Page 1: A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

healthisgoodlife.netA healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

Maintaining a healthy dietary is very important, especially for the diabetic patients. A diet for people with type 2 diabetes according to a plan can make the difference for a person dealing with controlling their blood sugar. However, how to have a right plan is  not easy to people with diabetes. What foods we should eat and how many doses? The following article will provide us a healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes.

1. Carbohydrates to the dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

Carbon hydrates is one of the major components in the food (the remaining substances include proteins and fats) of the dietary for type 2 diabetic people. They provide energy for the body to produce glucose which is a main energy source for the cells.

There are two classifications of carbohydrate: simple and complex. Simple carbon hydrates is sugar such as glucose, sucrose, lactose and fructose. They are found in refined and fruit sugar. Complex carbohydrate is starch that produced from the chemical bonds between simple sugars. They are found in kinds of bean, nuts, vegetables and whole grains. Complex carbohydrate is better for health because they are digested slowly helping to provide a stable source of energy. Besides, it also contains a valuable amount of fiber.

Carbohydrates are usually found in the following food groups: fruits, milk and yogurt, bread, cereal, rice and pasta kind. Vegetables contain fiber, such as potatoes, corn and peas.

Page 2: A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

2. The amount of fiber that people with type 2 diabetes should consume

Fiber is an indigestible part of vegetable foods. They play an important role in the digestive process because of helping to move the foods in the digestive tract and intestines easily. In addition, the fiber-rich diet is usually accompanied by a low risk of obesity, hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

The foods are rich in fiber such as: fresh fruits and vegetables; beans or peas were cooked and dried; bread, biscuits and whole grains; brown rice; products made from the bran.

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A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

3. Fat to the dietary for type 2 diabetes patients

Because diabetes increases risks of heart disease, eating low-fat foods, especially saturated fat, is very important to keep the risks at the lowest level. In addition, limited calories from fat can help you weight loss, especially when you combine with exercises. The main foods contain saturated fat such as cheese, beef, milk and other foods baked in the oven.

The type 2 diabetics should choose low-fat foods in the following ways:

Choose lean meats include poultry, fish, lean red meat and vegetable protein. When preparing these foods, do not fry them. Instead, you can broil, roast or boil.

Page 4: A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes Choose low-fat dairy products such as skim or low-fat cheese, skimmed

milk and non-fat yogurt (diluted or frozen). Remember to add both of these products into your daily calories spreadsheet.

Use liquid oils that contain polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats to help decrease LDL cholesterol.

All fruits and vegetables are low in fat. Therefore, they are the best choice for the diabetics.

A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

4. The type 2 diabetics should not eat salty foods

Diabetes can increase the risk of high blood pressure. The salty dietary may increase this risk higher. Health professionals and nutritionists can recommend you limiting or avoiding foods high in salt.

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A healthy dietary for people with type 2 diabetes

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