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Why YOU Should Go Crazy!

8 Reasons To Become A Pioneer In The New Social Dynamic

Brought to you by: Team N.A.M.E.S.

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By: Dwayne B. Neal

LEGAL NOTICE Dwayne Neal has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are completely accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of Social Media, and more specifically This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this report.

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Contents Introduction Reason 1 Your Privacy Matters! Reason 2 Get Paid To Socialize! Reason 3 For The Social Minded! Reason 4 Another Stream of Income! Reason 5 Powerful Tools of Attraction! Reason 6 Worldwide Mass Appeal! Reason 7 Danger Free! Reason 8 Ground Floor Opportunity! Conclusion

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INTRODUCTION Social Media is an extremely powerful internet phenomenon! The evolution of social networking has fastly moved from being just another technology, to an integral part of our everyday lives. With that being said, it is a fact that the cyberworld we share in – is unfortunately, also integrated with dangerous individuals who network and socialize just like you and me! Not to bash or hate on Facebook – but let’s be honest – more divorces, relationship strains, job loss and intellectual properties has been compromised, due to Facebook lack of privacy. While Facebook, does implement privacy control settings for individual profiles – it has yet to address the issue of cyber-bullying, targeted advertising, selling of your personal information, and leakage of intellectual property to SEO Search Engines. In other words, Facebook reserves the right to sell or share your content and information with whoever, and whenever they like! In essence – your content is not really yours – it belongs to Facebook! To put things in proper perspective, you wouldn’t just hand out your phone number, address, personal information, and daily routine out to the first person you meet on the street – would you? Well, that’s exactly what you’re doing – when you become a member of a public social network, such as Facebook. We are careful to teach our kids not to befriend and converse with strangers. We are quick to tell them, “Don’t take candy from strangers!” Well, news flash – KEEPING YOUR KIDS AND YOURSELF ONLINE IS JUST AS IMPORTANT (if not more)! As a result of this rash of cyber infiltration – Crazygood has created a secure social network! It is completely AD FREE. Your pictures, posts, videos, or any other content will never be sold. With Crazygood, you never have to worry about your property getting into the hands of the “wrong” people. Because, Crazygood protects its community – it is light years ahead of any other social network. And while this is perhaps the main reason why you should join, there are at least 7 other powerful reasons why you should join the ‘Social Minded – Social Network’ otherwise known as Crazygood. The following 8 reasons should explain why many are going crazy and why YOU should too! With that being said, let us get started on our learning! Have a crazy good day,

Dwayne B. Neal

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Why You Should Go Crazy!


Not only does Crazygood secure your intellectual property it also bans adult content, and any individual or groups that pose as potential threats, cyber-bullying, and terrorization. You will lose your account and other benefits if you are ever found in violation of this policy!


Crazygood rewards their members, for building this private community! Crazygood philosophy is ‘those who contribute the most – will benefit the most!’ This might sound crazy – but that was not a misprint! By helping to build a safe, private online community – YOU CAN ACTUALLY PUT SOME EXTRA CASH BACK INTO YOUR POCKETS! Crazygood features an Affiliate-based Social Networking program. That allows its members to participate in a unique profit sharing community by investing only $10.00 per month! Most people will say, “I will never pay to use Facebook…why would I pay for Crazygood?” WELL WAKE UP – YOU ALREADY ARE!! How do you think other sites rack in millions each and every month? It is your time, energy, and content that drives them! Every time YOU:

• Log in • Click on an Advertisement (you don’t even have to purchase anything – just click

on them!) • Play Mafia Wars, Farmville…etc. • Upload plug-ins and Apps • Invite your friends…and they turn around and do the same!

In fact those other sites aren’t really free; you’re paying with your privacy (and they are profiting big time)!

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Furthermore, this report is intended for those who really wish to harness the power of Social Media to create for themselves (and others) a steady, passive, stream of residual income – and as the old saying goes: ‘It takes money – to make money!’ Look at it this way – Crazygood is more than a Social Network, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity! That has the real potential to grow exponentially in the coming months! For a cup of coffee and a cookie at Starbucks (something you probably spend anyway) – you can invest in yourself, and be in a position to build your very own social networking empire! To put the icing on the cake, as a member of Crazygood, you will earn $1.00 per friend – through five cycles of influence. In other words, get 10 referrals (on any level) and you are now at the ‘break-even’ point. Below shows the earnings potential as a Crazygood member:


Earnings: 10% per tier Tiers: Five (5) Method of Pay: Direct Deposit in your Bank Account [or] PayPal Account Minimum Payout: NONE

[EXAMPLE ONLY: Based on YOU and the 4 other cycles getting 10 referrals]


1 10 10 x $1.00= $10.00

2 100 100 x $1.00= $100.00

3 1000 1000 x $1.00= $1,000.00

4 10,000 10,000 x $1.00= $10,000.00

5 100,000 100,000 x $1.00= $100,000.00

MONTHLY TOTAL= $111,110.00! I know what you’re thinking. And believe me – THIS IS REAL! On an average – people have over 200 Facebook friends and 250 Twitter followers. Can you imagine, if only %10 of your friends followed you on Crazygood?! Crazy Right!! Here’s something else – that may sound crazy – but it’s TRUE! As a Crazygood Affiliate you instantly become a Home-based business owner! And are now entitled to receive over 130 Tax Advantages! For instance, did you know that as a Home-based business owner you can write off a portion of your rent and utility bills?!

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You can even write off your cell phone bill! To find out what other benefits and entitlements that come with being a Home-based business owner click on the link below and download your bonus audio of: Tax Advantages Of A Home Business.

Here is something else to consider – with Crazygood ‘kids’ can earn their own allowance! That’s right! Crazygood allows individuals 13 years of age and older to participate in the Affiliate program. This is an excellent alternative to traditional summer jobs. Also, it’s a good way to groom your kids – to become pioneers in the New Social Dynamic! The above Crazygood Affiliate scenario – is not guaranteed – but you are guaranteed to get paid! This money is yours to keep or to spend in any way that you want!


What does that mean? Social-Minded people are those who value the integrity of a balanced society through the vehicle of sharing. Not only does Crazygood protect your privacy, and pay you to socialize, but you’ll also have the privilege to give back to your communities! The way this is done – is Crazygood gives %10 [or] $1.00 (per referral) – to the charity of your choice – each and every month! How crazy is that?! That’s right – Crazygood believes in helping people and promoting community, so they give back to worthwhile causes – that YOU choose to support! So, if you are Social-Minded, and love to give back, then Crazygood is the perfect network for you!

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN MAKE AN IMPACT When you pay your $10 – you will then receive your very own unique referral link. You also have the option of including a local charity in the process; be it your church, local YMCA, little league sports team, Alumni….etc. Or you can choose from among the more

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‘popular’ list of growing organizations that are registered with the Internal Revenue Service as qualified 501 (c) 3 organizations. Now, you are able to invite people to join Crazygood via your specialized referral link. When they join - $1.00 goes to YOU – and another $1.00 goes to the charity of your choice! REALLY CRAZY HUH?! But, it gets even crazier! Crazygood is not only for individuals, but also for charity organizations as well! That’s right join as a charity or 501 (c) 3; not only will you make $1.00 per person from EVERYBODY that joins underneath you – 5 levels deep. But, your organization also gets placed in a pool – in which an additional %10 of Crazygood profits are divided among the charity pool! And if you thought, that was crazy! Here is another incentive. Inside of the charity pool is the option, to have the Crazygood community vote for your charity. And whoever, gets the most votes gets the bigger portion of that pie! WHAT YOU’RE ABOUT TO READ IS REALLY, REALLY CRAZY! You can sign-up your charity or 501 (c) 3 absolutely – FREE! Now how crazy is that?! Using the power of Crazygood – can potentially give your charity hundreds – even thousands of dollars each and every month!


As mentioned, Crazygood is Social Media – and will not compete with your current business (if you already have one) – it will only help to enhance it! Because, of its viral effect Crazygood is an attractive alternative to traditional marketing and advertising. For example, some realtors pay thousands of dollars per month on advertising alone. But, with Crazygood all you pay is $10.00 per month, and can reach thousands of people (soon to be millions) – with a click of a mouse! Plus, as you build and grow your primary business – you can earn some extra cash on the side. Also, when you join Crazygood via a Team N.A.M.E.S. member – you will receive our exclusive Crazygood Affiliate Course. Inside of this course, we will show you how to promote, build, and grow any MLM, business, or Affiliation, by using powerful Crazygood tools of Attraction.

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Not only will you get powerful marketing tools as a Team N.A.M.E.S. member, but within Crazygood are features and functionalities – that we will show you how to implement – to grow your primary endeavors (should you choose to). Crazygood is such a cutting-edge social networking platform, that it is rewriting the rules on Magnetic Sponsoring and Attraction-Based Marketing! While Magnetic Sponsoring is an extremely powerful concept within itself – how would you like to have even more of an impact, and get more results than ever before?! With Crazygood you can finally capture and retain your audience, all from one social portal! There are sooo many crazy ways, to utilize these tools, that it is impossible for me to provide them all here in this report. However, as already mentioned, when you join Crazygood via a Team N.A.M.E.S. member – you will receive The Official Crazygood Affiliate Course, complete with tutorials on all the techniques used by the top producing Crazygood Affiliates. With that being said, here is an overview of a few of these tools in comparison to ‘traditional’ (for lack of a better term) – Magnetic Sponsoring practices. The 1st part of each bullet summarizes a typical tool of Attraction technique or function; the second is a tool Attraction that can be used the Crazygood way: Ø Lead Capture Page – A single web page, designed to persuade visitors to fill out

a form to obtain a related FREE product, in exchange for some future interaction, and conversion of these visitors into sales or leads.

Crazygood Referral Link – Your Crazygood Referral Link acts as a Lead Capture Page. When a visitor clicks on your link, they will be taken to a single web page complete with a Crazygood video, information and content about the Crazygood Affiliate Program, Testimonies, and your name and picture welcoming them to the site.


The visitor will have all the information they need to make an informed decision – ‘right-then-and-there’! So when your visitors fill out the form – their sole intent is to join Crazygood via your referral. No longer do you need to sift or funnel your visitors!

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Ø Blog – Even if you’ve never written a blog, I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard of it!

In simple terms, a blog is an interactive online diary or commentary – considered by most Magnetic Sponsors as the ‘hub’ of your business, product, or service.

If this is true (and I agree); then having a Crazygood Blog is the most powerful tool of attraction that you can ever have! What makes a Crazygood Blog sooo powerful is that the WHOLE Crazygood community gets to view every blog that you post! Can you imagine when the Crazygood community becomes as large as 1 million members?! Your blog(s) will instantly be available for all to see!! HOW POWERFUL IS THAT?!!

Also, Crazygood blogs are public! For every blog that you create in Crazygood; you will get another link that you can post on your Facebook wall, website, blog, Twitter status…etc...

Ø Video – It goes without any further explanation that online videos are very

powerful tools to capture, engage, and connect with your audience. Don’t believe me just ask YouTube.

Broadcaster – Crazygood has a video feature that is really out-of-this-world! It boasts a broadcaster; where you can host LIVE video broadcasts with up to 250 subscribers! Think of it as Blog Talk Radio and Skype combined. With the Crazygood Broadcaster – you have the ability to see, talk to people, and host meetings. This is an excellent tool of attraction for: ü Teachers ü Success Coaches ü Pastors ü Mentors ü Authors ü Personal Trainers ü Entertainers ü Team Builders ü ….or just about anyone, who wants to chat over a LIVE feed!

Imagine the power in connecting and interacting on a personal level with 250 of your closet friends! With this incredible feature, you can save on travel, hotel fees, and convention hassles. Some people pay as much $200 per month – to have access to this amazing feature. Your cost a measly $10.00! The ability to broadcast in any state or country – PRICELESS! How crazy is that?!

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Additional Crazygood Settings & Functions:

Ø Sub-Accounts: Sub-accounts were developed with families in mind. Knowing

that some parents often wrestle with ‘if’ or ‘when’, to let their kids social network. Crazygood has provided the benefits of their privacy protected, Ad-free network to households that desire to use this powerful service for their family. They have done so by, giving each ‘Primary Account’; 2 ‘Sub-Accounts’ – these two additional sub-accounts have all the features and functionality as the ‘primary account’; and comes FREE with no extra charge! NOTE: Sub-Accounts are owned and managed by the ‘Main Account’ for the purposes of charity nominations and receipt of any referral commissions that might be earned – however, each sub-account does have its own unique login and password.

Ø Groups: As with any social networking platform, Crazygood provides a built in

tool for creating a niche or exclusively. You have the option to create group(s), exclusive to your subscriber base or you can make your group Crazygood community wide.

Ø Events & Polls: With Crazygood, you can also share information about upcoming events and even create customized polls, that will be populated throughout the Crazygood network!

Crazygood also has other tools, applications, and functions, some of them are:

• Fan Pages • The Ability to Block Users • ‘People You May Know’ widget • Ability to Like Comments • ….plus, much, much more!


The sixth thing that makes Crazygood sooo CRAZY, is its natural ability to cross any and all boundaries and niches. As with any other social network, Crazygoods’ product is PEOPLE! Crazygood is not MLM, it is Social Media. Nothing grows as fast or as wide as social media! Facebook has already proven this fact. Can you name ONE MLM company the size of Facebook? ……..Of course you can’t!

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And like Facebook, Crazygood basically markets itself. Because it is worldwide – there’s no limit to how many referrals you can get! You don’t need any prior Affiliate or Network Marketing experience. No special computer skills are required. Again, since Crazygood, is social media – just like Facebook – all you have to do is – use it, just like you would Facebook! This is not rocket science! Because, of its crazy global mass appeal – many celebrities have joined Crazygood, including:

• Tom Joyner • Monique • Steve Harvey • George Foreman • Holly Robinson-Peete • Bern Nadette Stanis (Thelma on Good Times) • Dr. Cindy Trimm • …plus many others


Crazygood is totally legal, and ethical. It has an A rating with the Better Business Bureau! You can search high and low all over the internet – but you won’t find anyone saying anything negative about Crazygood! In fact, Crazygood bans any and all groups that have affiliation with prejudice, racism, or sexism. Neither, do you have to worry about being cheated or scammed – because Crazygood is NOT a pyramid scheme – but a legitimate affiliate program. Comparable to Avon, Mary Kay, Mona Vie, Tupperware, and Amway…etc. Crazygood is completely transparent and open for all to see. If you would like to see a public review of Crazygoods’ accreditation and status, by all means click on the link below:

Better Business Review

Plus, if you join with a Team N.A.M.E.S. member – I will personally reduce any danger or risk involved, by promising a return of your $10.00, should your privacy is violated or

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compromised – and, if YOU DON’T break even within 8 weeks of using our S.Y.S.T.E.M. – I (Dwayne Neal) will personally give back your $10.00 investment!


Even though Crazygood is growing wild and crazy – it is still in its infancy stage! Facebook, started in 2004 by a Harvard student by the name of Mark Zuckerberg; and at the time of this writing (April 2011) – has now grown into well over 600 million users worldwide – and is worth over – 15 BILLION Dollars! The phenomenal thing about this staggering fact is – Facebook, is still growing!! Knowing what you know now, about the growth and success of Facebook, would you have hesitated to come aboard – if Mark Zuckerberg invited you to join him on a ground floor opportunity?! Can, you actually imagine a ‘Facebook’ that pays its members just for inviting others?! Well, that’s exactly what Crazygood does! Now, can you think ahead, to the year…let’s say, 2013…when Crazygood has become a household name – like Twitter and Facebook! Even if Crazygood reaches only the level of success and popularity of ‘less’ common sites like Bebo, MySpace, or Friendster…will you [then] be enjoying a completely satisfying monthly income – or will you be kicking yourself, calling yourself ‘crazy’, saying, “I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve…” The choice is yours! The seeds you plant today will be your harvest tomorrow. Today, you have the exact same opportunity that Mark had in 2004, what will you do with it? If privacy is important to you, and if you’re looking for a financial breakthrough, then this very well may your answer!

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So, there you have it! 8 reasons why YOU should go crazy! To summarize the Crazygood Social Networking site is a powerful vehicle which has the ability to cause financial freedom for many individuals, churches, charities, and non-profits; while addressing the many concerns about privacy in Social Media. Join us on Crazygood, where your personal information is not for sale, and you can earn extra money just for referring friends and family! If you love to network, and like to make money – and definitely if you desire the best of both worlds...then this it! Social Media with a cash compensation twist! NOW THAT’S CRAZY!! For a better and secure tomorrow, you must take action today. DO IT NOW! Invite your friends – before they invite you! Step 1: Go to Step 2: Enter your inviter’s code: Your Sponsor’s Full Name: Dwayne Neal Your Sponsor’s Email Address: [email protected] Your Sponsor’s Username: names Step 3: Fill-out the short form with your information Step 4: Build your network, by inviting others Step 5: Earn Cash!

“In every phenomenon, the beginning remains always the most

notable moment.” ~Thomas C.

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