations'. Many a reputa-tion for skilful entenaining has been founded on the abilhy to cook one dish to perfection. 11 doesn't matter it or if your repertoire of dishes is small - though you have over 60 in this hook to choose from. Some of the hest cooks I know produce only halfw-down dishes. lout they cook them no well that it is always a pleasure to be invited to their table.

Neither do your dishes have to he grand. Frankly. I would prefer cauliflower cheese with a smooth. creamy sauce and hunks of

fresh bread and butter. or a good heef mew any day. to a more ambitious dish that was ill conceived and fell short of as promise.

This doesn't. of course. mum that you shouldn't be prepared to experiment with new ideas. So you will find in this book recipes for both simple evetyclay dishes and more mak feasts Which-ever you choose, enjoy

at. 14'4'7

Page 4: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Celery, Apple and Tomato Soup

Colin White

as Winter, Crickiade

.4 soft slimmer. soup that reminds me for some strange mason of palettes of the debcale emulsion you see in the

11' ads. Bus don ?Wpm off- I 1 vtsies great'


3 0: 0581 laula^ oaf 8. (5250) agora or reek, anion! freshly from fbiack peppe,

(225)1citienetheAlnd 2 AP (4 Ag) celery. rhappea For. prtuNir ;Nan (475 1/1,1cbra rot or ler,/ appirs, ebapped

21b (I IV e.g.', ripe had., rbapped CRAMS

1 (450,0 &miry apples. pxwa.a .1.84 cream NOM) reoprrt

Melt the butter in a large pan and gently soften the onions or leeks. moots and celery for 15 minutes or so, with the lid on .

Add the stock, tomatoes. apples and season to sane with salt and pepper. Strutter gently for 30 minutes.

Roan the soup in a food worms.' or blender, then pass the

purée through a sieve. Return the soup to the pan and reheat. Check the seasoning and serve garnished with pieces of

chopped apple and croOtons soda little Crean, if liked.

Page 5: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

lin.001,100 pepper lablespaou Oar as

"ablespoo. ^bear alaspar lablespa. reader rem4 mono', zruawl

.X.,..S11 and dry the mushrooms. Season with sal[ and pepper.

Heat the oil and vinegar in a pan with the coriander seeds. When hot drop in everything else including the mushrooms

and cook wildly for 5-6 minutes,

Lift out the mushrooms and boil the sauce rapidly to reduce by hall Pour it back over the mushrooms. Cover, chill for ages and eat there later. Remove and discard the bay boll before


7b4s teas for Secvn rren years one aline most papu)ar

starters f ever served in ray retiteninenis fret the fresh coriander, not parsley, is essential.


fa OS0,0 swalbolam Nuesbrmea, I &a pee ri7 kmon, na 1.1 oreA ear sbk

I labiespo. agog.. amain

tie (22 5 11 rag la son and rbefr Ake

Curried Parsnip Soup

arve Ise bercunficbdef's Brasserie. ;Jammu's. upon Tyne


2 . (50g)biaur sag I amp. Ps,* .rlblaN pePYr aa, 2100 V1PunHPCprOsaa4•40kopeel jal. 0. kraal 1 brapra lableVaa. 1 auyolks

pisr(600101) (150 dioul. cream

Melt the hurter Ina large pan and sweat the canton for 2 minutes. Add the parsnips and cook for shout 5 minutes. or until softened. Stir to the curry powder and mock. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15-22 minutes, or until the parsnips are tender,

Putt-eche soup in a food processor or blender and memo it So a clean pan. Season to taste with salt and pepper, add the lemon juice and reheat the soup until hot but not boiling.

Whisk together the egg yolks and crearnand gradually stir into the soup. Serve hot,

Greek Mushrooms


Page 6: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Aubergine Caviar

Ear thin ugh ha taunt and a wedge of lemon. And a glass of iced vodka_


Swaim ralseralmes 6*.t. Otopprd -51..Wrspomur saes all sod

d t"m.agawrd frerptygmuadMaeapepper

Bake the aubergines in a preheated oven, 375°F;190°C (gas mark 5), for about 30-10 minutes, or until black. Allow to cool, then can the aubergines in half, from top to bottom, and scoop our the tender pulpy flesh_

Heat the oil in a pan and gen tly sautE the onions an they are transparent. Add the baked aubergine pulp and tomatoes and stir the mixture over a low heat for l-2 minutes, Season to bate with salt and pepper and turn into a serving dish.

Chill welt and serve very cold.

Parcels of Smoked Salmon witb Yogburt Cream Sauce

Shan Holland in Meta,. Court, Bishops ranbblook

Make this in small quantities as a starter and larger/or a

iamb or supper main dish.


Sabres qfmrAnd adv.. fn che dam rprigs of Maw ra,opped room ,hpfid (150.)4.61enwar

fk,b, io gar.U6 (1501■I)brefel

For Mrs of, kw.

co PS sabre.....r.g. altar, to lode (aptkwy1)

in (25 g) mead In. /Ma NOP 'Apia, (LW n11) doh. rnA. PIA 4 grobtadblach pepper

To make the mousse, puree the salmon trimmings and

smoked trout inn food processorot blender, then rub through a very fine sieve. Place the purée in a bowl and set over crushed ice. Using a wooden spoon, gradually beat in the

cream Until the mixture has the consistency of a light mousse .

To make the sauce, carefully mix together the cream. yoghurt and lemon juice. Add a kale sugar if you want some extra

sweetness and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Place a spoonful of mousse in the centre of each slice of smoked salmon and fold over to forma nest parcel. Pour some of the sauce on to four individual plates and arrange two

parcels on each. Garnish with the dill and a little chopped


Page 7: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

sowed) tam rivot


Flu the mffing

I an OS dame I snail wk.. floe. a.m.,

(/04) ebuppui

1 ...pooh dropped

Salmon Pate with Watercress Mousse sexvea •-s

Wt. (700 x) bag! Om plarab port dNra peppy or Me ars M.Mus.*

Nark beam rh. a fr. (65.1)4... ow.

14 (450g)sadea...

Forth. 0.10.1a

fr., ex (65 s.).A., ss,,nos (s•s n1)..0

vs (W..) haw

To make the panda, or dietician on to a piece of paper. Bring the milk to the boil with the butter. Remove from heat, then

tip in all the flour and beat by hand or in a blender until smooth. Season well with salt pepper and a little mace and allow to cool. Skin and bone the brill and process in a food processor or blender with the panda wail smooth. Add the

beaten eggs and cream_ Check the seasoning and whin again fora few seconds. Alternatively, pound the fish well M a bowl before adding the other ingredients.

Remove the skin and bone horn the salmon. Pound the flesh, season and shape into a mg about 8 inch. (20 cm) long Place half the white rob mixture in the bottom of a greased211)(900 g) loaf tin, lay the salmon in the middle and cover with the

remaining white fob cream. Smooth the top and tap the tin firmly on the table to mmove any air. Cmur with buttered foil. Place Inside a terrine or roasting Cm half-filled with water and pop Ina preheated oven, 350PF/180fiC (vs mark 4), foe 45 minutes, or until firm to the touch. Remove from the oven, place a 1-2 lb (450-900 g) weight on top and leave omit cold.

To make the watercress mousse, wash and pick over the watercress, keeping as much stalk as possible. Dry well with Andrez Mr. kitchen towel_ Place in a fond procetrior, chop finely and then add the remaining ingredients. 'Whiza fora few

seconds until well mixed. Abernatively, chop the watemress very finely before stirring in the other Ingredients.

Terrine of Pork

I think tern.xa should not be made for vectftc mats bat owned as part of a troll owned larrierfor yams to

eat as and when you want

SfAVC, -6

4. (KO 44) 1wr6'a mrdwa' Yee.,

=wed ar(100x)frork.Mored

I a, r (50g)ft.b at. .eadmds 2 tabiespown Inlay 12 Alms* nssn Near. .1 aatt dakN



Cot the pork fillet in half lengthways and beat with a rolling pin to flatten. Use the bacon to line a buttered 2 lb (900 g) or

medium terrine or loaf on.

To make the stuffing, melt the butter M a pan and soften the onion Add the mushrooms and cook briskly for 4 minutes. Stu in the herbs. then tip the mixture on to a plate to cool down.

When cooled, add the minced liver, pork, tneadcrumbs,

brandy and pistachio nuts. Season to mare with plenty of salt

and pepper.

Put one-third of the stuffing into a prepared tin and cover neatly with half the pork fillet. Tip somber third of the stuffing on top of the pork and cover with =other layer of pork fillet. Top with the remairiing sniffing mixture. If any

bacon is left over or overhanging the tin, fold it over neatly. Cover with bummed foil and place Inside a roasting tin half-

fdled water. Bake in a preheated oven, 325T/160PC (gas

mark 3), for hours, or until firm. Remove from the oven,

place a 2113 (900 g) weight on top and chill for at least 24 hours.


i mincer/a. a rpm... can null... lo pulp. Aluque use wins/m..4 tainusok. wbe. poss.. V war .v.e. surougb bola*. anvotin, cud..

F. du

21mr.s at ....T. %frha (ISO .0) %Ma (/S0- a)6abkrrraa

0-e apes Aul grma.ry ranpe dasb qcsnnenspeppe. art 4..N.WIce


Page 8: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Tomato Sauce MAKES ABOUT ',BAB,. (30081)

I taNnpon odixe o0 learp... fir. tempo.

I med.. a.te.lf.rfrb^PPad Or. MO

.1 elbow et, gergL [bopped I laiespeBn rIA*Beal pAAArA,

le (W0g)teatiessaau 1 'mg m.o.. slew

Heat the oil in apart and fry the onion and garlic until soft- Add the remaining Ingredients and cook over a low heat for 15

minutes. Puree the lot in a food processor or blender.

Th Ls sauce is equally delicious served either hot or cold,

Hof Onion Tarts

They say that only In Alsace mill Jou find a good onion tan- where they vary from a kited of pizza to a

high-aided quiche. Islet this one In the business.

A. it VES • 8a2 (225 I shennwa pun-for Verge ens( else i a r2)

I orhas (2011).Posew pal( pub, ialr.pruas awe era

nandelawan t your taut err

/or (10g)k.ler forearm rms. Mara MVPs', 2 Wye weSwe. Jamey aired Swab., fans

Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface re about inch (4-7 run) in thickness and use to line four 3 inch

17,5 cot) tartlet tins. Prick the bases with a fork.

Melt the honer in a frying pan and throw In the onion slices,

turning them until they are soft and transpatem.

Beat together the eggs and cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix in the onions and fill the pastry cases, Bake

M a preheated oven, 425.F/220°C (gas mark 7), for about 15

minutes or until set.

Decorate with the anchovy fillets and eat the tarts before they

Cbkken Liver Mousse

Ibis is best made in it ditAdual ramekins that you tip out on to white plates, winch have keen covered with chilled tomato sauce. Then delicately decorate with a sprig of smithy lettuce. Thin slices of hot roan are essential and

sweet white mine urlf chilled &great ulth It.

*P4vEs se

.(-0501)0beches Ppm C ot (SO g) Mae,

jrcebtprowel Mask peppre firelr cbnpped

la s euple legs powder 1 clew of ger., rbappra

*pm no esi) Yoe, spier

I tempo. ebspped 'paw

l,Peef LW./ midi-ream I amuse. Vara*

Se gg ;atm st(07y Lewes I tempo. (POWS parsley

Tawoato Saw, to Jen*, (Are page L))

0•Wrspow lawn pls.

Wash the chicken livers, removing arty wrings or baler green hits, and dry well on Andres Intro kitchen towel.

Melt the butter in a pan until it is foaming and fry the livers with

the onion, garlic and thyme for 10 minutes. Warm the brandy, pour over and flame it. Add the parsley and tomato puree and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook for a funkier 5 minutes. Allow to cool.

Meanwhile. make up the aspic with the water according to the packet instructions. Leave to cool.

When the hoer mixture has cocked puree it in a food processor or blender. Add the aspic and cream and leave until it begins to set. Fold in the egg whiles, then spoon the mixture

into one large dish or individual pots and chill until set, about 1-2 hours.

Serve with cold Tomato Sauce,



Page 9: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd


Prawns with Pernod and Mushrooms en Papillate

Err papillate lea NO-pottered name fa then bustness cry'baking 'heir-v.56W offish and the subtlest

°limb herbs, wrapped in a pared °lieu or greaseproof paper. to seal In Me flathurs.

fro aft Moak POP•r 1.0 Idv p.m.. or cv.apbb

(aapewiima as .ex), skaar■ arblespoana rbeppn partley

Mm the mushrooms with the cream. Pernod and sah and pepper to WIe.

Cut four hearts out of foil or greaseproof paper large enough to enclose four to five large shelled prawns or crayfish with space to spare around the edges.

Divide and place the crayfish or prawns on one half of the foil or paper hearts. Top with en equal quantity of the mushroom mixture and sprinkle with dm paisley_ Fold over the remaining half to enclose. Pleat the edges to seal securely.

Place on a baking sheet and rook in a preheated oven, 350°F/ 180°C fps mark 4). for 15-20 minutes. Serve immediately.

Salmon with Vermouth en Papillae ANY•S

a a raboodaviaas Meant rabapaa.rdry Yrrmeldb

(40g) bwarr, sale anaaa rout a. al awe net loam Imlay gramaiNackpetip+ bam4rid qf br1, sprigs (1mm be

the sa I I partlay, ibr example)

Cot four hearts out of loll or greaseproof paper large enough to enclose the fish fillets with space to spate around the edges.

Place each salmon fillet on nne half of the foil or paper heart

and dot with the softened boner Sprinkle with the lemon rind and juke and sewer over a good quantity of herb slangs 12ricale over the Vermouth and season with salt and pepper to taste. Fold twee die remaining half to enclose—so that you end up with a semi-oval shape. Pleat the edges to seal securely.

Place on a baking sheet and cook in a preheated oven, 350°F/ 180°C (gas mark 4), for 12-15 minutes, or until the packers are

well puffed up and the fish is just render. Serve immediately.

t MS.-roc. cboppea ass or boatal ..amass

3 rablespao.o damage cream 2 -3 lampoon.- ?mod

Page 10: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Sole with Mushrooms and Caper Butter en Papillote


t statist firer eboppea (sow hurler nde(4,peseg ea Etre).

easpoorrs anpped capers

Meal sail

, ..139 s) smsgsbroom. .tins

Mix the shallot with the butter, capers and salt and pepper to taste. If using eight small sole fillets then sandwich the pans together with half of the caper boner.

Cut four [leans out of foil or greaseproof paper large enough to enclose the fish fillets with space to spare around the edges.

Place the sale filletson one half of the foil or paper hearts. Dot with all (in the case of large fillets) or the remaining half of the caper bunt. Scatter over the mushrooms and fold over the remaining half to enclose. Pleat the edges to seal securely.

Place on a baking sheet and cook in a preheated oven, 350°F/ 180°C (gas mark 4). for 15-20 minutes. Serve immediately .

Trout with Dill en Papillate SERVE'S •

Mae Mg) boffin esbly Fern& popper

talarpoom depot I If



ca- (MI) =oho! same or roost

Cut four hearts out of foil or greaseproof paper large enough to enclose the fish fillets with space to spare mound the edges.

Mot the boner with the dill and salt and pepper to taste. Sandwich the trout fillets together Imo four pairs with the dill butter. Cut the smoked salmon or trout into thin strips and

loosely wrap, diagonally, around the fish I.-diets to give a

striped effect.

Place ends fillet on one half of the foil or paper heart and fold over the remaining half to enclose. Pleat the edges to seal


Place on a braking sheet and cook in a preheated oven, 350°F/

180°C (gas mark 4). for 20 minutes, or until the packets are well puffed up and the fish is just tender. Serve immediately.

kyLmA I L /iwes

,4k par,

eNvere44 ,42


Page 11: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Cod Fillets with a Saffrom Butter Sauce

Clive loiter at Michael's Brasserie, ,Vmeastle upon 7)ore

A Dickensian observer ont:tesaid The cod Is surety better than the salmon, ftlJust a question offasbion.'

Or words 1 Oar effecr Quite r1,01.


4 lop coolfillets, reglibba an. 2 liekapuons AM, ma. le se (3254754) rya 2 pod plocbes ebrpos. demi mire.

ere 8 or (2116 arr. . exceed

%pi (151).dbla / twasex sklmed. xtoin ink Itilted V.0.1(150 ■ 1) fgatqlsrfte (252) ,1.90.....

Place the cod fillets on a lightly bartered baking tray. Season the fillets with salt and pepper. Cook tightly under a preheated mill for about 6-10 minutes, until they are just cooked - the time depends entirely on the thickness of the fillets. Remove and keep warm,

Put the stock and wine into a pan and boil rapidly over a high heat until they are reduced by three-quarters. Add the cream and Saffron.

Bring hack to the boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat to very low and gradually add the boner, piece by piece. whisking constantly until it is well mined. Do not allow the SIIace to boil. Add the tomatoes and chives and check the seasoning.

To serve, place the cod at warmed plates and spoon over the MUM

Monlifisb Roasted with Garlic

roblerpoows ddre oil


wasp.= Myra. cater

Skin the fish careful. leaving no trace of the thin membrane under the skin, and remove the central bone. Wash and pat dry. Tie up wkh suing like a piece of meat

Peel two cloves of the garlic and cut into thin slices. Make some incisions in the fish with the point of a sharp knife and push in the diced garlic.

Heat 1 tablesrmon of the oil in a frying pan and brown the fish on all sides for about 5 minutes. Lift out the fish, season with sah. pepper, thyme, fennel and lemon juice and pal into a roasting tin along with the remaining oil.

Arrange the mot of the unpeeled garlic head, separated into doves, around the dish, put the bay leaf under the fish and cook in a preheated oven. 4257/220°Cfgas mark 7). for about 20 minutes. Five minutes before the end of the cooking time. pop the pepper drips into the roasting tin and stir the cream into the juices.

An-Ange the fish, wile and pepperon a sening dish and strain over the creamy sauce. removing the bay leaf. Carve the fish in thin slices_

Serve with grilled tomatoes and chive boner, The roast garlic is. of course, to be eaten.


abet It/ta r kg) re a elsoaqutt -1/41easpomftwel am* 2 beads qfpfump pr.. pr. Jake gf 1 kw.


,rI4 ,"4, PPP.; Neacbag paned ..0.ended, 4.111. Pita PAO

811. (Map Amble mat


Page 12: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Oriental Fisb in Fib Pashy

?Ns is much the sant e principle as the papiliate,

except Ian can eta the wroppirtg.

Sh Ryas

I thews flutes/110 pan, thawed

peso of atrese fide spin powder se* as

1 Wring was el■rol

calor/m/91u amp. tweed add

HAW" tared theedwf


sn.isitta'frsas t'itnaia ,

Ana* gromed Nash peptxe


lewd.. seas to sperm,. 2 as S.508)peeled pwwww

2 tabksperews yaw bead we on

Brush one-half of each piece fillip pastry with a lade sesame of and fold over to enclose. Place a cod or halibut steak on top of each folded Mere of pastry. Mix the ginger with the prawns, yellow bean or soy sauce, Chinese five spice powder,

spring ortiona and salt and pepper to taste. Spoon equally over the fish steaks.

Carefully enclose the fish by gripping each piece of pastry by do corners, pairing in the sides and giving the parcel a half.

turn twist to secure. The comers can then be folded back to produce a decorative effect. Brush with sesame oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Place on an oiled baking sheet and bake M a preheated oven, 550°F/180°C (gas mark 4), for 20 minutes, or Until crisp, golden and the fish is cooked. Serve immediately.

Sweet and Sour Fist, Kebabs 18RVES •

20(900 Liens hats fads are Mu '4 tnuphon maim

Oars "Withal H) upon at

11 any smaltemarms.0■010.1 fr.tO5 Pow, hhtt PraPfsff IQa.A dash Itehael

Yet the nyrr.. ■ , For

Ala pp Whams (.1501•1)Aamm/yogbari I ricnr ,lgank. crushed 411os (WO .4 drorIge meal.

Neches of rah fulot or/a kw.

I labkrpose chopped Fix rte Maine Load: I wasp.. chopped t Mrs


arasiraperar dry a.,

Mix together the ingiedients for the rrerrinade in a shallow

bowl (not aluminium), put in the fish and leave to mann:Ate

for about 15 minutes or so.

Blend the ingredients for the basting liquid. Thread the fish,

tomatoes and onions on to eight skewers and brush with the liquid. Cook the kehabs under a preheated moderate grill For 10 minutes, turning them and [waling them regularly.

Meanwhile. mix together the ingredients for the sauce in a howl and hand it round separately.

Serve with plain rice.


Page 13: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Mussels hi White Wine or Cider

Mussels are wonderful. They're delicious and not expensive- _mu ran des get them fors on

seaside boltdds as Jaw scramble rater the rocks. One of rbe best ways to cool. them ls In whlre wine or dry cider, hut any are also good stuffed in the

half shell or grilled Orb fiddle butter.

s•P vas •-i

Scrape 6 lb (275 kg) mussels carefully with a small, sharp knife, removing any seaweed or barnacles, and pull off their 'beards' - the hairy hits that hang out of the shells. Wash the mussels thoroughly in several changes of water. Discard any with broken shells and that do not shut when tapped. If any mussel seems heavy for its size, prise it open as it may be full of sand or mud.

Melt 2 or (50g) butter in a large pan and cook Mtge chopped

onions and 3 chopped cloves of garlic for 2-3 thanes. Tip In pita (300 mD dry whke wine or cider and bring to the boil.

Add the mussels, cover and thok over a high heat. shaking the pan occasionally, until the mussels open. Discard any that remain shut.

Sene with extra knobs of butter and chopped parsley and plenty of fresh bread.


Coriander Chicken PEPPPS 1-6

146644,46,44 041

I tattbpoottlber

4 a a -, st) airb, I larpr tars peeirl aM

Idt wbe

tempoop prima Ebb. or )4(froo

, babes of roan wear,

reey rbtfb r: bypcbs


Heat together the oil and butter in a large, heavy-based frying pan and brown the chicken piece, over a moderate heat. Add the Bathe, spices and caiandth Cook for about 10 minutes. turning the thicken pieces occasionally to coat them evenly. Stir in enough water tothver, about 8flo: (250m1), thver and simmer over a low heat, adding more water if necessary, for

about 20-30 minutes, or until the chicken is tender, Maraac the heat, add the diva and lemon and season to rase with

sak and pepper. Cook for a funher 8-10 ininuta, on until the awe is reduced.

Serve with rice or couscous.

4 46 rffingrpiopir Mat P.M

(Greek sr ha/I6c. rtlber Ibex

tar ipborrkb type)

I bb siteld

nit frablystobbalt peppey

22 23

Page 14: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Herby-fried Chicken with Cream Sauce smmvaS 4-6

3 • OA 1g) ‘ d edmigeste

%par emdiii were dud 11.4e. PIM, *Darla 1 ,/,. LI.e.).644.1..

8 or (215 VA. ,g)J6wr r apse. W(300 spaki. sack

.18.0888.864161.61.PP. -r,p41(80084)8861i ram. , lemPeraraftePPramelerare are Hera/wet ,86P88‘.8.s.8 .0.8118..8 bkaP818.

Remove the skin horn the chicken pieces. Place the chicken

in a large bowl (not aiuminium) with the buttermilk or milk and cream of tattered. ..tore and leave to marinate for 2 hours

Sift the flour and salt into a small bowl and stir in the pepper,

marjoram and parsley. Heat the oil in a frying part Par the chicken pieces gently with Andeex Ultra kitchen towel to remove any excess buttermilk, and dip them into the herbed Dour, to coat all over. Deep-fry the pieces slowly for 15-20 minutes, turning to brown on all sides and ensuring that they

cook right through 1)rain onabsorbentAndetrall/Ine kitchen towel.

To make the sauce, heat the bacon fat or butter in a medium-sized pan, add the Scar and cook for I minute. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the chicken stork Return to the heat and cook. mining constantly, until the sauce thickens .

Cook for 3 minutes, then remove from the heat and sue in the cream Season to torte with salt and pepper.

To serve, arrange the chicken pieces one Large plateand hand mend a howl of the hot cream mace separately. If the sauce needs. be reheats-d i d° not allow it fob.] or it will separate.

Breasts of Chicken Stuffed with Spinach and Mushrooms

Juan Martin at Sbarn8a, Bay H.84 tamale,'

7611885 6-6

2.188 the.o. ■ bailots or 1 saa8 oaf. mopped ''hor (Hx)1 Per

8 . C213 coal! T.a.rvnw passes .18818 ,1.8108

8 rabinp....rd sphowb '4* (15088)*8 f ...themes; Gapped

..fte., d .....PPn" I p. .0 8.6k crna6 gmap,ols r.p.6 coned araz

5nrakaaanmr fradygnr.dal.Mpepprr

Melt the butter in a pan and saute the shallots or onion until softened. Add the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the cooked spinach. season to taste with salt and pepper and add the chervil.

With a sharp knife, cut a lengthways pocket in each of the

chicken breaus and fill it with the prepared stuffing Lightly butter the breasts and wrap them in sepamte pieces of foil to loon loose but secure parcels. Place on a balcing tray and bake in a preheated oven, 425°F/220°C (gas mark 7). for 10-12

To make the sauce, melt the butter in a pan and saute the

shallots or onion. Add the stock. wine and mushrooms and boll rapidly to lettuce by three-quances. Add the cream and

cook for a minute or two longer to allow the sauce to thicken shghtly. The sauce should have a thin loafing consistency.

Season to taste with sak and pepper

Unwrap the foil parcela, lathe chicken breasts on to warmed plates and pour over the saucer

Page 15: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Tandoori Chicken

r/2•61254,8)60kim I kospesei Ws. et...ler seeds I beapoceIt a from* ands 14.1 qrf n00 rwlyFpr pay :+•d

4 don s* ovabeg l'Osegspeausal

I teaspoo..111pwarr 8.11 as (1,0 .1) matun4r4osimrt

gee o. fat fo Dull, pan op, inao. 1nwo. ir•dges,gars. feptiosol) vet, of corMier urgemnb


Chicken Paprika with Dumplings

[the couscous. MU recipe benefits from an elderly chicken. raiber than a blander. ring one- you Can

(ell an old chicken by as brown legs and white Means Since ibis is a typical eastern &IWO. club, such

as you might find in Hungary, paprika snobs should use Hungarian paprika, which should km your

shopping In shepoint offsissfration ,


4 • (1.74101414n1rm with Olds

(1.410 g) .v■ pepper. r nod sal 2 ksbiespar$ reg.* hu


War (5h sObogrer

tr ;Of nvb or card re..2.41 1 large a•iftall.dy r.ppea

3= Melte,

Year (IS i)grosa. peptUa sa

3,g scr(75.1) /web cr..

...P.n....NV 3.

Joint the chicken Imo 11-1.0 piece-s Heat together the IAd and boner in a pan and fry the onion until golden. Stir in the paprika and add the chicken pieces, together with the liver. heart and giblets. Season to taste with salt and cook the chicken joints over a low hear, in their juices, stirring frequently

After about 20 minutes, add the pepper, tormitoes, and a hide water Continue cooking with the lid on over a gentle hurt, stirring occasionally. for about 30-40 minutes, until tender. Mix the flour into the soured cream and add to the chicken. Pour the double cream over the chicken and bring to boil, mining constantly. until the sauce thickens slightly.

Serve hot with buttered dumplings.

Skin thechicken and Mint into eight pieces. With a sharplutife make two or three slits in each piece of chicken. In a heavy frying pan dry roast the coriander and cumin seeds. stirring constantly, until they rum a few shades darker. Grind too One powder.

Mix together the coriander and cumin pcm..dcr with the ginger, garlic, sail, chilli powder and yoghurt. Place the thicken pieces M a large bowl (not aluminium) and pour the yoghurt mitthre on top, coating the chicken pieces thoroughly_ Cover and leave to marinate othmight.

Place the chicken pieces and marinade on a baking tray and cook In a preheated oven,375°F/190.(gas mark 5), forabout I hour, basting with the ghee or fat and marinade occasion-ally, and turning the pieces on that they become evenly browned.

Place the chicken pieces without the juices under a preheated very hot grill for 5-7 minutes each side so that they become dry. Pour the lemon juice over the pieces before serving. They won't be. red m in some Indian re.mmnts because we are not adding artificial colouring! You can, but you shouldn't.

Garnish with the lemon wedges and coriander, if you him, and serve with some baked bread (Naar).


Page 16: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Chicken or Lamb Birlyani

71alls Is probably my javourife Inclinn meal- !Awe the taste of the slowly rooked meat and tbe saucy fade mgetartie


`bletupo0. grand claw 'b.. &pow gem , cardamom Van wool, MIN pe.der 1.4.00• rgrom Yazaryloos froslory gromul bkki. pepper leatlx. mom, I ...der

640 r ,erily eboppe4 tempo,. fixe.5. ellapixe Irak, ,,,na

,1 Oil (MO .1)aanoral yagbort it& e Lag kapa, salt

36119 1,)669•0 kam lamb (kg or Miller), nu bra . iolos, r 3.5 114 kgYeactua Jaem

01.4 61arge Mau Ilse& akar

Mix together the ground spices, garlic, ginger, yoghurt, lemon juice and Salt to taus in a Large bowl (nor aluminium) and stir in the Iamb or chicken, Leave to marinate for an hour or so Melt the ghee or butter and fry the onions until crisp and brown. Divide thecnions into two portions_ Finely mince one portion and mix with the meat and caplets. Set aside the remainder for the rice.

Then on to the complicated bit, which is to prepare the rice. Pala large pan three-pa.full with water and put in the spices wi th 1 dessertspoon not The salt will eventually be drained away. Bring the water to the boil and pour in the Patna rice. When par-boiled and the grains still hard, after about 5 minutes, remove from the heat and drain through a fine sieve. Do not remove the spires from the rice. When completely drained, place the rice on a may to cool and divide in half.

Mix the saffron with the his milk. Put one portion of the roe into a Large pan that has a tightly-fining lid. Empty the meat

and spices over the rice together with the remainder of the onions. saffron and milk. Cover the pan and bring to the boil Immediately it boils, turn down the heat as lowers possible and simmer for about Viz hours, when the meat should be tender.

Cook the renuincler of the bee until each grain is render and separate, then drain. When the rice is dry spread it our on a flat dish. Ladle over the meat and rice a.mre and decorate with had-bailed eggs, or almonds, cashews or sultanas - or some of each. Garnish, if you like, with fresh chopped coriander.

Breast of Duck with Ginger, Mango and Spring Onions

Stephen Ross at Homewood Park, Hatton Cbarterbouse

7-1,R ✓ ES

4.[1, Fes. %Ow 000 u0 )game err a.. uocli V. pis (150 eel) doable cream

kw Ave fJrreb mo , emgen gn4r. I *rig OMwvmeuemd mud 2jr.(50.011) Maar. fiqueme PAY aoPP. ,

Either buy six duck burns or remove the breasts from three ducks, using thelegsforat.her dishandthecarcassfor stock.

Grill the breasts until the skin is really brown and crisp and then cook them in I preheated oven, 450.F/251.8C (gas mark 8), for 5-10 minutes, until just cooked - the flesh must be mill pink. Pour off and reserve any juices.

To make the sauce, put the stork, ginger and Malibu liqueur in a pan and boil rapidly until they are reduced by half. Peel two of the mangoes and cur the flesh from the stones. Puree in a food processor or blender and beat into the sauce. Add the cream and cook for 1-2 minutes to thicken slightly. Jour before serving, stir in the spring onions.

Peel the remaining mangoes and slice them lengthways into thin shoes. Slice the cooked duck breasts lengthways and interleave the duck with the mango. Mum to the oven to

keep imam Pour the sauce on to individual serving plates and

arrange the duck breasts and mangoes on top.

Far as etc: 10 inbole News 10 bkra I peppercorn 10 whole nandamoe. poor 6 cfmnlek....

kW in Psaw Her, mt.. outman' foo rase, .5

Otaviseas saps,. rearpoaraamak

ern flit. posh . :recd bord-Ixthd tggr clopped °rams,

nalmar rEapp e. rraar room..!)

Page 17: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Roast Duck witb Cranberry Glaze 7111,1•8$

45•11.75.2254)freeqnser docil 7{Minpows ooreloar orrayireets 2 igYspocaF ino lake

Off or On audge.lertavck liar Wile Jar Irkdn berry traberry

Itablezpocon red Iei< orermverr sprig, ram( la santsb

Put the duck giblets and chicken stock in a pan, bung to the boll and sinner for 1 hour.

Wipe the bird with Aside= More kitchen towel and rub the skin well with salt. Prick all over with a fork. Place on a rack in a roasting tin and roast in a preheated overt 400°F/20CPC (gas mark 6), for 20 minutes per 1 lb (400 g), tasting occasionally. About 13 minutes before the end of the cooking time. baste the duck, sprinkle with flour and add the wine to the roaring tin.Increase the oven temperanne to 425 7F/220°C (gas mark 7) and finish cooking. Strain the i.uices into a bowl and skin off the fat horn the surface.

Meanwhile. mix together the cornflour and lemon Mice in a pan and stir in the strained giblet stock, skimmed cooking jukes and cranberry sauce Bring to the boil. stirring, then simmer for 3-4 minutes. Strain about one-third of the sauce and use it to brush over the duck itiglae it forabout 5minutes or to in the oven Pour the remaining sauce into a sauceboat and keep warm. Carve ate duc k. garnish with some watercress sprigs and serve with the hot sauce.


Fillet Steaks Béarnaise

A simple but delkibus dab. no not swamp it stab soggy vegetables as .they Send to in restaurants.

All this needs is a fete mmcbstkk chips or saute potatoes and a ;Waged tnntntetww

5•NY•S •

frba, P.PP., 5MISPOOM dropped Sarnwoo 4J9k1 Slade. nil l lath (25 co)1601 r fear/ow irbeeprpperroren oa ,ornery mashed

%sox (1511 I day leaf 61aMetpowo stronkTf Ler* • egg yolk,

on (iirxl Awar.m roam

Fur the benne, oaarainv sairasess radata,Argr chervil

2,kaftireyd.rrm ale

Put a good few twigs of pepper on each side of the steaks. batch with a link oil and leave to marinate for at least 1 hour at Meal temperature.

To make the sauce, pour the vinegar into a pan with the shallots, tairagon, peppercorns and hay leaf. Simmer until the mixture is reduced by half. Remove Rona the heat, discard the hay leaf and allow to cool. Place the egg yolks in a bowl with a knoh of the barer and pour on the vinegar mamre. Se the bowl over a pan half-filled wah very but water. Whisk well for several minutes, until the Mixture is very creamy. Add the boner a knob a a rime, whisking constantly. but do not overheat.


Page 18: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

When all the butter has been added and the sure has the oensisency of whipped cream, remove from the heat, Stir in the chervil and a little salt to taste. Keep warm by sorting the howl over another bowl filled with warm waxer.

Set a heavy frying pan or seek grtddle over a very high heat for 15 seconds, drop in the hurter and immediately put in the steaks. Turn over, reduce the heat Sightly, cook for minutes. mm again and cook fora further 3 minutes. Lift on toe warmed serving dish. Deglaze the pan with the stock, reduce a Ink, check the seasoning and pour round the steaks.

To serve, put a teaspoonful of bearname on the top of each steak.

Roast Sirloin Steak with Mustard sE127.11s

febkspoos nude wow. a- 441.5.541) *lab SAO lablesfroms 4.0 4 mbar pf analledlawan.

oaf .0 mom' pr4b4rrnavad Nock pepper Cooraftes

'Whisk together the mustard, oil, saltannpespper in a bowl (not aluminium), add the steak and leave to marinate for at leas 30 minas. Lift out the seek and place it on a griddle over roasting tin to collect the jukes. Cook in a preheated oven, 425°P/220°C (MU trunk 7), for 30 minutes, turtling frequently. Apply the remaining marinade as it cooks. Just before the steak is rea.dy, grill the bacon and tomato..

Carve the seek into thin slices along the grain, pour over any Miss from the rimming tin and serve with the crisply grilled bacon and tomato..


5.4311 noise panic. In a microwave-oven )71,1 stray thent la Amin. Menu Odic., nom, Also worts wig .1.5 baron_


Beef Stewed in Red Burgundy

ibis wonderful disk As served in ilfrelent ways dinageboth Dunce— Ina I redo. ten Is the ekenc may k prepare II. Do cook

rl slowly and, ilpossible, atoll n ta COO( OVertrigin owe coolard.

Sarril offanyfin from Of siface, rehostgenthy and sem..


3 ✓ (1.4 ORIN. Is% 1.1

15 aid, reapers of Wreak, boom Ace ,

OMw, sboalskr oraver)

1 large Wave,. of med,

5oeeo.r. ra+Bebveoppea

(150 Imp Madero or

5 4,44m41, n44,414y dropped

rery day abmy

5 shama roxgbly ebappe4

sm.' ners pa or nee! elk:pp,

3 r.2. of gar.. napped

pig's nod, (opiowa. 1 1 ireorkbe,

141.* th cone 1....affidly)

2- My fr.,



944 (05441ne.440r44.4.4


t or(1thg) baby *oar

abnbe ojred®aga.dy eM

Trim off excess fat from the beef ski cur it into small cotes Put ina Largebowlfnot alumnium)with theonions,canots.shalkm,

garlic- and herbs and pour over the wine. lease to rearirote overnight. Lift out the roes and strain and reserve the liquid.

Fry the bacon. without additional fat, ilia large loony-bared fon Add the a...tarsi brown it on all sides Pour alma the bsndy and tome, Add the Madeira or sherry and barely cover with the reserved marinade. Cover and simmer on a low hoot foe 3 hour. Add mac marinade if the anew 812.71.5 to be drying out.

Melt a lisle butter in a pan and fry the mushroom. Add to the meat and throw in the baby onions. Cookthe stew fora further l0-15 minutes. until the onions are tender. Seasontotase with sat and pepper and remove the tars foot or pig's trotter before serving.

Serve very hot just with boiled potatoes or plain pasta.


To 'Moue eaxess far or clown the surf,realm oust•de. sr a sheer co' /Mr.." Mum 0000ma to. I gem" y on roeaurtlt000dpatm ketAv Nepag ■ adthiasl ;ape r ulnl+bforarolt bas Aemalpsorbed.


Page 19: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Winter Beef Stew with Dumplings

This is a classic example of wonderful, simple English food, born ow of wqsedlericy. The dumplings awe put

to to stretch the meat, and ere Jukes front the beef taps into them, so you could almost consume yowarif that .,SM1 were eating a ho more meat.

settees - er

rests fie stIdelpmle tbg tgr 1./...1100 g)km laming°, brarbg

nath, g.at4iafr rrrma ma embed For ibc duo*, I It/(.150.0 mg, a axiom. Aged r es(t 75,1 eirmarlsclkor I uth•epoalar Sox/11V shredded' sae

(A XI al)Iree, sock t apnea rkpped panic" tapm losa.roperlIe sok

von ire., groat., Nark pepper freatoy gnats,/ 61putpepper inn, womb- 1 II MBA) carrou. cal ..... rbaake

(Om therm COMM oar peeled eas take rode, randpcianipapaisaam)

Melt Ma:dripping in a large. heavy-based pan and fry the ratan

and onions until well browned on all sides. Spricilde in the flour and mix well. Gradually add the stock and tomato puree. scaring constantly. Bring up to the boil and season generously with salt and pepper Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour. Add the camas her other vegetables, if using) and the hay leaf to the stew and simmer for a further

Meanwhile, make the dumplings Sift the flour nape bowl. Add the suet, parsley, and salt and pepper to torte, Gradually add sufficient skater and mix to form a soft but manageable dough. Divide andshape the dough in. eight small balls, tains floured

hands. Add the dumplings to the stew, cover and cook for a further 13-24 minutes, or until the dumplings are swollen, light and fluffy. Remove the hay leaf and serve immediately_


To awe carrots and math sienna In the refiwolor. Imp than In ANsfrer Plow WaWn lou r ax. Iptsce to opts,. Mg. Megan,

Mahan the moksOor thy corlinue lb lose .

Spaghetti with Meatballs

Them was a 'esti* sequence to 'The Codfother" about cooking meatbalis. Anyway althoughfonts mewl Is bers t yet

can we lefi ow, cooked meats equally well, f you use a

faisipmcessorelon t ower mince the meal oryou will get a paste which will result rn meal balka. Which as the fibn

barna out are for Wing people not finding Moab


10(4506 ...ref hnef 1 050 g) tormino.. skim A awl

...spaw mg.,' rbajOrd mfaeRberbs 1 uthleJpethosnmso pun,

I &trial/

lmsnynwwaxxkpryper so. (22.5 ,0 4,..+1.8...• r•auy al rwberorwe (pert

011.n rbopped grad Farrow. Oen, I, awes of gmrth,Pady ebappe4

or embed

Mix the minced beef in a bowl with some of the chopped

herbs and salt and pepper to taste. Divide and shape the mixture into small, round balls. Heat the oil in a pan and saute the onion and garlic for 4-5 minutes. Add the meatballs and

blown on all sides, turning frequently,

Add the KISTIPPICS, tomato puree, remaining herbs. bay leaf

and check theseasoning. Cover the pan and simmer gendy for

54 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in a large pan of brining salted

water for about 10-12 minutes (but cook fresh for 2-3 minutes), until it is just tender but still firm, al dente. Drain

well, then Lay the spaghetti on a large, warrneci serving dish and spoon the meatballs and their sauce into the centre_ Fish out the bay leaf and sprinkle with a Arne grated Parmesan

cheese to SeNe-

Page 20: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Lamb Stew with Aubergines

Om have rime, salt the aubergine dices, der them

sthearfor bay cm boar or so M a colander arid then thy them off dirbAndres Vara EriMbets rowel


rn (4SOg)uenErlsx a labierpowrbeppe e basil I 6 (450 afekwpoove rImpped enelmober 16 (+5,1 10 parrs imk& wuatlewrkp.1., 16 ( Yrkesprxr. grourod paprika .16 (15141freArr wca.e4 Idnasors 7fl et: (20000 lon.cno juke 11ablegpras or cave off tag

Trim off excess fat from the meat and cm a into cubes. Slice the onions and potatoes finely and cm the aubergina and tomatoes into largish pieces. Mace the meat in a buttered casserole and cover with the vegetables, the butter or oil and the herbs, pepper and paprika Pour over the tomatojukeand

season lightly with salt. Cover and bake in a preheated oven, 350V/ItlirC (gas mark 4), for 11/2-2 iumrs. Add some water

the dish becomes dry during cooking.

Lamb Noisettes with Tarragon SERVE'S

fmerr.r.der.P.PP., aq 4 ealgespoom broady

1or, OW Maw t ,Wesp.,.. rsypee We.

itOle WhIllf of Oak n.1 about Pablespooarehlaa acmes

, ..1.125.0s 1r1ei wk

Hum the oil with half of the butler in a heavy-based frying pan.

When sizzling add the miscues and cook until well-browned but MU pink inside — about 2../e3 annmes on each side_

Remove from the pan with a cloned spoon, season the nonetms on both sides with ma and pepper and keep warm.

Melt the remaining lamer in themme wand add the brandy,

tarragon and crtam , mixing w,11 Bring to the boil and reduce

slightly and allow the more to thicken.

To semc, spoon the sauce over the nogenes Serve immedi-ately with cmarned carom and green beans.

Al In I Mat s54 6Le_ 1,44,


al•41-1 ska., 5,, #4.7 r


Page 21: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd


This brings back memories of my first ever nataterant wbere I used to cook moussaka (without VINT baying

been to CrrOPCQ. of course). !would cook it and lel it get cold tben beat nap in the orichmtave next day, bmahse I retkon.fireably cooked moussaka ls greasy anti oily and We flavours imam quite amalgamated. RS up toy. but my

tip Is to cook it today and reheat it to the men or microwave tomorrow.


For tiw &dame] shirr large aae*fte, area b. al• se/Ja 'MAI (VP mi]

o ofoohtroppe.1 sr! coolere urkeee livelyinermacIblati- pepper

frowSlaciayr Mu say mks 'fag

r44vhoi4acar mamba Meer of came lableepao0 chap). rpasky they deaf ...pea• elvirped Ibrer or nunnery pan*, St011a bay leg, 2 os (54)6141ter

9 pa. (400g) cam lotexers.andeeel 2 tahlorpoom May low wit flesh 1'ra3 bkoh Pepper

es(Mg)cleeese grated

To make the sauce, heat the milt gently with the salt and pepper, vegetables and herbs. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. In another pan ma the butter and stir in the flour. Cook for a minute or so without browning. Strain the milk and, stirring all the while, pour on to the /mix. Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until Mick. Set the sauce aside

Heat some oil in a saute pan, enough to come about'/ inch (1.5 cm) up the side of the pan and fry the aubergine dB. until cooked, about 10 minutes. lift out the aubergine and Min on Andres Ultra kitchen towel, Fly the onion in the same ill until golden. Add the meat, garlic, herbs and 101119000. Season to taste with salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes over a high heat until there is not much liquid left. Remove the bay leaf.


Tip the minute into a shallow ovenproof dish and cover with the aubergine. Pour over the IA:charnel sauce, sprinkle with

the cheese and bake M a preheated oven, 400°F/200°C (gas mark 6). for 20-50 minutes.

Serve with boiled rite or pasta.

PS Before frying, you should malty salt the aubergine discs, In themsweat for 39 minutes and then dry them off with Andy=

kitchen towel.


Eke elwereex Mrs Weber. ictue3 In the ealexolave a a ...rag In place of aullha fbe Pa' me ncesaer or bur, I nereeese Aka

canneer Fie* low /falyfwar

Pork with Apple and Calvados

I never eat tali disb witbout thinking of tbe great Kenneth Bea in the days tuben be started the

nondairy Castle Restaurant. Come back from Andorra. Kenneth, Britain nem:hymn!

5- 1,,E,

best era cboA

V. ped frso iloaiils ens. .sod ad a lac /o nakspoos meat felly iclekb you

pima °herded ugge fume psia,Ifrom yor. pos.



I (25 klmener

fresleygram Ned prppre

1 weantre Iffeptueetos ease Wee, to voila (*dew!)

9.00,040k pwle

Season the chops with the sage and nutmeg. Pleat a frying pan until hot, melt the butter and cook the chops Bendy for about 5 mint,tes on each side (cook for longer. of course. if the chops ate a foot thick)

There should he some juice M. the part by now. so warm the Calvados, then pow over and name it. Remove the meat and keep warm.


Page 22: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Lamb's Kidneys in Cognac and Cream Sauce

A delicious plat' 180 one- Veda/1y them cook the kidneys a }Rae OWL

abort (6757,)lamen' Marys 108101w. dathie man Pabiaples. as sea. al. cbolnynt fred. Sr.." ,,,,a POW rane enabed leas {SS g)Inaln. taldevem snnowljtanr Pita. V.v.'

3.46irspeen.Gopor 2 teaspoon ante to

Skin. core and halve the kidneys and slice thinly or leave in halves as liked.

Heat the oil in a pan and saute the onion and garlic until transparent. Dip the kidneys lightly in the seasoned flour and add to the pan. Cook umil tender, stirring or turning over

frequernly, Pour over the Cognac, flame and leave until the Flames have died away.

Meanwhile, season the ream with salt and pepper. Stir into the kidneys. mixing well. Add the honor. sugar and mustard, stirring thoroughly and heat goody until lighdy thickened but do not allow to boil.

Serve hot with rice and a crisp salad.

Add the apple puree and exam to the pan and bubhk end thick. Then add you r rneatjelly to thin the sauce a little, season

to taste with salt and pepper and pour over the chops.

Serve with fried apple rings and broad beans Garnish with

sage leaves, if liked. Eat immediately.

Prune Stuffed Pork SFAver s-fi

Balers paws poi, • •1225 klt)S.6 2, PGA kw. Ina 'min t'sw.) mem siva

wt•eer4 bat avatiSbe riagrewered -Jr au (1-00) linpe anon

nap baVowittivaliagatiat in.661, lempeen migarreig(niy giavidgivilee

Pm the prunes in a bowl, cover with boiling water and leave

to soak fork) minutes, then drain and pat dry thoroughly with Andfcx Ultra kikhon LOwel.

Sprinkle the pork with salt, pepper and I teaspoon ground

ginger and rub them into the fat. Lay the prunes in the centre of the 171.1. roll up and tie with string, Place the joint, Fat side up. in a roasting tin and roast in a preheated oven. 375°F/ 100°C !gas mark 51. for 30-35 minutes per 1 lb (430 g).

When the meat is cooked. lit on to it heated serving dish and keepwarrn. Pour thejuices from thepn intoasaucesepai-ating Mg and leave to stand unlit the fat separates. Then add the

flour to the pan, stir and cock gently over a direct heat until browned. Strain off the fat from the jog, pour the Mims and stock into the roasting tin and bring to the boil. Simmer until the gravy is reduced by isms-third, then whisk in the cream. jelly and a little more ginger until the sauce is smooth and thick. Strain over the pork and serve.


Page 23: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd


The French invented this dish to use upset those odds and ends that country people used to keep In thew larders.

Nowadays, the ingredients pate a little seeking out. but ibis is tern] to partyfood wile buckets of

1W wine - double up the quantities alibis recipe.

SeAras r -6

r everes m. of or pemed10 21adkepoon Amato put ad.. IMO dee., p.a. dam. rbaa orgork stopped I lb (450Cdrfed Odle bailed

4 oz (MO pJ eds por IF or Mom I. tem welted orrodgbl awl oeepkw !raged

"a(WKe)detasto. offigek bored red anis/deco/1mA bated frcay,cokk. wear pox,

I piece hfpceschwlecnr - kioy I tosses pm* (bay leajc .ebysee

Poet Mee (norm) and Pass.), 3 as (2,751) seelIdlocoureci coarse. 1-5 Iable;000es /met oboe

gaily porkaatigatte smug, breaskooldu

Hear the oil or goose fat in a large pan and fry the amen and garlic until softened Remove the rind from the sak pork or bacon and shoulder of pork and cut it into cubes. Add to the onion mixture, increase the heat to high and brown the cubes on all sides, Remove the onion and rind mixture and net aside.

Dice the [Imhof the salt petit or bacon. shoulder of pork, lamb, and goose, if using, and chop the sausage, add to the pan and again rook until browned on all sides. Remove the error pieces andplace in a flarneprooftasscrolc with theonionmixture. Add the tomato puree and half of the water to the cooking pan and stir to loosen any sediment, then transfer to the meat mixture.

Add the soaked beans and remaining water to the meat mixture with salt and pepper to taste and the bouquet gami, mixing well Slowly bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with the ismadcrarnbs and bake in a preheated oven. 300.F/I -50°C (gas mark 2), for Vie} hours, pressing the crust down several limes during cooking

Remove the bouquet garni before serving and serve hot straight from the dish,

0:sciesEptr& "v)

Ratatouille Omelette

Allan Holland as Mallory Court, Bishops Tachbrook

SEZI /11, •


Fn the =code bililespookicald nicer

2 cwitergfritt shad


2 .ro.opeled, eleedd

ex(25.) dete. wee.


Box Ge.ydre cbers, gra.

, Itos ( es vs. / omit. eked

2 kcle reciPCPPerk seeded reed ad hdo adepd

1 doveincr.. chopped

Verge 4oeeMere, eld

chapped /mit, posed oloci pepper,

To make the ratatouille, put the aubergines and courgenes us a bowl, spnnkle with salt and leave for an hour or so to drain Pm dry with Andrew CIO. kitchen towel. Hear the other ail

in a heavy-bad shallow pan and cook the onion gently until soft. Add the aubergines, courgettes, WOWrs and garlic, cover the pan and cook for about 20 minutes. Add the tomatoes and season to Wit with salt and pepper, Cook for a farther 20 Minute,. so. Lind' the vegetables are soh but nor mushy. Keep warm.

Break the eggs Into a bowl and add the cold seater. Whisk lighdy with a fork, bur do DIM overheat - the eggs should jug he broken down. Heal an omelette pan and add a quarter of the butter. When if begins Co [urn brown, add 2 quarter of the


Page 24: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

egg minute to the pen and immediately whisk the eggs with a fork for a few scoands until the base of the omelette begins

to se. As soon as it is set over the base, spoon a quarter of the ratatouille along the middle and fold over. Tura out on so a plate. pour over a quarter of the double cream and cover with

qUiller Of the gored Cher-SC. Glaze foe 1 -2 minutes 1.1114er

preheated very hot grill. Ilse the remaining egg mixture and

ratatouille in the same way to make four ornekeres Serve as

they are cooked.

Classic Plperacle

Whatever you do, donT calf this scrambled gggs in the

Basque Connhy, because dm,* ftemarypin not of Oa dub and guile rightly so.


tn ..dbaae 2 red ad l rent pepper. seeded

cbopped npemnann, waned wand and chapped

I orn,e gam,tmely elmoped

v....fere pepper (or &new &space -savanna/ war/Sara S.Q.andrognite



Heat together some oil and butter in a frying pan and cook the

peppers, tomatoes. garlic plus all the spices and seasonings (intoning the sugar), until they are very soft. Brat the eggs

with a little cold water and His them in as for scrarthred eggs_

Fish out the boy leaf_

Meanwhile, fry the slices of ham or bacon and serve with the

piperade mixture,

PS Espellele is a small town in the Basque Country that is the renneof France's red pepper plater induany.The 10CalSand

the 00genal-enti wouldn't dream of using any other type_


Asparagus Souffid with Maltese Sauce

Allan Flatland at Mallory Coral, 130.4ops TacbOada

You have o adniff that Allan knows Err onions,

I mean asparagus.


6m<175a) agorae. RN.. I el ler dorrejegyattyie r footoesnul nod trir*E raeest Rani

e1'.S m Maser groin.. .we.. cheese

I lete.paor rbvppertcbeea


Fa the sauce ))pl. W. IRO an.

aid, as peelfl one,. Need If



ErvvER NVER XIV"' "amen

freningnanO wahrim

1106hwog Imo tfodce d mid.poo.

4 e17,a

6 ex (175 gl bun. ruIrd


Peel the top third of each stern of asparagus thinly_ Cut away

about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the woody stems and no inn bundle.

Cook. tips uppermost, in boiling salted water with a small

knob of butter for 15-20 minutes, until tender, according to thickness. Brain and cot into small pieces_

Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in a pan and cook the shallot for a moment, before adding the asparagus. Stir while the

moisture evaporatm, then lift out the shallot and asparagus

and put to one side. Add tie remaining butler, heal to meit,

then nir in the flour and cook for i minute. Meanwhile, bring

the milk to the hod. Remove the woe from the heat, mix in the milli, then return to the heat and cook for 1 minute. Stir

in the shallot and asparagus and season to taste with sat, pepper, nutmeg and myenne pepper. Beat in the egg yolks,

one at a time, and half the GroyAke or Emmenthal cheese_

Whisk the egg whims with a pinch oilman until they hold stiff peaks. Fold one-third of the whites into the asparagus

mixture. Poth the admire tuck on to the remaining egg white

and gently fold in_ Po Rot overalls- Butter four small souffle


imp leaf

Ira bled tP,PS,


recap.. ewer a.gar -obe term kgrectinn gime to rr te try Mtn In

▪ rggs 4 Wes ap1ayorme b. sewn

eased bat (Assn for exampkt r good beam

Page 25: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

dishes, about 4 inches (CO cm) in diameter and 21/2 inches (6 cant deep, and sprinkle with a little Parmesan cheese. Divide the asparagus mixture between the dishes. Sprinkle the remaining Gruyere or Emmenthal cheese on top. Place on a

baking sheet and bake ina preheated overt, 400°F/200°C (gas mark 6), for 15-20 minutes.

While the souffles are baking, make the sauce. Shred the orange peel into thin julienne strips (thinner than matchstick

strips). Cook in boiling water for about 2 minutes until tender. Drain, rinse under cold conning water and set aside. Pm the

egg yolks into a small pan and whisk, adding the lemon one

and 2 tablespoons of the orange juice. Place over a gentle heat or in a fain-mane and whisk until the eggs are pale and

lighter in colour. Remove front the heat and very gradually whisk in the warm melted boner. Season to lane with salt and

the remaining orange juice.

Serve the soulitEs straight from the oven accompanied by the Maltese Sauce.

Fluffy Omelette with Kidneys

always cook this for breakfast atben friend, are staying 17'g an fuccelien, earusefor drinking red mine in

be early morning!


3 enx acpara.1 Far the

...sp... rre. oda 9 tesisliderys I tabiexpoomfrerbly rated Pommel Max (04)1.11r

cher. 2 shall".1bd a.91.4 salt tae sposesflow Jrcaby rrwud bk.* APP, atrey.. sem tots*

'a ()1il* Sulam/pow...1g sbn, tiolokl(I5P.I)goad sled

Prepare the filling Rant. Skin, core and halve the kidneys and cut them into large pieces_ Melt me butter in a small same pan and fry the kidneys and shallots briskly until brown. Dust with

the flour, then stir in the tomato puree, sherry and stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 8 minutes

To make the omelette. hear the egg yolks with the cream or

milk, half of the cheese and the salt and pepper. Whisk the egg

whites until they hold stiff peaks and fold carefully into the yolk mixture. Melt the butler in a heavy flameproof dish. Tam the egg mixture into this. shape into an rival, and make a hollow down the middle. Scatter over the remaining cheese

and place In a preheated oven, 4MPF/200°C (gas mark 6). foe 11-10 minutes Reheat the kidney mixture if necessary and,

when the omelette u ready. spoon it down the centre. Serve



*ben 0.1114, egg uhfIsc. MERE the bowl rtompirIdy Jan bvu Vvs a nob one Aadmvs fan kileSenivatimta./IN

v.& a hi* roma,.


Page 26: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Spaghetti cilia Carbonara


.ftsexiataalspegbeat totiosipeviu mg( ed.. images, id oak, bacon real .2 or (59 Worms. grated

roasiwassifsteispee .fr.17.0"..." •..1.1901 b

Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling salted water for

about 12 minines, until It Is lust tender but roll firm. al dente

Meanwhile, fry the bacon until crop. Beat the eggs In a bowl and add the cream and half the cheese. Season with black

pepper Drain the cooked spaghetti and return it to the pan. Quickly

stir in the bacon. Add the eggs at once and toss well together {The hear of the spaghetti will be enough to cook the eggs.)

Serve immediately, sprinkled with the remaining cheese.

Tagliatelle Alfredo

Like so many simple dishes. immediacy eft,Nbeng - don't muck about keeping the tagliatelle warn:

while you serve something else


8 m(27506441 taggaga or 1 2 Imblopooss many NM

(43011 batormile monks .44 2.(f0.0 kittee .A.04, roano.d.#1*. I as af g)Paname thee, gala gram( Parmesirs cbeest louts,

Cook the deed tagliatelle or noodles in a large pan of boding salted water for about 6 minutes (but cook fresh for 2-3

minutes). until it is not tender but still firm. d dente

Meanwhile, mix the butter with the cheese and milk in

heated serving dish and season to taste with salt and pepper. Drain the noodles thoroughly and add to the cheese mix ire.

Toss well unUl thenoodles are coated. Serve immediately with I link erns grated cheese.


A Greek Salad 9,17.65 A

I meg bea r of cgmely red. 25.60+500.4 capers I small Wad of au blame mac, FoE the dirssag

2 {me 4s.oice, 4.11m(100 e6) Mt" m fxgrUg4e 01, 6 pc (175 agues 3 sabiespmas red atw ridega, Ios (Meg) Feta awere mumbled i remp0.4471e4 pregow 2os MO g midnay pies. 4.1.10064 ...VP.. Yrf blY Rmard sprig g grit. ertmenrif

Wash the endive and lettuce thoroughly, drain well and dry

gendy svithAnekez Ultra kitchen towel. Shred the leaves and put them in a large salad bowl.

Wipe the nmumber. pare off alternating snips of the skin and slice the flesh thinly_ Cut the tomatoes into small wedges. Add

the cucumber slices, Ionian) wedges, olives, cheese, anchovy fillets d using, spring onions and ropers SO the salad bowl.

Mix together all the ingredients for the dressing, pour over the

salad and toss until well mixed. Serve immediately.

Page 27: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

A Provencal Cheese Salad SERVES •

I rkb 1700

VAT< a Ws grers 'Mem sehugdars of extra vlegi• ailse jirsblygrocul black pepper

dash Wwbfle ca (100 g) Maleurre95 3151,Impooas att fogfe0/. bot (7 =gnaws

Mot the ingredients carefully with your fingers and refrigerate

fora coupled hours- thentoss gently again. in Apt on market

days I used to lunch on thin shoes of peppery sausage, followed by a bowl of this with !bead and big glasses of iced

rose! Its terrific. But Meuse use only the best ingredients -don't whatever you do, use dried basil or nasty cheese.

An Italian Salad

A robust Wad that goes down well Olin fees of reel wine- ., gt. stoner for filling hungry people!


4. (Mg) 0..-cad mererowl ey 2 ex (f05.)105c5 olim, shred mat 1 pasta sber I le•poo• AneS araslwal-

4 or (1001)grrewprax cooked 4.pM 05.kormayakeslar 2a,(594) kali be. I-bopped Or rgrd 155 2er(50g)raM LLrbopp.d or stk.! ins* rsamfr to.r* pop,. 2 oz. (50 g) monaklbt ompp,,


Cook the pasta in batting salted water until it is alder/re, drain

and refresh von/ weil under cold running water. Allow to drain thoroughly, then mix with the remaining ingredients. Season

to laste with the salt and pepper. Sew immediately.

Page 28: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Cbkken Liver Salad

Mir raw make g a lovely starter.

7EKVES 2 (OR 1 AS A 0100100)

1 to CM cbichn Oven 3 PkirFpwra cfte P. 2 az (50,1) boner fgrpoi I' Mops. poir PrwebN11.0111r aW t Wkly.. will!. foist ogoegar diva* rneurd 146:1 E pepper leftwe

Wash the lettuce leaves, shake well and pat dry wit/IA[0Ln%

Ultra kitchen towel. This pnevems the dressing becoming diluted. Just before serving, stir the dressing, add the lettnce and toss thoroughly m ensure each leaf is well coated.

Wash and pat the chicken livers dry with Andresc Ultra Lichen Lowe) and they them roughly. removing any strings

or bitter green bits MeP the butter in a frying pan and saute the HI.. for 2-3 minutes Remove from the pan and chop

finely. Place the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and stir well with a fork m mix. Add the chicken livers. Poor over the letnice and serve


Lemon Souffle SR RYES

3 tablespoon nisi pogo prin. affA flmetrgmled zeJtaf.3 lawn te, pew OW NO dodge tr.% Jigbgp

istge ms(sfze 1 ors) 3 tariSkreavesesvpie Jftet.. rb.pp.i.alaass, decause

Prepare a 2 011(1 2 litre) souffle dish by making a paper collar of double thickness greaseproof paper and tying das so that

it sands al least 2 Inches (5 (sn) above the rim of the dish

Place the water in a small pan. sprinkle in the gelatine and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Separate the eggs, putting the whites in a large bowl. Add the sugar and the lemon aest

rho yolks. Add the Moron juice to the gelatine mixture Heat

the gelatine mixture goody until it has dissolved comp3etely,

but do not allow to boil. Sal aside.

Se Iho betVI with the egg yolk mixture over a pan half-filled

with gently simmering water and whisk until thick and light.

Remove from the heat and, beating constantly, pour in the gelatine mixture. Continue whisking until the mixture shows

sign of setting. Whisk the egg wise, until they hold stiff peaks. Fold the cream and egg whit. Imo the egg yolk


Pour into the prepared snuffle dish and chill for 2-4 hours, until firmly set Ms, before serving, run a knife mound she inside of the collar, remove. and mar the sides with she

walnuts. I don't feel this dessert needs any more decoration.


Page 29: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd


Obilimbioned maybe- but an tercellent dish when properly wade. Don't be pa off by the faceoly-nneele

versions you find in stipennarhes chests.

sane., •

kids dew

lode decoke anus: Yinte DeoOpeenitnee

3Mmilklipplanieloreiers Thlteemenn weer

Miler (65 wr) a:Mg) Miner

Mut* obetudoule reran Jegcs

1/4¢e(13,10 &weer

lOphorDOestineippeeneeter Milo

The first rule is to sin the flour on to a slams of paper. Put the watth and butter in a fairly large primal bring to the boil. When

bubbling., remove from the heat one. as soon as the bubbles

have subsided, Aeon in the flour at once and heat like may until it is smooth. Allow to cool for a kw minutes. then bent in

the eggs one at a time. The second role is to heat the mixture thoroughly between the addition of each egg until it is firm

again. When all the eggs have been added, beat the pastry for a few minutes until it looks thick and glossy. Place the mixture in a piping bag fined with a large plain nook and pipe walnut-sized balk on ma dampened baking sheet Bake in a preheated oven,alo^FrzoorC(gasmask6),forabout25hoinut es, untilthey

are crisp and golden brown. lift the chow, halls off the sheet and pick the sides to allow the sworn to escape. leave to cool.

To make the chocolate sauce. break the chocolate into a bowl or the top of a double boiler and men it over hot but not

boiling water. Meanwhile, bting the roan and cream to the

boil, then pour on to the melted chocolate and return to the

pan. Allow to bubble for 20 seconds, remove from the heat and whisk in the butter atoll glossy.

To useable the profiteroles. make a slit in the sides and

spoon or pipe 'Tithe cream_ ?Heiner° on a dish and, just before serving, pour over the chocolate sauce or hand It round sepankly.

Iced Hazelnut Mousse

Juan Martin at Sham.' they Hole! Iffinuteer

lam Ibis 'amuse so malt Maple planued non barehUg

re es in Rogan:Du in Daum so I can (one day) pick my soot nun to wake Mk excellent recipe.


tre(50g)herstra fa de wee aer Mg)casternrm batrang) sharberrles or

tugubbes 1.11.96tra

" IDS (125 &icings:ler Nazar 1 Isar t-6 btu eattti) tioub e mute fur raustrz.301.. uutor

eMPluti tuspbehas ortuutauteuetudeateate

Roast 1111: hazelnuts in the oven or under the grill. Place the caster sugar in a small pan and heat omit it rums a golden calomel colour_ Stir in the hazelnuts. rum on to an oiled tray. Allow to cooland harden_ When cold. crunch it...Bingo rolling pin or a pestle and mortar, until is is coarsely ground.

Put the egg whites and icing sugar in a bowl and set over a pan of boiling water, Whisk Until they are fairly hot. Remove front the heat and continue to ben with an electric beater until cool and thick Fold in the thistrn and the ground nut mixture. Spoon into four small waned moulds. Cover and freeze for 2-4 hours, until firm.

To make the sauce. puree all the ingredients in a food pnacessor or blender. Pass through a fine sieve. Dip the moulds briefly into hot water before turning out on to plates.

To score, surround with the notice and decorate with a link


Page 30: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Caramel Apple Tart with Honey and Almond Ice Cream

Nhaorl Hal At Gidle(gh Pork Obagfard


4 m (.5 g) of alLonanatjaanyy For Lk is crow . J.. eatig app. • ow NOV rm.

6 u. (175 g) Kosselted boater (300.1)...

9 ( 1/2 pot MO my .11.1.4np...... omeam aka Yak

(WO g) :v.. dear Ida,

To make the ice cream, put the almonds, milk and cream in

a pan and bring to the bail. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until pale and thick. Strain the almonds. milk and

mars and pour on to the egg yolk mbilmre. Set the bowl over

hot water and whisk over a gentle heat until the mixture thickens enough to mat the bark of a spoon. Remove from the

heat. add honey to taste and allow to cool, Pour Into a freezer

container, cover and freeze until Finn, about 2-4 houns kali out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to about

inch (4-7 nun) in thickness and use to line four small tartlet

Ms. Prick the pastry. - and bake blind' in a preheated oven.

400T/200°C (gas mark 6). for 10-15 minutes, until cooked. Allow to tool.

Meanwhile, peel, core and chop two of the apples. Cock in a ftnallpannith a teaspoon of watcruntil sit, then puree inafaud processor or blender. Spoon the puke into the pastry cases. Put

the butter and sugar in a pan and took until they torn a golden

caramel brawn. Add the Cahados Slice the remaining apples and arrange M a thin fan shape across the podss. Cam with the Calvados mramel. Allow mead, then serve with scoops of tIse

honey and almond ice cream.


00.0 *Pus.. Imad, wpowoa4dp uny. place e fabo. Ark. ogre Imam mart underwent, lc mew, the &a, IN■kal. ,10VI

Pear Tart

wondegid peardessell thou& 'wily be sermi warm with whipped cream ro Nekk the taste bode


thc sorry. a the Ili, Oarg) batten Aylmer

05ki r.V. !bad. s ark 2Iablespooat ea Mew

11.61....rekk me.* from 1 aw(25 &Wog =ger

goat II egoalenes Bes(225g)flow.

.40.4...1..r 6,7o¢ (175 Nol) doable ago


?kn. 41. 3 earailimirrawskegass

eat{ agar 3 ea (Me aftft• ftrprwaS0.1.1 wow

To make the pastry, make sore that the boner is soft enough to work with, but do not melt it - room temperature Ls Ideal. Put the butter-, water, sugar and one-third of the flour in a large 6.00. Mix well, using a wooden spoon, to make a tacky paste.

Gradually work in the remaining flour, then knead until irrnorith. Rail the pastry out thinly on a lightly floured surface and uses hale over half of this to line a deep Pinch (20 ern) flan ring. Don't roll the putty too thickly or it wilt nor cook evenly orbecome crisp. Baked:CM ina preheated oven, 375V/190PC (go mark A), for about 20 minutes. or until it islighdy browned and firm.Allow to cool.Thenernaindcrof the pastry can be used so make some fruit Millets car a smaller (nth flan.

Thinly peel. halve and [ore the pears. Put the sugar and water

in a pan, add the pears and poach until just tender. about 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the 'mem.; or Amareurs with the pear liqueur. Whisk

together the crt-arn and eggs and sir kilo the biscuits. Dram the pears and arrange neatly over the base of the flan case, cm-side down. Spoon over the filling and bake in the centre of a preheated oven, 375°F/190°C (gas TO( 5). for 45 minutes, until firm and set. Sprinkle with icing sugar and return to the oven for a few minutes to Lightly brown

Page 31: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Grilled Bananas with Butterscotch Sauce

Cita. lather at Mtcbael s Brasserie. :4eiscasIte apstn rose


stemmas Fatly hoomati, lad/ bar (100g)Demeners agar

Stabtripeess sat*. gimp 2 ea(50 g)rmralmilmarr Yapbd(3001.1).vbippqrscreoar

To make the huneracotch sauce, put the sugar. syrup and

butter in a. limey-based pan and cook over a moderate hem

until the inhume is golden brown. Remove Flom the heat and

whisk in The cream. Allow to cool.

Lightly butters. will pan Slice the bananas in half lengthways Sprinkle with sugar to Lure and cook under a preheated hot grill until They are brown but not mushy, about 3-5 minuses

Serve immediately with the bunemootch sauce and perhaps with tome vanilla ice cream.

Praline Pancakes

I adore praline and pancakes and this recipe combines the run Sens them with a raspberry sauce.

sea .10

Kane hat,

kr the patine km, az Ogg &flow

3 in 17510 bq,er Ines of 4alr

rbos(OSs)osaer sager


/arse& fa lade

eara V•Pq,(3001Wladal

di or clarnjinelmbenforfrylq IlablespommelleRbitler 1 imps. ream pi.. (300 m1).baryberty Sown.

serttemnyeforked Hurtaa Forthe

Manse Dome r .1at {50g) r•Wmarbrd Mods Jot 1-5.40

To make the batter, sift the flour with a good pinch of salt into

a Ruse bowl Make a well in the moire and drop in the hshok

egg and egg yolk. Stan adding the milk to the egg and mix from the centre, very gradually drawing in the Sour to make a thick. smooth batter_ When half of the milk has been added, beat well and kir in the melted butter and sugar. WhiSk in the remaining milk. Cover and leave to stand in a cool place while

you make the praline butter,

To prepare the praline, place drealmonds andsugar ina heavy-based pan over a geode hear_ When the sugar Ma liquid caramel, Mr carefully with a metal spoon to toast the nuts on all red...Turn on to an oiled slab moiled foil and leave to set_ When it is completely cokla crush it with a nailing pin as faraely

as possible.

To make the praline boner. cream the butter in a bowl and beat in the ptgar until the mixture is light and fluffy Mix lathe

praline and flavour with Kirsch.

To cook the pancakes, heat a heavy inch (l5 crn)fiying pan.

Grease very lightly with oil or clarified butter and put a generous tablespoon of batter imo the centre Swirl it to cover the base by tipping the pan. Cook the pancake over a brisk hest °Witte underside is golden. Loosen round the edge with

a palate knife, toss or turn over and cook Metal -1er side. Cook

the remaining batter in the same way, making the pancakes as thin as possibie Quickly spread the inside of each with praline boner and roll up like a cigar. Heat hoe a moment in a preheated oven and serve immediately with the Raspberry



Page 32: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

Spiced Apple and Pntne Crumble 3111,g6 6

C ar groom sIxedsplce

1 ,/a15 (7002) caLltag appies

6 or (Mg) laboinalv606. ,

o21100 g) boar, g)elgapped masSe ■ loseram.

1 g) ages

Soak the prunes overnight in water, Then transfer to a pan and wanner until tender, about 20 minutes if you are cuing Tenderised prunes, they do not require prior stakingg. Drain the prunes. quarter them and remove the stones.

Peel, core and slice the apples into a large pan and add I on 125g) of the butter. 2 as (50 g) of the sugar and half the mixed spice Cover and rook gendy until they are tender. Do not overcook them —we do not want a mush. Carefully Slit in the prunes and turn into a shallow 2 pint (1.) litre) ovenproof dish.

To make the crumble, sift the flour and remaining spice into a bowl. Cut the rest of the butter into pieces and rtib it into the flour urml the mixture has Mete/ Cure of line breadcrurnbs Stir in the hazelnuts and the remaining sugar. Sprinkle the crumble manure over the foam. Bake in a preheated oven, 350 °F/180 °C (gas mark 4), for about 45 minutes. The tap should be golden brown and crispy

Serve warm with Real Custard Sauce (sew Petaled, or whipped cream.

Real Custard Sauce SCRVES 1-6

I.11 1 1.0. 1°w0 •• pod 1■6444.66.4 ruger Open (300•1).m

neat the egg yolks lightly in a howl. Dery the sugar with the vanilla podandmilkin apart until hot hot not bailing. Remove the vanilla pod and whisk the mixture into the egg yolks Place the howl over a pan of hot water or place the mixture in the top of a double boiler and cook, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens slightly and will coat the back of a spoon. about 20-25 minutes. Serve warm or cold.


Cild-fasbioned Bread Pudding

I know Nue Anion Mosenuenn h Bread and Mak, Pudding irl8e 8 ut in the uortd— but my Man bumble brood

pudding Ggreat tea.

31.4,g5 6

6.1227 g) goar NVI.,..C.R41 ..175 111 0.6n .6W 6 ea (175 .6.) orbree I dried fh61, 1 en, Wen 2 err (0VMM 1 1.1444poon Piunignee roe. rite. seep

Soak The bread in a Rale water for at leer 30minutes. Squeeze out all the hater and place the bread in a bowl. Add the dried fruit, sugar arid spice, then the boner, egg and milk and mix well_ Tip the Tattle, into a greased 2 pint (1_2 litre) ovenproof dish and bake in a preheinedoven, 325 °F/I6IrC (gas mark 3), for about 40-50 minutes until just set.

Serve hot. warm or cold.

Double-crust Apple Pie 6g• ,05 6-6

ru 012 shortama ,326, For the 611212

70 or (275e Prak...r 26 (96.9g) rogigg apple a peeled

piss. vf raft camas... aces PhDs (6, g) Imre 4 es (1000 NA 601 bnoao

(Kg) b6P., er wargar164 I lablespoom c46,27. , 3-i taiinp.64 .21 r maw 1/4 at (051)2.rrterreal Owen

.0PP44{0.1) w hear. .g.we

CM. sager, m sprialde

Lightly grease the base and skim of a IC inch (25 cm) shallow pie dish. Prepare the pastry by sifting the flour with the salt into a large bawl. Rub in the lard and butter or margarine, using your fingertips, a food processor era. pastry blender. until the mixture resembles fine breaderunths. Add the water and mix to a firm dough. Roll out two-thirds of the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a round large enough to line the


Page 33: A Feast of Floyd by Keith Floyd

base arid skies of the pie dish. Ease the puny into the dish and

trim away any C.C.S. Roll out the trimmings and remaining pastry to make a round large enough to cover the per and set


To make the filling, place half of the apples in the pastrrlined dish. Mix together the brown sugar and comflourand sprinkle half over the fruit. Scatter with the ginger, if using. then cover with the remaining apples. Top with the rest of the sugar


Brush the ran of the dish with milk or beaten egg and cumfuily

lift on the pastry lid. Trim away any excess pastry and seal the


flute the pastry lint and make a small hole in the top of the pin to allow any mum to escape (a pie funnel may he used in the centre of the pie to hold up the must during cooking).

Glue with milk or beaten egg and sprinkle with the tatter

sugar. The pie can be declared with any pastry trimminm. if


Place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven, 425 11l/

2201C (gas mark 7). for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown

and cooked through.

Serve hot or cold with thick cloned or whipped meant or with

Real Custard Sauce (see page 62).


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